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Patients with chronic liver disease (CLD) are catabolic and GH-resistant. The effects of supraphysiological recombinant human GH (rhGH; 0.2 IU.kg(-1).d(-1)) treatment in adults with CLD were assessed in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over trial (4-wk dietary run-in, 4-wk treatment, and 2-wk wash-out phases). Nine adults with mild- to moderate-severity CLD participated (median age, 49 yr; three males and six females; Child's classification A in six and B in three). Biopsy-proven etiologies were: alcohol (four patients), primary biliary cirrhosis (three patients), non-A, non-B, non-C hepatitis (one patient), and cryptogenic (one patient). Treatment with rhGH increased serum IGF-I (median increase over placebo, +93 microg.liter(-1); P = 0.004), IGF-binding protein-3 (+0.9 mg.liter(-1): P = 0.004), and acid labile subunit (+10.7 nM; P = 0.004). Total body potassium (+8.0 g; P = 0.023), body weight (+1.6 kg; P = 0.008), and total body water (by bioelectrical impedance; +4.9 kg; P = 0.004) increased. Resting metabolic rate (+313 ml.kg(-1).min(-1); P = 0.004) and lipid oxidation (+1072.0 kcal.d(-1); P = 0.032) increased. Metabolic changes included increased fasting plasma glucose (+1.2 mM; P = 0.008), insulin (+33.8 mU.liter(-1); P = 0.004), C-peptide (+0.7 nM; P = 0.004), and free-fatty acids (+0.1 mEq.liter(-1); P = 0.04). Clinical side effects included worsening edema and ascites. Hepatocellular function did not change. Therefore, rhGH treatment in CLD: 1) overcame hepatic GH resistance; 2) may have improved whole-body protein catabolism; 3) increased lipolysis and lipid oxidation; 4) increased insulin resistance; and 5) had potent antinatriuretic effects. Long-term safety and efficacy require further assessment.  相似文献   

Several studies suggest that the somatostatin analog octreotide, or SMS 201-995, may effectively reduce GH hypersecretion. However, no double blind, placebo-controlled study has substantiated these findings. We present the results of a randomized double blind 14-day clinical trial with octreotide in 20 patients with acromegaly. The drug was given sc every 8 h and to the initial dose (50 micrograms) was added another 50 micrograms every other day up to 200 micrograms. GH levels, calculated as the mean values of 12 observations at hourly intervals during 0700-1800 h, and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) levels were significantly reduced during octreotide treatment. Responses varied from a reduction of 97% of the basal mean GH level to no significant reduction in 2 of 10 patients. There was a good correlation between the reduction of GH and IGF-I levels. The main side-effects were gastrointestinal and well tolerated. We found a spontaneous variation of daily mean GH and IGF-I levels (at 0700 h) in the placebo group, ranging from approximately 150% to 50% of the GH and 120% to 80% of the IGF-I levels noted on day 0. In patients treated with octreotide, the occurrence of GH rises between administration times suggests that it may be desirable to give octreotide every 6 h in some patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The efficacy of the nonabsorbable antibiotic rifaximin in patients with active acute or chronic pouchitis is unknown. METHODS: We performed a placebo-controlled pilot trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of rifaximin in patients with active pouchitis. Eighteen patients with active pouchitis were randomized to receive oral rifaximin 400 mg or placebo 3 times daily for 4 weeks. Active pouchitis was defined as a total Pouchitis Disease Activity Index (PDAI) score = 7 points. Clinical remission was defined as a PDAI score <7 points and a decrease in the baseline PDAI score = 3 points. The primary analysis was clinical remission at week 4. RESULTS: Eight patients were randomized to rifaximin and 10 patients were randomized to placebo. One patient in the placebo group did not have a post-baseline efficacy evaluation and was excluded from the efficacy analysis. Two of 8 patients (25%) treated with rifaximin were in clinical remission at week 4 compared to 0 of 9 patients (0%) treated with placebo (P = 0.2059). None of 8 patients in the rifaximin group withdrew from the trial prior to week 4. Two of 9 patients in the placebo group withdrew prior to week 4 due to lack of efficacy and were categorized as treatment failures. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical remission occurred more frequently in patients treated with rifaximin 400 mg 3 times daily but the difference was not significant in this pilot study. A larger trial would be required to determine if rifaximin is effective for the treatment of active pouchitis. Rifaximin was well tolerated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy, safety, and pharmacology of subcutaneous administration of golimumab in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis (RA) despite treatment with methotrexate (MTX). METHODS: Patients were randomly assigned in a double-blinded manner to receive injections of placebo plus MTX or 50 mg or 100 mg golimumab every 2 or 4 weeks plus MTX through week 48. Patients originally assigned to receive injections every 2 weeks had the interval increased to every 4 weeks starting at week 20. The primary end point was the proportion of patients meeting the American College of Rheumatology 20% improvement criteria (achieving an ACR20 response) at week 16. The study was powered to detect a difference in the primary end point when the combined golimumab groups and at least 1 of the individual dose groups were compared with placebo. RESULTS: The primary end point was attained. Sixty-one percent of patients in the combined golimumab plus MTX dose groups achieved an ACR20 response at week 16 compared with 37% of patients in the placebo plus MTX group (P=0.010). In addition, 79% of patients in the group receiving 100 mg golimumab every 2 weeks achieved an ACR20 response (P<0.001 versus placebo). Through week 20 (after which patients receiving placebo were switched to active infliximab therapy), serious adverse events were reported in 9% of patients in the combined golimumab groups and in 6% of patients in the placebo group. CONCLUSION: Golimumab plus MTX effectively reduces the signs and symptoms of RA and is generally well tolerated in patients with an inadequate response to MTX.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: It has previously been suggested that acromegalic patients treated with the somatostatin analogue octreotide invariably have chronic gastritis. We have examined the prevalence of gastritis in a large group of acromegalic patients, untreated and during treatment with octreotide. DESIGN: We studied three groups of acromegalic patients: (A) untreated; (B) octreotide-treated; (C) a subgroup of these studied both before and during octreotide therapy. PATIENTS: Forty-eight patients, grouped as above, with active acromegaly were examined for the presence of gastritis. MEASUREMENTS: Gastroscopy and histological examination of gastric biopsies for the presence of gastritis and Helicobacter organisms were undertaken. The principal outcome was quantification of the prevalence of gastritis in the various study groups. RESULTS: Group A: 10 of the 33 patients (30%) had gastritis before any therapy with octreotide. Group B: 17 of 36 patients (47%) on octreotide treatment for 6-59 months (mean 20.5) had gastritis, and this was present in five out of the sub-group of eight patients (62%) treated for over 3 years. Group C: three of 21 patients (14%) developed gastritis during treatment with octreotide for between 6 and 23 months (mean 12.4). There was a highly significant association between the presence of gastritis and the presence of Helicobacter pylori organisms. CONCLUSIONS: Octreotide therapy of acromegaly may predispose to the development of gastritis, but this remains statistically unproven. Certainly, gastritis is not an invariable consequence of octreotide therapy, even after prolonged periods of treatment. The presence of gastritis is associated with H. pylori infection.  相似文献   

Endothelial dysfunction of precapillary arterioles impairs nutritional microcirculation at rest as well as during post-ischemic reactive hyperemia. In this monocentric, prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized cross-over study we investigated the acute effect of 50 mg sildenafil, a selective PDE-5 inhibitor, on resting and post-ischemic capillary circulation in twenty patients with angiographically confirmed coronary artery disease not taking nitrates or NO-donors. Mean erythrocyte velocity in digital nail-fold capillaries was determined before and after sildenafil and placebo, both baseline and after a three-minutes supra-systolic occlusion of the upper arm. Primary efficacy parameter was the drug effect on peak velocity during reactive hyperemia (peak velocity: V(max)). Post ischemic maximal capillary erythrocyte velocity V(max) significantly increased by 47% one hour after 50 mg sildenafil (mean value+/-standard deviation: 0.85+/-0.42 mm/s vs. 0.58+/-0.18 mm/s at baseline, p=0.0023), whereas placebo had no effect (p=0.5248). The difference between sildenafil and placebo was significant (p=0.0129) and sildenafil's effect can be regarded as biometrically highly relevant with standardized difference according to Cohen of 0.81. In spite a small decrease of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure after sildenafil, sildenafil significantly increased capillary erythrocyte velocity at rest. CONCLUSION: A single oral dose of sildenafil significantly increased resting and post-ischemic cutaneous capillary circulation in patients with coronary artery disease. Future studies should assess whether sildenafil also improves nutritional capillary blood flow in other organs and in other diseases with impaired endothelial function and microcirculation, for example in diabetic microangiopathy.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal side-effects of prolonged therapy (greater than 2 yr) with the long-acting somatostatin analog octreotide were studied in 10 acromegalic patients. After 2 yr of therapy, 6 of 10 patients had newly developed gallstones, complicated by cholangitis and jaundice in 1. Serum vitamin B-12 concentrations declined in all 10 patients [from 380 +/- 32 to 172 +/- 21 pmol/L (mean +/- SE); P = 0.023] and became abnormally low in 4. Gastric biopsy specimens, obtained during gastroscopy (9 patients), showed moderate to severe active gastritis, with damage to the superficial and deeper layers of the mucosa in 9 of 9 and focal atrophy in 7 of 9 patients. Campylobacter pylori was found in the antral mucosa in 8 of 9 patients. Although information is lacking on similar studies in untreated acromegalic patients, we suggest that patients receiving chronic octreotide therapy be closely monitored for these and possible other side-effects related to gastrointestinal actions of octreotide.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of intravenous magnesium (Mg) treatment on the inotropic state of the heart and maximal work capacity, 9 healthy volunteers were entered in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study. Separated by an interval of three weeks, the volunteers were tested twice, each time randomly allocated to receive either an intravenous injection of 10 mmol magnesium chloride dissolved in 100 ml isotonic sodium chloride or placebo of isotonic sodium chloride only. Before and after each infusion myocardial inotropism was evaluated by echocardiography. Mitral-septal distance (MSA) was used as a measure for ejection fraction. On each test day an ergometer bicycle exercise test was performed, and maximal work capacity was calculated. Magnesium treatment reduced the MSA (from 4.2 to 2.9 mm, p = 0.07), while no difference was found after placebo treatment. Likewise, a tendency toward increasing fractional shortening after magnesium treatment was detected, although this difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.1). No difference in maximal work capacity between the magnesium and placebo periods was found. Serum magnesium concentrations and placebo periods was found. Serum magnesium concentrations rose significantly after the infusions (from 0.82 to 1.38 mmol/l, p less than 0.001). It is concluded that intravenous magnesium does not exert a negative inotropic effect on the myocardium as previously stated. On the contrary, we found a tendency toward a positive inotropic effect. However, the observed differences are of borderline statistical significance and a more extended study, employing invasive measurements of cardiac inotropism appears to be necessary.  相似文献   

The effect of a schedule of three daily injections of 100 micrograms octreotide (pen treatment) compared with that of a continuous sc infusion of 300 micrograms/24 h on GH and IGF-I suppression, and other GH-dependent parameters was studied in 10 acromegalic patients in a cross-over study. Treatment was administered via a specially designed pen or a pump for 4 weeks. Following a washout period of a further 4 weeks, patients were switched to the other mode of delivery. Mean GH levels decreased from 26.2 +/- 4.7 to 9.9 +/- 3.1 mU/l (p = 0.007) during pen therapy and to 7.7 +/- 2.4 mU/l (p = 0.003) during pump treatment. IGF-I levels decreased from 75.6 +/- 9.5 to 42.0 +/- 9.3 nmol/l (p = 0.003) during pen treatment and to 32.5 +/- 2.5 nmol/l (p = 0.001) during pump treatment. There was a significant difference in IGF-I levels between pen and pump treatments (p = 0.03). In 7 patients the IGF-I levels normalized during pump treatment compared with 3 patients in the pen treatment group. There was no change in the free T4 index levels, but the free T3 index significantly decreased during therapy, without changes in plasma TSH. This study demonstrates that continuous infusion with octreotide results in a better control of GH oversecretion than the intermittent mode of delivery.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two acromegalic patients suffering from severe obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome were treated with the long-acting somatostatin analogue octreotide. Daytime sleepiness and fatigue improved within a few days. Repeat sleep studies performed after octreotide treatment revealed more confluent sleep with a shorter duration of sleep apnoea. Nocturnal hypoxaemia improved in one patient. Octreotide might be an effective noninvasive treatment for sleep apnoea of acromegaly.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Despite a strong rationale for trials of somatostatin analogs in the treatment of Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO), recent studies have provided conflicting results. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to determine whether octreotide long-acting release (LAR) is effective treatment for active GO. DESIGN: This was a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. SETTING: The setting was a single tertiary referral center. PATIENTS: Twenty-nine consecutive euthyroid patients with active GO [clinical activity score (CAS) >or= 3] were enrolled; 25 completed the study. INTERVENTION: Patients received four monthly doses of either octreotide LAR (20 mg) or saline by im injections. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Primary measure was a change in CAS; the secondary measure was changes in retrobulbar tissue volume, proptosis, lid fissure width, range of motion, and diplopia fields. RESULTS: Median (range) CAS change was 2.5 (1, 5) in the treatment and 1.0 (0, 7) in the placebo group (P = 0.02). Median lid fissure width improved in the treatment group, (decreased 1 mm on the right and 0.5 mm on the left), compared with the placebo group (no change on the right, P < 0.01; increased 1 mm on the left, P < 0.01). No other significant differences between groups were identified. CONCLUSIONS: CAS improved to a greater extent in octreotide-LAR-treated patients than the control group. However, this finding may not represent clinical benefit because patients with higher baseline CAS were overrepresented in the treatment group, and the control group was small. In contrast, treatment-related improvement in eyelid fissure width was noted, suggesting that octreotide LAR may be useful in the treatment of a subgroup of active GO patients with significant lid retraction.  相似文献   

The prospects of wider application of testosterone (T) in novel indications such as male contraception have prompted renewed interest in the investigation of nonreproductive actions and safety of androgens. This study investigated potential changes in mood and behavior in response to elevations in circulating T concentrations produced by the new long-acting preparation, T undecanoate (TU). Twenty-eight eugonadal men were randomized into one of two treatment groups: A1) active, receiving 1000 mg TU i.m. followed by A2) washout, followed by A3) placebo, receiving 4 ml castor oil i.m.; B1) placebo, 4 ml castor oil i.m.; B2) washout followed by B3) active, receiving 1000 mg TU i.m.. Mood, self- and partner-reported physical and verbal aggression, anger, hostility, irritability, assertiveness, self-esteem, and sexual function were assessed. A single injection of 1000 mg TU i.m. increased plasma T concentrations from 20.7 +/- 1.5 to 37.5 +/- 2.2 nmol/liter at wk 1 and 31.6 +/- 1.5 nmol/liter at wk 2, and estradiol from 74.0 +/- 4.9 to 120.4 +/- 10.7 pmol/liter at wk 1, and 100.0 +/- 6.3 pmol/liter at wk 2. The T increment was associated with detectable but minor mood changes. Increased circulating T was associated with significant increases in anger-hostility from baseline (mean score = 7.48) to wk 2 (mean score = 10.71) accompanied by an overall reduction in fatigue-inertia (treatment = 6.21 vs. placebo = 7.84). TU treatment did not increase aggressive behavior or induce any changes in nonaggressive or sexual behavior. Changes in estradiol were not associated with any behavioral alterations. Our results suggest that exogenous TU-induced elevation of circulating T, to the range likely to be used in hormonal male contraception, has limited psychological effects. Future research should investigate the implications of these minor mood changes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) is a serious complication of alcohol dependence and often requires intensive medical treatment. Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) have been shown to be as efficacious in the treatment of AWS in several controlled trials as benzodiazepines and superior to placebo in relieving alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Oxcarbazepine (OXC), a newer anticonvulsive drug, has a favorable safety profile over carbamazepine (CBZ) and other older AEDs due to its excellent efficacy and better side-effect profile. METHODS: The efficacy and tolerability of OXC versus placebo were investigated in 50 inpatients during a 6-day treatment of alcohol withdrawal in a 4-site, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled pilot study. The amount of rescue medication of clomethiazole (CLO) capsules needed was chosen as the primary variable. The data were collected between May 2003 and September 2004. RESULTS: No initial differences were found regarding sociodemographic data and alcohol-related parameters, indicating successful randomization. No differences were found in the need for rescue medication CLO, decrease of withdrawal symptoms, or craving for alcohol between the OXC and the placebo group. Subjectively experienced side effects, normalization of vegetative parameters, craving, or improvement of psychopathological parameters were not different between the groups. CONCLUSION: Despite the negative finding, which may be attributable to the design of the study, OXC still poses an interesting alternative to CBZ and other drugs because other studies have found it not only as efficient but also as having no addictive potential, while additionally possessing an anti-craving effect. Therefore, well-designed investigations with larger cohorts are required to further elucidate this issue.  相似文献   

We evaluated the acute therapeutic effects of the oral administrationof n (10mg) and diltiazem (120 mg) alone and in combinationin 16 patients with effort angina. The 16 patients (13 men andthree women; mean age 59±7 years) performed a symptom-limitedbicycle exercise stress test 3 h after placebo or active substanceadministration. Maximal work load, exercise duration and timeto 1 mm ST segment depression were significantly increased andST depression at peak exercise was significantly decreased bythe combination of drugs. N and diltiazem alone similarly improvedexercise duration as markedly as their combination. One patientstopped the test after all three treatments for angina associatedwith ST depression > 2mm. The combination of drugs yieldedthe best symptomatic effect: only four patients complained ofangina in comparison to eight and seven patients after diltiazemand n respectively. Nifedipine and diltiazem are effective and safe antianginaldrugs. Some patients respond better to one drug than to theother. Patients who remain symptomatic in spite of maximal dosesof a single drug may derive some benefit from combination therapy.  相似文献   

To investigate the potential anti-ischaemic effects of benazepril (10 mg bid) in comparison to placebo, this new ACE-inhibitor was given to 11 patients with chronic stable angina, reproducible exercise-induced ST-segment depression and angiographically verified coronary artery disease. Blood pressure at rest, plasma renin activity, and plasma concentration of atrial natriuretic peptide were measured after treatment periods of two weeks. Bicycle exercise tests at the same time should evaluate ST-segment depression at comparable maximal workload, work capacity, blood pressure, and heart rate at exercise. In comparison to placebo, benazepril reduced arterial blood pressure significantly from 140 +/- 14/90 +/- 11 mm Hg to 125 +/- 16/84 +/- 10 mm Hg (p less than 0.05) and increased plasma renin activity from 2.19 +/- 3.76 ng/ml/h to 9.62 +/- 8.49 ng/ml/h (p less than 0.005). In contrast, ST-segment depression decreased only slightly and not significantly from 2.09 +/- 1.22 mm to 1.91 +/- 1.00 mm. Benazepril had neither an effect on the frequency of episodes of angina pectoris nor did it reduce the amount of GTN-consumption. Also, work capacity and plasma concentration of atrial natriuretic peptide were not changed in comparison to placebo. Although the significant reduction of blood pressure and the highly significant increase of plasma renin activity demonstrate the specific action of benazepril, a significant anti-ischaemic effect could not be established.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study was performed to assess spermatogenesis suppression and safety of a new combination of an etonogestrel (ENG) implant combined with testosterone undecanoate (TU) injections for male contraception. This is the first large placebo-controlled study for male hormonal contraception. DESIGN AND STUDY SUBJECTS: In this double-blind, multicenter study, we randomly assigned 354 healthy men to receive either a low- or high-release ENG implant sc combined with im TU injections (750 mg every 10 or 12 wk or 1000 mg every 12 wk) or placebo implant and injections. Treatment duration was 42 or 44 wk and posttreatment follow-up at least 24 wk. RESULTS: Overall, spermatogenesis was suppressed to 1 million/ml or less at wk 16 in 89% of men, with approximately 94% in two high-release ENG groups. Suppression was maintained up to the end of the treatment period in 91% of men. For all men who completed the treatment period, 3% never achieved 1 million/ml or less. Median recovery time to a sperm concentration above 20 million/ml was 15 wk (mean 17 wk, 95% confidence interval 16-18 wk). Treatment was well tolerated. As compared with the placebo group, more men in the active treatment groups reported adverse events such as weight gain, mood changes, acne, sweating, or libido change. For both spermatogenesis suppression and safety, differences were small between the active treatment groups. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of an ENG implant with TU injections is a well-tolerated male hormonal method, providing effective and reversible suppression of spermatogenesis. Although the results are good, there is still room for improvement, possibly by adjusting the dose regimen or changing the mode of application.  相似文献   

The effects of orally administered diltiazem combined with maximally tolerated doses of beta-blockers and nitrates were assessed in 12 patients, who during stress testing exhibited persistent effort angina and continued objective evidence for inducible myocardial ischemia. Patients performed multistage semisupine exercise on a bicycle ergometer during equilibrium-gated radionuclide angiography after consecutive 2 week treatment periods of placebo or diltiazem 90 mg qid (mean dose 340 mg/day) combined with maximally tolerated propranolol (mean dose 178 mg/day) and isosorbide dinitrate (mean dose 137 mg/day). All medications (including diltiazem or placebo) were administered four times daily for the duration of the study. Diltiazem or placebo was administered according to a double-blind design, with randomized cross-over at the end of each 2 week treatment period. The average number of angina attacks decreased during the double-blind cross-over phase of the trial (7 +/- 7 episodes/week at baseline vs 4 +/- 3 on placebo vs 2 +/- 2 on diltiazem; p = .08). Angina pectoris was abolished during peak exercise in eight of 12 patients on diltiazem (p less than .05 vs placebo). Diltiazem increased total exercise duration from 276 +/- 92 to 310 +/- 78 sec (p less than .005 vs baseline). Diltiazem likewise increased the time to onset of angina from 231 +/- 84 sec at baseline to 305 +/- 77 sec (p less than .005), as well as the time to the onset of 1 mm ischemic ST segment depression (p = .01). Diltiazem decreased heart rate at rest, during submaximal workload, and at peak exercise (p less than .05), and decreased systolic blood pressure at peak exercise only (p less than .05). A significant decline in rate-pressure product at submaximal and peak exercise was noted (p less than .05). At any given workload there was significantly less ST segment depression during submaximal (p = .05) and peak exercise (p less than .025).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: There is increasing evidence that tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) is centrally involved in the pathogenesis of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and other spondylarthritides. This study was designed to investigate the efficacy of anti-TNFalpha therapy with etanercept, a 75-kd receptor fusion protein, in active AS. METHODS: This multicenter trial had 2 phases: an initial placebo-controlled period of 6 weeks' duration and an observational phase lasting 24 weeks. Thirty patients with active AS were included. They were randomized into 2 groups, which received either etanercept (25 mg twice weekly) (n = 14) or placebo (n = 16) for 6 weeks. Then both groups were treated with etanercept. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) treatment could be continued, but disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and steroids had to be withdrawn prior to the study. All patients received etanercept for a total of 12 weeks and were followed up for at least 24 weeks. The Bath AS Disease Activity Index (BASDAI), Bath AS Functional Index, Bath AS Metrology Index, pain level on a numeric rating scale, quality of life by the Short Form 36, and C-reactive protein (CRP) level were assessed. The primary outcome parameter was a >or=50% improvement in the BASDAI. RESULTS: Treatment with etanercept resulted in at least a 50% regression of disease activity in 57% of these patients at week 6, versus 6% of the placebo-treated patients (P = 0.004). After the placebo-treated patients switched to etanercept, 56% improved. The mean +/- SD BASDAI improved from 6.5 +/- 1.2 at baseline to 3.5 +/- 1.9 at week 6 in the etanercept group, with no improvement in the placebo group (P = 0.003 between groups). Similarly, pain, function, mobility, and quality of life improved with etanercept but not with placebo at week 6 (P < 0.05). Mean CRP levels decreased significantly with etanercept but not with placebo (P = 0.001). There was ongoing improvement in all parameters in both groups until week 12 and week 18, respectively (i.e., throughout the period of etanercept treatment). Disease relapses occurred a mean +/- SD of 6.2 +/- 3.0 weeks after cessation of etanercept. No severe adverse events, including major infections, were observed during the trial. CONCLUSION: This study shows that on a short-term basis (3 months), treatment with etanercept is clearly efficacious in patients with active AS who are receiving NSAID therapy but not DMARDs or steroids. After cessation of therapy, almost all patients experienced a relapse within a few weeks. Thus, it seems probable that etanercept must be administered continuously in most AS patients to achieve permanent inhibition of the inflammatory process.  相似文献   

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