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This study investigated the clinical course and outcome of 72 patients diagnosed as suffering from schizoaffective psychosis according to ICD-9 criteria who also satisfied RDC criteria for schizoaffective disorder. The results show a clear relationship between patients' overall functioning and premorbid personality: a better premorbid social adjustment indicates a better current state. Those who met DSM-III criteria for schizophrenic or schizophreniform disorder had an earlier age of onset and a higher frequency of relapse, followed by schizoaffective and affective patients. Patients who presented interepisodic psychotic symptoms differed from those who did not in that they showed more recurrences, an earlier age of onset and a premorbid personality with poorer social adjustment. The age of onset of the disease was significantly earlier in patients who had hyperthymic episodes. Schizoaffective disorders therefore are a heterogeneous group as regards premorbid personality, DSM-III diagnosis, and the presence or absence of interepisodic psychotic symptoms and hyperthymic episodes.  相似文献   

DSM-III tightened the criteria for diagnosis of schizophrenia by excluding patients who exhibit a full affective syndrome before the onset of psychotic symptoms; such patients are to receive a diagnosis of affective disorder. The impact of this change on psychiatric diagnostic practices in Veterans Administration facilities before and after publication of DSM-III was assessed. Diagnoses of schizophrenia increased about half as much as would be expected based on the overall increase in psychiatric diagnoses, while diagnoses of affective disorders rose about two and a half times as much as would be expected. Patients whose diagnoses were changed from schizophrenic to affective disorders after publication of DSM-III had significantly fewer hospitalizations in both time periods than patients who retained diagnoses of schizophrenia. However, greater diagnostic inconsistency was found after implementation of DSM-III.  相似文献   

An empirical study of psychosis in borderline personality disorder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To assess the nature and prevalence of psychotic symptoms in borderline personality disorder, the authors reviewed the cases of 33 patients meeting DSM-III criteria for borderline personality disorder, using both "narrow" and "broad" definitions of psychosis. Only eight patients displayed psychotic symptoms meeting the "narrow" DSM-III definition; in all of these cases, the symptoms appeared to be attributable to either severe drug abuse or major affective disorder, present simultaneously with borderline personality disorder. The remaining patients displayed only "broadly defined" psychotic symptoms or symptoms that appeared to be under voluntary control. These findings weigh against the assumption that borderline personality disorder lies "on the border" of classical psychotic disorders.  相似文献   

B Küfferle 《Psychopathology》1988,21(2-3):111-115
Data on 23 patients developing a psychosis precipitated by group sessions (mainly nontherapeutic groups in a strict sense) are presented. Nearly 70% (16 patients) fulfilled the DSM-III criteria for major affective disorder, while only 4 patients met the criteria for schizophrenia. Possible factors for the development of psychotic symptomatology during group activities and the role of group dynamics acting as stress factors precipitating functional psychoses, especially bipolar manifestations, are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: For patients who are actively using a substance and experience psychotic symptoms, determining whether the psychotic symptoms are due to a primary psychotic disorder or are substance induced is challenging, especially in emergency departments, where historical information is limited. This study examined the accuracy and subsequent treatment implications of emergency department diagnoses among substance-using patients who were having their first psychotic episode. METHODS: Emergency department diagnoses for 302 patients were compared with best-estimate longitudinal diagnoses (BELDs) based on research assessments at three time points (baseline, six months, and 12 months). RESULTS: Of the 223 patients whose symptoms were diagnosed in the emergency department as a primary psychotic disorder, one-quarter were determined by the BELD to have substance-induced psychosis or no psychosis. Overall, the diagnostic agreement was only fair (kappa=.32). Patients with an emergency department diagnosis of primary psychosis were significantly more likely than those with an emergency department diagnosis of substance-induced psychosis to be hospitalized, started on antipsychotic medication, and referred to mental health services instead of treatment for substance use (p<.001). Patients given an emergency department diagnosis of primary psychosis who were found by the BELD to have substance-induced psychosis or no psychosis were significantly more likely to be treated for a psychotic disorder rather than for substance-induced psychosis (p<.001) CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians in psychiatric emergency departments appear to have a tendency to attribute psychotic symptoms to a primary psychotic disorder rather than to concurrent substance use. Given that the diagnosis has significant implications for future management, it is important to improve diagnostic approaches in the emergency department.  相似文献   

The paranoid disorders of five patients remitted after treatment with thymoleptic agents despite the absence of a full affective syndrome. Their clinical symptoms at admission included suspiciousness, hypervigilance, ideas of reference, hostility, belligerence, and delusions of persecution or of infidelity. Some had phasic disturbances with somatic complaints or prominent phobic anxiety symptoms, a family history of affective disorder, or prior responses to thymoleptic drugs. These observations suggest that some patients with paranoid psychosis who do not have a full DSM-III affective syndrome may respond to antidepressant pharmacotherapy alone, i.e., without neuroleptics. Systematic, prospective studies of this phenomenon would help to ascertain diagnostic criteria for such patients and the range of therapeutic responses.  相似文献   

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) was measured in 19 acutely psychotic (DSM-III schizophrenia, 7; schizophreniform, 2; schizoaffective, 3; affective, mood-incongruent psychosis, 5; manic, mood-congruent psychosis, 2) drug-free patients prior to systematic trials of lithium and/or haloperidol. TSH response was not associated with sex, age, baseline T4, or baseline TSH. A reduced TSH response was associated with affective diagnosis and was a significant predictor of a positive, rapid response to neuroleptic treatment.  相似文献   

The relationship of cognitive impairment to the course of schizophrenia remains uncertain. By studying psychotic adolescents, 90% of whom were hospitalized for the first time, we hoped to reduce the influence of such confounding variables as lengthy disease process, neuroleptic treatment, and institutionalization. 39 psychotic adolescent subjects who fulfilled DSM-III criteria for schizophrenia, schizophreniform psychosis, paranoid schizophrenia, or atypical psychosis were compared to 41 non-psychotic adolescent psychiatric controls. Subjects were administered the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised, Peabody Individual Achievement tests of reading, reading comprehension, and mathematics, Bender-Gestalt, and Purdue Pegboard test within 3 weeks of admission to a psychiatric hospital. Performance IQ was significantly lower in the psychotic group (72 versus 93, P = 0.03). Thus, the IQ pattern in adolescent psychotic patients at an early stage in their illness was similar to the pattern displayed by chronic adult schizophrenic patients. Results were not consistent with theories of left hemisphere involvement in schizophrenia. Academic achievement was similar in both groups despite marked differences in performance IQ. Psychotropic medication had no significant impact on the results. In summary, deficits in processing novel material seem at the very least to be present at the onset of the psychotic disorder, though they may be non-progressive thereafter.  相似文献   

Ninety-nine patients fulfilling DSM-III criteria for primary major affective disorder, either bipolar or unipolar, were studied. A 12% prevalence of elevated thyroxine levels was found. Three of the 12 hyperthyroxinemia patients also had elevated free thyroxine index. No statistically significant difference in response to antidepressant treatment was observed between the hyperthyroxinemia group and the normal serum thyroxine group.  相似文献   

"Acute psychosis" is the tentative diagnosis made for the patients presenting acute onset of delusion, hallucination, confusion and emotional instability. "Acute psychosis" was focused in view of operational diagnostic criteria, ie, DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10. The diagnostic categories in the DSM-IV-TR corresponding to "acute psychosis" were brief psychotic disorder, schizophreniform disorder, schizo-affective disorder and mood disorder with psychotic features. Although brief psychotic disorder is representative of "acute psychosis" in the DSM-TR, it lacks in clinical usefulness, because its diagnostic criteria, based on no historical background, lack clinical validity in terms of symptom definition and duration (1 month>). On the other hand, in the ICD-10, a diagnostic category of acute transient psychotic disorder was based on the traditional "acute psychosis" concept that has been bred in the European Psychiatry. Among the acute transient psychotic disorders, acute polymorphic psychotic disorder is the diagnostic category made according to traditional concept of "bouffées délirantes" and cycloid psychosis. It is a clinically useful diagnostic category, because it could predict favorable episode outcome, if a person with fairly good premorbid social adaptation presents acute onset of polymorphic psychotic symptoms. One of the most prominent points of the revision of DSM-IV-TR to DSM-5 is the adoption of dimensional approach evaluation (diagnosis) in a disorder-crossing fashion. In addition to insomnia, depressive mood and anxiety, symptomatic domain such as acute onset, bipolarity, polymorphism of psychotic symptoms, and furthermore such domain as premorbid social adaptation, life event and episode outcome should be evaluated in the course of treatment, contributing to the clinical practice of the patients with acute psychosis.  相似文献   

Patients from the Chestnut Lodge (Rockville, Md) follow-up study with schizoaffective (SA) psychosis (n = 68) were compared with patients with DSM-III schizophrenia (S, n = 163), bipolar disorder (n = 19), and unipolar disorder (n = 44) on multiple premorbid, morbid, and outcome dimensions. This study required that patients with SA disorder satisfy DSM-III criteria for both S and affective disorder (minus mutual exclusionary criteria). The SA cohort demographic and premorbid profile paralleled that of the cohort with unipolar disorder. At follow-up, however, the profile of SA psychosis paralleled that of S, with no significant differences between these patients on virtually all outcome measures. Results suggest that among samples of long-term inpatient, SA psychosis as defined herein is closer to S than affective disorder.  相似文献   

Psychiatric diagnosis in cocaine abuse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III, Axis I was administered to a consecutive series of 30 cocaine abusers entering outpatient treatment. Another mental disorder was diagnosed only if its onset occurred before the onset of any substance dependence disorder. Diagnoses were made on a lifetime basis without regard to hierarchy. Most cocaine abusers had one or more additional diagnoses. We propose a model of two subtypes of cocaine abusers: (1) a primary affective disorder group, which may be split into bipolar versus unipolar or into severely versus mildly depressed subgroups; and (2) a group with other drug dependencies. The small n, limited sample, and methodological problems with diagnosis in the setting of substance abuse make these findings tentative. Future research should combine larger diagnostic studies with treatment trials to test whether such diagnostic subtypes have prognostic or treatment implications.  相似文献   

This retrospective study examined the clinical characteristics and the course of 26 patients with major affective disorders who repeatedly relapsed during or shortly after antidepressant tapering off at the usual 6-12-month intervals. The patients apparently required long-term antidepressant continuation therapy not preventive therapy, as they were unable to be successfully tapered off antidepressants over a mean of 36.6 months. In contrast with a group of 15 randomly selected patients with a more typical recurrent course of illness and successful tapers after 6-12 months of treatment, the long-term continuation therapy patients were younger, had a longer duration of depression before entering treatment, and were more likely to meet the DSM-III criteria for concomitant dysthymic, panic, or personality disorder or major depression with psychotic features. The findings suggest that secondary Axis I and Axis II diagnoses in antidepressant-responsive depressed patients are associated with the need for long-term continuation treatment.  相似文献   

The purpose was to examine the long-term stability of a diagnosis of psychotic disorder in adolescence and to focus on diagnostic change over time. A total of 88 patients with a first episode of early onset psychosis (before 19 years) were followed up an average of 10.5 years (range 5.1-18.2) after admission. This report includes the 68 patients who could be traced and interviewed with the Positive and Negative Symptom Scale and lifetime Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV diagnosis. An initial diagnostic split between schizophrenia spectrum and affective disorder had a good (> 80 %) Positive Predictive Validity and Sensitivity. The main diagnostic shift was an influx to schizophrenia spectrum disorder (n = 6). These patients resembled the stable affective group (n = 27) in premorbid and prodromal aspects but changed over time to resemble the poor outcome of the stable schizophrenia spectrum group (n = 28) albeit with fewer negative symptoms and a better social function. Family history of nonaffective psychosis in first or second degree relatives was often found in the "change to schizophrenia group". A diagnosis in adolescence of schizophrenia spectrum or affective psychotic disorder is usually stable over time. A subgroup of non-schizophrenia patients go on to develop a schizophrenia spectrum disorder.  相似文献   

To examine clinical and psychophysiological correlates of lateral ventricular size, computerized tomographic (CT) scans were obtained on a sample of 88 patients who had experienced their first psychotic episode. Patients met DSM-III criteria for schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, or affective disorder with psychotic features. For patients with schizophrenia, large lateral ventricles were associated with unfavorable outcome. No association between outcome and ventricular size was found in patients with affective or schizophreniform disorder. Patients with mood disorders who had large ventricles consumed significantly greater amounts of alcohol than those with small ventricles. No differences were found between patients with large or small ventricles in premorbid functioning, smooth pursuit eye tracking, or electrodermal activity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to understand the association between antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), patient characteristics, changes in seizure pattern and emergent psychiatric disorder, i.e. psychosis or affective disorder. To this end we carried out a retrospective casenote study on 89 patients who developed psychiatric symptoms during treatment with topiramate, vigabatrin or tiagabine. The psychiatric problem was either an affective or a psychotic disorder (not including affective psychoses). It was discovered that 99% of the patients suffered from complex partial seizures with or without secondary generalization. More than half were on polytherapy with two or more other AEDs. Nearly two-thirds had a previous psychiatric history. There was a strong association between the type of previous psychiatric illness and the type of emerging psychiatric problem, both for psychoses and for affective disorders. Patients on vigabatrin had an earlier onset of epilepsy and more neurological abnormalities than those on topiramate. Those patients on lower doses had a shorter interval between the start of the AED therapy and the onset of the psychiatric problem. A seizure-free period was observed in more than half of the patients before they developed the psychiatric symptoms, and of these more were likely to develop a psychosis rather than an affective disorder. There seemed to be an association of suppression of right-sided seizures and the onset of the psychiatric problem. The conclusions drawn were that patients with a previous history of psychosis or affective disorder tended to develop the same psychiatric problem with new AEDs. Those with a seizure-free period before the onset of the psychiatric problem were more likely to develop a psychosis than an affective disorder.  相似文献   

Psychotic symptoms presenting in late life can offer a diagnostic challenge to the clinician. In this study, 140 geriatric outpatients were prospectively examined for psychotic symptoms and assessed on a number of demographic and clinical variables. Cognition was assessed using the Mini-Mental State Exam. Psychiatric diagnoses were made by DSM-III-R criteria. Twenty-seven per cent (N = 38) had psychotic symptoms, delusions being the most common type. Patients with psychosis were significantly more likely to have a previous history of psychosis, to have a lower MMSE and to live in a nursing home. Four diagnoses accounted for 79.5% of all psychotic patients. In order of frequency, these were dementia, major depression, delirium and organic psychosis (organic hallucinosis, organic delusional disorder). Psychotic patients were significantly more likely to have a diagnosis of dementia, delirium or organic psychosis than non-psychotics, but depression was significantly more likely to occur in patients without psychosis. Although psychotic symptoms occur in a variety of illnesses, elderly patients with psychosis should be carefully evaluated for these disorders.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the concepts of reactive and hysterical psychoses and how they are classified in standardized diagnostic Systems. To this end we identified all of the patients who had been admitted to a psychiatric in-patient unit and diagnosed as suffering from psychogenic psychosis, reactive psychosis, hysterical psychosis or hysteria, using ICD-9 criteria. The case notes of these patients were then re-examined and diagnoses reached using DSM-III-R, DSM-IV and ICD-10 criteria and the Present State Examination (PSE)/catego computer program. The objective of this study was to evaluate the agreement between the diagnoses of reactive and hysterical psychosis obtained using ICD-9 criteria with those obtained using the DSM-III-R, DSM-IV, ICD-10 and PSE diagnostic Systems. A total of 67 case notes were identified in which the above diagnoses had been made: 27 cases with ICD-9 ‘hysteria’ and 26 cases with ‘other reactive and not otherwise specified psychoses’. Using the DSM-III-R criteria, 27 cases were diagnosed as psychotic disorder NOS, 12 as brief reactive psychosis and 11 as bipolar disorder. Using the DSM-IV criteria, 21 cases were diagnosed as psychotic disorder NOS, 11 as mood disorder, 7 as brief disorder without stressor, and 12 as brief disorder with stressor. Using the ICD-10 criteria, 18 cases were diagnosed as unspecified non-organic psychosis, 12 as mood disorder, 10 as acute and transient psychotic disorder without stressor and 13 as acute and transient psychotic disorder with stressor. Using the PSE/catego program, the most common diagnoses were class ‘S’ schizophrenia (17), class ‘P?’ uncertain psychosis (16) and class ‘M+’ mixed and manic affective disorder (11). Using the kappa coefficient a very low level of agreement was found between ICD-9 ‘hysteria’ and ‘other reactive and non-specified psychoses’ and the corresponding categories of DSM-III-R and the PSE/catego program. We concluded that, although DSM-III-R provides operational criteria for brief reactive psychosis, and DSM-IV and ICD-10 provide such criteria for brief or acute psychotic disorder, these bear little relationship to the original concept of the disorder. The PSE/catego program provides a very systematic approach to symptomatology, but the diagnostic classes have little clinical usefulness.  相似文献   

The reliability of the DSM-III diagnostic system was assessed in a medical long-term care facility population that was recently seen in psychiatric consultation. Six standard rating scales were used to determine interrater agreement for perceiving psychopathology prior to selecting diagnoses. The findings were that six major diagnostic groups could be accurately distinguished from one another: no disorder; organic mental disorders; affective disorders; paranoid disorders; schizophrenia and psychotic disorders not elsewhere classified; and a mixed group of other diagnoses that occurred in low frequency in this study population. The interrater reliability (kappa = 0.64–0.70) was comparable to that found in the general psychiatric population.  相似文献   

Thought disorder. A function of schizophrenia, mania, or psychosis?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Does thought disorder emerge solely as a function of psychosis, or is it a function of diagnosis? The present research investigated whether thought disorder is more frequent in specific diagnostic groups, such as schizophrenia and mania, than in other types of psychotic disorders. The frequency and severity of positive thought disorder was assessed in 324 Research Diagnostic Criteria and DSM-III schizophrenics, manics, other psychotic patients, and nonpsychotic patients, and a normal comparison group. Fifty-seven percent of the sample were first hospital admissions. Patients were tested at the acute phase of their disorder, within the first 2 weeks of hospitalization, with three cognitive tests. Scores from these three tests were scaled to obtain a composite index of the severity of positive thought disorder. Diagnostic factors were more salient to the severity of disordered thinking than was psychosis. Thought disorder was significantly more frequent in schizophrenia and mania than in other psychotic disorders (p less than .05). The frequency of patients with severe thought disorder was reduced as one moved down the hierarchy of manic, schizophrenic, schizoaffective, and depressed psychotic disturbances (p less than .001). Rather surprisingly, the current research suggests that nonpsychotic manic patients may be as thought disordered as psychotic manic patients at acute phases of disturbance. This would indicate that the presence of positive thought disorder in mania is not primarily a function of most of these patients' being psychotic at the acute phase of disturbance. Thought disorder was not simply a function of psychosis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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