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介入放射学Interventional Radiology,亦称手术放射学,1976年由Wauace命名,1978年出版了专门的杂志。主要含义是:在x线电视、CT或超声等导向下将特制的穿刺针、导管插入所要到达的人体部位,进行x线诊断,摄取组织学、生化及细菌学的诊断材料,亦可进行各种的治疗措施,其操作由放射科医师负责。介入放射学是放射学领域的重大发展,自从介入放射学提出之后欧美许多国家的放射学年会中介入放射学已成为重要内容之一。我国在1979年已有介入性放射学的病例报道,1986年9月在山东潍坊市召开我国首届介入放射学学术交流会,收到论文160篇,有些项目已达到或接近世界先进水平,近几年介入放射学涉及的内容更为广泛,现概要综合如下。 一、经导管选择性动脉内药物灌注及栓塞术  相似文献   

深化介入放射学教学改革,加快介入放射学的发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来介入放射学虽然在我国有了较大的发展,然而却面着人员缺乏、患者流失等诸多挑战.本文着重探讨医学院校介入放射学本科、研究生和成人教育的教学改革,以探求解决目前介入放射学所面临的诸多问题.  相似文献   

介入放射学是在放射影像诊断学基础上发展起来的一门新兴的微创治疗学.介入放射学的定义是:在医学影像设备导引下,应用穿刺针、导丝、导管等进行诊断及治疗的学科.介入放射学内容包含介入性诊断和介入性治疗.介入医学是从临床应用角度来定义的,介入放射学则是从诊疗技术特点来定义的.《介入放射学杂志》与即将出版的《介入医学杂志(英文)》形成姊妹篇,将为我国介入医学发展,提升国际影响力创造条件.  相似文献   

江苏省首届介入放射学学术会议暨江苏省介入放射学组成立大会于1991年10月31日至11月2日在南京市召开。来自本省、邻省以及北京、上海、辽宁、陕西等19个省市的200余位代表参加了会议。大会共收到论文288篇,其中109篇进行了大会交流。一些论文质量较高,反映了近年来介入放射学在江苏省迅速的发展和普及。  相似文献   

我国介入放射学如何发展?我之所见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介入放射学经过几十年的发展,形成了自己独特的学科特点,已成为能与内科治疗、外科治疗并驾齐驱的第三大治疗体系。在我国,在很多领域内,例如肝癌介入治疗、血管和非血管性内支架的应用等方面均已达到或接近国际先进水平。从而使我们跻身于国际介入放射学的前列。同时,我国介入放射学人才辈出,特别令人  相似文献   

儿科介入放射学是介入放射学与儿科放射学的重要分支,因疗效显著和创伤较小而深受临床医师与患儿家长的欢迎。但该学科在我国尚未得到广泛开展。本文评述我国儿科介入放射学的发展现状,临床诊治过程中的特殊性,以及未来发展中存在的问题。  相似文献   

江苏省第二届介入放射学会议于1996年5月21—23日在徐州召开,到会代表118人,省医学会领导出席了会议开幕式。会议期间进行了学术报告和专题讲座。会议共收到论文120篇,论文内容广泛,反应江苏省近几年介入放射学在临床治疗和基础研究的新成就。会议学术气氛浓厚,专题讲座内容新颖。会议进行了换届选举,李麟荪继续当选为省第二届介入放射学组组长,祖茂衡,曹建  相似文献   

介入放射学的现状及发展趋势   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介入放射学作为一门年轻的学科 ,近年来随着材料、工艺及生物技术的发展 ,在许多临床领域取得了巨大的进步 ,使临床诊断及治疗技术更趋于微创、快速、安全及有效。其应用范围遍及各个临床学科 ,使许多以前临床认为难以处理的病变得以明确诊断并得到有效的治疗 ,尤其在心、脑血管、外周血管、肿瘤等领域取得了飞速的进展 ,许多先进的治疗方法逐步应用于临床。现就介入放射学现状、今后发展趋势等问题分述如下。一、介入放射学近期发展状况介入放射学发展至今 ,已逐渐分为不同亚学科 ,如 :按系统可分为介入心脏学 (interventiona…  相似文献   

重视儿科介入放射学   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
介入放射学在儿童疾病的诊治中有广泛的用武之地。儿科介入放射学是介入放射学的一个分支学科,也是儿科放射学的一个分支学科。儿科介入放射学在近30年来发展迅速,在发达国家,儿科介入放射医师现在与儿童内、外科医师紧密合作,诊断和治疗范围广泛的各种儿童疾病。儿科介入放射学内容包括儿童心脏介入放射学,儿童神经介入放射学,儿童血管介入放射学,儿童非血管介入放射学,儿童肿瘤介入放射学等[1-5]。在美国,每所200张床位以上的儿童医院中,都有专门从事儿科介入放射学的医师,放射科都有自己专用的DSA血管造影设备。在这些医院中每年都实施…  相似文献   

对发展血管性介入放射学的一些看法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介入放射学之父Dotter最初开展的工作就是治疗周围血管性疾病,随着介入放射学的发展,很快深入到心血管介入、神经介入与肿瘤介入等方面。我国介入的起步是从肿瘤开始的,多数介入放射医师主要工作也以肿瘤治疗为主。虽然也掀起过几次血管介入的高潮,但很快走入低谷。笔者思索着如何积极、稳妥、科学、主动地开展血管性介入放射学,愿与大家一起讨论,拙见以为:  相似文献   

Paediatric interventional radiology (PIR) is a rapidly-growing subspecialty, which offers a wide range of procedures applicable to almost all areas of hospital paediatrics. There are many important differences between paediatric and adult practice in interventional radiology, including disease processes and treatment goals, anatomical considerations, periprocedural patient management, radiation exposure optimisation and legal aspects. The use of retrievable or absorbable interventional devices such as stents will probably become more widespread in PIR practice.Recent advances in the technology of imaging equipment have been accompanied by an increase in the complexity of the work done by the radiographer. These developments present challenges and opportunities related to training and maintenance of skills, staffing arrangements, and the potential for advanced practice. It is likely that specialisation in PIR will become a more common role for radiographers in the future.  相似文献   

In the last several years, we have witnessed a steady growth in both the number and the complexity of interventional procedures in the pediatric population. This article presents our approach to interventional techniques in children of different ages, specifying our methods of sedation, patient monitoring, and selection or modification of equipment. We present our experience with nonvascular and vascular intervention. In the nonvascular group, we have focused on genitourinary and gastrointestinal procedures, outlining the techniques we have found to be safe and effective. Percutaneous aspiration, drainage, and biopsy can be successfully accomplished in the majority of cases, even in the smallest child. Over this same period, the indications for vascular intervention have dramatically increased. Embolization has become an important asset for treatment of vascular malformations, management of hemorrhage, and medical renal ablation. In our institution, embolization is now the preferred method in many cases previously considered only amenable to surgery. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and the use of fibrinolytic therapy are considered effective in all age groups, but continue to have limited indications in the pediatric population. It is our hope that this experience will stimulate others to continue development of pediatric interventional techniques, thereby making them more widely available to children of all ages.  相似文献   

Sepsis in the interventional radiology patient   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interventional radiologists often treat patients who are at risk of becoming acutely septic while in the radiology department. Identifying those most at risk and initiating treatment plans before the acute situation are fundamental to this difficult group of patients. Treatment plans for life-threatening infection are based on controlling the source of infection and administering appropriate systemic antimicrobial therapy as well as volume and cardiopulmonary support. The purpose of this review is to provide a framework for the diagnosis and treatment of sepsis in the interventional radiology patient.  相似文献   

Sepsis is a problem frequently encountered by interventional radiologists since they are often asked to perform procedures on patients already septic. Occasionally, patients may become septic during interventional procedures. Both of these mandate interventionists be prepared to institute therapy and manage the patient through the procedure or until critical care teams can be mobilized. It is the purpose of this text to provide an outline for dealing with the septic patient in the interventional radiology setting.  相似文献   

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