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We report on a live-born infant with mosaicism of tetraploidy and trisomy 8 who had craniofacial abnormalities, cardiac and genitourinary defects, agenesis of the corpus callosum, and anomalies of limbs. The infant died at age 14 weeks. Molecular studies were done on peripheral blood lymphocytes and cultured amniocytes to determine the origin of the cytogenetic abnormalities. On the basis of the results, we describe a possible mechanism to explain these abnormalities. To our knowledge, this infant represents the first reported case of mosaic trisomy 8 with a tetraploid cell line. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    Uniparental disomy (UPD) describes the inheritance of two homologous chromosomes from a single parent. Disease phenotypes associated with UPD and chromosomal imprinting, rather than with mutations, include Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (paternal UPD11p), Angelman syndrome (paternal UPD15), Prader-Willi syndrome (maternal UPD15), and transient neonatal diabetes (paternal UPD6). Here we report on the first case of paternal uniparental isodisomy of chromosome 14 with a mosaicism for a supernumerary marker chromosome 14. The patient demonstrated a small thorax with a 'coat hanger' shape of the ribs, kyphoscoliosis, hypoplasia of the maxilla and mandible, a broad nasal bridge with anteverted nares, contractures of the wrists with ulnar deviation bilaterally, diastasis recti, and marked muscle hypotonia. Vertical skin creases under the chin and stippled epiphyses of the humeri were features not previously described in patients with paternal UPD14. This case illustrates that as with the finding of an isochromosome, a supernumerary marker chromosome can be an important clue to the presence of UPD14.  相似文献   

    A patient with several features consistent with duplication of 22q11.2 (cat eye syndrome or CES) was found to be mosaic for a dicentric double ring chromosome 22 on postnatal karyotyping of peripheral blood. The initial karyotype was 46,XX,r(22)(p12q13) [46]/46,XX,dic r(22)(p12q13; p12q13)[4]. The amount of material duplicated in the dic r(22) was determined to include and extend beyond the CES critical region into 22q13.3. However, karyotyping of lymphocytes and fibroblasts, at 27 and 13 months of age respectively, showed no dic r(22) present in any of the cells examined. We suggest that the CES features in this patient, and potentially in other ring cases with CES phenotypic features, might result from a high level of mosaicism for a dic r(22) during early fetal development. Usually this unstable dic r(22) is subsequently lost from most cells.  相似文献   

    This paper describes two patients with partial trisomy 9p and partial trisomy 14q due to 3:1 segregation from de novo maternal reciprocal translocations. The breakpoints are different from previously described 9;14 translocations and their 3:1 segregation products. The clinical phenotype of both cases is compatible with the partial trisomy 9p syndrome. We present the follow-up of both patients from birth up to age 7 years. Partial trisomy 9p is a frequently described chromosome abnormality. This does not appear to be related to a breakage sensitive locus on chromosome 9p, since the trisomic fragments of the published cases are heterogeneous. In the two cases described here, GTG-banded karyotyping suggested that the 9p breakpoints were similar; DNA marker analysis, however, showed them to be different. Such DNA studies will be necessary to define the genotype-phenotype relation in partial trisomy 9p syndrome.  相似文献   

    Recurrence of trisomy 21 was observed in a family in which both parents had a normal chromosome complement. Mosaic trisomy 21 was found in a blood karyotype of the first child, a second pregnancy ended in spontaneous abortion, and a full trisomy 21 was found at prenatal diagnosis of the third pregnancy of this same couple. Although recurrent trisomy 21 may be due to chance, the possibility of germline mosaicism for trisomy 21 in one of the parents has important implications for recurrence risk. Molecular analysis was therefore undertaken in this family to determine the parental origin and the stage of nondisjunction of the extra chromosome 21 in both cases. Although a maternal origin of both instances of trisomy 21 was observed, the mosaic case showed homozygosity for all markers along the duplicated maternal chromosome. Such a finding would normally suggest a postzygotic origin of the trisomy 21. However, the diploid cell line in this same case showed maternal uniparental disomy 21, implying that it was the result of a trisomic conception. We suggest that a somatic nondisjunction in the maternal germ cells is the most likely explanation for these findings. The apparent meiotic II stage of nondisjunction of the nonmosaic trisomy 21 fetus was consistent with maternal mosaicism. A review of the literature for recurrent trisomy 21 cases studied by molecular means, suggests that mosaicism in germ cells may account for more cases than is detected cytogenetically. These results also show that DNA marker analysis does not provide a valuable tool for patient counseling in case of recurrent trisomy 21.  相似文献   

    BACKGROUND: Although single trisomy is the most common chromosomal abnormality observed within first trimester spontaneous abortions (SA) (>50%), double trisomy (DT) ranges from 0.21 to 2.8% in the literature. Since little is known about mechanisms underlying DT, we report the results of our experience with 517 SA, establishing parental origin and cell stage of non-disjunction when possible in DT cases, and making a revision of those previously reported. METHODS: Cytogenetic analysis was performed in all aborted specimens. Quantitative fluorescent PCR (QF-PCR) and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) were performed in DT cases in order to assess parental origin and stage of error of aneuploidy in addition to its reliability in detecting aneuploidies. RESULTS: Karyotyping was successful in 321 miscarriages; the rate of DT was 2.18%. Among the seven DT cases reported, three new combinations were found. Maternal origin was established for all DT SA analysed. Meiotic stage of error was presumed meiosis I (MI) for 48,XX+15+22 and 48,XX+8+21, meiosis II (MII) for 48,XXX+18, and MII and MI respectively for 48,XY+18+22. Molecular results agreed with cytogenetic results. CONCLUSIONS: Similar maternal age-related mechanisms could be implicated in both single and double trisomy. Molecular techniques could be useful in diagnosing not only single but multiple aneuploidy and determining its origin. This will improve our knowledge about mechanisms underlying human aneuploidy, and enable appropriate genetic counselling.  相似文献   

    Trisomy 14 mosaicism is a rare cytogenetic abnormality with a defined and recognizable clinical phenotype. We present a detailed clinical history and physical findings of five patients with low-level mosaicism of trisomy 14 detected by array-based comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) analysis or by routine chromosome analysis. These patients exhibited growth and developmental delays with variable severity, congenital anomalies, pigmentary skin lesions, and dysmorphic features. The phenotype of our patients was compared with previously described cases. This report suggests that trisomy 14 mosaicism may be more common than has been previously appreciated and also illustrates the important application of array-CGH to detect low-level mosaic chromosome abnormalities. We predict that a wider application of the array-CGH technology will significantly increase the detection rate of low-level mosaicism and will subsequently improve our ability to provide a diagnosis for patients with dysmorphic features, congenital anomalies, and developmental delay.  相似文献   

    Chromosome 14 demonstrates imprinting with differing phenotypes for both maternal and paternal uniparental disomy (UPD). Although only 11 cases of paternal uniparental disomy 14 (patUPD14) have been reported, a distinct clinically recognizable syndrome has emerged. The major features are polyhydramnios, small thorax, mildly short limbs, abdominal wall defects, and characteristic face with short palpebral fissures, broad flat nasal bridge, prominent philtrum, and small ears. Radiographically, the chest is bell-shaped and the ribs are distinctive with caudal bowing anteriorly and cranial bowing posteriorly. Several affected infants have died from respiratory failure. The survivors have short stature and mental retardation. The initial cases were all recognized because of translocations involving chromosome 14. Subsequently, several patients with a similar phenotype and normal chromosomes have been reported, including two with mixed iso- and hetero-disomy as well as one with segmental UPD14. Our patient is the first with pure paternal isodisomy 14 in the absence of a translocation. We present additional clinical information, review the literature, and discuss mechanisms that may explain paternal isodisomy 14 in our chromosomally normal patient. Paternal UPD14 with normal karyotype may be more common than previously suspected and may be overlooked unless recognition of the clinical phenotype prompts investigation for UPD.  相似文献   

    High resolution chromosome banding showed a male infant with profound mental retardation, hypertonia and multiple congenital anomalies to have the karyotype 46,XY,-der (2),t(2;12)(q37.3;q24.13)pat. Most of the clinical findings were compatible with those of the previously described cases with partial trisomy 12q. Some of the clinical features seem to disappear with increasing age.  相似文献   

    Mosaic trisomy 17 is rare with only 28 cases reported and the clinical presentation is highly variable. The diagnosis is most commonly made by prenatal karyotype and in most cases is followed by a normal postnatal karyotype on blood lymphocytes.We present two cases of mosaic trisomy 17 diagnosed prenatally,with follow up in multiple tissues at birth. In the first case,trisomy 17 was identified in all amniocytes, and at birth standard results of chromosome analysis in peripheral blood were normal,but mosaic trisomy 17 was identified (50–75%) in skin fibroblasts by genome-wide SNP array analysis. This patient presented with congenital heart disease, asymmetry, intestinal malrotation, and other anomalies and died on day 9 of life. In the second patient amniocentesis after ultrasound finding of tetralogy of Fallot showed mosaic trisomy 17. Postnatally, results of a SNP array were normal in blood, buccal mucosa, and skin. It is possible that the cardiac defect is related to trisomy 17 in key tissues during heart development, although at birth the aneuploidy could not be identified in tissues that are routinely analyzed for diagnosis. These cases add to our understanding of mosaic trisomy 17, highlighting the failure to diagnose this aneuploidy in peripheral blood.  相似文献   

    We report two unusual patients with trisomy 18 mosaicism presenting with minor anomalies and failure to thrive in the first year of life. Chromosome analysis showed trisomy 18 in 30/30 peripheral blood lymphocytes in both children. Analysis of skin fibroblasts in the first child showed normal female chromosomes in 30/30 cells, and the fibroblast karyotype in the second child showed mosaicism for tetrasomy 18p, trisomy 18, and normal female chromosomes (karyotype 47,XX, +i(18)(p10)[47]/47,XX, +18[9] /46,XX[4]). Trisomy 18 commonly results from nondisjunction at maternal meiosis II (MII). Nondisjunction at maternal MII has also been postulated to be the initial step in the formation of tetrasomy 18p. In our second case, the additional chromosome 18 was the result of maternal nondisjunction at MII, consistent with this hypothesis. In the first case, nondisjunction at maternal meiosis I (MI) was responsible for the extra chromosome 18.  相似文献   

    We report a case of segmental uniparental maternal hetero- and isodisomy involving the whole of chromosome 6 (mat-hUPD6 and mat-iUPD6) and a cullin 7 (CUL7) gene mutation in a Japanese patient with 3M syndrome. 3M syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by severe pre- and postnatal growth retardation that was recently reported to involve mutations in the CUL7 or obscurin-like 1 (OBSL1) genes. We encountered a patient with severe growth retardation, an inverted triangular gloomy face, an inverted triangle-shaped head, slender long bones, inguinal hernia, hydrocele testis, mild ventricular enlargement, and mild mental retardation. Sequence analysis of the CUL7 gene of the patient revealed a homozygous missense mutation, c.2975G>C. Genotype analysis using a single nucleotide polymorphism array revealed two mat-hUPD and two mat-iUPD regions involving the whole of chromosome 6 and encompassing CUL7. 3M syndrome caused by complete paternal iUPD of chromosome 6 involving a CUL7 mutation has been reported, but there have been no reports describing 3M syndrome with maternal UPD of chromosome 6. Our results represent a combination of iUPDs and hUPDs from maternal chromosome 6 involving a CUL7 mutation causing 3M syndrome.  相似文献   

    We describe a 17 year old male with a low level of trisomy 9 mosaicism. Maternal uniparental chromosome 9 disomy in the euploid cell line was shown to have arisen after postzygotic loss of the paternal chromosome 9 from the trisomic cell line by cytogenetic and molecular analysis. This is believed to be the first report of uniparental disomy for chromosome 9. In four of the 11 reported cases of mosaic trisomy 9 syndrome, including our patient, a maternally derived pericentric inversion of the heterochromatic area of chromosome 9 has been present in duplicate in the trisomic cell line. This may have implications for the counselling of patients with this common chromosomal variant.  相似文献   

    《Genetics in medicine》2016,18(4):309-315
    PurposeMaternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 20 (UPD(20)mat) has been reported in only four patients, three of whom also had mosaicism for complete or partial trisomy of chromosome 20. We sought to evaluate the clinical significance of isolated UPD(20)mat in eight individuals.MethodsWe evaluated phenotypic and genomic findings of a series of eight new patients with UPD(20)mat.ResultsAll eight individuals with UPD(20)mat had intrauterine growth restriction, short stature, and prominent feeding difficulties with failure to thrive. As a common feature, they often required gastric tube feeds. Genomic data in most patients are indicative of UPD as a result of trisomy rescue after meiosis II nondisjunction.ConclusionWe describe the first natural history of the disorder and the results of therapeutic interventions, including the frequent requirement of direct gastric feedings only during the first few years of life, and propose that growth hormone supplementation is probably safe and effective for this condition. We suggest that UPD(20)mat can be regarded as a new imprinting disorder and its identification requires specialized molecular testing, which should be performed in patients with early-onset idiopathic isolated growth failure.  相似文献   

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