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There is a growing body of research in Canada and from other countries acknowledging that immigrants face barriers in accessing health care services. As immigrants make up an increasing percentage of the population in many developed nations, a better understanding and eliminating these barriers is a major priority. This research contributes to current understandings of access among immigrant populations in Canada by exploring perceptions of access to care through focus groups with a diverse group of immigrants living in a Mississauga, Ontario neighbourhood. The results of eight focus groups reveal that immigrants face geographic, socio-cultural and economic barriers when attempting to access health care services in their community. This paper provides policy recommendations relevant to the federal, provincial and local levels for eliminating these barriers.  相似文献   

Investment in action is vital to confront the challenges associated with chronic diseases and disability facing European health systems. Although relevant policy responses are being increasingly developed, most of them fail to recognize the role of rehabilitation services in achieving public health and social goals. Comprehensive guidance is thus urgently needed to support rehabilitation policy development and expand access to rehabilitation care to meet population needs effectively. This paper describes a framework to guide policy action for rehabilitation in Europe. The framework was developed in collaboration with the European Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine based on a focused literature review and expert consultations. A review in PubMed and grey literature sources identified 458 references and resulted in 135 relevant documents published between 2006 and 2019. Thematic analysis of extracted information helped summarize the findings and develop the draft policy action framework. This was circulated to a wider group of experts and discussed in three workshops in 2018-2019. The framework was revised according to their feedback.The proposed framework contains 48 options for policy action organized in six domains and twelve subdomains that address several areas of health programming. The proposed framework provides a structure to understand the policy terrain related to rehabilitation in Europe and the measures required for translating aspirational political pronouncements into targeted programmatic action and tangible health and social outcomes.  相似文献   



Smoking is the leading risk factor for disability-adjusted life-years, yet evidence with which to establish the smoking rates of people with different ethnic backgrounds and how they are changing in relation to recent migration is lacking. The objective is to provide current information on the changing risk profiles of the UK population.

Study design

Observational study using cross-sectional surveys.


Data from the Integrated Household Survey (pooled for the years 2009/10–2011/12), obtained under Special Licence, and the GP Patient Survey (2012) have been used to establish smoking prevalence in a wider range of ethnic groups in England and Wales, including the ‘mixed’ groups and amongst East European migrants, and how such prevalence differs across socio-economic classes.


Smoking prevalence is substantially higher amongst migrants from East European countries (that for males exceeding 50% from three such countries and for females over 33% from four countries) and from Turkey and Greece, compared with most other non-UK born groups, and amongst ethnic groups is elevated in the ‘mixed’ groups. Rates are highest in the Gypsy or Irish Traveller group, 49% (of 162) and 46% (of 155) for males and females respectively. Across ethnic groups, rates are almost always higher in the UK born than non-UK born population with the notable exception of the ‘White Other’ group, with Prevalence Ratios (PRs) indicating a larger migrant-non-migrant differential amongst females (e.g. Indians 2.95 (2.33–3.73); Black Caribbeans 3.28 (2.73–3.94). Age-adjusted rates show the persistence of these differentials in females across age groups, though young males (18–29) in seven minority ethnic groups show lower rates in the UK-born groups. The ‘White’ and ‘Chinese’ groups show a strong socio-economic gradient in smoking which is absent in the South Asian groups and diminished in the ‘mixed’ and black groups.


Given the evidence that smoking behaviour is significantly different in some of the new groups, notably East European migrants, stop smoking services are failing to optimize the acceptability and, consequently, favourable outcomes for these programmes. These services need to be adapted to the particular patterns of smoking behaviour and language skills within different communities of descent.  相似文献   

Unauthorized migrants face health disadvantages in many receiving nations. However, few studies have explored precisely how the condition of “illegality” influences illness experiences, medical treatment, and convalescence. This article presents a case study from Germany (2004–2006 and 2008), where unauthorized migrants face limited access to health care and the threat of deportation results in avoidance of services and treatment delays. This is confounded by unique laws which essentially criminalize health care workers for aiding migrants. This article provides a snapshot of 183 patients who attended a Berlin clinic that functions as the single largest source of medical assistance for unauthorized persons in Germany. The demographic information sketches a picture of labor migrants with a mean age of approximately 29 years. More women than men presented at this clinic, a result of its ability to successfully arrange prenatal care and delivery as well as a reflection of local labor markets. The diversity of countries of origin (n = 55) is surprising, underscoring the utility of using illegal status as a unifying variable to highlight migrants' shared position in the global economy and the resulting barriers to basic medical services. Patients presented with a range of illnesses typical for their age group. However, the effects of illegal status resulted in four areas of disparities: 1) limits to the overall quality and quantity of care for mothers and infants; 2) delayed presentation and difficulties accessing a regular supply of medication for patients with chronic illnesses; 3) difficulties in accessing immediate medical attention for unpredictable injuries and other acute health concerns; and 4) a lack of mental health care options for generalized stress and anxiety affecting health. In Germany, an incoherent policy environment contributes to inadequate services and treatment delays. Solutions must address these legal ambiguities, which represent a primary barrier to equity in a nation with otherwise universal health coverage.  相似文献   

Few studies have engaged issues of social class and access related to dental health care policy from an ethnographic perspective. The state of Florida in the US has one of the poorest records in the nation for providing dental care for low-income children, falling especially short for Medicaid-enrolled children. In this paper, we discuss unmet dental health needs of children in migrant farmworker families. Although one of the most marginalized populations, most are eligible for Medicaid and are thus covered for dental services. However, serious disparities have been linked to the lack of access through the public insurance system. This study was informed by participant observation at dental clinics and a Migrant Head Start Center and interviews with dental health providers (n = 19) and migrant farmworker parents (n = 48) during 2009. Our results indicate that some typical factors associated with poor oral health outcomes, such as low dental health literacy, may not apply disproportionately to this population. Instead, we argue that structural features and ineffective policies contribute to oral health care disparities. Dental Medicaid programs are chronically underfunded, resulting in low reimbursement rates, low provider participation, and a severe distribution shortage of dentists within poor communities. We characterize the situation for families in Florida as one of “false hope” because of the promise of services with neither adequate resources nor the urgency to provide them. The resulting system of charity care, which leads dentists to provide pro bono care instead of accepting Medicaid, serves to only further persistent inequalities. We provide several recommendations, including migrant-specific efforts such as programs for sealants and new mothers; improvements to the current system by removing obstacles for dentists to treat low-income children; and innovative models to provide comprehensive care and increase the number of providers.  相似文献   

BackgroundAuthorizing health care providers other than physicians to prescribe medicines (i.e., non-medical prescribing, NMP) has been used to improve access to healthcare in many countries. This paper aimed to identify the scope of policies facilitating NMP worldwide and investigate the relationship of such policies with a country’s physician to population ratio and economic status.MethodsA hierarchical search strategy was used. First, we compiled a list of countries and territories (n = 216) based upon World Bank record. Then, we collected relevant information for each country by using country name combined with key terms in PubMed, Google, and World Health Organization (WHO) country pharmaceutical profiles. Countries’ socio-economic status and physician to population ratio were determined using data from the World Bank.ResultsLegislation allowing NMP was found for 117 of 216 (54%) countries and territories. The most prevalent policy identified was that of autonomous prescribing authority (59%). Countries with low or high incomes and those with low or high physician to population ratios (<1/1000 or >3/1000) had the highest concentration of policies for NMP rights.ConclusionDespite the varied scope of relevant policies, NMP has been implemented in countries of varied income levels and physician to population ratios. Future research is warranted to empirically examine its impact on access to care.  相似文献   

流动人口特约分娩点孕产妇保健状况调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:了解流动人口特约分娩点孕产妇保健状况,为进一步完善流动人口孕产妇保健管理提供依据。方法:以2005年1~12月在上海市南汇区新场社区卫生服务中心分娩的所有流动人口孕产妇为研究对象,收集病史资料和流动人口分娩登记表信息,对1152例流动孕产妇构成、产前检查次数、分娩方式及分娩费用等进行分析。结果:没有做过产前检查或只有1次产前检查的流动孕产妇占60%,产前检查次数与产次有关(P<0.0001),流动孕产妇剖宫产组平均住院费用为3 387元,阴道分娩组平均住院费用为1105元,结论:流动人口妇女孕产期保健服务利用率低,住院分娩费用相对其收入仍偏高,需要加强对流动人口孕产期保健知识的宣传,降低经济负担,为更多的孕产妇提供限价服务。  相似文献   

Provision of accessible acceptable health care in remote rural areas poses a challenge to health care providers. This case study of formal and informal health care provision for Bedouin in North East Jordan is based on interviews conducted in 2007-2008 involving clinic providers, policymakers and Bedouin as part of an EC funded study from 2006 to 2010. The paper explores to what extent the right to health as set out in UN General Comment 14 (on Article 12 and 12.2 of the International Covenant on Social Economic and Cultural Rights on the right to health) can provide a framework for considering the availability, accessibility and acceptability of current provision in a rural setting in Jordan. Health care is provided in the public sector by the Ministry of Health and the Royal Medical Services to a dispersed population living in encampments and villages over a large rural area. There are issues of accessibility in terms of distance, and of acceptability in relation to the lack of local and female staff, lack of cultural competencies and poor communication. We found that these providers of health care have a developing partnership that could potentially address the challenge of provision to this rural area. The policymakers have an overview that is in line with applying the concept of health care justice for a more equitable distribution of resources and adjustment of differential access and availability. The health providers are less aware of the right to accessible acceptable health care in their day to day provision whilst the Bedouin population are quite aware of this. This case study of Bedouin in North East Jordan has particular relevance to the needs of populations - both pastoralists and non pastoralists living in remote and rural areas.  相似文献   

No detailed analyses have been undertaken on the effects of Health Promoting Schools on oral health status. The objective of this study was to assess whether the oral health of 12-year-old children in supportive schools, where health promoting policies had been developed, was better than that of children in non-supportive schools. A sample of 1823 12-year-old children in 33 public (government-funded) schools were selected in deprived areas of Curitiba, Brazil. Principal component analysis, multiple regression, meta-analysis and meta-regression were used in the data analysis. Schools with a comprehensive curriculum were more likely to have a higher percentage of caries-free children (beta = 6.27, p = 0.02) and fewer children with dental trauma (beta = -5.04, p = 0.02). The commitment towards health and safety at school was strongly associated with dental trauma, as 9.7% fewer children had dental trauma (p = 0.00) in schools that demonstrated a commitment towards health and safety. At the school level, mother's education and family income were independently associated with children's caries experience and dental trauma, respectively. Children in supportive schools had better oral health than those in non-supportive schools. Our results suggest that some benefit can be obtained for the improvement of the oral health of children living in deprived areas if they attend supportive schools.  相似文献   

The increasing proportion of immigrants in Spanish society is placing pressure on the National Health Care System to accommodate the needs of this population group while keeping costs under control. In the year 2000, a law was approved in Spain according to which all people, regardless of their nationality, are entitled to use health care services under the same conditions as Spanish citizens, provided that they are registered in the local population census. However, empirical evidence about differences in health status and health care utilization between the immigrant and the Spanish population is insufficient. This paper uses the 2003 and 2006 Spanish National Health Surveys to explore the existence of inequalities in health and in the access to health services for the immigrant population living in Spain, relative to that of Spaniards. Our results show that there are different patterns in the level of health and the medical care use between the national and the foreign population in Spain: while immigrants' self-reported health relative to that of the Spanish population depends upon individual nationality, all immigrants, regardless of their nationality, seem to face barriers of entry to specialized care. Further research is needed to understand the nature of these barriers in order to design more effective health policies.  相似文献   

Systematic reviews have become an important methodology in the United Kingdom by which research informs health policy, and their use now extends beyond evidence-based medicine to evidence-based public health and, particularly, health inequalities policies. This article reviews the limitations of systematic reviews as stand-alone tools for this purpose and suggests a complementary approach to make better use of the evidence. That is, systematic reviews and other sources of evidence should be incorporated into a wider analytical framework, the public health regime (defined here as the specific legislative, social, political, and economic structures that have an impact on both public health and the appropriateness and effectiveness of public health interventions adopted). At the national level this approach would facilitate analysis at all levels of the policy framework, countering the current focus on individual interventions. It could also differentiate at the international level between those policies and interventions that are effective in different contexts and are therefore potentially generalizable and those that depend on particular conditions for success.  相似文献   

目的:了解流动人口基本公共卫生服务可及性及其影响因素。方法:以安德森卫生服务利用模型为理论基础,使用"流动人口卫生计生服务流出地监测调查(2014)"数据,采用多水平Logistic回归模型从宏观和微观两个层面,对流动人口基本公共卫生服务可及性及影响因素进行分析。结果:流动人口基本公共卫生服务利用率偏低,其在流出地和流入地均有卫生服务需求;对于全人群适用的健康档案、健康教育和健康体检服务项目的利用,流动人口群体内部存在差异;在同一调查点,流动人口卫生服务利用存在组内聚集性,多水平logistic回归分析发现经济社会发展水平、流出地卫生资源配置水平这两个宏观因素和流动人口的性别、年龄、受教育程度、医疗保险参保情况、流动范围及就业单位性质等个体微观因素,是影响流动人口基本公共卫生服务可及性的主要因素;不同服务项目的影响因素既有共性又有差异。结论:流动人口基本公共卫生服务可及性较差,应强化健康教育和引导干预;不同服务项目利用水平存在差异,应重点关注全人群适用项目和慢性非传染病管理;宏观环境因素和微观个体因素对服务可及性均存在影响,因此在增加服务供给的同时还应从流动人口特征着手,提高其主动性和参与意愿;不同性质就业单位中的流动人口卫生服务利用情况不同,应考虑单位及职业特征对服务利用的影响。  相似文献   

This study sought to examine the influence of length of stay and language proficiency on immigrants' access to and utilization of care in Canada and the United States (U.S,). Data came from the 2007-2008 Canadian Community Health Survey and the National Health Interview Survey. Analyses were limited to foreign-born, non-elderly adults in each country (n = 12,870 in Canada and n = 7440 in the U.S.). Health care indicators included having a usual source of care; annual consultation with a health professional, dentist, and eye doctor; flu shot in the past year; and Pap test in the past 3 years. Logistic regression models were employed to estimate the relative odds of access or use of care, adjusting for need, demographic factors, socioeconomic status, and insurance coverage. In general, rates of health care access and utilization were higher in Canada than the U.S. among all immigrant groups. In both countries, adjusted analyses indicated that immigrants with shorter length of stay (less than 10 years) and limited language proficiency generally had lower rates of access/use compared with those with longer length of stay (10 years or more) and proficiency in each country's official language(s), respectively. There was one exception to this pattern in the U.S.: immigrants with limited English had higher odds of having a recent Pap test relative to English-proficient immigrants. The persistence of disparities in health care experiences based on length of stay and language proficiency in Canada suggests that universal health insurance coverage may not be sufficient for ensuring access to and utilization of primary and preventive care for this population.  相似文献   

In Chinese society, traditional postnatal practices and family support protect the health and well-being of women after childbirth. The absence of support for these practices for Chinese migrants in Western societies can have negative implications for their health. Recent studies reveal that postnatal stress is a growing concern among Chinese migrant women in Brisbane, Australia. There is a need to investigate the experiences of these women in order to understand factors affecting their postnatal health and to identify gaps in, and ways to improve, existing services and support identified needs. This paper examines postnatal experience and health needs of Chinese migrant women in Brisbane from three different places of origin: Taiwan, Hong Kong and the People's Republic of China (PRC). Previous studies on reproductive health beliefs and practices of Chinese women have found that a relationship exists between postnatal maternal health and postnatal cultural practices, appropriate family and community support and social circumstances, particularly pressures relating to employment. This study further tests and confirms these findings by comparing the experience of the three Chinese groups who have different migration circumstances, socio-economic and employment status, and support networks. The study reveals that among the three groups, PRC migrants are more likely to have encountered downward social mobility, economic hardship, social isolation, employment and language problems. While all three groups believe in the necessity of traditional postnatal practices, the PRC group has less support and is also more likely to have experienced postnatal health problems than the other two groups. This paper concludes with two sets of recommendations: one for community organizations with a focus on empowerment and cooperation; and one for service providers concerning improvement of multi-sectoral partnership, cross-cultural communication and the development of a postnatal care service model.  相似文献   

Immigrant health care is the product of the dynamic interaction between societal factors and the individual's socio-economic and cultural characteristics. Our knowledge about immigrant health care, however, has been limited to individual characteristics, without paying attention to the social context in which immigrants reside. This paper explores the effects of social contexts on access to health care among recent immigrants. As a natural experiment, it compares health care experiences of three immigrant groups in Hawaii – Filipinos, Koreans, and Marshallese – who are situated in different social contexts including immigrant health policy, ethnic community, and individual networks. Through household surveys conducted between October 2005 and January 2006, information of 378 recent immigrant adults on health care access, health insurance status, socio-demographic characteristics, linguistic and cultural factors, health status, ethnic community social capital, and social networks was obtained. The results of analyses show that Marshallese respondents have better access to health care than the other two groups, in spite of their lowest socioeconomic status. The high insurance rate of the Marshallese, mainly associated with a state health policy that provides health insurance assistance for the Marshallese, is the major contributor of their greater health care access. While Filipino immigrants do not benefit from state insurance assistance, high levels of health care resources and social capital within the Filipino community enable them to have significantly better health care access than Koreans, who have higher income and educational attainment. Interestingly, the advanced family/kinship networks are associated with better levels of immigrant health care access, while the increase of co-ethnic friend networks is related to lower access to health care. This study implies that restoration of immigrants' eligibility for public health insurance assistance, development of health care resources and social capital within ethnic communities, and mobilization of immigrant networks would be effective starting points to improve health care access among immigrants.  相似文献   

Access to health care is an important factor in explaining health inequalities. This study focuses on the issue of access to health care as a driving force behind the social discrepancies in cesarean delivery using data from 707 newborn children in the 2006–2011 birth cohorts of the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP). Data on individual birth outcomes are linked to hospital data using extracts of the quality assessment reports of nearly all German hospitals. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are used to assess hospital service clusters within a 20-km radius buffer around mother׳s homes. Logistic regression models adjusting for maternal characteristics indicate that the likelihood to deliver by a cesarean section increases for the least educated women when they face constraints with regard to access to hospital care. No differences between the education groups are observed when access to obstetric care is high, thus a high access to hospital care seems to balance out health inequalities that are related to differences in education. The results emphasize the importance of focusing on unequal access to hospital care in explaining differences in birth outcomes.  相似文献   

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