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中职医护专业学生由于学历低,就业困难,参加对口专科考试是许多学生及家长最看好的一个选择。但学生在处理继续学历教育与就业、复习考试与实习的关系上,往往存在许多矛盾。通过在校期间的一系列就业指导活动使中职学生重新认识自我,正确对待学历教育,选择适合自己继续学习的方式和方法。确定合理的求职定位。特剐是实施分类实习对中职学生继续学历教育和先就业很有帮助。  相似文献   

[目的]了解卫生事业管理毕业生对学校管理的看法,为卫生事业管理专业学生的教育培养提供依据。[方法]对南京医科大学医政学院2014届141名卫生事业管理专业毕业生进行调查,运用SPSS软件对毕业生的基本情况、目前从事工作情况、对学校教学管理、实习管理和就业等方面的评价和建议进行统计分析。[结果]39.1%的学生认为专业设置不够合理,反映教学中的问题主要是课程体系设置不合理、教学方法、手段单一、教学内容陈旧重复;28.9%的学生认为学校提供现有学习资源、辅导和支持服务不能满足;88.3%的学生认为实习单位对于学生就业有作用,实习管理中的问题主要是实习时间短、实习管理松散、没有在科室间轮转;求职过程的主要问题是缺乏社会关系,专业不对口或专业面太窄、信息严重不足。[结论]学校教学管理中存在专业及课程体系设置不合理,教学内容、方法不能满足学生需求等问题。应把握市场需求设置专业,改革卫生事业管理教学环节;增加校内外交流,增强学生各种能力;加强实习基地建设,严格实习管理和考核;加强就业指导,树立正确就业择业观。  相似文献   

开展社区卫生服务实习提高综合素质转变就业观念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绍兴文理学院医学院主动面对改革与发展的社会环境,根据医疗卫生单位对专业人才素质的新要求,组织临床医学等专业学生开展了社区卫生服务实习,锻炼了学生适应社区卫生工作的能力,提高了学生的综合素质,并转变了其就业观念.  相似文献   

马玉娥  郭晓宁 《中国校医》2008,22(6):680-681
近年来,随着护理专业招生规模不断扩大,其对护理职业认识问题应当引起高度的重视。为了准确了解护理高职专科生对护理职业在实产前后认识的变化,有针对性地开展教育,调查了我院05级护理高职专科部分实习生。结果说明,实习前后有半数以上学生对护理职业的认识均发生了变化,对从事护理职业的决心、信心也相应发生了改变。通过对部分实习生的问卷调查发现存在的问题。  相似文献   

医学毕业生到乡镇卫生院就业意向的影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目标:探讨影响医学毕业生到乡镇卫生院就业意向的因素,为有关部门及医学院校制定农村卫生人才政策提供科学依据。方法:运用问卷调查方法对福建省2009届医学毕业生到乡镇卫生院就业的意向进行调查,采用二分类Logistic回归分析进行多因素分析。结果:专业、英语水平、家庭所在地、期望月薪、对乡镇卫生院人力状况了解程度等5个因素对医学毕业生到乡镇卫生院就业有影响。有农村背景,对乡镇卫生院人力状况了解程度好、对就业工资待遇期望值较低的医学生更有可能去乡镇卫生院工作。建议:根据当地需要,从农村地区招生,委托医学院校培养,实行面向农村卫生的教育,同时引导医学生树立正确的就业观。  相似文献   

目的了解当前高职护生的就业心理,为开展就业指导提供参考。方法采用自制的问卷,对福建卫生职业技术学院护理专业的高职学生就业心理进行调查。结果高职护生在择业时以自己今后发展机会为重点的比例最高,但不同年级的学生在其他择业侧重点方面的变化有不同,多数学生认为个人的综合素质是最重要的影响因素,三年级学生认为学习成绩、外表气质、社会关系对择业的影响均显著高于低年级学生,在毕业时选择马上就业的护生占据了很大部分,在就业信心方面,抱有积极自信的态度的护生比例不高。结论重视学生就业指导工作,通过学生就业指导体系,实施个性化指导,引导学生调整就业心态,提高自身综合素质,从而增强就业竞争力。  相似文献   

目的:在学生减负的背景下,结合素质教育探讨学校-家庭-社区控烟模式。方法:以学生为中心,让学生自主设计并实施控烟活动,技术人员引导、观察、督导控烟活动,并进行干预前后KAP(知、信、行)调查及专题小组访谈等定性、定量评价。结果:通过开放式控烟活动,学生开展了适合学生年龄特点、丰富多采的控烟活动,使学生及其家长提高了对烟草危害的认识,其吸烟行为发生了明显改变,并为学校的素质教育提供了有益的尝试。结论:结合素质教育开展控烟活动,符合教育和卫生部门的发展要求和发展方向,可持续发展,是学生素质教育和综合能力培养的重要内容。  相似文献   

目的了解医科大学生的就业观念和求职意向,为政府和学校进一步做好引导学生到基层就业工作提供决策参考。方法 2013年10月以山东省某高等医学专科学校的医学生为调查对象,方法是利用整群抽样方法抽取调查样本,对所抽取的班级的所有学生,利用自制的《医科类大学生就业意向调查表》进行问卷调查。结果非常愿意去基层医疗机构工作的专科生为23.2%,没办法的情况下可以考虑去基层医疗机构工作占54.8%,绝对不去基层医疗机构工作的占4.3%,导致专科生不愿到基层医疗机构工作的原因是薪酬待遇低,晋升机会少和发展空间小,工作环境比大医院有差距等。结论政府部门应加强对医学生基层就业的政策引导,加大对基层医疗单位的财政支持,改善基层医疗条件,学校应做好对学生基层就业的思想引导。  相似文献   

周喜华 《职业与健康》2011,27(5):492-494
目的了解实习对高师院校学生专业承诺和职业决策自我效能感的影响。方法采用《大学生专业承诺量表》和《职业决策自我效能量表》对96名高师院校学生随机分为调查组1(重点中学实习32人)和调查组2(普通中学实习33人)及对照组(未实习31人)。调查组进行教育实习,对照组进行任何实习。对学生在教育实习前后的专业承诺和职业决策自我效能进行测量。结果①教育实习后专业承诺总分、情感承诺、继续承诺、理想承诺以及规范承诺的变化差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);②教育实习对3组间职业决策自我效能总分、自我评价、收集信息、选择目标、制定计划以及问题解决的变化差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);③高师院校学生职业决策自我效能和专业承诺均呈正相关。结论教育实习能够提高高师院校学生的专业承诺水平和职业决策自我效能感;高师院校学生的专业承诺和其职业决策自我效能感有显著相关。  相似文献   

[目的]了解广西医疗机构对卫生事业管理专业人才的需求和评价状况,为广西高校培养卫生事业管理专业人才提供实证性参考依据。[方法]采用典型调查的方式,调查广西医疗卫生系统中的中高层管理人员对卫生机构卫生事业管理人才的认知度、岗位需求条件、能力的评价状况和岗位需求情况。[结果]广西已工作的卫生事业管理人员主要分布在医院,占全部被调查数量的90%;对这部分已就业人群,单位领导最认可他们在医疗卫生机构的实习经历和管理学知识;广西卫生事业管理人才需求主要集中在县级医院,且有增长趋势;用人单位对人才的质量要求方面,实际能力中发现问题和解决问题独立决策占了整个能力要求的75.21%;综合素质中品德修养和团队精神排名前2,占了综合素质这一指标的50%以上;知识结构中,管理学知识和法律学知识排名前2,约占这一指标的60%,医学知识排名最后。[结论]在就业前景方面,广西地区已就业的卫生事业管理人才在行业内的口碑和就业前景良好,高校教育者一方面要引导学生转变就业观念,到基层去建功立业,另一方面要根据行业就业市场变化优化课程设置,提高该专业学生的实践能力,打造专业声誉,促进广西卫生事业管理专业人才就业率的提高和卫生事业管理教育的优化发展。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To better understand the impact of having a child with special health care needs (CSHCN), on low-income parents' employment decisions. METHODS: Using data from the 1999 and 2000 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), we estimate multivariate statistical regressions (logit and tobit models) to estimate the relationship between having a CSHCN and the likelihood of employment and hours of employment for a sample-of low-income single parents. RESULTS: Controlling for differences in demographic and family characteristics, we find no significant association between having a CSHCN and the probability of work or the number of hours worked among low-income single-parent families. Separate analysis of different dimensions of special health care needs shows that parents of children with activity limitations are significantly less likely to work and work fewer hours. This result does not hold true for the group of children defined based on elevated or special service use, or for the group of children with specific chronic conditions. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that only a specific subset of children with special needs present difficulties for low-income parents' work. This suggests that policies to help low-income single parents of children with disabilities move into work should target this specific subset of children with special health care needs.  相似文献   

医学生基层就业对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
医学生基层就业是在市场经济条件下,在教育领域乃至整个社会范围提出的一个新概念,将成为人们普遍接受的新观点而应用于社会.本研究从转型社会、医学生真实的就业环境为背景,探讨制约医学生基层就业的原因,探寻支撑医学生顺利就业的因素,以基层医疗人才生存问题为着力点,从学生、政府、高校等多当事主体的角度,探求促进医学生基层就业的对策和建议.  相似文献   

The self‐employed are often reported to be healthier than wageworkers; however, the cause of this health difference is largely unknown. The longitudinal nature of the US Health and Retirement Study allows us to gauge the plausibility of two competing explanations for this difference: a contextual effect of self‐employment on health (benefit effect), or a health‐related selection of individuals into self‐employment (barrier effect). Our main finding is that the selection of comparatively healthier individuals into self‐employment accounts for the positive cross‐sectional difference. The results rule out a positive contextual effect of self‐employment on health, and we present tentative evidence that, if anything, engaging in self‐employment is bad for one's health. Given the importance of the self‐employed in the economy, these findings contribute to our understanding of the vitality of the labor force. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper provides new empirical evidence on the employment and earning effects of the recent Medicaid expansion. Unlike most existing studies that use a conventional state and year fixed effects approach, our main identification strategy is based on the comparison of employment and wages in contiguous county‐pairs in neighboring states (i.e., border counties) with different Medicaid expansion status. Using the 2008–2016 Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, we estimate a set of distributed lag models in order to examine the dynamic effects of Medicaid expansion. Results from our preferred specification suggest a statistically significant decrease in total employment of 1.2% 1 year after the expansion of Medicaid. This translates into a 37% decrease in employment among newly eligible Medicaid enrollees under the strong assumption that Medicaid coverage did not crowd out private insurance coverage. We also find that this disemployment effect is transitory: 2 years after the Medicaid expansion employment returns to preexpansion levels. We do not find any statistically significant effect of the Medicaid expansion on wages at any point.  相似文献   

对中专学校就业工作探索.通过对在校学生进行就业状况调查,发现了一些问题和现象,认为要提高就业指导工作水平和层次,必须从学校重视、专业课程设置、综合素质教育、就业观念及意志培养等方面入手.  相似文献   

目的:探讨宁夏临床专业医学生的应对方式与就业观念的相互关系,以便引导医学毕业生树立正确就业观念和进行心理调适。方法:以宁夏医科大学在校大四年级学生为调查对象,随机整群抽取4个班级的167名学生进行应对方式问卷、自编就业观念问卷现场调查。结果:男女医学生在解决问题(t=2.453,P〈0.05)、自责(t=2.024,P〈0.05)和求助(t=-2.696,P〈0.01)等因子上差异有统计学意义;不同经济状况医学生在合理化因子上差异有显著统计学意义(F=3.441,P〈0.05);男女医学生的就业观念在毕业后第一选择(字2=5.796,P〈0.05)、对先就业后择业的看法(字2=15.145,P〈0.01)、就业信心(字2=11.532,P〈0.01)上差异有显著统计学意义;不同学生来源就业观念比较在先就业的理由(字2=19.771,P〈0.01)、最易促进就业途径(字2=66.552,P〈0.01)、首先考虑的就业地区(字2=17.547,P〈0.05)、就业信心(字2=25.758,P〈0.01)上差异有统计学意义;经多元线性逐步回归模型分析得出,就业观念线性方程4、5、6、9均有不同应对方式因子变量进入,求助因子、幻想因子和解决问题因子是影响就业观念的主要因素。结论:应加强医学生的心理辅导和就业指导,并建议采取积极的应对方式。  相似文献   

我国医学毕业生的供给相对于劳动力市场的需求,结构错位问题比总量过剩问题更为突出,结构性就业难已成为医学生就业的主要矛盾。医学生结构性就业矛盾不仅加剧医学生的就业难度,对医疗卫生机构的发展也将产生不利影响。本文从结构性失业的概念出发,阐述医学生结构性就业难的表现,分析结构性就业难的原因,并针对原因提出应对措施,以缓解医学生结构性就业矛盾。  相似文献   

I use Danish survey and administrative data to examine the impact of maternal employment during pregnancy on birth outcomes. As healthier mothers are more likely to work and health shocks to mothers may impact employment and birth outcomes, I combine two strategies: First, I control extensively for time‐varying factors that may correlate with employment and birth outcomes, such as pre‐pregnancy family income and maternal occupation, pregnancy‐related health shocks, maternal sick listing, and health behaviors (smoking and alcohol consumption). Second, to account for remaining time‐invariant heterogeneity between mothers, I compare outcomes of mothers’ consecutive children. Mothers who work during the first pregnancy trimester have a lower risk of preterm birth. I find no effect on the probability of having a baby of small size for gestational age. To rule out that health selection of mothers between pregnancies drives the results, I focus on mothers whose change in employment status is likely not to be driven by underlying health (mothers who are students in one of their pregnancies and mothers with closely spaced births). Given generous welfare benefits and strict workplace regulations in Denmark, my findings support a residual explanation, namely, that exclusion from employment may stress mothers in countries with high‐female employment rates. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

预防医学生基层就业问卷分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解西部某医学院校预防医学生基层就业意向及激励措施。方法:运用问卷调查,调查医学生就业意向及激励措施并作统计学分析。结果:大部分医学生由于对基层医疗机构不了解对基层就业持消极态度,但不完全排斥。结论:需政府、高校等多部门协作采取措施,引导医学生到基层就业。  相似文献   

Objective:This longitudinal study aimed to measure precarious employment in the US using a multidimensional indicator.Methods:We used data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (1988–2016) and the Occupational Information Network database to create a longitudinal precarious employment score (PES) among 7568 employed individuals over 18 waves (N=101 290 observations). We identified 13 survey indicators to operationalize 7 dimensions of precarious employment, which we included in our PES (range: 0–7, with 7 indicating the most precarious): material rewards, working-time arrangements, stability, workers’ rights, collective organization, interpersonal relations, and training. Using generalized estimating equations, we estimated the mean PES and changes over time in the PES overall and by race/ethnicity, gender, education, income, and region.Results:On average, the PES was 3.17 [standard deviation (SD) 1.19], and was higher among women (3.34, SD 1.20), people of color (Hispanics: 3.24, SD 1.23; non-Hispanic Blacks: 3.31, SD 1.23), those with less education (primary: 3.99, SD 1.07; high school: 3.43, SD 1.19), and with lower-incomes (3.84, SD 1.08), and those residing in the South (3.23, SD 1.17). From 1988 to 2016, the PES increased by 9% on average [0.29 points; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.26–0.31]. While precarious employment increased over time across all subgroups, the increase was largest among males (0.35 points; 95% CI 0.33–0.39), higher-income (0.39 points; 95% CI 0.36–0.42) and college-educated (0.37 points; 95% CI 0.33–0.41) individuals.Conclusions:Long-term decreases in employment quality are widespread in the US. Women and those from racialized and less-educated populations remain disproportionately precariously employed; however, we observed large increases among men, college graduates and higher-income individuals.  相似文献   

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