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Because of the intensive NATO bombardment of the neighboring region to Hungary, i.e., Vojvodina, North Yugoslavia, air monitoring for detection of depleted uranium particles supposed to be used as a component of bullets was extended to the Southern region of the country. Alpha spectrometry was applied as a sensitive analytical technique able to detect uranium. Though no depleted uranium was detected in air by the sensitive technique of alpha-spectrometry, the increased uranium content in natural ratio as a component of normal soil, natural gas, etc., is suggested to originate from well dispersed dust (2.5 microm size) emitted to the atmosphere by explosions during bombing. This observation is supported by the geographical distribution and the relatively rapid decrease of pollution after the bomb attacks ceased.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess whether the strategy of "a midwife in every village" in Indonesia achieved its aim of increasing professional delivery care for the poorest women. METHODS: Using pooled Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) data from 1986-2002, we examined trends in the percentage of births attended by a health professional and deliveries via caesarean section. We tested for effects of the economic crisis of 1997, which had a negative impact on Indonesias health system. We used logistic regression, allowing for time-trend interactions with wealth quintile and urban/rural residence. FINDINGS: There was no change in rates of professional attendance or caesarean section before the programmes full implementation (1986-1991). After 1991, the greatest increases in professional attendance occurred among the poorest two quintiles -- 11% per year compared with 6% per year for women in the middle quintile (P = 0.02). These patterns persisted after the economic crisis had ended. In contrast, most of the increase in rates of caesarean section occurred among women in the wealthiest quintile. Rates of caesarean deliveries remained at less than 1% for the poorest two-fifths of the population, but rose to 10% for the wealthiest fifth. CONCLUSION: The Indonesian village midwife programme dramatically reduced socioeconomic inequalities in professional attendance at birth, but the gap in access to potentially life-saving emergency obstetric care widened. This underscores the importance of understanding the barriers to accessing emergency obstetric care and of the ways to overcome them, especially among the poor.  相似文献   

Traditional means of assessing the problem of teen pregnancy have relied on national or state statistics. By using large geographic areas, usually comprised of a heterogeneous population, it is impossible to tell which subareas have more of a problem than others. This study focused on trends in teen birth rates at the health district level in New York City over a 25-year period to illustrate variations among ethnic groups. Teen birth rates were calculated based on vital statistics published by the New York City Department of Health. They were calculated as the number of births per 1,000 females in each of three age groups: under age 15, 15–17, and 18–19. Rates were calculated for the entire City, for four boroughs, and for selected health center districts. The decline in the birth rate among New York City teens is most significant in health districts populated by blacks. An exception is the noted increases in birth rates in districts populated predominantly by Hispanics. Data show substantial decreases among older teens compared to younger teens. Birth trends in small areas of New York City mirror trends seen nationwide. As migration changes the ethnic composition of small areas, it is important to monitor trends so that policies and programs can be targeted to those in need.  相似文献   

We examined trends in low birth weight (LBW, <2,500 g) rates among US singleton non-Hispanic black infants between 1991 and 2004. We conducted Joinpoint regression analyses, using birth certificate data, to describe trends in LBW, moderately LBW (MLBW, 1,500–2,499 g), and very LBW (VLBW, <1,500 g) rates. We then conducted cross-sectional and binomial regression analyses to relate these trends to changes in maternal or obstetric factors. Non-Hispanic black LBW rates declined −7.35% between 1991 and 2001 and then increased +4.23% through 2004. The LBW trends were not uniform across birth weight subcategories. Among MLBW births, the 1991–2001 decease was −10.20%; the 2001–2004 increase was +5.61%. VLBW did not follow this pattern, increasing +3.84% between 1991 and 1999 and then remaining relatively stable through 2004. In adjusted models, the 1991–2001 MLBW rate decrease was associated with changes in first-trimester prenatal care, cigarette smoking, education levels, maternal foreign-born status, and pregnancy weight gain. The 2001–2004 MLBW rate increase was independent of changes in observed maternal demographic characteristics, prenatal care, and obstetric variables. Between 1991 and 2001, progress occurred in reducing MLBW rates among non-Hispanic black infants. This progress was not maintained between 2001 and 2004 nor did it occur for VLBW infants between 1991 and 2004. Observed population changes in maternal socio-demographic and health-related factors were associated with the 1991–2001 decrease, suggesting multiple risk factors need to be simultaneously addressed to reduce non-Hispanic black LBW rates.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine changes in fat and energy intakes in the United States between 1989-1991 and 1994-1996, and to examine the implications of expressing fat intake in grams vs as a percent of total energy intake. The source of data was the Continuing Survey of Food Intake by Individuals. The results suggest that intake of energy rose between the 2 time periods, primarily due to higher carbohydrate intake. There was also a modest increase in fat intake. However fat intake, as a percent of total energy, declined. The higher energy intakes were primarily from beverages, especially soft drinks, food mixtures, grain snacks, and pastries. The primary sources of higher fat intakes were meat mixtures, vegetables, and some categories of the grain group. Similar trends in the Food Supply Series suggested that the changes observed were not entirely due to changes in survey methodology. Because the increase in fat intake was masked by the increase in energy intake, we conclude that assessing trends in fat intake as a percent of energy consumption can be misleading, unless information on total energy and fat intake, in grams, is also provided. These preliminary findings should be interpreted cautiously until they are confirmed by formal secular trend analyses.  相似文献   

During the period of 1975–1989, in the Belgrade population increasing mortality trends were established for colon and rectal cancer, cancer of the pancreas and gallbladder and bile ducts cancer, for both sexes, and for esophageal cancer in males. Stomach and liver cancer mortality decreased in females. In males, stomach cancer mortality after a prolonged steady decrease suddenly rose in the years 1988 and 1989. Mortality rates series for esophageal cancer in females and for liver cancer in males did not fit any usual trend function.  相似文献   

Objectives. We examined the relationship between obstetrical intervention and preterm birth in the United States between 1991 and 2006.Methods. We assessed changes in preterm birth, cesarean delivery, labor induction, and associated risks. Logistic regression modeled the odds of preterm obstetrical intervention after risk adjustment.Results. From 1991 to 2006, the percentage of singleton preterm births increased 13%. The cesarean delivery rate for singleton preterm births increased 47%, and the rate of induced labor doubled. In 2006, 51% of singleton preterm births were spontaneous vaginal deliveries, compared with 69% in 1991. After adjustment for demographic and medical risks, the mother of a preterm infant was 88% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.87, 1.90) more likely to have an obstetrical intervention in 2006 than in 1991. Using new birth certificate data from 19 states, we estimated that 42% of singleton preterm infants were delivered via induction or cesarean birth without spontaneous onset of labor.Conclusions. Obstetrical interventions were related to the increase in the US preterm birth rate between 1991 and 2006. The public health community can play a central role in reducing medically unnecessary interventions.During the past 15 years, rates of obstetrical interventions have been rising in the United States.1,2 The percentage of births with induced labor more than doubled between 1991 and 2006, from 10.5% to 22.5%.1,2 After a decline in the early 1990s, the cesarean delivery rate increased by 50%, from 20.7% in 1996 to an all-time high of 31.1% in 2006.1 Large increases occurred for both primary and repeat cesarean deliveries and among mothers with no known medical risk factors or indications for cesarean delivery (such as diabetes, hypertension, or premature rupture of membranes).1,3,4 Recent studies have shown that changing primary cesarean rates did not correspond to shifts in mothers’ medical risk profiles but, rather, appeared to be related to increased use of cesarean delivery with all medical conditions.46From 1991 to 2006, the preterm (less than 37 weeks of gestation) birth rate increased by 19%, from 10.8% to 12.8% of all births1; the preterm rate increased by 13% for singletons and by 22% for multiple births. An increase in the preterm birth rate is of concern because rates of death and disability are higher among preterm infants than among infants born at term (37–41 weeks).79 Although rates of death and disability are highest among infants born very preterm (less than 32 weeks), mortality rates among moderately preterm (32–33 weeks) and late preterm (34–36 weeks) infants are 7 and 3 times, respectively, the mortality rates for term infants.7We examined the relationship between changes in the use of obstetrical intervention and changes in the preterm birth rate in the United States between 1991–2006. Specifically, we explored trends in singleton preterm births, delivery methods (cesarean or vaginal), and induction of labor.  相似文献   



India has the largest number of under-five deaths globally, and large variations in under-five mortality persist between states and districts. Relationships between under-five mortality and numerous socioeconomic, development and environmental health factors have been explored at the national and state levels, but the possible spatial heterogeneity in these relationships has seldom been investigated at the district level. This study seeks to unravel local variation in key determinants of under-five mortality based on the 1991 and 2011 censuses.


Using geocoded district-level data from the last two census rounds (1991 and 2011) and ordinary least squares and geographically weighted regressions, we identify district-specific relationships between under-five mortality rate and a series of determinants for two periods separated by 20 years (1986–1987 and 2006–2007). To identify spatial groupings of coefficients, we perform a cluster analysis based on t-values of the geographically weighted regression.


The geographically weighted regression analysis shows that relationships between the under-five mortality rate and factors for socioeconomic, development, and environmental health factors vary spatially in terms of direction, strength, and extent when considering: female literacy and labor force participation; share of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes; access to electricity; safe water and sanitation; road infrastructure; and medical facilities. This spatial heterogeneity is accompanied by significant changes over time in the roles that these factors play in under-five mortality. Important local determinants of under-five mortality in 2011 were female literacy, female labor force participation, access to sanitation facilities and electricity; while the key local determinants in 1991 were road infrastructure, safe water, and medical facilities. We identify six different clusters based on geographically weighted regression coefficients that broadly encompass the same districts in both periods; but these clusters do not follow the regional boundaries suggested by the previous studies. In particular, the high mortality states of India that are often typically classified as high focus states were classified into three different clusters based on the relationship of the factors associated with under-five mortality.


This study demonstrates the utility of combining geographically weighted regression and cluster analyses as a methodological approach to study local-level variation in public health indicators, and it could be applied in any country using aggregate-level information from census or survey data. Identifying local predictors of under-five mortality is important for designing interventions in specific districts. Additional reduction in under-five mortality will only be possible with intervention programs designed at the local level, which take into consideration local level determinants of under-five mortality.

Declan French 《Health economics》2016,25(10):1312-1325
There has been little assessment of the role the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have had in progressing international development. There has been a 41% reduction in the under‐five mortality rate worldwide from 1990 to 2011 and an acceleration in the rate of reduction since 2000. This paper explores why this has occurred, and results for all developing countries indicate that it is not due to more healthcare or public health interventions but is driven by a coincidental burst of economic growth. Although the MDGs are considered to have played an important part in securing progress against poverty, hunger and disease, there is very little evidence to back this viewpoint up. A thorough analysis of the successes and failures of the MDGs is therefore necessary before embarking on a new round of global goals. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

PurposeTo explore trends in teen birth rates by selected demographics.MethodsWe used birth certificate data and joinpoint regression to examine trends in teen birth rates by age (10–14, 15–17, and 18–19 years) and race during 1981–2006 and by age and Hispanic origin during 1990–2006. Joinpoint analysis describes changing trends over successive segments of time and uses annual percentage change (APC) to express the amount of increase or decrease within each segment.ResultsFor teens younger than 18 years, the decline in birth rates began in 1994 and ended in 2003 (APC: ?8.03% per year for ages 10–14 years; APC: ?5.63% per year for ages 15–17 years). The downward trend for 18- and 19-year-old teens began earlier (1991) and ended 1 year later (2004) (APC: ?2.37% per year). For each study population, the trend was approximately level during the most recent time segment, except for continuing declines for 18- and 19-year-old white and Asian/Pacific Islander teens. The only increasing trend in the most recent time segment was for 18- and 19-year-old Hispanic teens. During these declines, the age distribution of teens who gave birth shifted to slightly older ages, and the percentage whose current birth was at least their second birth decreased.ConclusionsTeen birth rates were generally level during 2003/2004–2006 after the long-term declines. Rates increased among older Hispanic teens. These results indicate a need for renewed attention to effective teen pregnancy prevention programs in specific populations.  相似文献   

Information regarding pubertal development, sex, pregnancy, and contraception should be provided to children and adolescents in an age-appropriate manner from parents, health care providers, and schools. This article reviews the medical literature on school sex education programs, adolescents' perception of these programs, and the role played by the media, parents, and health care professionals in sexual education of teens.  相似文献   

Severe flooding occurred in the midwestern United States in 2001. Since November 2000, coincidentally, data on gastrointestinal symptoms had been collected for a drinking water intervention study in a community along the Mississippi River that was affected by the flood. After the flood had subsided, the authors asked these subjects (n = 1,110) about their contact with floodwater. The objectives of this investigation were to determine whether rates of gastrointestinal illness were elevated during the flood and whether contact with floodwater was associated with increased risk of gastrointestinal illness. An increase in the incidence of gastrointestinal symptoms during the flood was observed (incidence rate ratio = 1.29, 95% confidence interval: 1.06, 1.58), and this effect was pronounced among persons with potential sensitivity to infectious gastrointestinal illness. Tap water consumption was not related to gastrointestinal symptoms before, during, or after the flood. An association between gastrointestinal symptoms and contact with floodwater was also observed, and this effect was pronounced in children. This appears to be the first report of an increase in endemic gastrointestinal symptoms in a longitudinal cohort prospectively observed during a flood. These findings suggest that severe climatic events can result in an increase in the endemic incidence of gastrointestinal symptoms in the United States.  相似文献   

In response to the increase in children's weight in recent decades, many states, school districts, and schools in the United States have limited or eliminated the sale of sweetened beverages at school. These policies are promoted for their potential to reduce childhood overweight and obesity, but their effectiveness has not been evaluated. Using a large nationally representative longitudinal dataset, the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten (ECLS-K), this study explores the relationship between children's access to sweetened beverages at school in 5th and 8th grade, their purchases and total consumption of these beverages, and their weight. We find almost no evidence that availability of sweetened beverages for sale at school leads to heavier weight or greater risk of overweight or obesity among children. We also find limited evidence that availability of sweetened beverages for sale at school leads to higher total consumption of these beverages.  相似文献   

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