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目的了解医务人员发生职业暴露人群的分布特征、危险因素与风险环节。方法对某院所有医务人员2011年1月—2014年6月发生的职业暴露进行风险监控,分别从发生职业暴露者的职业类别,暴露的地点、环节以及方式进行数据统计。结果 286例次职业暴露者中,男性63例(22.03%),女性223例(77.97%);2011年111例次(38.81%),2012年75例次(26.22%),2013年67例次(23.43%),2014年1—6月份33例次(11.54%);对不同人群发生职业暴露者统计数据显示,各年度不同人群发生职业暴露所占百分比相似,由高到低依次为护士(31.97)%、医师(19.90%)、护工(15.79%)、技师(7.64%)、护师(4.17%)和保洁员(2.84%);整理废物、拔针或更换针头、丢弃锐器入利器盒、手术缝合或器械传递、各种穿刺(含抽血)操作时的锐器伤是医务人员发生职业暴露损伤的主要风险环节,其构成比分别为22.38%、19.58%、14.34%、12.94%和11.19%;各年度职业暴露发生地点相似,主要是病房、手术室和注射(治疗)室,其构成比分别为51.40%、19.58%和11.54%。结论医院应建立完善的职业暴露监控与风险管理体系,强化标准预防,加强对职业暴露高危人群的培训,对风险环节及危险因素进行监控和干预,以有效降低医务人员职业暴露发生率。  相似文献   

Nowadays health care worker (HCW) vaccination is widely recommended. Although the benefits of this strategy have been demonstrated in long-term care settings, no studies have been performed in regular hospital departments. We adapt a previously developed model of influenza transmission in a long-term care nursing home department to study the effects of HCW vaccination in hospital wards. We study both the effectiveness and efficiency in reducing the hazard rates of influenza virus infection for patients. Most scenarios under study show a similar or higher impact of hospital HCW vaccination than has been predicted for the long-term care nursing home department. Therefore, it seems justified to extend the recommendations for HCW vaccination, based on results in the long-term care setting, to short-term care settings as well.  相似文献   

Objective Health care workers (HCWs) are exposed to bloodborne pathogens, especially hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through job-related risk factors like needlestick, stab, scratch, cut, or other bloody injuries. Needlestick injuries can be prevented by safer devices. Methods The purpose of this study was to investigate the frequency and causes of needlestick injuries in a German university hospital. Data were obtained by an anonymous, self-reporting questionnaire. We calculated the share of reported needlestick injuries, which could have been prevented by using safety devices. Results 31.4% (n = 226) of participant HCWs had sustained at least one needlestick injury in the last 12 months. A wide variation in the number of reported needlestick injuries was evident across disciplines, ranging from 46.9% (n = 91/194) among medical staff in surgery and 18.7% (n = 53/283) among HCWs in pediatrics. Of all occupational groups, physicians have the highest risk to experience needlestick injuries (55.1%—n = 129/234). Evaluating the kind of activity under which the needlestick injury occurred, on average 34% (n = 191/561) of all needlestick injuries could have been avoided by the use of safety devices. Taking all medical disciplines and procedures into consideration, safety devices are available for 35.1% (n = 197/561) of needlestick injuries sustained. However, there was a significant difference across various medical disciplines in the share of needlestick injuries which might have been avoidable: Pediatrics (83.7%), gynecology (83.7%), anesthesia (59.3%), dermatology (33.3%), and surgery (11.9%). In our study, only 13.2% (n = 74/561) of needlestick injuries could have been prevented by organizational measures. Conclusion There is a high rate of needlestick injuries in the daily routine of a hospital. The rate of such injuries depends on the medical discipline. Implementation of safety devices will lead to an improvement in medical staff’s health and safety.  相似文献   

目的了解医护人员手卫生状况,为进一步提高手卫生依从性提供依据。方法 2012—2014年某院采取多项手卫生干预措施,对每年8月1—31日医护人员手卫生依从性和各年度医院感染情况进行调查统计。结果 2012—2014年医护人员手卫生依从率分别为59.55%、62.13%和65.16%,呈增高趋势,(χ2=10.018,P=0.002);医院感染率分别为2.13%、1.48%和1.06%,呈降低趋势(χ2=82.377,P0.001);医生手卫生依从率(57.97%)低于护士(65.97%);不同手卫生时刻中接触患者前的手卫生依从率最低(41.32%),而接触患者体液后依从率最高(76.47%)。结论该院手卫生综合干预措施已初见成效,完善并提高医护人员手卫生依从性有利于预防医院感染。  相似文献   

目的了解传染病医院医务人员结核(TB)感染现况,探讨其感染TB的危险性及影响因素。方法对某传染病医院的全体医务工作者进行问卷调查和TB菌素纯蛋白衍化物(PPD)试验检测。结果该传染病医院全体职工TB感染发病率为48.18%。不同科室医务工作者的TB感染情况差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),不同工作年限、不同年龄、不同职称的医务工作者TB感染情况差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。文化程度、职称、目前居住情况、在结核感染门诊或病区的工作时间是TB感染的危险因素,其OR(95%CI)分别为1.70(1.03~2.80)、1.95(1.10~3.45)、1.84(1.03~3.28)、2.38(1.40~4.04);个人防护是TB感染的保护因素[OR及OR95%CI为0.92(0.85~0.99)]。结论传染病医院的医务工作者是TB感染的高危人群,应加强自我防护意识,及早采取防护措施。  相似文献   

目的了解某院医务人员发生锐器伤的人群分布特征和风险环节,为制定有效防护措施提供依据。方法回顾性调查2014年1-12月该三级甲等医院医务人员上报医院感染管理科的职业暴露情况,分析发生锐器伤者的职业类别、暴露地点及环节、暴露源等情况。结果2014年1-12月共监测医务人员2 643名,发生锐器伤61名,其中护士43名(占70.49%),医生13名(占21.31%)。医务人员锐器伤职业暴露科室主要为骨科(9名,占14.75%),致伤锐器主要为输液针(33名,占54.10%),发生的主要操作环节为拔针(21名,占34.43%);暴露源主要为乙型肝炎病毒(HBV),共36例(占59.01%);34名(占55.74%)锐器伤职业暴露医务人员在操作中均未戴手套。锐器伤职业暴露后进行局部处理者54名(占88.52%),进行药物治疗(含预防用药)者仅18名(占29.51%);追踪随访43名(占70.49%),均未因暴露而发生感染。结论医院应建立完善的锐器伤职业暴露监控体系,加强对发生锐器伤高危人群的培训,强化标准预防,对风险环节进行监控和干预,有效减少医务人员锐器伤的发生。  相似文献   

A prevalence study of HBV serologic markers was carried out among hospital employees of ten departments of the Second School of Medicine in Naples, an urban area with a high prevalence of HBV infection.Departments and occupational categories were selected to represent a spectrum of different exposure to B virus infection. Workers in a large electronic plant in the same geographical area were screened as controls. HBsAg prevalence was 4.8% in the hospital community and 4.0% in control group. It rises to 4.3% in the Campania Region, where all screened workers live, and in some specific areas of the same region it rises to 12%. But no significant difference among seropositivities for at least 1 marker of HBV, considered to be a better indicator of occupational hazard, was found among personnel of different departments or belonging to different occupational categories. None of the occupational and non-occupational risk factors studied was found to be significantly associated with HBV infection.Two years later, an incidence study was carried out among susceptible subjects. Seropositivity for 1 marker was 2.2% among hospital workers and 2.8% in the control group. These figures are lower than the annual attack rate (5%) required for an acceptable cost-benefit ratio of vaccination against hepatitis B.Our results indicate that in a geographical area with HBV endemicity the occupational hazard for B virus infection is low in hospital workers because of the high number of immunized subjects and the contacts with infected people out of the hospital.  相似文献   

目的了解医务工作者针刺伤现况并分析原因,以探讨有效的针刺伤防护策略。方法回顾性调查某院2013年1月—2015年12月医院感染管理科登记的针刺伤案例并进行分析。结果共发生164例针刺伤,其中医生71名(43.29%),护士81名(49.39%),其他医务人员12名(7.32%)。2013年发生针刺伤事件47例(28.66%),2014年54例(32.93%),2015年63例(38.41%)。医疗器械为受污染器械的有152例(92.68%),医疗器械污染情况未知的有9例(5.49%),而未受污染的器械仅为3例(1.83%)。164例针刺伤发生地点以手术室最多(67例,占40.85%);针刺伤发生部位以手指的发生率最高(141例,占85.98%);发生针刺伤的原因以粗心、工作繁忙或者未按规范操作为主(115例,占70.12%),医生发生针刺伤的原因以工作经验不足者最多,占52.11%,护士发生针刺伤原因以粗心、工作繁忙或者未按规范操作者最多,占93.83%。结论医务人员针刺伤案例逐年增多,应加强医务人员职业防护意识,加强医院感染管理制度建设,改善医疗环境等措施减少针刺伤的发生。  相似文献   

目的探讨北京市医务人员心理健康状况特征,发现可能存在的心理问题。方法应用症状自评量表(SCL-90)和人口学特征问卷,对北京市5所三级综合医院的2460名医务人员进行调查。结果三级综合医院医务人员心理健康状况除阳性项目数高于全国常模外,其他均低于全国常模;不同年龄、性别、文化程度、职称、工龄、工作形式、科室、专业、行政职务等人口学特征的医务人员在SCL-90上差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);中度以上心理问题检出率为17.6%,高于一般水平。结论三级综合医院医务人员心理问题比一般人群突出,应注重医务人员的压力管理。  相似文献   

目的对江苏省扬州市医务人员的吸烟行为和控烟知识现状进行调查,为今后在医务人员群体中实施控烟干预提供依据。方法采用问卷调查的方法,对扬州市4家医疗机构605名直接从事医务工作的人员进行问卷调查。结果医务人员人群总吸烟率为16.03%,现在吸烟率为11.57%;烟草危害的知晓率为73.61%,7种吸烟相关疾病的知晓率为71.00%,6种被动吸烟相关疾病的知晓率为77.60%;对医疗机构控烟认同率为83.63%;43.46%的医务人员获得过控烟方面的知识培训,能为病人制定戒烟计划的有1.69%;能对病人在门诊和病房提供健康教育的有31.40%。结论医务人员人群烟草相关知识掌握相对不足,应当进一步加强医务人员控烟知识和技能的健康教育和培训,改变其吸烟行为,同时也更好地推动社会控烟工作。  相似文献   

目的了解某三级综合医院医务人员职业暴露情况,分析职业暴露发生原因及预防对策。方法对某院2010年1月—2013年12月134例发生职业暴露的医务人员进行调查。结果暴露人群中,护士所占比率最高(59.70%),其次是医生(19.40%)、医技人员(9.70%)。职业暴露主要原因为锐器管理不规范(占46.27%,62例),其次为操作意外(占42.54%,57例)、防护措施不足所致(占11.19%,15例);暴露方式以锐器伤为主(占94.78%,127例),黏膜接触暴露占5.22%(7例),暴露源不明确者占42.54%,暴露源明确者占57.46%,其中乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)、丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)、梅毒螺旋体(TP)、人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)分别占35.82%、12.69%、3.73%、2.24%;HBV、HCV合并感染占2.24%(3例);HIV、HBV、HCV、TP合并感染占0.74%(1例)。职业暴露后正确处理率为95.52%。结论护士是职业暴露高危群体,做好职业防护,并规范锐器管理,可以减少医务人员职业暴露发生。  相似文献   

目的掌握某院医务人员血源性职业暴露的流行病学特征。方法采用随机偶遇的方法对该院374名临床医务人员进行回顾性问卷调查。结果医务人员职业暴露后处理内容和处理流程正确率分别为54.81%(205/374)、89.84%(336/374)。 共发生血源性职业暴露174例、533例次,暴露率为46.52%(174/374)。不同科室、岗位医务人员职业暴露率比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);外科、儿科和内科的医务人员暴露率较高,分别为64.46%(78/121)、60.00%(18/30)和40.00%(50/125);护士和医生暴露率较高,分别为51.52%(102/198)、47.27%(52/110)。医务人员血源性暴露时间主要集中在上午和晚上,穿刺、采血或处理物品为主要的暴露环节,暴露地点主要是病房和手术或换药室。结论该院医务人员血源性职业暴露率较高,应加强医院高危科室、人员和操作的血源性职业暴露防控措施的落实。  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus infection (HCV) is the most frequent cause of hepatic infection in Europe. In Italy, anti-HCV positivity values are extremely variable, depending on the age and geographic location of the population being analysed. The aims of the study were: (1) evaluating positivity for anti-HCV antibodies in various age groups and determining the HBsAg in a mountainous and predominantly farming area in central Italy; (2) assessing some anamnestic and clinical variables through a questionnaire, submitted during the taking of blood samples, in order to determine HCV exposure and risk factors for the target population. 344 subjects selected by random sampling among 3308 people, older than 16, were considered as the target population. A prevalence study was carried out. The sources of data were: blood samples taken to carry out the HCV positivity test; a questionnaire including items about exposures at risk and case-historical and clinical patient data. The risk of infection was evaluated by a multiple logistic regression model. The inferred HCV+ prevalence rate is 22.4/100 (95% confidence interval (CI): 20.8–24.1). An increasing age trend is shown with a higher positive predominance among females (28.99/100 vs. 14.29/100 in males). The positive HBsAg prevalence in the examined survey is 1.2/100. Variables associated with the HCV occurrence are case history of pneumonopathy (OR: 4.9) and exposure to parenteral therapies with glass syringes (OR: 3.3). This study is consistent with literature about the hypothesis of a north-south geographic gradient in the hepatitis C occurrence in Italy. Data clearly show the effects of the inappropriate use of medical or surgery practices on the population, with particular reference to the use of glass syringes. No elements prove that the farming features of the area may be predictive of HCV infection risk. The extent of the recorded prevalence values calls for the implementation of programmes aimed at detecting clusters or population areas at risk.  相似文献   

目的了解医务人员手卫生认知现状及其影响因素,为手卫生的科学管理提供依据。方法 2013年4月采用随机抽样的方法抽取某综合性三级甲等医院在岗医务人员,对其进行问卷调查,调查其近1个月手卫生实施情况及手卫生知识认知状况等。结果调查750名医务人员,共回收有效问卷652份。医务人员每天进行洗手及卫生手消毒的次数以10~19次居多,分别占46.62%和47.85%;每次洗手时间≥30 s者占30.52%,洗手后采用纸巾擦拭干手者占60.58%,日常工作中按六步洗手法进行手卫生者占57.21%。临床10种需实施手卫生的认知状况调查总体正确率为68.68%。医务人员主观认为的影响手卫生实施的因素有:洗手液、手消毒剂刺激皮肤(63.34%);工作环境中洗手池数量太少(41.10%);洗手液、手消毒剂、干手纸费用太高(38.96%)等。结论除加强手卫生宣教外,配置合理的手卫生设施和提高手卫生的规范性是综合医院进一步加强手卫生的重点。  相似文献   

目的了解医务人员职业暴露与防护工作现状,为制定职业暴露防护措施提供依据。方法采用分层抽样方法于2016年4月6日—5月6日向全国13个省份158所不同级别医院发放调查问卷进行调查,分别调查各所医院开展职业暴露监测首年、2010年及2015年的职业暴露与防护管理及监测情况。结果81.65%(129/158)的医院医务人员职业暴露管理工作由医院感染管理部门负责;98.73%(156/158)的医院制定了相关规章制度;77.22%(122/158)的医院存在医务人员职业暴露漏报现象。共发生职业暴露事件11 116例,调查首年发生1 542例,2010年发生2 474例,2015年发生7 100例。锐器伤在各类职业暴露类型中占96.76%;职业暴露人员职业分布中,护理人员占53.90%;职业暴露人员科室来源主要为普通病房、手术室、重症监护病房等;引起医务人员职业暴露器具主要为注射器、头皮钢针、手术缝针等;静脉注射、针头丢入利器盒、手术缝针等是引起医务人员职业暴露的高危操作;在职业暴露源阳性分布中,以乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)为主,占58.69%。结论我国医务人员面临职业暴露的风险大,危害重,形势严峻,应通过政府立法、推广应用安全器具、规范医务人员操作行为、正确使用个人防护用品、强化医务人员教育与培训、建立健全职业暴露报告、评估和随访机制等措施,以切实减少职业暴露的发生。  相似文献   

目的了解综合性医院医护人员工作服染菌情况,并提出相应的管理措施。方法连续采集某院2012年5—10月呼吸内科、普通外科、妇科和儿科医务人员穿着清洁工作服后第1、3、7天的样本,共120件,360份标本,对医护人员工作服染菌量进行监测和比较分析。结果穿着不同时间段工作服染菌量比较,差异有统计学意义。工作服穿着时间越长,染菌量越大。护士与医生[(10.65±3.38)CFU/cm2 vs(7.68±2.99)CFU/cm2],手术科室与非手术科室[(10.43±4.12)CFU/cm2 vs(8.60±3.01)CFU/cm2]医务人员穿着工作服平均菌落数比较,差异均有统计学意义(U值分别为5.06、2.78,均P0.01),护士工作服的污染程度高于医生,手术科室高于非手术科室。工作服不同部位污染超标率比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=33.12,P0.01);其中袖口污染最严重,其次是腹部和胸前,污染超标率分别是73.33%、58.33%、36.67%。结论应加强医务人员工作服清洗制度管理,建议医务人员工作服每周更换2次,污染严重的科室更换频率需加大。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the HIV seroconversion rate associated with different types of occupational exposures in health care workers. A longitudinal study was conducted from January 1986 to October 1992 in a teaching hospital in Spain, where HIV infection is prevalent among patients. Each health care worker was asked to complete a questionnaire regarding age, sex, staff category, lace of exposure, other exposures, type of exposure, body fluid, infected material and HIV status of source patient. These health care workers were then followed up at 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months with repeated test for HIV antibody. Four hundred twenty three reports of occupational exposure were analysed. Nursing was the profession with more exposures (42.8%). Ninety five percent of total exposures were percutaneous, 4% mucous membrane contacts and 1% skin contacts, 88.3% were described as blood contact and 71.8% had resulted from needlestick and suture needles. Exposures from HIV-positive patients comprised 23.2% of occupational exposures. There was a significant difference in the length of follow-up in physicians (p=0.00009) and nurses (p=0.00001), when we compared HIV-positive patients with patients in whom the HIV status was unknown or negative. The HIV seroconversion rate was 0.00%. We consider that the risk of acquiring HIV infection via contact with a patient is low, but not zero. Well documented cases of seroconversion have been published. Because it is often impossible to know a patient's infection status, health care workers should follow for rotine the universal precautions for all patients when there is a possibility of exposure to blood or other body fluid. Equally important is the development of new techniques to minimize the risk of exposures to blood.  相似文献   

目的分析医务人员锐器伤发生情况,为持续改进锐器伤安全管理工作提出建议。方法回顾性分析某院2006年8月—2015年7月上报的《锐器伤登记表》,分析统计相关资料。结果共上报211例锐器伤,主要人群为护士(118例,55.92%)和医生(83例,39.34%);工龄主要为5年及以下者(117例,55.45%);发生地点主要为外科病房(67例,31.75%)、内科病房(65例,30.81%)及门急诊(33例,15.64%);致伤物主要为注射器针头(91例,43.13%)、缝合针(34例,16.11%)和头皮针/输液器针头(27例,12.80%);主要致伤操作为各种注射(40例,18.95%)、静脉输液(38例,18.00%)、手术缝合/剪断(36例,17.06%)。主要致伤环节为操作中(治疗、检查、手术),共109例(51.66%)。血源性病原体污染的器械中,HBV污染95例(76.61%),HCV污染25例(20.16%),HIV污染4例(3.23%)。无血源性病原体感染病例发生。211例医务人员接种乙肝疫苗者155例(73.46%)。结论应重点针对工作时间≤5年的护士和医生,外科病房、内科病房及门急诊的医务人员,注射、静脉输液、缝合/剪断等操作时做好锐器伤防护工作。医院相关部门完善上报流程,加强追踪。  相似文献   

Annual vaccination rates among French health care workers (HCWs) are in decline even in Emergency Services to which patients at highest risk of influenza complications are admitted, and in which HCWs have the greatest risk of exposure to influenza from patients. We aimed here to identify knowledge and attitudes towards influenza vaccination of HCWs in Emergency Services. We collected 344 self-administered questionnaires of 1060 HCWs. Only 18% of HCWs were vaccinated against influenza. Physicians were vaccinated more often (55%) than nurses (16%) or aid nurses (11%). The most important barriers to vaccination were reported as being a lack of time (33%), lack of safety of the vaccine (31%), fear of contracting influenza due to vaccination (29%), and lack of effectiveness (23%). Being vaccinated was significantly related to a higher knowledge score based on epidemiological influenza items (OR (95% CI)) (1.63 (1.08–2.46)) and vaccine features items (2.36 (1.36–4.10)).  相似文献   

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