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目的对一组汉语普通话双音节词表的等价性进行分析。方法选择12名听力正常的受试者对已编辑好的6张(每张40词)等言语识别阈级并具有粗放"音位平衡"特征的汉语普通话双音节词表进行等价性实验,每张词表在言语听力级0、4、8、12dBHL等4个强度上进行测试,受试者聆听6张词表的顺序不同。受试者依强度从低到高的顺序进行4轮测试,记录每张词表在各强度级的正确率。使用SPSS12.0统计软件对各张词表的正确率进行双因素方差分析(词表序号、测试强度)。结果6张词表相互间等价性较好(F=0.022,P〉0.01),不同测试强度下得分有显著差异(F=583.249,P〈0.01)。结论一组具有等价性及音位平衡特征的汉语普通话双音节词表已编制完成。  相似文献   

目的绘制"男女声录制普通话言语测听材料"中单音节和双音节词表以及短句表的言语识别率-强度函数(Performance-intensity function,P-I)曲线,获得正常人P-I函数曲线的言语识别阈和斜率两个参数,并加以分析比较。方法选择耳科正常人20名,采用江苏省人民医院耳鼻咽喉科编写的"男女声录制普通话言语测听词表",包括单音节词表6张、双音节词表8张及短句表5张,先分别获得其20%~80%的言语识别率范围所需的6个强度点,计算出各词表在各个强度下的识别率、言语识别阈、20%~80%的斜率和50%的斜率,采用Logistic回归函数进行分析,绘制其P-I曲线。结果(1)单音节词表:20%~80%言语识别率范围所需强度为21、25、25、30、35、40d B(SPL),线性范围斜率为(3.5±0.1)%/d B,平均言语识别阈为28.5±0.5 d B SPL;(2)双音节词表:20%~80%言语识别率范围所需强度为20、22、24、26、28、30 d B(SPL),线性范围斜率为(6.3±0.5)%/d B,平均言语识别阈为24.4±0.5 d B SPL;(3)句表:20%~80%言语识别率范围所需强度为22、24、26、28、30、32d B(SPL),线性范围斜率为(7.2±0.4)%/d B,平均言语识别阈26.3±0.7 d B SPL。结论(1)三类词表正常人P-I曲线均呈侧向拉伸的S型,其言语识别率随着言语刺激信号强度的增加而增加,并在言语刺激信号强度上升一定程度后趋于稳定,从而达到最大言语识别率。(2)句表的20%-80%线性范围斜率最大,其P-I函数曲线走形最陡峭。  相似文献   

Tests of word recognition ability (formerly Speech Discrimination) should be suitable for the linguistic background of the person being tested. Few efforts have been made to develop a standardized test in the Spanish language. Current literature reports on six studies that have several drawbacks. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate a commercially available Spanish language test. The material consists of four lists of 50 bisyllabic tetraphonemic Spanish words. The words were recorded at a professional laboratory (Auditec of St. Louis) by a native Spanish speaker. In the present study, the lists were evaluated in terms of interlist equivalence, word difficulty, intelligibility of the talker, and slope of the performance/intensity (PI) function. Taped lists were presented to 16 normal-hearing native Spanish speaking adults at four presentation levels. Mean intelligibility scores were poorest for list three. Statistical analysis indicated that the intelligibility of list three is significantly different than the other lists at the 0.05 level. On the average, at low presentation levels, the nine subjects of Mexican origin obtained better scores than the seven subjects of other nationalities. The slope of the PI-PB function (4.3%) was comparable to that obtained by other investigators of English lists. The words most frequently missed contain the /s/ sound and are words that retain their meaning even after deletion of the final /s/. The talker's speech intelligibility was judged to be very clear.  相似文献   

汉语普通话单音节测听字表的等价性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的对自行编制的单音节言语识别测听材料的录音版本进行等价性临床验证,以获得良好的测试信度。方法对编制好的30张单音节字表(每张表包含25个单音节字)进行数字化录音和处理,调整各测试表的均方根强度。选择60名听力正常人进行等价性实验。每位受试者在6个不同给声强度以随机顺序聆听30张字表。每张字表在言语听力级-8dB、-2dB、4dB、8dB、14dB、20dB等6个言语听力级上进行测试,每个强度测试10个不同的受试者。以百分比记录60名受试者对各张字表的正确识别率,通过logistic曲线拟合绘出每张字表的识别得分随言语声强度级变化的PI曲线。对30张字表的正确识别率进行双因素方差分析和Post-Hoc两两比较。结果筛选出22张相互间等价性较好的汉语普通话单音节测试字表(P=0.175)。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine in listeners with normal hearing and listeners with sensorineural hearing loss the within- and between-group differences obtained with 4 commonly available speech-in-noise protocols. METHOD: Recognition performances by 24 listeners with normal hearing and 72 listeners with sensorineural hearing loss were compared for 4 speech-in-noise protocols that varied with respect to the amount of contextual cues conveyed in the target signal. The protocols studied included the Bamford-Kowal-Bench Speech-in-Noise Test (BKB-SIN; Etymōtic Research, 2005; J. Bench, A. Kowal, & J. Bamford, 1979; P. Niquette et al., 2003), the Quick Speech-in-Noise Test (QuickSIN; M. C. Killion, P. A. Niquette, G. I. Gudmundsen, L. J. Revit, & S. Banerjee, 2004), and the Words-in-Noise test (WIN; R. H. Wilson, 2003; R. H. Wilson & C. A. Burks, 2005), each of which used multitalker babble and a modified method of constants, as well as the Hearing in Noise Test (HINT; M. Nilsson, S. Soli, & J. Sullivan, 1994), which used speech-spectrum noise and an adaptive psychophysical procedure. RESULTS: The 50% points for the listeners with normal hearing were in the 1- to 4-dB signal-to-babble ratio (S/B) range and for the listeners with hearing loss in the 5- to 14-dB S/B range. Separation between groups was least with the BKB-SIN and HINT (4-6 dB) and most with the QuickSIN and WIN (8-10 dB). CONCLUSION: The QuickSIN and WIN materials are more sensitive measures of recognition performance in background noise than are the BKB-SIN and HINT materials.  相似文献   

目的研究耳鸣患者静息态fMRI的区域一致性(regional homogeneity,Reho)值脑区功能及中枢网络连接特点,从神经影像学及功能连接方面进一步阐明耳鸣的中枢发病机制。方法对18例耳鸣患者与20例年龄、性别相匹配的健康人群的分别行静息态功能性核磁共振(fMRI)检查,分析比较其Reho值变化,再将异常脑区或听觉中枢做为种子点行功能网络连接,研究耳鸣患者的脑区及功能网络连接变化。结果 ReHo表现为耳鸣组>正常组的脑区有双侧额下回、右侧颞中回、双侧中央后回;耳鸣组<正常组的脑区有小脑半球。经FWE严格校正后耳鸣组比对照组增强的区域为额下回(FWE P<0.05)减弱的区域为小脑前叶(FWE P<0.05,cluster level)。以额下回IFG作为种子点行功能连接,发现对照组>耳鸣组的区域为中脑(FWE,P<0.001)及右腹侧纹状体(FWE P<0.05,Small volume correction)。结论耳鸣的fMRI结果显示耳鸣患者的听觉中枢及非听觉中枢均在耳鸣中起重要作用,中枢功能连接提示耳鸣患者听觉脑区丘脑、颞中回与边缘系统海马旁回、岛叶等存在功能连接是导致耳鸣发生发展的原因之一。  相似文献   

嘈杂语噪声下汉语整句识别的同质性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 获得嘈杂语噪声背景下汉语短句识别率一信噪比(Performance-Intensity,P-I)函数的斜率和50%的得分所对应的信噪比(记为SNR50),并对所有短句的同质性进行评估和调整.方法 采用16张(每张20句)新编嘈杂语噪声下汉语普通话短句识别表作为测试材料.选取年龄为21~25岁之间、听力/言语发育正常且日常以汉语普通话为交流方式的48名受试者按"随机区组设计"在-1、-4、-7、-10 dB四种信噪比条件下进行言语识别率的心理声学测量.使用Statistica7.0软件进行P-I函数拟合和统计分析.结果 320句语句在嘈杂语噪声下的言语识别P-I函数曲线的阈值呈正态分布,斜率呈不规则分布.剔除P-I函数强健性增长(斜率>55%/dB)的语句,并保留阈值变异度在±2σ内的语句,精选出同质性良好的240句.结论 逐个调整每句的SNR以实现同质性,可为编制"等言语识别阈级"的句表奠定扎实的心理声学基础.  相似文献   

儿童语言理解常模词表的研究对于语言本体和应用都具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。本文介绍了自建的汉语儿童语料库和流通语料库的理论、方法和词频统计结果,通过对比分析论述儿童语言理解常模词表研究的理论依据和具体方法,探讨了基于语料库研究儿童语言理解常模词表的可行性路线。  相似文献   

Auditec cassette tape recordings of NU-6 word lists were used to obtain performance-intensity functions for phonetically balanced words (PI-PB) from 25 subjects with normal hearing, 19 subjects with presumed cochlear disorders, and 9 subjects with confirmed retrocochlear lesions. A rollover index greater than .35 differentiated retrocochlear hearing loss from cochlear hearing loss, although some retrocochlear subjects scored well below that level. Factors that may contribute to differences among PI-PB studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Phonetically balanced word lists have many applications, including the field of audiometric testing, as equivalent test material. An experiment designed to assess the effects of digitizing parameters on speech intelligibility has shown, following detailed analysis, that the lists show a degree of non-equivalence. The reasons for this are explored and questions asked about the fundamental principles involved in describing speech forms. Other approaches to this kind of assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

一组普通话音位平衡单音节字表的文字编撰   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
目的编写一组适用于言语识别率测试的音位平衡的单音节测听词表。方法为兼顾测试的可靠性与临床实践中的效率,本课题将简短原则、音位平衡原则、常用字原则、覆盖原则、表间等价性等作为词表编写的主要原则。共设计了30张词表、每张词表包含25个单音节测试项。参照《声学手册》中的汉语音位一维概率分布,计算得到汉语拼音的22个声母(含零声母)、36个韵母、4个声调在30张词表、750个单音节测试项中的分布频次。基于音位平衡原则,通过计算机辅助编程和手动调整,从现代汉语常用字表的一级最常用汉字2500字和常用词表4000词中的单字词表中进行音节编选。结果形成了30张包含声母、韵母、声调在内的音位分配表。选取了489个音节,编撰了30张遵循音位平衡的单音节字表,每张表25字。结论该表文字稿是今后制作汉语音位平衡的单音节语音测试录音材料的基础。  相似文献   

目的 对经由语音学专家修订的24张普通话单音节小词表进行不同信噪比下的言语识别率测试和难度等价性评估,以期选出具有较高信度者用于临床和科研工作.方法 选取听力言语正常的青年受试者48例,运用首都医科大学生物医学工程学院与首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院(以下简称北京同仁医院)联合开发的汉语言语测听智能化系统,在4种不同信噪比下通过同侧耳机给声,对受试者进行24张单音节小词表言语识别率的心理声学测量.使用SPSS 17.0软件进行P-I函数拟合和统计分析.结果 (1)24张普通话单音节小词表中11张彼此难度等价;(2)线性拟合了24张小词表噪声下信噪比一言语识别率的P-I曲线;(3)得到24张小词表噪声下信噪比-言语识别率的线性拟合方程,并分别反解出各表识别率为50%点处对应信噪比,24张词表总方程该点对应信噪比为-0.03 dB.结论 本试验初步证明.所得等价的11张普通话单音节小词表,可初步应用于临床测试和试验研究,并在正常人群中交互使用.  相似文献   

普通话单音节词言语测听材料的等价性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的评估按照语音平衡和音素平衡的原则编制出的汉语(普通话)测听词汇表(MandarinSpeechTestMaterials,MSTM)中单音节词言语测听词表,以适用于临床诊断和康复效果的评估。方法分析60例正常听力者接受词表测试的结果,比较表间的难度,寻找难度一致的单音节词表作为测试用表。结果10张单音节词测试表可以分成两部分,测试表一、二、三、五、六、七、八、九、十难度具有等价性;测试表一、三、四、五、六、七、八、九、十难度具有等价性。结论分成的这两部分所包含的九张测试表之间具有等价性,可以初步应用于临床,但在推广前尚需更大样本测试。  相似文献   

Objectives: The goal of this work was to develop and normalise an international French version of the AzBio sentence test.

Design: A corpus of 1000 sentences was generated. These sentences were recorded with four talkers and processed through a four-channel cochlear implant simulation. The mean intelligibility for each sentence achieved by 16 normal-hearing listeners was computed. The consecutively ordered 165 sentences from each talker rendering an average score of 85% were sequentially assigned to 33 lists of 20 sentences. All lists were presented to 30 normal-hearing and 25 hearing-impaired listeners in order to verify their equivalency. Thirty normal-hearing adults were also recruited to assess the test’s psychometrics and define norms.

Results: The results of the list equivalency validation study showed no significant differences in percent correct scores for 30 sentence lists. A binomial distribution model was used to estimate the 95% critical differences for each potential percentage score. Normalization data showed an average performance between 96% and 99% with a very low standard deviation.

Conclusions: With a set of 30 lists, researchers and clinicians can use the FrBio to evaluate a large number of experimental conditions; changes in performance over time or across conditions can then be tracked.  相似文献   

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