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In chloralose-anesthetized cats, we found that D-Pro2-D-Phe7-D-Trp9-substance P (40-100 micrograms), injected intrathecally, reduced the reflex pressor response to static muscular contraction by more than half. 相似文献
We previously reported that subarachnoid injection of a peptide antagonist to substance P attenuated by half the reflex pressor response to static muscular contraction. Subsequently, some of the peptide antagonists to substance P have been found to possess local anesthetic effects. Therefore, we have repeated our experiments using a substance P antiserum, which was shown to be without local anesthetic effect. We found that intrathecal injection of the antiserum attenuated by more than half the reflex pressor response to static contraction of the triceps surae muscles of cats. 相似文献
Blood pressure and heart rate reflexly increase during static muscle contraction in anesthetized cats. Previous studies have demonstrated that vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT) may act as neuromodulators to regulate cardiovascular responses elicited by contraction of skeletal muscle. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that neurons containing AVP and OT in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and the supraoptic nucleus (SON) of the hypothalamus are activated during static muscle contraction. A laminectomy was performed to expose the spinal cord and the peripheral cut ends of L7 and S1 ventral roots were stimulated electrically to induce muscle contraction. Hypothalamic neurons activated during the muscle contraction were identified by Fos-like immunoreactivity (FLI). Static muscle contraction significantly increased FLI in the PVN and SON, compared with sham-opeated cats. Double-staining of neurons in the PVN for AVP and OT showed that 22±4% of the AVP and 26±3% of the OT neurons in the PVN expressed FLI. In contrast, only 4±1% of the AVP and 3±1% of the OT neurons in the PVN were labeled with FLI in sham-operated animals. These results indicate that neurons in the PVN and SON of the hypothalamus were activated during static muscle contraction. Furthermore, as FLI was present in AVP and OT neurons, this suggests these neurons may constitute a part of the neural pathway involved in cardiovascular regulation during static muscle contraction. 相似文献
Muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) increases during isometric exercise via increased firing of low-threshold action potentials (AP), recruitment of larger, higher-threshold APs, and synaptic delay modifications. Recent work found that women with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) demonstrate exaggerated early-onset MSNA responses to exercise; however, it is unclear how PTSD affects AP recruitment patterns during fatiguing exercise. We hypothesized that women with PTSD (n?=?11, 43 [11] [SD] years) would exhibit exaggerated sympathetic neural recruitment compared to women without PTSD (controls; n?=?13, 40 [8] years). MSNA and AP discharge patterns (via microneurography and a continuous wavelet transform) were measured during 1 min of baseline, isometric handgrip exercise (IHG) to fatigue, 2 min of post-exercise circulatory occlusion (PECO), and 3 min of recovery. Women with PTSD were unable to increase AP content per burst compared to controls throughout IHG and PECO (main effect of group: P?=?0.026). Furthermore, relative to controls, women with PTSD recruited fewer AP clusters per burst during the first (controls: ?1.3 [1.2] vs. PTSD: ??0.2 [0.8]; P?=?0.016) and second minute (controls: ?1.2 [1.1] vs. PTSD: ??0.1 [0.8]; P?=?0.022) of PECO, and fewer subpopulations of larger, previously silent axons during the first (controls: ?5 [4] vs. PTSD: ?1 [2]; P?=?0.020) and second minute (controls: ?4 [2] vs. PTSD: ?1 [2]; P?=?0.021) of PECO. Conversely, PTSD did not modify the AP cluster size–latency relationship during baseline, the end of IHG, or PECO (all P?=?0.658–0.745). Collectively, these data indicate that women with PTSD demonstrate inherent impairments in the fundamental neural coding patterns elicited by the sympathetic nervous system during IHG and exercise pressor reflex activation. 相似文献
We recently demonstrated that applying capsaicin to the common peroneal nerve, thereby activating small diameter afferent neurons, caused a substantial rise in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) that lasted approximately 20 min. In addition, this application of capsaicin transiently attenuated the exercise pressor reflex (EPR). The purpose of the current study was to test the hypothesis that stimulating the peroneal nerve at an intensity that activated both myelinated and unmyelinated axons for a short duration (1 min) causes a similar attenuation of the EPR. Cats were anaesthetised with alpha-chloralose and urethane, the popliteal fossa was exposed, and static contraction was induced by stimulating the tibial nerve. The ipsilateral peroneal nerve was cut and placed on a stimulating electrode. Prior to peroneal nerve stimulation, static contraction of the triceps surae muscle for 1 min increased MAP 48+/-8 mmHg and HR 16+/-3 bpm. Electrical stimulation of the central end of the cut peroneal nerve for 1 min (100 x motor threshold; 40 Hz; 0.1 ms) increased MAP and HR by 62+/-11 mmHg and 28+/-4 bpm, respectively. These increases returned to prestimulation levels within 1 min. Two minutes after the peroneal stimulation was stopped, the EPR was markedly reduced as muscle contraction increased MAP and HR by 20+/-4 mmHg and 7+/-2 bpm, respectively. Repeating the muscle contraction approximately 25 min after peroneal stimulation increased MAP and HR by 38+/-8 mmHg and 12+/-2 bpm, indicating some recovery of the EPR. These results show that brief (1 min) electrical stimulation of afferent neurons in the peroneal nerve attenuates the EPR. This supports the hypothesis that strong activation of small diameter afferent neurons stimulates a nervous system mechanism that diminishes the sensory input from skeletal muscle involved in cardiovascular regulation. 相似文献
The medullary lateral tegmental field (LTF) has a major role in sympathetic nerve discharge (SND) rhythmicity, but its role in pressor reflexes generated by hindlimb muscular contraction (MC) is unknown. Therefore, two sets of experiments were performed in 17 chloralose-urethane anesthetized cats. First, response of single LTF neurons to MC induced by L7-S1 ventral root stimulation were examined. The majority (30 of 47) of LTF neurons increased firing during MC. Most LTF neurons had a basal discharge correlated with the 2–10 Hz rhythm of SND or the cardiac cycle and responded to increases in blood pressure. Only seven neurons were inhibited by MC, most having a respiratory rhythm. Second, pressor responses to MC and to caudal hypothalamic stimulation were examined before and after bilateral LTF microinjections of a synaptic blocker (CoCl 2) as well as with lidocaine. Microinjection of CoCl 2 or lidocaine significantly attenuating the dominant 2–10 Hz power coefficient of SND had no effect on the pressor responses to MC or caudal hypothalamic stimulation. Therefore, LTF may be important for basal rhythms in SND and may help synchronize SND during MC, but its contribution to basal rhythms is apparently not required for pressor reflexes evoked by hindlimb MC or hypothalamic stimulation. 相似文献
The subretrofacial nucleus (SRF) has been known to play a crucial role in the expression of the exercise pressor reflex. Previously, we have reported that the release of glutamate (Glu) in the SRF was increased during muscle contraction in anesthetized cats. In this study, static muscle contraction of the triceps surae for 4 min was induced by electrical stimulation of L7 and S1 ventral roots. Endogenous release of Glu and citrulline (Cit) from the SRF was recovered by microdialysis and measured by HPLC. The microdialysis probes were also used to deliver L-arginine and L-NAME to test the effect of nitric oxide (NO) on release of Glu in the SRF and on the cardiovascular responses during muscle contraction. During control, muscle contraction significantly increased mean arterial pressure (MAP) from 98+/-8 to 151+/-9 mmHg, and the extracellular concentration of Glu from 610+/-120 to 1280+/-290 nM. Dialyzing 2 mM L-arginine into the SRF increased basal Cit concentration from 260+/-50 to 760+/-210 nM (P<0.05). During contraction after L-arginine, the increases in MAP and Glu concentration were significantly attenuated (86+/-3-124+/-6 mmHg and 300+/-60-460+/-100 nM, respectively). Dialysis of 0.5 mM L-NAME into the SRF decreased Cit concentration from 340+/-40 to 180+/-20 nM (P<0.05). During contraction after dialyzing L-NAME, the increases in MAP and Glu concentration were significantly potentiated (93+/-6-154+/-9 mmHg and 520+/-80-1290+/-380 nM, respectively). These results suggest that endogenous NO modulates the cardiovascular responses to static muscle contraction by affecting the release of Glu in the SRF. 相似文献
Cell groups of the caudal brainstem were labeled with 2-[14C]deoxyglucose during the pressor response evoked by contraction of hindlimb muscles (exercise pressor reflex). The nuclear groups which were labeled in excess of control levels included: the lateral reticular nucleus, the inferior olive (medial accessory olive), and the lateral tegmental field (adjacent to the lateral reticular nucleus). 相似文献
Microinjections of cholinergic agonists into the ventrolateral medullary pressor area (VLPA) evoke increase in blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR). Recently two major subtypes of muscarinic receptors (M1 and M2) have been identified. This investigation was designed to study the role of these muscarinic receptor subtypes in pressor responses of cholinergic agonists in the VLPA. Male Wistar rats were anesthetized with pentobarbital or decerebrated at mid-collicular level. The rats were artificially ventilated and BP and HR were recorded. Ventral medulla was exposed and the VLPA identified bilaterally by microinjections of L-glutamate. Microinjections of cis-methyldioxolane (CD, a specific agonist of M2 receptors) in the doses of 0.004-4 nanomol (nmol)/site into the VLPA evoked an increase in BP (13-56 mm Hg) and HR (7-24 bpm) which lasted for 10-50 min. Intravenous injections of the same doses of this agent failed to evoke a response. AFDX-116 (a specific M2 muscarinic receptor antagonist) microinjected into the VLPA (0.2-1.6 nmol-/site) evoked depressor responses (6-20 mm Hg). Microinjections of this agent into the VLPA prevented the pressor responses to subsequent microinjections of CD at the same sites, indicating that AFDX-116 blocked M2 receptors. AFDX-116 rendered neurons in the VLPA unresponsive to L-glutamate but this effect lasted for 30-40 min while the hypotensive and M2 receptor blocking effect lasted for 60-150 min. McN-A343 (a specific agonist for M1 receptors) or pirenzepine (PZ, a specific antagonist of M1 receptors) injected into the VLPA (0.4-4 nmol/site) failed to evoke any response.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
The effects of the α-adrenergic receptor antagonists, phentolamine and phenoxybenzamine, and the β-antagonists, propranolol, oxprenolol and practolol on the milk-ejection reflex of the rat were studied. The mother rats, at day 8–11 or lactation, were anaesthetized with urethane (1.2–1.4 g/kg, i.p.) and litters of 9–11 hungry pups were placed on the nipples to suckle for 2–6 h. With 65% of the 425 rats studied, a regular pattern of milk ejection was observed, from the changes in pup behaviour and intramammary pressure, with milk ejection recurring at intervals of 3–15 min throughout the nursing period.Propranolol (1.0–1.5 mg/kg, i.v.) and the other β-antagonists failed to either facilitate or inhibit the suckling-induced reflex when given to animals that were already milk ejecting. When given to animals which were not milk ejecting or which had ceased to milk eject in response to the suckling stimulus, both propranolol and oxprenolol at doses as low as 30 μg/kg promoted a normal pattern of reflex milk ejection. Practolol (1.5 mg/kg, i.v.), a β-antagonist with limited access to the brain, did not facilitate the reflex when given to these refractory animals. Both the racemate and the l-isomer of propranolol were effective in promoting reflex milk ejection when given by either the intravenous or intraventricular route; the d-isomer was ineffective even at 1.5 mg/kg, i.v. The rats which had failed to milk eject when suckled had mammary glands that were as sensitive to oxytocin as other animals, and the abrupt onset of the milk-ejection reflex following propranolol was apparently not related to the lowered threshold of mammary gland sensitivity to oxytocin promoted by the β-antagonists. Slow infusions of adrenaline and isoprenaline (0.1–0.2 μg/min) failed to inhibit the milk-ejection reflex even at doses that reduced the gland sensitivity to oxytocin.The α-adrenergic antagonists had an opposite effect and produced a dose-dependent inhibition of the reflex when given to animals that were milk ejecting at regular intervals. Thus, 1 mg/kg phentolamine, i.v., increased the milk ejection interval 6-fold and 2 mg/kg increased the interval 13-fold. Both phentolamine and phenoxybenzamine caused a marked fall in blood pressure, but a similar fall in blood pressure was induced with hexamethonium (2 mg/kg, i.v.) without altering the pattern of reflex milk ejection. Two other centrally active drugs were also examined, picrotoxin (2–4 mg/kg, i.v.) and hyoscine (90 mg/kg, i.v.), but neither were found to influence the reflex.These results suggest that both α- and β-adrenergic receptors are involved in the central control of the milk-ejection reflex in the anaesthetized rat, and both are probably activated by neuronally released noradrenaline. The α-receptors would appear to form a component of the natural reflex and are excitatory. The β-receptors are external to the reflex and are inhibitory. 相似文献
Serotonin plays a role in T cell activation, but there is no clear consensus of which of the 14 serotonergic receptors control this activations pathway. We have used a broad range of serotonergic receptor antagonists to define the functional involvement of these receptors governing the proliferation of primary T cells as well as in T cell lines. Our data shows that antagonism of the 5-HT(1B) receptor inhibits the proliferation of both human and murine primary helper T cells and of human helper T cell lines. As a whole, our data suggest that other serotonergic receptors may contribute to the proliferative signals, but the 5-HT(1B) receptor plays the most dominant role. 相似文献
Extracellular recordings of field potentials in area CA1 of the rat hippocampal slice have been used to investigate paired-pulse facilitation. Field potentials were evoked by maximal stimulation of the Schaffer collateral/commissural fibres. The height of the population spike (PS) in stratum pyramidale (str. pyr.) and the area under the field excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) following the PS in the stratum radiatum (str. rad.) were quantified. These values were used to describe the time course of paired-pulse facilitation. Facilitation of the PS was maximal 50 ms after the conditioning pulse and was present over a period of about 500 ms. However, facilitation of the late area (LA) of the field EPSP was maximal afer 125 ms and had an overall duration of 1-2 s. The N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV), had no effect on paired-pulse facilitation of either the LA or the PS. The gamma-aminobutyric acid-B (GABAB) agonist baclofen increased facilitation of the PS. This was mainly due to a reduction of the unconditioned response. Facilitation of the LA was reduced by both baclofen and the GABAB antagonist, 2-OH-saclofen. Baclofen increased the LA of the unconditioned response, while this was unaffected by 2-OH-saclofen. The LA of facilitated responses was decreased by 2-OH-saclofen while the effect of baclofen on these responses was more complex. Baclofen reduced the LA of maximally facilitated responses, while the LA of slightly facilitated responses was increased. The results show that different mechanisms are involved in the facilitation of the LA and the PS. Furthermore, activation of GABAB receptors makes a large contribution to paired-pulse facilitation of the field EPSP. It is also suggested that recording of extracellular fields in str. rad. in response to paired-pulse stimulation provides a simple electrophysiological model for testing the effect of agents which act at the GABAB receptor. 相似文献
Muscle stretch receptor activity at the beginning of vibration induced reflex contraction of triceps surae muscles, and its relation to the silent period in motoneuronal discharge was studied in decerebrate cats. Poststimulus time histograms of the occurrence of muscle spindle and Golgi tendon organ ending spikes were computed during successive reflex contractions induced by muscle vibration. Both the area of the peaks in the histogram of the occurrence of Golgi tendon organ spikes as well as the “pause” in the discharge of Ia endings coincided with the later part of the silent period in the motoneuronal discharge, which was recorded simultaneously. The presumed disfacilitatory as well as presumed inhibitory influence of spindle pause and Golgi tendon organ impulses on spinal motoneurons, based on these findings, may contribute to the occurrence of the later part of the silent period. This influence occurs too late to be solely responsible for its early part, at least in the type of reflex studied here. Pauses or reduction in the firing rate of impulses in Ia fibers were regularly observed at the onset of the reflex tension rise in the triceps muscles. This means that fusimotor action does not compensate for spindle unloading at the onset of the reflex contraction induced by muscle vibration in decerebrate cats. 相似文献
There is good evidence that ATP receptors play a role in nociception in the periphery. We sought evidence that they contribute to neuropathic hyperalgesia. We carried out a partial ligation of the sciatic nerve in rats to induce nerve injury and neuropathic hyperalgesia. Intrathecal injection of suramin (a P2 purinoceptor antagonist) provided minor alleviation of thermal hyperalgesia, while PPADS (a selective P2X receptor antagonist) had no effect. Both suramin and PPADS caused abnormal behavior including aggressiveness and subsequent hyporeactivity and immobility. P2X receptors in the spinal cord do not appear to play a significant role in the maintenance of thermal hyperalgesia. However, P2X receptors may play an important role in the control of behaviour. 相似文献
To investigate the mechanism of arterial pressure (AP) regulation during hypergravity, the AP response to gravitational force was examined in conscious rats and the AP was found to increase, depending on the degree of gravity load induced by centrifugation. At 20 s after application of 2, 3, or 5 G, the AP increased by 9+/-2, 20+/-3, or 24+/-3 mm Hg, respectively. The AP increase during first 60 s was suppressed by vestibular lesion or pretreatment with hexamethonium, suggesting that the vestibular system and sympathetic nerve system be involved, respectively, in the afferent and efferent pathways. To further examine the central pathway of this response, Fos expression in the brain was examined after exposure to 5 G for 90 min. Intense Fos expression was seen in the medial vestibular nucleus, paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, autonomic nuclei in the brain stem in intact rats, but not in rats with vestibular lesion. To examine the involvement of the diencephalic nuclei in this pressor response, AP was measured under hypergravity in rats with midcollicular transection. In these rats, the AP change was minimal at 2, 3, and 5 G, indicating that nuclei rostral to the transection level were involved in the pressor response. These results indicate that output from the vestibular system project to the diencephalon, and activation of diencephalic nuclei is indispensable to the pressor response via the sympathetic nerve system. 相似文献
Extracellular recordings of field potentials in area CA1 of the rat hippocampal slice have been used to investigate paired-pulse facilitation. Field potentials were evoked by maximal stimulation of the Schaffer collateral/commissural fibres. The height of the population spike (PS) in stratum pyramidale (str. pyr.) and the area under the field excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) following the PS in the stratum radiatum (str. rad.) were quantified. These values were used to describe the time course of paired-pulse facilitation. Facilitation of the PS was maximal 50 ms after the conditioning pulse and was present over a period of about 500 ms. However, facilitation of the late area (LA) of the field EPSP was maximal after 125 ms and had an overall duration of 1–2 s. The N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV), had no effect on paired-pulse facilitation of either the LA or the PS. The γ-aminobutyric acid-B (GABA B) agonist baclofen increased facilitation of the PS. This was mainly due to a reduction of the unconditioned response. Facilitation of the LA was reduced by both baclofen and the GABA B antagonist, 2-OH-saclofen. Baclofen increased the LA of the unconditioned response, while this was unaffected by 2-OH-saclofen. The LA of facilitated responses was decreased by 2-OH-saclofen while the effect of baclofen on these responses was more complex. Baclofen reduced the LA of maximally facilitated responses, while the LA of slightly facilitated responses was increased. The results show that different mechanisms are involved in the facilitation of the LA and the PS. Furthermore, activation of GABA B receptors makes a large contribution to paired-pulse facilitation of the field EPSP. It is also suggested that recording of extracellular fields in str. rad. in response to paired-pulse stimulation provides a simple electrophysiological model for testing the effect of agents which act at the GABA B receptor. 相似文献
We examined whether modulation of cardiovascular responses by administering 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX, an AMPA-receptor antagonist) into the rostral (RVLM) or caudal (CVLM) ventrolateral medulla are mediated via changes in extracellular levels of glutamate. Microdialysis probes were inserted bilaterally into the RVLM or the CVLM. For the RVLM experiments (n=8), muscle contraction for 2 min increased mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) by 18+/-3 mmHg and 24+/-5 bpm, respectively. Extracellular glutamate concentrations increased from 1.5+/-0.3 to 4.3+/-0.9 ng/5 microl during the contraction. Microdialysis of CNQX (1.0 microM) for 30 min into the RVLM attenuated the increases in MAP, HR, and glutamate concentration in response to a muscle contraction (8+/-2 mmHg, 11+/-3 bpm, and 2.2+/-0.7 ng/5 microl, respectively). Developed tensions did not change during contractions before and after CNQX. Microdialysis of CNQX into the CVLM (n=8) potentiated the contraction-evoked responses in MAP (19+/-3 vs. 34+/-3 mmHg) and HR (25+/-4 vs. 49+/-5 bpm) without a change in developed tension. Following CNQX perfusion into the CVLM, the levels of extracellular glutamate in the CVLM were also augmented during the contraction. Results suggests that AMPA-receptors within the RVLM and CVLM differentially modulate cardiovascular responses during static muscle contraction via increasing and decreasing, respectively, extracellular glutamate concentrations. 相似文献