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We compared age-related seroprevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection with history of vector control interventions and social and ecological changes in three historically endemic departments of Cordoba province, Argentina, covering an area of 42,600 km2 of the Gran Chaco region. Using a cross sectional design, blood samples of 5240 people between 6 months and 40 years of age, living in 192 rural communities were analyzed to detect T. cruzi infection using ELISA tests, and confirmed with indirect immunofluorescent antibody test and indirect haemoagglutination. Overall seroprevalence was 5.4%, 7.9% and 7.5% in the north, northwest and west studied areas (average for all areas 6.95%). Seroprevalence for T cruzi increased with population age, especially in age classes older than 15 years of age. Communities of the north and west areas showed 0.59% seroprevalence for T. cruzi in children below 15 years of age, whereas children of the same age in the northwest region showed a seroprevalence of 3.08%. Comparative analyses indicate that vector control activities and land use changes during the last decades are the most likely causes of the overall reduction of T. cruzi prevalence. Results suggest that the vectorial transmission of T. cruzi has been strongly reduced and probably interrupted in the north and west areas, but it is still active in the northwestern rural settlements of Córdoba province.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi congenital transmission in wild bats (Molossus molossus), associated with infected Rhodnius prolixus in a natural habitat from a rural locality in western Venezuela, is reported. T. cruzi blood circulating trypomastigotes in a pregnant bat were detected by parasitological methods. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays carried out in samples from the heart and the fetus of the same infected female, revealed the presence of T. cruzi-specific DNA in both of the tissues, demonstrating transmission of the infection from the mother to the offspring. Eighty percent of the captured bats and 100% of the examined fetuses from pregnant specimens were shown to be infected by T. cruzi, indicating that M. molossus is a very susceptible species for this parasite, and that T. cruzi congenital transmission is a common phenomenon in nature. To our knowledge, this seems to be the first report on congenital T. cruzi transmission in wild bats in Venezuela. The circulation of T. cruzi lineage I in the study area was demonstrated by typing the isolates from bats and triatomine bugs captured in the same habitat. The potential epidemiological implication of these findings in areas where Chagas disease is endemic is discussed.  相似文献   

Triatoma sordida is a secondary vector of Trypanosoma cruzi in the Gran Chaco and Cerrado eco-regions where it frequently infests peridomestic and domestic habitats. In a well-defined area of the humid Argentine Chaco, very few T. sordida were found infected when examined by optical microscopic examination (OM). In order to further assess the role of T. sordida and the relative magnitude of subpatent bug infections, we examined the insects for T. cruzi infection, parasite Discrete Typing Units (DTUs) and bloodmeal sources using various molecular techniques. Among 205 bugs with a negative or no OM-based diagnosis, the prevalence of infection determined by kDNA-PCR was nearly the same in bugs captured before (6.3%) and 4 months after insecticide spraying (6.4%). On average, these estimates were sixfold higher than the prevalence of infection based on OM (1.1%). Only TcI was identified, a DTU typically associated with opossums and rodents. Chickens and turkeys were the only bloodmeal sources identified in the infected specimens and the main local hosts at the bugs’ capture sites. As birds are refractory to T. cruzi infection, further studies are needed to identify the infectious bloodmeal hosts. The persistent finding of infected T. sordida after community-wide insecticide spraying highlights the need of sustained vector surveillance to effectively prevent T. cruzi transmission in the domestic and peridomestic habitats.  相似文献   

Pentamidine is an antiprotozoal and fungicide drug used in the treatment of leishmaniasis and African trypanosomiasis. Despite its extensive use as antiparasitic drug, little evidence exists about the effect of pentamidine in Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas’ disease. Recent studies have shown that pentamidine blocks a polyamine transporter present in Leishmania major; consequently, its might also block these transporters in T. cruzi. Considering that T. cruzi lacks the ability to synthesize putrescine de novo, the inhibition of polyamine transport can bring a new therapeutic target against the parasite. In this work, we show that pentamidine decreases, not only the viability of T. cruzi trypomastigotes, but also the parasite burden of infected cells. In T. cruzi-infected mice pentamidine decreases the inflammation and parasite burden in hearts from infected mice. The treatment also decreases parasitemia, resulting in an increased survival rate. In addition, pentamidine strongly inhibits the putrescine and spermidine transport in T. cruzi epimastigotes and amastigotes. Thus, this study points to reevaluate the utility of pentamidine and introduce evidence of a potential new action mechanism. In the quest of new therapeutic strategies against Chagas disease, the extensive use of pentamidine in human has led to a well-known clinical profile, which could be an advantage over newly synthesized molecules that require more comprehensive trials prior to their clinical use.  相似文献   

We assessed the diversity and distribution of Trypanosoma cruzi discrete typing units (DTU) in Triatoma infestans populations and its association with local vector-borne transmission levels at various geographic scales. At a local scale, we found high predominance (92.4%) of TcVI over TcV in 68 microscope-positive T. infestans collected in rural communities in Santiago del Estero province in northern Argentina. TcV was more often found in communities with higher house infestation prevalence compatible with active vector-borne transmission. Humans and dogs were the main bloodmeal sources of the TcV- and TcVI-infected bugs. At a broader scale, the greatest variation in DTU diversity was found within the Argentine Chaco (227 microscope-positive bugs), mainly related to differences in equitability between TcVI and TcV among study areas. At a country-wide level, a meta-analysis of published data revealed clear geographic variations in the distribution of DTUs across countries. A correspondence analysis showed that DTU distributions in domestic T. infestans were more similar within Argentina (dominated by TcVI) and within Bolivia (where TcI and TcV had similar relative frequencies), whereas large heterogeneity was found within Chile. DTU diversity was lower in the western Argentine Chaco region and Paraguay (D = 0.14–0.22) than in the eastern Argentine Chaco, Bolivia and Chile (D = 0.20–0.68). Simultaneous DTU identifications of T. cruzi-infected hosts and triatomines across areas differing in epidemiological status are needed to shed new light on the structure and dynamics of parasite transmission cycles.  相似文献   

Following the report of two cases of acute Chagas’ disease and the appearance of several triatomine species in human dwellings in an area considered non-endemic for domestic transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi; a epidemiological, entomological and T. cruzi molecular epidemiology analysis was performed in order to establish the transmission dynamic of the parasite in the studied area. 2 T. cruzi isolates from human patients, 5 from Eratyrus cuspidatus, 4 from Rhodnius pallescens, 4 from Panstrongylus geniculatus and 7 reference stocks were analyzed by mini-exon gene, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE).All isolates from vectors and human resulted T. cruzi group I by mini-exon, RAPD and MLEE. While mini-exon and MLEE did not showed any differences between the studied isolates, RAPD analysis identified a common T. cruzi genotype for the E. cuspidatus isolates and human isolates and distinguished different strains from R. pallescens and P. geniculatus isolates. The presence of the same T. cruzi genotype in isolates from patients and E. cuspidatus suggests that this species can be responsible for the transmission of Chagas’ disease in the study area. RAPD analysis showed better resolution and discrimination of T. cruzi strains than mini-exon and MLEE and can be considered a useful tool for molecular epidemiology studies. Incrimination of sylvatic triatomine species in the transmission of Chagas’ disease indicates that more knowledge about the ecology of these vectors is necessary to improve control strategies.  相似文献   

Chagas disease is an endemic, neglected tropical disease in Latin America that is caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. In vitro models constitute the first experimental approach to study the physiopathology of the disease and to assay potential new trypanocidal agents.  相似文献   

The efficacy of specific chemotherapy in congenital Chagas disease before the first year of life ranges between 90 and 100%. Between this age and 15 years of age, the efficacy decreases to around 60%. Therefore, early infection detection is a priority in vertical transmission. The aim of this work was to assess whether polymerase chain reaction (PCR) plays a predictive role in the diagnosis of congenital Chagas disease as compared to conventional parasitological and serological methods. To this end, we studied a total of 468 children born to Trypanosoma cruzi seroreactive mothers came from Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay, who lived in the city of Buenos Aires and suburban areas (Argentina), a non-endemic area of this country. These children were assessed by PCR from 2004 to 2009 with the specific primers Tcz1 and Tcz2, and 121 and 122. PCR allowed detecting 49 T. cruzi-positive children. Eight of these 49 children were excluded from the analysis: six because they did not complete follow-up and two because the first control was performed after 12 months of age. Parasitological methods allowed detecting 25 positive children, 7 of whom had been earlier diagnosed by PCR (1.53 ± 2.00 vs. 6.71 ± 1.46 months; p = 0.0002). Serological methods allowed detecting 16 positive children, 12 of whom had been earlier diagnosed by PCR (1.46 ± 1.48 vs. 11.77 ± 4.40 months; p < 0.0001). None of the children negative by PCR was positive by serological or parasitological methods. This study shows that PCR allows early diagnosis in congenital Chagas disease. At present, an early positive PCR is not indicative for treatment. However, a positive PCR would alert the health system to search only those infected infants diagnosed by early PCR and thus generate greater efficiency in the diagnosis and treatment of congenital T. cruzi infection.  相似文献   

The currently available treatments for Chagas disease show limited therapeutic potential and are associated with serious side effects. Our group has been attempting to find alternative drugs isolated from natural products as a potential source of pharmacological agents against Trypanosoma cruzi. Here, we demonstrate the antitrypanosomal activity of the amides piperovatine and piperlonguminine isolated from Piper ovatum against epimastigotes and intracellular amastigotes. We also investigated the mechanisms of action of these compounds on extracellular amastigote and epimastigote forms of T. cruzi. These amides showed low toxicity to LLCMK2 mammalian cells. By using transmission and scanning electron microscopy, we observed that the compounds caused severe alterations in T. cruzi. These alterations were mainly located in plasma membrane and mitochondria. Furthermore, the study of treated parasites labeled with Rh123, PI and MDC corroborate with our TEM data. These mitochondrial dysfunctions induced by the amides might trigger biochemical alterations that lead to cell death. Altogether, our data evidence a possible autophagic process.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi genetic diversity was investigated in 25 isolates (vectors and humans) from the semiarid zone of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Molecular markers (3′ region of the 24Sα rRNA; mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 2 (COII) gene; spliced leader intergenic region (SL-IR) gene; allelic size microsatellite polymorphism) identified 56% TcIII (100% Panstrongyluslutzi; 50% Triatomabrasiliensis); 40% TcII (91.7% humans; 50% T. brasiliensis) and 4% TcI (human). Microsatellite analysis revealed monoclonal and heterozygous patterns on one or more microsatellite loci in 64% of T. cruzi isolates (92.3% triatomines; 33.3% humans) and 36% putative polyclonal populations (66.7% humans; 7.7% triatomines) by loci SCLE10, SCLE11, TcTAT20, TcAAAT6, all belonging to TcII. Identical T. cruzi polyclonal profiles (88.9%) were detected, mostly from humans. The adaptative natural plasticity of TcII and TcIII and their potential for maintaining human infection in T. brasiliensis were confirmed. Intraspecific and phylogenetic T. cruzi diversity in the sylvatic and domestic transmission cycles in this specific region will provide exclusive control strategies.  相似文献   



Chagas disease pathology is dependent on the infecting Trypanosoma cruzi strain. However, the relationship between the extent and type of myocarditis caused by different T. cruzi strains in the acute and chronic phases of infection has not been studied in detail. To address this, we infected mice with three genetically distant T. cruzi strains as well as infected in vitro different cell types.

Methods and Results

Parasitemia was detected in mice infected with the Y and VFRA strains, but not with the Sc43 strain; however, only the Y strain was lethal. When infected with VFRA, mice showed higher inflammation and parasitism in the heart than with Sc43 strain. Y and VFRA caused homogeneous pancarditis with inflammatory infiltrates along the epicardium, whereas Sc43 caused inflammation preferentially in the auricles in association with intracellular parasite localization. We observed intramyocardic perivasculitis in mice infected with the VFRA and Y strains, but not with Sc43, during the acute phase, which suggests that endothelial cells may be involved in heart colonization by these more virulent strains. In in vitro infection assays, the Y strain had the highest parasite–cell ratio in epithelial, macrophage and endothelial cell lines, but Y and VFRA strains were higher than Sc43 in cardiomyocytes.


This study supports parasite variability as a cause for the diverse cardiac outcomes observed in Chagas disease, and suggests that endothelial cells could be involved in heart infection during the acute phase.  相似文献   

Genetic variability in the Trypanosoma cruzi I group has recently been revealed in Colombian isolates from humans, reservoirs and vectors. Genomic rearrangements and the polymorphic regions in taxonomic markers, such as the miniexon gene, have led to the development of molecular tools to identify phylogenetic haplotypes in T. cruzi isolates. From genetic polymorphisms found in T. cruzi I isolates, they have been classified into four haplotypes according to their epidemiologic transmission cycles. Haplotype Ia is associated with domestic isolates, from Rhodnius prolixus; haplotype Ib, with the domestic and peridomestic cycle, mainly associated with Triatoma dimidiata; haplotype Ic is a poorly characterized group, which has been associated with the peridomestic cycle; and haplotype Id has been related to the sylvatic cycle.In order to demonstrate that the circulating T. cruzi I isolates in Colombia can be classified in the four proposed haplotypes, specific primers were designed on polymorphic regions of the miniexon gene's intergenic sequences. This set of primers allowed the molecular characterization of 33 Colombian isolates, classifying them into three of the four proposed haplotypes (Ia, Ib and Id).Results obtained from maximum parsimony and maximum-likelihood-based phylogenetic analyses correlated with the molecular classification of the isolates and their transmission cycles. This study brings insights into the Chagas disease epidemiology and the parasite's transmission dynamics.  相似文献   

Sulfation, a post-translational modification which plays a key role in various biological processes, is inhibited by competition with chlorate. In Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas’ disease, sulfated structures have been described as part of glycolipids and we have reported sulfated high-mannose type oligosaccharides in the C-T domain of the cruzipain (Cz) glycoprotein. However, sulfation pathways have not been described yet in this parasite. Herein, we studied the effect of chlorate treatment on T. cruzi with the aim to gain some knowledge about sulfation metabolism and the role of sulfated molecules in this parasite. In chlorate-treated epimastigotes, immunoblotting with anti-sulfates enriched Cz IgGs (AS-enriched IgGs) showed Cz undersulfation. Accordingly, a Cz mobility shift toward higher isoelectric points was observed in 2D-PAGE probed with anti-Cz antibodies. Ultrastructural membrane abnormalities and a significant decrease of dark lipid reservosomes were shown by electron microscopy and a significant decrease in sulfatide levels was confirmed by TLC/UV-MALDI-TOF-MS analysis. Altogether, these results suggest T. cruzi sulfation occurs via PAPS. Sulfated epitopes in trypomastigote and amastigote forms were evidenced using AS-enriched IgGs by immunoblotting. Their presence on trypomastigotes surface was demonstrated by flow cytometry and IF with Cz/dCz specific antibodies. Interestingly, the percentage of infected cardiac HL-1 cells decreased 40% when using chlorate-treated trypomastigotes, suggesting sulfates are involved in the invasion process. The same effect was observed when cells were pre-incubated with dCz, dC-T or an anti-high mannose receptor (HMR) antibody, suggesting Cz sulfates and HMR are also involved in the infection process by T. cruzi.  相似文献   

The factors involved in the reactivation of chronic Chagas disease infection are not clear enough and may be related to host immune unbalance and/or parasite genetic diversity. To evaluate the role of the Trypanosoma cruzi genetic background in the Chagas disease reactivation, we inoculated Cyclophosphamide-immunosupressed (CyI) Swiss mice with clonal stocks from T. cruzi I (Cuica cl1, P209 cl1, Gamba cl1, SP104 cl1), T. cruzi II (IVV cl4, MVB cl8) and T. cruzi (Bug2148 cl1, MN cl2) lineages. We used the parasitemia as the parameter for Chagas disease reactivation and observed that CyI animals infected with T. cruzi stocks showed no reactivation and those infected with T. cruzi II stocks showed only 5% of reactivation. In contrast, immunosuppressed mice infected with stocks from T. cruzi I lineage showed 77.5 and 51.25% reactivation of the infection when Cyclophosphamide treatment was performed 60 and 180 days after inoculation, respectively. Next, we evaluated the efficacy of the Benznidazole (Bz) pre-treatment in reducing or preventing the recurrence of the infection in these CyI animals. In general, the percentage of the parasite recurrence was not altered among the CyI mice that received the Bz pre-treatment during the acute phase of the infection. Interestingly, when pre-Bz treatment was performed during the chronic phase, we observed two different patterns of response: (i) an increased protection among the animals inoculated with the SP104 cl1 (genotype 19) and Cuica cl1 (genotype 20) stocks; (ii) an increased percentage of parasitemia reactivation among mice inoculated with Gamba cl1 (genotype 19) and P209 cl1 (genotype 20) T. cruzi stocks. Our results corroborate our hypothesis by showing that the T. cruzi genetic background in combination with specific Bz treatment has an important role in the Chagas disease reactivation in immunosuppressed animals.  相似文献   

Despite the dramatic reduction in Trypanosoma cruzi vectorial transmission in Brazil, acute cases of Chagas disease (CD) continue to be recorded. The identification of areas with greater vulnerability to the occurrence of vector-borne CD is essential to prevention, control, and surveillance activities. In the current study, data on the occurrence of domiciliated triatomines in Brazil (non-Amazonian regions) between 2007 and 2011 were analyzed. Municipalities’ vulnerability was assessed based on socioeconomic, demographic, entomological, and environmental indicators using multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). Overall, 2275 municipalities were positive for at least one of the six triatomine species analyzed (Panstrongylus megistus, Triatoma infestans, Triatoma brasiliensis, Triatoma pseudomaculata, Triatoma rubrovaria, and Triatoma sordida). The municipalities that were most vulnerable to vector-borne CD were mainly in the northeast region and exhibited a higher occurrence of domiciliated triatomines, lower socioeconomic levels, and more extensive anthropized areas. Most of the 39 new vector-borne CD cases confirmed between 2001 and 2012 in non-Amazonian regions occurred within the more vulnerable municipalities. Thus, MCDA can help to identify the states and municipalities that are most vulnerable to the transmission of T. cruzi by domiciliated triatomines, which is critical for directing adequate surveillance, prevention, and control activities. The methodological approach and results presented here can be used to enhance CD surveillance in Brazil.  相似文献   

Serum from asymptomatic or symptomatic (with cardiovascular manifestations) chagasic patients depleted of the complement system displayed an antiproliferative effect on Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes, RA strain, when added to the growth medium. This effect was also observed when patient's serum was depleted of specific antibodies.The antiproliferative effect was both time and concentration dependent. It was confined to the non-dialyzable, high molecular weight, fraction of the serum. This effect was abrogated by allopurinol and catalase, and enhanced by N-ethylmaleimide. Xanthine oxidoreductase and xanthine oxidase activities were increased in the chagasic sera, while catalase activity remained unchanged. Parasites exposed to chagasic sera showed a decrease in Fe/superoxide dismutase activity as well as an increase in membrane lipoperoxidation. Our data provides evidence to support the idea that the antiproliferative activity observed in sera from chagasic patients may be due, at least partially, to a direct effect of hydrogen peroxide on the epimastigotes of T. cruzi. The increase of hydrogen peroxide to antiproliferative levels might result from an increase in xanthine oxidase activity in the serum of patients infected with the parasite.  相似文献   

In the present study, the molecular karyotypes of 12 KP1(+) and KP1(−) Trypanosoma rangeli strains were determined and 10 different molecular markers were hybridized to the chromosomes of the parasite, including seven obtained from T. rangeli [ubiquitin hydrolase (UH), a predicted serine/threonine protein kinase (STK), hexose transporter, hypothetical protein, three anonymous sequences] and three from Trypanosoma cruzi [ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 (UBE2), ribosomal RNA methyltransferase (rRNAmtr), proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 6 (PSMD6)]. Despite intraspecific variation, analysis of the karyotype profiles permitted the division of the T. rangeli strains into two groups coinciding with the KP1(+) and KP1(−) genotypes. Southern blot hybridization showed that, except for the hexose transporter probe, all other probes produced distinct patterns able to differentiate the KP1(+) and KP1(−) genotypes. The UH, STK and An-1A04 probes exclusively hybridized to the chromosomes of KP1(+) strains and can be used as markers of this group. In addition, the UBE2, rRNAmtr and PSMD6 markers, which are present in a conserved region in all trypanosomatid species sequenced so far, co-hybridized to the same T. rangeli chromosomal bands, suggesting the occurrence of gene synteny in these species. The finding of distinct molecular karyotypes in KP1(+) and KP1(−) strains of T. rangeli is noteworthy and might be used as a new approach to the study of genetic variability in this parasite. Together with the Southern blot hybridization results, these findings demonstrate that differences at the kDNA level might be associated with variations in nuclear DNA.  相似文献   

We evaluated the presence and distribution of two Trypanosoma cruzi natural isolates in blood, heart, skeletal muscle, liver, and spleen tissues in the acute phase of the experimental infection (35 days postinfection) in order to determine if the populations present in blood were different to those found in the tissues of the same host. Thirty mice were infected with 50 forms of each isolate or with a combination of them. Presence and molecular characterization of the parasites in the host tissues were determined by specific PCR. Cardiac and skeletal muscle alterations were analyzed by histological studies. T. cruzi variability in the host tissues was analyzed through RFLP studies. Both isolates used consisted of a mixture of two T. cruzi lineages. Specific PCRs were positive for most of the samples from the 3 groups analyzed. Cardiac and skeletal muscle sections from the groups infected with one isolate presented mild to moderate inflammatory infiltrates; the group infected with both isolates showed severe inflammatory infiltrates and the presence of amastigote nests in both tissues. Different parasite populations were found in circulation and in the tissues from the same host. These results are important for patients with high probability of mixed infections in endemic areas and contribute to the knowledge of parasite/host interactions.  相似文献   

We standardized serodiagnosis of dogs infected with Trypanosoma cruzi using TESA (trypomastigote excreted-secreted antigen)-blot developed for human Chagas disease. TESA-blot showed 100% sensitivity and specificity. In contrast, ELISA using TESA (TESA-ELISA) or epimastigotes (epi-ELISA) as antigen yielded 100% sensitivity but specificity of 94.1% and 49.4%, respectively. When used in field studies in an endemic region for Chagas disease, visceral leishmaniasis and Trypanosoma evansi (Mato Grosso do Sul state, Central Brazil), positivities were 9.3% for TESA-blot, 10.7% for TESA-ELISA and 32% for epi-ELISA. Dogs from a non-endemic region for these infections (Rondonia state, western Amazonia) where T. cruzi is enzootic showed positivity of 4.5% for TESA-blot and epi-ELISA and 6.8% for TESA-ELISA. Sera from urban dogs from Santos, São Paulo, where these diseases are absent, yielded negative results. TESA-blot was the only method that distinguished dogs infected with T. cruzi from those infected with Leishmania chagasi and/or Trypanosoma evansi.  相似文献   

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