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由江苏省第九届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十二次会议通过的《江苏省农村初级卫生保健条例》,已于2001年5月1日起正式施行。该《条例》分六章三十四条,明确了农村初级卫生保健的基本任务、组织实施原则、政府及其部门所承担的职责、农村卫生服务体系、农村医疗保障制度建设,并对公共卫生和健康促进等方面作出了规范。《条例》规定,农村初级卫生保健要遵循政府组织、部门协作、全社会共同参与的原则,由地方各级人民政府组织实施,实行分级管理;地方各级人民政府要建立初级卫生保健专项资金,用于发展农村初级卫生保健事业,并随…  相似文献   

目的了解当地农村初级卫生保健的实施现状,分析其存在的问题,探讨提升农村初级卫生保健服务质量和水平的路径。方法通过实地考察、与农民访谈和问卷调查,利用Excel和SPSS13.0对数据进行统计分析。结果农村居民卫生保健知识薄弱,了解健康知识途径单一;农村基本卫生服务还未能覆盖所有人群,服务质量有待进一步提高。结论要大力加强农村初级卫生保健教育宣传,增强农村居民的卫生保健意识;要争取财政投入,努力提升基本医疗卫生服务质量和水平。  相似文献   

我国农村卫生事业发展的回顾与反思我国农村卫生发展战略中国初级卫生保健工作与农村卫生政策研究我国初级卫生保健策略与卫生资源分配状况剖析基层卫生体制改革与初级卫生保健策略领导层开发与初级卫生保健的实施初级卫生保健工作中的思想政治工作研究农村预防保健队伍思想建设的有关论述有关实施PHC规划,改善卫生面貌的论著我国农村2000年人人享有卫生保健规划目标及达标对策初级卫生保健工作管理程序  相似文献   

农村初级卫生保健工作是农村卫生的龙头和核心内容。2010年是全国农村初级卫生保健工作第二个10年规划结束,第三个10年规划即将开始的关键时期。文章对重庆市20年来的农村初级卫生保健工作概况进行总结,并结合新医改的大背景分析重庆市农村初级卫生保健工作面临的新形势,以期记录重庆市农村初级卫生保健工作的历史,并对新一轮农村初级卫生保健工作的发展提供历史经验。  相似文献   

随着我国农村初级卫生保健工作的深入普及,有关初级卫生保健的理论研究工作呈现出可喜的局面。1992年是我国建国40余年以来,农村卫生和初级卫生保健理论研究跃上新台阶的一年,主要为:①初级卫生保健管理的研究;②世界卫生组织中国农村初级卫生保健合作中心十年工作经验的理论总结;③实施初级卫生保健适宜技术与基本药物的研究。在以上几方面研究的基础上,正式编辑出版了《初级卫生保健管理》、《中国农村初级卫生保健指导手册》、《初级卫生保健在中国——中国农村世界卫生组织初级卫生保健合作中心资料汇编》和《中国农村初级卫生保健适宜技术与基本药物手册》,受到了国内外卫生界的瞩目。  相似文献   

农村初级卫生保健技术人员的素质不高严重影响到初级卫生保健工作的水平.要提高农村初级卫生保健工作的水平必须从源头抓起,即:开展初级卫生保健技术岗位培训.制订切实有效的培训计划是做好培训工作的关键环节.该文就制订培训计划应该遵循的基本原则和制订培训计划的步骤、方法作一探讨,旨在规范初级卫生保健技术岗位培训和提高培训效果,使有限的培训资源发挥更大的培训效用,进而提高农民卫生服务的质量和水平.  相似文献   

我国实施初级卫生保健的重点在农村,当然包括以农牧业为主的少数民族地区。要在少数民族地区推行初级卫生保健策略,就必须有一个切实符合当地实际情况的规划、目标和检查评价标准。从初级卫生保健试点县的试点情况看,《我国农村2000年人人享  相似文献   

邓小平同志说,我们要建设具有中国特色的社会主义,对卫生工作,同样是要建设具有中国特色的社会主义卫生事业。那么,我国农村卫生工作有哪些中国特色呢?这就是我准备讨论的问题。我认为在我国农村分期分批推行“初级卫生保健”,是我国卫生工作又一次的战略转移,即把初级卫生保健看作是我国卫生工作的重点,整个卫生系统的中心任务。农村初级卫生保健中的“中国特色”主要反映在以下几个方面上。一、明确的指导思想即必须明确继续坚持面向工农兵的社会主义方面,当前则需要强调保护和增进  相似文献   

近日,“江苏省农村初级卫生保健条例”已由江苏省第九届人民代表大会常务委员会第22次会议通过,自2001年5月1日起施行。该“条例”分六章三十四条,明确了农村初级卫生保健的基本任务、组织实施原则,对政府和部门所承担的职责,农村卫生服务体系、农村医疗保障制度建设以及公共卫生和健康促进等作出了规范。“条例”规定,农村初级卫生保健要遵循政府组织、部门协作、全社会共同参与的原则,由地方各级人民政府组织实施,实行分级管理;地  相似文献   

我国开展农村卫生工作几十年来 ,是初级卫生保健真正使农村卫生工作走上规范化和科学化发展之路。没有哪一项卫生工作能象初级卫生保健工作一样受到各级政府和相关部门的如此重视并摆上位置。实践证明 ,初级卫生保健是我国农村卫生工作的龙头和核心 ,抓初保也就抓住了农村卫生工作的关键。初级卫生保健工作的开展 ,有利于农村社会主义精神文明建设 ,加快农民奔小康的步伐 ;有利于缩小农村地区间卫生差异 ,加快实现共同富裕 ;有利于农村科学文明风尚的普及 ,加快农村卫生生活方式的形成。1 初级卫生保健在我国农村社会经济中的地位1.1 实施…  相似文献   

Starting with the assumption that the schools of public health can and should be major promoters of primary health care but that they have not fully utilized their potential, the paper reviews the different interpretations of primary health care and their implications for the recruitment policies, educational objectives, teaching methods and research orientation of the schools. Four interpretations (primary health care as a set of activities; as a level of care; as a strategy of organizing health services; and as a philosophy permeating the entire health care system) are identified. It is suggested that most industrialized countries already have a primary medical care system which has to be transformed into primary health care. A blueprint for this transformation is outlined. Many of the changes included in the blueprint are related to the concept of primary health care as a strategy. Schools of public health can play a major role in implementing the necessary strategic changes and in training their implementers. The training of actual primary care providers for leadership; increased emphasis on management in the curricula; and reorientation of research towards primary health care are underlined as particularly important elements in the new role of the schools of public health.  相似文献   

目的:了解福建省基层医疗卫生综合情况。方法:利用福建省医改中期评估调查表中"医疗卫生综合情况调查表"的基础资料和该表涉及的7项核心指标,运用RSR法、功效系数法和Z分评价法,对全省的基层医疗卫生综合情况进行分析。结果:通过九个设区市排名,县级市、市辖区和县级间的排名及不同经济发展水平县(市)的排名,发现区域医疗卫生综合情况与经济发展水平相关,且在机构、人力、公共卫生服务等方面存在差异。结论与建议:福建省主要存在基层医疗卫生机构区域发展不平衡、公共卫生服务发展不均等和基层医疗卫生人才队伍整体水平较低等问题。建议自主发展和财政投入相结合,促进基层医疗卫生机构区域平衡发展;专项经费保障和标准化体系建设相结合,促进公共卫生服务均等化发展;人事和经费保障制度相结合,加强卫生人才队伍建设。  相似文献   

Providing adequate health care to a nation's citizens is a challenge in every country. Despite large differences in wealth, health care organization, and health politics, both Mexico and the United States undertook similar efforts to expand primary care to previously underserved populations during the past 30 years. This study analyzes common antecedents, contexts of change, elements of the innovations, problems with entrenched interests, and resources that have allowed both programs to survive in difficult environments. We show that new forms of primary health care can face similar problems and prospects in very different countries because of similar political, bureaucratic, and economic limitations.  相似文献   

The United States has made little progress during the past decade in addressing health care disparities. Recent health care reforms offer an historic opportunity to create a more equitable health care system. Key elements of health care reform relevant to promoting equity include access, support for primary care, enhanced health information technology, new payment models, a national quality strategy informed by research, and federal requirements for health care disparity monitoring. With effective implementation, improved alignment of resources with patient needs, and most importantly, revitalization of primary care, these reforms could measurably improve equity.  相似文献   

In Finland primary health care has a long historical background. The local communities, the state and the church have at various times and places been responsible for primary health care during the last few centuries. In 1972, a major reform took place when a new Primary Health Care Act came into force. In the same year two new medical faculties, at Kuopio and Tampere Universities, began to educate undergraduate medical students. In both of these new medical schools special attention was focused on the teaching of primary health care. Today practical teaching, which takes place at a primary health care centre, forms an important part of medical education at Kuopio University. This teaching of undergraduate students is part of the regular duties of general practitioners and public health nurses in the primary health care centres of eastern Finland that have agreed to collaborate in the teaching programme. The main principles are presented for the teaching programme in primary health care at the University of Kuopio.  相似文献   

Contribution of primary care to health systems and health   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Evidence of the health-promoting influence of primary care has been accumulating ever since researchers have been able to distinguish primary care from other aspects of the health services delivery system. This evidence shows that primary care helps prevent illness and death, regardless of whether the care is characterized by supply of primary care physicians, a relationship with a source of primary care, or the receipt of important features of primary care. The evidence also shows that primary care (in contrast to specialty care) is associated with a more equitable distribution of health in populations, a finding that holds in both cross-national and within-national studies. The means by which primary care improves health have been identified, thus suggesting ways to improve overall health and reduce differences in health across major population subgroups.  相似文献   

Those in practice find that the fee-for-service system does not adequately value the contributions made by primary care. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (Innovation Center) was created by the Affordable Care Act to test new models of health care delivery to improve the quality of care while lowering costs. All programs coming out of the Innovation Center are tests of new payment and service delivery models. By changing both payment and delivery models and moving to a payment model that rewards physicians for quality of care instead of volume of care, we may be able to achieve the kind of health care patients want to receive and primary care physicians want to provide.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Primary health care is a policy model Which integrates social principles into the functioning of the health system at the local level. There is increasing interest in primary health care policy development and in the implementation of primary health care due in part to: the challenge which primary health care raises to existing practice in health service planning and delivery; the changes in roles of health service professionals and consumers which primary health care demands, and the claims on resources which the implementation of primary health care may engender.
The conceptual basis of primary health care demands that decision-making be devolved to the local level. The organisational structure of the public health care system in Queensland, since regionalisation in July 1991, provides an environment which favours this localised decision-making. The Darling Downs Regional Health Authority, one of 13 regional health authorities in Queensland, released a 'Primary Health Care Discussion Paper' as an element in its strategy for primary health care implementation at the regional level. This paper was intended to demystify the concept, raise the level of debate and stimulate discussion about how primary health care might affect health professionals and the community.
This article analyses that discussion paper to illuminate the concept of primary health care emerging in the region and in Queensland Health. It also identifies potential barriers to the implementation of primary health care and outlines activities being undertaken in the region which illustrate ways in which primary health care can be manifested in local communities.  相似文献   

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