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BACKGROUND: An elevated plasma total homocysteine (tHcy) level is associated with an increased risk of vascular disease. Some studies have shown associations between tHcy level and small-vessel disease of the brain on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). DESIGN: In the Cardiovascular Health Study, 622 elderly participants without a history of transient ischemic attack or stroke had results for tHcy level and cranial MRI. We sought associations between tHcy level and MRI findings of ventricular grade, sulcal grade, white matter grade, and infarcts. We controlled for other factors, including levels of creatinine, folate, and vitamins B(6) and B(12) and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase genotype. RESULTS: After controlling for age and sex, tHcy level was not associated with the individual MRI findings. Further adjustments for other factors and other blood tests had little effect on these findings. The only significant finding was a linear trend across quintiles of tHcy level and a pattern of MRI findings combining infarcts and high white matter grade. The linear trend remained significant after controlling for other risk factors and atherosclerotic markers (top quintile vs bottom quintile odds ratio, 3.3; 95% confidence interval, 0.96-11.20; P =.04 for linear trend) but was slightly diminished after further controlling for creatinine, folate, and vitamins B(6) and B(12) (odds ratio, 3.2; 95% confidence interval, 0.81-13.10; P =.07 for linear trend). CONCLUSION: We were unable to confirm the results of previous studies with respect to tHcy level and individual MRI findings, although an association was seen for an MRI pattern combining infarcts and high white matter grade.  相似文献   

To identify potential risk factors for and clinical manifestations of ventricular and sulcal enlargement on cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 3,301 community-dwelling people 65 years or older without a history of stroke or transient ischemic attack underwent extensive standardized evaluations and MRI. In the multivariate model, increased age and white matter grade on MRI were the dominant risk factors for ventricular and sulcal grade. For ventricular grade, other than race, for which non-Blacks had higher grades, models for men and women shared no other factors. For sulcal grades, models for men and women shared variables reflecting cigarette smoking and diabetes. Clinical features were correlated more strongly with ventricular than sulcal grade and more strongly for women than men. Significant age-adjusted correlations between ventricular grade and the Digit-Symbol Substitution Test were found for men and women. Prospective studies will be needed to extend findings of this cross-sectional analysis.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: We report the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in a case of neurosyphilis revealed by the involvement of two cranial nerves. CASE REPORT: A 41-year-old man developed a right cochleovestibular and left trigeminal neuropathy, associated with high serum titers of VDRL and TPHA, high titers of TPHA in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and several CSF oligoclonal IgG bands. On MRI, hypertrophy and gadolinium contrast enhancement of these cranial nerves were associated with several supratentorial cortical nodules surrounded by marked cerebral edema, corresponding to syphilitic gummas. One of these cortical nodules was biopsied. Microscopic examination showed lesions of meningoencephalitis with necrosis and granulomatous vasculitis. After penicillin therapy, the serum VDRL titers and the MRI abnormalities disappeared, a partial clinical recovery was observed and a significant reduction of the serum TPHA titers was found. DISCUSSION: Such MRI abnormalities are not specific and can be observed in various tumoral, auto-immune and infectious diseases. They can also mimic neurofibromatosis type II. Cranial nerve involvements in neurosyphilis can result from nerve inflammation in basal meningitis, nerve ischemia in meningovasculitis or from compression by an adjacent gumma. In our case, the cranial neuropathy was related to a mixed meningovascular and parenchymatous form of neurosyphilis.  相似文献   

Parainflammatory leukoencephalomyelitis is a broad term used to include the spectrum of disorders that affect the central nervous system following infection, immunization, or other noxious stimuli. There is a wide range of clinical and pathologic severity, ranging from acute cerebellar ataxia to acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalopathy. With the improved survival of these patients, magnetic resonance imaging provides a window to the pathologic process, which can aid in the long-term management of these patients. Although lesions of the brainstem and spinal cord correlate well to clinical symptoms, multiple cortical lesions may be present without specific localizing signs. The distribution of magnetic resonance lesions is different from that commonly seen in multiple sclerosis. In some cases, prolonged immunosuppression may be required to prevent recrudescence of the inflammatory response.  相似文献   

We report a case of central nervous system (CNS) lupus showing peculiar findings on cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with remarkable improvement after corticosteriod therapy. The patient was a 28-year-old woman, admitted to our hospital with severe fever, general malaise, and facial edema on June 4, 2001. After admission, she was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). On June 6, she showed diplopia at a distance, and on June 10, she suddenly became unconscious and developed general convulsions. Cranial MRI showed asymmetrical, multifocal, high signal intensity lesions on T2-weighted image (T2-WI) and low signal intensity on T1-weighted image (T1-WI). These lesions were primarily present in the subcortical white matter, with some detected in the overlying cerebral cortex. Gadolinium (Gd)-DTPA enhanced T1-WI showed marked leptomeningeal enhancement overlying the lesions on T1-WI and T2-WI. Apparent diffusion coefficient image (ADCI) showed high signal intensity in the surrounding areas of the T1-WI and T2-WI lesions, and low signal intensity in the central areas of the lesions. Diffusion weighted image (DWI) showed high signal intensity in the central areas of the low signal intensity on ADCI. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination revealed albuminocytologic dissociation (cell counts of 2/microliter and protein level of 108 mg/dl). CSF IgG index was elevated to 1.152 (normal < 0.7) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) activity to 27.2 pg/ml (normal < 4.0). On June 10, Intravenous administration of high-dose methylprednisolone (1,000 mg/day for 3 days) was started to treat CNS lesions of SLE. Her CNS manifestations, CSF findings, and the lesions on the cranial MRI improved remarkably. This is the first case report describing the lesions on both ADCI and DWI in a case of CNS lupus. The findings of ADCI and DWI suggest that the lesions of high signal intensity on ADCI indicate interstitial edema caused by inflammatory microangiopathy, and the lesions of high signal intensity on DWI and low signal intensity on ADCI indicate cytotoxic edema caused by ischemic change resembling microinfarction. We speculate that in addition to usual T1-WI and T2-WI, performing ADCI and DWI is useful for understanding the pathogenesis of CNS lupus lesions, and may play a significant role in the prognosis.  相似文献   

目的分析肥厚性硬脑膜炎患者的临床表现、影像学特征、治疗及预后,以提高对该病的认识。方法收集我院2012年2月至2015年7月收治的肥厚性硬脑膜炎患者9例,进行回顾性分析。结果 9例患者均慢性起病,平均病程10.3 m(1 m~3 y),8例以慢性头痛为首发症状,1例以精神异常为首发症状,6例合并脑神经受损。实验室检查示9例非特异性炎性指标升高,6例脑脊液检查压力升高,7例蛋白升高。头部磁共振成像(MRI)以小脑幕、大脑镰等处硬脑膜局限性或弥漫性肥厚为主,T1加权像表现为等信号,T2加权像表现为等信号或低信号,增强明显强化,呈线性或结节性异常强化的特征性表现,治疗后复查可见硬脑膜增厚变薄或消失,强化减轻。9例均经糖皮质激素治疗,6例明显好转,3例无效加用免疫抑制剂后好转。结论肥厚性硬脑膜炎常表现为慢性头痛及脑神经受损,MRI增强可见特征性表现,糖皮质激素治疗可明显缓解症状,难治者可加用免疫抑制剂治疗。  相似文献   

Gliosarcoma is an uncommon variant of glioblastoma multiforme, which is composed of gliomatous and sarcomatous elements. The tumor is rarely encountered in childhood. This case report presents the magnetic resonance imaging characteristics of a giant gliosarcoma in a 3-year-old girl. Size and location of the tumor are described.  相似文献   

This study aims to compare neurological examination and cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in patients with serious hyperbilirubinemia. Twenty-one serious hyperbiluribinemic term neonates (6 girls, 15 boys) who underwent exchange transfusions were included in the study. Neurological examination findings, body weight, age at admission, blood culture, urine culture, urine analysis, C-reactive protein, thyroxine, thyroid-stimulating hormone, total and indirect bilirubin levels, causes of hyperbilirubinemia (blood group typing, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, blood smear, tandem mass), treatment and duration of follow-up, auditory test results, and cranial MRI findings were evaluated. All patients were term neonates with an average body weight of 2943 +/- 533 g. The mean age at admission was 4.47 +/- 2.22 days, and the mean bilirubin level was 35.0 +/- 10.8 mg/dL. Exchange transfusion was performed once in all, except 4 patients who needed 2 transfusions. Kernicterus findings were found in 76% of patients on neurological examination, and cranial MRI detected a pathological finding in 71% of patients. In 2 patients, cranial MRI showed kernicterus findings, despite normal neurological examination. In contrast, in 3 patients, despite kernicterus findings in neurological examination, cranial MRI was normal. Although cranial MRI has an important place in the diagnosis of kernicterus, it does not always correlate with clinical findings. We believe that studies with larger series are warranted.  相似文献   



The aim of this study is to evaluate the correlation between clinical presentation and the extent of cortical involvement in patients with polymicrogyria.

Materials and methods

The magnetic resonance imaging findings of 26 patients were evaluated for the location and distribution of polymicrogyria. Presence of asphyxia at birth and serological tests for TORCH infections, the presence and type (spastic, flaccid) of motor deficits, mental development, microcephaly, and epilepsy were noted.


Nineteen patients had bilateral, whereas seven had unilateral involvement. Patients with unilateral polymicrogyria presented later with milder symptoms. The most encountered symptom in patients with bilateral involvement was mental motor retardation (MMR) (89%) and speech problems (84%). The clinical presentations of patients with asphyxia and positive serological tests for cytomegalovirus (CMV) were worse. All patients with positive serological tests for CMV had bilateral involvement. The perisylvian region was affected in five (71%) patients with unilateral involvement. The most encountered presenting symptom in these patients was epilepsy. Cerebral palsy was seen in three (43%) of the patients, and all of them had left hemiparesis. Microcephaly, MMR, and speech delay were detected in one (14%) of the patients.


Late presenting epilepsy may be a predictor of a unilateral polymicrogyria and is associated with relatively good prognosis. CMV infection and the presence of asphyxia are predictors of worse prognosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: We have previously reported that several "silent" infarcts found on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were a risk factor for stroke. Several recent reports have shown that high white matter grade (WMG) and increasing WMG over time were risk factors for stroke. We tested the hypothesis that high WMG > or =2 was a predictor of risk for stroke, independent of other risk factors. METHODS: We examined the extent of white matter hyperintensity on cranial MRI of 3293 participants from the Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS). The degree of white matter hyperintensity was graded from least severe (grade=0) to most severe (grade=9). Participants were followed-up for an average of 7 years for the occurrence of a stroke. Clinical stroke diagnoses were based on hospital records reviewed by an adjudication committee expert in stroke diagnosis. During this period, 278 strokes occurred. Results The relative risk of stroke increased significantly as the WMG increased. The risk of stroke was 2.8% per year for participants with high WMG (grades > or =5), compared with only 0.6% for participants with grades 0 to 1.Conclusions The risk of stroke with high WMG is independent of traditional stroke risk factors and persists when controlling for MRI infarcts, another subclinical imaging marker of cerebrovascular disease. Assessment of white matter disease may be valuable in assessing future risk of stroke.  相似文献   

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