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BACKGROUND: Studies of intra-articular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have revealed an analgesic effect equivalent to that of intra-articular local anaesthetic agents and morphine. The aim of this study was to evaluate the analgesic effect of intra-articular lidocaine, pethidine and tenoxicam compared with that of lidocaine and pethidine on postoperative pain after arthroscopy. METHODS: After day-case knee arthroscopy, 60 patients were randomly allocated to one of three groups to receive 20 ml of a solution containing 0.9% saline (group S), 2% lidocaine and 10 mg preservative-free pethidine (group LP) and 2% lidocaine, 10 mg preservative-free pethidine and 20 mg tenoxicam (group LPT). Postoperative pain was assessed using a visual analogue scale and measuring analgesic requirements. RESULTS: Pain scores were significantly lower in the LP group than in the S group at 1 and 2 h after surgery. From 4 h until the end of the first postoperative day, pain scores were significantly lower in the LPT group of patients at rest and on knee flexion than in the other two groups; these patients also used less oral analgesics (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: The combination of 20 ml lidocaine 2%, 10 mg pethidine and 20 mg tenoxicam given intra-articularly provided superior analgesia and reduced oral analgesic requirement during the first day after arthroscopy compared with lidocaine and pethidine alone.  相似文献   

Seventy-five children aged 4-6 years scheduled for tonsillectomy were randomly allocated to receive either topical tonsillar spray with 10% lidocaine 4 mg kg-1 3 minutes before surgical incision; identical tonsillar spray after both tonsils had been removed; or no topical spray (control group). There were significant differences in postoperative pain between the lidocaine groups and the control group at 0.5 and one hour after awaking ( P <0.05). Also in the lidocaine groups, consumption of paracetamol on the day of operation was less, and additional postoperative pethidine was not required. There were no significant differences between pre- and postoperative lidocaine groups in pain scores during the observation period but the use of pre-operative lidocaine tended to be associated with a more rapid return to calm wakefulness. Topical lidocaine seemed to have short-acting analgesic activity. The results of this study do not support the theory of pre-emptive analgesia.  相似文献   

A controlled investigation was conducted to compare the efficacy of ketoprofen and pethidine in relief of postoperative pain after nasal surgery. Sixty patients were randomly allocated to receive intravenous ketoprofen 1.5 mg.ml-1 or pethidine 1 mg.kg-1 during induction of anaesthesia. Appearance, pain and headache were assessed 1, 2, and 4 h postoperatively, and the following morning. The use of ketoprofen was associated with a significantly faster recovery from anaesthesia (P less than 0.001), and a more rapid return to calm awakening (P less than 0.05). Patients who received ketoprofen had significantly lower pain and headache scores (P less than 0.01 and P less than 0.001, respectively), and required significantly (P less than 0.05) less postoperative analgesia. No significant difference in incidence and severity of postoperative nausea or vomiting was found between the two groups at any time. A single intravenous dose of ketoprofen during anaesthesia may offer an advantage compared to pethidine in reducing postoperative pain following nasal surgery.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Diclofenac is widely used for postoperative analgesia but the perioperative safety of this drug is controversial because of its effect on platelet aggregation, which might increase blood loss. In a prospective investigator-blinded study the effects of diclofenac and paracetamol on pain and blood loss were compared in patients undergoing tonsillectomy. METHOD: Ninety patients were randomised to receive rectal diclofenac 0.65-1.0 mg x kg(-1) or paracetamol 13-20 mg x kg(-1) preoperatively. Ten patients were excluded after randomisation. Pain was evaluated postoperatively by means of the visual analogue scale and by recording the use of pethidine for rescue analgesia. Perioperative blood loss was estimated from measured intraoperative blood loss; use of drugs to achieve haemostasis, and the incidence of reoperations. RESULTS: Anaesthetic or surgical managements did not differ between the groups, but a significantly longer period of surgery was found in the diclofenac group, 32+/-16 vs. 25+/-11 min (P = 0.024). Pain scores or pethidine consumption were not significantly different between the groups. Intraoperative blood loss was significantly larger in the diclofenac group, 1.9 (1.1-3.1) vs. 1.1 (0.7-2.0) ml x kg(-1) (P = 0.007). CONCLUSION: Preoperative rectal diclofenac offers no advantage over paracetamol with respect to postoperative analgesia in tonsillectomy patients but increases intraoperative blood loss.  相似文献   

Intraperitoneal lidocaine for postoperative pain after laparoscopy   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
BACKGROUND: A controversy exists over the effectiveness and clinical value of intraperitoneal local anaesthetics for treating pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The use of intraperitoneal lidocaine was evaluated in this study. METHODS: At the end of surgery, 200 ml saline containing 200 mg lidocaine, or the same volume of saline, were randomly splashed under the right diaphragmatic surface in 50 patients in a double-blind manner. Postoperative shoulder and abdominal pain intensity were recorded on a numeric grading scale and a visual analogue scale, respectively. Analgesic consumption was also recorded. Respiratory function tests were compared before and after surgery. Side effects and recovery variables were assessed by the nurses at 2-h intervals. RESULTS: The incidence, severity and duration of shoulder pain were reduced from 40% of patients scoring 3.9+/-0.2 for duration of 17.9+/-0.2 h in the control group to 12% scoring 2.5+/-0.5 for duration of 1.6+/-0.01 h in the lidocaine group. Lidocaine treated patients had significantly less abdominal postoperative pain immediately on return to the ward and during the first postoperative day (P<0.05). "No pain on deep inspiration" was reported by 72% of patients in the lidocaine group immediately on return to the ward compared to 8% of those in the control group. Analgesic consumption for 24 h after surgery was significantly less in the lidocaine group (P<0.05). There were no significant differences in respiratory function tests, recovery variables or incidence of side effects between the two groups. CONCLUSION: Intraperitoneal lidocaine is simple to use and results in a long-lasting reduction of pain after a single administration.  相似文献   

A double-blind, randomised, clinical trial was undertaken comparing intramuscular meptazinol (1 mg/kg) with intramuscular pethidine (1 mg/kg) for the relief of post-tonsillectomy pain, in 100 children under 15 years of age. Pethidine provided better analgesia in those patients who were awake after 30 minutes, but thereafter no statistically significant differences between the degree of pain relief could be detected. Meptazinol caused less sedation than pethidine, in that significantly more patients were awake after 40 minutes in the meptazinol group. The incidence of nausea and vomiting was similar in patients of both groups.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tramadol is an alternative to other opioids for postoperative pain management. This prospective, randomized, double-blind study was designed to compare the analgesic efficacy of patient-controlled tramadol with patient-controlled morphine for postoperative pain after tonsillectomy in children. METHOD: Sixty patients were allocated randomly to receive a patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) with either tramadol (T) or morphine (M), in a double-blind randomized study. When surgery was completed and hemostasis achieved, a standardized loading dose (0.1 mg.kg(-1) in group M, or 1 mg.kg(-1) in group T) was given. Thereafter, the children helped themselves to bolus doses (morphine (0.02 mg.kg(-1)) or tramadol (0.2 mg.kg(-1)) with lock-out times of 10 min without time limit via a PCA device. Scores for pain, sedation, nausea, and the bolus and total PCA doses, hemodynamic parameters and side effects were recorded at 5, 15, 30 min and 1, 2, 4, 6 and 24 h during PCA administration. RESULTS: Pain scores decreased significantly with time in both groups (P < 0.05), but were lower in group M than in group T at 1, 2 and 4 h (P < 0.05). Sedation scores increased with time in both groups (P < 0.05). However there were no significant differences in sedation scores between two groups at any study period, but nausea scores were higher in M group at 4, 6 and 24 h (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Intravenous patient-controlled tramadol is an alternative to patient-controlled morphine for postoperative pain relief in children after tonsillectomy. Morphine gave better postoperative pain relief, but was associated with a higher incidence of nausea than tramadol.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We investigated the effect of preincisional rectal diclofenac on pain scores and postoperative morphine requirements of children undergoing tonsillectomy after remifentanil-propofol anaesthesia in a randomized clinical trial. METHODS: Induction and maintenance of anaesthesia were with remifentanil and propofol. Forty children were randomly assigned into two groups before incision. The diclofenac group (n=20) received diclofenac suppositories (approximately 1 mg x kg(-1)) and the control group (n=20) received no treatment. Following discontinuation of remifentanil, patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) with morphine (a loading dose 50 micro g x kg(-1), a background infusion 4 micro g x kg(-1) x h(-1) and a demand dose 20 micro g x kg(-1) with 5-min intervals) was started. We assessed pain score [verbal analogue scales (VAS), 0-10] and sedation level at 5-min intervals and recorded the total morphine consumption of the first hour in the PACU. Patients were discharged to the ward with a new PCA morphine programme (a demand dose 20 micro g.kg-1 with a lockout time of 30 min, for 4 h), and total morphine consumption was recorded. RESULTS: The mean VAS score of the diclofenac group was significantly lower than the control group on arrival in the PACU (2.85 +/- 0.77, 7.60 +/- 0.83, respectively, P < 0.01) and it remained significantly lower in the PACU stay of the children. The mean total morphine consumption of the diclofenac group was less than the control group in the PACU (130.33 +/- 11.26 and 169.92 +/- 9.22, respectively, P=0.012) and the ward (50.80 +/- 11.38 and 87.77 +/- 10.55, respectively, P=0.021). CONCLUSIONS: Preemptive diclofenac given rectally reduced pain intensity and morphine requirements of children anaesthetized with remifentanil for tonsillectomy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of the present study was to investigate whether a solution of ammonium sulphate and lidocaine had a prolonged duration of action compared with lidocaine alone after subcutaneous infiltration in human volunteers. METHODS: In a double-blind, randomised, controlled trial 12 male volunteers had either 4 ml lidocaine 1% (40 mg) or a solution of 4 ml ammonium sulphate 10% and lidocaine 1% (40 mg) subcutaneously infiltrated in corresponding skin areas on the right and left calf. The duration of the local anaesthetic action of the test medications was assessed 1-6 h after the infiltrations using thresholds to mechanical (von Frey hairs) and thermal stimulation (heat detection thresholds: HDT, and heat pain detection thresholds: HPDT), and by calculation of areas under the curve (AUC) for electronic visual analogue scale (VAS) pain ratings (sampled at 2 Hz) during a heat stimulation on the test areas for 30 s with a 45 degrees C warm thermode. RESULTS: At no assessment were thresholds to mechanical or thermal stimulation increased in favour of ammonium sulphate treated legs compared with control legs. On the contrary, HPDT were significantly lower in ammonium sulphate treated legs than control legs at the 3 h and 4 h assessment after infiltration (P<0.02). Similarly, the AUC for the VAS ratings was significantly higher in treatment legs compared with control legs 2 h and 3 h after infiltration (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: No improvement in local anaesthetic duration of ammonium sulphate 10% plus lidocaine 1% compared with lidocaine 1% alone was demonstrated early after subcutaneous infiltration in human volunteers.  相似文献   

Background : Since pre-incisional peritonsillar infiltrations of local anesthetic solutions have been suggested to reduce postoperative pain after tonsillectomy, we compared the efficacy of either pre- or postoperative local anesthetic infiltration upon post-tonsillectomy pain. Methods : After the induction of general anesthesia, 68 consecutive healthy patients, ranging in age from 8 to 65 years, were randomly allocated to either receive peritonsillar infiltration with 0.25% bupivacaine (group 1) or normal saline (group 2) before incision. A third group (group 3) had their peritonsillar region infiltrated with 0.25% bupivacaine after the completion of surgery but before the patients were awakened from anesthesia. All the patients were treated in the same way in the postoperative period: NSAIDs were given intravenously to adults and rectally to children. Acetaminophen was given intravenously or rectally (children aged < 15 yr) if additional analgesic support was requested by the patient. Additional acetaminophen consumption was recorded daily. Pain scores were assessed on every patient with the use of a visual analogue scale (VAS) at rest, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21 and 36 h after surgery, and also on swallowing during the first postoperative day. Results : Global VAS pain scores were lower in the groups treated with bupivacaine infiltration during the first 24 h after surgery (P < 0.05). Supplementary analgesic consumption was lower in group 3 than in group 2 during the 0–9 h interval immediately following surgery (P < 0.05). There were no statistically significant differences for any other parameters between the 3 groups. Conclusion : These results suggest that the timing of peritonsillar infiltration with bupivacaine is not of clinical importance and does not affect the quality of postoperative analgesia in patients undergoing tonsillectomy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Corrective strabismus surgery is associated with moderate pain and a very high incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV). Ketorolac tromethamine, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, is a popular analgesic in adults. There are only limited published data on the use of intravenous ketorolac for paediatric analgesia perioperatively. This study evaluated and compared the emetic and analgesic effect of ketorolac with pethidine and its suitability for this kind of surgery. METHODS: Following institutional ethics committee approval and parental consent, 52 ASA class I children of age 2.5 to 15 yr were randomised to receive either ketorolac 0.9 mg kg-1 or pethidine 0.5 mg kg-1 given intravenously (i.v.). A blinded observer assessed recovery by Steward's method immediately after arrival at the post anaesthesia care unit (PACU), pain by validated Objective Pain Score (OPS) at 0 h, 1/2 h and 1 h after arrival at the PACU and PONV by Numeric Rank Score at specified time intervals. RESULTS: There were no differences in demographic data, anaesthesia time or surgery duration. Recovery scores, OPS and postoperative analgesic requirement were similar in both groups. PONV at various time intervals for the first 24 h, occurred more frequently in the pethidine group as compared to the ketorolac group (P < 0.001) There were no side effects observed with either drug. CONCLUSION: Ketorolac in a dose of 0.9 mg kg-1 i.v. at the induction of anaesthesia is as effective as pethidine 0.5 mg kg-1 i.v. as an analgesic and is associated with significantly less PONV.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Diclofenac and paracetamol have different mechanisms and sites of action. Therefore, we tested if their combination is more effective for analgesia after tonsillectomy than either drug alone with respect to rescue analgesic consumption and visual analog scale values. METHODS: The analgesic effects of intravenously administered propacetamol (injectable pro-drug of paracetamol) and diclofenac or a combination on postoperative pain were compared in 71 adult elective tonsillectomy patients in a randomized, double-blind study. After induction of anesthesia the patients received monotherapy with 2 g propacetamol (n = 25) or 75 mg diclofenac (n = 25), or a combined treatment with 2 g propacetamol and 75 mg diclofenac (n = 21) in physiologic saline as an infusion. Postoperatively the propacetamol dosage was repeated twice and diclofenac once on the ward. Oxycodone (0.03 mg kg(-1)) was used as a rescue analgesic by patient-controlled analgesia. RESULTS: On average the patients needed oxycodone 15.3, 13.2 and 10.6 times in the propacetamol, diclofenac and combination groups, respectively (NS). A verbal rating scale and a visual analog scale were employed for assessing post-tonsillectomy pain, nausea and patient satisfaction in all groups. No statistically significant differences were found between the groups. Twelve of the 25 (48%) patients having received propacetamol complained of pain at the cannulation site. CONCLUSION: Combined treatment with propacetamol and diclofenac with the dosages used provided clinically only a minor advantage over monotherapy with propacetamol or diclofenac with respect to postoperative analgesia or the incidence of side-effects in adult tonsillectomy patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tonsillectomy is commonly performed in children, but unfortunately it is associated with intense postoperative pain. The use and optimal timing of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. ketoprofen) during tonsillectomy is controversial. METHODS: We evaluated the safety and efficacy of ketoprofen in 109 children, aged 3-16 years, during and after tonsillectomy in 1998-2000. Standardized anaesthesia was used. Forty-seven children received ketoprofen 0.5 mg.kg-1 at induction (preketoprofen group) and 42 children after surgery (postketoprofen group), followed by continuous ketoprofen infusion of 3 mg.kg-1 over 24 h in both groups; 20 children received normal saline (placebo group). Oxycodone was used for rescue analgesia. RESULTS: Pre- and postketoprofen groups did not differ in experienced pain or in opioid consumption in the first 24 h after surgery; demonstrating that ketoprofen did not have a pre-emptive effect. Patients in the placebo group received 30 more oxycodone doses than did patients in the ketoprofen groups, but the difference was not significant (P=0.074). Two patients (5) in the postketoprofen group had postoperative bleeding at 4 h and 26 h, respectively. Both patients required electrocautery to stop bleeding. Neither the incidence nor the severity of adverse events differed between study groups. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that ketoprofen did not have a preemptive effect and, at the dose used, did not perform statistically significantly better than placebo.  相似文献   

We assessed the effect of intravenous droperidol on the incidence and the severity of postoperative vomiting in children undergoing tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. Seventy-nine ASA physical status I or II children aged 1.5 to 18 years (mean 6.1 years) were randomized into two groups. Group I received droperidol 50 μg·kg?1 i.v. (maximum 1.25 mg), while group II received saline placebo immediately following the induction of general anaesthesia. All episodes of vomiting were recorded from the time of extubation until discharge the next morning. Of the 35 assigned to group I only 16 (46%) had one or more episodes of emesis compared to 31 of 44 (71%) in group II (P < 0.05). Patients in group I who vomited, did so only 1.9 ± 1.2 times compared to 4.6 ± 3.8 times for the control patients (P < 0.01). The authors conclude that droperidol at a dose of 50 μg·kg?1 given at the time of induction of anaesthesia to healthy children decreases the incidence and the severity of vomiting during the first postoperative day following tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy.;  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There are conflicting results concerning the pre-emptive effect of ketamine on central sensitization following surgery. The aim of this prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was to assess the effect of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist ketamine on postoperative morphine consumption and pain score after remifentanil-based anaesthesia in adult patients scheduled for tonsillectomy. METHODS: We studied 40 adult patients undergoing elective tonsillectomy. Total intravenous anaesthesia was induced and maintained with remifentanil (0.125-1.0 microg kg(-1) min(-1)) and propofol target-controlled infusion. Patients in group K received a bolus dose of ketamine 0.5 mg kg(-1) immediately after anaesthetic induction, followed by a continuous infusion of 2 microg kg(-1) min(-1). Saline was administered in the same sequence in group S. Propofol, remifentanil, and the study drug infusions were discontinued at the end of surgery. RESULTS: Intraoperative remifentanil consumption (0.57 +/- 0.18 in group K vs. 0.55 +/- 0.14 microg kg(-1) min(-1) in group S), morphine requirement in the PACU (11 +/- 3 in group K vs. 9 +/- 4 mg in group S) and in the ward (22 +/- 11 in group K vs. 25 +/- 14 mg in group S), median time to first analgesia in the ward (338 +/- 126 in group K vs. 328 +/- 144 min in group S), and VAS pain scores were comparable in both groups. CONCLUSION: Small-dose of ketamine does not seem to be a useful adjunct to remifentanil-based anaesthesia during short, painful surgical procedures.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Infiltrative anesthesia of the scalp with lidocaine was used in an attempt to reduce blood loss and anesthetic requirements during pediatric craniofacial surgery. Lidocaine, however, has the potential to cause methemoglobinemia. In this retrospective cohort-study we analyzed the incidence and effects of postoperative methemoglobinemia following subcutaneous lidocaine administration. METHODS: During 1999-2006, 50 infants (age: 3-31 months) undergoing elective craniofacial surgery were analyzed. All infants received general anesthesia and routine monitoring, including invasive arterial blood pressure measurement. Prior to incision, the scalp was infiltrated with 6-15 ml lidocaine 1% (with epinephrine 1 : 200.000). Blood loss and blood transfusions were recorded. Methemoglobin (Met-Hb) levels were determined postoperatively using co-oximetry. RESULTS: Twenty percent of the operated infants showed elevated Met-Hb levels (median of maximal levels: 6%; range: 2.2-18%) at admission on the PICU. In 80% of these methemoglobinemia resolved spontaneously within 12 h, only two children received methylene blue because of visible cyanosis. The intra- and postoperative course was otherwise uneventful in all the children despite significant total blood loss (median of blood loss as percentage from total estimated blood volume: 43%; range: 11-110%). Lidocaine was the only substance identified to have the potential to cause methemoglobinemia. However, the average administered dose of lidocaine was not significantly different between patients with or without methemoglobinemia (13 +/- 3.1 vs 12 +/- 3.5 mg.kg(-1); P = 0.37). CONCLUSIONS: Even though we did not measure lidocaine plasma levels, lidocaine was the most likely cause of postoperative methemoglobinemia. Despite a high incidence, methemoglobinemia occurred sporadically and was without dangerous consequences.  相似文献   

Background. Continuous regional analgesia (CRA) is considereda safe and efficacious technique for postoperative pain reliefin children after lower limb surgery. We recently evaluatedthe feasibility of patient-controlled regional analgesia (PCRA)in a similar acute pain situation and we concluded that PCRAmight be advantageous over CRA in terms of lower costs, riskof systemic toxicity while producing similarly adequate analgesia.We therefore prospectively compared both techniques in the paediatricpopulation. Methods. In total, 30 children undergoing lower limb orthopaedicsurgery were randomized to receive PCRA or CRA with ropivacaine0.2%. Visual analogue scale scores, rescue analgesia, overallsatisfaction, motor blockade and plasma ropivacaine concentrationswere recorded for 48 h. Results. Adequate analgesia was achieved with both techniques.No significant difference was noted for rescue analgesia, overallsatisfaction and motor blockade. In contrast, children in thePCRA group received significantly less local anaesthetics thanthose in the CRA group. In addition, total plasma concentrationsof ropivacaine were significantly reduced in the PCRA groupas compared with the CRA group during the 48 h postoperativeperiod. Conclusions. Both techniques are efficacious and satisfactory.However, PCRA with ropivacaine 0.2% can provide adequate postoperativeanalgesia for paediatric orthopaedic procedures with smallerdoses of ropivacaine than CRA.  相似文献   

We have investigated the addition of adrenaline to pethidine for patient-controlled epidural analgesia after elective Caesarean section. In a randomised, double-blind study, patients received patient-controlled epidural analgesia for 24 h using pethidine 5 mgml−1 with adrenaline 5 μgml−1 (adrenaline group, n  = 40) or pethidine 5 mgml−1 without adrenaline (plain group, n  = 38). Visual analogue scale pain scores at rest and on coughing measured 2 h, 6 h and 24 h after surgery were similar between the two groups. There was a trend towards lower mean total consumption of pethidine in the adrenaline group (231.5 mg; SD 140.5 mg) compared with the plain group (289.5 mg; SD 139.5 mg; p = 0.071). Patients in the adrenaline group had higher visual analogue scale scores for nausea at 2 h and 24 h and higher scores for pruritus at 2 h compared with the plain group. Addition of adrenaline to pethidine for patient-controlled epidural analgesia does not appear to have significant clinical advantages.  相似文献   

Background: To improve postoperative analgesia, local anesthetics have been administered perioperatively as infiltration or as aerosol in the surgical area. A previous study showed good analgesic effects by topical lidocaine in the wound in minor extraabdominal surgery (herniorraphy), while the same treatment in minor lower laparotomies did not improve postoperative analgesia. The present study investigated the effect of topical wound anesthesia using lidocaine aerosol on postoperative pain following major lower abdominal surgery.
Methods: Postoperative pain and analgesic requirements were studied in a double-blind randomized trial including 30 hysterectomized patients. Patients were randomized to receive single wound treatment either with lidocaine aerosol 500 mg (100 mg/ml; Xylocain® aerosol, ASTRA, Sweden) (n=15) or placebo aerosol (n=15). Postoperative pain was evaluated by visual analogue scale (VAS). Requirements of opiate analgesics (buprenorphine) after surgery were monitored.
Results: Lidocaine aerosol induced a significantly ( P <0.001) better analgesia at rest (VAS) and a significant ( P <0.001) reduction in postoperative requirements of buprenorphine during the first 24 hours after surgery compared to placebo aerosol. Differences between the groups in pain scores (VAS) and buprenorphine requirements during the second postoperative day were not significant. Mean pain scores upon mobilization 24 h after surgery were significantly lower in the group receiving lidocaine aerosol ( P <0.05). The plasma lidocaine concentration 4 h after the administration of lidocaine was well below toxic level and plasma lidocaine was detectable 48 h postoperatively. No drug-related side effects were reported.
Conclsuion: A single dose of lidocaine aerosol topically administered in the surgical wound of hysterectomy patients improved analgesia during the first postoperative day with minimal risk of side effects.  相似文献   

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