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Food intake was assessed over 7 consecutive days in 14 adolescent soccer players (14.1 y; 1.65 ± 0.07 m; 55.4 ± 7.6 kg) housed in a training Centre equipped with a self-service restaurant, using the weighed diet record method and the SU.VI.MAX iconographic method. Nutrient intake was estimated using the software Prodiet®. Daily energy expenditure (DEE) was assessed using a factorial method after a seven day activity record. Mean food and nutrient intakes were nearly adequate. However, intakes of starchy foods, fruit and vegetables were too low, whereas intake of sugar rich foods was too high. Mean saturated fatty acid intake was in excess, whereas PUFA intake was lower than RDA. Calcium, magnesium and iron intakes were close to RDA. Mean daily energy intake agreed with the mean estimated DEE. However, the high inter-individual variability in food choice, food and nutrient intakes, as well as food inadequacy during the weekend, must be underlined. The SU.VI.MAX iconographic method was adequate to assess energy and nutrient intakes in a group of adolescent athletes, but unappropriate for assessment in individuals. In addition, the adolescents underestimated intake of their favourite meals (starchy foods) and overvalued intake of fruit and vegetables.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are to enable the use of the concept of locus of control in the treatment of obese subjects and to verify if the presence of an alimentary disorder influences the belief in the weight’s control. The translation and validation in French is also part of the objective. We translated into French Saltzer’s specific scale of Weight Locus of Control (WLOC: weight locus of control) and then examined it’s validity. Then we compared it on general scales of the place of control (IPC of Levenson and SOC-3 of Paulhus). The subjects were both classified according to the presence of eating disorders (ED). A sample of 46 obese women (IMC>30) was tested, 20 of them without ED, and 26 with, associated to the presence ED, according to the criteria of the DSM-IV.The internal validity of WLOC is rather satisfactory. It correlates negatively with internality (IPC), personal control and interpersonal control (SOC-3). ED at the obese subjects are related on the externality of weight control and the externality of personal control. Obese subjects without ED believe more in weight control by themselves and personal control that the obese subjects with ED (Eating Disorders). Finally the scale of weight locus of control (WLOC) remains the most adapted in the treatment and the study of the obese subject.  相似文献   

Consumers’expectations have drastically changed over the last twenty years. Animal products are more and more transformed into ready-to-cook even ready-to-eat products. To the performance target, have been added consumers’desires such as quality, health and transformers’constraints for homogeneity and capacity for further processing. The nutritionist becomes the scientist of the compromise. He has to reach performance with quality with the help of feed complements and additives such as amino acids, vitamins, trace minerals. He can use rapid evaluation tool to adapt complementation to the actual batch of raw materials as well as exogenous enzymes to better access the valuable nutrients. By modifying the feeding strategy and feed composition, the nutritionist is able to contribute to satisfy human needs: from polyunsaturated fatty acids to vitamins and health benefits. Furthermore, the overall target is to guarantee the sustainability of animal productions.  相似文献   

Osteoporosis is a greater public health problem.Ecological studies have shown that femoral neck fractures was lesser in asian populations.It has been suggested that diet might play a role in this observation. Among foods, soybean and soyfoods seemed able to play this role because of their isoflavones content. They are experimentally weak estrogens which may bind to bone estrogen receptors (β especially). They also probably act through others mechanisms such as enzymes, particularly tyrosine kinase.In vitro studies and in vivo studies in animal models and in humans have shown two kinds of effects, a bone resorption inhibiting effect and a bone formation stimulating effect. A beneficial effect is not observed in non human female primate.Observational studies give inconsistent results, according to age, kind of bone, population, isoflavones dosage. Asian epidemiologic studies, and in a lesser extend western studies, show within these populations a positive correlation between isoflavones intakes and bone mineral density. Recently a Chinese prospective study has established a relationship between isoflavones intakes and bone fracture during a four years follow-up.Some clinical trials with defectives methodology demonstrate a lack of effect on bone mineral density; most of clinical trials show favourable results on femoral and spinal bone mineral density, sometimes on forearm, never of calcaneum. Two recent studies with red clover are also positive. Results in clinical trials are provided with higher dosages than in epidemiologic studies. The variability of observed effects could be due to producers or non-equol producers. These data are discussed.However we are still lacking for histological and histomorphometric data and for clinical trials on the fractures’ risk.To-day phytoestrogens cannot be considered as an anti-osteoporotic treatment. But it is not excluded than soy and/or soy isoflavones may become future means used in bone-loss prevention.  相似文献   

Overweight and obesity are considered major public health issues, and many preventive campaigns are designed to prevent unhealthy eating habits among the French. But these campaigns may be ineffective, and even sometimes counterproductive. Firstly, because prevention is a moral enterprise that can lead to stigmatizing targeted people. Secondly, because the ‘merchandization’ of prevention fuels a ‘dietary cacophony’. Thirdly, the medicalisation of overweight/obesity involves some shortcomings: it can prevent us from understanding eating habits, and many general physicians are insufficiently trained to take care of overweight or obese patients.  相似文献   

The prevalence of overweight and obesity were measured in a sample of 251 children aged 8 to 12 year in an urban area of the Eastern part of Algeria. IOTF references are used in order to define overweight and obesity.The overall prevalence of overweight and obesity is 21.5 %. 15.9 %. Overweight alone is found in 15.9% and obesity in 5,6 % of the children. Obese children consume less often a breakfast and less milk than that normal weight children and eat more often high fat, high carbohydrates foods. Mean caloric intakes are similar. Meals and snacking take often place while watching television. Energy percent derived from proteins but not their absolute amount and fat intakes are higher in overweight children. Most of the overweight children (78 %) do not practice any sport activity. Fat intake adjusted on energy intake is positively correlated with sport duration.This preliminary study suggest that childhood obesity is now a public health threat in Algeria.  相似文献   

Several consumer studies have shown that consumers are quite sceptical towards the concept of functional foods in general. Consumer acceptance is mainly shaped by subjective determinants, more specifically personal confidence in the alleged nutrition and health claims. Additionally, consumers are hardly willing to compromise on taste for the promise of better health. Strongest hesitation is seen towards disease reduction claims, which are also the most explicit and most difficult to prove claim type, as well as for non-natural and unfamiliar combinations of carrier products and functional ingredients. Higher levels of perceived control over personal health, and stronger perceptions of functional foods as a marketing scam have a strong negative impact on consumer reactions towards foods with nutrition and health claims. Reactions of consumers from specific risk groups, e.g. because of their health status or nutritional needs, have hardly been investigated thus far. The identification of needs and interests of these market segments, as well as the evaluation of consumer understanding of claims constitute a major challenge for future consumer research in this domain.  相似文献   

There is still a paucity of data analysing the specific features of representations of cholesterol and nutrition knowledge among hypercholesterolemic subjects. The knowledge and personal opinions of 1579 hypercholesterolemic patients (58% males; mean age: 58.3 years), recruited by their general practitioners, were analysed on the basis of the responses to a self-administered questionnaire. In a list of 11 foods, patients were asked to choose among three proposals: the food directly brings cholesterol to the body, the food is rich in fat which increases serum cholesterol levels and the food neither brings cholesterol nor contains fat which increases serum cholesterol levels.Correct answers were frequent for butter, meat, vegetables whereas incorrect answers were frequent for oils, and peanuts (which were considered as cholesterol rich foods). We did not find any strong correlations between the level of nutrition knowledge and gender, age and risk factors. In contrast, there was a strong relationship between educational level and nutrition knowledge. In comparison with subjects with a good nutrition knowledge, those who gave the highest percentage of wrong answers expressed the most misconceptions concerning hypercholesterolemia and its attendant risks and were the least convinced by and motivated for treatment. Finally we also identified health locus control as a major determinant of nutrition knowledge.Our findings attest to the need to support educational and informational messages. In order to heighten the impact of such efforts, it would seem necessary to target specific messages according to educational level and health locus control.  相似文献   

Recognised 30 years ago, hospital nutritional depletion remains a major problem of public health which concerns from 30% to 50% of all patients at admission. The circular DHOS/E 1 n? 2002-186 of the 29 March 2002, recommending the implementation of both the committee for food-nutrition (CLAN: Comité de Liaison Alimentation Nutrition) and the nutrition support team within the hospital, is the result of 10 years effort in regard to food-nutrition and the accreditation process in health care. The dietician, previously accountable for the quality of food and dietary services, has now the opportunity to play a leading role within the nutritional care team for the screening and treatment of nutritional depletion. However, the initial training and the present status of the dietician don’t allow him to follow this evolution effectively. Updating of his training and the redefinition of his missions seem indispensable to respond to today's health care needs. This will help to ensure that above legal recommendation can be applied.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the associations between dairy products and cardiovascular risk factors in a representative sample of the French population. A sample of 912 men aged 45-64 years was randomly selected from the general population in Northern (Lille), Eastern (Strasbourg) and South-Western (Toulouse) regions of France. Risk factors were evaluated in each participant who completed a three-consecutive-day food record. In statistical analysis, subjects were separated according to quintiles of daily dairy product consumption. From the lowest quintile to the highest quintile of dairy product consumption and after adjustment for center, age, energy intake, alcohol, sodium, magnesium, and antihypertensive and antidiabetic treatments, systolic blood pressure significantly decreased. The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome decreased significantly from 32.6% to 25.0%, 21.8%, 18.3% and 19.9% (p=0.02 after adjustment for center, age, energy intake, alcohol, sodium, magnesium, and antihypertensive and antidiabetic treatments). In conclusion, high consumption of dairy products is associated with lower levels of blood pressure and a lower prevalence of the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   



To examine the ability of the 2006 Spanish Health Survey (SHS-2006) to analyze the population’s health from a gender perspective and identify gender-related inequalities in health, and to compare the 2006 version with that of 2003.


A contents analysis of the adults and households questionnaires was performed from the gender perspective, taking gender as (a) the basis of social norms and values, (b) the organizer of social structure: gender division of labor, double workload, vertical/horizontal segregation, and access to resources and power, and (c) a component of individual identity.


The 2006 SHS uses neutral language. The referent is the interviewee, substituting the head of the family/breadwinner of past surveys. A new section focuses on reproductive labor (caregiving and domestic tasks) and the time distribution for these tasks. However, some limitations in the questions about time distribution were identified, hampering accurate estimations. The time devoted to paid labor is not recorded. The 2006 version includes new information about family commitments as an obstacle to accessing healthcare and on the delay between seeking and receiving healthcare appointments.


The SHS 2006 introduces sufficient variations to confirm its improvement from a gender perspective. Future surveys should reformulate the questions about the time devoted to paid and reproductive labor, which is essential to characterize gender division of labor and double workload. Updating future versions of the SHS will also involve gathering information on maternity/paternity and parental leave. The 2006 survey allows delays in receiving healthcare to be measured, but does not completely allow other delays, such as diagnostic and treatment delays, to be quantified.  相似文献   

In longitudinal studies of infectious diseases and nutrition in Bangladesh, we determined the degree of bacterial contamination of traditional weaning foods and evaluated the role of these foods in the transmission of diarrhoeal diseases. 41% of samples of food items fed to weaning aged children contained Escherichia coli; these organisms were used as indicators of faecal contamination. Milk and foods prepared particularly for infants were more frequently and heavily contaminated with E. coli than was boiled rice, and E. coli levels were found to be related to the storage of cooked foods at high environmental temperatures. 50% of drinking water specimens also contained E. coli, but colony counts were approximately 10-fold lower than in food specimens. The proportion of a child's food samples that contained E. coli was significantly related to the child's annual incidence of diarrhoea associated with enterotoxigenic E. coli. This observation underscores the importance of seeking locally available foods that are hygienic as well as nutritious to supplement the diets of breastfeeding children in developing countries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to define various consumers’ profiles based on the Health Barometer survey data about the consumption of different foods within the previous 15 days. This typology is based on factorial analysis and classification methods. Seven profiles were identified: “hedonist”, “not concerned”, “concerned”, “practical”, “traditional”, “aware”, “small eater”. These seven groups are described according to social and demographic variables as well as the behavioral and life style variables associated with eating habits. This study contributes to an improved knowledge of different eating behaviours in the French population and provides elements for defining specific groups towards whom prevention strategies should be implemented.  相似文献   

For infants, sodium recommended dietary allowances are low. The influence of sodium intake on young children's blood pressure has been shown contradictory. Sodium intake increases as children get older from 2 months, 5 months, 9 months, 12 months. This is especially influenced by complementary foods. Moreover, sodium intake can also vary by a factor of 2 at any time period, depending on food choice, i.e. milk formula, baby's food and even usual family's food. In addition no benefit is expected from a high level sodium intake; an excessive sodium intake is often linked in toddler's food to an excess intake of protein and saturated fatty acids. That's why it seems safer to limit sodium level consumption. Therefore nutritional information has to be organised for mothers and caregivers in maternity wards and in day care centers to promote healthy food habits in early childhood.  相似文献   

Eating behaviours are ruled simultaneously by physiological; psychological, technical, social, and economic systems. In practice, human subjects manage the complexity of these multiple determinants by following mental and technical routines, which progressively incorporate the results of experience. Social representations are a key mode of transmission and guidance of behaviour; a kind of user’s manual of everyday objects. To modify behaviour, one has to act simultaneously upon all levels of determination in order to open new behavioural paths, and this can be done only in collaborative process involving all stakeholders.  相似文献   

This project supports the initiative promoted by the Spanish National Health System to provide informational materials, in printed or interactive format, to encourage public participation in decision making and healthcare. We present the newly created PyDEsalud.com, a web platform aimed at people with chronic diseases with a high socioeconomic impact, such as breast cancer, depression, and diabetes. This platform uses scientific methodology and contains three information service modules (Patients’ experiences, Shared decision making, and Research needs), aimed at promoting health education for patients and families.  相似文献   

Practical and specific guidelines are needed to design nutritionally adequate food baskets for food aid. Since the weight of foods is the only information on food easily available and understandable by non nutritionist field-workers, weight-based guidelines were presently developed. They are compatible with the French food-based dietary guidelines and take into account that food-insecure individuals have limited access to some foods, such as meat, fish, fruit and vegetables, while refined cereals are the main component of their diets. These guidelines can also be used to evaluate the dietary quality of existing food aid. factual food baskets delivered by food aid agencies in France were compared to the recommended food basket. The results show that fruit and vegetables are severely lacking (only 10% of total food basket weight instead of 33% recommended) while staples, mainly refined cereals, are given in excess (40% instead of 15%), as well as sugar- or salt-containing food products (9% instead of 2%). This results show that it is necessary to improve the dietary quality of food aid in France and suggest that simple weight-based recommendations can be helpful.  相似文献   

Based on the mean retail price of 691 foods grouped in 7 food-groups and 26 sub-groups, and on the consumption of these foods by 4 834 participants to the SUVIMAX study, we estimated the cost, the nutrient density and the excess in undesirable components in 10 MJ provided by each food group and sub-group. Meat/fish/eggs and fruits and vegetables, which are the most expensive sources of energy, have the highest nutritional quality. High sugar, fat and salt containing products and added fats, which are the cheapest sources of energy, have the lowest nutritional quality. Unrefined staples are interesting because they are cheap sources of energy that have a low content in undesirable components. In each group, some food-groups have a higher nutritional quality/price ratio than others, suggesting that, by selecting them preferentially, a healthy diet could be obtained at a moderate cost.  相似文献   

Evidence has identified unhealthy lifestyle behaviors as the main contributors to obesity in children, so it is essential to identify factors that could influence children’s lifestyles. The objective of the present study was to analyze the association of baseline maternal educational level with child’s physical activity, screen time, and dietary habits at follow-up. This community-based cohort study was carried out between 2012 and 2014 and included 1405 children aged 8 to 10 years old. Maternal educational level was used as an indicator of child’s socioeconomic status. Physical activity, screen time, and dietary habits were assessed by validated questionnaires. The odds of having commercially baked goods for breakfast [OR 1.47 (95% CI 1.03 to 2.10)], going more than once a week to a fast-food restaurant [OR 1.64 (95% CI 1.20 to 2.26)], and taking sweets and candys several times a day [OR 3.23 (95% CI 2.14 to 4.87) were significantly higher among children whose mothers had a lower educational level compared to their peers whose mothers had a higher level. These associations held for taking sweets and candy several times a day after additional adjustment for the corresponding dietary behavior at baseline. Maternal educational level was inversely associated (p < 0.001) with child’s screen time at follow up and being in the lowest maternal educational category was associated with an increased odds of surpassing the maximum recommended time of screen time of 120 min per day (OR (95% CI) 1.43 (1.07 to 1.90), p = 0.016). Maternal education is a predictor for unhealthy dietary habits and high screen time in children.  相似文献   

Breakfast is an essential meal since it provides 25% of the energetic needs and participates to a better food balance over the day; furthermore breakfast consumption is correlated with a better mental and physical health. An increased consumption of high-quality cereals, such as bread and ready-to-eat cereals, at breakfast should allow reaching the objective of 55% energy supplied by carbohydrates, notably complex carbohydrates (starch and fibre). However, both products exhibit inconstant nutritional qualities according to the raw materials and technological processes used. Brown bread should be favoured instead of white bread which has a low nutritional density and a high glycaemic index; baking processes will have to be improved, and a better communication will be necessary to favour the consumption of breads of high nutritional quality. Ready-to-eat cereals intended for adults are of better nutritional quality than those intended for children, containing less simple sugars and lipids, and more fibre.  相似文献   

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