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整形美容是人类需要层次提高而出现的一种新事物,针对人们对整形美容存有疑虑和消极认识的现状,本文通过积极心理学理论,分别从整形美容价值观、社会的宽容性、个人理性认识和正确的舆论导向机制四方面阐述了整形美容业的可发展性.为整形美容业今后的健康发展起到一定的积极导向作用.  相似文献   

近年来,随着整形美容学科的发展,在美容整形过程中使一些求美者得到形象改变的同时也带来了美容整形的医疗纠纷,使之成为社会关注的焦点和热点问题。随着生物-医学-心理模式的发展,美容心理学作为应用心理学的一个分支,日益受到整形美容界学者们的关注。因此,关注术前求美者的心理问题,加强医患沟通成为整形美容业防范医疗纠纷的重要因素。文章主要从美容心理学与整形美容外科医疗纠纷发生的相关因素做阐述。  相似文献   

姜贤飞  赵欣  朱方 《中国美容医学》2011,20(7):1166-1168
通过回顾超女王贝接受整形手术死亡的事件,分析了当前医疗整形美容行业存在的问题及其原因,提出了规范医疗整形美容行业的思考:完善医疗整形美容业的相关法律、明确监管责任,提高医疗美容行业准入标准、循证建立医疗整形手术标准和指南以及建立全国性的医疗整形美容资格认证和公示制度。  相似文献   

正2017年4月6日。由中国整形美容协会文饰分会、天美美容连锁有限公司、徐小平美容有限公司联合主办的"徐小平文饰艺术中华质量万里行"全国巡讲启动仪式在西安香格里拉酒店二楼隆重举行。来自全国各地百余名精英学员参加和见证了本次活动,极大地促进了文饰行业的专业交流与健康发展。中国整形美容协会医学美学文饰分会会长辛映继、全国美容业创新发展联合自律管理委员会常务主席,全国美妆日化科协执行主席陈宝岩、西安市政协委员王连  相似文献   

现代社会医学整形美客发展迅速,在整形美容技术日渐成熟的同时,越来越多的学者把关注的焦点转向医学整形美容过程中心理因素影响的研究,整形美容心理咨询将在医学整形美容中起到越来越重要的作用.本文将从医学整形美容的心理学背景、心理异常类型以及整形美容患者心理引导等角度出发阐述美客心理咨询在整形外科中的临床应用.  相似文献   

现代科技的发展,为美容业提供了种种可能。人们开始利用整形美容改变自己先天的容貌和形体,并把它作为提高自信心与再生魅力的手段。美容外科作为整形外科的一部分,它产生的历史比较短,在第一、二次世界大战期是,很多人被战争毁坏了容貌,丧失了肢体,他们虽然还活着,但却不能像正常人一样生活,为此,医学界在观念上发生了一次重大的改变,开始超越只挽救生命的传统,于是,整形外科诞生了,随之分支出:烧伤整形、创伤整形、肿瘤整形、先天畸形整形以及美容整形。美容整形外科的目的,不仅是消  相似文献   

美容行业的发展看似繁华似锦,实则暗流涌动。当美容人都在躁动着做市场、做渠道、做终端之时,几乎没有人对整个行业的状况进行理性的分析与研究。从4月起,《美容财智》特约评论员萧珂,将从行业的现象特点、市场的消费行为、产品的营销模式、厂商的品牌出路、中间渠道的困境、媒体的影响力、行业协会的作用、政府的监管以及美容业的发展前景等多个方面,为我们展开一幅中国美容业客观的现实画面。[编者按]  相似文献   

通过检索近50余年国内学者在鼻整形美容方面的代表性文献,梳理、归纳、总结了鼻整形美容技术的演变和理念的转化过程。中国鼻整形美容技术的起源和发展源自于西方国家的技术和理念。在技术方面,从单纯的使用人工材料的闭合性鼻整形术向使用自体组织进行结构重建的开放性鼻整形术演变。近年来,本着鼻整形美容技术的本质是一种微创技术的理念,即尽可能利用自体组织进行结构重建,减少人工材料进行结构重建的理念。而未来鼻整形美容技术的应用理念将可能从采用数字化设计、精准手术导航的方法,以及制作出符合人体生物力学的人工仿生材料等方面着手,探索鼻整形美容技术的现代理念。  相似文献   

生活美容的行业性质并未取得一致的认识,一般来说是指以面部皮肤保养、护理为主,兼化妆和形体健美等,是介于服务业和医学之间的一项新兴行业。在管理方面尚无成例可循。为了解生活美容业的现状,郑州市整形美容协会做了初步调查。1 调查结果全市美容业单位全民性质的18家,集体  相似文献   

中国美容行业的发展速度令世人所瞩目,特别是美容整形技术的进步,更成为中国美容业的一张国际名片。近日,成都美容界人士提出要将成都打造成“中国美容第一城”,这是国内城市中第一次明确提出将“美容”作为城市特色,受到了业内外的广泛关注。[编者按]  相似文献   

整形外科进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的综述近几年整形外科临床治疗所取得的主要进展.方法广泛阅读国内外相关文献及专著,并进行综合,指出整形外科取得的主要成就.结果在整形外科中,近几年美容外科有了飞速发展,并有将整形、美容学科合二为一的趋势.在手外科不仅重视结构、功能的修复,也要重视形态美、应发展"美容手外科".在面瘫及面部毁损治疗方面,发展了"面部肌肉神经化测量系统"及同种异体颜面部移植技术.穿支血管皮瓣的解剖研究促进了临床应用的发展.结论整形外科已取得很多重要发展,今后在修复重建外科领域应更加重视结构、功能、形态的完美结合.  相似文献   

Plastic surgery covers a broad spectrum of diseases and conditions in the areas of reconstructive surgery, hand, burn and aesthetic surgery. Besides acquired defects or malformations an increasing number of patients are being treated for surgical or multimodal complications. In a considerable number of patients plastic and reconstructive surgery remains the only therapeutic alternative after other therapy has failed. Therefore complication management in plastic surgery is of utmost importance for a successful outcome. In addition patient expectations in the results of plastic surgery as a discipline of invention and problem solving are steadily increasing. This challenge is reflected in clinical patient management by intensive research in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Patients in plastic surgery are recruited from all age groups of either gender, involving traumatic and oncologic as well as congenital and aesthetic disorders. The demographics of aging, multimorbidity and obesity pose new challenges to plastic surgery. Although age over 70 years is not an independent risk factor per se for complications in plastic surgery, e.g. for complex free flap transfer, medical problems are present at a higher rate, which is to be expected in this age group. Risk factors such as alcoholism and coronary heart diseases seem to be independent predictors of perioperative complications. Therefore older patients can also benefit from plastic surgery and recurrent operations by the corresponding risk and complication management. Complication management necessitates careful patient selection, estimation of operative risks and patient-adapted selection of procedures. In addition to expertise in plastic surgery a thorough knowledge of non-surgical and surgical back-up procedures for technical incidents as well as vascular circulatory and wound healing disorders is required to deal successfully with complications in plastic surgery. This article presents these specific aspects of postoperative complication management in plastic surgery.  相似文献   

Is aesthetic surgery a business guided by market structures aimed primarily at material gain and profit or a surgical intervention intended to benefit patients and an integral part of the health-care system? Is it a frivolous subspecialty or does it provide a real and much needed service to a wide range of patients? At present, cosmetic surgery is passing through an identity crisis as well as an acute ethical dilemma. A closer look from an ethical viewpoint makes clear that the doctor who offers aesthetic interventions faces many serious ethical problems which have to do with the identity of the surgeon as a healer. Aesthetic surgery that works only according to market categories runs the risk of losing the view for the real need of patients and will be nothing else than a part of a beauty industry which has the only aim to sell something, not to help people. Such an aesthetic surgery is losing sight of real values and makes profit from the ideology of a society that serves only vanity, youthfulness, and personal success. Unfortunately, some colleagues brag that they chose the plastic surgery specialty just to become rich aesthetic surgeons, using marketing tactics to promote their practice. This is, at present, the image we project. As rightly proposed, going back a little to Hippocrates, to the basics of being a physician, is urgently warranted! Being a physician is all that a “cosmetic” surgeon should be. In the long run, how one skillfully and ethically practices the art of plastic surgery will always speak louder than any words.  相似文献   

The evolution of thought concerning the justification of aesthetic plastic surgery as a special field of endeavor in medical practice is viewed against the background of the development of this specialty.Representative writings on the psychologic, social, and philosophic aspects of aesthetic plastic surgery are reviewed in a selective manner to allow an insight into the prevailing thought of those who played a part in the development of this speciality, as well as into the factors that determined the direction of its development.  相似文献   

目的结合我国具体国情,以不同级别医院整复外科护士需求调查结果为基础,构建整复外科专科护士培训课程核心知识体系。方法在查阅文献的基础上,拟定整复外科专科护士培训课程知识需求调查表,按照重要程度分为5个等级,依据Likert-5分级评分法予以评分,调查来自全国8所医院的413名整复外科护士的知识需求,依据调查结果评估不同层级护士的需求。结果初步拟定包括伤口管理、美容外科手术护理、围术期患者管理、颅颌面外科护理、整复外科护理起源与建立、显微外科护理等6个方面,共77个知识点的整复外科专科护士培训课程核心知识体系。调查结果显示,一、二级医院培训知识需求集中在美容外科手术护理和伤口管理方面,三级医院护士培训需求集中在伤口管理、显微外科护理、颅颌面外科护理等方面。相关性分析显示,护士的年龄、职称、学历、工作医院等级,与整复外科护理起源与建立、伤口管理、颅颌面外科护理呈正相关;工作医院等级与显微外科护理呈正相关。结论不同级别医院的护理人员对整复外科专科护士培训知识均表现出较高程度的需求,不同医院护士群体对知识的需要、熟悉程度不同,构建针对不同层次护士需要的自由组合、模块化的培训内容具有实践意义。  相似文献   

目的探讨单丝聚丙烯合成非吸收齿状线在美容整形中的并发症产生的原因及应用方法及技术的改进。方法对近两年的单丝聚丙烯合成非吸收齿状线在美容整形中的应用进行总结与分析。结果改进应用方法后,并发症明显减少,效果加强。结论单丝聚丙烯合成非吸收齿状线在美容整形中应用得当,可减少并发症、取得显著效果。  相似文献   

随着整形美容外科专业在我国的蓬勃发展,国内不同等级的医疗机构对经过正规培训的整形美容外科医生的需求逐年在增加。为了提高教学效果,针对整形外科不同层次的学生,我们采用了多种形式、有针对性的教学模式,并取得了一定的效果。本文分别从教学查房、手术带教、读书报告、技能培训、学术交流、专题讲座等多个层面浅析了整形外科临床教学模式。  相似文献   

The psychology of aesthetic plastic surgery   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Aesthetic plastic surgery and psychology are closely linked, as the aesthetic plastic surgeon is dealing with people's emotional, psychological, and social needs and aspirations. This article presents an overview of the relationship between the two professional disciplines. The minority of patients with psychiatric or psychological problems is described, and their treatment is considered in relation to both disciplines. We then move on to discuss the psychological and social issues that underlie mainstream aesthetic surgery in the context of the psychological theory of stigma. The role of the psychologist within aesthetic surgery is discussed.  相似文献   

The role of clinical photography in aesthetic plastic surgery requires it to set high standards for the quality of the photos taken. The comparable portrayal of a series of dynamic changes leaves little room for artefacts. Even very small variations in the pictures may cause drastic changes in the value of clinical photography in aesthetic plastic surgery. The basic variations are discussed and illustrated. It is stressed that unless stringent criteria for clinical photography are met, photographs lose their value with regard to both patients and their didactic value for surgeons. This has implications not only for the individual surgeon, but also for the art of aesthetic plastic surgery as a whole.  相似文献   

The role of clinical photography in aesthetic plastic surgery requires it to set high standards for the quality of the photos taken. The comparable portrayal of a series of dynamic changes leaves little room for artefacts. Even very small variations in the pictures may cause drastic changes in the value of clinical photography in aesthetic plastic surgery. The basic variations are discussed and illustrated. It is stressed that unless stringent criteria for clinical photography are met, photographs lose their value with regard to both patients and their didactic value for surgeons. This has implications not only for the individual surgeon, but also for the art of aesthetic plastic surgery as a whole.  相似文献   

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