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Objectives  Many academic training programmes have developed mentorship programmes for postgraduate doctors in training, but little is known about the factors that influence their establishment.
Methods  Canadian postgraduate training directors were surveyed to determine views on mentorship and factors associated with the establishment of these programmes.
Results  A total of 199 of 344 (58%) programme directors completed an online survey. Overall, 65% of respondents reported that their training programmes had a mentorship programme and 40% felt there was a need for more structured mentorship in training programmes. Univariate analysis showed that mentorship programmes were present significantly more often in larger programmes, internal medicine-based training programmes, and in programmes where the acting programme director had either been part of a mentorship programme during his or her own training or felt that mentorship had played an important role in his or her professional development. In adjusting for covariates using a logistic regression analysis, only those factors directly attributable to a programme director's personal mentoring experiences remained significantly associated with having a mentorship programme. Those who felt that mentorship had played a role in their own careers ( P  = 0.008, odds ratio [OR] = 3.3, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.7–6.6) or who had been part of a mentorship programme during their own training ( P  = 0.01, OR = 6.6, 95% CI 1.4–30.1) were more likely to have an active mentorship programme at their institution.
Conclusions  A need for more structured mentorship was identified for many training programmes. Overall, programme directors' previous mentoring experiences were independently associated with having a mentorship programme.  相似文献   

Context  There is significant variation in the structure and quality of undergraduate medical education around the world. Accreditation processes can encourage institutional improvement and help promote high-quality education experiences.
Methods  To investigate the overseeing of medical education from an international perspective, the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER®) has developed, and continues to update, the Directory of Organizations that Recognize/Accredit Medical Schools (DORA). The directory includes information on the presence of national accrediting bodies and related data. Medical education accreditation information was pooled by World Health Organization (WHO) regions.
Results  Although over half of all countries with medical schools indicate that they have a national process for accrediting medical education programmes, the nature of the various authorities and levels of enforcement vary considerably.
Discussion  Despite global trends indicating an increasing focus on the quality of education programmes, data linking accreditation processes to the production of more highly skilled doctors and, ultimately, better patient care are lacking. Investigating current accreditation practices is a necessary step for further research. To this end, we will continue to gather data on medical education around the world and will explore opportunities for relating these processes to outcomes.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: There is an international crisis in academic medicine: numbers of academics are low; there is a split between teaching and research, and career progression is poorly defined. In the UK, academic career pathways have recently been reformed, but there is little readily accessible information on what a high-quality academic training scheme might comprise. METHODS: I conducted a wide review of medical and bio-psychosocial databases, coupled with a search of the grey literature. RESULTS: The review suggests both widespread support for training in research and dissatisfaction with training schemes. Insufficient training time is a major issue. High-quality supervision is crucial, with clear goals and expectations for research fellows. Structured training seems to be helpful, as is financial, administrative and statistical support. However, the vast majority of studies give a broad overview or opinion, or report the superficial results of questionnaire surveys. The focus is on research training; teaching is ignored. CONCLUSIONS: Although there appears to be broad agreement on a number of issues, the literature lacks sufficient depth, and little is known about factors that contribute to effective academic training schemes. Schemes must be studied in depth to determine what makes them successful, in order to ensure the future of teaching and research.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The demonstration of appropriate attitudinal behaviour is crucial in the professional development of doctors. This study explores the experiences of UK medical schools in developing and assessing the behaviour associated with the attitudes of undergraduate medical students. METHODS: A qualitative in-depth interview study was based on a questionnaire survey of all UK medical schools. Six heads of medical schools or their nominated representatives were interviewed. Outcome measures were the perceptions and experiences of developing and assessing appropriate attitudes and behaviour in their undergraduate students. RESULTS: Aspects of the hidden curriculum, especially the negative role modelling encountered during clinical practice, were seen to undermine the attitudinal messages of the formal curriculum. Some participants believed that students could still qualify as doctors despite having inappropriate attitudes or behaviour. Others felt certain that this was now unlikely in their school, and this confidence seemed to be backed up with the knowledge that strategies, systems and structures were in place to detect and act upon poor behaviour. DISCUSSION: The conviction that it is right to assess students on their attitudinal behaviour does not yet appear to be held consistently across all schools and we suggest that this may reflect some fundamental tensions arising from differing views about the essential elements of good medical practice, tensions that are also shaping the hidden curriculum.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the current status of teaching on spirituality in medicine in UK medical schools and to establish if and how medical schools are preparing future doctors to identify patients' spiritual needs. METHODS: We carried out a national questionnaire survey using a 2-part questionnaire. Section A contained questions relating to the quantity of teaching on spirituality and the topics covered. Section B contained questions relating to teaching on alternative health practices. Medical educators from each of the 32 medical schools in the UK were invited to participate. RESULTS: A response rate of 53% (n = 17) was achieved. A total of 59% (n = 10) of respondents stated that there is teaching on spirituality in medicine in their curricula. On extrapolation, at least 31% and a maximum of 78% of UK medical schools currently provide some form of teaching on spirituality. Of the respondents that teach spirituality, 50% (n = 5) stated that their schools include compulsory teaching on spirituality in medicine, 80% (n = 8) include optional components, and 88% stated that teaching on complementary and alternative medicine is included in the curriculum. CONCLUSIONS: Although 59% (n = 10) of respondent medical schools (the actual UK figure lies between 31% and 78%) currently provide some form of teaching on spirituality, there is significant room for improvement. There is little uniformity between medical schools with regard to content, form, amount or type of staff member delivering the teaching. It would be beneficial to introduce a standardised curriculum on spirituality across all UK medical schools.  相似文献   

In 1996 the University of Liverpool introduced a new curriculum based on the recommendations published in Tomorrow's Doctors. This work examines how graduates of that course view their undergraduate curriculum and whether they consider it prepared them well for the pre-registration year. Five focus groups were arranged with a selection of graduates from the first cohort to graduate from the reformed curriculum in order to ascertain their views on the course and how it had prepared them to work as pre-registration house officers (PRHOs). The focus groups were tape-recorded, transcribed and analysed. The PRHOs felt they had been well prepared for the PRHO year, citing the clinical experience of the final year, communication skills classes and the Clinical Skills Resource Centre as having been particularly beneficial. There were concerns about their basic science knowledge base although this had not affected their ability to work as PRHOs. They had criticisms of the way part of their course had been structured but overall they were happy with the content of the course. A reformed medical curriculum in the UK can prepare graduates well to work as junior doctors and can take away some of the anxiety associated with graduation; therefore, to that extent curriculum reform has worked. However, anxiety about undertaking the role of junior doctor seems to have been replaced by anxiety about knowledge base, despite having adequate knowledge to work as PRHOs. Students undertaking a reformed curriculum are wary about being the first people to use their training in the workplace. This factor may need to be considered when further reforms are introduced.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Globalisation has profoundly affected health care by increasing the diversity of clinicians and their patients. Worldwide, medical schools highlight the need for students to understand and show respect for patients and peers of different ethnicities. Yet a sound theoretical approach and robust methods for learning about cultural awareness are lacking. The reasons for this are unclear. OBJECTIVE: To explore Year 2 medical students' understanding of the concepts of race, ethnicity and culture. METHODS: This study was set in 2 universities in the north of England. The student population of each was of a similar ethnic mix but the universities differed in terms of local demography (a wide patient ethnic mix versus a predominantly White patient population with experience of social deprivation) and curricula (a curriculum involving problem-based learning and paper-based cases versus a curriculum involving early contact with patients). Participants comprised 49 Year 2 medical students (mean age 20.8 years), 40% of whom came from ethnic minority groups. Seven focus groups were held across the 2 universities to explore students' understanding of cultural awareness. Students were asked to discuss the terms 'race', 'ethnicity', 'culture' and 'cultural diversity'. Interviews were transcribed and analysed qualitatively using grounded theory. Themes were identified and validated by an independent researcher. RESULTS: Four overarching themes emerged: 'White fears' at discussing race-related issues; ethnic minority discomfort at being viewed as 'different'; difficulties in relating to professional boundaries, and barriers against talking about race beyond legitimate disease-related discourse. CONCLUSIONS: For students, discussion of race beyond the confines of medical discourse was problematic. If students are to develop professional holistic values towards patient care, they need more support in understanding their own personal values and uncertainties.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Most US medical schools conduct comprehensive clinical skills assessments during Years 3 and 4. This study explores strategies used to identify and remediate students who perform poorly on these assessments. METHODS: In the academic year 2005-06, we conducted 33 semi-structured interviews with individuals responsible for standard setting in and remediation after their schools' comprehensive clinical skills assessments. We coded interviews to identify major themes. RESULTS: Prior to remediation, some schools employed a 'verification' step to ensure the accuracy of the failing score or need for remediation. Participants described a remediation process that included some or all of 3 steps. Firstly, students' specific learning deficits were diagnosed. Next, students participated in remedial activities such as performance review sessions or practice with standardised or actual patients. Lastly, students were re-tested, usually with a shorter, more formative examination. All participants reported using a diagnostic step, most offered or required remedial activities and many re-tested, although schools varied in the emphasis placed on each step. Many participants cited the individualised attention students received from remediation faculty staff as a strength of their approach, although they raised concerns about the substantial time demands placed on remediation faculty. Most respondents reported some dissatisfaction with their school's remediation process, particularly uncertainty about efficacy or rigour. CONCLUSIONS: Schools vary in the intensity and scope of remediation offered to students who perform poorly on clinical skills assessments. Although many schools invest significant resources in remediation, the effect of these efforts on students' subsequent clinical performance is unknown.  相似文献   

Making sense of grounded theory in medical education   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

CONTEXT: Discussions about dissection as a teaching method in gross anatomy are characterised by a lack of objective evidence. METHODS: A search for such evidence in the literature produced 14 relevant papers. These were reviewed for objective data on the effect of cadaver dissection on cognitive learning outcomes. RESULTS: All reviewed studies compared groups of students exposed to different teaching approaches, including active dissection, learning on prosected material, or a combination with computerised teaching aids. Study and course designs varied substantially and student groups compared were not always homogeneous. In all studies, compared learning experiences differed in more than 1 variable, and assessment of anatomical knowledge was not standardised. DISCUSSION: It is difficult to interpret and generalise from the results of the reviewed studies. Considering the bias that must be assumed for teachers who develop new course designs and compare these with traditional ones, the review shows a slight advantage for traditional dissection over prosection. CONCLUSIONS: More sophisticated research designs may be necessary to solve the general problem of the small measurable impact of educational interventions and to come to scientifically sound conclusions about the best way to teach gross anatomy. Such research will have to include sufficient sample sizes, the use of validated assessment instruments, and a discussion of the educational significance of measured differences. More educational research in anatomy is necessary to counterbalance emotional arguments about dissection with scientific evidence. Anatomical knowledge is too important to future doctors to leave its teaching to the educational fashion of the day.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Many undergraduate medical education programmes offer integrated multi-disciplinary courses, which are generally developed by a team of teachers from different disciplines. Research has shown that multi-disciplinary teams may encounter problems, which can be detrimental to productive co-operation, which in turn may diminish educational quality. Because we expected that charting these problems might yield suggestions for addressing them, we examined the relationships between team diversity, team processes and course quality. METHODS: We administered a questionnaire to participants from 21 interdisciplinary teams from 1 Dutch and 1 German medical school, both of which were reforming their curriculum. An adapted questionnaire on team learning behaviours, which had been validated in business contexts, was used to collect data on team processes, team learning behaviours and diversity within teams. We examined the relationship between the team factors and educational quality measures of the courses designed by the teams. RESULTS: A total of 84 teachers (60%) completed the questionnaire. Bivariate correlation analysis showed that several aspects of diversity, conflict, working climate and learning behaviour were correlated with course quality. CONCLUSIONS: The negative effects of the diversity measures, notably, value diversity, on other team processes and course quality and the positive association between psychological safety and team learning suggest that educational quality might be improved by enhancing the functioning of multi-disciplinary teams responsible for course development. The relationship between team processes and educational quality should be studied among larger study populations. Student ratings should also be considered in measuring educational quality.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: In education, tests are primarily used for assessment, thus permitting teachers to assess the efficacy of their curriculum and to assign grades. However, research in cognitive psychology has shown that tests can also directly affect learning by promoting better retention of information, a phenomenon known as the testing effect. COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH: Cognitive psychology laboratory studies show that repeated testing of information produces superior retention relative to repeated study, especially when testing is spaced out over time. Tests that require effortful retrieval of information, such as short-answer tests, promote better retention than tests that require recognition, such as multiple-choice tests. The mnemonic benefits of testing are further enhanced by feedback, which helps students to correct errors and confirm correct answers. APPLICATION TO MEDICAL EDUCATION: Medical educational research has focused extensively on assessment issues. Such assessment research permits the conclusion that clinical expertise is founded on a broad fund of knowledge and effective memory networks that allow easy access to that knowledge. Test-enhanced learning can potentially strengthen clinical knowledge that will lead to improved expertise. CONCLUSIONS: Tests should be given often and spaced out in time to promote better retention of information. Questions that require effortful recall produce the greatest gains in memory. Feedback is crucial to learning from tests. Test-enhanced learning may be an effective tool for medical educators to use in promoting retention of clinical knowledge.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Flinders University has developed the Parallel Rural Community Curriculum (PRCC), a full year clinical curriculum based in rural general practice in South Australia. The examination performance of students on this course has been shown to be higher than that of their tertiary hospital-based peers. AIM: To compare the learning experiences of students in the community-based programme with those of students in the tertiary hospital in order to explain these improved academic outcomes. METHOD: A case study was undertaken, using an interpretivist perspective, with 3 structured interviews carried out over 2 academic years with each of 6 students from the community-based programme and 16 students from the tertiary hospital. The taped interviews were transcribed and analysed thematically using NUD*IST software. RESULTS: The community-based programme was successful in immersing the students in the clinical environment in a meaningful way. Four key themes were found in the data. These represented clear differences between the experiences of the community-based and hospital-based students. These differences involved: the value that students perceived they were given by supervising doctors and their patients; the extent to which the student's presence realised a synergy between the work of the university and the health service; opportunities for students to meet the aspirations of both the community and government policy, and opportunities for students to learn how professional expectations can mesh with their own personal values. CONCLUSION: This study has provided empirical evidence for the importance of the concept of symbiosis in understanding quality in medical education.  相似文献   

Objectives  Multi-source feedback (MSF) is a widely used developmental tool for leaders in organisations including those dealing with health care. This study was performed to examine the effects of an MSF process on developmental plans made by leaders of postgraduate medical education (PGME) in clinical departments.
Methods  An MSF instrument was developed based on literature on the subject and previous investigations. The instrument was used by consultants responsible for PGME in clinical departments (CREs). Apart from CREs' self-ratings, MSF responses were collected from heads of departments, consultants and young doctors-in-training. The MSF process included individual feedback as well as guidance on drafting developmental plans for both the department and the CREs. Themes emerging in the developmental plans were analysed and compared with the areas in need of improvement identified by the MSF process.
Results  The MSF instrument was found to be feasible, valid and reliable (Cronbach's α = 0.98). The study included 52 CREs from various specialties and 498 MSF respondents. The response rate was 84%. Low ratings and negative gaps between others' ratings and self-ratings were identified for both management and leadership performance areas. The developmental plans mainly focused on management initiatives, whereas plans for the development of leadership performance were few. Areas rated low by all respondents were scarcely represented in CREs' developmental plans.
Conclusions  An MSF process might in itself lead to development in administrative areas. However, MSF carried through as a single stand-alone procedure was not sufficient to foster plans for the development of leadership performance.  相似文献   

Context  There is both qualitative and quantitative variation in the research methods training provided for Masters and doctoral students on medical education programmes across the UK. Unlike other higher-degree programmes, there are no requirements for higher-degree medical education students to have studied the subject at degree level or for their supervisors to have training in social science research methods. This study explores the ways in which a panel of experts responded to novices' presentations of their research in progress.
Methods  This qualitative, case-based study of a 1-day education research consortium generated data in two phases. The author collected detailed field notes as a non-participant observer and subsequently analysed the data they contained. A second set of data was generated from written reflexive accounts of the day e-mailed to the author by all participants 1 month after the event and was subsequently analysed.
Results  Thematic coding revealed wide degrees of variance between the research experiences and abilities of the novices and the expectations of the experts. These levels of dissonance are ascribed to the limited amounts of research training undertaken by students and the variable guidance provided by research supervisors, some of whom were themselves novices in this area.
Conclusions  If medical education research is to thrive, it requires a properly developed infrastructure with training and support for research supervisors and students alike. Communities of practice need to be fostered to enable researchers to collaborate and disseminate good practice. This will ensure that medical education research practitioners can produce theoretically sound, rigorously designed and executed studies that can contribute to the evidence base for medical education.  相似文献   

The present study evaluates the usefulness, as perceived by students, of the various methods by which anatomical information is presented during the preclinical part of the medical course. Assessments of these learning methods were elicited from a cohort of medical students at the University of Benin by a questionnaire based on their selection of questions to attempt in Anatomy Paper 2 (Essays) of the First Professional examination (= 2nd MB). An algorithm was provided to enable the quantification of the preferences expressed and hence the derivation of a utility index for each learning method. The results showed that reading/private study, formal lectures, informal discussions with peers and practical work were the learning methods from which the students had benefited, in descending order of usefulness. These findings are discussed in the context of the teaching and learning of human anatomy in the particular circumstances studied.  相似文献   

Quantitative methods of evaluating the outcomes of medical education may not always deliver the information which course organizers and teachers most need in order to improve their courses. Qualitative methods of research could provide such information. However, the use of qualitative methods has been limited by the difficulties associated with the analysis of subjective data and by the validity of its results. Qualitative data from an evaluation of the 2-year part-time MSc Course in General Practice at Guy's and St Thomas's Hospitals are presented and a rigorous method of analysis demonstrated. It is argued that for qualitative research validity is progressively achieved through the process of analysis, unlike experimental research where validity is ascribed in the research design. The relationship of research methods and approaches to evaluation is discussed and the potential contribution of qualitative research methods is outlined.  相似文献   

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