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This study examines the effect of alcohol withdrawal on plasmalipids and particularly on HDL-cholesterol subfractions, in18 middle-aged, clinically healthy but chronically drinkingmen, institutionalized for withdrawal therapy. Plasma lipids,total HDL and HDL3-cholesterol, Apo A-I and Apo B were assayedbefore and after 30–86 days of abstinence. A 38% decreasein mean total HDL-cholesterol levels was observed after withdrawaltherapy (P = 0.0002), and this was due mainly to a drop in HDL3-cholesterolconcentrations (–43%, P = 0.0002). The decrease in HDL2-cholesterolconcentrations was also significant (–21%, P < 0.005)but less marked. These results were not dependent on quantitiesof alcohol ingested before therapy, on duration of hospitalizationand on changes in dietary fat intake or smoking habits. ApoA-I levels decreased (–39%, P = 0.0002) and the magnitudeof the decrease after alcohol withdrawal was positively relatedto the duration of hospitalization. Apo B levels increased (+24%,P < 0.005). Among the anthropometric parameters, arm musclearea was significantly higher after alcohol withdrawal. Theenergy and macronutrient intakes did not significantly changeduring hospitalization. It is concluded that the modificationsof HDL-cholesterol, HDL3-cholestercol, HDL2-cholesterol ApoA-I and Apo B values were induced by alcohol withdrawal in thispopulation of chronic French alcoholics.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to assemble and evaluate existingdata on the effect of genetic variation in ADH2 and ADH3 onthe risk of alcohol dependence, and on the risk of alcoholicliver disease. Calculations of odds ratios and their confidencelinuts, and tests for heterogeneity of the results from theavailable studies, have been performed. It is clear that possessionof the ADH2-2 allele decreases the risk of alcohol dependence,but it increases the risk of alcoholic liver disease among alcoholics.ADH3 variation also has significant effects on alcohol dependence,which may be due to linkage to ADH2; the ADH3 effect differssignificantly between Asian and European subjects. ThereforeADH genotype has substantial effects on risk of alcohol dependenceand alcoholic liver disease, but more work is needed on thegeneralizability of these findings to non-Asian populations,and on possible mechanisms.  相似文献   

Previous expectancy surveys associate aggression with male drinking.This study confirms the finding from a reversed standpoint.Students listed the causes of male and female aggression. Maleascribed a greater role to alcohol in aggression per se thandid females; they also held narrower sexual stereotypes aboutcauses.  相似文献   

To evaluate the importance of alcohol and other environmentalfactors in essential hypertensives, we conducted a cross-sectionalstudy on 627 patients (322 women, 305 men) subdivided in foursubgroups according to sex and presence or absence of drug therapy,to evaluate differences due to drugs and changes in life style.Multiple regression analyses were run where systolic and diastolicblood pressures were considered as separate dependent variableswith the following independent variables: age, body mass index,physical activity, alcohol and coffee consumption, smoking,educational level; considered as continuous or categorical variables.Eighty-eight per cent of all patients showed a moderate-lowalcohol intake (1–50 g/day); wine was the preferred beverage.We found a negative independent relationship between mild/moderatealcohol consumption levels and systolic blood pressure in untreatedmen and untreated women, and no relationship between alcoholand diastolic blood pressure in all subgroups considered. Bodymass index and age were positively associated with both systolicand diastolic blood pressure. Our data suggest that mild tomoderate alcohol consumption does not affect blood pressurecontrol in either treated or untreated hypertensive patients.  相似文献   

Indiciduals with the atypical aldehyde dehydrogenase ALDH22allele, both homozygous and heterozygous status, are alcoholsensitive and have a markedly reduced risk of developing alcoholicdiseases. Genetic abnormalities of the ALDH1 locus are alsoassociated with alcohol flushing. The ALDH3 and ALDHx, lociare polymorphic and their variations may affect the developmentof alcoholic diseases. The variations of alcohol dehydrogenaseADH2 and ADH3 loci have no profound effects on alcohol sensitivity.The newly identified ADH6 gene has hormone response elements,and it may cause the gender difference in alcoholic problems.  相似文献   

目的在中老年人群中评估碳酸饮料饮用频率与颈动脉粥样硬化之间的关联。方法本研究人群来自"天津人群慢性炎症与健康促进队列(TCLSIH)"研究。碳酸饮料饮用频率通过信效度验证的问卷调查得到,颈动脉内-中膜厚度(intima-media thickness,IMT)增厚与颈动脉斑块采用颈动脉血管彩超检查,多元Logistics回归分析评估碳酸饮料饮用和颈动脉粥样硬化的关联。结果在调整混杂因素后,碳酸饮料不同饮用频率组人群IMT的比值比(95%置信区间)在男性人群中为1.00,0.89(0.62, 1..28),0.97 (0.65, 1.43)(趋势性P0.05);在女性人群中为1.00,0.59 (0.26,1.24),0.83 (0.41, 1.60)(趋势性P0.05);碳酸饮料不同饮用频率组人群颈动脉斑块的比值比(95%置信区间)在男性人群中为1.00,0.86 (0.58, 1.25),0.86 (0.56, 1.29)(趋势性P0.05);在女性人群中为1.00,0.94 (0.47, 1.77),2.20 (1.21,3.91)(趋势性P 0.05)。结论该研究表明在中老年女性人群中,过高的碳酸饮料饮用频率(≥每周1杯)与颈动脉斑块呈正相关。[营养学报,2019,41(2):122-128]  相似文献   

The effect of chronic ethanol intake during gestation was studiedin rats fed a liquid diet in which ethanol provided 36% of thetotal calories. The animals were chronically alcoholised beforemating, and the body weight gain and nutritional status duringpregnancy were noted. Blood ethanol levels were measured duringpregnancy and parturition. Specifically, we have shown thatchronic ethanol intake during pregnancy lengthens the gestationperiod, decreases foetal viability, increases the placentalweight and diminishes foetus, liver and brain weights, as wellas the protein and DNA content of foetal brain. The reducedbody weight of rats prenatally exposed to alcohol continuedfor the first two months of the postnatal period and was mostapparent during lactation.  相似文献   

目的探索少量饮酒与女性乳腺癌的关系。方法计算机检索中国知网数据库(CNKI),重庆维普中文科技期刊数据库(VIP),万方数据库等中文数据库和Pub Med,Pro Quest,Cochrane Library等英文数据库,收集国内外截止到2016年1月1日发表的关于少量饮酒与女性乳腺癌关系的队列研究文献。应用Stata12软件进行Meta分析。结果共纳入合格文献17篇,少量饮酒与女性乳腺癌发病关系的合并RR值为1.073(95%CI 1.022~1.127;I2=58.7%,P=0.001;n=17)。Egger’s检验P=0.208,同时Begg’s检验P=0.232,所分析的文献无显著的发表偏倚存在。结论少量饮酒可增加女性乳腺癌发病风险。  相似文献   

Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with a reduced riskof coronary heart disease. In this study, postprandial changesin plasma lipids, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) compositionand cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) and lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) activity levels were investigatedin response to moderate alcohol consumption. A dose of 40 gof alcohol was consumed as beer, wine or spints by eight healthymiddle-aged men before and during dinner thus simulating socialdrinking. Lipid parameters were studied before, and at 1, 3,5, 9, and 13 h after dinner. An alcohol- induced elevation ofplasma triglycerides was observed at 3 and 5 h after dinner,but total plasma cholesterol and apolipoprotein B were hardlyaffected. HDL lipids changed during the postprandial phase afteralcohol consumption, HDL triglycerides were elevated at 5 and9 h, RDL phospholipids were elevated at 9 and 13 h, and HDLcholesterol was elevated at 13 h. A 6% increase in the concentrationof apolipoprotein A-II was observed at 13 h. Plasma LCAT activitywas slightly increased 9 h after dinner, but CETP activity levelswere not affected. The LCAT changes appeared similar for allthree alcoholic beverages. It is concluded that moderate alcoholconsumption with dinner affects plasma triglyceride concentrationas well as HDL composition.  相似文献   

To study the effect of alcohol on Purkinje cells and on myeinationof the cerebellum of neonate rats, female Sprague-Dawley ratswere fed alcohol (ethanol) during their nursing period. Thealcohol was given in amounts of 5% or 10% per volume of drinkingwater. Food and liquids, equal in calories, were distributedamong darns receiving alcohol. One group of control rats receivedsimilar diet but no alcohol. The results were then comparedwith those of a second group of controls, receiving no alcoholbut having access to unlimited supplies of food and water. Histologicalexamination of pups revealed degenerative changes in Purkinjecells and delayed myelination of the cerebellum.  相似文献   

The influence of forced and voluntary alcohol intake on thechoice by AA (heavy drinking) and ANA (light drinking) ratsbetween carbohydrate, protein and fat was studied. Alcohol consumptionreduced the carbohydrate intake but did not influence the totalenergy consumption. In AA rats on free choice, voluntary alcoholintake correlated negatively with carbohydrate consumption butpositively with protein and water intake. It was also foundthat the day to day variation in alcohol intake was of the sameorder as those in carbohydrate, protein and water intake andsmaller than that in fat consumption. These findings in additionto earlier observations point to a regulation of alcohol intakein rats which in many respects resembles the regulation of dietarychoice.  相似文献   

《Nutrition reviews》1988,46(1):9-10
The risk of breast cancer may be increased by even modest consumption of alcohol from any source including liquor, beer, or wine.  相似文献   

A total of 2500 individuals, aged 14–70, who live in Castileand Leon (Spain), were surveyed in the spring of 1989 with regardto their alcohol consumption and its patterns. Among those surveyed26.2% were 'daily' drinkers and 66.0% ‘weekly’ drinkers.Differences of alcohol use (frequency) and intake were reviewedwith regard to sociodemographic factors such as gender, age,and marital status. Beer (52.6%) was the favourite drink, withwine (20.6%) the second most commonly consumed alcohol beverage.Most of those surveyed (54.6%) were ‘light’ drinkers(1–39 g/day of pure alcohol), while 3.0% had an intakeof over 80 g/day (‘heavy’ drinkers). The averageage at which they started drinking was 16 2 years The resultsallow a better understanding of the pattern of alcohol consumptionin Spain.  相似文献   

We report information on trends in alcohol problems, alcoholconsumption, alcohol availability and prevention measures inOntario for the period 1975–1993. Problem measures showsubstantial declines over the period. Measures of consumptionhave declined as well, but not as much as problem measures.Economic availability (relative price) has remained stable,while physical availability has increased. Prevention measuresshow substantial increases over the period.  相似文献   

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