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目的了解在线心理咨询师对网络心理咨询的认知及其工作现状,旨在探索网络咨询在实践中存在的问题。方法采用整群抽样和随机抽样问卷调查,对在线心理咨询师的工作情况和对自身咨询工作的评价做现况调查,对影响咨询效果的因素做回顾性调查。结果 5.0%的在线咨询师有3年以上工作经验,90.0%的咨询师义务为来访者服务,70.9%的咨询师对自身咨询效果缺乏信心,咨询师专业水平、网络咨询局限性、咨询伦理问题是影响咨询效果的主要因素。结论多数在线咨询师欠缺咨询能力,来访者对网络咨询存在认知偏差,咨询理论和技术与网络的契合度较低。  相似文献   

231名医学生自杀意向,自杀态度及相关作用的初步分析   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
目的:为探讨青少年对自杀问题的态度、意向及行为间的相互作用,进而为我国在青少年人群中开展自杀防范提出更有针对性的对策依据。方法:采用自陈式问卷调查法,对某医学院校二、三年级学生,共计231名进行了调查。结果:在被试中自杀意念的存在占有一定比例,其中15%的人自述"近一年中有过自杀想法",1.9%的人尝试过自杀。男女生在自杀意念与行为的表现上存在差异。结论:被试总体对自杀问题的可接受性一项上持相对否定态度,而"近一年中有过自杀想法"明显地影响个体对自杀的可接受性和冲动性两类态度因素。提示我国应重视建立青少年自杀尝试危险行为的监测。  相似文献   

葛缨  赵耀 《中国卫生统计》2012,29(6):826-829
目的通过访谈、文献查阅、专家咨询等方式,编制了土家族初中生性知识、性态度问卷。方法经过790名土家族初中生被试评定,对数据进行探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析显示,土家族初中生性知识问卷由21个项目组成,包括:生理发育、生殖奥秘、卫生保健、性病防治等4个因素;性态度问卷由30个项目组成,包括:性教育态度、性本质态度、性道德态度、性描写态度、谈恋爱态度、未婚性行为态度等6个因素。结果土家族初中生各类群体对性知识了解总体情况较好,不同年级、居住地和父母文化程度的土家族初中生的性态度情况存在差异。结论问卷的信度与效度达到统计标准水平。  相似文献   

目的了解卫生学校女生对自杀的态度,为青少年自杀干预研究提供依据。方法采用分层和随机整群抽样相结合的方法,选取479名卫校女生为被试,以“自杀态度问卷”为测量工具对被试进行测查。结果卫校女生总体上对自杀持中立或矛盾态度;在对安乐死的态度维度上,存在显著城乡差异和学历层次差异;母亲文化程度不同者对自杀者家属的态度维度差异有统计学意义。结论卫校女生在自杀态度上存在一定差异,可能与被试者的生活背景、专业知识等有关。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨IEC(信息、教育、沟通)技能训练对工读学校学生艾滋病预防知识、态度、行为和效能的作用。【方法】采用问卷调查和实验研究方法,以某工读学校学生为实验对象,实施艾滋病预防IEC技能训练方案,采用《中学生艾滋病预防IEC技能问卷》评价训练效果。【结果】①IEC技能训练提高了实验组被试艾滋病预防知识的知晓率;②改善了实验组被试艾滋病预防态度,特别是对艾滋病患者的态度由歧视、不能容忍变得宽容和同情;③促进了实验组被试对健康行为的认识和选择,减少了对艾滋病患者的排斥行为;④增强了实验组被试艾滋病预防的效能感。【结论】IEC技能训练能改善工读学生艾滋病预防知识、态度、行为和效能。  相似文献   

大学生死亡、自杀态度及其影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探索大学生对死亡、自杀的态度及其影响因素。方法采用整群随机抽样方法,应用自杀态度问卷和死亡态度问卷调查广州某医药院校在校大学生480人,对研究因素进行t检验、单因素方差分析及logistic回归分析。结果全体被试大学生自杀态度的总均分为(3.44±0.56)分,其均值在2.5-3.5分之间,说明大学生对自杀总体上保持中立或矛盾的态度;从大学生死亡态度的整体情况看,总得分为12-14分的人数最多,占40.62%,说明大学生对死亡的态度总体上表现为企图以嬉闹玩笑来隐藏内心的情绪,在讨论与死亡有关的主题时,表现得不自在,部分大学生对死亡没有正确的认识。大学生对安乐死的态度(OR=0.779)是自杀意念的保护因素,死亡态度(OR=1.143)是自杀意念的危险因素。结论在大学生中开展死亡教育,有利于引导学生建立积极健康的生命观,降低大学生的自杀率。  相似文献   

探讨中学生网络成瘾与家庭功能及其他影响因素之间的关系,为探寻青少年网络成瘾干预的新途径提供依据.方法 整群随机抽取浙江湖州3所中学776名学生为调查对象,采用网络成瘾量表(IAT)和家庭功能评定量表(FAD)进行问卷调查.结果 11.98%的学生有网络成瘾倾向,男生成瘾比例高于女生;除问题解决因子外,网络成瘾与家庭功能各因子均呈正相关;网络成瘾学生在角色扮演、情感反应、情感介入、行为控制与家庭总功能上得分均高于非成瘾学生,差异均有统计学意义;每周上网次数、网龄、情感反应和年龄是影响网络成瘾的重要变量.结论 中学生网络成瘾与家庭功能关系密切.家长应加强与孩子的沟通与情感关注以及对上网情况的适当监控.  相似文献   

目的测量并比较不同年龄段人群对待同性恋的内隐和外显态度,以期发现当前性心理教育工作的侧重方向。方法招募自愿参加研究的初中生(12~15岁)、大学生(18~22岁)、中年人(45~50岁)被试各30名,采用同性恋态度量表及内隐联想测验(IAT)对被试对待同性恋的外显及内隐态度进行测量,并对所得数据进行统计分析。结果初中生、大学生及中年人被试的同性恋态度量表总分分别为(63.355±20.395)分、(64.194±20.056)分及(70.737±18.673)分,单因素方差分析结果发现:同性恋态度量表及其各个维度中人群的主效应均显著(P0.05),进一步的事后检验发现,中年人被试的同性恋态度量表及其各个维度的得分均显著高于初中生被试及大学生被试(P0.05)。初中生被试的IAT效应值为(359.686±168.961)ms,大学生被试的IAT效应值为(368.790±165.159)ms,中年人被试的IAT效应值为(362.468±170.143)ms,不同人群的IAT效应值比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。此外,初中生、大学生及中年人的同性恋态度量表总分与IAT效应值的相关系数(r)分别为-0.058,-0.033及0.110,但均不显著(P0.05)。结论性知识与性教育的宣传与普及不仅应该在学生群体中展开,更应该扩展到较高年龄段的群体。同时可利用新媒体平台,结合文字、图片与短视频等中年人更容易接受的形式,将性科学与性教育知识进行更好的传播。此外,在性知识与性心理教育的工作中,不能只注重宣传,应该提供机会,鼓励大家与同性恋者接触,从根本上扭转对同性恋者的刻板印象。  相似文献   

目的 了解独生与非独生大学生16种人格因素是否存在差异及其影响因素。方法 采用Meta分析法对2004 - 2013年间的13篇入组研究文献(均采用16PF量表)共14组数据进行统计分析。结果 (1)独生大学生在乐群性、敢为性、敏感性、幻想性上的得分均高于非独生子女,平均效果量分别为d = 0.10(P<0.001), d = 0.11(P<0.05), d = 0.09(P<0.05), d = 0.12(P<0.001);失效安全系数Nfs0.05分别为48、17、36、10。(2)在多层线性模型中,恃强性、独立性受被试年级的影响(β1 = -0.097,-0.097;均P<0.05);兴奋性受发表刊物质量的影响(β1 = 0.095;P<0.05);怀疑性受被试来源地(β1 = 0.075,P<0.05)和量表版本(β1 = 0.097,P<0.05)的影响。结论 独生与非独生大学生在乐群性、敢为性、敏感性、幻想性4种人格因素方面存在统计学差异;恃强性、独立性与被试年级相关,兴奋性与发表刊物质量相关,怀疑性与被试来源地和量表版本相关。  相似文献   

目的 了解大学生AIDS自愿咨询检测态度及相关影响因素.方法 对天津市两所高校随机抽取的1772名在校生进行调查,内容包括:AIDS传播相关知识、对AIDS态度、向周围人透露自身HIV(+)意愿及自愿咨询检测态度.采用因子分析及logistic回归对数据进行分析.结果 大学生AIDS知晓水平较高,对AIDS态度较为宽容,多数被调查者愿意参与自愿咨询检测.年龄、AIDS传播途径知晓水平、AIDS态度、向周围人透露HIV(+)结果意愿均为参与自愿咨询检测促进因素.结论 自愿咨询检测AIDS防控中起着重要作用,对于大学生而言,掌握预防AIDS知识.确立对AIDS的正确态度,有助于其参与自愿咨询检测,从而在未来的生活中保证能够进行安全负责的性行为.  相似文献   

目的:探讨网上药物咨询和健康教育的前景。方法:回顾性分析近2年来某院网上药物咨询和健康教育资料。结果:网络、当面对话等方式开展药学服务和用药心理咨询服务,加强了患者对医院的信任度,提高了患者用药的依从性。结论:网上药物咨询和健康教育是医疗优质服务的延伸,有利于提高他们的生活质量。  相似文献   

目的 分析河北省民众对社会心理咨询的意愿和需求现状及影响因素。方法 采用社会心理咨询态度、意愿及需求问卷,以街头拦截和网络发放的方式,对河北省933名民众进行调查。结果 河北省民众仅有32.4%愿意进行社会心理咨询,对精神分裂、抑郁、自我认识问题咨询需求较高。社会心理咨询了解程度越低(OR=0.675, 95%CI:0.547~0.834)、自由职业(OR=2.378, 95%CI:1.217~4.648)和农民(OR=3.410, 95%CI:1.332~8.728)越不愿意进行咨询;而态度中机构信任性(OR=1.140, 95%CI: 1.056~1.229)、人际开放性(OR=1.223, 95%CI:1.129~1.324)、社会成见容忍性(OR=1.091, 95%CI:1.034~1.150)越积极、年龄≥50岁(OR=3.940, 95%CI:1.828~8.489),越愿意进行咨询。女性(β=0.075)、受教育程度越高(β=0.109)、有间接求助经历(β=0.147)、咨询需求认知越高(β=0.198),社会心理咨询的需求越高。结论 河北省民众社会心理咨询接纳度一般,意愿及需求不强烈,政府和社会心理咨询机构应加强相关宣教和服务水平,共促心理健康。  相似文献   

Unintended pregnancies account for about half of all pregnancies in the United States and, in 1995, numbered nearly 3 million pregnancies. They pose appreciable medical, emotional, social and financial costs on women, their families and society. The US is not attaining national goals to decrease unintended pregnancies, and little is known about effective means for reducing unintended pregnancy rates in adults or adolescents.To examine the evidence about the effectiveness, benefits and harms of counseling in a clinical setting to prevent unintended pregnancy in adults and adolescents and to use the evidence to propose a research agenda.We identified English-language articles from comprehensive searches of the MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsychLit and other databases from 1985 through May 2000; the main clinical search terms included pregnancy (mistimed, unintended, unplanned, unwanted), family planning, contraceptive behavior, counseling, sex counseling, and knowledge, attitudes and behavior. We also used published systematic reviews, hand searching of relevant articles, the second Guide to Clinical Preventive Services and extensive peer review to identify important articles not otherwise found and to assure completeness. Of 673 abstracts examined, we retained 354 for full article review; of these, we used 74 for the systematic evidence review and abstracted data from 13 articles for evidence tables. Four studies addressed the effectiveness of counseling in a clinical setting in changing knowledge, skills and attitudes about contraception and pregnancy; all had poor internal validity and generalizability and collectively did not provide definitive guidance about effective counseling strategies. Nine studies (three in teenage populations) addressed the relationship of knowledge on contraceptive use and adherence. Knowledge of correct contraceptive methods may be positively associated with appropriate use, but reservations about the method itself, partner support of the method, and women's beliefs about their own fertility are important determinants of method adherence that may attenuate the knowledge effect. Many factors influence contraceptive use and adherence; among them are age, marital status, ambivalence about becoming pregnant, attitudes of partner, side effects, satisfaction with provider and costs; however, the impact of such factors may not be consistent across populations defined by cultural, age or other factors. The studies themselves differed materially in outcome variables, populations and methodologies and did not yield a body of work that can reliably identify specific influences on contraceptive use and adherence. No literature reports on harms of counseling or on the costs or cost-effectiveness of different approaches to counseling about unintended conceptions in the primary care setting.Virtually no experimental or observational literature reliably answers questions about the effectiveness of counseling in the clinical setting to reduce rates of unintended (unwanted, mistimed) pregnancies in this country. Existing studies suffer from appreciable threats to internal validity and loss to follow-up and are extremely heterogeneous in terms of populations studied and outcomes measured. The quality of the existing research does not provide strong guidance for recommendations about clinical practice but does suggest directions for future investigations. Numerous issues warrant rigorous investigation.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo explore patient and provider perspectives regarding a new Web-based contraceptive support tool.Study DesignWe conducted a qualitative study at an urban Medicaid-based clinic among sexually active women interested in starting a new contraceptive method, clinic providers and staff. All participants were given the opportunity to explore Bedsider, an online contraceptive support tool developed for sexually active women ages 18–29 by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy and endorsed by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Focus groups were conducted separately among patient participants and clinic providers/staff using open-ended structured interview guides to identify specific themes and key concepts related to use of this tool in an urban clinic setting.ResultsPatient participants were very receptive to this online contraceptive support tool, describing it as trustworthy, accessible and empowering. In contrast, clinic providers and staff had concerns regarding the Website's legitimacy, accessibility, ability to empower patients and applicability, which limited their willingness to recommend its use to patients.ConclusionContrasting opinions regarding Bedsider may point to a potential disconnect between how providers and patients view contraception information tools. Further qualitative and quantitative studies are needed to explore women's perspectives on contraceptive education and counseling and providers' understanding of these perspectives.Implications StatementThis study identifies a contrast between how patients and providers in an urban clinic setting perceive a Web-based contraceptive tool. Given a potential patient–provider discrepancy in preferred methods and approaches to contraceptive counseling, additional research is needed to enhance this important arena of women's health care.  相似文献   

With growing attention to monitoring and improving quality of care, it is critical to have evidence‐based recommendations to measure quality of care indicators and guidelines to interpret estimates from different data sources. This study facilitates methodological discussion regarding measurement of counseling for side effects in family planning, a critical component of quality. The study assesses and compares estimates of side effects counseling based on three data sources. Data came from nationally representative facility and household surveys, Service Provision Assessments, and Demographic and Health Surveys in four countries. The level of side effects counseling was unacceptably low and varied systematically by data source. Compared to observation data in the facility survey, exit interview data from the survey overestimated the level substantially, and its reporting had poor predictive value. Estimates from household surveys were comparable with the observation‐based estimates applying the minimum definition of counseling. In monitoring quality of care, data sources should be carefully reviewed, and estimates may need to be adjusted if the sources are inconsistent.  相似文献   



To explore patient and provider perspectives regarding a new Web-based contraceptive support tool.

Study Design

We conducted a qualitative study at an urban Medicaid-based clinic among sexually active women interested in starting a new contraceptive method, clinic providers and staff. All participants were given the opportunity to explore Bedsider, an online contraceptive support tool developed for sexually active women ages 18–29 by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy and endorsed by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Focus groups were conducted separately among patient participants and clinic providers/staff using open-ended structured interview guides to identify specific themes and key concepts related to use of this tool in an urban clinic setting.


Patient participants were very receptive to this online contraceptive support tool, describing it as trustworthy, accessible and empowering. In contrast, clinic providers and staff had concerns regarding the Website's legitimacy, accessibility, ability to empower patients and applicability, which limited their willingness to recommend its use to patients.


Contrasting opinions regarding Bedsider may point to a potential disconnect between how providers and patients view contraception information tools. Further qualitative and quantitative studies are needed to explore women's perspectives on contraceptive education and counseling and providers' understanding of these perspectives.

Implications Statement

This study identifies a contrast between how patients and providers in an urban clinic setting perceive a Web-based contraceptive tool. Given a potential patient–provider discrepancy in preferred methods and approaches to contraceptive counseling, additional research is needed to enhance this important arena of women's health care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Pediatricians underdiagnose overweight and feel ineffective at counseling. Given the relationship between physicians' health and health habits and counseling behaviors, we sought to determine the 1) percentage of pediatricians who are overweight; 2) accuracy of pediatricians' own weight status classification; and 3) relationship between weight self-perception and perceived ease of obesity counseling. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: This study was a cross-sectional, mail survey of North Carolina pediatricians that queried about their weight status and ease of counseling. Accuracy of pediatricians' self-classification of weight status was compared with BMIs derived from self-reported height and weight. Using logistic regression, controlling for potential confounding variables, we examined the association between weight perception and ease of counseling. RESULTS: The unadjusted response rate was 62%, and the adjusted response rate was 71% (n = 355). Nearly one-half (49%) of overweight pediatricians did not identify themselves as such. Men had greater adjusted odds of misclassifying overweight than women [odds ratio (OR), 3.61; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.81, 7.21]. Self-classified "thin" pediatricians had nearly six times the odds of reporting more counseling difficulty as a result of their weight than "average" weight pediatricians (OR = 5.69; 95% CI = 2.30, 14.1), and self-identified "overweight" pediatricians reported nearly four times as great counseling difficulty as "average" weight physicians (OR = 3.84; 95% CI = 1.11, 13.3), after adjustment for self-reported BMI weight status and other potential confounders. DISCUSSION: The roles that physician weight misclassification and self-perception potentially play in influencing rates of obesity counseling warrant further research.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES. The effects of posttest counseling on acquisition of sexually transmitted diseases in patients at a large urban sexually transmitted disease clinic were studied. METHODS. Comparisons were made of the percentage of patients who had a positive gonorrhea culture (or any sexually transmitted disease) in the 6 months before and after human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) counseling and testing. RESULTS. For 331 patients counseled about a positive HIV test, the percentage with gonorrhea was 6.3 before and 4.5 after posttest counseling (29% decrease). For 666 patients counseled about a negative test, the percentage with gonorrhea was 2.4 before and 5.0 after posttest counseling (106% increase). With any sexually transmitted disease as the outcome, patients who tested positive for HIV had a 12% decrease and patients who tested negative had a 103% increase after counseling. CONCLUSIONS. HIV counseling and testing was associated with a moderate decrease in sexually transmitted diseases among patients who tested positive for the virus, but risk increased for patients who tested negative. This suggests a need to improve posttest counseling in this clinic and to assess the effects of counseling and testing in other clinics.  相似文献   

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