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Antigen-presenting cell-associated four-domain MHC class II (MHC-II) molecules play a central role in activating autoreactive CD4(+) T cells involved in multiple sclerosis (MS) and type 1 diabetes (T1D). In contrast, two-domain MHC-II structures with the same covalently attached self-peptide (recombinant T-cell receptor ligands (RTLs)) can regulate pathogenic CD4(+) T cells and reverse clinical signs of experimental autoimmune diseases. RTL1000, which is composed of the β1α1 domains of human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR2 linked to the encephalitogenic human myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)-35-55 peptide, was recently shown to be safe and well tolerated in a phase I clinical trial in MS. To evaluate the opposing biological effects of four- versus two-domain MHC-II structures, we screened phage Fab antibodies (Abs) for the neutralizing activity of RTL1000. Five different TCR-like Abs were identified that could distinguish between the two- versus four-domain MHC-peptide complexes while the cognate TCR was unable to make such a distinction. Moreover, Fab detection of native two-domain HLA-DR structures in human plasma implies that there are naturally occurring regulatory MHC-peptide complexes. These results demonstrate for the first time distinct conformational determinants characteristic of activating versus tolerogenic MHC-peptide complexes involved in human autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Natural autoantibodies play an important regulatory role in the maintenance of immune homeostasis. They act as a first line of defense against environmental pathogens like toxins, bacteria and erythrocytes. In humans they are mainly produced by CD5+ B cells that are under the control of a regulatory T cell population. Fc-γ receptors are involved in antigen recognition and signal transduction and tuning, and some of the members of the FcR family have structural similarity to MHC molecules; they may interact with multiple Ig ligands and with non-Ig ligands.

We discuss the interactions between immune-complexes formed with natural autoantibodies and Fc-γ receptors and suggest that such interactions may affect self-recognition in the thymus and regulate immune homeostasis  相似文献   

Modified lipoproteins are immunogenic and play a key pathogenic role in vascular disease. Antibodies to oxidized LDL (oxLDL) are mostly of the pro-inflammatory IgG1 and IgG3 isotypes. We measured IgG and IgM oxLDL antibodies in immune complexes (IC) isolated from 36 patients with type 1 diabetes using a nested case control design. IgG antibodies predominated over IgM antibodies by an 8:1 ratio. IgG antibody concentrations were higher in the nephropathy cases compared to controls (p = 0.09), but no significant difference was observed because of two patients included in the study who had end-stage renal disease (creatinine > 5 mg/dL and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) less than 17 mL/min). After eliminating these patients from the analysis, significant positive associations of IgG antibody concentration with serum creatinine and albumin excretion rate were observed. Similarly, a negative correlation with estimated glomerular filtration rate was observed in this subsample of 34 patients. Differences in IgM antibody concentrations by nephropathy classification were not supported by the data. In conclusion, the predominance of pro-inflammatory IgG oxLDL antibodies is associated with existence of diabetic nephropathy, and a protective role of IgM antibodies could not be demonstrated.  相似文献   

自然杀伤(NK)细胞无需预先致敏即可快速杀伤靶细胞,是机体发挥抗肿瘤免疫和抗感染免疫的重要执行者.NK细胞的活化与否取决于细胞表面活化性受体和抑制性受体信号的平衡.NKp30是NK细胞表面的一种重要的活化性受体,可接收相应配体如BAG-6、B7-H6等分子信号进而激活NK细胞,发挥抗肿瘤和抗感染免疫作用.同时NKp30也是肿瘤细胞和病原体发生免疫逃逸的重要靶点,可通过多种机制逃逸NK细胞杀伤.此外,NKp30还参与了NK细胞和树突状细胞(DCs)间的双向免疫调节.  相似文献   

Ischemia/reperfusion-induced tissue damage is a significant problem occurring in multiple clinical conditions. Antibodies and complement activation contribute significantly to this pathology. Mice deficient in complement receptors 1 and 2 fail to produce a component of the natural antibody repertoire that binds to ischemia-conditioned tissues and activate complement. In contrast, mice prone to autoimmunity display accelerated tissue injury that results from the binding of autoantibodies to injured tissues. The specificity and production of natural antibodies, their role in autoimmunity and the mode of complement activation are reviewed from the perspective of the processes involved in ischemia/reperfusion-induced tissue damage.  相似文献   

Using dithiothreitol (DTT) technique, IgM anti-HLA anti-idiotypic antibodies were detected in a multiparous multitransfused woman. These antibodies were able to inhibit the binding of specific IgG anti-HLA antibodies on their corresponding antigen. The recognized determinants were cross-reactive determinants since they were partially found on anti-HLA antibodies from unrelated individuals. By studying the patient's sera over a period of 2 years, no IgM-IgG switch was observed but the presence of these antibodies was stable in time, despite the disappearance of the idiotypes (anti-HLA antibodies). However, when looking at the patient's earlier serum, it was shown that these IgM anti-idiotypic antibodies were absent from the first available serum. Thus, these anti-idiotypic antibodies seem to behave both like natural and immune antibodies. The incidence of such antibodies in pretransplant patients is discussed.  相似文献   

Using a direct enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), we examined serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from six patients with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) and control subjects for presence of measles-virus-specific IgM antibodies. All samples from the SSPE patients contained demonstrable titers of measles antibodies. The levels of measles IgM antibodies were higher in CSF diluted 1:5 than in serum diluted 1:50, reflecting a local production of IgM antibodies in the central nervous system. Antibody titers remained constant over the course of SSPE in three of the patients followed for three to six months. The IgM ELISA had high sensitivity as well as specificity and was not complicated by false-positive reactions owing to the presence of rheumatoid factor.  相似文献   

A method of preparing antibodies against cμ3 and cμ4 domains of human IgM is described. cμ3- and cμ4-binding antibody fractions were isolated by affinity chromatography from IgG fractions of antisera raised against Fc5μ and Fcμ′ fragments. cμ3 and cμ4 fragments had been prepared from human IgMк (Key) by hot trypsin digestion. Haemagglutination inhibition tests showed that the cμ4-binding fraction only reacted with cμ4 fragments. The cμ3-binding fraction reacted with cμ3 fragments but showed a minor reaction with cμ4 fragments. Immunization with Fcμ′ fragments predominantly yielded antibodies against the cμ3 domain, whereas immunization with Fc5μ fragments yielded antibodies more directed against the cμ4 domain. Immunization with isolated cμ4 fragments led to the production of antibodies which reacted with the isolated cμ4 domain but not with the cμ4 domain within the larger structures of Fcμ′ or Fc5μ fragments.  相似文献   

Detection of virus, viral antigen, and class-specific antibody was carried out in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and sera of 27 children with Japanese encephalitis. The diagnosis could be confirmed in 78.57% of cases (22/27) by demonstration of virus-specific IgM in CSF (15/22), viral antigen in CSF (5/22), or by virus isolation (2/22). Absence of virus specific IgM in CSF was associated with a fatal outcome (P = 0.05).  相似文献   

Natural antibodies are produced at tightly regulated levels in the complete absence of external antigenic stimulation. They provide immediate, early and broad protection against pathogens, making them a crucial non-redundant component of the humoral immune system. These antibodies are produced mainly, if not exclusively, by a subset of long-lived, self-replenishing B cells termed B-1 cells. We argue here that the unique developmental pattern of these B-1 cells, which rests on positive selection by self antigens, ensures production of natural antibodies expressing evolutionarily important specificities that are required for the initial defense against invading pathogens. Positive selection for reactivity with self antigens could also result in the production of detrimental anti-self antibodies. However, B-1 cells have evolved a unique response pattern that minimizes the risk of autoimmunity. Although these cells respond rapidly and strongly to host-derived innate signals, such as cytokines, and to pathogen-encoded signals, such as lipopolysaccharide and phosphorylcholine, they respond very poorly to receptor-mediated activation. In addition, they rarely enter germinal centers and undergo affinity maturation. Thus, their potential for producing high-affinity antibodies with harmful anti-self specificity is highly restricted. The positive selection of B-1 cells occurs during the neonatal period, during which the long-lived self-renewing B-1 population is constituted. Many of these cells (B-1a) express CD5, although a smaller subset (B-1b) does not express this surface marker. Importantly, B-1a cells should not be confused with short-lived anergic B-2 cells, which originate in the bone marrow in adults and initiate CD5 expression and programmed cell death following self-antigen recognition. In summary, we argue here that the mechanisms that enable natural antibody production by B-1 cells reflect the humoral immune system, which has evolved in layers whose distinct developmental mechanisms generate complementary repertoires that collectively operate to maximize flexibility in responses to invading pathogens. B-2 cells, present in what may be the most highly evolved layer(s), express a repertoire that is explicitly selected against self recognition and directed towards the generation of high-affinity antibody response to external antigenic stimuli. B-1 cells, whose repertoire is selected by recognition of self antigen, belong to what may be earlier layer(s) and inherently maintain production of evolutionarily important antibody specificities that respond to pathogen-related, rather then antigen-specific signals.  相似文献   

Human plasma containing IgM showed only minimal, if any, reactivity with a panel of antigens as measured by ELISA. In contrast, affinity-purified IgM showed many times more reactivity with the same panel of antigens. When plasma was added back to the affinity-purified IgM, the reactivity of the IgM with antigens was completely inhibited by undiluted plasma and by as much as 40% with as little as a 1100 dilution of plasma. When the affinity-purified IgM was affinity-purified a second time by passage through antigen-specific columns (e.g., insulin or Fc or -galactosidase), the eluted antibodies bound not only to the antigen used for purification, but also to a panel of unrelated antigens, indicating that the antibodies were polyreactive. It is concluded that polyreactive IgM antibodies are present in the circulation but are masked by binding to circulating antigens.  相似文献   

This study was to determine the best conditions for using staphylococci bearing protein A to separate IgG from IgM. The validity of the technique was evaluated for detection of IgM with antimicrobial activity and for typing monoclonal IgM. The results indicate that separation of IgG and IgM is not entirely satisfactory in normal sera and worse in hyperglobulinemic sera. The detection and titration of IgM antimicrobial antibodies (rubella and hepatitis B core (HBc) specific IgM) was unreliable because IgG was only partially absorbed by staphylococcal cells, while a significant portion of IgM was bound. The use of higher concentrations of staphylococci did not improve the results because the more IgG was absorbed, the more IgM was also bound. It is shown that with anti-HBc specific IgM the risk of misinterpretation is very high with a sensitive radioimmunoassay technique allowing detection of trace amounts of nonabsorbed IgG. In contrast staphylococcal protein A proved useful in typing monoclonal IgM.  相似文献   

Pancreatic islet grafts transplanted into patients with autoimmune diabetes are potentially threatened by two immune responses, allograft rejection and the recurrence of autoimmune insulitis. In the present study we investigated the humoral autoimmune response directed to islet autoantigens by studying islet cell antibodies and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD 65) antibodies in twenty-one insulin-dependent diabetes-mellitus (IDDM) patients undergoing intraportal islet allotransplantation. Islet transplantation was performed according to the following recipient categories: Islet after kidney transplantation (n=10), simultaneous islet and kidney transplantation (n=6) and islet transplant alone (n=5). GAD 65 antibodies were detected in a radioligand GAD 65 antibody assay using recombinant, in vitro translated, human 35S-methionin labelled GAD 65 as tracer. Islet cell antibodies were determined by indirect immunofluorescence technique on human pancreas. In six out of twenty-one patients we observed GAD 65 antibodies before islet transplantation and the GAD 65 antibodies persisted despite immunosuppression. In contrast only two subjects were concordantly islet cell antibody positive and the titre decreased post transplantation. In addition we observed occurrence of GAD 65 antibodies in five subjects that were shown to be antibody negative before islet transplantation with three of them subsequently becoming positive for islet cell antibodies. The remaining ten patients were GAD 65 antibody and islet cell antibody negative before islet transplantation and remained negative thereafter. Interestingly none of the patients was exclusively positive for islet cell antibodies without being positive for GAD 65 antibodies. In summary we have demonstrated in twenty-one islet grafted individuals that humoral autoimmunity to islet antigens can persist or occur despite immunosuppression. Islet cell antibodies appear to be less frequent (5 out of 21, 23%) compared to GAD 65 antibodies (11 out of 21, 52%) suggesting that they are more affected by immunosuppressive therapy. We conclude that GAD 65 antibodies are a useful tool to further evaluate a possible link between persistent autoimmunity and early or late graft failure after islet transplantation.  相似文献   

The high affinity leukotriene B4 receptor, BLT1 mediates chemotaxis of diverse leukocyte subsets to the sites of infection or inflammation. Whereas the pathological functions of LTB4/BLT1 axis in allergy, autoimmunity and cardiovascular disorders are well established; its role in cancer is only beginning to emerge. In this review, we summarize recent findings on LTB4/BLT1 axis enabling distinct outcomes toward tumor progression. In a mouse lung tumor model promoted by silicosis-induced inflammation, genetic deletion of BLT1 attenuated neutrophilic inflammation and tumor promotion. In contrast, in a spontaneous model of intestinal tumorigenesis, absence of BLT1 led to defective mucosal host response, altered microbiota and bacteria dependent colon tumor progression. Furthermore, BLT1 mediated CD8+ T cell recruitment was shown to be essential for initiating anti-tumor immunity in number of xenograft models and is critical for effective PD1 based immunotherapy. BLT2 mediated chemotherapy resistance, tumor promotion and metastasis are also discussed. This new information points to a paradigm shift in our understanding of the LTB4 pathways in cancer.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay (RIA) using polystyrene beads as the solid phase for cytomegalovirus (CMV) antigen and iodinated immunosorbent purified anti-human IgG, IgM, and IgA as indicator antibodies was developed for the detection of immunoglobulin class-specific antibodies to CMV. An antigen prepared from extracellular virus was essential for reliable results, and a preparation ultracentrifuged and sonicated twice was better than a crude antigen. The optimal antigen gave low cpm values with a negative reference serum, resulting in cpm ratios of 10 or higher between early convalescent phase serum and negative reference serum. Of six patients with an increase in CMV CF titres, all six had an increase in RIA IgG titres, four had an increase in IgA titres, and all had IgM antibodies. The IgG titres were high, up to 1/64,000. In a group of 17 infants negative in CMV CF test, 14 had CMV IgG antibodies in RIA test, indicating mainly low levels of maternal antibodies. In six of seven patients with CMV isolations from urine specimens, an increase in IgG or IgA titres or the presence of IgM antibodies was found, and only one of these patients had an increase in CMV CF titre. The specificity of the developed CMV RIA test was further demonstrated by detecting no significant increase in RIA titres in serum specimens of patients with primary herpes simplex infection, chickenpox, herpes zoster, or infectious mononucleosis.  相似文献   

Antibodies against hepatitis A virus (anti-HAV) can be determined by a commercially available radioimmunoassay (RIA) (HavabTM, Abbott). To discriminate between recent and past hepatitis A infection this RIA was used in combination with absorption with protein A-containing staphylococci. However, nonabsorbable anti-HAV was repeatedly detected in late-convalescent sera using this methods. The nature of these antibodies was studied in serum samples from 12 such patients. In all patients, the late-convalescent sera contained no IgM class anti-HAV as judged by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The restricted specificity of staphylococcal protein A explains the lack of absorption. Some recently described streptococcal strains capable of binding all IgG subclasses (including IgG3) as well as both IgA subclasses were, therefore, added to the staphylococci. Absorption studies using these strains indicated that the previously nonabsorbable anti-HAV in these 12 patients was mainly of the IgA class. A bacterial mixture including IgA-binding streptococci seems preferable to routine determination of IgM anti-HAV in acute hepatitis A diagnosis. The results also indicate that IgA anti-HAV in serum can persist for more than two years after a hepatitis A infection.  相似文献   

The contribution of natural killer (NK) cells to immunosurveillance of human cancer remains debatable. Here, we discuss advances in several areas of human NK cell research, many of which support the ability of NK cells to prevent cancer development and avoid relapse following adoptive immunotherapy. We describe the molecular basis for NK cell recognition of human tumor cells and provide evidence for NK cell-mediated killing of human primary tumor cells ex vivo. Subsequently, we highlight studies demonstrating the ability of NK cells to migrate to, and reside in, the human tumor microenvironment where selection of tumor escape variants from NK cells can occur. Indirect evidence for NK cell immunosurveillance against human malignancies is provided by the reduced incidence of cancer in individuals with high levels of NK cell cytotoxicity, and the significant clinical responses observed following infusion of human NK cells into cancer patients. Finally, we describe studies showing enhanced tumor progression, or increased cancer incidence, in patients with inherited and acquired defects in cellular cytotoxicity. All these observations have in common that they, either indirectly or directly, suggest a role for NK cells in mediating immunosurveillance against human cancer. This opens up for exciting possibilities with respect to further exploring NK cells in settings of adoptive immunotherapy in human cancer.  相似文献   

A sensitive microtitre radioimmunoassay was developed for detection of IgM antibodies to delta antigen. The assay was based on the selective binding of IgM from test sera to antihuman IgM (u-chain specific) fixed to wells of a microtitre plate, and utilized delta antigen extracted from the liver of an experimentally infected chimpanzee. This test proved to be useful in distinguishing between coinfection and superinfection with the hepatitis delta virus (HDV). Transient anti-delta IgM responses were observed in patients coinfected with HDV, while prolonged elevated IgM levels were found in HBsAg carriers with chronic liver disease superinfected with HDV. Two distinct serological patterns were observed in both coinfection and superinfection. In coinfection, only 50% of patients with detectable anti-delta IgM went on to develop a long-lasting antibody response. Following superinfection with HDV either stationary or fluctuating levels of IgM antibody were demonstrated. In patients with fluctuating antibody levels, the presence or absence of IgM antibody related to the level of viral replication.  相似文献   

A major outbreak of West Nile virus (WNV) lineage 2 infections was observed in 2010 in Greece. In order to check the persistence of WNV IgM antibodies, a second serum sample taken 75-180 days after onset of the illness from 29 patients with WNV infection was tested. A third sample was obtained 181-270 days after onset of the illness from 8 of the 12 patients with IgM-positive second sample. Mixed effects linear regression analysis indicated that the approximate time at which IgM index became negative was 164 (95% confidence interval, 95% CI 99-236) days after the symptoms' onset. Persistence of IgM antibodies was observed in 12% of patients at 181-270 days of follow-up. A sharp decrease in the IgM levels was observed, mainly in patients who had high IgM index value in the acute phase. All patients were WNV IgG positive at the follow-up.  相似文献   

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