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Stasis dermatitis, a chronic varicose inflammation of the skin of the lower legs, frequently is complicated by the development of contact hypersensitivity. This retrospective study of forty-six patients with stasis dermatitis found a 60.9 percent incidence of at least one significantly positive patch test reaction. The two allergens that elicited positive reactions most commonly were neomycin and epoxy resin. These results and those of other authors reinforce our contention that patch testing should be a part of the routine work-up of patients with stasis dermatitis.  相似文献   

Stasis ulcers of the upper limbs are rare, and only 30 cases have been reported, all of which were due to rheological abnormalities. A 59‐year‐old woman sustained an injury to her right upper limb, resulting in incomplete transections of the brachial artery and the brachial vein. Emergent reconstruction of the brachial artery was performed. Raynaud’s phenomenon was observed postoperatively, followed by extreme edema, eczematization and the development of ulcers on the forearm. She was referred to our hospital for treatment. 3‐D computed tomography (CT) revealed end‐to‐end anastomosis of the brachial artery and the brachial vein. An additional brachial–radial artery bypass and closure of the anastomosis dramatically improved her skin symptoms. Vascular anomalies including surgery should be suspected when patients present with stasis dermatitis of the upper limbs.  相似文献   

患者男,61岁,因头枕部丘疹3年就诊。患者于3年前无明显诱因下发现枕部丘疹,无自觉症状,后缓慢增大。否认病程中出血、溃疡、脱屑等。体检:一般情况好,各系统检查未见异常。皮肤科检查:枕部见一枚黄豆大小丘疹,直径约9 mm,淡红色,境界清晰,表面光滑,质地坚实(图1A)……  相似文献   

患者男,17岁,出生时即出现多发条纹状红色斑片和丘疹,红色斑片菲薄易破,愈后遗留色素减退斑片。右手第1、2指指甲发育不全。随年龄增长逐渐出现泛发线状或漩涡状色素沉着条纹,部分黄红色丘疹增大形成斑块。于儿童期始逐渐出现多发的乳头瘤样皮损,以口周为著。皮肤科检查:全身泛发线状或漩涡状的色素沉着斑片,以躯干为著,其间散在色素减退斑片与黄红色斑块。口周、下颌及右胭窝多发乳头瘤样皮损。皮损组织病理检查:表皮角化不全,真皮厚度显著变薄,真皮乳头层血管增多,皮下脂肪层上移。诊断:局灶性真皮发育不全。  相似文献   

Acute dermatitis developed in a fisherman after contact with old cherry-wood. A Pyemotes mite, probably P. beckeri, found in the wood, was thought to be responsible--thus illustrating the importance of appropriate laboratory examinations for ectoparasites. Human skin erruptions caused by indigenous, in contrast to imported, Pyemotes species have not previously been reported in Britain. These tarsonemoid mites attack small insect hosts and their possible role in dermatoses is discussed. Dermatitis caused by these mites is probably world-wide in distribution, but during the last century the confusing acarological nomenclature surrounding Pyemotes has resulted in an equally confusing variety of dermatological diagnoses.  相似文献   

舌舔皮炎是患者不自觉地用舌反复舔舐口唇、口周皮肤所引起的一种局部炎症性损害,临床较常见.现将遇到一例在外力下发生的舌舔皮炎,报道如下.  相似文献   

报告1例香菇皮炎。患者男,44岁,因颈部、躯干多处出现条状红斑、丘疹,伴轻度瘙痒1天就诊。皮肤科检查:躯干、颈部4~5处条索状水肿性红斑,上覆散在或密集小丘疹,无水疱及渗出,四肢、面部未见明显皮疹,黏膜无明显异常,无风团样损害,皮肤划痕症(-)。根据典型临床表现、发病前明确的“香菇脆”食用史及既往食用香菇后有类似症状,诊断为香菇皮炎。治疗:予口服依巴斯汀每次1片,每天1次,地奈德乳膏适量外用,嘱其避免再次食用可疑食物,2周后皮损消退,随访未复发。  相似文献   

报告1例嗜酸性粒细胞增多性皮炎.患者男,77岁.全身红斑、斑块伴反复发热2年余,加重2个月入院.入院检查外周血和骨髓嗜酸性粒细胞明显增多,组织病理改变符合嗜酸性粒细胞改变.诊断:嗜酸性粒细胞增多性皮炎.给予糖皮质激素、抗感染及支持对症等治疗17天后出院.现随访中.  相似文献   

疱疹样皮炎一例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者女,28岁,因颈胸背部剧烈瘙痒伴水疱半年来我科就诊。患者于就诊半年前感皮肤瘙痒,并出现绿豆大小的丘疹和红斑,随之在红斑上或正常皮肤上出现水疱,不易抓破,抓破后创面能很快愈合。不伴腹泻、口腔糜烂等症状。否认家族中类似疾病史及家族中慢性腹泻病史。  相似文献   

Summary To facilitate the mobilization of dermal melanin from the skin, we studied the role of macrophages in the elimination of dermal melanin in incontinentia pigmenti. The protein and melanin moieties of mouse-melanoma melanosomes were labeled with 14C and 3H, respectively. Labeled melanosomes were injected intracutaneously into the backs of guinea pigs. Carrageenan, a macrophage toxic agent, showed an inhibitory effect on the degradation and elimination of protein moiety of melanosomes from the dermis, when carrageenan was injected i.p. at the time of inoculation of melanosomes. Delayed-type infmamatory infiltrates in contact dermatitis showed some increase in the elimination of melanin moiety of melanosomes from the dermis.  相似文献   

局灶性真皮发育不全综合征1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者女,19岁,临床表现为皮肤网状色素沉着,脂肪疝,乳头状瘤以及头颅,耳,牙齿,毛发,甲发育异常,上肢不对称,并指,脊椎裂,皮肤组织病理改变:表皮突消失,真皮胶原纤维减少,脂肪组织增生,诊断为局灶性真皮发育不全综合征。  相似文献   

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