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We examined the role of color in the processing of motion of a luminance-varying pattern by alternating the color of a moving pattern and measuring the luminance contrast required for accurate discrimination of the motion direction. We report that the contrast threshold for perceiving the direction of motion of luminance-varying patterns is greatly elevated when the mean chromaticity of the moving luminance pattern alternates between two hues. Thus, color plays a critical role in the discrimination of luminance motion direction. The magnitude of the threshold elevation is directly related to the magnitude of the LM opponent color contrast produced by the color alternation. S-cone contrast produces little or no effect. The interference produced by color alternation was greatly reduced in the retinal periphery. Our results indicate that first-order luminance motion mechanisms are sensitive to the color of moving objects as coded by a differencing of the outputs of L and M cones. Contrary to the widely accepted notion that luminance-defined motion is processed primarily in the spectrally broadband magnocellular (M) pathway, our results suggest that the hue-selective parvocellular (P) mechanisms provide input to first-order motion detectors.  相似文献   

Neitz J  Neitz M 《Vision research》2011,51(7):633-651
The contributions of genetics research to the science of normal and defective color vision over the previous few decades are reviewed emphasizing the developments in the 25 years since the last anniversary issue of Vision Research. Understanding of the biology underlying color vision has been vaulted forward through the application of the tools of molecular genetics. For all their complexity, the biological processes responsible for color vision are more accessible than for many other neural systems. This is partly because of the wealth of genetic variations that affect color perception, both within and across species, and because components of the color vision system lend themselves to genetic manipulation. Mutations and rearrangements in the genes encoding the long, middle, and short wavelength sensitive cone pigments are responsible for color vision deficiencies and mutations have been identified that affect the number of cone types, the absorption spectra of the pigments, the functionality and viability of the cones, and the topography of the cone mosaic. The addition of an opsin gene, as occurred in the evolution of primate color vision, and has been done in experimental animals can produce expanded color vision capacities and this has provided insight into the underlying neural circuitry.  相似文献   

Color and luminance share a common motion pathway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P Cavanagh  O E Favreau 《Vision research》1985,25(11):1595-1601
Following exposure to a moving grating of bars differing only in luminance, a motion aftereffect (MAE) is observed on a stationary grating of bars differing only in chrominance. This suggests that the motion of equiluminous chromatic stimuli is sensed by a channel that responds to both luminance and chrominance and not by a separate channel specialized for the motion of colored stimuli. However, adding color to a low contrast luminance stimulus actually reduces its effectiveness at creating or nulling a MAE, indicating that the response of the motion pathway to color is qualitively different from its response to luminance. In addition, a chromatic stimulus demonstrates a dissociation between perceived speed, MAE speed and speed required to null the MAE that is absent for a luminance stimulus.  相似文献   

This study investigates the contribution of color vision to global motion. We present evidence demonstrating that performance on a global motion task attains similar levels for both types of chromatic (L/M-cone opponent and S-cone opponent) and luminance stimuli at suprathreshold contrasts. We show, however, that the motion thresholds for isoluminant chromatic stimuli are luminance based, on the grounds that they are masked by luminance noise but robust to chromatic noise. Detection thresholds, on the other hand, are chromatic in origin (masked by chromatic but not luminance noise), indicating that there is no luminance artifact in the stimulus. We suggest that for color vision at isoluminance the global motion task is based on the integration of many local, luminance-based signals.  相似文献   

This paper describes the "motion" properties of the amblyopic fovea and compares them to the normal periphery. Specifically, thresholds for detection of the displacement of a grating pattern, and for discrimination of displacement direction were measured. The main findings of these experiments were: in the central vision of both normal and amblyopic observers, unreferenced displacement are detected with an accuracy equal to the observer's grating acuity; in the normal periphery, unreferenced motion thresholds fall off at a slower rate than does grating acuity; in amblyopic eyes, displacement thresholds are most elevated centrally; the addition of an abutting reference improves detection of motion for the normal fovea and in anisometropic amblyopes, but elevates motion thresholds in both the normal periphery and in the fovea of amblyopes with strabismus. The adequacy of the normal periphery as a model for the central vision of amblyopes is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the characteristics of mechanisms mediating motion discrimination of S-cone isolating stimuli and found a double dissociation between the effects of luminance noise, which masks linear but not non-linear motion, and chromatic noise, which masks non-linear but not linear motion. We conclude that S-cones contribute to motion via two different pathways: a non-linear motion mechanism via a chromatic pathway and a linear motion mechanism via a luminance pathway. Additionally, motion discrimination and detection thresholds for drifting, S-cone isolating Gabors are unaffected by luminance noise, indicating that grating motion is mediated via chromatic mechanisms and based on higher-order motion processing.  相似文献   

正常人视觉运动觉的测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究我国正常人视觉运动觉特性。方法在PC兼容机上,应用运动觉测试软件,由微机控制,于VGA显示器产生棒状垂直视标,测定年龄11~68岁正常人56例(112只眼)的视觉运动觉。结果当视标作2个象素的水平运动,从10岁组至30岁组,随年龄增长,视觉运动觉逐渐上升。40岁以后年龄组逐渐降低,4个象素、6个象素水平运动和>40Hz闪烁运动状态不受年龄影响;性别和眼别与运动觉无相关关系。结论确定了我国正常人的运动觉特性,提供了正常参考值。  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that attention to a particular stimulus feature, such as direction of motion or color, enhances neuronal responses to unattended stimuli sharing that feature. We studied this effect psychophysically by measuring the strength of the motion aftereffect (MAE) induced by an unattended stimulus when attention was directed to one of two overlapping fields of moving dots in a different spatial location. When attention was directed to the same direction of motion as the unattended stimulus, the unattended stimulus induced a stronger MAE than when attention was directed to the opposite direction. Also, when the unattended location contained either uncorrelated motion or had no stimulus at all an MAE was induced in the opposite direction to the attended direction of motion. The strength of the MAE was similar regardless of whether subjects attended to the speed or luminance of the attended dots. These results provide further support for a global feature-based mechanism of attention, and show that the effect spreads across all features of an attended object, and to all locations of visual space.  相似文献   

Object-based cross-feature attentional modulation from color to motion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Object-based theories of visual attention predict that attempting to direct attention to a particular attribute of a visual object will result in an automatic selection of the whole object, including all of its features. It has been assumed, but not critically tested, that the spreading of attention from one feature to another in this manner, i.e. cross-feature attentional (CFA) effects, takes place at object-level stages of processing as opposed to early, local stages. In the present study we disambiguated these options for color-to-motion CFA by contrasting attention's effect on bivectorial transparent versus bivectorial locally paired motion displays. We found that association between features at the global, but not at the local, stage of motion processing leads to cross-feature attentional effects. These findings provide strong psychophysical evidence that such effects are indeed object-based.  相似文献   

Motion is defined as a sequence of positional changes over time. However, in perception, spatial position and motion dynamically interact with each other. This reciprocal interaction suggests that the perception of a moving object itself may dynamically evolve following the onset of motion. Here, we show evidence that the percept of a moving object systematically changes over time. In experiments, we introduced a transient gap in the motion sequence or a brief change in some feature (e.g., color or shape) of an otherwise smoothly moving target stimulus. Observers were highly sensitive to the gap or transient change if it occurred soon after motion onset (< or =200 ms), but significantly less so if it occurred later (> or = 300 ms). Our findings suggest that the moving stimulus is initially perceived as a time series of discrete potentially isolatable frames; later failures to perceive change suggests that over time, the stimulus begins to be perceived as a single, indivisible gestalt integrated over space as well as time, which could well be the signature of an emergent stable motion percept.  相似文献   

Induced motion, the apparent motion of an object when a nearby object moves, has been shown to occur in a variety of different conditions, including motion in depth. Here we explore whether similar patterns of induced motion result from induction in a lateral direction (frontoparallel motion) or induction in depth. We measured the magnitude of induced motion in a stationary target for: (a) binocularly viewed lateral motion of a pair of inducers, where the angular motion is in the same direction for the two eyes, and (b) binocularly viewed motion in depth of inducers, where the angular motions in the two eyes are opposite to each other, but the same magnitude as for the lateral motion. We found that induced motion is of similar magnitude for the two viewing conditions. This suggests a common mechanism for motion induction by both lateral motion and motion in depth, and is consistent with the idea that the visual signals responsible for induced motion are established before angular information is scaled to obtain metric motion in depth.  相似文献   

It is well established that amblyopes exhibit deficits in processing first-order (luminance-defined) patterns. This is readily manifest by measuring spatiotemporal sensitivity (i.e. the “window of visibility”) to moving luminance gratings. However the window of visibility to moving second-order (texture-defined) patterns has not been systematically studied in amblyopia. To address this issue monocular modulation sensitivity (1/threshold) to first-order motion and four different varieties of second-order motion (modulations of either the contrast, flicker, size or orientation of visual noise) was measured over a five-octave range of spatial and temporal frequencies. Compared to normals amblyopes are not only impaired in the processing of first-order motion, but overall they exhibit both higher thresholds and a much narrower window of visibility to second-order images. However amblyopia can differentially impair the perception of some types of second-order motion much more than others and crucially the precise pattern of deficits varies markedly between individuals (even for those with the same conventional visual acuity measures). For the most severely impaired amblyopes certain second-order (texture) cues to movement in the environment are effectively invisible. These results place important constraints on the possible architecture of models of second-order motion perception in human vision.  相似文献   

The PC pathway conveys both chromatic and achromatic information, with PC neurons being more responsive to chromatic (L-M) than to achromatic (L+M) stimuli. In considering the evolution of color vision, it has been suggested that the dynamic range of chromatic PC-pathway processing is tuned to the chromatic content of the natural environment. Anomalous trichromats, with reduced separation of their L- and M-cone spectral sensitivities, have diminished chromatic input to PC-pathway cells. Dichromats, with absent L or M cones, should have no chromatic input to PC-pathway cells. Therefore, the PC-pathway dynamic range of color defectives should be released from any constraint imposed by the chromatic environment. Here we ask whether this results in compensatory enhancement of achromatic PC-pathway processing in color defectives. This study employed a psychophysical method designed to isolate PC-pathway processing using achromatic stimuli. In a pulsed-pedestal condition, a four-square stimulus array appeared within a uniform surround. During a trial, one of the test squares differed from the other three, and the observer's task was to choose the square that was different. A four-alternative, forced-choice method was used to determine thresholds as a function of the contrast of the four-square array to the surround. Seven color defective and four normal observers participated. Results showed no systematic differences between normals and color defectives. There was no enhancement of achromatic processing as compensation for reduced chromatic processing in the PC-pathway system in color defectives. From physiological recordings, PC-pathway achromatic contrast gains of dichromatic and trichromatic New World primates and trichromatic Old World macaques have also been shown to be similar to each other. Our study and the animal studies imply that PC-pathway contrast gain parameters were regulated by factors other than the environmental chromaticity gamut, and may have arisen in a nontrichromatic common ancestor to both Old and New World primates.  相似文献   

Reeves A  Fuller H  Fine EM 《Vision research》2005,45(27):3343-3355
Pictures of easily-identifiable objects with novel colors (e.g. a blue frog) or of forms with arbitrary colors (e.g. a green triangle) were presented briefly at 10.6 degrees eccentricity. Stimuli had strong outlines and vivid fill colors (red, green, yellow, blue, or purple). The same pictures were repeated once in each block of 30 trials for 6, 9, or 12 blocks, and recognition was probed after each block. Shapes were acquired quickly, within 3-4 blocks, whether attention was focused on the pictures or split to a demanding foveal task. Color-shape acquisition was also fast with focused attention, but stabilized at a low level with split attention. Delaying the foveal task restored color-shape acquisition. We suggest that attention facilitates the creation and maintenance of novel color-shape bindings in the visual periphery; without attention, binding is less effective.  相似文献   

When an observer moves through the world, he or she must detect moving objects in order to avoid or intercept them. Accomplishing this task presents a problem for the visual system, because the motion of the observer causes the images of nearly all objects in the scene to move across the retina. We tested observers’ abilities to detect a moving object when its angle of motion deviated from the radial optic flow pattern generated by observer motion in a straight line. To test whether global information is important for this task, we compared the results for a radial pattern with those for a deformation pattern. The results show that observer accuracy depends on the global pattern of the optic flow. In addition, we tested the effects of the duration of the trial, the number of objects, the eccentricity of the moving object and the speed of the observer.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that there are two types of chromatic motion mechanisms: signed chromatic motion, in which correspondence across successive frames is based on chromatic content of image regions, and unsigned chromatic motion based on movement of chromatically-defined borders. We investigate whether signed and unsigned red-green chromatic motion are mediated by a genuinely chromatic mechanism. Direction discrimination of signed and unsigned red-green chromatic motion were measured in the presence of a dynamic luminance masking noise. Increasing the luminance noise contrast systematically impaired signed motion, regardless of contrast and speed. This result suggests that signed red-green chromatic motion is derived from a luminance-based signal, rather than a genuinely chromatic motion mechanism. In the case of unsigned chromatic motion, there is no effect of luminance masking noise, indicating there exists a genuine chromatic mechanism for second-order motion perception.  相似文献   

Kang P  Shevell SK 《Vision research》2008,48(25):2495-2500
Perceptual misbinding of color during binocular rivalry reveals separate neural representations of color and form followed by a neural binding process. The misbinding shows that the neural representation of color from a suppressed form can be expressed within a non-retinotopic location within the dominant form. Misbinding during rivalry is known to be affected by luminance edges within the stimulus: increasing luminance-contrast at edges decreases perceptual misbinding (Hong, S.W. & Shevell, S.K. (2006). Resolution of binocular rivalry: Perceptual misbinding of color. Visual Neuroscience, 23, 561-566.). Previous work, however, did not address the question of whether misbinding depends on equiluminance (i) in the eye of the suppressed form, which contributes the misbound color to the dominant form from the opposite eye, or (ii) in the eye of the dominant form, which incorporates the misbound color. This study answered this question. Misbinding of the chromatic response from a suppressed form that contains high luminance-contrast shows that location information provided by luminance-contrast edges does not inhibit misbinding of color to a non-retinotopic location within an equiluminant form presented to the opposite eye. If filling-in of color is constrained within regions defined by luminance edges, these edges must be perceived; retinal encoding of luminance edges by itself is not sufficient to constrain the perceived location of color.  相似文献   

The presence of a general global motion processing deficit in amblyopia is now well established, although its severity may depend on image speed and amblyopia type, but its underlying cause(s) is still largely indeterminate. To address this issue and to characterize further the nature of the global motion perception deficit in human amblyopia, the effects of varying spatial offset (jump size—Δs) and temporal offset (delay between positional updates—Δt) in discriminating global motion for a range of speeds (1.5, 3 and 9 °/s) in both amblyopic and normal vision were evaluated. For normal adult observers (NE) and the non-amblyopic eye (FE) motion coherence thresholds measured when Δt was varied were significantly higher than those when Δs was varied. Furthermore when Δt was varied, thresholds rose significantly as the speed of image motion decreased for both NEs and FEs. AE thresholds were higher overall than the other eyes and appeared independent of both the method used to create movement and speed. These results suggest that the spatial and temporal limits underlying the perception of global motion are different. In addition degrading the smoothness of motion has comparatively little effect on the motion mechanisms driven by the AE, suggesting that the internal noise associated with encoding motion direction is relatively high.  相似文献   

The motion aftereffect caused by adaptation to moving bars is visible in a stationary test pattern consisting of static visual noise (texture). The aftereffect resulting from adaptation to moving bars presented on a background of texture is highly dependent on the direction and velocity of motion of the background during adaptation, and less dependent on the nature of the test pattern. Background motion in the same direction as bar motion during adaptation enhances the aftereffect, whilst a stationary background or background motion in the opposite direction suppresses, and in some cases reverses the direction of, the aftereffect. The influence of background motion is greatest using a textured test pattern, a low adapting texture velocity, and a low grating spatial frequency. The physiological implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

People with normal trichromatic color vision experience variegated hue percepts under dim illuminations where only rod photoreceptors mediate vision. Here, hue perceptions were determined for persons with congenital color vision deficiencies over a wide range of light levels, including very low light levels where rods alone mediate vision. Deuteranomalous trichromats, deuteranopes and protanopes served as observers. The appearances of 24 paper color samples from the OSA Uniform Color Scales were gauged under successively dimmer illuminations from 10 to 0.0003 Lux (1.0 to -3.5 log Lux). Triads of samples were chosen representing each of eight basic color categories; "red," "pink," "orange," "yellow," "green," "blue," "purple," and "gray." Samples within each triad varied in lightness. Observers sorted samples into groups that they could categorize with specific color names. Above -0.5 log Lux, the dichromatic and anomalous trichromatic observers sorted the samples into the original representative color groups, with some exceptions. At light levels where rods alone mediate vision, the color names assigned by the deuteranomalous trichromats were similar to the color names used by color normals; higher scotopic reflectance samples were classified as blue-green-grey and lower reflectance samples as red-orange. Color names reported by the dichromats at the dimmest light levels had extensive overlap in their sample scotopic lightness distributions. Dichromats did not assign scotopic color names based on the sample scotopic lightness, as did deuteranomalous trichromats and colour-normals. We reasoned that the reduction in color gamut that a dichromat experiences at photopic light levels leads to a limited association of rod color perception with objects differing in scotopic reflectance.  相似文献   

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