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<正>痛觉(pain)是由于潜在的或者实际的伤害性刺激作用于机体所引起的不愉快的主观感受。由于这样的刺激可能导致组织和机体的损伤或危害,因此痛觉的产生可以使动物处于防御、抵抗或退缩等状态,是一种生理性的防御反应和保护性感觉[1]。与疼痛有关的高位中枢涉及端脑第一体表  相似文献   

一项新的研究显示,丧失配偶或子女可能会导致当事人心跳过速和心律不齐,从而对身体造成潜在的危害。不过,也有研究显示,这些现象会在6个月内恢复正常。  相似文献   

目的:探讨日常负性生活事件与情绪个体内可变性(情绪变迁、情绪自旋与情绪脉冲)的关系,以及日常感知压力在两者间的多水平中介效应。方法:对144名被试当下正发生或感受到的负性生活事件、感知压力和核心情绪状态进行持续14天、每天3次的动态跟踪测量。结果:多层结构方程模型表明负性生活事件对效价变异性、激活变异性、情绪自旋和情绪脉冲具有正向预测。感知压力在负性生活事件对效价变异性、情绪自旋和情绪脉冲的影响中具有中介效应。结论:个体日常经历的负性生活事件通过其内在感知到的压力程度,进而导致个体在情绪效价维度上产生变化,同时引起核心情绪状态的不稳定和情绪强度波动。  相似文献   

近年来,肝癌的发生率有上升趋势,肝移植手术一直是治疗肝癌的有效措施之一。然而,肝移植手术的并发症一直影响着肝移植手术的成功率。近日,我科在给一肝癌患者施行肝移植手术时,患者出现心脏骤停,长达50min,经积极有效抢救,患者康复出院,实属少见。现将病例报告如下。  相似文献   

患者,男,25岁,体重70kg,因液化气泄露燃烧致重度烧伤,Ⅲ°达35%。拟在静脉全麻双上肢切痂植皮术。术前已做气管切开,静脉点滴派替啶-异丙嗪合剂维持浅睡状态。血压150/90mmHg,心电图示窦性心动过速,心率140次/min,普鲁卡因皮试阴性。术前用安定10mg,东莨菪碱0.3mg肌注。麻醉开始即给予1.8%普鲁卡因静滴,内加芬太尼0.3mg,滴速40滴/min,5min后双上肢抽动幅度剧烈,又加快滴速至70~80滴/分以上,5min后病人全身阵挛性惊厥。血压100/65mmHg,心率78次/min,几次大幅抽动后监  相似文献   

背景:目前无心跳供体供肺原位低温保护实现的途径主要有2种,一种是胸腔内表面降温技术,这种方法已经被临床成功的移植证实有效,一种是气管内通气降温技术。 目的:探讨大鼠无心跳供肺移植模型中原位支气管内通气降温和胸腔内表面降温技术结合实现低温保存供肺的可行性。 方法:将无心跳供肺移植Wistar大鼠模型随机分为:通气组以低温气体吹入气管降温,表面组双侧胸腔置管连续注入低温生理盐水,结合组同时行低温气体通气和低温盐水胸腔内降温。  结果与结论:结合组降温效果强于表面组和通气组(P < 0.05),可在60 min内将气管内、肺实质和胸腔内温度降到保存温度。初步证明原位支气管内通气降温和胸腔内表面降温技术结合降温的方式在肺移植中应用的可行性。  相似文献   

在重力场下,绝大多数细胞功能受到力学载荷的调控。 空间微重力下细胞对力学载荷的响应能力在空间机体生理功能适应性变化中的作用不容忽视。 细胞骨架被普遍认为是细胞感知重力变化及响应力学载荷的关键结构之一。 本文总结了微重力下“细胞骨架-LINC 复合物-核纤层”这一细胞力学感知-传导途径变化及作用机制的研究进展,并对未来的研究工作进行展望。  相似文献   

背景:大量实验表明,供肺组织及肺血管功能在适当条件下可以保存,当供体心跳停止后,肺的气体交换系统可耐受热缺血60 min。 目的:建立一种简单有效的无心跳供体肺移植大鼠模型。 方法:60只SD大鼠随机分为有心跳供体组、无心跳供体-缺血30 min组和无心跳供体-缺血60 min组,每组20只。有心跳供体组供体大鼠取供肺保存在4 ℃低钾右旋糖苷液中4 h;无心跳供体-缺血30 min组供体放血处死后,维持通气30 min,使供肺在热缺血30 min后冷保存;无心跳供体-缺血60 min组方法同无心跳供体-缺血30 min组,不同之处在于供肺热缺血60 min。各组大鼠循环回路连接后,于1,15,30 ,45,60 min测出气道峰压和肺静脉血氧气分压。灌注结束后检测供肺湿质量干质量比和丙二醛水平。 结果与结论:有心跳供体组和无心跳供体-缺血30 min组所有指标比较差异均无显著性意义(P > 0.05)。各组气道峰压随时间的延长逐渐升高,但无心跳供体-缺血60 min组升高程度高于有心跳供体组和无心跳供体-缺血30 min组 (P < 0.05)。各组供肺血氧气分压均随着时间的延长而降低,无心跳供体-缺血60 min组供肺血氧气分压低于有心跳供体组和无心跳供体-缺血30 min组(P < 0.05)。无心跳供体-缺血60 min组供肺湿质量干质量比和丙二醛水平较有心跳供体组和无心跳供体-缺血30 min组高(P < 0.05)。结果提示大鼠无心跳供肺热缺血30 min肺移植灌注模型是一种安全有效的肺移植方法。  相似文献   

<正>随着炫富之风在网络时尚界的风靡,网上的博友们开始了新潮的"晒生活"———意思就是将自己的私密"公布"(炫耀)在网络博客或者论坛中,比如"晒工资"、"晒理财"、"晒私情"等等。近两年,一张象征爱情幸福指数的"爱情地图"在时尚男女中悄然流行,  相似文献   

The mediation of heartbeat perception by cardiodynamic parameters was investigated by experimentally introducing changes in heart performance. Twenty-five subjects (14 women 11 men) underwent bicycle ergometric exercises (0–75 W) at different tilt angles (90°-0°), After each of the 31 tilt/exercise phases, the following measures of cardiac performance were taken using impedance cardiography: stroke volume, Heather Index (as an indicator of contractile force), heart rate, and an estimate of the momentum of the ejected blood mass. Additionally, a heartbeat perception task was performed. The different tilt/exercise combinations induced profound changes in all cardiodynamic. measures, The correlation between heartbeat perception and cardiodynamic parameters was highest for “momentum”(r= 67) and for stroke volume (r= 59). From our data, we infer that intraindividually occurring changes in cardiac perception are mediated partially by characteristics of heart dynamics and that the source of these interoceptive signals lies in the heart or in its close vicinity.  相似文献   

Meditation is commonly assumed to be associated with enhanced interoceptive accuracy. We previously found that experienced meditators did not exhibit a greater ability than nonmeditators to detect heartbeat sensations at rest, despite the meditators' reported subjective ratings of higher accuracy and lower difficulty. Here, attempting to overcome previous methodological limitations, we assessed interoceptive awareness of heartbeat and breathing sensations across physiological arousal levels using infusions of isoproterenol, a beta-adrenergic agonist similar to adrenaline. We hypothesized that meditators would display greater interoceptive awareness than nonmeditators, as evidenced by higher interoceptive detection rates, increased interoceptive accuracy, and differences in localization of heartbeat sensations. We studied 15 meditators and 15 nonmeditators, individually matched on age, gender, and body mass index, using randomized, double-blinded, and placebo-controlled bolus infusions of isoproterenol. Participants reported their experience of heartbeat and breathing sensations using a dial during infusions and the location of heartbeat sensations on a two-dimensional manikin afterward. There was no evidence of higher detection rates or increased accuracy across any dose, although meditators showed a tendency to report cardiorespiratory sensation changes sooner at higher doses. Relative to nonmeditators, meditators exhibited prominent geographical differences in heartbeat localization, disproportionally reporting sensations throughout central regions of the chest, abdomen, neck, back, and head. To further assess indications of potential differences in cardiac interoceptive accuracy between meditators and nonmeditators, we conducted a meta-analysis including 724 participants and found little evidence for such differences. We conclude that the practice of meditation is not associated with improved cardiac interoceptive awareness.  相似文献   

Interoceptive accuracy (IAc), that is, the ability to accurately perceive one's own bodily signals, is widely assumed to be a trait, although experimental manipulations such as stress may affect IAc. We used structural equation modeling to estimate the reliability of IAc, and the proportions of individual differences in IAc, explained by a trait and occasion‐specific effects of situation and person‐situation interactions. We assessed IAc in 59 healthy participants (40 women, MAge = 23.4 years) on three consecutive measurement occasions, approximately 1 week apart, in a rest and poststress condition, using a heartbeat counting and a heartbeat discrimination task. The results showed fair temporal stability (intraclass correlation coefficients ≥ 0.38) and good reliability (Mdn = .63; range .49–.83) for both methods. While around 40% of the variance of a single IAc measurement could be explained by a trait, approximately 27% was accounted for by occasion‐specific effects of situation and person‐situation interaction. These results suggest that IAc measures are relatively consistent and that situations and person‐situation interactions impact IAc as measured at a certain point in time. An aggregation across at least two measurements is recommended when using IAc as a trait variable.  相似文献   

Under resting conditions, cardioceptive accuracy—the acuity of the perception of heartbeats—is associated with the self-reported intensity of affective states but not with reported valence. Physical exertion elicits positive affect below the anaerobic threshold and negative affect above the threshold while arousal gradually increases. The current research aimed to study the associations between cardioceptive accuracy and characteristics of the affective response (arousal and valence) during physical activity. About 67 undergraduate students completed the Schandry task and rated their perceived exertion (Borg-scale) and affective experience (arousal and valence) under three physical loads (running on a treadmill below, around, and above the anaerobic threshold). Cardioceptive accuracy was associated with the arousal component of the affective states during physical activity but not with valence and perceived exertion.  相似文献   

Interoception is the process of perceiving afferent signals arising from within the body including heart rate (HR), gastric signals, etc., and has been described as a mechanism crucially involved in the creation of self‐awareness and selfhood. The heartbeat perception task is a tool to measure individuals' interoceptive accuracy (IAcc). IAcc correlates positively with measures of self‐awareness and with attributes including emotional sensitivity, empathy, prosocial behavior, and efficient decision making. IAcc is only moderate in the general population, and attempts to identify groups of people who might have higher IAcc due to their specific training (e.g., yoga, meditation) have not been successful. However, a recent study with musicians suggests that those trained in the arts might exhibit high IAcc. Here, we tested IAcc in 20 professional dancers and 20 female control participants on a heartbeat perception task. Dancers had a higher IAcc, and this effect was independent of their lower heart rates (a proxy measure of physical fitness), counting ability, and knowledge about HR. An additional between‐groups analysis after a median split in the dancer group (based on years of dance experience) showed that junior dancers' IAcc differed from controls, and senior dancers' IAcc was higher than both junior dancers and controls. General art experience correlated positively with IAcc. No correlations were found between IAcc and questionnaire measures of empathy, emotional experience, and alexithymia. These findings are discussed in the context of current theories of interoception and emotion—highlighting the features of arts training that might be related to IAcc.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in the heart's activity can modulate the access of external stimuli to consciousness. The link between perceptual awareness and cardiac signals has been investigated mainly in the visual and auditory domain. Here, we investigated whether the phase of the cardiac cycle and the prestimulus heart rate influence conscious somatosensory perception. We also tested how conscious detection of somatosensory stimuli affects the heart rate. Electrocardiograms (ECG) of 33 healthy volunteers were recorded while applying near‐threshold electrical pulses at a fixed intensity to the left index finger. Conscious detection was not uniformly distributed across the cardiac cycle but significantly higher in diastole than in systole. We found no evidence that the heart rate before a stimulus influenced its detection, but hits (correctly detected somatosensory stimuli) led to a more pronounced cardiac deceleration than misses. Our findings demonstrate interactions between cardiac activity and conscious somatosensory perception, which highlights the importance of internal bodily states for sensory processing beyond the auditory and visual domain.  相似文献   

Neurotransmission from the heart to the brain results in a heartbeat-evoked potential (HEP). In this study, the influence of the ability to detect one's heartbeats based on the HEP was examined. According to their results in a heartbeat perception task, subjects were classified as good (n=18) or poor (n=26) heartbeat perceivers. EEG, EOG, and ECG were recorded while participants attended to their heartbeats. The R-wave of the ECG served as a trigger for EEG averaging. In the latency range of 250-350 ms after the ECG R-wave, the HEP amplitude at the right central location was significantly higher in good heartbeat perceivers. A significantly positive correlation was observed between the heartbeat perception score and the mean HEP amplitude. Our results confirm that the accuracy of heartbeat perception is reflected in the amplitude of the HEP. Thus, the HEP may be a suitable research tool for the study of brain processes related to visceral perception.  相似文献   

Recent research has identified individual differences in interoceptive sensitivity as a key source of variation in action, cognition, and emotion. This research has relied heavily on a single method for assessing interoceptive sensitivity: the accuracy of counting heartbeats while at rest. The validity of this method was assessed here by comparing the heartbeat counting (HBC) performance of 48 individuals with their heartbeat detection (HBD) performance. The HBC task required participants to report the numbers of heartbeats counted during brief signaled periods and indexed cardioceptive accuracy by the difference between the numbers of reported and actual heartbeats. In the HBD task, participants indicated the temporal location of heartbeat sensations relative to the onset of ventricular contraction. On each trial, they judged whether heartbeat sensations were or were not simultaneous with brief tones presented at one of six fixed delays following R waves of the ECG. In this method, cardioceptive accuracy or precision was indexed by variability in the temporal locations, relative to the R wave, of tones judged to be simultaneous with heartbeat sensations. Although intratask correlations indicated that each method yielded reliable scores, intertask correlations showed that HBC scores were unrelated to HBD scores. These results, which indicate that heartbeat detection and heartbeat counting are distinct processes, raise important questions about the assessment of interoceptive sensitivity and the involvement of this attribute in the psychological processes that have been associated with it on the basis of their correlations with HBC performance.  相似文献   

Sensitivity to signals arising within the body (interoceptive awareness) has been implicated in emotion processing; interindividual differences in interoceptive awareness modulate both subjective and physiological indicators of emotional experience and the regulation of emotion-related behaviors. This study investigated interoceptive awareness in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), a chronic pain condition accompanied by various affective symptoms. Interoceptive awareness was assessed in 45 FMS patients and 31 healthy individuals using a heartbeat perception task. Cognitive performance, comorbid psychiatric disorders and medication use were assessed as possible confounding variables. Concerning the primary outcome, patients exhibited markedly reduced heartbeat perception compared to healthy individuals. Moreover, there was an inverse relationship between interoceptive awareness and FMS symptom severity. Reduced interoceptive awareness may be involved in the affective aspects of FMS pathology. Poor access to bodily signals may restrict patients´ ability to integrate these signals during emotional processing, which, by extension, may preclude optimal emotional self-regulation.  相似文献   

Introduction. Social cognition is commonly assessed by identification of emotions in facial expressions. Presence of colour, a salient feature of stimuli, might influence emotional face perception.

Methods. We administered 2 tests of facial emotion recognition, the Emotion Recognition Test (ER40) using colour pictures and the Penn Emotional Acuity Test using monochromatic pictures, to 37 young healthy, 39 old healthy and 37 schizophrenic men.

Results. Among young healthy individuals recognition of emotions was more accurate and faster in colour than in monochromatic pictures. Compared to the younger group, older healthy individuals revealed impairment in identification of sad expressions in colour but not monochromatic pictures. Schizophrenia patients showed greater impairment in colour than monochromatic pictures of neutral and sad expressions and overall total score compared to both healthy groups. Patients showed significant correlations between cognitive impairment and perception of emotion in colour but not monochromatic pictures.

Conclusions. Colour enhances perception of general emotional clues and this contextual effect is impaired in healthy ageing and schizophrenia. The effects of colour need to be considered in interpreting and comparing studies of emotion perception. Coloured face stimuli may be more sensitive to emotion processing impairments but less selective for emotion-specific information than monochromatic stimuli. This may impact on their utility in early detection of impairments and investigations of underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

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