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Depression during adolescence is critical to the individual''s own development. Hence, identifying individuals with high-risk depression at an early stage is necessary. This study aimed to identify childhood emotional and behavioral risk factors related to depressive symptoms in Korean adolescents through a longitudinal study. The first survey took place from 1998 to 2000, and a follow-up assessment conducted in 2006, as the original participants reached 13-15 yr of age. The first assessment used the Korean version of Child Behavior Checklist and a general questionnaire on family structure, parental education, and economic status to evaluate the participants. The follow-up assessment administered the Korean Children''s Depression Inventory. Multiple regression analysis revealed that childhood attention problems predicted depressive symptoms during adolescence for both boys and girls. For boys, family structure also predicted adolescent depressive symptoms. This study suggests that adolescents with attention problems during childhood are more likely to experience depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate predictors of adolescence suicidality in a longitudinal study. Additionally, the prevalence of deliberate self-harm behavior and suicide ideation at age 7 and during middle school were examined. Initial assessment data was obtained from 1998 to 2000, and a follow-up assessment was performed in 2006 when the original subjects became middle school students. The addresses and names of 1,857 subjects were located from the original data; they were 910 boys and 947 girls. The subjects were evaluated with the Korean version of the Child Behavior Checklist (K-CBCL), which was administered by the parents of the children, and by various demographic and psychosocial factors. They were reassessed using self reports on the Korea Youth Self Report (K-YSR); in particular, replies to items related to self-harm behavior and suicide ideation were recorded. A logistic regression analysis showed that the factors of gender, economic status, the overall amount of behavior problems, the tendency to internalizing and externalizing problems, somatic problems, thought problems, delinquent behavior, and aggressive behavior were independent predictors of adolescent suicide ideation and self-harm behavior. The importance of total behavior problems suggested that adolescent difficulty is a consequence of an accumulation of various risk factors. Accordingly, clinicians must consider a range of internalizing and externalizing issues, especially overall adaptation, for suicide intervention.  相似文献   

暴雨灾害后青少年抑郁症状及其相关因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨急性应激对青少年情绪的影响。方法:用抑郁自评量表(SDS)对遭受暴雨灾害和龙卷风袭击3个月后1364名13~20岁的中学生进行了抑郁症状调查。结果:灾害后青少年SDS均分为4711±989,抑郁症状检出率为2507%。逐步回归分析揭示影响灾害后青少年抑郁症状的主要因素依次为过去一年内生活事件应激值、心理外控分、消极应对方式、家庭关系差、认为生命比财产更重要、灾期亲属发生精神障碍、有偏食习惯和父亲职业为农民。结论:自然灾害后青少年容易发生抑郁症状,且抑郁症状的发生受多种因素的影响  相似文献   

This study examines the applicability and sufficiency of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in predicting intention and self-perceived behavior with respect to avoiding between-meal intake of sugared snacks and drinks. One thousand one hundred and twenty-three Tanzanian students (mean age 26.4 years) completed self-administered questionnaires designed to measure the components of the TPB during May-July, 1999. Self-perceived sugar consumption was obtained in a subsample of respondents (n = 228) four weeks later. The TPB provided a significant prediction of intention (R(2)= 0.44), with attitude (= 0.25), subjective norms (= 0.28) and perceived behavioral control (= 0.35) significant, and subsequent behavior (R(2) = 0.15, with intention (= 0.25) and perceived behavioral control (= 0.18) significant. Frequency of past behavior explained a significant, albeit small, amount of additional variance in intention (1 percent) and behavior (4 percent). The results indicate that the TPB is applicable to the prediction of food choice-related intention and behavior among young adult students living in a non-occidental setting.  相似文献   

青少年吸烟者的吸烟水平及其影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的考察不同吸烟水平青少年的特点及其影响因素。方法采用问卷调查的方法对211个吸烟的青少年进行调查。结果①14%的青少年经常吸烟,男生经常吸烟的人数显著地多于士生;②青少年的不同吸烟水平与同伴吸烟行为和态度、同伴直接和常规压力、父母吸烟态度以及青少年自身抵制技能、吸烟认识显著相关;③同伴吸烟行为和直接压力显著地预测青少年的不同吸烟水平。结论青少年吸烟者中大多数人偶尔吸烟,青少年的吸烟程度与同件因素关系紧密,青少年吸烟干预方案应将同伴因素列为最重要的干预成分。  相似文献   

This study identified factors that influence regular soda consumption among 564 male students, aged 13-18 years, attending North Los Angeles County public high schools. Participants completed a group-administered Theory of Planned Behavior based questionnaire. Almost all of the participants, 96.5%, reported that they currently drink soda, 60.2% reported drinking two glasses of soda or more per day during the past year. Students reported drinking regular soda more than diet soda and reported drinking phosphoric acid containing soda (cola) more than nonphosphoric acid containing soda (noncola). Attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control were significant predictors of intention to drink regular soda and together explained 61% of its variance. Our results suggest that parents, teachers/coaches, and health professionals should encourage the perception that there are other healthier drinks that quench thirst better than soft drinks and taste good, and that soda should not be excessively available at home.  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate the association between habitual tea consumption and the risk of developing cataracts in a large community-based cohort study. We prospectively collected volunteers from 29 recruitment centers that were ≧ 55 years old with no history of cataracts at the beginning of the study. There were 12,080 participants with available information in our study and were divided into two groups according to habitual tea consumption; non-tea-drinking and tea-drinking groups. The mean age was 59 years. Compared to the non-tea-drinking group, the tea-drinking group had a significantly lower incidence of developing cataracts (15.5% vs 12.1%) during follow-up of 46 months. In multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression analysis, the relative risk (RR) of incident cataracts was lower in the tea-drinking group than the non-tea-drinking group (RR = 0.848; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.751 to 0.957). Participants with ≧ 2 cups per day were associated with almost 16% reduction in the risk of developing cataracts compared with the non-tea-drinking group (RR = 0.844; 95% CI = 0.741 to 0.961). Our study suggests that habitual tea consumption can reduce the incidence of cataracts and raises the possibility that the tea content may slow the progression of cataracts.  相似文献   

用整群抽样的方法调查了湖南省城乡两地区1000户15岁以上居民饮酒、吸烟情况,其中男1179(49.6%)人,女1199(50.4%)人。平均年龄男女分别41.2岁(SD=17.5)和43.4(89=18.6)。结果表明,饮酒率男性为57.5%,女性为17.3%。吸烟率男女分别为68.2%和11.7%,男性饮酒、吸烟量高于女性。男性饮酒、吸烟者的年龄及受教育的年限与男性总体差异不显著,而女性饮酒、吸烟者的年龄较女性总体高、受教育年限低,差异有显著性。外界环境的影响是制约女性不饮酒、不吸烟的主要因素,担心健康是制约男性不饮酒不吸烟的主要因素。男性更倾向于把饮酒、吸烟作为社交手段,及改变情绪的一种方式。受试者对男性饮酒、吸烟较为宽容,而对女性饮酒、吸烟特别是吸烟持普遍不赞许的态度,作者从社会文化、社会心理的角度讨论了影响男女饮酒、吸烟率的因素。  相似文献   

震后6个月都江堰地区青少年心理问题及影响因素   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
目的:考查汶川地震6个月后都江堰地区青少年的PTSD、焦虑、抑郁的检出率及人群特点,并探究其影响因素。方法:分层整群取样,用创伤后应激障碍自评量表(PTSD-SS)、儿童焦虑性情绪筛查量表(SCARED)、儿童抑郁障碍自评量表(DSRSC)、青少年社会支持量表(SSRS-CA)评估都江堰地区初一至高一学生1925名。结果:震后6个月都江堰地区青少年的PTSD、焦虑、抑郁检出率分别为15.9%、40.8%和24.4%;女孩(OR=2.03-2.70)、青春后期(OR=1.71-2.12)、地震中有亲人伤亡(OR=1.45-2.41)是PTSD、焦虑、抑郁的共同危险因素,非独生子女是焦虑的危险因素(OR=1.72),大量目睹惨烈场景(OR=1.39-2.18)是PTSD和抑郁的危险因素;主观社会支持(OR=0.88-0.95)和对支持的利用度(OR=0.74-0.88)是PTSD、焦虑、抑郁共同的保护性因素。结论:震后6个月都江堰地区青少年存在较多的心理问题;指导青少年发现、建构、维护、寻求和利用社会支持资源对于促进其创伤修复和心理健康有重要意义。  相似文献   

青少年疏离感与家庭功能、人格的关系研究   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
目的 :调查中学生的疏离感以及家庭功能、人格与疏离感三者之间的关系。方法 :采用疏离感量表、家庭亲密度和适应性量表 (FACESⅡ )和 16PF对 5 2 8名中学生进行调查。结果 :( 1)疏离感在年级上存在显著差异 ,与性别无关 ;( 2 )疏离感与人格和家庭功能因子相关 ;( 3)疏离感高低群者在家庭功能与人格因子上具有显著性差异。结论 :家庭亲密度、忧虑性、敢为性、稳定性和怀疑性对疏离感有预测作用。  相似文献   

Adverse or negative consequences of drug use are frequentlyemphasized in drug prevention programs for adolescents. However,it has not been established whether the experience of such negativeeffects actually reduces the use of various drug substances.In this study, data from a large group of adolescents are usedin three connected analyses regarding the relationship of acuteadverse reactions and drug use. First, the interrelationshipsof acute adverse reactions to alcohol, marijuana, hallucinogens,and PCP were examined. There is a nonstepwise progression inthe lifetime experience of negative drug reactions, suggestingthat acute adverse reactions to marijuana are not a necessaryprecondition to having such experiences with hard drugs. Second,drug use patterns and the presence of acute adverse drug reactionsover a period of 1 year were studied. Although there were strongwithin-occasion relationships, there was little evidence foracross-time effects of apresumbly causal nature. Third, acuteadverse reactions were not linked to feelings of psychologicaldistress, although high distress was a precursor to later druguse. Implications for drug abuse prevention programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Suicide is a leading cause of death among Korean adolescents. Many suicide attempting adolescents often are discharged against medical advice in the emergency department. The aim of the present study was to determine the risk factors for discharge against medical advice (DAMA) after self-inflicted injury or attempted suicide in the emergency department. We extracted data on adolescents (10-19 yr old) from the national emergency department information system; we used data from 2007 and 2011. A total of 6,394 adolescents visited EDs after self-inflicted injury or attempted suicide. Among these patients, the median age was 17 yr (Interquatile range, 15-18 yr), 83.2% were between 15-19 yr of age, and 63.3% were female. Poisoning was the most common method of attempted suicide, while hanging and fall were the most common methods of fatality. The rate of DAMA from the ED was 22.8%. Independent risk factors for DAMA included female gender (odds ratio [OR], 1.49), older age adolescents (OR, 1.96), residence in a metropolitan/large city area (OR, 1.49), and discharge at night (OR, 1.38). These risk factors should be considered in establishing management and counseling plans for patients discharged against medical advice by community services and EDs.

Graphical Abstract


The early onset of alcohol and tobacco use has been associated with increased risk for later substance abuse and dependence problems. This study investigated genetic and environmental influences on age at onset of alcohol and tobacco use by examining twin resemblance for several retrospectively reported onset milestones including age at first use, age at first alcohol intoxication experience, and age at regular use. In addition, we also examined the latency between age at first use and age at regular use of tobacco and alcohol. The subjects were a volunteer sample of older adult twins 50 to 96 years of age. MZ twin correlations for age at first alcohol use and age at first tobacco use were .57 and .44, respectively, compared to .45 and .37 for DZ same-sex twins. MZ twins correlated .30 and .26 for the latencies between first use and regular use of alcohol and of tobacco, while DZ correlations were –.01 and .05, respectively. Biometrical model-fitting results confirmed that familial resemblance for age at first use for both alcohol and tobacco was largely the result of shared environmental factors, while the latencies between first use and regular patterns of use were more genetically influenced. These findings add to a growing body of literature suggesting that initiation of substance use is influenced primarily by environmental rather than genetic factors.  相似文献   

We examined the contribution of genetic and environmental influences on the stability of withdrawn behavior (WB) in childhood using a longitudinal multiple rater twin design. Maternal and paternal ratings on the withdrawn subscale of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) were obtained from 14,889 families when the twins were 3, 7, 10 and 12 years old. A longitudinal psychometric model was fitted to the data and the fit of transmission and common factor models were evaluated for each variance component. WB showed considerable stability throughout childhood, with correlation coefficients ranging from about .30 for the 9-year time interval to .65 for shorter time intervals. Individual differences in WB as observed by the mother and the father were found to be largely influenced by genetic effects at all four time points, in both boys (50–66%) and girls (38–64%). Shared environmental influences explained a small to modest proportion (0–24%) of the variance at all ages and were slightly more pronounced in girls. Non-shared environmental influences were of moderate importance to the variance and slightly increased with age, from 22–28% at age 3 to 35–41% at age 12 years. The stability of WB was largely explained by genetic effects, accounting for 74% of stability in boys and 65% in girls. Shared environmental effects explained 7% (boys) and 17% (girls) of the behavioral stability. Most shared environmental effects were common to both raters, suggesting little influence of rater bias in the assessment of WB. The shared environmental effects common to both raters were best described by a common factor model, indicating that these effects are stable and persistent throughout childhood. Non-shared environmental effects accounted for the remaining covariance over time. Edited by Hermine Maes.  相似文献   

As the leading cause of chronic disease mortality in developed nations, cardiovascular disease is a widely prevalent condition that is integral to evaluation of aging populations. Chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, hypertension and type 2 diabetes have been associated with adulthood body composition-namely excess body fat, altered lipid levels and elevated blood pressures. The Fels Longitudinal Study conducted at the Lifespan Health Research Center at Wright State University's School of Medicine has examined these same health status indicators-body composition, blood pressure, lipids, maturation, and hormones-during early life and their relationships to developing risk factors for these chronic diseases in adulthood. Research conducted during the past 10 years has shown health status indicators to track over time from childhood to adulthood. Furthermore, chronic disease risk factors attained during childhood, adolescence or early adulthood may represent an early warning system for future risk of developing cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

目的 了解沈阳市儿童行为问题的发生情况及特点,探讨儿童行为问题形成的各种危险因素和干预措施.方法 采用Achenbach儿童行为量表(CBCL)中国标准化版本(家长用)、自拟家庭情况调查问卷对716名儿童进行评定分析.结果 沈阳市儿童行为问题的检出率为18.81%,高于其他地区,男女儿童行为问题的检出率无显著性差异,儿童行为问题受多种因素等影响,本市儿童中环境因素影响更明显.结论 必须采取综合干预措施降低儿童行为问题的发生.  相似文献   

Tobacco and alcohol and the risk of head and neck cancer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary We carried out two case-control studies on the relative risk of head and neck cancer in association with tobacco and alcohol consumption. The first study carried out at the ENT Department of the University hospitals of Heidelberg and Giessen (FRG) comprised 200 male patients with squamous cell cancer of the head and neck and 800 control subjects matched for sex, age, and residential area (1:4 matching design). Of the tumour patients, 4.5% had never smoked, in contrast to 29.5% of the control group. The average tobacco and alcohol consumption of the patients was approximately twice as high as in the control subjects. The highest alcohol and tobacco consumption was observed in patients suffering from oropharyngeal cancer. Tobacco and alcohol increased the risk of head and neck cancer in a dose-dependent fashion and acted as independent risk factors. In heavy smokers (> 60 pack-years) a relative risk of 23.4 (alcohol adjusted) was calculated. Combined alcohol and tobacco consumption showed a synergistic effect. The risk ratio increased more in a multiplicative than in an additive manner. Oral and laryngeal cancer were associated with the highest tobacco-associated risk values. The highest ethanol-associated risk values were associated with oropharyngeal and laryngeal cancer. The second study was carried out at the ENT Department of the University of Heidelberg on 164 males with squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx and 656 control subjects matched for sex, age and residential area (1:4 matching design). Of the cases, 4.2% had never smoked, compared with 28.5% of the control subjects. The risk of laryngeal cancer by tobacco consumption was dose dependent, reaching a maximum value of 9.1 (adjusted for alcohol) for a consumption of more than 50 tobacco-years (TY). The relative risk of laryngeal cancer associated with alcohol intake was also dose dependent, reaching a value of 9.0 (adjusted for tobacco) for a mean daily consumption of more than 75 g alcohol. An analysis of subsite specific risks showed that heavy smokers (> 50 TY) carried a nearly ten times higher risk of supraglottic cancer than of glottic cancer. The risk of supraglottic cancer from alcohol consumption was also higher than that of glottic cancer.  相似文献   

The Asthma Control Test (ACT) is a patient-completed questionnaire developed to assess asthma control. Health-related quality of life (HRQL) in asthmatics has shown relatively low correlations with parameters of asthma control and the relationship between the ACT and HRQL in asthmatics is yet unclear. Because revalidations of translated versions of questionnaires are critical for its utilization, we first sought to validate the Korean version of ACT and then to evaluate the relationship between the ACT and HRQL. Patients (n=117) completed the ACT and asthma-related quality of life questionnaire (AQLQ) at 3 physician visits. Pulmonary function was measured and an asthma specialist rated asthma control. The Korean version of ACT was found to be reliable, valid, and responsive to changes in asthma control over time up to three consecutive visits. ACT scores correlated significantly (p=0.001) with symptoms domain (r=0.72), activity domain (r=0.65), emotional domain (r=0.69), and environmental domain (r=0.67) of AQLQ. In conclusion, the Korean version of the ACT was found to be a reliable and valid tool for measuring asthma control, and to correlate well with AQLQ scores. Moreover, the ACT was responsive to changes in AQLQ scores over time.  相似文献   

As it has become clear that most individuals exposed to trauma do not develop PTSD, it has become increasingly important to examine pretrauma risk factors. However, PTSD research has overwhelmingly relied on retrospective accounts of trauma, which is beleaguered by problems of recall bias. To further our understanding of PTSD's etiology, a systematic review of 54 prospective, longitudinal studies of PTSD published between 1991 and 2013 were examined. Inclusion criteria required that all individuals were assessed both before and after an index trauma. Results revealed six categories of pretrauma predictor variables: 1) cognitive abilities; 2) coping and response styles; 3) personality factors; 4) psychopathology; 5) psychophysiological factors; and 6) social ecological factors. The results indicated that many variables, previously considered outcomes of trauma, are pretrauma risk factors. The review considered these findings in the context of the extant retrospective PTSD literature in order to identify points of overlap and discrepancy. Pretrauma predictor categories were also used to conceptualize variable risk for PTSD. Limitations and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the overall incidence of hepatitis A in Korea has been decreasing, adolescents remain highly vulnerable to its outbreaks. This study was conducted to compare the immunogenicity and safety of three hepatitis A vaccines in Korean adolescents. Healthy anti-hepatitis A virus seronegative subjects aged 13 to 19 yr were randomized in three equal groups to receive two doses of Avaxim™, Epaxal®, or Havrix®, 6 to 12 months apart. Seroconversion rates one month after the first dose were 98%, 95%, and 93% for Avaxim™, Epaxal®, and Havrix®, respectively. Seroconversion rates reached 100% for all vaccine groups one month after the second dose. Anti-HAV geometric mean concentrations (GMCs) were 7,207.7 mIU/mL (95% CI, 6023.1-8684.7), 1,750.5 mIU/mL (95% CI, 1362.9-2248.3), and 1,953.5 mIU/mL (95% CI, 1459.4-2614.7) after two doses of Avaxim™, Epaxal®, and Havrix® respectively. Avaxim™ was significantly more immunogenic than Epaxal® and Havrix®, whereas there were no significant differences in antibody responses between Epaxal® and Havrix®. Local and systemic solicited adverse events (AEs) were mostly of mild-to-moderate intensity and resolved within 5 days. No serious AEs were reported. In conclusion, all three vaccines are highly immunogenic and well-tolerated in Korean adolescents. (Clinical Trial Registry NCT00483470)  相似文献   

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