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The relation of colorectal cancer and its subsites with use ofmenopausal hormones was evaluated in the United States among 40,464postmenopausal women, 41 to 80 years of age, who initially volunteered for anationwide breast-cancer screening program and were followed for an averageof 7.7 years. Ever-use of menopausal hormones was not associated with risk oftotal colorectal cancers (relative risk [RR] = 0.99, 95 percent confidenceinterval [CI] = 0.79-1.2) or cancers of the colon (RR = 1.1, CI = 0.81-1.6)or rectum (RR = 1.1, CI = 0.59-1.9). Recent hormone users, however, had asmall nonsignificant reduction in risk of colorectal cancer (RR = 0.78, CI =0.55-1.1), which was most pronounced for distal colon (RR = 0.68, CI =0.29-1.6) and rectal tumors (RR = 0.64, CI = 0.24-1.7). No effect wasobserved for former hormone users, and risk generally did not vary by timesince last use, type of regimen, or duration of use. However, the reducedrisk for recent users was stronger for users of five or more years'duration. These data show some lowering of colorectal cancer risk amongrecent menopausal hormone users of long duration.  相似文献   

To evaluate whether the fivefold greater incidence rate ofsquamous-cell esophageal cancer in Black compared with White men is due totype of alcoholic beverage consumed or to other qualitative differences inalcohol consumption, we conducted a population-based case-control studywith373 males diagnosed with squamous-cell esophageal cancer (124 Whites and249 Blacks) and 1,364 male controls (750 Whites and 614 Blacks) from threegeographic areas in the United States. Included were all histologicallyconfirmed cases newly diagnosed from 1 August 1986 through 30 April 1989,among White and Black men aged 30 to 79 years. Risks varied to some extentaccording to type of alcohol used, with beer a stronger contributor inWhites, and wine and liquor stronger contributors in Blacks. However, most ofthe differences in the odds ratios by type of alcohol and race wereeliminated after controlling for average weekly amount of total alcoholconsumed. Thus, while alcohol use in all forms is an important risk factorfor squamous-cell esophageal cancer in Whites and Blacks, type of alcoholicbeverage used does not appear to account for the racial differences inincidence.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer screening (United States)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1995, there will be 244,000 new cases of prostate cancer, and 40,400 deaths from prostate cancer, among men in the United States. The American Cancer Society reports that the incidence rate of prostate cancer is increasing at an accelerated pace, and was 21 percent higher in 1994 than in 1993. The major reason for this steep rise is likely to be due to increased popularity of prostate cancer screening which, by identifying latent, asymptomatic cases, may convert them into clinical cases. Is screening—an important means of cancer control for many sites—a reasonable approach for prostate cancer control? The answer is not straightforward because prostate cancer is not one, but three diseases: a latent form which will cause no harm; a progressive form which will become symptomatic and can kill; and a rapidly progressive form so malignant that it is likely to kill, whether detected early or late. Screen-detection may be worthwhile only for the second form, as tumors of the first form need never be detected, and tumors of the third form progress so rapidly that timely screen-detection is nearly impossible and, if accomplished, may be valueless. As there is no way to differentiate among the three diseases when screening, the possible deleterious effects of screen-detection must be weighed against the benefits.Dr Waterbor is with the Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL, USA. Dr Bueschen is with the Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham. Address correspondence to Dr Waterbor, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Epidemiology, Tidwell Hall 201, 720 S 20th Street, Birmingham, AL 35924-0008, USA.  相似文献   

Recent oral contraceptive use and risk of breast cancer (United States)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examined the association between recent oral contraceptive (OC) use and the risk of breast cancer in data from a large population-based case-control study in the United States. Cases (n=6,751) were women less than 75 years old who had breast cancer identified from statewide tumor registries in Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Maine, and New Hampshire. Controls (n=9,311) were selected randomly from lists of licensed drivers (if aged under 65 years) and from lists of Medicare beneficiaries (if aged 65 through 74 years). Information on OC use, reproductive experiences, and family and medical history was obtained by telephone interview. After adjustment for parity, age at first delivery, and other risk factors, women who had ever used OCs were at similar risk of breast cancer as never-users (relative risk [RR]=1.1, 95 percent confidence interval [CI]=10–1.2). Total duration of usealso was not related to risk. There was a suggestion that more recent use was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer; use less than two years ago was associated with an RR of 1.3 (CI=0.9–1.9). However, only among women aged 35 to 45 years at diagnosis was the increase in risk among recent users statistically significantly elevated (RR=2.0, CI=1.1–3.9). Use prior to the first pregnancy or among nulliparous women was not associated with increased risk. Among recent users of OCs, the risk associated with use was greatest among non-obese women, e.g., among women with body mass index (kg/m2) less than 20.4, RR=1.7, CI=1.1–2.8. While these results suggest that, in general, breast cancer risk is not increased substantially among women who have used OCs, they also are consistent with a slight increased risk among subgroups of recent users.Authors are with the University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center, Madison, WI, USA (Dr Newcomb, Ms Trentham Dietz); NIEHS Epidemiology Branch, Research Triangle Park, NC (Dr Longnecker); Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA (Dr Surer); Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pritzker School of Medicine, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL (Dr Mittendorf); Department of Community and Family Medicine, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH (Dr Baron); Boston University, School of Public Health, Boston, MA (Dr Clapp); Department of Epidemiology and Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, and Channing Laboratory, Harvard Medical School and Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA (Dr Willett). Address correspondence to: Dr Polly A. Newcomb, University of Wisconsin-Madison Comprehensive Cancer Center, 1300 University Ave., #4780, Madison, WI 53706, USA. Supported by Public Health Service (National Cancer Institute) grants R01 CA 47147 and R01 CA 47305.  相似文献   

Objectives: The consistently observed epidemiologic associations of obesity and physical activity with colorectal cancer and precursor adenoma risk suggest that insulin and glucose control may be contributory. We evaluated the association of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), a clinical indicator of average glycemia over the previous 2 months, and possibly, indirectly, a marker of average blood insulin level, with colorectal carcinogenesis.Methods: Among women in the Nurses' Health Study, who provided blood in 1989–90 and were diagnosed subsequently in 1989–94, we included 79 colorectal cancer cases and 156 matched controls, and 201 distal colorectal adenoma cases and 201 matched controls. HbA1c concentrations in red blood cells were determined blindly by turbidometric immunoinhibition. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated from conditional logistic regression models.Results: HbA1c level did not significantly differ between colorectal cancer cases (median 5.5%) and controls (5.5%, p = 0.5), although a small difference between adenoma cases (5.6%) and controls (5.5%, p = 0.06) was noted. Compared to the lowest tertile of HbA1c (median 5.2%), women in the middle (median 5.5%, OR = 1.2, CI = 0.6–2.5) and upper (5.8%, OR = 1.2, CI = 0.6–2.7) tertiles were not at an increased risk for colorectal cancer. A modestly elevated risk of distal colorectal adenoma in the upper (median 5.8%, OR = 1.4, CI = 0.9–2.3) versus lower (median 5.3%) tertile could not be excluded. These associations were not appreciably altered after adjusting for known and suspected colorectal cancer risk factors.Conclusion: Over the range of levels observed in this relatively small sample of middle-aged women, prediagnostic HbA1c does not clearly predict colorectal cancer and adenoma risk.  相似文献   

Adult height and incidence of cancer in male physicians (United States)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Adult height has been found in some but not all studies to be associated positively with overall cancer incidence as well as several site-specific cancers. The Physicians' Health Study (PHS), a randomized trial of beta-carotene and aspirin in the primary prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease in men, provided an opportunity to examine the association between height and total malignant neoplasms (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer), as well as site-specific cancers including prostate, colorectal, and lung cancer. The PHS is comprised of 22,071 US male physicians in the United States, a population homogeneous for adult socioeconomic status, aged 40 to 84 years in 1982. Participants were classified into five height categories at study entry. After an average follow-up of over 12 years, there were 2,566 cases of incident total malignant neoplasms, including 1,047 prostate, 341 colorectal, and 170 lung cancer cases. Height was associated positively with both total malignant neoplasms and prostate cancer. Compared with men in the shortest category(≤ 67 inches), relative risks and 95 percent confidence intervals (CI)for total malignant neoplasms for men whose height (in inches) was 68-69,70-71, 72, and 73+ were, respectively: 1.13 (CI = 0.99-1.28), 1.15 (CI =1.02-1.30), 1.29 (CI = 1.12-1.49), and 1.21 (CI = 1.05-1.39), P trend 0.001,adjusted for age, randomized treatment assignments, body mass index (wt/ht2), cigarette smoking, alcohol use, and exercise frequency. For prostatecancer, the corresponding RR values were 1.23 (CI = 1.00-1.51), 1.26 (CI =1.04-1.54), 1.59 (CI = 1.27-1.98), and 1.26 (CI = 1.00-1.59), P trend 0.005.For colorectal cancer, in some but not all height categories compared with the shortest, there were elevated RRs without a significant linear trend: RR= 1.51 (CI = 1.06-2.14), 1.14 (CI = 0.80-1.62), 1.19 (CI = 0.79-1.80), and1.53 (CI = 1.04-2.25), P trend 0.23. In contrast, there was no evidence of an association of height with lung cancer. These data indicate a positive association between height and risk of total malignant neoplasms, as well as of prostate cancer and, possibly, colorectal cancer. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We have used data from a large population-based case-control study inthe United States to evaluate the effect of occupational physical activity onbreast cancer risk. Women diagnosed with breast cancer identified from fourstate cancer registries, and controls randomly selected from lists oflicensed drivers or Medicare beneficiaries, were interviewed by telephone forinformation on usual occupation and other factors. We classified usualoccupation into one of four categories of physical activity. After excludingsubjects for whom a strength rating could not be assigned, we had a finalsample size of 4,863 cases and 6,783 controls. Using conditional logisticregression models, we calculated adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95 percentconfidence intervals (CI) for occupations having light, medium, and heavyactivity compared with sedentary ones. Women with heavy-activity occupationshad a lower risk of breast cancer than women with sedentary jobs (OR = 0.82,CI = 0.63-1.08), as di d women with jobs with medium activity (OR = 0.86, CI= 0.77-0.97) or light activity (OR = 0.92, CI = 0.84-1.01). There was asignificant decreasing trend in the ORs from sedentary to heavy work (P =0.007). Although limited by exposure misclassification, these data areconsistent with the hypothesis that physical activity reduces the risk ofbreast cancer.  相似文献   


Because colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States, the disease meets the requirements of the World Health Organization for screening. In most instances, development of adenocarcinoma is preceded by a noninvasive adenomatous (dysplastic) phase that can be identified endoscopically or radiographically at the time of screening. Currently, four screening tests are in use: the fecal occult blood test, flexible sigmoidoscopy, the double contrast barium enema, and colonoscopy. A significant impediment to optimal screening is a low rate of use in the general population despite evidence that colorectal cancer is preventable and curable when detected early.  相似文献   

The epidemiologic data on the relation between strenuous physical activity and breast cancer are limited and inconsistent. Because risk of breast cancer may be influenced by ovarian function which, in turn, is modulated by physical activity, the hypothesis that exercise may be associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer merits further investigation. We, therefore, conducted a large case-control study in 1988–91, and interviewed 6,888 women (17 to 74 years of age) with breast cancer in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Wisconsin (United States). Interviewed controls (9,539 women, 18 to 74 years of age) were selected randomly from lists of licensed drivers (for younger women) or from a roster of Medicare enrollees (for older women). We used multivariate adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95 percent confidence intervals (CI) from logistic regression models to estimate relative risks between self-reported physical activity when 14 to 22 years of age and breast cancer. When compared with sedentary controls, women who reported any strenuous physical activity during ages 14 to 22 years had a modest reduction in the risk of breast cancer (OR=0.95, CI=0.93–0.97). However, those who exercised vigorously at least once a day had a 50 percent reduction in risk of breast cancer (OR=0.5, CI=0.4–0.7). These data support the hypothesis that women who are physically active have a reduced risk of breast cancer.This project is funded by grants (R01 CA 47147 and R01 CA 47305) from the US Public Health Service.Dr Mittendorf was also supported by National Research Service Award No. 5 T32 ES07069.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to determine whether exposure of the vestigial male breast to ionizing radiation is associated with an increase in risk of breast cancer and, if so, to determine whether the apparent effects on risk in men are similar to those reported for women. A population-based case-control study of breast cancer in men was conducted in 10 geographic areas of the United States. Information on possible prior exposure to ionizing radiation, and on other potential risk factors for breast cancer, was obtained from personal interviews of 227 cases and 300 controls who were recruited from October 1983 to September 1986. Evidence from this study that ionizing radiation can cause breast cancer in men includes: a modest trend of increasing risk with frequency of chest X-rays; an increase in risk in men with three or more radiographic examinations, especially if received prior to 1963; and an increase in risk in men who received X-ray treatments to the chest and adjacent body areas. Risk was increased only from 20 to 35 years after initial exposure from either radiographic examinations or X-ray treatments, and declined after three to four decades since last exposure, suggesting a wave of increased risk of finite duration following exposure. The doses of radiation received could not be estimated precisely, but those from diagnostic procedures were likely similar to those received by prepubertal females in prior studies, and the results of those and the present investigation are compatible. The carcinogenic effects of ionizing radiation may be similar in the male and prepubertal female breast.This study was funded by grant No. R01 CA 35653 from the US National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   

Breast cancer laterality of over 250,000 cases from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program in the United States was studied in relation to gender, race, tumor stage, histology, age at diagnosis, year of diagnosis, estrogen receptor status, and marital status. The data, which include all invasive and in situ breast cancer cases in the SEER program during the years 1973–92, confirm results from other studies of an overall five percent excess of left-sided disease in women. The excess occurs for all races and stages of disease, and for invasive disease, the excess increases with age. There was no significant variation in the laterality of invasive disease over time, though for in situ tumors, the left-sided excess was significantly greater during the years 1978–82 than in other periods. No excess of left-sided breast cancer was observed among men. There is no evidence that detection bias plays a major role, and although the left breast is slightly larger, on average, than the right, there is little evidence that breast size is associated with breast cancer risk. The reason for the left-sided excess among women remains unclear.Authors are with the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA. Address correspondence to Dr Weiss, Environmental Epidemiology Branch, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Executive Plaza North Rm 443, 6130 Executive Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20892-7374, USA.  相似文献   

Objectives: Endogenous and exogenous estrogens are important in the development of endometrial cancer. Several organochlorine compounds, such as o,p-DDT, have estrogenic properties. The objective of this case-control analysis was to examine serum concentrations of organochlorine compounds and risk of endometrial cancer.Methods: Analyses were based on a sample of 90 endometrial cancer cases and 90 individually matched community controls from a multicenter case-control study in five geographic regions of the United States. Information on potential confounders, including menstrual and reproductive factors, cigarette smoking, diet, and weight, was obtained by interview.Results: The adjusted relative risk of endometrial cancer in the highest quartile of exposure compared with women in the lowest quartile was 0.7 (95 percent confidence interval [CI] = 0.2-2.0) for p,p-DDE, and 0.9 for total polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (CI = 0.4-2.5).Conclusions: These findings do not support the hypothesis that organochlorine compounds are linked to the development of endometrial cancer.  相似文献   

Controversy exists over the possible relationship between induced and spontaneous abortion and risk of breast cancer. Thus, the association of fatal breast cancer and spontaneous abortion was examined in a large prospective study of United States adult women. After seven years of follow-up, 1,247 cases of fatal breast cancer were observed among 579,274 women who were cancer-free at interview in 1982 and who provided complete reproductive histories. Results from Cox proportional hazards models, adjusted for other risk factors, showed no association between a history of spontaneous abortion and risk of fatal breast cancer (rate ratio [RR]=0.89, 95 percent confidence interval [CI]=0.78–1.02). The RR did not increase with increasing numbers of abortions. Parous women who had a spontaneous abortion before their first term birth were not at increased risk compared with parous women with no history of spontaneous abortion (RR=0.76, CI=0.54–1.05). Women whose only pregnancy ended in a spontaneous abortion were not at increased risk compared with women who were never pregnant (RR=0.61, CI=0.27–1.38) or whose only pregnancy ended in a livebirth (RR=0.72, CI=0.32–1.65). These findings do not support an association between spontaneous abortion and fatal breast cancer.  相似文献   

Histologic slides from 282 incident cases of breast cancer in men, that were identified in 10 population-based cancer registries in the United States, were reviewed by a single pathologist. Breast cancer more often presented in the noninvasive stage in men (10.8 percent of all cases) than would be expected among women. All noninvasive carcinomas were of the ductal type. Of invasive carcinomas, compared with women, men had smaller proportions of lobular and mucinous types and larger proportions of ductal and papillary types and Paget's disease. No case of tubular or medullary carcinoma was seen. The breast in men is composed only of ducts and normally contains no lobules, and the histologic types of breast carcinomas that predominate in men are likely of ductal origin. Estrogen and progesterone receptors were present in 86.7 percent and 76.3 percent of invasive carcinomas, respectively, which are higher proportions than would be expected among women. Also, unlike findings in women, receptor content was not associated with patient age at diagnosis.Dr Stalsberg is with the Institute of Medical Biology, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway, and Drs Thomas, Rosenblatt, Jimenez, and McTiernan are with the Program in Epidemiology, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, USA, Authors also are affiliated with the University of Illinois, Champaign, IL, USA (Dr Rosenblatt); the Institutio Regional de Investigacion en Salud Publica, Guadalajara, Mexico (Dr Jimenez); the University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, USA (Dr McTiernan); the Pharmaceutical Division, CIBAGEIGY Corp., Summit, NJ, USA (Dr Stembagen); the University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME, USA (Dr Thompson); the Connecticut Cancer Epidemiology Unit, New Haven, CT, USA (Dr McCrea Curnen); the School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA (Dr Satariano); the Resource for Cancer Epidemiology, Department of Health Services, Emeryville, CA, USA (Dr Austin); the School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA (Dr Greenberg); the New Mexico Tumor Registry, Albuquerque, NM, USA (Dr Key); the Epidemiology Program, Cancer Research Center of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA (Dr Kolonel); the Northern California Cancer Center, Alameda, CA, USA (Dr West). Address correspondence to Dr Stalsberg, Institute of Medical Biology, University of Tromsø, N-9037 Tromsø, Norway. This study was funded by grant number RO1 CA35653 from the US National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   

In 1992, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) determined that sufficient evidence existed to classify sulfuric acid mists as a human carcinogen, based primarily on six human studies. Possible mechanisms include irritation of epithelial cells in conjunction with cigarette smoking, or a direct genotoxic effect due to a modification of cellular pH. We have followed 1,031 men exposed to acid mists in the steel industry in the United States, via mailed questionnaire and telephone interview, extending by 10 years a prior follow-up of this cohort. These workers averaged 9.2 years of exposure, with an average first year of exposure of 1949. The primary exposure was to sulfuric acid mist, although part of the cohort was exposed to other acid mists. Fourteen laryngeal cancers were observed in the cohort compared with 5.6 expected based on US rates, with follow-up through 1994. A 14 percent upward adjustment in expected cancers due to differences in tobacco and alcohol consumption led to 6.4 laryngeal cancers expected, yielding a rate ratio of 2.2 (95 percent confidence interval=1.2-3.7). Our findings are consistent with previous findings from this cohort and from most other studies, and tend to confirm IARC's classification of acid mists as a human carcinogen. The occupational exposures of this cohort were at least an order of magnitude higher than usual ambient exposures in urban air.  相似文献   

We studied harms related to cervical cancer screening and management of screen‐positive women in the United States (US) and the Netherlands. We utilized data from four US integrated health care systems (SEARCH), the US National Health Interview Survey, New Mexico state, the Netherlands national histopathology registry, and included studies on adverse health effects of cervical screening. We compared the number of Papanicolaou (Pap) smear tests, abnormal test results, punch biopsies, treatments, health problems (anxiety, pain, bleeding and discharge) and preterm births associated with excisional treatments. Results were age‐standardized to the 2007 US population. Based on SEARCH, an estimated 36 million Pap tests were performed in 2007 for 91 million US women aged 21–65 years, leading to 2.3 million abnormal Pap tests, 1.5 million punch biopsies, 0.3 million treatments for precancerous lesions, 5 thousand preterm births and over 8 million health problems. Under the Netherlands screening practice, fewer Pap tests (58%), abnormal test results (64%), punch biopsies (75%), treatment procedures (40%), preterm births (60%) and health problems (63%) would have occurred. The SEARCH data did not differ much from other US data for 2007 or from more recent data up to 2013. Thus compared to the less intensive screening practice in the Netherlands, US practice of cervical cancer screening may have resulted in two‐ to threefold higher harms, while the effects on cervical cancer incidence and mortality are similar. The results are also of high relevance in making recommendations for HPV screening. Systematic collection of harms data is needed for monitoring and for better incorporation of harms in making screening recommendations.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between menopausal estrogen and estrogen-progestin replacement therapy and risk of breast cancer, focusing on whether associations differ according to whether the tumors arein situ or invasive. Data are from a prospective study conducted 1980–89 on 49,017 selected participants in the Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration Project, a five-year screening program conducted between 1973 and 1980 in the United States. Overall, the rate ratio for estrogen-only use compared with no-hormone use was 1.0, and that for the estrogen-progestin combination was 1.2 (95 percent confidence interval [CI]=1.0–1.6). However, the associations differed according to whether the tumors werein situ or invasive. The rate ratios ofin situ breast cancer associated with use of estrogens alone and the combination regimen were 1.4 (CI=1.0–2.0) and 2.3 (CI=1.3–3.9), respectively. Duration of estrogen-only use also was associated with risk ofin situ tumors, with users for 10 or more years at twice the risk of nonusers (P-value for trend test =0.02). Duration of use was not associated with risk of in vaisve cancer. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that hormone replacement therapy is related to earlier-stage breast cancer; however, the possibility that the results reflect increased breast cancer surveillance among those taking hormones cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Early detection is advocated widely as the best method to reduce the high rate of breast cancer mortality in women. The purpose of this study was to describe the detection histories of women with breast cancer and to identify factors related to the method of detection. During the period 1988–90, 3,197 women with invasive breast cancer, identified through the Wisconsin (United States) tumor registry, were interviewed. The method of cancer detection (classified as self, screening mammography, or clinical breast examination [CBE]) was analyzed using polychotomous logistic regression. Fifty-five percent (1,754/3,197) of the women found their own cancers, while 35 percent (1,122/3,197) were detected by screening mammography. Compared with self-detection, the likelihood of non-localized disease was significantly lower for tumors detected by mammography (odds ratio [OR]=0.3, 95 percent confidence interval [CI]=0.2–0.4) and CBE (OR=0.6, CI=0.4–0.7). The likelihood of cancer being detected by screening mammography increased with increasing age, education, number of prior mammograms, family history, and body mass index (weight/height2) (BMI). Women in the highest BMI quintile were 2.3 times (CI=1.7–3.0) more likely than women in the lowest BMI quintile to have their cancers diagnosed by mammography. This association most likely results from breast tumors being more difficult to palpate in heavier women.This work was undertaken while Dr Reeves was an Epidemic Intelligence Officer, assigned to the Wisconsin Division of Health from the Division of Field Epidemiology, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA.  相似文献   

A population-based case-control study of bladder cancer (2,982 cases and 5,782 controls) conducted in 10 areas of the United States examined the effect of smoking as a risk factor among Blacks and Whites, after adjustment for occupation and other potential confounders. Although the overall risk for smoking was slightly higher in Blacks than Whites (relative risk = 2.7 and 2.2, respectively), this difference was not statistically significant. Estimation of risk by dose and currency of exposure revealed no consistent racial disparities in smoking-related risks. Race-specific, attributable risk estimates indicated that nearly half of bladder cancers among both Blacks and Whites could have been prevented by elimination of smoking.  相似文献   

BackgroundExamining the effects of dietary patterns on cancer risk may provide insights beyond the assessment of individual foods or nutrients. Design: In the health professionals follow-up cohort, associations between the prudent and the western dietary pattern and risk of colon cancer and adenomas were examined in 561 colon cancer cases and 1207 distal colon adenoma cases. Results: Higher prudent pattern scores were only weakly and non-significantly associated with decreased risk of colon cancer or distal colon adenoma (highest versus lowest quintile: colon cancer: multivariate adjusted relative risk (RR)=0.84 (95 confidence interval (CI)=0.64–1.10); ptrend=0.37; distal adenoma: multivariate odds ratio (OR)=0.88 (95 CI=0.73–1.08); ptrend=0.12). Our findings suggest a moderately increased risk of colon cancer and distal adenoma with higher western pattern scores (colon cancer: RR=1.27 (95 CI=0.96–1.69), ptrend=0.05; distal adenoma: OR=1.28 (95 CI=1.05–1.56), ptrend=0.01). Adding body mass index, which is positively related to western pattern and thus may be considered an intermediate endpoint between western pattern and colon cancer, attenuated associations somewhat but not substantially. Conclusion: Our data do not provide evidence for an appreciable inverse association between higher prudent pattern scores and risk of colon cancer or distal colon adenomas, but do support a moderate positive association between higher western pattern scores and risk of colon cancer or distal colon adenomas.  相似文献   

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