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25 diabetic patients have been studied in order to investigate the possible effects of the disease on the central nervous system by means of pattern shift visual evoked potentials. Patients with diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and cataract were excluded from the study. Results obtained from a control group of 30 normal subjects were compared to those of the patient group in which sural nerve conduction velocities have also been determined to see whether there is a correlation between peripheral and central involvement of the nervous system. In diabetic patients latency prolongation in the P100 and N140 components were observed. The N90-N140 interpeak latency was also prolonged. In addition, in patients with longstanding diabetes mellitus the incidence of VEP abnormalities was found to be high. Pathologic changes in VEP latencies did not show any correlation with sural nerve conduction abnormalities.  相似文献   

Summary The bulbocavernosus reflex (BCR) was examined in 39 normal potent men and in 252 patients with impaired potency of varying aetiology. For BCR evaluation minimum, maximum and mean latencies, the temporal dispersion in ten successive responses, together with minimum and maximum side differences from simultaneous recordings of the left and right bulbocavernosus muscles were determined. Pathological findings were deteced in 125 patients. Somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) recorded from the scalp after stimulation of the penile dorsal nerves and the terminal branches of the pudendal nerve were investigated in 30 controls and in 246 patients. An abnormal SSEP was found in 63 patients.  相似文献   

Summary The brain-stem involvement in Friedreich's ataxia (FA) was studied by using brain-stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) and the blink reflex. Ten out of 18 patients had abnormal BAEPs, the main abnormality being complete absence of responses and disappearance of wave V. Combined degeneration of the peripheral and central acoustic pathways probably accounts for these findings. The blink reflex was abnormal in 50% of the cases. The outstanding abnormality was bilateral delay of late responses with normal early response, which could be correlated with the known pallor of the descending trigeminal tracts. In contrast with BAEP findings, blink reflex abnormalities did not correlate with either the age of patients or the severity and duration of the disease. These data suggest a difference in susceptibility to degeneration between the auditory system and neuronal system subserving the blink reflex. We conclude that systematic BAEP and blink reflex recording is useful in the electrophysiological evaluation of FA patients.  相似文献   

A. Truini  G. Cruccu   《Clinical neurophysiology》2008,119(8):1905-1908
OBJECTIVE: Although laser stimuli activate both Adelta- and C-fibres, the corresponding laser evoked potentials (LEPs) remain restricted to the Adelta-fibre input. Previous studies found C-LEPs after limb stimulation only in subjects with block or clinical impairment of Adelta-fibres. In this study, we aimed at verifying whether in the trigeminal territory the impairment of Adelta-fibres unmasks the C-LEP. METHODS: By collecting retrospectively LEPs recorded in 370 patients, we analyzed the results from 150 trigeminal divisions with absent Adelta-LEPs. RESULTS: We found signals that were consistent with the C-fibre input in three patients only. In most patients with absent Adelta-LEPs, however, laser stimuli still elicited the Adelta-conveyed pinprick sensation. CONCLUSIONS: The preserved pinprick sensation suggests that the Adelta-fibre volley, though weakened, reached the cortex. The C-LEP absence may be explained according to the first come first served hypothesis: the evoked potential related to an afferent volley reaching the cortex shortly after a preceding input (i.e. a C-fibre volley coming after an Adelta-fibre) will be suppressed. SIGNIFICANCE: In clinical studies using the standard laser pulses to evoke the Adelta-LEPs, the finding of absent signals does not indicate a concomitant impairment of C-fibres.  相似文献   

Summary Brain-stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) and the acoustic stapedius reflex (ASR) were recorded in 68 patients with definite, probable and possible multiple sclerosis (using the definitions of McAlpine). The high incidence of abnormal results, 68% and 60%, respectively, pointed to the diagnostic value of these two measures in detecting brain-stem dysfunction. Combination of the methods increased the diagnostic yield to 85%. Since in part the same brain-stem generator sites underlie BAEPs and the ASR, it was considered that a study of their correlation might serve to increase the reliability and validity of these techniques. There was 71% agreement overall between results from the two measures. Furthermore, 72% of the joint BAEP and ASR abnormalities corresponded in detection of the brain-stem lesion site. It was concluded that the combined approach may supply powerful, complementary information on brain-stem dysfunction, which may aid in establishing the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.This study was supported by the M. Sackler Foundation for Multiple Sclerosis Research  相似文献   

Summary Pattern shift visual evoked potentials, brain stem auditory evoked potentials, spinal and scalp recorded somatosensory evoked potentials, and electrically elicited blink reflexes were investigated in 32 patients with isolated optic neuritis. Eleven patients were shown to have one additional lesion in the central nervous system outside the optic nerve. Therefore, cases with optic neuritis of unknown origin should be considered as possible cases of multiple sclerosis.
Zusammenfassung Visuelle, durch Musterumkehr evozierte Potentiale, akustisch evozierte Hirnstammpotentiale, somatosensorisch evozierte Potentiale mit Ableitung über dem unteren Cervicalmark und über dem kontralateralen Handfeld sowie elektrisch ausgelöste Blinkreflexe wurden bei 32 Patienten mit einer isolierten Opticusneuritis untersucht.Bei 11 Patienten konnten mit Hilfe dieser elektrophysiologischen Untersuchungen eine oder mehrere, weitere Läsionen im Bereich des Zentralnervensystems nachgewiesen werden. Es wird vorgeschlagen, Fälle mit einer isolierten Opticusneuritis unklarer Ursache deshalb in die Kategorie mögliche MS einzureihen.

To investigate the influence of diabetes mellitus on higher cognitive functions electrophysiologically, we studied auditory P300 event-related potentials (P300) in 40 NIDDM patients, taking into account wave I-V latencies (I-V) in auditory brainstem evoked potentials, clinical parameters and head MRI findings. Compared with 20 controls, diabetics had significantly longer P300 and I-V latencies. P300 latencies in diabetics correlated with neither I-V. HbA1, blood glucose levels, nor disease duration. Of the 13 diabetics investigated neuroradiologically, four had lacunar infarcts with prolonged electrophysiological values. The remaining nine had normal MRI scans, but their physiological parameters were still significantly longer than those of controls. These findings suggest that NIDDM can independently alter higher cognitive and the central auditory pathway functions. Our data also suggest that these alterations occur regardless of the recent metabolic derangement and disease duration. Cerebrovascular ischemia, if present, also appears to contribute in part to cognitive alterations.  相似文献   

《Clinical neurophysiology》2020,131(3):635-641
ObjectiveTo investigate A-delta fiber pathways in patients with large, mixed, and small fiber neuropathies using pain-related evoked potentials (PREP).MethodsWe prospectively examined consecutive and unselected 108 patients with neuropathies using PREP. Patients were stratified according to impaired fiber types in those with large fiber neuropathy (LFN, n = 23), mixed fiber neuropathy (MFN, n = 80), and small fiber neuropathy (SFN, n = 5). Additionally, medical history, nerve conduction studies, quantitative sensory testing (QST), and skin punch biopsy were applied. Data was compared with those of 49 healthy controls.ResultsPatients with MFN showed a distal loss of PREP (16/80, 20%) and prolonged PREP latencies after stimulation at the foot (MFN: 225.8 [135–293.6] ms, controls: 218 [135–394] ms, p < 0.05). Patients with demyelinating neuropathies had prolonged PREP latencies after stimulation at the hand (p < 0.05 each). QST showed an impairment of small and large fiber function in patients with MFN. PREP were mostly absent in patients at advanced stages of neuropathies: in 10/31 (30%) patients with no recordable sural nerve action potential (SNAP, preserved SNAP: 8/76, 10% missing) and in 4/17 (24%) patients with loss of distal epidermal innervation (preserved epidermal innervation: 7/60, 24%) PREP was not recordable. PREP peak-to-peak amplitude after stimulation at the face was lowered in patients with reduced proximal intraepidermal nerve fiber density (p < 0.02).ConclusionPREP is a useful screening method for A-delta fiber pathology also in patients with simultaneous large fiber pathology. Loss of PREP indicates advance stages of nerve fiber damage.SignificancePREP may be useful as a complementary method for detection of small fiber impairment also in patients with mixed fiber neuropathy and in advanced stages.  相似文献   

In this study we investigate whether the cutaneous silent period (CSP)—an inhibitory response evoked in hand muscles by painful digital nerve stimulation—is useful for assessing nociceptive pathway function in patients with neuropathic pain. In 40 patients with peripheral neuropathy (21 without and 19 with neuropathic pain) we recorded the CSP in the abductor digiti minimi after fifth digit stimulation and also recorded laser evoked potentials (LEPs) after stimulation applied to the ulnar territory of the hand. Although the LEP amplitude was significantly lower in patients with pain than in those without (P < 0.005), the CSP duration did not differ between groups (P > 0.50). Pain intensity correlated significantly with LEP amplitudes (P < 0.005) but not with CSP duration (P > 0.5). Our findings indicate that the CSP is not useful for assessing nociceptive pathway function in patients with neuropathic pain. Muscle Nerve, 2008  相似文献   

Summary Pattern reversal visual evoked potentials (VEP), blink reflexes, auditory brainstem evoked potentials (ABEP), spinal and scalp recorded somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP), and nystagmographic records were investigated in 55 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), who were separated in different categories of probability according to the clinical history, symptoms, and signs. The combined use of different electrophysiological methods forms a sensitive battery for investigating clinically uncertain cases of MS. It was stressed that care should be taken in the interpretation of the electrophysiological findings, since a single lesion in the central nervous system, particularly in the brainstem, may affect different functional systems simultaneously and therefore mimic a disseminated disease.
Zusammenfassung Visuelle musterevozierte Potentiale, der elektrisch ausgelöste Blinkreflex, auditorisch evozierte Hirnstammpotentiale, somatosensorisch evozierte Potentiale mit Ableitung über dem unteren Cervicalmark und dem jeweiligen kontralateralen Handfeld sowie nystagmographische Ableitungen wurden bei 55 Patienten mit einer Multiplen Sklerose untersucht. Die Patienten wurden entsprechend der anamnestischen Daten und der klinischen Symptomatologie in vier Gruppen unterschiedlicher diagnostischer Wahrscheinlichkeit getrennt. Die Resultate zeigten, daß die Kombination verschiedener evozierter Potentiale einen hohen Aussagewert in solchen Fällen haben kann, in denen die Diagnose einer MS klinisch nicht eindeutig ist. Es wird jedoch hervorgehoben, daß die Interpretation der elektrophysiologischen Befunde mit großer Sorgfalt vorgenommen werden soll, da eine einzige Läsion im Zentralnervensystem, besonders im Bereich des Hirnstammes, gleichzeitig verschiedene funktionelle Systeme befallen und dadurch eine disseminierte Erkrankung vortäuschen kann.

To evaluate central optic pathways' involvement in diabetics, visual evoked potentials (VEP), in particular the latency of positive peak (LP100), were studied in 35 patients without retinopathy (4 insulin-dependent, 31 non-insulin-dependent) and 35 normal controls using reversal pattern stimulation. LP100 was significantly delayed in diabetics at both binocular and monocular stimulation. Furthermore, the delay in LP100 was significantly longer in the diabetics with polyneuropathy than in those without, particularly after binocular stimulation. A positive correlation was found between latencies of VEP and HbA1, duration of disease, and neurologic score. VEP measurement seems a simple and sensitive method for detecting early alterations in central optic pathways in diabetics.  相似文献   

Summary Subcortical and early cortical somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) were recorded in 63 comatose patients and classified into five salient SEP grades, which were defined as follows: grade 1, normal SEP; grade 2, SEPs with a clearly recognizable scalp component N20, normal central conduction time but clearly distorted wave N20–P25; grade 3, SEPs with a still recognizable N20 but delayed central conduction time and severely altered wave N20–P25; grade 4, SEPs with absence of N20 but with a more or less recognizable P15; grade 5, SEPs with absence of both N20 and P15. When these five patterns were compared with outcome, it was found that bilaterally normal SEPs or only unilaterally distorted SEPs were generally followed by good outcomes. Bilaterally altered SEPs (grade 2 or 3) were indicative of reduced chances of full recovery. The great majority of patients showing either grade 4 or 5 SEPs died within a few days after the recording session. In 31 patients, it was found post mortem that grade-2 SEPs reflected cortical brain damage, whereas grade-3 SEPs correlated well with subcortical lesions. In post-traumatic patients, this SEP pattern coresponded to diffuse subcortical shearing lesions. Patients with grade 4 or 5 SEPs were found to have severe brain oedema giving rise to transtentorial herniation, which was combined with secondary midbrain haemorrhage and tonsillar herniation in all patients with bilateral grade-5 SEPs.  相似文献   

Laser evoked potentials using the Nd:YAG laser   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pain-related cortical potentials were evoked by skin stimulation of the face and the limbs with 5-ns-duration laser pulses delivered by a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. Such laser pulses, in the nanosecond range, were able to induce pinprick pain sensations and to evoke reproducible laser evoked potentials (LEPs) without visible skin lesions for an energy density of less than 18 mJ/mm(2). Low energy densities, around 10 mJ/mm(2), were sufficient to reach the pain threshold and to induce LEP. The mean conduction velocity of the stimulated afferent fibers was close to 20 m/s, consistent with the stimulation of Adelta fibers. The amplitude of LEP correlated with pain perception rather than with energy density. The differences, such as wavelength and stimulus duration, between the Q-switched Nd:YAG laser we used and the lasers that are currently used in LEP studies (i.e., CO(2), argon, or Tm:YAG lasers in the millisecond range) are discussed. Our study opens novel perspectives in the LEP field of research by using a new type of laser with a very short pulse duration.  相似文献   

《Clinical neurophysiology》2020,131(7):1664-1671
ObjectivesThis study aimed to determine vestibular involvement in patients with auditory neuropathy (AN) using ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential (oVEMP), cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential (cVEMP), caloric tests, video Head Impulse Tests (vHIT), and Suppression Head Impulse Paradigm (SHIMP) tests.MethodsTwenty-two patients with AN (study group) and 50 age-and-gender-matched healthy subjects (control group) were enrolled. All patients underwent air-conducted sound oVEMP and cVEMP tests. In the study group, 20 patients underwent a caloric test, 10 patients underwent a video Head Impulse Test (vHIT), and nine patients underwent the Suppression Head Impulse Paradigm (SHIMP) test.ResultsSignificant differences in VEMP abnormalities were found between the two groups. Most AN patients showed no VEMP response, while only a few patients showed VEMP responses with normal parameters. Some AN patients presented abnormal VEMP parameters, including thresholds, latencies, and amplitudes. The abnormal rate (including no response and abnormal parameters) was 91% in the cVEMP test and 86% in the oVEMP test. No significant difference was found between oVEMP and cVEMP abnormalities. AN patients exhibited a 70% abnormal rate in the caloric test. Most AN patients showed normal VOR gains. Most patients showed no overt corrective saccades in vHIT, and exhibited normal anticompensatory saccades in the SHIMP test.ConclusionMany AN patients experience vestibular dysfunction, which may be detected by using a vestibular functional test battery.SignificanceVEMP abnormalities might reflect the status and degree of vestibular involvement in AN.  相似文献   

精神分裂症患者听觉P50诱发电位的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的探讨精神分裂症患者听觉P50诱发电位的特征和意义.方法比较33例精神分裂症患者与35名正常人P50对条件-试验听觉刺激反应的差异.结果精神分裂症组呈现①条件刺激P50波幅为(2.94±1.7)μV,显著低于正常组(3.85±1.8)μV(P<0.05).②P50抑制显著减弱,它包括试验/条件(T/C)比率显著增高,达0.83±0.2和试验刺激P50反应(T-P50)波幅升高,呈抑制显著不足.其P50抑制减弱与患者病程无关.结论精神分裂症患者存在感觉门能力不足,与对听觉刺激的神经非同步性反应有关,并造成感觉超载.它有可能成为精神分裂症心理生理学标记之一.  相似文献   

Trigeminal somatosensory evoked potentials (TSEPs) by surface electric pulse stimulation were recorded in 30 normal subjects and in 70 multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, 13 of whom presenting clinical trigeminal impairment. We observed significant prolongation of all TSEPs parameters in MS group. TSEPs were abnormal in 45 patients (64.3%). Clinical and neurophysiological data agreed in 36 patients (51%) on 84 sides (60%). TSEPs were able to detect clinically silent lesions 54 times. TSEPs recording proves to be an additional useful test in MS multimodal evoked potential protocols.  相似文献   

Summary In two victims of traffic accidents with broken bones and fat embolism, serial recordings of somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) and brain-stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) were examined to assess brain function. Initial SEPs and BAEPs revealed normal subcortical components, while the late cortical components of SEPs were abolished, findings indicative of diffuse dysfunction of grey rather than of white matter. As the neurological functions became normal, the late components appeared. It is concluded that while absent late components of SEPs do reflect cortical dysfunction, they are not necessarily associated with a poor prognosis. Repetitive recordings of SEPs appear to be a useful tool for assessing the neurological condition and the prognosis of patients with cerebral fat embolism.  相似文献   

18 subjects with symptomless HIV infection were investigated with multimodal evoked potentials for possible CNS involvement and again after an 8–12 month interval. 13 subjects showed neuropsychological changes, which were confirmed at the second examination. The 5 subjects found normal remained so at the second examination. On WAIS assessment the only patient to earn pathological scores was the one with the greatest evoked potentials changes. Thus the evoked potentials procedure proved capable of identifying early CNS involvement by HIV infection.
Sommario Diciotto soggetti affetti da infezione da HIV in fase asintomatica sono stati studiati con Potenziali Evocati Multimodali per indagare l'eventuale coinvolgimento del S.N.C. Lo studio è stato ripetuto a 8–12 mesi di distanza. In 13 soggetti sono state evidenziate alterazioni neuropsicologiche confermate dal successivo controllo. I 5 soggetti risultati normali alla I registrazione si sono conservati tali alla registrazione successiva. I pazienti sono stati valutati anche con la WAIS. L'unico soggetto che ha presentato punteggi patologici era quello con maggiori alterazioni dei potenziali evocati. La metodica dei potenziali evocati si è mostrata capace di individuare il precoce interessamento del S.N.C. nell'infezione da HIV.

正常成人处于气功态和催眠态脑诱发电位实验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 观察 4 9例正常成人处于“正常态”、“气功入静态”和“催眠状态”的脑诱发电位 ,分析气功发功和催眠诱导对大脑生理过程的不同效应。方法 观察视觉诱发电位 (VEP)、听觉诱发电位(AEP)、听觉脑干诱发电位 (ABR)、关联性负变 (CNV)和P3 0 0 的潜伏期和波幅。结果 催眠状态下P3 0 0(T P3 )波幅降低 ,与正常态相比有极显著差异 (P <0 .0 1) ;AEP(P2 ) ,CNV(M2 )波幅降低 ,与正常态和气功入静态相比均存在显著差异 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;VEP(P2 、P3 )波幅降低 ,与正常态或气功入静态相比分别存在显著差异 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 催眠诱导对大脑生理过程的影响与气功发功存在差别。  相似文献   

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