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In the context of medical rehabilitation quality assurance, the use of screening procedures aims at specifically screening for rehabilitative cases that might be affected by quality problems. These may then be subjected to more elaborate quality management procedures. In the study presented, a criteria-based screening checklist designed to tap potential quality problems among rehabilitative cases in the German statutory accident insurance medical rehabilitation system was evaluated regarding its validity and suitability for routine use. Checklists were filled out by accident insurance administrators in three regional insurance funds who were instructed to evaluate all current rehabilitation cases (n=189) with regard to potential quality problems. For validation of the instrument, case reviews by physicians familiar with medical and administrative features of the accident insurance rehabilitation system were used. About a fifth of all cases reviewed using the screening checklist (22%) were classified as potentially problematic in terms of quality. Absence of relevant documents, delays in document receipt, and complications during treatment were cited as the most frequent problems. Concordance between the screening checklist and physicians' ratings concerning the quality of rehabilitative cases was moderate. Sensitivity and specificity were insufficient when using physicians' ratings as a validation criterion (0.53 and 0.56, respectively). Accident insurance administrators rated the screening checklist as a useful and practical quality management instrument. Concerning its insufficient validity using physicians' ratings as a validation criterion, the suitability of the checklist as a screening instrument is questionable. The instrument's potential of introducing the accident insurance administrators' expertise and knowledge into medical rehabilitation quality management strategies is highlighted. Further research on methodological aspects of the instrument as well as its content features is warranted. Starting points for modifications are outlined.  相似文献   

In Germany, the number and proportion of elderly people will continue to increase. Only few hospitals and rehabilitation units are currently providing inpatient geriatric services. Concepts for graded geriatric care see ambulatory geriatric rehabilitation (AGR) as an independent service und as a complement to pre-existing structures in geriatric care. In 2004, the national association of statutory health insurance funds established recommendations for AGR, which include criteria of structural and process quality of ambulant geriatric rehabilitation. This article describes various aspects of these framework recommendations (target groups, rehabilitation indicators, and equipment of services). In addition, the classification of AGR within the legislation of the statutory health insurance system is evaluated. The financing of AGR by the statutory health insurance system and the preconditions for accreditation of AGR-services within this system are discussed. The authors conclude that discrimination between existing partially-inpatient day clinics and AGR services is not appropriate. Furthermore, there is no legal basis for such a discrimination; on the contrary, the terms partially-inpatient and ambulatory rehabilitation services can be seen as a uniform benefit according to book 5 of the German social code, SGB V. Therefore there is no differentiation between AGR and partially-inpatient rehabilitation in the statutory health insurance system.  相似文献   

This study was designed to gain information on the quality of nursing care based on the comments in nursing records. The specific aims of the study were to find out if the patients' (i) individual needs are assessed, the goals for nursing care are set, and the nursing interventions are determined; (ii) if the patients' needs are met and (iii) if goal achievement is regularly evaluated by including comments in nursing documents. In addition, the study aimed to describe the up-to-dateness of nursing care plans as well as the frequency of making daily notes. The data were collected on 36 wards of four residential homes. A 30% sample of the nursing documents on each ward was collected (n=332) using the Senior Monitor instrument. The documents studied were mainly nursing care plans and daily note sheets. Seventy-three per cent of the nursing home residents had an up-to-date nursing care plan at the time of data collection. The main results demonstrated that a written statement on the patient's mental ability was lacking in every fourth document although 75% of the patients suffer from at least moderate dementia in Finnish long-term care institutions. Development activities should also be targeted to the documentation of clear and concrete means by which patients' independent functioning is supported. In addition, evaluation was the area that warranted attention and development activities since only every fourth record included information on changes in the patients' functional capability. Although a lot of in-service training has been focused on improving the documentation practices, there is still a need for development. The means by which knowledge is transferred to guide the practice should be carefully considered. Also forms should be developed to meet the special requirements for recording nursing care in long-term care settings.  相似文献   

The article proposes a method to verify and to improve the quality and the effectiveness of the working tools. Inside those, Authors believe essential to run out paths for revision and development of quality including projects for the evaluation and the improvement of nursing documentation considering it as an essential start to continuously modify and improve nursing care practically. The article introduces a possible example of intervention with the aim to produce, inside the professional community, a constant awareness on quality outcomes of our caring for the benefit and improvement of the quality of life of our clients.  相似文献   

目的:探讨持续质量改进在护理文件书写质控中的应用效果,对护理文件书写质量实施全程监控,提高护理文件书写质量。方法各科室成立质量管理小组、护理部成立护理文件质控组,对护理文件书写质量进行全程有效监督和指导。将2013年8-12月1251份归档病历作为观察组,2012年9月-2013年1月1162份归档病历作为对照组进行缺陷发生情况比较。结果观察组中体温单、医嘱单、出入院评估单、护理记录单缺陷率分别为4.40%,2.80%,4.16%,13.11%,均明显低于对照组11.53%,9.03%,15.49%,35.80%,差异均有统计学意义(χ2值分别为42.487,42.898,84.873,160.424;P<0.01)。体温单、出入院评估单、医嘱单在观察组中每项缺陷率均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),在护理记录单中绝大部分问题的发生率观察组较对照组明显降低,个别问题的发生率两组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论科室护理文件质控管理小组及护理部质控组对护理文件书写的全程管理发挥了重要作用,提高了护理文件书写质量。  相似文献   

持续质量改进在门诊专科护理管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张平  杜燕萍  白素萍 《家庭护士》2009,7(19):1753-1754
[目的]探讨持续质量改进(CQI)在门诊专科护理管理中的应用.[方法]借鉴美国医疗机构评鉴联合委员会(JHACO)提出的持续质量改进的流程模式,在门诊专科护理管理中明确护理服务目标,工作范围,定义门诊护理质量考核,制订测量标准,评价护理质量.[结果]门诊病人满意度明显上升,门诊专科病人满意度由92.5%上升到98.9%;医技科室满意度由83.6%上升到95.0%[结论]在门诊专科护理管理中应用持续质量改进效果明显.  相似文献   

Maintaining the integrity of record keeping and retrievable information related to the provision of continuing education credit creates challenges for a large organization. Accurate educational program documentation is vital to support the knowledge and professional development of nursing staff. Quality review and accurate documentation of programs for nursing staff development occurred at one institution through the use of continuous improvement principles. Integration of the new process into the current system maintains the process of providing quality record keeping.  相似文献   

Objective. Change from quality assurance (QA) to quality improvement (QI) in EMS has been adopted by many systems. This study sought to determine whether QI is effective in this setting.

Methods. A QI program comprised of prospective, concurrent, and retrospective components was instituted in 1994 by the Salt Lake City Fire Department. The retrospective component of the program consisted of monthly random audits of approximately 6% of EMS patient care reports (PCRs), both ALS and BLS. PCRs were evaluated for adequate documentation of six patient assessment parameters, appropriate treatment, and short-term outcome. Time intervals and adherence to protocol were also evaluated. Overall documentation and performance were rated. Monthly and cumulative QI reports were circulated to all providers, and both positive feedback and negative feedback were provided to specific crews. Continuing medical education sessions were tailored to address problems identified by the QI audits and scene observation. Results of 1,862 reviews from 1994-1995 were compared with baseline figures from 1993.

Results. Response, scene, and transport times were acceptable in more than 90% of cases in both the baseline and the study periods. Statistically significant improvements were noted in the following parameters: documentation of patient assessment, protocol compliance, patient disposition, overall documentation, overall performance, and need for further review. In nontransport cases, both appropriateness of the release decision and acquisition of appropriate signatures improved, but not significantly.

Conclusion. Significant improvements were noted in 13 of 19 parameters and goals were met in 14, with results sustained over the two-year study period. A quality improvement program can effect significant and sustained improvement in documentation and performance in an EMS system.  相似文献   

李瑞梅 《护理研究》2007,21(8):2234-2235
医保制度的改革作为我国卫生三项改革之一,由于目前的“公费制”转变为“国家、单位、个人分担制”。我院参与医保制度改革是适应新形势的要求,为我院参与市场竞争,不断创新发展提供了新的机遇。自2002年8月我院定为医保定点单位,全院参保职工(包括离退休人员284人)1500多人次。现将质量管理在医保工作中的作用介绍如下。[第一段]  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo implement a system for assessing and documenting patient mobility in an inpatient geriatric unit using a quality improvement framework.MethodsWhiteboards incorporating the Johns Hopkins Highest Level of Mobility scale were placed on each door of the unit. Staff were trained to assess and document patient mobility, and documentation compliance was measured. Nurses were surveyed to assess perceived burden of the system. Fall rates were calculated and analyzed for change from baseline.ResultsMedian daily documentation rates reached 79% by the end of the project. Surveys indicated a low perceived burden of the system. Fall rates did not increase when compared to the previous year baseline (p = 0.80) and the analogous time frames during the previous two years (p = 0.84).ConclusionA quality improvement framework may be used to improve mobility assessment and documentation in a geriatric unit without increasing patient falls or nursing burden.  相似文献   

目的:提高护理文件书写质量,防范护理纠纷。方法:根据《医疗事故处理条例》要求,结合我省《病历书写规范》相关内容对所在科室评价病历环节质量、归档病历的终末质量,通过自查、互查、质控员监控、护士长督查,及时发现错误,纠正不足,并对存在问题进行分析、总结、点评。结果:我科护理记录水平逐步规范、质量不断提高。结论:及时找出护理记录中存在的问题,通过持续改进,可逐步完善护理文件书写质量。  相似文献   

The University Hospital in Heidelberg has been gathering experience with the computer based nursing documentationsystem PIK since 1998. Its introduction on four pilotwards was systematically evaluated in an intervention study, gaining data to acceptance issues as well as to the quality of nursing documentation, as the nursing process is often not documented in an appropriate manner. Data to quantity and quality of nursing documentation before and after the intervention was gathered by means of a quality checklist, which was developed on the basis of an intensive literature review. To measure a difference in the quality of nursing documentation 20 documents from each of the four wards were assessed at the three assigned points of time by two nursing experts. The assessors stated a significant improvement in documentation quality due to the increase in formal completeness when documenting the nursing process. The content of the documentation as well as the individualization of the nursing care plan still need to be improved.  相似文献   

The so-called shifting of paradigm in medicine has inevitably led to an increasing importance of medical rehabilitation, especially geriatric rehabilitation, within the system of medical care in the Federal Republic of Germany. Nationally valid guidelines for assessing the indication of geriatric rehabilitation and for recommending options for appropriate allocation have been elaborated within the framework of the German statutory health insurance system. In addition, manpower and equipment requirements for ambulatory geriatric rehabilitation facilities have been agreed on. These guidelines include clarifications concerning the following: definition of the geriatric patient; definition of the patient in need of geriatric rehabilitation; demarcation of geriatric rehabilitation from organ-specific rehabilitation; operationalization of assessment procedures and allocation recommendations concerning geriatric rehabilitation; requirements profiles for ambulatory geriatric rehabilitation facilities. Essential prerequisites for successful implementation of these national standards are among others: turning towards the bio-psycho-social model of health and disease advocated by the World Health Organization; overcoming the traditional deficit model of aging and old-age in favour of a resource-oriented approach in service-provision policies; rejecting the one-sided fiscal thinking in the current debate over service-provision policies in geriatric rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Beaudin CL  Beaty J 《Journal of nursing care quality》2004,19(3):197-206; quiz 207-8
The success of any behavioral health organization depends on its ability to respond to demands from consumers, stakeholders, and accreditation and regulatory agencies, while maintaining effective and safe treatment. The authors provide a quality improvement strategy with exemplars from practice. Readers will appreciate how planning results in accountability and yielding measurable and meaningful outcomes.  相似文献   

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