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鼻咽、肺双原发癌一例病例报告和文献复习   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
肺癌是世界范围内最常见的肿瘤之一,在我国的发病率约为62.1/100000[1].鼻咽癌则是我国南方地区常见的肿瘤,在上述流行区其发病率在10-30/100000之间[2].  相似文献   

Ependymomas, tumors of the ependymal cells, are very rare and usually present in the pediatric population. Furthermore, there are even rarer variants of ependymomas that can include cellular, papillary, clear cell, and tanycytic subtypes. We present a case of a supratentorial tanycytic ependymoma in an adult male and review the literature in regard to this rare primary central nervous system neoplasm.Key Words: Tanycytic ependymoma, Supratentorial tanycytic ependymoma, Adult  相似文献   

We report a patient who presented to the ENT service complaining of nasal obstruction, exophthalmos, edema and ipsilateral facial congestion. Imaging studies revealed an aggressive noncalcified solid mass centered in the left nasoethmoidal region and heterogeneous avid enhancement following contrast media injection. Subsequently, a biopsy confirmed the presence of solid alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. The patient was treated with chemoradiation therapy for 7 weeks. Due to the advanced stage of the disease, the patient was enrolled in a palliative care and pain control program.Key words: Computed tomography, Magnetic resonance imaging, Ethmoidal region, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Radiochemotherapy  相似文献   

目的:报告1例罕见的成人肾母细胞瘤(AWT),结合文献探讨其诊断和治疗。方法:通过病例报告,结合国内、外文献的全面复习,对AWT的临床特点及诊治进行综合分析。结果:AWT临床表现主要为血尿、腰腹部疼痛和腰腹部肿块,应以手术加放、化疗为主要治疗手段。结论:AWT术前与其它肾脏恶性肿瘤难以鉴别,治疗上应尽可能手术切除肿瘤,术后根据病理分期进行辅助性放疗和化疗。  相似文献   

成人肾上腺神经母细胞瘤(附1例报告并文献复习)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:提高对成人肾上腺神经母细胞瘤的临床、病理组织学特征的认识和诊治水平。方法:文献报告并回顾分析本院收治的1例成人肾上腺神经母细胞瘤患者。结果:本例手术行腹腔镜切除未获成功,随即转为开放手术,顺利切除肾上腺肿物,经病理组织学证实的肾上腺神经母细胞瘤。术后恢复顺利,规律化疗。随访1年,肿瘤无复发和转移。结论:成人肾上腺神经母细胞瘤是一种极少见的恶性肿瘤,预后极差。术中肿瘤完整切除及术后规律化疗可提高其生存率。  相似文献   

Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) usually occurs in children under the age of 10 years with a predilection for the skull, spine, rib and humerus. Solitary LCH occurring in an adult clavicle is uncommon with limited reports to date. The lesion in our patient was curetted with the intent to make a diagnosis, which subsequently lead to the remission of the symptom and the disease. At the final follow-up after 1 year, no local recurrence or metastasis is observed.Key Words: Langerhans cell histiocytosis, Clavicle, Adult  相似文献   

目的食管息肉是一种少见的疾病。我们报道一例巨大食管息肉病例,该病人有吞咽困难和呕血的症状。我们完善各项检查后,肯定肿块是食管平滑肌瘤。在胸部探查中,我们发现为食管息肉并予以切除。术后病理报告食管巨大纤维血管息肉伴粘液变。外科医师应该意识到这种少见疾病的存在。  相似文献   

目的食管息肉是一种少见的疾病。我们报道一例巨大食管息肉病例,该病人有吞咽困难和呕血的症状。我们完善各项检查后,肯定肿块是食管平滑肌瘤。在胸部探查中,我们发现为食管息肉并予以切除。术后病理报告食管巨大纤维血管息肉伴粘液变。外科医师应该意识到这种少见疾病的存在。  相似文献   

A solitary Peutz-Jeghers-type polyp of the rectum in a 64-year-oldJapanese man is reported. Barium enema and endoscopic examinationrevealed a solitary polypoid lesion in the rectum. The polypwas pedunculated, and measured 2 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm. The patienthad neither mucocutaneous pigmentation nor a family historyof gastrointestinal polyposis. Histopathologically, this polyphad an arborizing muscular network originating from the muscularismucosa, and was covered by well organized mucosa with epithelialhyperplasia. The smooth muscle bundles in the polyp were thickerthan those seen in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, but their networkwas not as complex.  相似文献   

A case of mono-ostotic eosinophilic granuloma localised to the mandible of an adult patient is described. The role of low dose radiation therapy as a curative modality is discussed.  相似文献   

Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors (AT/RT) of the central nervous system are rare and extremely aggressive malignancies of early childhood. We report a case of AT/RT in an adult patient.A 30-year-old woman presented with headache, vomiting and ataxia during the second trimester of pregnancy. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a posterior fossa mass. A gross total resection was performed. Pathological examination revealed an AT/RT. Despite the dismal prognosis the patient decided not to undergo an abortion. For this reason postoperative accelerated hyperfractionated radiotherapy was limited to the tumor region. Six months later the woman delivered a healthy baby. One week postpartum, a central nervous system recurrence localized apart from the primary lesion was treated with radiosurgery. Two months later a diffuse progression was noted. Despite a 6 week course of oral temozolomide, the tumor progressed and the patient died 11 months after diagnosis.Although survival was short, surgery and involved field radiotherapy yielded a progression-free interval of 9 months. This allowed the patient to carry pregnancy to term. Radiosurgery resulted in a complete remission of the first recurrence. Oral chemotherapy was not effective in controlling diffuse tumor spread.  相似文献   

Single-site, single-system Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) of the rib is one of the rarest causes of bone tumor in adults. Herein, we report a case of a healthy 35-year-old male who presented with upper back pain that was attributed to a solitary osteolytic lesion at the posterolateral aspect of his sixth rib. For diagnostic confirmation and treatment, partial resection of the sixth rib was performed and pathologic finding was consistent with LCH. At the final follow-up after 2 years, no local recurrence or metastasis was observed.Key Words: Langerhans cell histiocytosis, Rib, Adult  相似文献   

An adult female patient presenting with a cystic abdominal mass and intermittent fever, was found at surgery to have a large cyst of the left adrenal gland. The imaging findings and pathology of this uncommon entity are discussed.  相似文献   

目的报告1例 IgE 骨髓瘤病例并将其临床特征与义献进行比较。方法对1例骨髓瘤患者的血清尿液采用醋酸纤维膜电泳、免疫固定电泳和免疫球蛋白定量等方法鉴定 M 蛋白,采用直接和间接免疫酶标技术检测瘤组织 IgE 及轻链的表达。结果醋酸纤维膜电泳显示住快γ区有一单克隆小峰,占18%.免疫固定电泳结果显示一单克隆区带,与λ抗血清反应,与κ、IgG、IgA、IgM、IgD 抗血清不反应。免疫球蛋白定量结果显示 IgG 21.6 g/L,IgA 1.2 g/L,IgM 2.64 g/L,κ 7.49 g/L,λ16.0 g/L,κ/λ0.47。免疫组织化学染色结果表明瘤组织 IgE 及λ轻链,不表达κ轻链。结论本文所报告的病例为国内首例 IgE 多发性骨髓瘤。  相似文献   

目的 报告1例IgE骨髓瘤病例并将其临床特征与文献进行比较。方法 对1例骨髓瘤患者的血清尿液采用醋酸纤维膜电泳、免疫固定电泳和免疫球蛋白定量等方法鉴定M蛋白,采用直接和间接免疫酶标技术检测瘤组织IgE及轻链的表达。结果 醋酸纤维膜电泳显示在快γ区有一单克隆小峰,占18%。免疫固定电泳结果显示一单克隆区带,与λ抗血清反应,与κ、IgG、IgA、IgM、IgD)抗血清不反应。免疫球蛋白定量结果显示IgG 21.6g/L,IgA 1.2g/L,IgM 2.64g/L,κ 7.49 g/L,λ16.0g/L,κ/λ0.47。免疫组织化学染色结果表明瘤组织IgE及λ轻链,不表达κ轻链。结论 本文所报告的病例为国内首例IgE多发性骨髓瘤。  相似文献   

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