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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare the automatic detection of deviance in introverts and extraverts. Event-related potentials were recorded to standard and deviant stimuli. These were presented either rapidly or slowly. Stimuli that are presented slowly may intrude into consciousness. METHODS: Twenty subjects were tested and divided into introverted and extraverted groups. A 500 Hz standard stimulus was presented on 85% of trials. On the remaining 15% of trials, a 750 Hz deviant was presented. In separate conditions, stimuli were presented rapidly (every 500 ms) or slowly (every 1500 ms). Subjects ignored the stimuli while reading. RESULTS: The deviant stimulus elicited a mismatch negativity (MMN) in both conditions. No inter-group differences in the MMN emerged when a rapid rate of presentation was employed. When a slower rate was employed, a late negativity was significantly larger for the extraverted than the introverted group. This was followed by a late positive wave. CONCLUSION: The late negative-positive complex is thought to reflect intrusiveness. It would therefore appear that extraverts are more distractible than introverts when stimuli are presented slowly.  相似文献   

Although activity in premotor and motor cortices is commonly observed in neuroimaging studies of spoken language processing, the degree to which this activity is an obligatory part of everyday speech comprehension remains unclear. We hypothesised that rather than being a unitary phenomenon, the neural response to speech perception in motor regions would differ across listeners as a function of individual cognitive ability. To examine this possibility, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the neural processes supporting speech perception by comparing active listening to pseudowords with matched tasks that involved reading aloud or repetition, all compared to acoustically matched control stimuli and matched baseline tasks. At a whole-brain level there was no evidence for recruitment of regions in premotor or motor cortex during speech perception. A focused region of interest analysis similarly failed to identify significant effects, although a subset of regions approached significance, with notable variability across participants. We then used performance on a battery of behavioural tests that assessed meta-phonological and verbal short-term memory abilities to investigate the reasons for this variability, and found that individual differences in particular in low phonotactic probability pseudoword repetition predicted participants' neural activation within regions in premotor and motor cortices during speech perception. We conclude that normal listeners vary in the degree to which they recruit premotor and motor cortex as a function of short-term memory ability. This is consistent with a resource-allocation approach in which recruitment of the dorsal speech processing pathway depends on both individual abilities and specific task demands.  相似文献   

Confusion or frustration connected with daily demands involving left-right discrimination is a common observation even in neurologically intact adults. We aimed to test the hypothesis that the degree of left-right confusion is associated with bodily asymmetry. Sixty-two female volunteers performed a left-right decision task that required fast responses to visually presented directional words (left, right, up, down) or pictograms (←, →, ↑, ↓). Participants also performed several tests that measured asymmetry of handedness, grip strength, and tactile sensitivity, and completed self-reports on left-right confusion and perceived bodily asymmetry. Results showed significant correlations between left-right confusion and the degree of handedness and asymmetry in tactile sensitivity. These results suggest that individuals who reveal a stronger internal bias between both sides of the body show less left-right confusion than people with less salient bodily asymmetry.  相似文献   

Psychologists have linked the personality trait extraversion both to differences in reward sensitivity and to dopamine functioning, but little is known about how these differences are reflected in the functioning of the brain's dopaminergic neural reward system. Here, we show that individual differences in extraversion and the presence of the A1 allele on the dopamine D2 receptor gene predict activation magnitudes in the brain's reward system during a gambling task. In two functional MRI experiments, participants probabilistically received rewards either immediately following a behavioral response (Study 1) or after a 7.5 s anticipation period (Study 2). Although group activation maps revealed anticipation- and reward-related activations in the reward system, individual differences in extraversion and the presence of the D2 Taq1A allele predicted a significant amount of inter-subject variability in the magnitudes of reward-related, but not anticipation-related, activations. These results demonstrate a link between stable differences in personality, genetics, and brain functioning.  相似文献   

Several studies have examined how individual differences in sustained attention relate to functional brain measures (e.g., functional connectivity), but far fewer studies relate sustained attention ability, or cognition in general, to individual differences in cortical structure. Functional magnetic resonance imaging meta‐analyses and patient work have highlighted that frontoparietal regions, lateralized to the right hemisphere, are critical for sustained attention, though recent work implicates a broader expanse of brain regions. The current study sought to determine if and where variation in cortical thickness is significantly associated with sustained attention performance. Sustained attention was measured using the gradual onset continuous performance task and the Test of Variables of Attention in 125 adult Veteran participants after acquiring two high‐resolution structural MRI scans. Whole‐brain vertex‐wise analyses of the cortex demonstrated that better sustained attention was associated with increased thickness in visual, somatomotor, frontal, and parietal cortices, especially in the right hemisphere. Network‐based analyses revealed relationships between sustained attention and cortical thickness in the dorsal attention, ventral attention, somatomotor, and visual networks. These results indicate cortical thickness in multiple regions and networks is associated with sustained attention, and add to the growing knowledge of how structural MRI can help explain individual differences in cognition.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that the visual system can implicitly process a single stimulus under conditions of low visibility. However, it remains unknown whether this ability extends when viewing conditions become more difficult, and whether differences in early perceptual abilities modulate masking sensitivity. To address these issues, participants enumerated a variable number of target elements among distracters in two electroencephalography experiments. Either one (Experiment 1) or all targets (Experiment 2) were masked through object‐substitution. Results showed that an event‐related potential measure of selective individuation, the N2pc component, was modulated by target numerosity in both masked and unmasked trials, suggesting that multiple object individuation can operate in conditions of limited visibility. However, this effect was present mainly for participants with low masking effects, who overall showed more pronounced N2pc modulations as a function of target numerosity. Finally, oscillatory activity analyses revealed that early segmentation mechanisms, as reflected by lateralized gamma synchronization, were more active in participants with low sensitivity to masking, suggesting that individual variation in early perceptual functions is associated with susceptibility to masking such that more efficient segmentation and individuation mechanisms reduce the effects of masking. These findings cast doubt on the claim that effectively masked stimuli can be individuated.  相似文献   

Although goal pursuit is related to both functioning of the brain’s reward circuits and psychological factors, the literatures surrounding these concepts have often been separate. Here, we use the psychological construct of regulatory focus to investigate individual differences in neural response to reward. Regulatory focus theory proposes two motivational orientations for personal goal pursuit: (1) promotion, associated with sensitivity to potential gain, and (2) prevention, associated with sensitivity to potential loss. The monetary incentive delay task was used to manipulate reward circuit function, along with instructional framing corresponding to promotion and prevention in a within-subject design. We observed that the more promotion oriented an individual was, the lower their ventral striatum response to gain cues. Follow-up analyses revealed that greater promotion orientation was associated with decreased ventral striatum response even to no-value cues, suggesting that promotion orientation may be associated with relatively hypoactive reward system function. The findings are also likely to represent an interaction between the cognitive and motivational characteristics of the promotion system with the task demands. Prevention orientation did not correlate with ventral striatum response to gain cues, supporting the discriminant validity of regulatory focus theory. The results highlight a dynamic association between individual differences in self-regulation and reward system function.  相似文献   

Event-related potential (ERP) evidence demonstrates that preschool-aged children selectively attend to informative moments such as word onsets during speech perception. Although this observation indicates a role for attention in language processing, it is unclear whether this type of attention is part of basic speech perception mechanisms, higher-level language skills, or general cognitive abilities. The current study examined these possibilities by measuring ERPs from 5-year-old children listening to a narrative containing attention probes presented before, during, and after word onsets as well as at random control times. Children also completed behavioral tests assessing verbal and nonverbal skills. Probes presented after word onsets elicited a more negative ERP response beginning around 100 ms after probe onset than control probes, indicating increased attention to word-initial segments. Crucially, the magnitude of this difference was correlated with performance on verbal tasks, but showed no relationship to nonverbal measures. More specifically, ERP attention effects were most strongly correlated with performance on a complex metalinguistic task involving grammaticality judgments. These results demonstrate that effective allocation of attention during speech perception supports higher-level, controlled language processing in children by allowing them to focus on relevant information at individual word and complex sentence levels.  相似文献   

Animals that eat and/or drink in response to electrical stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus (ESLH-pos) are more responsive to both schedule-induced polydipsia (SIP) tests and a series of amphetamine (AMPH) injections than animals that do not exhibit these behaviors (ESLH-neg). Moreover, prior exposure to the behaviorally activating SIP experience, or to AMPH, permanently transformed the ESLH-neg animals into animals that reliably ate or drank during ESLH. Prior treatment with AMPH also increases the water consumed during subsequent SIP tests. Thus, initial of induced differences in sensitivity to activating experiences can determine behavioral propensities.  相似文献   

《Brain stimulation》2021,14(5):1317-1329
BackgroundNoninvasive transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) research has been plagued with inconsistent effects. Recent work has suggested neuroanatomical and neurophysiological variability may alter tES efficacy. However, direct evidence is limited.ObjectiveWe have previously replicated effects of transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) on improving multitasking ability in young adults. Here, we attempt to assess whether these stimulation parameters have comparable effects in older adults (aged 60–80 years), which is a population known to have greater variability in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology. It is hypothesized that this variability in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology will be predictive of tACS efficacy.MethodsWe conducted a pre-registered study where tACS was applied above the prefrontal cortex (between electrodes F3-F4) while participants were engaged in multitasking. Participants were randomized to receive either 6-Hz (theta) tACS for 26.67 min daily for three days (80 min total; Long Exposure Theta group), 6-Hz tACS for 5.33 min daily (16-min total; Short Exposure Theta group), or 1-Hz tACS for 26.67 min (80 min total; Control group). To account for neuroanatomy, magnetic resonance imaging data was used to form individualized models of the tACS-induced electric field (EF) within the brain. To account for neurophysiology, electroencephalography data was used to identify individual peak theta frequency.ResultsResults indicated that only in the Long Theta group, performance change was correlated with modeled EF and peak theta frequency. Together, modeled EF and peak theta frequency accounted for 54%–65% of the variance in tACS-related performance improvements, which sustained for a month.ConclusionThese results demonstrate the importance of individual differences in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology in tACS research and help account for inconsistent effects across studies.  相似文献   

Abnormal activation of the social brain during face perception in autism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ASD involves a fundamental impairment in processing social-communicative information from faces. Several recent studies have challenged earlier findings that individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have no activation of the fusiform gyrus (fusiform face area, FFA) when viewing faces. In this study, we examined activation to faces in the broader network of face-processing modules that comprise what is known as the social brain. Using 3T functional resonance imaging, we measured BOLD signal changes in 10 ASD subjects and 7 healthy controls passively viewing nonemotional faces. We replicated our original findings of significant activation of face identity-processing areas (FFA and inferior occipital gyrus, IOG) in ASD. However, in addition, we identified hypoactivation in a more widely distributed network of brain areas involved in face processing [including the right amygdala, inferior frontal cortex (IFC), superior temporal sulcus (STS), and face-related somatosensory and premotor cortex]. In ASD, we found functional correlations between a subgroup of areas in the social brain that belong to the mirror neuron system (IFC, STS) and other face-processing areas. The severity of the social symptoms measured by the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule was correlated with the right IFC cortical thickness and with functional activation in that area. When viewing faces, adults with ASD show atypical patterns of activation in regions forming the broader face-processing network and social brain, outside the core FFA and IOG regions. These patterns suggest that areas belonging to the mirror neuron system are involved in the face-processing disturbances in ASD.  相似文献   

The capacity to accurately infer the thoughts and intentions of other people is critical for effective social interaction, and neural activity in dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC) has long been linked with the extent to which people engage in mental state attribution. In this study, we combined functional neuroimaging and experience sampling methodologies to test the predictive value of this neural response for daily social behaviors. We found that individuals who displayed greater activity in dmPFC when viewing social scenes spent more time around other people on a daily basis. These findings suggest a specific role for the neural mechanisms that support the capacity to mentalize in guiding individuals toward situations containing valuable social outcomes.  相似文献   

Event-related potential (ERP) studies have highlighted an occipito-temporal potential, the N170, which is larger for faces than for other categories and delayed by stimulus inversion of faces, but not of other objects. We examined how high-pass and low-pass filtering modulate such early differences between the processing of faces and objects. Sixteen grey-scale pictures of faces and cars were filtered to preserve only relatively low (LSF) or high (HSF) spatial frequencies and were presented upright or upside-down. Subjects reported the orientation of the faces and cars in broad-pass and filtered conditions. In the broad-pass condition, we replicated typical N170 face-specific effects of amplitude and delay with inversion. These effects were also present in the LSF condition. However, a completely different pattern was revealed by the HSF condition: (1). a similar N170 amplitude for cars as compared to faces and (2). an absence of N170 latency delay with face inversion. These results show that the source of early processing differences between faces and objects is related to the extraction of information contained mostly in the LSF, which conveys coarse configuration cues particularly salient for face processing.  相似文献   

Older adults were tested on a verbal working memory task that used the item-recognition paradigm. On some trials of this task, response-conflict was created by presenting test-items that were familiar but were not members of a current set of items stored in memory. These items required a negative response, but their familiarity biased subjects toward a positive response. Younger subjects show an interference effect on such trials, and this interference is accompanied by activation of a region of left lateral prefrontal cortex. However, there has been no evidence that the activation in this region is causally related to the interference that the subjects exhibit. In the present study, we demonstrate that older adults show more behavioral interference than younger subjects on this task, and they also show no reliable activation at the same lateral prefrontal site. This leads to the conclusion that this prefrontal site is functionally involved in mediating resolution among conflicting responses or among conflicting representations in working memory.  相似文献   

The cognitive and affective systems of the cerebral cortex are often more lateralized in males than females, but it is unclear whether these differences extend to subcortical systems. We used fMRI to examine sex differences in lateralized amygdala activity during happy and fearful face perception. Amygdala activation differed for men and women depending on the valence of the expression. Overall, males were more lateralized than females, but the direction differed between valence conditions. Happy faces produced greater right than left amygdala activation for males but not females. Both sexes showed greater left amygdala activation for fearful faces. These findings suggest that the lateralization of affective function may extend beyond the cortex to subcortical regions such as the amygdala.  相似文献   

We present a neuroimaging experiment that examines whether males and females use distinct brain systems while performing a confrontational naming task, with specific attention to the possibility of laterality differences, as suggested by some theories of sex differences in language processing. We further address whether sex-based differences in functional brain organization might interact with object category distinctions, given that previous behavioral studies have shown some consistent processing differences between the sexes with respect to tools versus plants. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data were collected from 26 participants (13 males and 13 females). Main effect and interaction analyses reveal no discernable laterality differences between the sexes. All other results, however, were consistent with previous object-naming studies. Global effects revealed dominant foci in fusiform gyrus, left posterior middle temporal gyrus, left basal ganglia/thalamus, left middle/inferior frontal gyri, left frontal operculum, left supplementary motor area/dorsal anterior cingulate, and left pre-central gyrus. Main contrasts for tools versus plants were likewise consistent with previous fMRI studies. Although men and women showed no discernable activation differences, hemispheric or otherwise, when collapsed across object categories, sex-by-category analyses showed selective activation for females in dorsal anterior cingulate gyrus and left posterior middle temporal gyrus for tools, and selective activation for males in left posterior middle temporal gyrus for plants. We discuss the relevance of these sex-by-category effects to previous behavioral findings and theories that relate to vocabulary differences between the sexes.  相似文献   

Behavioral studies suggest that children under age 10 process faces using a piecemeal strategy based on individual distinctive facial features, whereas older children use a configural strategy based on the spatial relations among the face's features. The purpose of this study was to determine whether activation of the fusiform gyrus, which is involved in face processing in adults, is greater during face processing in older children (12-14 years) than in younger children (8-10 years). Functional MRI scans were obtained while children viewed faces and houses. A developmental change was observed: Older children, but not younger children, showed significantly more activation in bilateral fusiform gyri for faces than for houses. Activation in the fusiform gyrus correlated significantly with age and with a behavioral measure of configural face processing. Regions believed to be involved in processing basic facial features were activated in both younger and older children. Some evidence was also observed for greater activation for houses versus faces for the older children than for the younger children, suggesting that processing of these two stimulus types becomes more differentiated as children age. The current results provide biological insight into changes in visual processing of faces that occur with normal development.  相似文献   

Preliminary prospective research suggests emotion dysregulation may confer vulnerability to poor stress responses. The present prospective study extends this research by examining both specific emotion regulation strategies and global emotion regulation difficulties in the context of acute stress following onset of the COVID-19 global pandemic in 119 young adults. As part of a larger study, emotion regulation was assessed prior to pandemic onset (January 2019 – February 2020) using two standard measures (Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, ERQ, Gross & John, 2003; Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, DERS, Gratz & Roemer, 2004). A self-report assessment of acute stress was conducted 2−3½ weeks after the COVID-19 pandemic declaration. Results demonstrated cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression (i.e., ERQ) were not individually predictive of acute stress; however, there was a significant interaction of suppression by reappraisal. Simple effects indicated suppression was negatively associated with acute stress only when reappraisal levels were high. Greater global emotion regulation difficulties (i.e., DERS), particularly nonacceptance of emotions and limited access to emotion regulation strategies, significantly predicted greater acute stress. These results provide further evidence of the temporal relationship between emotion dysregulation and stress reactions, and also suggest the expected effects of emotion regulation strategies may differ across contexts.  相似文献   

When facing strangers, one of the first evaluations people perform is to implicitly assess their trustworthiness. However, the underlying processes supporting trustworthiness appraisal are poorly understood. We hypothesized that visual working memory (VWM) maintains online face representations that are sensitive to physical cues of trustworthiness, and that differences among individuals in representing untrustworthy faces are associated with individual differences in anxiety. Participants performed a change detection task that required encoding and maintaining for a short interval the identity of one face parametrically manipulated to be either trustworthy or untrustworthy. The sustained posterior contralateral negativity (SPCN), an event-related component (ERP) time-locked to the onset of the face, was used to index the resolution of face representations in VWM. Results revealed greater SPCN amplitudes for trustworthy faces when compared with untrustworthy faces, indicating that VWM is sensitive to physical cues of trustworthiness, even in the absence of explicit trustworthiness appraisal. In addition, differences in SPCN amplitude between trustworthy and untrustworthy faces correlated with participants’ anxiety, indicating that healthy college students with sub-clinical high anxiety levels represented untrustworthy faces in greater detail compared with students with sub-clinical low anxiety levels. This pattern of findings is discussed in terms of the high flexibility of aversive/avoidance and appetitive/approach motivational systems.  相似文献   

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