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目的通过对本院植入的20例三腔起搏器患者进行随访观察,分析心脏再同步治疗(CRT)的临床疗效及对CRT无反应的原因。方法研究接受CRT治疗的20例患者,观察术后的临床有效率和超声心动图有效率,总结此期间的心脏不良事件。结果植入术后临床症状改善12例,临床有效率60%;超声心动图有效者11例(55%),平均左心室射血分数提高0.10。有3例死亡(15%);1例左心室电极导线脱位,经复位后起搏良好;1例左心室电极起搏阈值升高,被迫关闭起搏器;临床无反应者4例。缺血性心肌病合并前壁心肌梗死或慢性肾功能不良的患者CRT效果欠佳;宽QRS心力衰竭患者对CRT反应优于窄QRS患者。心房颤动伴缓慢心室率患者CRT同样有效。结论CRT能改善心力衰竭患者的左心室收缩功能和左心室重构,减少二尖瓣反流。对CRT的反应与入选患者的基础心脏病和QRS波的宽度有关。  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effect of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) and the problem of non-response to CRT in patients with chronic heart failure. Methods Twenty patients[(64±10.9) yrs,5 women, 15men] underwent CRT. Conventional echocardiography was performed in each patient before implantation and at 6 months post implantation. Results The clinical response rate was 60% and echocardio-graphic response rate was 55% at 6 month follow-up. Average EF increased 10%. Three patients died and 1 pa-tient was found to have increased left electrode thresholds. One electrode dislocation occurred and recannulation was required. Four patients had no response to CRT. The response rate to CRT was lower in patients with a nar-row QRS or ischemic cardiomyopathy. Conclusion CRT is an effective treatment for chronic heart failure pa-tients. Non-response to CRT may berelated to the cause of heart failure and narrow QRS.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effect of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) and the problem of non-response to CRT in patients with chronic heart failure. Methods Twenty patients[(64±10.9) yrs,5 women, 15men] underwent CRT. Conventional echocardiography was performed in each patient before implantation and at 6 months post implantation. Results The clinical response rate was 60% and echocardio-graphic response rate was 55% at 6 month follow-up. Average EF increased 10%. Three patients died and 1 pa-tient was found to have increased left electrode thresholds. One electrode dislocation occurred and recannulation was required. Four patients had no response to CRT. The response rate to CRT was lower in patients with a nar-row QRS or ischemic cardiomyopathy. Conclusion CRT is an effective treatment for chronic heart failure pa-tients. Non-response to CRT may berelated to the cause of heart failure and narrow QRS.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effect of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) and the problem of non-response to CRT in patients with chronic heart failure. Methods Twenty patients[(64±10.9) yrs,5 women, 15men] underwent CRT. Conventional echocardiography was performed in each patient before implantation and at 6 months post implantation. Results The clinical response rate was 60% and echocardio-graphic response rate was 55% at 6 month follow-up. Average EF increased 10%. Three patients died and 1 pa-tient was found to have increased left electrode thresholds. One electrode dislocation occurred and recannulation was required. Four patients had no response to CRT. The response rate to CRT was lower in patients with a nar-row QRS or ischemic cardiomyopathy. Conclusion CRT is an effective treatment for chronic heart failure pa-tients. Non-response to CRT may berelated to the cause of heart failure and narrow QRS.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effect of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) and the problem of non-response to CRT in patients with chronic heart failure. Methods Twenty patients[(64±10.9) yrs,5 women, 15men] underwent CRT. Conventional echocardiography was performed in each patient before implantation and at 6 months post implantation. Results The clinical response rate was 60% and echocardio-graphic response rate was 55% at 6 month follow-up. Average EF increased 10%. Three patients died and 1 pa-tient was found to have increased left electrode thresholds. One electrode dislocation occurred and recannulation was required. Four patients had no response to CRT. The response rate to CRT was lower in patients with a nar-row QRS or ischemic cardiomyopathy. Conclusion CRT is an effective treatment for chronic heart failure pa-tients. Non-response to CRT may berelated to the cause of heart failure and narrow QRS.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effect of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) and the problem of non-response to CRT in patients with chronic heart failure. Methods Twenty patients[(64±10.9) yrs,5 women, 15men] underwent CRT. Conventional echocardiography was performed in each patient before implantation and at 6 months post implantation. Results The clinical response rate was 60% and echocardio-graphic response rate was 55% at 6 month follow-up. Average EF increased 10%. Three patients died and 1 pa-tient was found to have increased left electrode thresholds. One electrode dislocation occurred and recannulation was required. Four patients had no response to CRT. The response rate to CRT was lower in patients with a nar-row QRS or ischemic cardiomyopathy. Conclusion CRT is an effective treatment for chronic heart failure pa-tients. Non-response to CRT may berelated to the cause of heart failure and narrow QRS.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effect of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) and the problem of non-response to CRT in patients with chronic heart failure. Methods Twenty patients[(64±10.9) yrs,5 women, 15men] underwent CRT. Conventional echocardiography was performed in each patient before implantation and at 6 months post implantation. Results The clinical response rate was 60% and echocardio-graphic response rate was 55% at 6 month follow-up. Average EF increased 10%. Three patients died and 1 pa-tient was found to have increased left electrode thresholds. One electrode dislocation occurred and recannulation was required. Four patients had no response to CRT. The response rate to CRT was lower in patients with a nar-row QRS or ischemic cardiomyopathy. Conclusion CRT is an effective treatment for chronic heart failure pa-tients. Non-response to CRT may berelated to the cause of heart failure and narrow QRS.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effect of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) and the problem of non-response to CRT in patients with chronic heart failure. Methods Twenty patients[(64±10.9) yrs,5 women, 15men] underwent CRT. Conventional echocardiography was performed in each patient before implantation and at 6 months post implantation. Results The clinical response rate was 60% and echocardio-graphic response rate was 55% at 6 month follow-up. Average EF increased 10%. Three patients died and 1 pa-tient was found to have increased left electrode thresholds. One electrode dislocation occurred and recannulation was required. Four patients had no response to CRT. The response rate to CRT was lower in patients with a nar-row QRS or ischemic cardiomyopathy. Conclusion CRT is an effective treatment for chronic heart failure pa-tients. Non-response to CRT may berelated to the cause of heart failure and narrow QRS.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effect of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) and the problem of non-response to CRT in patients with chronic heart failure. Methods Twenty patients[(64±10.9) yrs,5 women, 15men] underwent CRT. Conventional echocardiography was performed in each patient before implantation and at 6 months post implantation. Results The clinical response rate was 60% and echocardio-graphic response rate was 55% at 6 month follow-up. Average EF increased 10%. Three patients died and 1 pa-tient was found to have increased left electrode thresholds. One electrode dislocation occurred and recannulation was required. Four patients had no response to CRT. The response rate to CRT was lower in patients with a nar-row QRS or ischemic cardiomyopathy. Conclusion CRT is an effective treatment for chronic heart failure pa-tients. Non-response to CRT may berelated to the cause of heart failure and narrow QRS.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effect of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) and the problem of non-response to CRT in patients with chronic heart failure. Methods Twenty patients[(64±10.9) yrs,5 women, 15men] underwent CRT. Conventional echocardiography was performed in each patient before implantation and at 6 months post implantation. Results The clinical response rate was 60% and echocardio-graphic response rate was 55% at 6 month follow-up. Average EF increased 10%. Three patients died and 1 pa-tient was found to have increased left electrode thresholds. One electrode dislocation occurred and recannulation was required. Four patients had no response to CRT. The response rate to CRT was lower in patients with a nar-row QRS or ischemic cardiomyopathy. Conclusion CRT is an effective treatment for chronic heart failure pa-tients. Non-response to CRT may berelated to the cause of heart failure and narrow QRS.  相似文献   

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