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Mauro L. Bonardi Luigi Martano Flavia Groppi Marco Chinol 《Applied radiation and isotopes》2009,67(10):1874-1877
90Y is one of the most useful radionuclides for radioimmunotherapeutic applications and has a half-life (t1/2=64.14 h) suitable for most therapeutic applications, beta particles of high energy and decays to a stable daughter. It is significant that 90Y is available conveniently and inexpensively from a radionuclide “generator” by decay of its parent, 90Sr. Nevertheless, current and planned clinical applications with [90Y] labelled compounds employ activity levels that cannot be readily obtained from an in-house generator, but from commercial sources. We have evaluated Eichrom's Sr-resin, either as an “in-house” generator or as a fast QC method for analysis of 90Y solutions.In particular, for the development as a generator, we investigated the percentage of the radio-Sr in the first 8 M HNO3 eluate: in this fraction the concentration of 90Sr must be smaller than 10−5% (recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection). For evaluation as a rapid QC method, we analyzed the concentration of 90Y in all the fractions containing “only” radio-Sr: 90Y should not be present in these eluates. After the collection of β− and γ spectra and analysis of them, we concluded that commercial Sr-resin minicolumn cannot give us the results expected; we developed an in-house system loaded with 4 mL of Sr-resin which gave better results as a generator and a rapid QC method. 相似文献
Shigeki Ito Hiroyuki Kurosawa Hiroyuki Kasahara Satomi Teraoka Eiji Ariga Shizuhiko Deji Masahiro Hirota Takuya Saze Takao Minamizawa Kunihide Nishizawa 《Annals of nuclear medicine》2009,23(3):257-267
Objective This study demonstrates images obtained by 90Y bremsstrahlung emission computed tomography (BECT), and characterizes the system performance of gamma cameras.
90Y BECT images of phantoms were acquired using a gamma camera equipped with a medium energy general purpose parallel-hole collimator.
Three energy window widths of 50% (57–94 keV) centered at 75 keV, 30% (102–138 keV) at 120 keV, and 50% (139–232 keV) at 185 keV
were set on a 90Y bremsstrahlung spectrum. The images obtained with three energy windows were reconstructed using filtered back projection
(FBP) and ordered subsets expectation maximization (OSEM) methods. The images of the sum window were obtained by fusing the
images of the 75, 120, and 185 keV windows.
Results The OSEM method improved the full width at half maximum by 20% and the standard deviation by 9% compared with the FBP method.
BECT displayed 90Y biodistribution and quantified 90Y activity. BECT images obtained with OSEM method using the 120 keV window showed the highest resolution and lowest uncertainty.
The sum window showed the highest sensitivity, while its resolution was 10% inferior to that of the 120 keV window. One whole-body
image can be taken over 100 min using the sum window. An absorber to cover the body surface reduced background by 30%.
90Y BECT imaging can be used for patient assessment without modifying current treatment procedures. 相似文献
目的对90Y树脂微球选择性内放射治疗过程进行放射防护检测和剂量评估,为放射防护工作提供参考。方法对90Y树脂微球介入手术治疗各操作环节和患者体表的外照射水平进行检测,估算相关人员的受照剂量水平。结果90Y树脂微球分装及转运过程的剂量率水平为1.12~454μSv/h,手术操作过程为2.06~58.2μSv/h;3名患者术后0.5 h,体表5 cm和1 m处的剂量率分别为22.7~64.1和0.82~2.55μSv/h。按照每年200例患者的工作量,90Y树脂微球药物操作对工作人员年个人有效剂量贡献为0.12~1.03 mSv/年,术后患者对公众、家属及陪护志愿者的个人有效剂量贡献为0.02~0.24 mSv/年。结论在患者治疗、护理和出院过程中,工作人员、陪护志愿者和公众的照射剂量均低于(GB 18871-2002«电离辐射防护与辐射源安全基本标准»)中的剂量限值和医疗机构设定的管理目标值。 相似文献
目的研究患者接受90Y树脂微球选择性内放射治疗(SIRT)后48 h内所排泄尿液中90Y的放射性活度, 为术后患者排泄物的管理提供建议。方法收集3名患者在术后0~24 h和24~48 h两个时间段内排泄的尿液, 并对尿液中的90Y放射性活度进行检测和分析。结果 3名患者术后0~24 h和24~48 h尿液中的90Y放射性活度排泄量分别为(1 266±258)kBq/GBq和(140±106)kBq/GBq, 90Y放射性活度浓度分别为(640±113)kBq/L和(53±12)kBq/L。结论 90Y树脂微球治疗术后肝癌患者0~24 h排泄尿液中的90Y放射性活度比24~48 h高。术后患者可通过增加排泄尿量的方式来加速排出体内游离的90Y;患者住院期间的排泄物应按照HJ 1188-2020《核医学辐射防护与安全要求》的要求处理。 相似文献
Two secondary standard systems of beta radiation were used to calibrate a PTW extrapolation chamber Model 23391. Three 90Sr+90Y sources of different activities were used in this calibration procedure. Medium-term stability of the response of the chamber was also studied. The calibration was performed with and without field-flattening filters. The relative standard deviation of the obtained calibration factors was 8.3% for the aluminum collecting electrode and 4.1% for the graphite collecting electrode. 相似文献
Bienert M McCook B Carr BI Geller DA Sheetz M Tutor C Amesur N Avril N 《European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging》2005,32(7):778-787
Purpose The intra-arterial administration of 90Y microspheres is a new palliative treatment option for unresectable liver metastases. The aim of this study was to quantitatively assess changes in FDG uptake and tumour size following 90Y microsphere treatment (SIR-Spheres) using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CT imaging.Methods Five patients with unresectable liver metastases who had failed multiple prior chemotherapy regimens received seven 90Y microsphere treatments to a single liver lobe. All patients underwent a baseline PET/CT scan prior to treatment, as well as up to four follow-up PET/CT scans. The tumour area of 30 liver metastases was measured on CT and the FDG uptake was semiquantitatively assessed by calculation of standardised uptake values (SUVs). A total of 18 FDG-PET/CT scans were performed.Results The SUVs in the 30 treated liver metastases decreased from 6.5±2.3 at baseline to 4.2±1.8 after the first follow-up PET/CT scan (p=0.001). In contrast, the SUVs of untreated metastases increased slightly from 7.2±2.3 to 8.0±0.8. There was no difference in FDG uptake in treated versus untreated normal liver tissue. Using a previously defined threshold of 20% decrease in SUV from baseline to determine response, 20 out of 30 liver metastases were considered to have responded at the first follow-up PET/CT scan approximately 1 month after treatment. In these metastases, the SUV decreased by 47±12%, compared with a slight increase by 5.9±19% in ten non-responding metastases (p=0.0001). The changes in tumour size did not correlate with changes in FDG uptake. On the first follow-up PET/CT scan, the tumour area on CT increased by 3.1±57% in treated metastases compared with 23.3±32% in untreated metastases. A wide range of post-treatment changes of target lesions was observed on CT, including an increase in the size of hypodense lesions, necrotic features and complete resolution of CT abnormalities.Conclusion The metabolic information obtained from FDG-PET/CT seems to provide a more accurate and earlier assessment of therapy response following 90Y microsphere treatment than does the anatomical CT information. 相似文献
Luca Filippi Alida Ciorra Barbara Sardella Orazio Schillaci Oreste Bagni 《Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging》2014,48(4):321-325
90Y radioembolization and peptide-receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) with177Lu-DOTATATE are both effective treatments for patients with inoperable neuroendocrine metastatic tumors (NET). We report the case of a 72-year-old man with severe functional syndrome due to a metastatic NET. 68Ga-DOTATOC positron-emission tomography (PET) revealed high somatostatin receptor expression in a gross liver metastasis, in one abdominal lymph node and in several skeletal lesions. The patient underwent liver radioembolization with 90Y-resin microspheres followed by four cycles of PRRT with177Lu-DOTATATE. After 3 months, a complete remission of the functional syndrome was observed. 68Ga-DOTATOC PET demonstrated a complete response for skeletal and lymph nodal lesions with a residual bulky mass in the liver. Therefore a further 90Y radioembolization was performed as consolidation treatment for the hepatic lesion. Six months after these combined treatments, 68Ga-DOTATOC PET demonstrated complete metabolic response in liver and stable extrahepatic lesions. No significant long-term adverse reactions were registered. To our knowledge, the sequential use of 90Y radiembolization before and after PRRT in a liver-dominant advanced NET has not been reported in the literature and this case suggests that these combined treatments can be safe and effective. 相似文献
Stahl A Schachoff S Beer A Winter A Wester HJ Scheidhauer K Schwaiger M Wolf I 《European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging》2006,33(11):1328-1336
Purpose During [90Y]DOTATOC therapy, for determination of kidney doses a conventional approach using co-injected [111In]DOTATOC was evaluated for validity, reliability and reproducibility as well as for the influence of methodological variations and bremsstrahlung. Biologically effective doses were estimated by calculating the relative effectiveness (RE) of kidney doses.Methods Fractionated [90Y]DOTATOC therapy (n=20 patients, 3.1±0.7 GBq/therapy cycle, 45 therapy cycles) included co-injection of 157±37 MBq [111In]DOTATOC and a nephroprotective infusion regimen. From serial gamma camera/probe measurements, individual region of interest (ROI) sets were established and kidney doses were determined according to MIRDOSE3 (corrected for individual kidney mass) by use of three methodological variants: (1) correction for interfering organs (liver/spleen) and background activity, (2) correction for interfering organs alone and (3) no corrections. A phantom study was performed with 111 In alone and with 111In +90Y to estimate the influence of 90Y bremsstrahlung.Results Mean kidney dose (method 1, n=20 patients, 20 therapy cycles) was 1.51±0.60 Gy/GBq [90Y]DOTATOC (1.41±0.48 Gy/GBq for n=20 patients, 45 therapy cycles). With partial correction (method 2) or no correction (method 3) for interfering activity, kidney doses increased significantly, to 2.71±1.26 Gy/GBq and 3.15±1.22 Gy/GBq, respectively. The span of REs ranged from 1.02 to 1.24. Inter-observer variability was as high as ±32% (±2SD). 90Y bremsstrahlung accounted for a 4–11% underestimation of obtained target activity.Conclusion The obtained kidney doses are highly influenced by methodological variations. Full correction for interfering activity clearly underestimates kidney doses. By comparison, 90Y bremsstrahlung and variability in the relative effectiveness of kidney doses cause minor bias. Inter-observer variability must be considered when interpreting kidney doses. 相似文献
目的探讨放射性核素 相似文献
61Cu was produced by natCo(α, xn)61Cu reaction. 61Cu production yield was 89.5 MBq/μAh (2.42 mCi/μAh) at the end of irradiation (EOI). A simple radiochemical separation method using anion exchange resin and ascorbic acid has been employed to separate the product radionuclide from inactive target material and co-produced non-isotopic impurities. The radiochemical separation yield was about 90%. Radiochemical purity of 61Cu was >99% 1 h after EOI. Final product was suitable for making complex with N2S2 type of ligands. 相似文献
Clinical applicators are used in brachytherapy to treat superficial lesions of skin and eye. They should be periodically calibrated according to quality control programs and international recommendations. Thin CaSO4:Dy thermoluminescent dosimeters were used to calibrate various applicators with a dermatological applicator as a reference. The obtained absorbed dose rates were compared with those quoted in their calibration certificates. Depth-dose curves were constructed for all the applicators. A mail dosimetry system was developed for calibration of clinical applicators. 相似文献
本文探讨低剂量硝酸钚与硝酸锶对大鼠复合作用的实验研究。系统观察了体重、死亡率, 平均存活时间、X线片、病理组织学等项目指标的改变。通过三年左右的终生观察表明: (1)钚、锶复合作用对诱发骨肉瘤有相加效应, 并且潜伏期短, 多发性骨肉瘤也高于单一核素作用组, (2)复合作用组的死亡率高于单一核素组, (8)复合作用组的平均寿命比单一核素组缩短。 相似文献
Yeong CH Abdullah BJ Ng KH Chung LY Goh KL Sarji SA Perkins AC 《Applied radiation and isotopes》2012,70(3):450-455
We produced an enteric-coated gelatine capsule containing neutron-activated 153Sm-labelled resin beads for use in gastrointestinal motility studies. In vitro test in simulated gastrointestinal environment and in vivo study on volunteers were performed. Scintigraphic images were acquired from ten volunteers over 24 h while blood and urine samples were collected to monitor the presence of 153Sm. All the capsules remained intact in stomach. This proved to be a safe and practical oral capsule formulation for whole gut transit scintigraphy. 相似文献
Cremonesi M Ferrari M Bartolomei M Orsi F Bonomo G Aricò D Mallia A De Cicco C Pedroli G Paganelli G 《European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging》2008,35(11):2088-2096
Introduction Radioembolisation with 90Y-microspheres is a new locoregional treatment of hepatic lesions, usually applied as single cycle. Multi-cycle treatments
might be considered as a strategy to improve the risk-benefit balance. With the aim to derive suitable information for patient
tailored therapy, available patients’ dosimetric data were reviewed according to the linear–quadratic model and converted
into biological effective dose (BED) values. Single vs. multi-cycle approaches were compared through radiobiological perspective.
Materials and methods Twenty patients with metastatic lesions underwent radioembolisation. The 90Y-administered activity (AA) was established in order to respect a precautionary limit dose (40 Gy) for the non-tumoral liver
(NTL). BED was calculated setting α/β = 2.5 Gy (NTL), 10 Gy (tumours); T
1/2,eff = T
1/2,phys = 64.2 h; T
1/2,rep = 2.5 h (NTL), 1.5 h (tumours). The BED to NTL was considered as a constraint for multi-cycle approach. The AA for two cycles
and the percent variations of AA, tumour dose, BED were estimated.
Results In one-cycle, for a prescribed BED to NTL of 64 Gy (NTL dose = 40 Gy), AA was 1.7 (0.9–3.2) GBq, tumour dose was 130 (65–235)
Gy, and tumour BED was 170 (75–360) Gy. Considering two cycles, ∼15% increase was found for AA and dose to NTL, with unvaried
BED for NTL. Tumour dose increase was 20 (10–35) Gy; tumour BED increase was 10 (3–11) Gy. In different protocols allowing
80 Gy to NTL, the BED sparing estimated was ∼50 Gy (two cycles) and 65 Gy (three cycles).
Conclusions From a radiobiological perspective, multi-cycle treatments would allow administering higher activities with increased tumour
irradiation and preserved radiation effects on NTL. Trials comparing single vs. multiple cycles are suggested. 相似文献
Peachy Mae Piana BS Carin F. Gonsalves MD Takami Sato MD PhD P. Rani Anne MD Jeffrey W. McCann MBBCh Voichita Bar Ad MD David J. Eschelman MD Laurence Parker PhD Laura A. Doyle MS Daniel B. Brown MD 《Journal of vascular and interventional radiology : JVIR》2011,22(10):1373-1379
To report the incidence of liver function test (LFT) toxicities after radioembolization with yttrium-90 (90Y) SIR-Spheres and review potential risk factors.Materials and Methods
Patients receiving 90Y for radioembolization of primary or metastatic liver tumors had follow-up LFTs 29–571 days after treatment. The incidence and duration of bilirubin, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) toxicities were documented using common terminology criteria. Factors that were assessed included previous intra-arterial (IA) therapy, systemic chemotherapy, low tumor-to-normal liver tissue ratio at mapping angiography, vascular stasis, and higher prescribed 90Y doses.Results
There were 81 patients who underwent 122 infusions and had follow-up LFTs. Of 122 infusions, 71 (58%) were associated with toxicity. One patient died with radiation-induced liver disease. Grade 3 or greater toxicities occurred in seven (7%) patients after nine procedures. The median durations of laboratory elevations for bilirubin, AST, and ALT were 29 days, 29 days, and 20 days. Toxicity developed after 51 (71%) of 72 infusions with previous IA therapy versus 20 (40%) of 50 infusions in treatment-naïve areas (P = .0006). Absence of previous systemic therapy was associated with greater risk of toxicity versus previous chemotherapy (47% vs 66%, P = .03). Other factors were not associated with increased toxicity.Conclusions
Mild hepatotoxicity developed frequently after infusion of SIR-Spheres using the body surface area method, with normalization of LFTs in most patients. Grade 3 or greater toxicities were seen in < 10% of infusions. Toxicity was strongly associated with previous IA therapy. 相似文献16.
Bodei L Cremonesi M Ferrari M Pacifici M Grana CM Bartolomei M Baio SM Sansovini M Paganelli G 《European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging》2008,35(10):1928-1856
Purpose Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) of neuroendocrine tumours with 90Y-DOTATOC and 177Lu-DOTATATE is promising. The kidney is the critical organ and despite renal protection, function loss may become evident
years later. The aim of this study was to analyse renal parameters in patients who had undergone dosimetry before PRRT.
Methods Among those in protocols at our institution, 28 patients were considered: 23 received 90Y-DOTATOC (3.8–29.2 GBq, median 12.2) and five received 177Lu-DOTATATE (20.7–29.2 GBq, median 23.2). Patients were followed up after therapy for creatinine and creatinine clearance
loss (CCL) for 3–97 months (median 30). Renal doses and bio-effective doses (BED) were calculated (MIRD, LQ model).
Results After 90Y-DOTATOC toxicity on creatinine according to NCI criteria occurred in nine cases (seven grade 1, one grade 2, one grade 3),
CCL at 1 year was >5% in 12 cases and >10% in eight. A 28-Gy BED threshold was observed in patients with risk factors (mainly
hypertension and diabetes), while it was 40 Gy in patients without risk factors. Probably due to the low number of patients,
despite the absence of severe toxicity after hyper-fractionated PRRT, clear correlations between fractionation and toxicity
could not be found. After 177Lu-DOTATATE, no toxicity occurred in 1–2 year follow-up; CCL at 1 year >5% occurred in three patients and >10% in two.
Conclusions Our results indicate the importance of clinical screening for risk factors: In this case, a BED <28 Gy is recommended. Fractionation
of therapy is important in order to decrease toxicity, and further studies are needed to evaluate its clinical impact.
An erratum to this article can be found at 相似文献
Marion de Jong Willem H. Bakker Eric P. Krenning Wout A. P. Breeman Marcel E. van der Pluijm Bert F. Bernard Theo J. Visser Eduard Jermann Martin Béhé Pia Powell Helmut R. Mäcke 《European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging》1997,24(4):368-371
In vitro octreotide receptor binding of [111In-DOTA0,d-Phe1,Tyr3]octreotide (111In-DOTATOC) and the in vivo metabolism of90Y or111In-labelled DOTATOC were investigated in rats in comparison with [111In-DTPA0]octreotide [111In-DTPAOC).111In-DOTATOC was found to have an affinity similar to octreotide itself for the octreotide receptor in rat cerebral cortex microsomes. Twenty-four hours after injection of90Y or111In-labelled DOTATOC, uptake of radioactivity in the octreotide receptor-expressing tissues pancreas, pituitary, adrenals and tumour was a factor of 2–6 that after injection of111In-DTPAOC. Uptake of labelled DOTATOC in pituitary, pancreas, adrenals and tumour was almost completely blocked by pretreatment with 0.5 mg unlabelled octreotide, indicating specific binding to the octreotide receptors. These findings strongly indicate that90Y-DOTATOC is a promising radiopharmaceutical for radiotherapy and that111In-DOTATOC is of potential value for diagnosis of patients with octreotide receptor-positive lesions, such as most neuroendocrine tumours. 相似文献
Byun BH Na II Cheon GJ Kang HJ Kim KM Lee SS Ryoo BY Choi CW Lim SM Yang SH 《Annals of nuclear medicine》2008,22(8):645-651
Objective This pilot study was launched to explore the utility of positron emission tomography scans, at the time of diagnosis, for
clinical outcomes in patients with primary extranodal non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (PENHL) in the head and neck, retrospectively.
Methods Twenty-two patients with a diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) among those with a PENHL were included. We retrospectively
evaluated the clinical outcomes of patients according to the maximum standardized 18F-fluoro-2-deoxy-glucose (18F-FDG) uptake value of the primary lesion (SUVp). The SUVp was initially analyzed as a continuous variable. The cut-offvalue of SUVp was obtained from receiver-operating characteristic analysis to predict event-free survival. Using this value, patients were
divided into those with a low and high SUV.
Results Seventeen patients (59%) were men and the median age was 50 years. Most primary sites were in Waldeyer’s ring (73%). The SUVp ranged from 3.3 to 23.7. The international prognostic index (IPI < 2 vs. ≥ 2) was associated with the SUVp (P = 0.014). Patients with low SUVp showed favorable survival (P = 0.015). After IPI scores were stratified, the survival difference remained significant (P = 0.029).
Conclusions The results of this pilot investigation indicate that 18F-FDG uptake of the primary lesion may be related with survival outcomes in patients with extranodal DLBCL in the head and
neck. Further studies are needed to confirm and extend these results.
I.I. Na and G.J. Cheon contributed equally to this work. 相似文献
An easy and accurate method for the determination of 210Pb and 210Po in water using 210Po spontaneous deposition onto a silver disk is proposed and assessed for its detection capabilities according to the ISO Guide for the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM) and ISO Standard 11929-7 concerning the evaluation of the characteristic limits for ionizing radiation measurements. The method makes no assumption on the initial values of the activity concentrations of 210Pb, 210Bi and 210Po in the sample to be analyzed, and is based on the alpha spectrometric measurement of 210Po in two different aliquots: the first one measured five weeks after the sampling date to ensure radioactive equilibrium between 210Pb and 210Bi and the second after a sufficient time for the ingrowth of 210Po from 210Pb to be significant. As shown, for a recommended time interval of seven months between 210Po measurements, the applicability of the proposed method is limited to water samples with a 226Ra to 210Pb activity ratio CRa/CPb≤4, as usual in natural waters. Using sample and background counting times of 24 h and 240 h, respectively, the detection limit of the activity concentration of each radionuclide at the sampling time for a 1 L sample typically varies between 0.7 and 16 mBq L−1 for 210Pb in water samples with an initial activity of 210Po in the range 0-200 mBq L−1, and between 0.6 and 8.5 mBq L−1 for 210Po in water samples with an initial activity of 210Pb in the same range. 相似文献
Irene C. Dormehl W. Pilloy B. J. Meyer Maryke du Plessis Marianna Maree 《European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging》1985,10(5-6):283-285
An investigation was performed to establish the usefulness of 111In-labelled polymer beads mixed into a standard meal as a tracer of gatrointestinal(GI)-motility changes due to the influence of various drugs. The labelled polymer beads were well mixed into the food, which was then fed to healthy beagle dogs undergoing drug therapy. GI motility was monitored using a gamma camera and data processor. The results were compared to those obtained from corresponding placebo studies on the same dogs. A significant acceleration of gastric emptying and colon transit was noted under the influence of a gastric and intestinal prokinetic coded R 51619. No influence on GI motility could, however, be detected after the administration of a calcium-blocking agent to the dogs. 相似文献