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MILLER H 《The Practitioner》1957,179(1069):100-102

目的:催眠记忆增强是由于被催眠者在回忆时,重复记忆已经学习过的材料的结果,而不是催眠真的能使人的记忆增强。催眠增强记忆是从记忆库中调出已经存在的记忆,而不是增加记忆。本文旨在综述催眠和记忆的关系。资料来源:应用计算机检索ProQuestPsychologyJournal1990-01/2005-08与催眠相关的文章,检索词“hypnosisandpsychology,memory”,限定文章语言种类为English;另外应用计算机检索中国期刊全文数据库1995-01/2005-08与催眠相关的文章,检索词为“催眠,记忆”。限定文章语言种类为中文。另查阅相关专著若干。资料选择:对资料进行初审,选择与催眠和记忆研究相关的文章,纳入标准:对催眠以及催眠的历史进行详细阐述的、催眠与记忆的相关研究。排除标准:排除文献中重复的研究。对符合要求的文章再查阅全文。资料提炼:在收集的25篇文献中,排除8篇重复性研究,其余17篇进行分类整理,用于综述,其中14篇选为参考文献,心理学专著3部。资料综合:催眠的历史悠久,埃及、巴比伦、罗马、玛雅等民族都有曾使用催眠治疗疾病的历史。在心理学中,有关催眠、催眠与记忆存在着一些争议。对于催眠的定义不同的学者有不同的看法;催眠是介于觉醒与催眠之间的心理状态,催眠者的暗示诱导使被催眠意识处于积极而活跃的状态,使潜意识中的大量信息被重新组合。催眠记忆增强不可能增加人们的记忆,催眠记忆增强是由于被催眠者试图重复记忆相同的材料的结果。催眠记忆中,被催眠者容易出现记忆错误与对自己催眠后回忆起来的错误信息过分自信。结论:催眠记忆增强中所说的记忆是指对已经学习过的信息回忆的增强,而不是说催眠能够增加人们的记忆,帮助人们学习新信息。在催眠记忆增强中容易出现记忆错误以及被催眠者对催眠中的记忆错误过分自信,而记忆错误的信息可能对那些用催眠获取信息的事件产生一些问题,因此在刑事案件中使用催眠时应该慎重。  相似文献   

目的:催眠记忆增强是由于被催眠者在回忆时,重复记忆已经学习过的材料的结果,而不是催眠真的能使人的记忆增强。催眠增强记忆是从记忆库中调出已经存在的记忆,而不是增加记忆。本文旨在综述催眠和记忆的关系。 资料来源:应用计算机检索ProQuest Psychology Journal 1990-01/2005-08与催眠相关的文章,检索词“hypnosis and psychology,memory”,限定文章语言种类为English;另外应用计算机检索中国期刊全文数据库1995-01/2005-08与催眠相关的文章,检索词为“催眠,记忆”。限定文章语言种类为中文。另查阅相关专著若干。 资料选择:对资料进行初审,选择与催眠和记忆研究相关的文章,纳入标准:对催眠以及催眠的历史进行详细阐述的、催眠与记忆的相关研究。排除标准:排除文献中重复的研究。对符合要求的文章再查阅全文。 资料提炼:在收集的25篇文献中,排除8篇重复性研究,其余17篇进行分类整理,用于综述,其中14篇选为参考文献,心理学专著3部。 资料综合:催眠的历史悠久,埃及、巴比伦、罗马、玛雅等民族都有曾使用催眠治疗疾病的历史。在心理学中,有关催眠、催眠与记忆存在着一些争议。对于催眠的定义不同的学者有不同的看法;催眠是介于觉醒与催眠之间的心理状态,催眠者的暗示诱导使被催眠意识处于积极而活跃的状态,使潜意识中的大量信息被重新组合。催眠记忆增强不可能增加人们的记忆,催眠记忆增强是由于被催眠者试图重复记忆相同的材料的结果。催眠记忆中,被催眠者容易出现记忆错误与对自己催眠后回忆起来的错误信息过分自信。 结论:催眠记忆增强中所说的记忆是指对已经学习过的信息回忆的增强,而不是说催眠能够增加人们的记忆,帮助人们学习新信息。在催眠记忆增强中容易出现记忆错误以及被催眠者对催眠中的记忆错误过分自信,而记忆错误的信息可能对那些用催眠获取信息的事件产生一些问题,因此在刑事案件中使用催眠时应该慎重。  相似文献   

Participants received 1 of 3 instructional sets designed to manipulate their performance standards (i.e., criteria used to evaluate hypnotic performance): (a) stringent set (n = 33), these subjects were told that responsive subjects respond immediately to hypnosis and imagine realistically, (b) lenient set (n = 30), these subjects were told that responsive subjects do not necessarily respond immediately or imagine realistically, and (c) control set (n = 34), standard prehypnotic information. As expected, compared to controls, stringent set participants were less responsive to hypnosis, as indexed by measures of actual and estimated suggestibility, subjective involvement, involuntariness, quickness of responding, satisfaction, and imaginative ability. Stringent set participants estimated they passed fewer suggestions, were less satisfied with their performance, and reported less subjective involvement than individuals in the lenient condition.  相似文献   

The procedure to demonstrate anosmia by the inhalation of ammonia is discussed. Deeply hypnotized Ss who are not knowledgeable of the relevant facts of physiology may fail to respond to ammonia fumes when it is suggested that they have no sense of smell (anosmia). However, persons who, in fact, are anosmic do respond to ammonia fumes because they are a powerful stimulus to the pain fibers in the nasal mucosa. This procedure illustrates that the crucial factor in the response of the hypnotized S is not the actual facts of anatomy and physiology, but the S's concept of them.  相似文献   

Nurses have used complementary therapies for many years to relieve anxiety, promote comfort, and reduce or alleviate pain. Physical therapies are most commonly used in our scenario but behavioral approach had been less customary, since familiarity of health personnel is very less (36%) with these techniques (Zaza et al, 1999). Hypnosis is empirically proved best therapy for pain management. Hypnosis is a process involving a hypnotist and a subject who agrees to be hypnotized. Being hypnotized is usually characterized by intense concentration, extreme relaxation and high suggestibility. This paper initially address hypnosis from an historical perspective to give the reader a decent background in which to view current trends in research in the field. Then will explain how hypnosis work followed by the empirical evidences and problems encountered in use of hypnosis when used for pain management.  相似文献   

A neodissociative model of mind is better equipped than a social-psychological model to deal with the complexities of hypnosis, and of human behavior generally. It recognizes, as Coe's (1992) model does not, that behavior can be more automatically activated than strategically enacted. In particular, Coe's emphasis on human behavior as purposeful and goal directed does not distinguish between goal-directed behavior that serves a purpose, and goal-directed behavior that is performed on purpose. It is this distinction that permits goal-directed behavior to be dissociated from a person's conscious plans and intentions. In addition to offering a critique of Coe's “limited process” view of hypnosis, 4 main points are made in the interest of developing a slightly modified, neodissociation view of hypnosis. First, it is argued that goal-directed fantasies are more limited in their ability to mediate hypnotic responding than is commonly appreciated; as well, they do not seem to account for the nonvolitional quality of hypnotic responding. Second, it is argued that hypnotic ability is not unidimensional, with compliance and social influence more apt to account for the low than for the high hypnotizable's responsiveness to suggestion. Third, compared to low hypnotizables, the hypnotic responsiveness of high hypnotizables seems more likely to result from dissociated control. In other words, for high hypnotizables, hypnotic suggestions may often directly activate subsystems of cognitive control. Consequently, the need for executive initiative and effort to produce hypnotically suggested behavior is minimized, and such responses are therefore experienced as nonvolitional. Fourth and finally, while goal-directed fantasies typically accompany hypnotically suggested responses, they are in many cases more a marker of dissociated control than a mediator of suggested effects.  相似文献   


Participants received 1 of 3 instructional sets designed to manipulate their performance standards (i.e., criteria used to evaluate hypnotic performance): (a) stringent set (n = 33), these subjects were told that responsive subjects respond immediately to hypnosis and imagine realistically, (b) lenient set (n = 30), these subjects were told that responsive subjects do not necessarily respond immediately or imagine realistically, and (c) control set (n = 34), standard prehypnotic information. As expected, compared to controls, stringent set participants were less responsive to hypnosis, as indexed by measures of actual and estimated suggestibility, subjective involvement, involuntariness, quickness of responding, satisfaction, and imaginative ability. Stringent set participants estimated they passed fewer suggestions, were less satisfied with their performance, and reported less subjective involvement than individuals in the lenient condition.  相似文献   

Coe's (1978) contextualist analysis of posthypnotic amnesia appears to be predicated on the mistaken assumption that the amnesic S actually remembers the critical material. This position leads Coe to place inappropriate emphasis on the social context in which amnesia takes place and to focus on the social-psychological processes that might lead Ss to say that they do not remember something, be believed by others, and even believe themselves. An alternative view is outlined which affirms the surface similarities between posthypnotic amnesia and other failures of memory. From this vantage point, the investigator seeks to understand the cognitive processes that produce subjectively compelling disruptions of memory retrieval, whether found in association with hypnosis or in other circumstances.  相似文献   

短暂性完全遗忘综合征是一种突然发生的、以短暂性近事遗忘为主要特点的临床综合征。多在 2 4小时内完全恢复。本文就其临床特点、病因和发病机制、辅助检查、治疗和预后作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

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