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The Barber Suggestibility Scale (BSS) and the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale, Form A (SHSS:A) were administered, under both imagination and hypnotic-induction instructions, to 2 samples of 40 high-school students. The 2 scales were sufficiently correlated (.62 to .78, for objective and subjective scores) to indicate that, in general, they measure responses in the same broad domain. There is, however, a greater discrepancy between objective and subjective scores on the BSS than on the SHSS:A. The subjective scores are not independent of the objective scores, but correct the objective scores for pressure toward social compliance. Both scales are satisfactory for preliminary S-selection but limited as criteria for the range of hypnotic responsiveness.  相似文献   

Acute poisoning. A comparison of hypnotic drugs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
H Matthew  P Roscoe  N Wright 《The Practitioner》1972,208(244):254-258

OBJECTIVE: The usefulness of standardized test scores as an admission requirement for the University of Washington Medical Technology Program (UWMTP) was evaluated. Scores from the Allied Health Professions Admissions Test (AHPAT) were used. DESIGN: Student data (n = 183) were analyzed and evaluated statistically using Pearson correlation and Cox proportional hazards regression analyses. Sensitivity and specificity for several admissions criteria were calculated. SETTING: The UWMTP is a 2 + 2 medical technology program (MTP) located in a large public university. PARTICIPANTS: Student records for classes of 1993 through 2000 were reviewed. Eligibility for inclusion was based on completeness of student record. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Several admission criteria were analyzed for their ability to predict success in the UWMTP and on the ASCP Board of Registry (BOR) certification examination, and for their sensitivity and specificity. RESULTS: Pearson correlations for the AHPAT total score were r = 0.402 with the MTP GPA and r = 0.414 with the BOR exam. Cox proportional hazards regression analysis defined the decreased likelihood of failure for each unit increase in the test score. For the MTP GPA, the risk decrease was 0.8% for the AHPAT total and 2.8% for the Biology subtest. For the BOR exam, the risk decrease was 0.8% for the AHPAT total and 2.8% for the Verbal subtest. The admissions criteria selected based on specificity (26.7%) and maximum sensitivity (100%) was one in which the student must achieve at least two of the following three scores: AHPAT total > or = 150, Biology subtest score > or = 10, Verbal subtest score > or = 5. CONCLUSIONS: Scores on a standardized test can be used to predict success in a MTP and on the ASCP BOR exam.  相似文献   

Because of the prominence of relaxation instructions and suggestions of sleep within common hypnotic induction procedures, it seemed a reasonable conjecture that, in comparison to the customary sitting posture, a lying-down posture would facilitate hypnosis and a standing posture inhibit it. A preliminary experiment, using a slightly modified, tape-recorded Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale, Form C, failed to support either hypothesis. A subsequent experiment under improved conditions with 20 Ss in each group (standing, sitting, and lying down) also showed no significant difference of mean hypnotic susceptibility scores between any 2 of the conditions.

Although Ss expressed dislike for the standing posture, the only objective disadvantage seemed to be some dizziness or nausea generated for some Ss (5 out of 39 tested in the standing condition). No clear evidence exists that this effect is to be attributed to hypnosis rather than to standing with eyes closed for an appreciable time.

The results show that hypnotic behavior may be little affected by the concomitant requirements of maintaining a standing or sitting posture, even with the use of an induction which emphasizes relaxation.  相似文献   

This paper presents data from a programmatic series of studies that varied the range of conditions affecting potential increase of recall, memory distortions, and distortions of confidence during and following hypnosis. All the studies used a paradigm that exposed Ss to misleading information some time before memory was tested and applied procedures in the hypnotic setting to analyze memory performance in both recognition and free recall. Results from the program failed to demonstrate any increment in accurate memory due to hypnosis, and the accuracy of memory reports in hypnosis was at times significantly reduced. Further, hypnotic recall was distinctively distorted when false information was introduced after, rather than before hypnosis. Results were discussed in relation to the role hypnotic as opposed to contextual variables may play in explaining Ss' memory test performances, and some legal implications are drawn from the data.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In an analytical evaluation, commercially available ELISA test kits for detection of antibodies directed against extractable nuclear antigens (ENA) were compared with the currently used combination of counterimmunoelectrophoresis and immunoblotting. DESIGN: Three screening ELISAs and two typing ELISAs were tested. These methods were fairly simple, easy to perform and "user friendly," because most of the reagents were ready to use. RESULTS: The agreement with the current methods was good, but the screening as well as typing ELISAs proved to be more sensitive, especially with regard to detection of SS-A auto-antibodies. The cut-off range of one screening assay was not well established and one typing assay suffered from problems with inaccuracy of package insert, purity of antigen and standardisation of reactivity (possibly caused by differences in amount of coated antigen). The other three ELISAs were reliable and sensitive for detection of ENA auto-antibodies. CONCLUSIONS: The ELISA ENA screen assays ENA-LISA polyvalent and Milenia ENA screen and typing assays ENA-LISA are reliable and sensitive for detection of autoantibodies in clinical specimens without substantial false negatives.  相似文献   

A sample of 398 Ss was tested in groups of from 8 to 20 people on the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, Form A (HGSHS:A) of Shor and E. Orne (1962). Retrospective depth reports for each of the 12 HGSHS:A items were taken in order to extend Tart's findings (1970, 1972) on susceptibility and depth. The Ss were tested over 2 successive years in samples of N = 220 and N = 178. Since results were almost identical for each year (thus constituting a replication), the data were pooled for this report.

A remarkable consistency in patterns of subjective depth across the 12 items of HGSHS:A was found, particularly noticeable in Items 7, 8, 9, and 10 for 4 susceptibility groups (high, high-medium, low-medium and low-susceptible Ss) which appeared to reflect differential item difficulties. In addition, all correlations between reported depth and HGSHS:A total scores were high and statistically significant. While the findings are in general accord with those of Tart (1970, 1972), further research is required in order to determine the underlying basis of depth reports, and the degree to which experimental reports of susceptibility and clinical reports of depth reflect similar experiential aspects of hypnosis.  相似文献   

目的评价直接药敏试验和常规药敏试验在血液细菌感染中的临床应用意义。方法随机选取2012年3月至2014年5月广州中医药大学附属新会中医院280份血培养阳性标本,对上述280份标本分别予以直接药物敏感试验和常规药敏试验,研究2种检测结果的细菌鉴定结果以及药敏结果在2种不同方法中的相关性。结果直接细菌鉴定法与常规细菌鉴定法的一致性为92.5%,2种检测方式的敏感度、药物耐药及中度敏感的符合率比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论直接药敏试验可以缩短血培养阳性标本的报告时间,有效指导临床合理选用抗菌药物。  相似文献   

This article reviews and summarizes electroencephalographic (EEG)-based research on physiological and cognitive indicators of hypnotic responding and hypnotic susceptibility, with special attention to the author's programmatic research in this area. Evidence that differences in attention levels may account for hypnotic depth and individual differences in hypnotizability is provided with traditional EEG rhythms, event-related potentials, and 40-Hz EEG activity. The alteration of stimulus perception may be a secondary effect with respect to allocation of attentional resources. In both nonhypnosis and hypnosis conditions, high hypnotizables appeared to show greater task-related EEG hemispheric shifts than did low hypnotizables. Findings concerning cognitive and physiological correlates of hypnotic analgesia are discussed with respect to hemispheric functioning in the apparent control of focused and sustained attention. The conclusion is that although a definitive EEG-based signature for hypnosis and hypnotizability is not yet established, there are a number of promising leads.  相似文献   

In a study to formulate regression equations which could be used to predict performance on the licensing examinations of graduates of an associate degree nursing program, selected sets of National League for Nursing achievement test scores were found to be effective predictors of state board examination (SBE) scores. When test score records of graduates for the years 1969-1974 were subjected to stepwise multiple regression analysis, prediction equations were empirically validated by correlation of predicted SBE scores with actual SBE scores obtained by graduates of the program.  相似文献   

用传统徒手肌力检查(MHF)和MVC-I型电子肌力仪定量检测技术对70例神经肌肉障碍者瘫侧膝伸肌、肘屈肌和髋屈肌的最大等长随意收缩肌力(MVC)进行测定。结果表明,两种方法所获3个肌群百分率显著相关(P<0.001),但差异显著(P<0.01)。这意味着两种测力方法可以互相取代,但在反映量的程度上有明显区別。作者认为在临床康复肌力评定中,对于3级以上的肌力辅以定量检测较理想。  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between pain distribution and measures of self-reported behavioral functioning, pain intensity, frequency, and quality in 51 patients with chronic pain. Results indicate that patients with more distributed pain report their pain as more disruptive to important areas of functioning and also report their pain as more intense and frequent. These results corroborate previous findings and suggest that pain distribution may be used as a useful clinical marker of disability status in chronic pain patients.  相似文献   

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