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【摘要】 目的:分析色努支具治疗青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,AIS)的临床疗效,探讨治疗过程中的弯型变化。方法:2016年10月~2021年11月采用色努支具治疗AIS患者75例,其中女性69例,男性6例,初始年龄11.9±1.0岁,初始主弯Cobb角29.8°±8.5°,初始Risser征≤2级。收集患者的临床及影像学资料,包括年龄、性别、初潮时间、每日佩戴时长、初次治疗前和末次随访时的脊柱全长X线片。所有患者随访至结束支具治疗后1年。使用主弯分型和改良Lenke分型(modified Lenke classification system,mLenke)统计患者弯型,分析不同弯型患者的支具疗效和弯型变化情况。结果:所有患者经过25.7±10.8个月的支具治疗,结束支具治疗时年龄14.2±1.2岁,主弯Cobb角27.6°±12.0°。其中63例患者侧凸控制,12例患者侧凸进展,23例患者接受手术治疗。主腰弯型患者支具成功率和侧凸控制率高于主胸弯患者(P=0.043,P=0.003)。各mLenke分型患者的支具治疗成功率及侧凸控制率存在差异(P<0.001,P=0.005),其中,Ⅴ型患者支具成功率和侧凸控制率最高,Ⅳ型患者支具治疗成功率最低,Ⅱ型患者侧凸控制率最低。支具治疗前后,各主弯分型患者数量比例存在差异(P=0.019),各mLenke分型患者数量比例无统计学差异(P=0.071)。各主弯分型(P<0.001)和各mLenke分型(P=0.020)的弯型变化率存在差异。两种弯型分类系统中,弯型变化患者和未变化患者的支具治疗成功率和侧凸控制率未见明显差异。结论:不同弯型AIS患者的色努支具疗效存在差异,以胸弯为主弯的患者相较于以腰弯为主弯的患者支具疗效较差;治疗过程中患者可能发生以主弯上移为趋势的弯型变化;不同弯型患者的弯型变化率和弯型转归不同,弯型变化也可发生于侧凸控制或矫正的患者中。  相似文献   



To investigate whether the predisposition genes previously reported to be associated with the occurrence or curve severity of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) play a role in the effectiveness of brace treatment.  相似文献   

目的 :分析发育成熟的女性青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,AIS)患儿在停止支具治疗后长期随访中的侧凸进展情况,并探讨其相关因素。方法:回顾性分析于我院门诊就诊符合SRS(scoliosis research society)支具治疗标准的女性AIS患儿130例,初诊年龄11.8±1.4岁(10~14岁)。所有患儿均随访至支具治疗结束后至少2年,且至少具有佩戴支具后初次随访、停止支具治疗时、停止支具治疗后6个月、1年、2年及末次随访时的资料。在每次随访时的全脊柱正位X线片上测量主弯侧凸Cobb角,并评估侧凸进展超过5°的患儿及比例、侧凸进展度数和进展速率。末次随访时侧凸进展超过5°定义为侧凸进展,采用独立样本t检验比较侧凸进展组和非进展组患儿的初诊年龄、月经初潮年龄、初诊Cobb角、初始矫正率、停止支具治疗年龄。结果:与停止支具治疗时相比,停止支具治疗后6个月、1年、2年及末次随访时的侧凸进展超过5°的患儿分别为33例(25.4%)、42例(32.3%)、61例(46.9%)和63例(48.5%);侧凸进展度数分别为2.0°±4.4°、3.2°±5.0°、4.9°±5.5°和5.1°±6.9°;侧凸进展速率分别为0.33°±0.71°/月、0.20°±0.41°/月、0.14°±0.29°/月和0.01°±0.19°/月。停止支具治疗后侧凸非进展组和进展组患儿的初诊年龄、月经初潮年龄、初诊Cobb角、初始矫正率、停止支具治疗时年龄等无显著性差异(P0.05),而停止支具治疗时的Cobb角有统计学差异(P0.05)。结论:行支具治疗的AIS患儿停止支具治疗后仍有较高的侧凸进展风险,停止支具治疗后的6个月内为侧凸进展高风险和高速率期;停止支具治疗时的侧凸Cobb角越大发生侧凸进展的风险越高。  相似文献   

目的 :观察色努支具治疗青少年特发性脊柱侧凸的疗效,探究影响疗效的相关因素。方法 :2016年1月~2018年6月采用色努支具治疗的青少年特发性脊柱侧凸患者49例,其中女性46例,男性3例,治疗初始年龄12.6±1.3岁(10~15岁),初始主弯Cobb角32.5°±6.9°(20°~45°),初始Risser征2.2±1.6。收集患者的临床资料:年龄、每日佩戴时间等信息;影像学资料:初始、佩戴支具即刻和随访的系列脊柱全长X线片。通过佩戴支具即刻X线片计算初始支具矫正率。评估治疗后结果:Cobb角减少≥6°定义为“改善”,Cobb角变化5°以内定义为“稳定”,Cobb角增大≥6°定义为“进展”,前两者为治疗成功。观察初始支具矫正率在各组结果中的差异;分析畸形进展的患者相关因素:畸形严重程度(20°~29°,30°~39°及40°~45°三组)、Risser征(0~4)和侧凸类型(胸弯、胸腰弯/腰弯、双主弯三种类型);并分析影响初始支具矫正率的可能因素。结果:49例患者平均治疗2.0±1.0年,所有患儿每天支具佩戴时间在18~20h以上,依从性良好。随访2.0±1.0年(1~5年),末次...  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to compare the results of brace treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) in male patients with matched female patients and to assess the effectiveness of bracing of boys in AIS and to discuss the results with published data. Between 1987 and 1995, 51 consecutive male patients with AIS were treated with the Boston brace. The patients were advised to wear the brace 23 h/day. The medical records of all patients were reviewed. Cobb angles and Risser signs were measured before bracing, in brace, at brace discontinuation and at final follow-up. Everyone of 51 male patients was compared with a female patient who was treated by the same method and matched by Risser sign, curve pattern, curve magnitude and duration of treatment and follow-up time. Compliance with brace was noted at every visit. Fourteen boys had worn the brace only during nighttime or occasionally and were considered non-compliant. Only compliant patients with treatment period > 1 year and follow-up > 1 year after treatment were accepted for the analyses of effectiveness of brace treatment and its prognostic factors. Thirty-three boys met these inclusion criteria. Bracing was considered to have a failure if > 5° progression occurred or if surgery was performed. At the final follow-up study progression > 5° was found in 16/51 (31.4%) of male patients. Corresponding figures of female patients were 11/51 (21.6%), respectively. In compliant boys progression > 5° occurred in 6/33 boys compared with 9/33 girls. The association between risk of progression and correction% in brace was statistically significant. The overall results of brace treatment of idiopathic scoliosis in male patients were inferior compared with matched females. One reason for inferior overall results in boys was poor compliance with brace wear. However, brace treatment in AIS may be recommended with the same principles in both genders.  相似文献   

目的:探讨青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,AIS)患者脊柱柔韧性的可能影响因素.方法:选取2006年12月~2008年4月在我院脊柱外科手术治疗的204例AIS患者,男性36例,女性168例,平均年龄15.0岁;平均Cobb角50.1°;平均Risser征3.4度;主弯跨度平均6.8个椎体;主弯顶椎旋转度平均2.0度.摄站立位全脊柱正侧位及仰卧左右侧屈位X线片,计算主弯柔韧性.采用相关分析研究各临床指标与主弯柔韧性的相关性.结果:女性AIS患者的脊柱柔韧性明显高于男性(P<0.05);胸腰弯组和腰弯组AIS患者的脊柱柔韧性显著大于胸弯组(P<0.05),胸腰弯和腰弯组之间无显著性差异(P>0.05).女性AIS患者中的年龄及主弯Cobb角(站立位与侧屈位)均与脊柱柔韧性显著负相关(P<0.05),且胸弯女性AIS患者的月经初潮至手术时间及顶椎旋转度也与脊柱柔韧性显著负相关(P<0.05).男性胸弯AIS患者中侧屈位主弯Cobb角、胸腰弯/腰弯组中主弯Cobb角(站立位与侧屈位)均与脊柱柔韧性显著负相关(P<0.05).主弯跨度及Risser征与脊柱柔韧性均无明显相关性(P>0.05).结论:女性AIS患者脊住柔韧性受年龄、月经初潮至手术时间、主弯Cobb角(站立位与侧屈位)、弯型及顶椎旋转度等因素影响;男性AIS患者的脊柱侧凸柔韧性主要受主弯Cobb角及弯型影响.  相似文献   

目的:观察支具治疗对女性青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(AIS)患者肺功能的影响。方法:2001年2月~2009年12月283例女性AIS患者在我院接受矫形手术治疗,术前检测患者用力肺活量(FVC)、第1秒用力呼气容积(FEV1),记录预计值、实测值及实测值占预计值百分比。根据术前是否曾接受支具治疗分为2组,支具治疗组80例(A组),未接受支具治疗组203例(B组)。分析2组患者术前肺功能参数的差异,同时对A组患者肺功能FVC及FEV1的实测值占预计值百分比(FVC%、FEV1%)与术时年龄、身高、主弯冠状面Cobb角、主侧凸累及节段数、主胸弯矢状面Cobb角、每日支具治疗时间、支具治疗总时长进行多元线性回归分析。结果:A、B组患者FVC预计值分别为3.23±0.40L和3.20±0.40L,FEV1预计值分别为2.76±0.40L和2.73±0.30L,A组与B组比较均无统计学差异(P>0.05);A、B组FVC实测值分别为2.58±0.60L和2.72±0.60L,FEV1实测值分别为2.34±0.50L和2.49±0.50L,A、B组FVC%分别为(80.3±16.5)%和(85.4±16.5)%、FEV1%分别为(85.6±18.4)%和(91.3±16.9)%,A组FEV1实测值、FVC%及FEV1%较B组均明显降低(P<0.05),其中主弯为胸弯患者(173例)明显(P<0.05),而主弯为胸腰弯/腰弯患者(110例)不明显(P>0.05)。A组患者中,胸段侧凸矢状面Cobb角与FVC%、FEV1%呈正相关(P<0.05),支具治疗总时长与FEV1%呈负相关(P<0.05);而术时年龄、身高、主弯冠状面Cobb角、主侧凸累及节段数、每日支具治疗时间(8~23h,平均18.7h)与FVC%及FEV1%均无显著相关性(P>0.05)。结论:支具治疗可使女性青少年特发性胸段脊柱侧凸患者肺功能FVC%及FEV1%下降,支具治疗总时长和胸段侧凸矢状面Cobb角可能是影响患者肺功能FVC%及FEV1%的相关因素。  相似文献   

For treatment of teenagers with progressive adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in an early stage, two options are generally considered: treatment with a brace or observation followed by surgery if necessary. Many doctors and patients prefer conservative treatment (i.e. brace treatment) to surgical treatment, because surgery of the spine is generally considered a drastic intervention. Because potential differences in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) after treatment between braced and surgically treated patients are not well explored, this study aimed to determine whether short-term differences exist in HRQoL between adolescents treated with a brace or treated surgically. A cross-sectional analysis of HRQoL was made of 109 patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis who, after completing treatment, filled out the Dutch SRS-22 Patient Questionnaire. All patients had been treated either with a brace or surgery, or with a brace followed by surgery. Patients treated surgically had significantly higher mean scores in the satisfaction with management domain than those treated with a brace. No other consistent differences in HRQoL were found between patients treated with a brace and patients treated surgically. Gender, curve type and curve size had no relevant effect on HRQoL. We conclude that short-term differences in HRQoL after treatment in adolescent patients with idiopathic scoliosis are negligible and cannot support preference of one treatment above the other. The NESCIO group: H.D. Been, MD, PhD, L.N.J.E.M. Coene, MD, PhD, H. Creemers, MD, A.J. de Gruijter, MD, PhD, A.A.J.M. Hazebroek-Kampschreur, MD, PhD, P. Klop, MD, H.J.A. Kruls, MD, PhD, P.J.M. van Loon, MD, L.C.F. Luttmer, MD, F. de Nies, MD, J.E.H. Pruijs, MD, PhD, L.W. van Rhijn, MD, PhD, M.P. Teeuwen, MD, P.A. Wiegersma, MD, PhD.  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同弯型青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,AIS)患者脊柱-骨盆矢状面平衡情况。方法:回顾性分析2013年9月~2014年12月我科收治的161例AIS患者,其中男34例,女127例,年龄12~17岁(14.6±2.1岁)。在术前站立位全脊柱正侧位X线片上测量主弯Cobb角、颈椎角(cervical sagittal alignment,CSA)、胸椎后凸角(thoracic kyphosis,TK)、腰椎前凸角(lumbar lordosis,LL)、骨盆入射角(pelvic incidence,PI)、骨盆倾斜角(pelvic tilt,PT)、骶骨倾斜角(sacrum slope,SS)以及C7铅垂线与S1后上缘的水平距离(sagittal vertical axis,SVA)。根据不同弯型将AIS患者分为单胸弯组、双胸弯组和腰弯组,比较3组间脊柱-骨盆矢状位参数的差异,采用Pearson相关性分析对各参数间的相关性进行分析。结果:单胸弯组61例,其中男13例,女48例,主弯Cobb角为51.2°±8.7°;双胸弯组40例,其中男7例,女33例,主弯Cobb角为53.7°±5.2°;腰弯组60例,男14例,女46例,主弯Cobb角为48.9°±4.8°。3组患者年龄及性别分布均无统计学差异(P0.05)。3组间Cobb角大小的差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。单胸弯组的CSA、TK均显著小于双胸弯和腰弯组(P0.05),但后两组间的差异无统计学意义(P0.05),余各项矢状面参数3组间无统计学差异(P0.05)。在3组患者中,CSA与TK均呈显著性正相关(单胸弯组r=0.73,P0.05;双胸弯组r=0.29,P0.05;腰弯组r=0.60,P0.05),但与LL及骨盆参数(PI、SS、PT)无显著相关性(P0.05)。双胸弯组TK与LL呈正相关性(r=0.40,P0.05),而在另外两组则无相关性(P0.05)。结论 :单胸弯型AIS患者较双胸弯型和腰弯型患者具有更小的颈椎前凸,3种弯型AIS患者的颈椎前凸均与TK呈正相关。单胸弯型患者的TK较另外两种弯型患者更小。双胸弯型患者的TK与LL密切相关,而单胸弯型与腰弯型患者的TK与LL无关。  相似文献   

目的:探讨青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,AIS)不同弯型及不同Cobb角与SRS-22问卷各维度评分的相关性。方法:对2010年6月~2011年7月在我科就诊且填写SRS-22简体中文版问卷的272例未经任何治疗的女性AIS患者进行回顾性分析。根据冠状面Cobb角将所有患者分为小Cobb角(20°~39°)和大Cobb角(40°~75°)两组,并根据弯型特征将每组患者分为单胸弯、单胸腰弯/腰弯、双胸弯、胸腰双弯四个亚组。对同一Cobb角组内不同弯型亚组间和不同Cobb角组间同一弯型患者的SRS-22问卷各维度评分差异均采用Kruskal-Wallis检验。结果:小Cobb角组单胸弯和单胸腰弯/腰弯患者的功能活动、自我形象、精神健康评分明显高于大Cobb角组的患者(P<0.05),双胸弯患者的功能活动评分和总分均显著优于大Cobb角组的患者(P<0.05)。在小Cobb角组中,单胸弯患者的功能活动评分显著高于单胸腰弯/腰弯和胸腰双弯患者(P<0.05);自我形象评分双胸弯患者明显低于单胸弯患者和单胸腰弯/腰弯患者(P<0.05)。在大Cobb角组中,胸腰双弯患者的疼痛评分明显低于单胸弯患者(P<0.05);自我形象评分双胸弯患者明显低于其他三种弯型患者(P<0.05)。结论:在轻中度女性AIS中,Cobb角大小及弯型特征对患者的SRS-22问卷评分会造成一定程度的影响,其中双胸弯对患者的自我形象评分的影响尤为明显。  相似文献   

目的 :分析青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,AIS)患者支具治疗后功能性动作特征,建立并验证列线图模型预测疗效不佳风险。方法:收集2020年3月~2022年3月在我院行支具治疗的AIS患者作训练集,治疗前、初次随访时和治疗后均行功能性动作测试;同标准收集2022年4月~2022年8月在我院行支具治疗的AIS患者为验证集。根据治疗1年后侧凸进展度数是否>5°将训练集患者分为稳定组(≤5°)和进展组(>5°),比较组间资料;采用Spearman相关性分析法分析变量间的相关性;采用Logistic回归模型筛选疗效不佳的危险因素;应用R软件建立列线图预测模型,以受试者操作特征(receiver operating characteristic,ROC)曲线下面积(area under curve,AUC)和校准曲线评价该模型的区分度与准确性。以训练集Bootstrap自抽样前后预测风险值为检验变量、患者实际预后情况为状态变量进行内部验证;验证集Bootstrap自抽样随机化后对模型进行外部验证。结果:训练集共纳入AIS患者102...  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Zhao L  Wang R  Ye ZX  Jie Q  Sun XT 《中华外科杂志》2007,45(8):529-532
目的评价支具治疗青少年特发性脊柱侧凸的临床疗效,分析影响疗效的相关因素,并探讨支具治疗的适应证。方法对79例接受支具治疗的青少年特发性脊柱侧凸患者进行随访,记录患者的Cobb角,侧凸类型,女性患者初潮与否,坐高,站高,Risser征,顶椎旋转度等。结果随访12~60个月,平均23.9个月。末次随访时21例(26.6%)畸形明显进展,40例(50.6%)畸形维持或稍进展,18例(22.8%)畸形改善。初诊时原发弯Cobb角〉45°组侧凸进展率较Cobb角≤35°组高,侧凸改善率较Cobb角≤35°组低(P〈0.05);顶椎旋转度Ⅲ°以上组侧凸进展率较0~Ⅱ°组高,侧凸改善率较0~Ⅱ°组低(P〈0.05)。侧凸类型、Risser征等参数不同的患者畸形进展和改善的比率均存在不同程度的差别,但差异不具有显著性(P〉0.05)。结论矫形支具能够有效控制或改善轻、中度特发性脊柱侧凸畸形。单独借助Risser征预测侧凸畸形变化趋势并不可靠。初始Cobb角〉45°,顶椎旋转度在Ⅲ°以上的患者,如果支具治疗的效果不佳,应考虑尽早手术矫形。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess the results of treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) with the Providence nighttime brace at 1.8 years after discontinuation of bracing. A total of 36 consecutive female patients with an average Cobb angle of 28.4° and an apex below T 10 were studied prospectively. For comparisons, 36 matched patients treated with the Boston full-time brace were studied retrospectively. With the Providence night brace an average of 92% for brace correction of the primary curve was achieved and during follow-up progression of the curve >5° occurred in 27% of the patients. In the control group of the Boston full-time brace patients, brace correction was 50% and the progression of the major curve occurred in 22% of the patients. We conclude that the Providence night brace may be recommended for the treatment of AIS with curves less than 35° in lumbar and thoracolumbar cases.  相似文献   

目的:探讨Cheneau支具佩戴依从性与高侧凸进展风险青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(adolescent idiopathicscoliosis,AIS)患者侧凸进展的关系,比较不同依从性患者的健康相关生存质量.方法:2007年1月~2012年12月,在我院行Cheneau支具治疗的高侧凸进展风险AIS患者73例,初诊时平均年龄为12.8±1.2岁,平均主弯Cobb角31.4°±6.0°,平均Risser征为0.7±0.8级.所有患者每3~6个月定期复查,行临床及影像学检查,摄站立位脊柱全长正侧位X线片.在末次随访时每位患者填写健康相关生存质量问卷量表.侧凸进展定义为末次随访Cobb角大于初诊6°以上或治疗期间建议行矫形手术(Cobb角>45°),其余为非进展.依从定义为患者每天坚持佩戴支具时间≥22h直至随访终止,否则视为不依从.随访结束后根据患者依从性不同将患者分为2组,应用独立样本t检验和卡方检验分析依从性对患者侧凸进展及健康相关生存质量的影响.结果:平均随访时间为1.8±0.8年.根据依从性定义,47例(64%)患者被纳入依从组,26例(36%)纳入不依从组.依从组患者末次随访时主弯Cobb角(28.9°±11.7°)明显小于不依从组(38.6°±11.6°),有统计学差异(P<0.01).依从组侧凸进展率明显低于不依从组(OR 5.7,95%CI 1.9~16.8,P<0.01).末次随访时不依从组自我形象/外观、精神健康、治疗满意度三个维度的得分均低于依从组(P<0.01);不依从组患者欧洲五维健康量表得分亦明显低于依从组(P<0.01).结论:良好的支具佩戴依从性可降低高侧凸进展风险AIS患者的侧凸进展率,提高患者健康相关生存质量.  相似文献   



To study family history in relation to curve severity, gender, age at diagnosis and treatment in idiopathic scoliosis.


A self-assessment questionnaire on family history of scoliosis was administered to 1,463 untreated, brace or surgically treated idiopathic scoliosis patients.


Out of the 1,463 patients, 51 % had one or more relatives with scoliosis. There was no significant difference between females and males, nor between juvenile and adolescent study participants in this respect (p = 0.939 and 0.110, respectively). There was a significant difference in maximum curve size between patients with one or more relatives with scoliosis (median 35°, interquartile range 25) and patients without any relative with scoliosis (median 32°, interquartile range 23) (p = 0.022). When stratifying patients according to treatment (observation, brace treatment or surgery), we found that it was more common to have a relative with scoliosis among the treated patients (p = 0.011). The OR for being treated was 1.32 (95 % CI 1.06–1.64) when the patient had a relative with scoliosis, compared to not having.


Larger curve sizes were found in patients with a family history of scoliosis than in the ones without. No relation between family history and gender or between family history and age at onset of idiopathic scoliosis was found. Although the presence of a family history of scoliosis may not be a strong prognostic risk factor, it indicates that these patients are at higher risk of developing a more severe curve.  相似文献   


Background context

Prognostic factors for curve progression of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) have been reported previously. There is only one existing rule that classifies AIS patients into two groups by a curvature of 25°.


This study aimed to develop a more refined risk classification rule for AIS.

Study design

This was a retrospective cohort study.

Patient sample

We examined 2,308 untreated AIS patients, aged 10 years and older, who had a Risser sign of 2 and lesser and a curvature less than 30° at presentation.

Outcome measures

Outcome was taken as the time to progression to 30°.


Patients' clinical parameters were analyzed by Classification and Regression Tree analysis.


The new classification rule identified four risk groups of curve progression. Patients with a curvature of 26° and more and less than 18° constituted the highest and lowest risk groups, respectively. The two intermediate groups were identified by the age (11.3 years), menarcheal status, and body height (154 cm).


The risk classification rule only uses information at the first presentation and can aid physicians in deriving an efficient management.  相似文献   

Background contextAdolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) patients treated before the 1990s have a 1% to 2% increased lifetime risk of developing breast and thyroid cancer as a result of ionizing radiation from plain radiographs. Although present plain radiographic techniques have been able to reduce some of the radiation exposure, modern treatment algorithms for scoliosis often include computed tomography (CT) and intraoperative fluoroscopy. The exact magnitude of exposure to ionizing radiation in adolescents during modern scoliosis treatment is therefore unclear.PurposeTo determine the difference in radiation exposures in patients undergoing various forms of treatment for AIS.Study designRetrospective cohort.Patient samplePatients aged 9 to 18 years with a diagnosis of AIS, followed and/or treated with nonoperative or operative management for a minimum of 2 years.Outcome measuresNumber of radiographs and total radiation exposure calculated.MethodsThe charts and radiographs of patients managed for AIS at a single institution between September 2007 and January 2012 were reviewed. Patients were divided into three groups: operative group, braced group, and observation group. Patient demographics, Cobb angles, and curve types were recorded. The number of radiographs per year that each patient received and the total radiation dose were recorded. The plain radiographic radiation exposure was then combined with the direct exposure recording from ancillary tests, such as fluoroscopy and CT, and a radiation exposure rate was calculated (mrad/y). A single-factor analysis of variance (α=0.01) with a Tukey honest significant difference post hoc analysis was used to test significance between groups.ResultsTwo hundred sixty-seven patients were evaluated: 86 operative, 80 brace, and 101 observation. All groups had similar demographics and curve type distribution. The mean initial Cobb angle at presentation was significantly different between the groups: operative (57°±11°), brace (24°±7.9°), and observation (18°±9.4°) (p<.01). There was a significant difference among the groups in terms of the mean number of radiographs received per year; operative group, 12.2 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 10.8–13.5; p<.001); braced group, 5.7 (95% CI: 5.2–6.2; p<.001), and observed group, 3.5 (95% CI: 3.160–3.864; p<.001). The operative group received 1,400 mrad per year (95% CI: 1,350–1,844; p<.001), braced group received 700 mrad per year (95% CI: 598–716; p<.001), and observed group received 400 mrad per year (95% CI: 363–444; p<.001). Importantly, 78% of radiation in the operative group was attributable to the operative fluoroscopy exposure.ConclusionsSignificant differences exist in the total radiation exposure in scoliosis patients with different treatment regimens, with operative patients receiving approximately 8 to 14 times more radiation than braced patients or those undergoing observation alone, respectively. Operative patients also receive more than twice the radiation per year than braced or observed patients. Almost 78% of the annual radiation exposure for operative patients occurs intraoperatively. Because children are notably more sensitive to the carcinogenic effects of ionizing radiation, judicious use of present imaging methods and a search for newer imaging methods with limited ionizing radiation should be undertaken.  相似文献   

三维矫形手术治疗青少年特发性脊柱侧凸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:回顾分析三维矫形内固定手术治疗青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(AIS)的临床效果。探讨手术相关融合区的选择问题。方法:2001年-2006年在我院行三维矫形内固定手术的AIS患者78例。男27例,女51例,年龄10~18岁,平均15.6岁,其中LenkeI型38例,Lenke Ⅱ型6例,LenkeⅢ型11例.LenkeⅣ型1例,LenkeV型14例,LenkeVI型8例。术前冠状面Cobb角平均560,顶椎偏距平均5.9cm。躯干偏移距离平均2.8cm。根据患者畸形类型和柔韧性选择融合范围。术后及随访时在X线片上测量主弯冠状面的Cobb角、顶椎偏距、躯干偏移距离。结果:术后随访1~5年,平均28个月,冠状面Cobb角平均残留230,矫正率为59%;终末随访平均丢失4.5^o,丢失率为8%;顶椎偏距平均残留2.7cm,矫正率为55%,终末随访时平均丢失0.5cm。丢失率为8.5%;终末随访时躯干偏移距离平均1.4cm。结论:三维矫形内固定手术能有效改善AIS畸形。根据畸形特点选择正确的融合区进行适度的矫正是手术成功的关键。  相似文献   



To report on the current technologies and methods supplementing brace treatment in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.


A comprehensive literature review was performed to determine the effectiveness of bracing, to report on imaging techniques that can assist in the assessment of bracing, to understand the roles of the biomechanical treatment concepts on bracing and to address the importance of the quality of life of the brace wearers.


The effectiveness of bracing still remains controversial. Many technologies are still in development to improve the bracing process and quantify the effects of bracing. Imaging techniques with decreased or no radiation are promising in providing more frequent data on curve progression for patients. Computer-assisted design models have been used for both fitting and manufacturing the brace to patient contours. Ultrasound has been developed as a new means of diagnosing scoliosis and determining the effects of a brace on a patient’s spine in real time. The brace treatment outcomes are correlated to the quantity and the quality of brace usage. Compliance monitors and force sensors have been developed to track the quality of brace usage. Improvements to brace wear also require consideration of patient quality of life. Surveys have been developed to describe the effects of family influence and self-image on bracing effectiveness of patient quality of life.


Bracing remains a highly qualitative process, relying on the empirical judgment of the physicians and orthotists, along with buy-in with the patient. The suggested improvements will help to push bracing into a more evidence-based practice.  相似文献   

Anterior open scoliosis surgery using the dual rod system is a safe and rather effective procedure for the correction of scoliosis (50–60 %). Thoracic hypokyphosis and rib hump correction with open anterior rather than posterior instrumentation appear to be the better approaches, although the latter is somewhat controversial with current posterior vertebral column derotation devices. In patients with Risser grade 0, hyperkyphosis and adding-on may occur with anterior thoracic spine instrumentation. Anterior thoracoscopic instrumentation provides a similar correction (65 %) with good cosmetic outcomes, but it is associated with a rather high risk of instrumentation (pull-out, pseudoarthrosis) and pulmonary complications. Approximately 80 % of patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) curves of >70° have restrictive lung disease or smaller than normal lung volumes. AIS patients undergoing anterior thoracotomy or anteroposterior surgery will demonstrate a significant decrease in percentage of predicted lung volumes during follow-up. The thoracoabdominal approach and thoracoscopic approach without thoracoplasty do not produce similar changes in detrimental lung volume. In patients with severe AIS (>90°), posterior-only surgery with TPS provides similar radiographic correction of the deformity (44 %) with better pulmonary function outcomes than anteroposterior surgery. Vascular spinal cord malfunction after segmental vessel ligation during anterior scoliosis surgery has been reported. Based on the current literature, the main indication for open anterior scoliosis instrumentation is Lenke 5C thoracolumbar or lumbar AIS curve with anterior instrumentation typically between T11 and L3.  相似文献   

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