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现如今,伴随社会经济的不断发展与时代的不断进步,我国医疗卫生事业也进入了飞速发展时期,为此,作为社会重要组织成员,现代医院不仅担任着救死扶伤的任务,而且其在促进社会经济发展与建设方面也发挥着重要.为此,为逐步完善医院管理,其人力资源管理部门身先士卒,必须积极做好医院内部人员统筹、各部门人员信息沟通、职工绩效与内部人力控...  相似文献   

为推动妇幼保健机构和计划生育服务机构的资源整合,采用现场问卷调查、专题小组访谈、个人深入访谈等方法调查了7个省的5个地市级和9个区县级14所完成了妇幼保健和计划生育整合的实施机构。了解其资源整合模式、资产归属、人员安置和人员薪酬分配等内容,梳理归纳了整合中存在的技术人员未得到有效补充、人员培养和配备不能满足新形势需求、免费计划生育技术服务政策落实受到影响、妇幼保健与计划生育信息整合有待加强、科室设置还需规范等问题,提出建立健全补偿与激励机制、加强人才队伍建设、加强绩效考核和薪酬管理、加强医疗服务机构价格管理和信息化建设、做好生育全程优质服务等建议,为我国妇幼保健和计划生育服务的资源整合提供借鉴。  相似文献   

对我市乡村两级卫生人力配置及培训的思考   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
在对该市卫生人力进行调查的基础上,对乡、村两级卫生人力配置和培训进行探讨。提出要建立健全乡、村卫生人员管理机制,合理配置和有效利用卫生人力资源;完善卫生人员岗位培训和考评制度,提高在职人员素质;卫生人力资源管理和人员培训必须同卫生工作有机结合,统筹规划,综合运作,增强协同性。  相似文献   

This article is based on a collaborative research study of policy and practice in national community health worker (CHW) programs in developing countries. The study involved a review of the relevant literature, case studies in Botswana, Colombia and Sri Lanka, and an international workshop where the future of such programs was discussed. The findings of this research are discussed under four headings: unrealistic expectations, poor initial planning, problems of sustainability, and the difficulties of maintaining quality. It is clear that existing national community health worker programs have suffered from conceptual and implementation problems. However, given the interest and political will, governments can address these problems by adopting more flexible approaches within their CHW programs, by planning for them within the context of all health sector activities rather than as a separate activity, and by immediately addressing weaknesses in task allocation, training and supervision. CHWs represent an important health resource, whose potential in extending coverage and providing a reasonable level of care to otherwise underserved populations must be fully tapped.  相似文献   

人力资源作为最为宝贵的社会资源之一,其创造性、能动性、价值性已日益得到充分体现。而传统的人事管理模式存在种种弊端,已经很难适应现代社会及卫生人才的发展需求。国有医院应当顺应时代发展,转变管理理念,重新定义和审视人才,提倡简约、科学、人性化的管理方式。通过整合评估现有人员,完善人力资源规划方案,做好人才储备工作,重视与离职人员的谈话记录等方式,充分体现出人文关怀,逐步实现由"以事为本"向"以人为本"的人力资源管理模式的转变,为医务工作者营造好升职空间和升值空间。  相似文献   

长沙市乡镇卫生院人力资源现状分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的 了解农村乡镇卫生院人力资源配置情况 ,为政府卫生行政部门合理配置卫生人力资源提供参考。方法 对 2 0 0 0年长沙市农村乡镇卫生院人力总量、人员构成、专业构成进行描述性分析。结果 卫生院卫生人力资源丰富 ,但分布不合理 ,总体素质偏低。建议 对乡镇卫生院卫技人员应合理调整、提高素质、充分发挥骨干作用。  相似文献   

The gigantic problem of controlling environmental pollution has been clearly recognized. A severe shortage of environmental health manpower has also been recognized and reported. Every available source must be investigated and utilized. The training and experience of US Air Force, US Army, and US Navy military preventive medicine subprofessional personnel are excellent and comprehensive. Although there are minor differences in emphasis between services, these personnel have training and experience sufficient to make them a valuable resource in the solution of environmental control programs. Fairly significant numbers are available each year and they can be utilized in civilian environmental programs. Although there are many problems In utilizing subprofessional personnel, action should be taken to insure maximum utilization of this important resource of environmental health manpower.  相似文献   

Two econometric models that can be used to study health manpower policies are described. Both are models of the entire health care system, treating both demand for and supply of health services and health manpower. The first is a macroeconometric model utilizing aggregate data to investigate issues in comprehensive health planning at the national, state, and substate levels. The second is a microsimulation model treating the interactions of individuals, health manpower personnel, health service institutions, and health professions educational institutions in the analysis of health manpower policies for the nation as a whole. The conceptualization of both models is presented and their current implementation status discussed.  相似文献   

目的分析某区域军队卫生人力资源配置存在的问题及其影响因素,为合理配置卫生人力资源及实现可持续发展提供建议。方法以现有资料、现场调查资料为基础,将描述性研究与分析性研究相结合,对某区域军队卫生人力资源配置的问题及影响因素进行系统分析。结果某区域军队卫生人力资源超缺编并存;医院、疗养院人才结构不尽合理;部队卫生机构技术水平不高,专业队伍不够稳定;卫生士官队伍编制不合理,培养层次较低。结论应优化卫生人力资源结构,提高部队卫生人才数量和质量,强化军医大学培养的地位与作用。  相似文献   

In the French-speaking countries of Africa the application of the health-for-all strategy has been inconsistent because of economic difficulties and management problems. The latter require a change in outlook and a heightened sense of responsibility among service providers and programme managers. In order to obtain suitable personnel, the authorities should match training to needs and devise sound policies for health manpower development.  相似文献   

Pakistan's public sector is organized in a federal system with many management and planning functions devolved to the 4 provincial governments. Provincial health secretariats lead on most policy and planning decisions for health services. The provinces employ health personnel, although the national Public Service Commission controls some key aspects of human resources management. Reporting the findings of a training needs assessment (TNA) for health personnel in the provincial health services of Punjab, the authors show how TNA can be used systematically to improve the quality of health professional training. They also discuss the extent to which better training could contribute to improved health management capacity in Pakistan, and describe the context and problems of Pakistan's health services, focusing upon management capacity, and the methods and results of a training needs assessment conducted to address the problems. A final section covers the usefulness of the TNA method in Pakistan and its applicability to other countries. Moreover, the implications of decentralization and the problems of preparing training plans in the absence of decentralized structures are discussed.  相似文献   

If medical manpower planning is to be successful in terms of providing the correct future manpower levels to produce the desired (efficient) health care services then the planners must recognise the ultimate objectives of the provision of health care services and the production relationship between the services provided (inputs) and the effects on patient health status (outputs). Furthermore the planning of medical manpower should not be done in isolation under the implicit assumption that other important inputs will be available as required but should be part of an overall planning process for the future production of improvements in health status. Having determined the objectives for outputs the future levels of different types of manpower will depend on the identification of the efficient mix of inputs. In addition the values of other variables influencing the production relationship (e.g. trends in the consumption of certain goods) should be considered in the planning process since observed trends show that they do not remain constant over time.  相似文献   

医院人力资源管理水平的高低对医院能否产出安全有效的卫生服务有着重大影响。JCI标准从人力资源的规划、人才招聘、员工考核评价、继续教育、档案管理等方面对医院人力资源管理水平的改进有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   

目的了解青岛市卫生技术人员的现况,对其需求量进行预测,为卫生规划提供依据。方法根据1988年-2009年青岛市的卫生技术人员人数、人口数及国民生产总值等指标,用SPSS统计软件包中的时间序列模型拟合最佳模型,对2015年的卫生技术人员需求量进行预测。结果 2009年青岛市的卫生技术人员数为40 217人,每千人拥有的卫生技术人员为5.27人,其中市内七区每千人拥有卫生技术人员为8.44人,五市每千人拥有卫生技术人员3.48人。拟合的最佳模型为ARIMA(0,1,0)。模型的Normalized BIC为12.201;Ljung-BoxQ=19.350,P=0.371,平稳R2为0.907,R2为0.991;MAPE为0.734%,MaxAPE为2.480%,MaxAE为688.647人。预测的2015年卫生技术人员的需求人数为59 447人。结论目前青岛市每千人拥有卫生技术人员的数量在国内处在中等水平,城乡分布不均,卫生技术人数的需求量呈持续增加的趋势。  相似文献   

The expanded programme of immunization was established in Cambodia in 1986. In 2002, 67% of eligible children were immunized, despite significant health sector and macro-economic financial constraints. A financial sustainability planning process for immunization was introduced in 2002, in order to mobilize national and international resources in support of the achievement of child health objectives. The aim of this paper is to outline this process, describe its early impact as an advocacy tool and recommend additional strategies for mobilizing additional resources for health. The methods of financial sustainability planning are described, including the advocacy strategies that were applied. Analysis of financial sustainability planning results indicates rising programme costs associated with new vaccine introduction and new technologies. Despite this, the national programme has demonstrated important early successes in using financial sustainability planning to advocate for increased mobilization of national and international sources of funding for immunization. The national immunization programme nevertheless faces formidable system and financial challenges in the coming years associated with rising costs, potentially diminishing sources of international assistance, and the developing role of sub-national authorities in programme management and financing.  相似文献   

以护理应急管理组织架构为基础,构建护理应急管理双循环体系,内循环为人员、物资、场地、制度,外循环为评估、计划、实施、评价、处置。以内循环四项元素为核心,按照外循环施行应急管理流程,推进“两库四级”护理人力分级储备和调度;设立新冠肺炎救治中心,形成患者分类收治;建立防护物资分级管理,优化物资配发和使用流程;落实重点病区和关键环节管理,形成科学有效、动态调整的管理网格。经实践,高效完成防控任务,所有医务人员零感染。基于双循环的护理应急管理体系,可全方位保障人力精准调度,物资精准供应,患者分类收治,保证关键环节质量,指导突发公共卫生事件下护理工作的高效安全开展。  相似文献   

国家医疗卫生体制改革给军队医院的发展带来了机遇和挑战。培育和提升医院的核心竞争力,是实现医院可持续发展的必要条件,也是目前医院管理者应该认真研究的课题之一。各个医院应该从实际出发,以战略的眼光找出适合自己的发展道路。作者结合工作实践,阐述了以下几点。一是要在管理理念、经营策略上创新,适应不断变化的医疗市场;二是要加强人才队伍建设,提升人力资源的竞争力;三是要在医疗技术上形成特色,以特色取胜;四是要提高医疗质量、更新服务理念,为病人提供质优价廉的服务。  相似文献   

提升疾病控制中心人力资源地位的必要性及对策   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
当今 ,在全球范围内 ,各种危害健康的事件不断出现 ,公共卫生服务需求显著增加 ,而CDC作为公共卫生服务职能的机构 ,能否更好地进行疾病控制工作 ,适应社会的需要 ,其中主要取决于人的因素 ,也就是卫生人力资源的综合实力。而目前我国CDC中卫生人力资源总量不足 ,人员素质亟待提高 ,特别是在广大农村地区表现尤为突出 ,这些势必影响到CDC当前和未来疾病控制的能力。究其原因是多方面的 ,政府投入不足、管理缺位、CDC人员培养教育的内容和结构不能满足实际需要等是导致存在问题的主要因素。因此尽快提升我国CDC人力资源的战略地位具有重要的现实意义。建议 :强化政府在公共卫生领域中的职能 ,加大投入和调控管理的力度 ;改革现有CDC人员培养教育的体系 ,强化CDC人力资源管理 ,造就一批总量和布局合理、高效的防病、控病的卫生人才队伍  相似文献   

This article reviews how epidemiological measures can be used in health planning. Theoretical considerations are discussed together with empirical data from Sweden. Formulation of targets, priority settings, resource allocation and monitoring systems are some ways in which epidemiological data can improve health planning. One important lesson for planning is that problems related to health, inequalities in health, and access to care, must be made visible to politicians, health personnel and the public. Further, there is a need to complement a national health policy with a decentralized planning system that takes local conditions and needs into consideration.  相似文献   

The planning and distribution of medical manpower are extremely difficult in the context of a free-market system, such as exists in Japan. The Japanese approaches to the planning and redistribution of health manpower were multiple. It appears from our experience that comprehensive measures, including planning of manpower, systematization of the provisions of services, and career-development schemes, will work if they are coordinated. In this sense, coordination between health-service development and health manpower development should be further extended as recommended by World Health. Assembly resolution WHA29.72.  相似文献   

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