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目的探讨损伤控制性手术在严重胰十二指肠损伤中的应用方法。方法回顾分析6例严重胰十二指肠损伤的临床资料。全部6例均为胰腺十二指肠联合损伤,其中1例合并失血性休克,另5例手术距受伤时间均超过24小时,其中2例超过48小时。治疗采用损伤控制性手术,实现胃液、胆汁和胰液的完全分流,利于修补后创口的愈合。结果全组无死亡病例,除1例行二次手术外,其余均一期痊愈出院。结论对于严重胰十二指肠损伤的病人,损伤控制性手术是较好的治疗选择。  相似文献   

在闭合性腹部钝性损伤中,胰腺因其解剖位置关系,其损伤少于其他实质性器官,而与十二指肠同时受损的机会增多。胰腺破损,淀粉酶等消化酶可直接进入周围组织,激活后有消化、损毁组织的作用,影响组织的修复、愈合。损伤控制外科理念在胰十二指肠损伤处理中的应用具有特定的意义,是当前处理该类损伤得到共识的处理原则,改善了治疗效果,减少了严重并发症的发生。  相似文献   

改良十二指肠憩室化手术在严重十二指肠损伤中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴彪  任骏  王春友 《腹部外科》2008,21(5):304-305
目的探讨一种实用、简单、有效、安全的治疗十二指肠损伤的方法。方法回顾性分析我院2000年1月-2007年12月收治的十二指肠损伤18例的临床资料。结果本组治愈16例,死亡2例,治愈率为89%。死亡原因为十二指肠瘘、感染性休克及多器官功能衰竭。十二指肠瘘、腹腔脓肿和肠梗阻是其主要的并发症。结论此简化的改良十二指肠憩室化手术是一种较实用、安全的手术方法。  相似文献   

胰十二指肠联合伤的外科处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我院外科15年来共收治胰十二指联合伤22例,现报告如下。  相似文献   

临时性憩室化手术在治疗胰十二指肠损伤中的应用体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胰和(或)十二指肠损伤是腹部损伤中较复杂的一类损伤。并发症多,病死率高。作者自1984年以来运用自行设计的十二指肠临时性憩室化手术治疗9例胰、十二指肠损伤病人均获痊愈。报道如下。1 临床资料一般资料:1984年1月至1998年1月,收治9例胰和(或)十二指肠损伤的病人,其中胰腺损伤并十二指肠降部破裂合并脾破裂失血性休克5例,十二指肠水平部破裂合并空肠、肝破裂3例,十二指肠降部破裂合并肝胆囊破裂失血性休克1例。伤后12小时以内就诊者7例,12小时以后就诊2例。术后并发膈下脓肿1例,为12小时后就诊…  相似文献   

胰十二指肠损伤32例处理经验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胰十二指肠位于上腹深部,损伤机会虽较少,但诊断和处理比较困难,死亡率高达20%。我科1973年8月~1997年12月共收治不同类型胰十二指肠损伤32例,均经手术治愈。现将处理经验报道如下。临床资料本组32例中,闭合性损伤29例,开放伤3例。男性26例,女6例。年龄8~57岁。损伤程度:胰腺单纯挫伤2例;挫裂伤3例;横断伤6例,部分断裂伤1例;胰头十二指肠损伤9例,十二指肠2、3部破裂11例。合并有肝损伤2例,脾损伤4例,肾损伤5例,胃挫伤4例,腹膜后大血肿2例。损伤部位、手术方式见表贝。32例中…  相似文献   

目的介绍应用外支架治疗严重多发伤合并肢体骨折的方法并评价疗效。方法2009年1月至2012年12月,作者应用外支架对28例严重多发伤合并肢体骨折进行早期临时固定,心肺复苏、ICU监护和Ⅱ期确定性手术治疗,患者中男19例,女9例;年龄25~61岁,平均40.5岁。骨折部位:骨盆骨折5例,骨盆合并四肢骨折3例,四肢骨折15例,脊柱骨折3例,脊柱合并四肢骨折2例。闭合性骨折16例,开放性骨折12例。28例患者均合并其他多部位损伤,创伤严重程度评分平均35分。结果本组患者治愈26例(92%),死亡2例(8%),其中1例死于多器官功能衰竭,1例死于颅脑外伤,ICU治疗平均5.6d。发生各种并发症共7例。25例患者获得随访,时间8—36个月,平均16个月。22例骨折正常愈合,平均愈合时间18.4周。2例发生骨折延迟愈合,1例发生骨不连,经二期手术并植骨后愈合。结论外支架可用于严重多发伤合并肢体骨折的早期损伤控制,具有操作简单、效果可靠、并发症少等优点,可有效提高严重多发伤合并肢体骨折的救治效果,值得临床推荐使用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨胰十二指肠损伤的治疗方法.方法:11例胰十二指肠损伤患者,行十二指肠单纯缝合、用膜覆盖术治疗2例,行十二指肠缝合、带血管空肠浆肌瓣覆盖修补2例,带血管空肠片镶嵌裂口缝合2例;行胰裂伤缝合术4例,胰体远端切除术1例.结果:11例中10例治愈,术后胰瘘3例,十二指肠第三段破裂漏诊死亡1例,术后肠梗阻再手术1例.结论:胰十二指肠损伤的治疗应根据损伤部位、程度、范围、局部和全身情况选择合适的术式,有效地十二指肠减压、腹腔引流是手术成功的关键.  相似文献   

胰十二指肠切除术的应用体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胰十二指肠切除属于切除范围广泛、创伤大、操作复杂的手术,我科近4年共施行胰十二指肠切除术12 3例,取得良好的治疗效果,总结如下。床资料1.一般资料:本组12 3例中男72例,女5 1例;年龄2 3~87岁。其中严重胰十二指肠损伤行胰十二指肠切除术9例其余患者入院前病程最短7d ,最长5个月。以黄疸为主诉79例,其中无痛或伴轻微右上腹痛5 3例,伴明显上腹或右上腹痛34例,伴中度以上发热2 5例,均有不同程度体重下降。临床发现上腹部包块17例,胆囊肿大5 0例,肝大5 5例,均有上腹部或右上腹部压痛。2 .手术方法:术中全面探查腹腔,对于平诊患者均按三部探…  相似文献   

闭合性胰十二指肠损伤的诊断和治疗   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
目的:探讨闭合性胰十二指肠损伤的诊断和治疗方法,以提高临床疗效。方法:回顾分析32例闭合性胰十二指肠损伤的临床资料。胰腺损伤21例,十二指肠损伤11例,其中包括联合胰十二指肠损伤5例。根据损伤部位、损伤程度及患者全身情况,合理采用单纯胰腺、十二指肠修补、远段胰腺切除、胰一空肠Roux-Y吻合、带血管蒂空肠瓣十二指肠修补、胰十二指肠切除、十二指肠憩室化等术式。结果:全组治愈27例(占84.3%),总死亡5例(占15.6%)。联合胰十二指肠损伤的病死率较高为20%(1/5).十二指肠损伤的病死率为18.1%(2/11),胰腺损伤病死率较低为9.5%(2/21)。结论:早期诊断、及时手术是取得有效治疗的关键。  相似文献   

We have reviewed our recent 12-year experience in treating 62 patients with combined injuries to the pancreas and duodenum; 60 percent were the consequence of penetrating wounds and 40 percent due to blunt trauma. For analysis, grades I through V were assigned to reflect severity of injury. Grade I (16 percent) and II injuries (23 percent) were treated with simple repair and drainage. Grades III (19 percent) and IV (32 percent) were managed primarily by pyloric exclusion, whereas grade V injuries (10 percent) underwent pancreatoduodenectomy. Pancreatic and duodenal complications developed in 35 percent and 2 percent, respectively. The overall mortality was 19 percent; 83 percent died within the first 24 hours from exsanguination or severe head injury. Although no single procedure uniformly applies to the combined pancreatoduodenal trauma, active sump drainage of the pancreas, pyloric exclusion of the duodenum, and early nutritional support through needle catheter jejunostomy are the mainstay treatment principles.  相似文献   



This single-centre study evaluated the efficacy of damage control surgery and delayed pancreatoduodenectomy and reconstruction in patients who had combined severe pancreatic head and visceral venous injuries.


Prospectively recorded data of patients who underwent an initial damage control laparotomy and a subsequent pancreatoduodenectomy for severe pancreatic injuries were evaluated to assess optimal operative sequencing.


During the 20-year study period, 312 patients were treated for pancreatic injuries of whom 14 underwent a pancreatoduodenectomy. Six (five men, one woman, median age 20, range 16–39 years) of the 14 patients were in extremis with exsanguinating venous bleeding and non-reconstructable AAST grade 5 pancreatoduodenal injuries and underwent a damage control laparotomy followed by delayed pancreatoduodenectomy and reconstruction when stable. During the initial DCS, the blood loss compared to the subsequent laparotomy and definitive procedure was 5456 ml, range 2318–7665 vs 1250 ml, range 850–3600 ml (p < 0.01). The mean total fluid administered in the operating room was 11,150 ml, range 8450–13,320 vs 6850 ml, range 3350–9020 ml (p < 0.01). The mean operating room time was 113 min, range 90–140 vs 335 min, range 260–395 min (p < 0.01). During the second laparotomy five patients had a pylorus-preserving pancreatoduodenectomy and one a standard Whipple resection. Four of the six patients survived. Two patients died in hospital, one of MOF and coagulopathy and the other of intra-abdominal sepsis and multi-organ failure. Median duration of intensive care was 6 days, (range 1–20 days) and median duration of hospital stay was 29 days, (range 1–94 days).


Damage control laparotomy and delayed secondary pancreatoduodenectomy is a live-saving procedure in the small cohort of patients who have dire pancreatic and vascular injuries. When used appropriately, the staged resection and reconstruction allows survival in a previously unsalvageable group of patients who have severe physiological derangement.

Objective : To explore the strategy of damage control in clinical treatment of multiple injuries headed by cervical spinal cord injury. Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed in 32 patients. Cervical fractures associated with tetraplegia occurred in 18 patients, traumatic intervectebral disk hernia associated with tetraplegia in 2 patients, and cervical fractures and dislocation associated with tetraplegia in 12 patients. Seventeen cases were combined with craniocerebral injury, 7 combined with pulmonary contusion, multi-fractures of rib or hemopneumothorax, 2 combined with pelvic fracture and other 8 combined with fracture of limbs. The neural function was assessed by the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) scale. Results: Thirty-one patients were followed up for an average of 14 months. Of them, 10 got complete recovery, 13 obtained improvement of more than one ASIA grade, 8 did not improve, and 1 died. Conclusions : For the emergency treatment of multiple injuries headed by cervical spinal cord injury, the damage control strategy is the principle to follow. The final operations are preferably performed within 5 to 10 days after injury so as to raise the successful rate of remedy.  相似文献   

Damage control surgery for severe thoracic and abdominal injuries   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the application of damage control surgery in treatment of patients with severe thoracic and abdominal injuries. METHODS: A retrospective study was done on 37 patients with severe thoracic and abdominal injuries who underwent damage control surgery from January 2000 to October 2006 in our department. There were 8 cases of polytrauma (with thoracic injury most commonly seen), 21 of polytrauma (with abdominal injury most commonly seen) and 8 of single abdominal trauma. Main organ damage included smashed hepatic injuries in 17 cases, posterior hepatic veins injuries in 8,pancreaticoduodenal injuries in 7, epidural or subdural hemorrhage in 4, contusion and laceration of brain in 5, severe lung and bronchus injuries in 4, pelvis and one smashed lower limb wound in 3 and pelvic fractures and retroperitoneal hemorrhage in 6. Injury severity score (ISS) was 28-45 scores (38.4 scores on average), abbreviated injury scale (AIS) > or = 4.13. The patients underwent arteriography and arterial embolization including arteria hepatica embolization in 4 patients, arteria renalis embolization in 2 and pelvic arteria retroperitoneal embolization in 7. Once abbreviated operation finished, the patients were sent to ICU for resuscitation. Twenty-four cases underwent definitive operation within 48 hours after initial operation, 5 underwent definitive operation within 72 hours after initial operation, 2 cases underwent definitive operation postponed to 96 hours after initial operation for secondary operation to control bleeding because of abdominal cavity hemorrhea. Two cases underwent urgent laparotomy and decompression because of abdominal compartment syndrome and 2 cases underwent secondary operation because of intestinal fistulae (1 case of small intestinal fistula and 1 colon fistula) and gangrene of gallbladder. RESULTS: A total of 28 patients survived, with a survival rate of 75.68%, and 9 died (4 died within 24 hours and 5 died 3-9 days after injury). The trauma deaths at the early stage were caused by severe primary injuries resulting in failure of respiration and circulation, while mortality at the later stage was caused by multiple organ failure. CONCLUSIONS: Damage control surgery is important for the treatment against severe thoracic and abdominal injuries. It is suggested that the surgeon should select the reasonable auxiliary examination before operation, and take the proper time to perform damage control and definitive surgery.  相似文献   

Recent trends in the management of combined pancreatoduodenal injuries   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In an effort to better characterize the natural history of pancreatoduodenal injuries, we present a review of clinical experiences in the treatment of combined traumatic pancreatoduodenal injuries, focusing on patients in extremis. Records of patients with abdominal trauma admitted to a level 1 trauma center from 1997 to 2001 were reviewed. Of 240 patients who sustained a pancreatic or duodenal injury, 33 had combined pancreatoduodenal injuries. Eighty-two per cent of the patients (27/33) in this series had penetrating injuries, 72 per cent (24) sustained gunshot wounds (GSW). Thirty-one patients were male, and the mean age was 33 years (range, 7-74). These patients presented with an average Injury Severity Score (ISS) of 22 +/- 12 and an average Glasgow Coma Score of 14 +/- 2. Overall length of stay was 39 +/- 59 days (range, 0-351 days). These 33 patients underwent a total of 57 laparotomies with an average of 1.7 operations per patient (range, 1 to 5 operations). Eighty-four per cent of the patients had an associated gastrointestinal injury and 45 per cent had a major vascular injury. Thirteen of the 33 (39%) patients presented in extremis, all 13 underwent an abbreviated laparotomy. The complication rate was 36 per cent, including fistula, abscess, pancreatitis, and organ dysfunction. There were 6 hospital deaths for a mortality rate of 18 per cent. Pancreatoduodenal injuries are associated with a variety of other serious injuries, which add to the overall complexity of these patients. Abbreviated laparotomy may be helpful when managing combined pancreatoduodenal injuries in patients who are in extremis.  相似文献   

Changing trends in the management of combined pancreatoduodenal injuries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Management of combined injury to the duodenum and pancreas remains controversial. Our review includes a 5-year period ending June, 1982, in which 34 patients with combined pancreatoduodenal injuries were treated operatively. Nineteen (56%) sustained penetrating injuries and 15 had blunt trauma. Twelve patients underwent active sump drainage and repair. The remaining 22 required more extensive procedures including pyloric exclusion with or without pancreatic resection in 14, and pancreatodu-odenectomy in one. The overall mortality rate was 9% with 2 early deaths secondary to associated injuries and 1 late death due to the pancreatoduodenal injury. Complications directly related to the combined injury occurred in 47% of the patients, including a 20% incidence of pancreatic fistulas. Although no single procedure uniformly applies to these complex injuries, we advocate frequent use of active sump drainage, pyloric exclusion, and early nutritional support via needle catheter jejunostomy.
Resumen El manejo de las lesiones combinadas del duodeno y del páncreas continúa siendo motivo de controversia. Nuestra revisión incluye el período de 5 años que concluye en junio de 1982, durante el cual fueron tratados quirúrgicamente 34 pacientes con lesiones pancreatoduodenales. Diecinueve (56%) sufrieron lesiones penetrantes y 15 trauma cerrado. Doce pacientes fueron sometidos a drenaje activo de tipo sump y reparación. Los otros 22 pacientes requirieron procedimientos más extensos incluyendo la exclusión pilórica con o sin resección pancreática en 14, y pancreatoduodenectomía en uno. La mortalidad global fué de 9% con dos muertes tempranas secundarias a lesiones asociadas y una muerte tardía debida a lesión pancreatoduodenal. Se presentaron complicaciones directamente relacionadas con la lesión combinada en el 47% de los pacientes, incluyendo fístulas pancreáticas en el 20%. Aunque no existe un procedimiento que pueda ser uniformemente aplicado a estas complejas lesiones, nosotros abogamos por el uso del drenaje activo de tipo sump, exclusión pilórica y soporte nutricional precoz mediante la yeyunostomía de catéter-aguja.

Résumé Le traitement des lésions traumatiques associées du duodénum et du pancréas prête encore à discussion. Les auteurs rapportent une série de 34 lésions de ce type observées au cours des cinq années qui précédèrent la fin du premier semestre de 1982. Ces lésions étaient le fait 15 fois d'une contusion abdominale et 19 fois d'une plaie pénétrante. Douze blessés ont été traités par suture simple et drainage aspiratif. Vingt-deux subirent une intervention plus importante, c'est ainsi que 14 furent l'objet d'une exclusion pylorique avec ou sans résection du pancréas et qu'un subit une duodénopancréatectomie. La mortalité s'est élevée à 9%. Deux morts postopératoires ont été le fait de lésions associées et une plus tardive fut le fait de la lésion duodénopancréatique elle-même, cependant des complications résultant des lésions furent observées dans 47% des cas (dont 20% de fistules).Bien qu'il soit impossible d'avoir recours à une opération unique pour ces lésions très diverses, les auteurs considèrent que le drainage aspiratif, l'exclusion pylorique et l'alimentation entérale précoce à l'aide d'une jéjunostomie sous-muqueuse par fin cathéter, constituent la meilleure approche thérapeutique.

Presented at the 30th Congress International Society of Surgery, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, September 5, 1983.  相似文献   

目的 探讨损伤控制原则在严重多发锐器伤伴断肢(指)救治中的临床应用.方法 对多发伤损伤40例,严重度评分(ISS)≥16分者,其中伴断腕11例、断掌9例、断指9例、前臂离断8例、肘部离断3例.在多科协作积极救治多发伤的同时,清创离断肢(指)体,一期行断肢(指)再植,术后待病情稳定后,早期进行肌腱修复.结果 临床治疗40例,再植肢(指)全部成活,术后随访0.5~3.0年,根据断肢再植功能评定标准评定:优8例,良21例,中7例,差4例,优良率为72.5%.结论 多科合作、早期救治多发伤,应用显微外科技术是提高多发伤伴断肢(指)再植成功率的关键.  相似文献   

颈脊髓损伤为主严重多发伤的伤害控制(附32例报告)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]探讨伤害控制原则在颈脊髓损伤为主严重多发伤救治中的临床应用。[方法]回顾性分析32例颈脊髓损伤为主严重多发伤患者临床治疗资料,颈椎骨折并截瘫18例,外伤性颈椎间盘突出并高位截瘫2例,颈椎骨折脱位并截瘫12例。神经功能评定按ASIA分级。[结果]31例获得平均14个月随访。29例颈椎骨折愈合,神经症状10例完全恢复,13例有Ⅰ级以上恢复,8例无变化。死亡1例。[结论]颈脊髓损伤为主严重多发伤急诊遵循伤害控制原则,待病情稳定后7—10d内安全地进行最终手术,可提高救治成功率。  相似文献   

Management of combined pancreatoduodenal injuries.   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
From 1969 to 1985, 129 patients with combined pancreatoduodenal injuries were treated at one urban trauma center. A total of 104 patients (80.6%) had penetrating wounds, and multiple visceral and vascular injuries were usually associated with the pancreatoduodenal injury. Primary repair or resection of one or both organs coupled with pyloric exclusion and gastrojejunostomy (68 patients) and drainage was used in 79 patients (61.2%) in the entire study and in 59% (36 of 61) of all patients treated since 1976. Simple primary repair of one or both organs and drainage was performed in 31 patients (24%), whereas the remaining 19 patients (14.8%) had pancreatoduodenectomies (13 patients) or no repair before exsanguination (six patients). Major pancreatoduodenal complications occurring in the 108 patients surviving more than 48 hours included pancreatic fistulas (25.9%), intra-abdominal abscess formation (16.6%), and duodenal fistulas (6.5%). The overall mortality rate for the study was 29.5% (38 of 129). The acute mortality rate with these injuries will remain high secondary to injuries to associated organs and vascular structures. The morbidity and late mortality rates related to the moderate to severe pancreatoduodenal injury itself can be decreased by the addition of pyloric exclusion and gastrojejunostomy to the primary repairs.  相似文献   

背景:严重肢体骨折常合并有腹部创伤,正确的诊断和处理是提高患者生存率的重要保障。损伤控制骨科理论(DCO)符合严重肢体骨折合并腹部创伤患者的病理生理特点,正确地应用DCO理论是提高患者救治成功率的关键。目的:探讨DCO理论在严重肢体骨折合并腹部创伤中的应用。方法:回顾性分析2009年1月至2013年6月收治的38例严重肢体骨折合并腹部创伤患者的临床资料。骨折情况:单纯四肢骨折20例,骨盆骨折6例,骨盆合并四肢骨折4例,脊柱骨折4例,脊柱合并四肢骨折4例;闭合性骨折21例,开放性骨折17例。腹部损伤情况:脾破裂20例,肝破裂8例,肝脾破裂5例,肠破裂3例,肝破裂+肠破裂1例,肝破裂+肾破裂1例。损伤严重度(ISS)评分平均39.3分。结果:本组38例患者经DCO理论救治后死亡2例,36例患者病情稳定后行骨折确定性手术,实施确定性手术的时间为6~62 d,平均12.5 d。其中12例发生各种并发症。除2例死亡、4例失随访外,其余32例均获得随访,随访时间为10~25个月,平均15.4个月。其中28例骨折正常愈合,愈合时间为12~25周,平均21.2周;3例骨折出现延迟愈合,经石膏外固定后愈合,总愈合时间为10~12个月;1例骨折术后10个月发现骨不连,经二期手术并植骨后愈合。所有随访者均部分或完全恢复正常工作生活。结论:DCO理论符合严重肢体骨折合并腹部创伤患者的病理生理特点,尽早进行针对性的损伤控制手术和ICU复苏是实施DCO的关键,可提高严重此类患者的救治成功率。  相似文献   

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