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BACKGROUND: We hypothesized that compared to an educational intervention, a single 2 h session of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), with 6-week follow-up, would reduce anxiety and depression, improve physical and mental functioning, and lead to a better quality of life and greater satisfaction with treatment in older patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). METHODS: Fifty-six subjects were recruited from a large, urban, academically affiliated Veterans Affairs (VA) Hospital, a non-profit private hospital, and a local newspaper, for a single blind randomized controlled clinical trial. One 2 h session of group CBT was designed to reduce symptoms of anxiety, with specific components including relaxation training, cognitive interventions, and graduated practice, followed by homework and weekly calls for 6 weeks. This was compared to a group that received 2 h of COPD education, followed by weekly calls. Pre- and post-intervention subjects in both groups were administered SF-36, Geriatric Depression Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory, 6 min walk test, and the FEV-1. Following the intervention, both groups completed the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire. RESULTS: When compared with a group that received education about COPD, 2 h CBT group showed decreased depression and anxiety. Contrary to our hypothesis, despite the decrease in depression and anxiety, there was no change in the physical functioning of the patients. CONCLUSIONS: Twenty to 40% of patients with COPD have high levels of anxiety and depression. Our study finds that as little as 2 h of CBT administered in a group setting is able to reduce these anxious and depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Common mental health problems account for up to 40% of all general practitioner (GP) consultations. Patients have limited access to evidence-based psychological therapies. Cognitive behavioural therapy self-help strategies offer one potential solution. AIM: To determine differences in clinical outcome, patient satisfaction and costs, between a cognitive behavioural-based self-help package facilitated by practice nurses compared to ordinary care by GPs for mild to moderate anxiety and depression. DESIGN OF STUDY: Randomised controlled trial. SETTING: Seventeen primary healthcare teams. METHOD: Patients presenting to their GP with mild to moderate anxiety and/or depression were recruited to the study and randomised to receive either a self-help intervention facilitated by practice nurses or ordinary care. The self-help intervention consisted of up to three appointments: two 1 week apart and a third 3 months later. There were no restrictions on ordinary care. RESULTS: Intention-to-treat analysis showed that patients treated with practice nurse-supported cognitive behavioural therapy self-help attained similar clinical outcomes for similar costs and were more satisfied than patients treated by GPs with ordinary care. On-treatment analysis showed patients receiving the facilitated cognitive behavioural therapy self-help were more likely to be below clinical threshold at 1 month compared to the ordinary care group (odds ratio [OR] = 3.65, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.87 to 4.37). This difference was less well marked at 3 months (OR = 1.36, 95% CI = 0.52 to 3.56). CONCLUSION: Facilitated cognitive behavioural self-help may provide a short-term cost-effective clinical benefit for patients with mild to moderate anxiety and depression. This has the potential to help primary care provide a choice of effective psychological as well as pharmacological treatments for mental health problems.  相似文献   



The difficulties of recruiting individuals into mental health trials are well documented. Few studies have collected information from those declining to take part in research, in order to understand the reasons behind this decision.


To explore patients'' reasons for declining to be contacted about a study of the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy as a treatment for depression.

Design and setting

Questionnaire and telephone interview in general practices in England and Scotland.


Patients completed a short questionnaire about their reasons for not taking part in research. Semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with a purposive sample to further explore reasons for declining.


Of 4552 patients responding to an initial invitation to participate in research involving a talking therapy, 1642 (36%) declined contact. The most commonly selected reasons for declining were that patients did not want to take part in a research study (n = 951) and/or did not want to have a talking therapy (n = 688) (more than one response was possible). Of the decliners, 451 patients agreed to an interview about why they declined. Telephone interviews were completed with 25 patients. Qualitative analysis of the interview data indicated four main themes regarding reasons for non-participation: previous counselling experiences, negative feelings about the therapeutic encounter, perceived ineligibility, and misunderstandings about the research.


Collecting information about those who decline to take part in research provides information on the acceptability of the treatment being studied. It can also highlight concerns and misconceptions about the intervention and research, which can be addressed by researchers or recruiting GPs. This may improve recruitment to studies and thus ultimately increase the evidence base.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) has been defined, but many more patients consult in primary care with chronic fatigue that does not meet the criteria for CFS. General practitioners (GPs) do not generally use the CFS diagnosis, and have some doubt about the validity of CFS as an illness. AIM: To describe the proportion of patients consulting their GP for fatigue that met the criteria for CFS, and to describe the social, psychological, and physical differences between patients with CFS and those with non-CFS chronic fatigue in primary care. DESIGN OF STUDY: Baseline data from a trial of complex interventions for fatigue in primary care. SETTING: Twenty-two general practices located in London and the South Thames region of the United Kingdom recruited patients to the study between 1999 and 2001. METHOD: One hundred and forty-one patients who presented to their GP with unexplained fatigue lasting six months or more as a main symptom were recruited, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) case definition was applied to classify CFS. RESULTS: Approximately two-thirds (69%) of patients had chronic fatigue and not CFS. The duration of fatigue (32 months) and perceived control over fatigue were similar between groups; however, fatigue, functioning, associated symptoms, and psychological distress were more severe in the patients in the CFS group, who also consulted their GP significantly more frequently, were twice as likely to be depressed, and more than twice as likely to be unemployed. About half (CFS = 50%; chronic fatigue = 55%) in each group attributed their fatigue to mainly psychological causes. CONCLUSIONS: In primary care, CFS is a more severe illness than chronic fatigue, but non-CFS chronic fatigue is associated with significant fatigue and is reported at least twice as often. That half of patients, irrespective of CFS status, attribute their fatigue to psychological causes, more than is observed in secondary care, indicates an openness to the psychological therapies provided in that setting. More evidence on the natural history of chronic fatigue and CFS in primary care is required, as are trials of complex interventions. The results may help determine the usefulness of differentiating between chronic fatigue and CFS.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chronic fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome are most often encountered in primary care settings. Given the disabling nature of chronic fatigue it may have a substantial impact on service use and costs as well as on employment. This study estimates this impact. METHOD: Patients presenting to general practitioners with unexplained chronic fatigue were recruited to the study. Service use over a 3 month period was measured and lost employment recorded. These data were used to estimate economic costs. Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome were compared to patients with only chronic fatigue using a multiple regression model with sample differences controlled. RESULTS: The mean total cost of services and lost employment across the sample was Pound Sterling1906 for the 3-month period with formal services accounting for 9.3% of this figure. Service use was higher for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome compared to those with chronic fatigue alone. Total 3-month costs were on average higher for chronic fatigue syndrome (Pound Sterling3515 v. Pound Sterling1176) but when sample differences were taken account of the mean difference was reduced to Pound Sterling1406 (P = 0.086). Over 90% of the cost was accounted for by care provided by friends and family members and by lost employment. Patients with dependants had significantly higher costs than those with none and costs were also significantly higher for greater levels of functional impairment. CONCLUSION: Chronic fatigue imposes substantial economic costs on society, mainly in the form of informal care and lost employment. Treatments need to be developed which recognize these impacts.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study presents experiences of focused short-term group therapy for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). METHODS: Fourteen women diagnosed as CFS patients were randomly placed into two groups. The control group received group therapy 5 months after the first group. The project consisted of 10 group sessions of 1.5 h per week. Sense of coherence (SOC) was used for measuring coping resources, and self-rating scales of quality of life and of fatigue were compared before and after group therapy. RESULTS: The most valuable aspect was the sharing of experiences. More than half of the patients also felt that the sessions had improved psychological well-being through adjustment of ambitions and improved coping with symptoms. CONCLUSION: The study encourages further research. If group therapy is chosen as treatment for these patients, a longer period is recommended. A possible alternative is individualized short-term therapy adapted to each patient's needs, problems and circumstances.  相似文献   

There have been many epidemiological and clinical researches on chronic fatigue (CF) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) since the 1990s, but such studies have been quite limited in Korea. The aim of this study was to investigate the point prevalence of CF and CFS in patients who visited community-based eight primary care clinics in Korea. The study subjects were 1,648 patients aged 18 yr and over who visited one of eight primary care clinics in Korea between the 7th and 17th of May 2001. The physicians determined the status of the subjects through fatigue-related questionnaires, medical history, physical examination, and laboratory tests. The subjects were categorized into no fatigue, prolonged fatigue, CF and then CF were further classified to medically explained CF (Physical CF and Psychological CF) and medically unexplained CF (CFS and idiopathic chronic fatigue). The point prevalence of CF and CFS were 8.4% (95% CI 7.1-9.7%) and 0.6% (95% CI 0.2-1.0%). Medically explained CF was 80.5% of CF, of which 57.1% had psychological causes. The clinical characteristics of CFS were distinguished from explained CF. CF was common but CFS was rare in community-based primary care settings in Korea.  相似文献   

The aim of this prospective longitudinal study was to evaluate an inpatient cognitive behavioural pain management programme for patients with chronic pain. A physical and psychological assessment of patients was carried out before and after treatment, and at one and six months follow up. A total of 212 patients with disabling chronic pain of mean duration 10.5 years, for whom no further medical or psychiatric treatment was appropriate or available, were admitted; their mean age was 50 years and 65% were women. The four week programme was delivered by a multidisciplinary team of two psychologists, a physiotherapist, nurse, occupational therapist and anaesthetist. The main components of therapy included: education, teaching behavioural and cognitive skills, a stretch and exercise programme, medication reduction, goal setting and pacing, and relaxation training. Outcome measures assessed quality of life, physical performance (for example walking speed), pain intensity and distress, depression severity and confidence. Assessment immediately after treatment revealed significant improvements on all measures. Improvements were well maintained at six month follow up. Cognitive behavioural treatment can be of value in improving the day-to-day functioning and quality of life of patients with chronic pain for whom conventional medical treatments have apparently failed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the potential mechanisms underlying the efficacy of graded exercise therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Forty-nine CFS patients were randomized to a 12-week graded exercise programme or to standard medical care. At the end of treatment the exercise group rated themselves as significantly more improved and less fatigued than the control group. A decrease in symptom focusing rather than an increase in fitness mediated the treatment effect. Graded exercise appears to be an effective treatment for CFS and it operates in part by reducing the degree to which patients focus on their symptoms.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Deliberate self-harm can be costly, in terms of treatment and subsequent suicide. Any intervention that reduces episodes of self-harm might therefore have a major impact on the costs incurred by service providers and the productivity losses due to illness or premature death. METHOD: Four hundred and eighty patients with a history of recurrent deliberate self-harm were randomized to manual-assisted cognitive behaviour therapy (MACT) or treatment as usual. Economic data were collected from patients at baseline, 6 and 12 months, and these data were complete for 397 patients. Incremental cost-effectiveness was explored using the primary outcome measure, proportion of patients having a repeat episode of deliberate self-harm, and quality of life. The uncertainty surrounding costs and effects was represented using cost-effectiveness acceptability curves. RESULTS: Differences in total cost per patient were statistically significant at 6 months in favour of MACT (pounds sterling -897, 95 % CI -1747 to -48, P=0.04), but these differences did not remain significant at 12 months (pounds sterling -838, 95% CI -2142 to 466, P=0.21). Nevertheless, exploration of the uncertainty surrounding these estimates suggests there is >90% probability that MACT is a more cost-effective strategy for reducing the recurrence of deliberate self-harm in this population over 1 year than treatment as usual. The results for quality of life were not conclusive. CONCLUSION: Cost-effectiveness acceptability curves demonstrate that, based on the evidence currently available, to reject MACT on traditional grounds of statistical significance and to continue funding current practice has <10% chance of being the correct decision in terms of cost-effectiveness.  相似文献   



Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is an increasingly common therapy used to treat chronic pain syndromes. However; there is limited information on the utilization and efficacy of CAM therapy in primary care patients receiving long-term opioid therapy.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in treating chronic fatigue included 15 effect sizes for between-group outcome comparisons. Across analyses, which included a total of 1371 participants, there was a significant difference, d=0.48, in post-treatment fatigue between participants receiving CBT and those in control conditions. Results indicate that CBT for chronic fatigue syndrome tends to be moderately efficacious. Dropout rates in CBT varied from 0-42%, with a mean of 16%. In the five studies that reported the number of CBT clients who were no longer in the clinical range with regard to fatigue at the latest follow-up, the percentage varied from 33% to 73% of those assigned to CBT, with a mean of 50%. Moderator results suggest directions for future investigations.  相似文献   

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is an illness characterized by disabling fatigue associated with complaints of fevers, sore throat, myalgia, lymphadenopathy, sleep disturbances, neurocognitive difficulties, and depression. A striking feature of CFS is its sudden onset following an acute, presumably viral, illness and the subsequent recurrent “flu-like” symptoms. It has been speculated that both CFS and debilitating chronic fatigue (CF) that does not meet strict criteria for CFS may be the direct or indirect result of viral infections. We therefore tested 548 chronically fatigued patients who underwent a comprehensive medical and psychiatric evaluation for antibodies to 13 viruses. Our objectives were to compare the seroprevalence and/or geometric mean titer (GMT) of antibodies to herpes simplex virus 1 and 2, rubella, adenovirus, human herpesvirus 6, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, and Coxsackie B virus, types 1–6 in patients with CF to healthy control subjects. Other goals were to determine if greater rates of seropositivity or higher GMTs occurred among subsets of patients with CFS, fibromyalgia, psychiatric disorders, a self-reported illness onset with a viral syndrome, and a documented temperature >37°C on physical examination. Differences in the seroprevalence or GMTs of antibodies to 13 viruses were not consistently found in those with CF compared with control subjects, or in any subsets of patients including those with CFS, an acute onset of illness, or a documented fever. These particular viral serologies were not useful in evaluating patients presenting with CF. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



Musculoskeletal problems generate high costs. Of these disorders, patients with knee problems are commonly seen by GPs. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the knee is an accurate diagnostic test, but there is uncertainty as to whether GP access to MRI for these patients is a cost-effective policy.


To investigate the cost-effectiveness of GP referral to early MRI and a provisional orthopaedic appointment, compared with referral to an orthopaedic specialist without prior MRI for patients with continuing knee problems.

Design of study

Cost-effectiveness analysis alongside a pragmatic randomised trial.


Five-hundred and thirty-three patients consulting their GP about a knee problem were recruited from 163 general practices at 11 sites across the UK.


Two-year costs were estimated from the NHS perspective. Health outcomes were expressed in terms of quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), based on patient responses to the EQ–5D questionnaire administered at baseline, and at 6, 12, and 24 months’ follow-up.


Early MRI is associated with a higher NHS cost, by £294 ($581; €435) per patient (95% confidence interval [CI] = £31 to £573), and a larger number of QALYs, by 0.050 (95% CI = −0.025 to 0.118). Mean differences in cost and QALYs generated an incremental cost per QALY gained of £5840 ($11 538; €8642). At a cost per QALY threshold of £20 000, there is a 0.81 probability that early MRI is a cost-effective use of NHS resources.


GP access to MRI for patients presenting in primary care with a continuing knee problem represents a cost-effective use of health service resources.  相似文献   

Panic disorder with or without agoraphobia is a prevalent clinical disorder which places heavy demands on treatment resources in primary care. The efficiency of delivery of psychological treatments for this disorder is therefore important. Previous research has focused on psychological treatments delivered with reduced therapist contact but methodological problems preclude firm conclusions. The present study investigated the relevance of therapist contact in cognitive behaviour therapy for panic disorder and agoraphobia, taking account of previous methodological problems. One hundred and four patients suffering from DSM III‐R panic disorder with or without agoraphobia were randomly allocated to receive cognitive behaviour therapy with either, ‘standard’ therapist contact, ‘minimum’ therapist contact or as a bibliotherapy. All patients were seen by the same therapist and all received an identical treatment manual. Treatment response, as measured by patient and therapist report scales of anxiety, depression, and agoraphobic avoidance, was analysed in terms of both traditional statistical significance and clinical significance of outcome. At treatment end‐point the ‘standard’ therapist contact and ‘minimum’ therapist contact groups showed significant reductions pre‐ to post‐treatment on all measures. Pre‐ to post‐treatment reductions for the bibliotherapy group were significant on therapist‐ and patient‐rated measures of anxiety only. The ‘standard’ therapist contact group was consistently significantly improved in comparison to the bibliotherapy group. Significant differences between the ‘standard’ and ‘minimum’ therapist contact groups were found on therapist‐rated anxiety only. Assessment of clinical significance of treatment outcome showed further differences between treatment groups with the ‘standard’ therapist contact group showing the largest proportion of patients achieving clinically significant change on all measures both at treatment end‐point and at 6‐month follow‐up. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare the cardiovascular responses of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) to healthy control subjects when performing stressful cognitive tasks before and after strenuous exercise. METHOD: Beat-by-beat blood pressure and electrocardiogram were recorded on 19 women with CFS and 20 healthy nonexercising (ie, sedentary) women while they performed cognitive tests before, immediately after, and 24 hours after incremental exercise to exhaustion. RESULTS: Diminished heart rate (p <.01) and systolic (p <.01) and diastolic (p <.01) blood pressure responses to stressful cognitive testing were seen in patients with CFS when compared with healthy, sedentary controls. This diminished stress response was seen consistently in patients with CFS across three separate cognitive testing sessions. Also, significant negative correlations between self-ratings of CFS symptom severity and cardiovascular responses were seen (r = -0.62, p <.01). CONCLUSIONS: Women with CFS have a diminished cardiovascular response to cognitive stress; however, exercise did not magnify this effect. Also, the data showed that the patients with the lowest cardiovascular reactivity had the highest ratings of CFS symptom severity, which suggests that the individual response of the patient with CFS to stress plays a role in the common complaint of symptoms worsening after stress.  相似文献   

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