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Cellular response in rats during malnutrition at various ages   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

A study of 1529 breast cancer patients and 1901 control subjects enabled evaluation of risk in relation to lifetime changes in body size. Tallness, regardless of when achieved, was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer diagnosed at both young (< 50 years) and older ages, with adult height of 68 in or more increasing risk by nearly 50 to 80% compared with statures of less than 62 in. The association of risk with weight was less clear. Subjects who described themselves as heavier than average at ages 8 to 9 or 16 years were at reduced risk, particularly for older-onset breast cancer. Higher body mass indices based on reported weights during early adulthood were also associated with reduced risk. Measures of body mass beyond the age of 20, however, were less strongly related to risk. These inconsistent patterns appeared to be explained by an effect on risk of weight gain later in life, which was related to reduced risks for young-onset breast cancer and increased risks for later disease. The effect of weight change for early-onset breast cancer was not restricted to in situ cancers and could therefore not be attributed to detection bias. The direct relationship of body mass change with older onset disease was restricted to invasive cancers, consistent with observations of poor breast cancer prognosis among obese women. Further attention on the relationship of anthropometric variables to risk of breast cancer should focus on the timing of weight gain as well as the distribution of body fat.  相似文献   

Radium-226 concentrations of bone from the fetus and stillborn and from subjects aged 0 to 87 y, especially those older than 15 y, were determined by alpha spectrometry after an ion exchange separation. The median and mean 226Ra concentrations in bone of the adults, 20 to 69 y, were 0.35 and 0.42 Bq (kg bone ash)-1, respectively, and those for ages 15 to 87 y were 0.35 and 0.41 Bq (kg bone ash)-1, respectively. For fetal bones, mean content was 0.29 Bq (kg bone ash)-1. Annual dose equivalents in cells near bone surfaces and active red bone marrow, received from alpha radiation emitted from 226Ra and its decay products in mineral bone, were estimated using the ICRP dosimetric model for bone and assuming masses of source and target tissues for a Japanese Reference Man.  相似文献   

Rats weighing 400 g were maintained at constant weight for 500 days. Their diet consisted of 14 g/day for the first 150 days and 13 g/day thereafter. A second group of rats weighing 350 g was fed 11.5 g/day for 400 days; at the end of the experiment, these rats weighed 382 g. Under these conditions, the increase in brain weight and in quantity and concentration of cholesterol in the brain as a function of time was identical to that observed in the control rats fed ad libitum. Rats weighting 250 g fed 8.5 g/day for 200 days showed a body weight increase of 16 g. Up to the age of 115 days, the evolution of brain weight in terms of time did not differ from that observed in control rats. Rats weighting 100 g and fed 4.5 g/day showed an increase of 28 g after 300 days. The increase in brain weight and in brain cholesterol content as a function of time was less than that observed in the control rats. A curve deduced from these results has the practical interest of indicating the daily energy requirement for maintaining rats at a chosen constant weight. Expressed in terms of body surface area, the daily energy intake appears constant. It was also observed that, when conditions of minimal economy are imposed upon the adult rat, brain nutrition is not modified. But for young rats (100 g),brain development under these nutrtional conditions is affected.  相似文献   

目的 了解盐城地区住院儿童社区获得性肺炎(CAP)感染的病原学及临床特征,为盐城地区儿童CAP的防治提供参考依据。方法 回顾性分析2014年10月-2015年9月在盐城市妇幼保健院住院的CAP患儿541例的临床资料。住院期间多病原检测包括:痰常见7种呼吸道病毒抗原、血肺炎支原体(MP)- IgM抗体、血EB四项抗体、痰培养或血培养。结果 病原体阳性检出率为62.8%。MP28.7%,病毒21.8%,细菌16.8%。从单一病原来看,以MP感染率最高(28.7%),其次为呼吸道合胞病毒、肺炎链球菌。>1~5岁龄组及>5~14岁龄组CAP患儿,MP检出阳性率均较高。病毒感染主要发生于1岁以内婴儿。年龄与发热的发生比及高低程度呈正相关,1岁以内年龄组发热比例低(41.6%)且以低热及中等度发热为主,1岁以上年龄组发热比例高(55.6%)以高热为主。CAP患儿5岁以下年龄组咳嗽、喘息气促的发生率明显高于5岁以上儿童;年龄越小肺部体征越明显。1月~1岁龄组CAP胸部影像学主要表现为小斑片影,多为单侧肺受累;>5~14岁龄组患儿则多为大叶受累阴影,多为单侧肺受累。结论 盐城地区住院儿童CAP病原依次为支原体、病毒、细菌。不同年龄段CAP患儿病原体检出率不同。不同年龄和不同病原学感染的儿童CAP的影像学表现各有特点。  相似文献   

目的:探讨老年高血压患左心房扩大的相关因素。方法:应用彩色多普勒超声心动图检测了101名老年高血压病患左心房改变,与48例老年正常人组比较。同时检测了醛固酮(ALD),血管紧张素I、Ⅱ(AT2,AT2),甲状旁腺激素(PTH),环磷酸腺苷(CAMP),胰岛素(Ins)等。结果:老年高血压患左心房扩大,AID,AT2,Ins升高,左房内径和容积与左室内径、重量、容量和左室舒张功能(Av/Ev),及血压、ALD、AT2显正相关(P<0.01)。结论:老年高血压患左心房扩大与血压,AID,AT2及左室结构和功能有关。  相似文献   

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