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The authors report the results of a dietary survey of 38,121 Iowa women, 55-69 years of age in 1986, based on a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire previously tested among Boston-area women aged 34-59 years. The Iowa women, compared with the younger Boston-area women, consumed a similar amount of calories (1,767 vs. 1,844 kcal) and a similar amount of total calories from fat (35 vs. 37%) but had markedly greater intake of the following micronutrients after including supplement use: iron (+18%), calcium (+33%), vitamin A (+43%), riboflavin (+46%), thiamine (+50%), and pyridoxine (+122%). The reproducibility of the questionnaire was examined in two more administrations to 44 of the Iowa women in January and June of 1988. Reproducibility was highest for alcohol (Pearson's r = 0.99), caffeine (r = 0.95), and vitamin E (r = 0.90) and lowest for sucrose (r = 0.53), polyunsaturated fat (r = 0.56), and iron (r = 0.59). Micronutrient intakes were generally more reproducible than macronutrient intakes. The agreement between the June 1988 questionnaire and the average of five 24-hour dietary recalls was also assessed in the 44 subjects. The median correlations of energy-adjusted intake were as follows: for macronutrients, r = 0.45; for micronutrients without supplements, r = 0.33; and for micronutrients with supplements, r = 0.64. This food frequency questionnaire appears to be reasonably reproducible and accurate, so that its use may be extended to epidemiologic studies of older women with a broad range of socioeconomic backgrounds.  相似文献   

目的比较3天24小时膳食回顾法和食物频率法在评估人群脂肪摄入的差异及相关性,为膳食脂肪研究提供依据。方法对从浙江省抽取的511名调查对象同时采用3天24 h膳食回顾法和食物频率法进行膳食调查,分别计算脂肪、脂肪酸和能量等的每日摄入量及脂肪供能比,并对结果进行统计分析。结果两种方法计算得到的能量、脂肪及脂肪供能比结果差异无统计学意义;两种方法评估能量、脂肪、脂肪供能比的相关系数分别为0.51、0.58和0.57,同一调查对象在这两种方法中被分到相同或相邻组的比率:能量为80.73%,脂肪为84.80%,脂肪供能比为83.38%。结论在进行膳食脂肪与疾病关系研究时可采用本文中的食物频率法代替3天24小时回顾法来评估人群脂肪摄入情况。  相似文献   

The authors examined the validity of a self-administered 180-item food frequency questionnaire in 125 Norwegian men aged 20-55 years who filled in the questionnaire and completed 14-day weighed records in fall 1995 to winter 1995/6. Spearman correlation coefficients between the two measurements ranged from 0.42 for percent of energy from fat to 0.66 for sugar intake (median r = 0.51). On average, 39% of the men were classified in the same quartile with the two methods, and 3% in the opposite quartile. Correlation coefficients between intake of fatty acids estimated from the questionnaire and the relative amounts of fatty acids in adipose tissue were: linoleic acid (18:2, n-6), r = 0.38; alpha-linolenic acid (18:3, n-3), r = 0.42; eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5, n-3), r = 0.52; and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6, n-3), r = 0.49. The correlations for these fatty acids between the total serum lipids and the diet were 0.16, 0.28, 0.51 and 0.52, respectively. The data suggest that very-long-chain n-3 fatty acids in adipose tissue and total serum lipids reflect the dietary intake of very-long-chain n-3 fatty acids to the same degree. No associations were observed between intake of alpha-tocopherol and concentration in adipose tissue and serum.  相似文献   

Nutrient intakes of preschool-age children were assessed with a 24-hour dietary recall and a 3-month food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Parents of 55 preschoolers (mean age = 4.25 +/- 0.59 years) completed the recall and FFQ on two occasions 1 week apart. The recalls and FFQs were analyzed for energy, cholesterol, protein, total carbohydrate, calcium, sodium, potassium, and saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated fats; each nutrient was expressed as raw value, value per kg body weight, and value per 1,000 kcal. Test-retest reliability estimates for the 24-hour recall indicated significant variability in reported total energy intake, but stable reports of intake were observed for one or all units of expression for polyunsaturated fats, cholesterol, protein, total carbohydrate, calcium, and potassium. The FFQ showed significant positive test-retest reliability estimates for all nutrients for all units of expression. Comparison of the recall and FFQ data showed similar percentages of intakes of energy from fat, carbohydrate, and protein and significant correlations for reported intakes of cholesterol, protein, calcium, and potassium. Comparison of the recall and FFQ data with recall data from a comparable cohort showed lower reported intakes for our sample, with the exception of protein, carbohydrate, calcium, and potassium. If validation studies are successful, the FFQ may be useful in epidemiological studies of preschoolers' intakes over extended periods. The recall may prove to be a useful tool in the assessment of day-to-day variations in macronutrient intakes.  相似文献   

The objective of this cross-sectional study was to compare dietary reports from a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) for US Chinese women with 24-hour recall estimates. The subjects were 56 women recruited through organizations in Philadelphia's Chinese community. Spearman correlations were used to describe FFQ estimates of food servings per month and nutrient intake per day vs estimates from three 24-hour recalls over 1 month. On average, women reported at least weekly consumption of 28 of 96 FFQ food items. The three most frequently consumed were rice (38 times/month), tea (29 times/month), and dark green, leafy vegetables (18 times/month). Comparing reported frequencies of the 28 foods to 24-hour recall estimates, the median Spearman correlation was 0.36. For nutrient estimates, correlations were high (r >0.5) for dietary fiber and calcium; moderate ( r =0.25 to 0.5) for energy, saturated fat, cholesterol, carbohydrates, protein, folic acid, and iron; but poor (r <0.25) for total fat, vitamin C, vitamin A, and carotene. These findings provide some assurance of the FFQ's adequacy for describing US Chinese women's intake of commonly consumed foods and selected nutrients. They also provide a basis for further improvements to, and evaluations of, the FFQ.  相似文献   



To examine the agreement in nutrient intake and alternate healthy eating indices (AHEI) between a self-administered Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) and 24-hour recall (24HR) measurements of diet by race, among urban older women.


Cross-sectional observational study


Urban neighborhoods in Washington, DC, USA.


Community-dwelling White and Black women aged 65 and older.


In 2014 and 2015, 49 White and 44 Black older women were queried on diet using both FFQ and 24-hour recalls. The correlation coefficients of 55 nutrient intake measures and agreements on healthy eating classification between the two instruments were compared overall and by race.


The mean correlation coefficient (rho) was 0.46 for Whites and 0.23 for Blacks. For 47 measures, rho was lower for Blacks. Whites had a strong correlation of ≥0.5 for 28 items, while Blacks had strong correlations for only 3 items. Based on FFQ, the mean (SD) of AHEI were 54.0 (10.3) for Whites and 45.9 (8.8) for Blacks (P< 0.001). Based on 24HR, the mean (SD) were 43.9 (10.8) for Whites and 33.2 (9.6) for Blacks (P< 0.001). Using 32 as the cutoff (40% of maximum AHEI score), 50% of Blacks and 14% of Whites were classified as eating unhealthy based on the 24HR, versus 2.6% and 0% based on the FFQ.


The FFQ has limited ability to accurately assess nutrient intake among older Black women, and tends to underestimate racial differences in healthy eating. The FFQ should be further improved for use in racial disparities research of healthy eating in older age, using a larger sample of older women with racial and geographic diversities.

Two hundred and thirty-five tenants living in sheltered housing in Scotland were surveyed to identify the extent of under-nutrition and the social factors which contribute to its development. A validated 24 h recall and the nutrient checklist published by NAGE were used to evaluate patterns of dietary intake. A questionnaire was developed which included scales designed to measure depression, social engagement, cognitive function, mobility and functional ability. The results show considerable evidence of a number of major nutrients in which there were low intakes. In order to express the extent of poor nutrition, a nutrient score was developed where points are awarded based on the number of nutrients falling below the Lower Reference Nutrient Intake, the Estimated Average Requirement or below half the daily Estimated Average Requirement.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The Black Women's Health Study (BWHS) was designed to investigate determinants of health and disease in US black women. More than 64,000 women are enrolled in the BWHS cohort. This study assessed the relative validity of the 68-item food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) used in the BWHS baseline questionnaire. METHODS: Four hundred and eight BWHS enrollees were asked to provide three telephone, 24-hour recalls and one written 3-day food diary over a one-year period. Means and Pearson correlations were computed to compare estimates for energy, total fat, saturated fat, protein, carbohydrate, dietary fiber, calcium, iron, vitamin C, folate, beta-carotene, and vitamin E from the FFQ, recalls, and diaries. RESULTS: Mean energy intake (kcal) was higher for the diary (1716) than the FFQ (1601) or recalls (1510). Other nutrient estimates (% kcal or per 1000 kcal) were similar across methods, except beta-carotene (FFQ higher). Correlations (energy-adjusted, except for energy, and corrected for intraperson variation) between the FFQ and the recalls were higher than for the diary data and were between 0.5 and 0.8, except for energy and vitamin E (both <0.3). CONCLUSION: The BWHS FFQ will support meaningful analyses of diet-health associations for 10 of the 11 energy-adjusted nutrient intake variables analyzed.  相似文献   

A study was performed to determine the utility of the Willett semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire for assessing the habitual diets of preschool children. Children (n = 224) were recruited mainly through a New York City hospital-based pediatric practice during 1986-1987. The children's ages at baseline were 44-60 months; 50% were male, and 91% were Hispanic. Over a 12-month period, the Willett food frequency questionnaire was administered twice to each child's parent, and a 24-hour dietary recall was conducted four times. For energy and eight nutrients, group mean intakes derived from food frequency questionnaires were 1.4-1.9 times higher than those from 24-hour recalls. Group mean estimates of nutrient density of total and saturated fat, potassium, and calcium did not differ between the two methods. Correlations between methods for crude nutrient intakes (unadjusted for energy consumption) ranged from 0.16 (polyunsaturated fat in boys) to 0.60 (potassium in girls). Correlations generally decreased when intakes were adjusted for energy consumption. Adjustment for energy intake and residual intraindividual variability yielded correlations of 0.48 for total calories, 0.35 for total fat, and 0.37 for saturated fat. For intake of energy and nine nutrients, of those children classified into the highest quintile by dietary recall, 28.9-40.9% were so classified by the Willett questionnaire, and 48.9-68.9% were classified into the highest two quintiles. When data were expressed as nutrient densities, agreement was high for potassium and calcium and fair for saturated fat, cholesterol, and protein. The moderately low consistency of nutrient intake estimates across dietary assessment methods in this study may be due, in large part, to residual intraindividual variability in both the recall data and the food frequency data.  相似文献   

Metabolic studies have clearly shown that trans fatty acids (TFAs) elevate LDL and lower HDL cholesterol. Epidemiologic studies showed a relation between TFA intake and the risk of myocardial infarction (MI), but studies examining adipose tissue TFAs have not uniformly confirmed this. We performed a case control study examining both adipose tissue levels and dietary intake of TFAs and first MI. Between 1995 and 1997, 209 cases of first MI completed a 300-item FFQ and 79 had an adipose tissue biopsy; 179 matched controls completed the FFQ and 167 had a biopsy. During the course of the study (mid-1996), TFAs were eliminated from margarines sold in Australia. Cases biopsied before mid-1996 had greater levels of trans 18:1(n-9) (32% P < 0.03) and trans 18:1(n-11) (23%, P < 0.001) than controls biopsied before mid-1996. After June 1996, there were no differences between cases and controls in any of the adipose tissue TFAs measured. Logistic regression showed that trans 18:1(n-11) (P = 0.03) was an independent predictor of a first MI. Cases consumed 0.5 g/d (P = 0.002) more TFAs than controls. Subjects in the highest quintile of TFA intake had an OR for first MI of 2.1 (95% CI, 1.1-4.3), which was not independent of saturated fat intake. Apparent TFA intake from margarine was related to adipose tissue 18:1t[(n-9) and (n-10)] in 1995 (r = 0.66, 0.66, respectively). We conclude that TFAs in adipose tissue are associated with an increased risk of coronary artery disease and rapidly disappear from adipose tissue when not included in margarines.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVESThe doubly labeled water (DLW) method is the gold standard for estimating total energy expenditure (TEE) and is also useful for verifying the validities of dietary evaluation tools. In this study, we compared the accuracy of total energy intakes (TEI) estimated by the 24-h diet recall method with TEE obtained using the doubly labeled water method.SUBJECTS/METHODSThis study involved 71 subjects aged 20–49 yrs. Over a 14-day period, three 24-h diet recalls per subject (2 weekdays and 1 weekend day) were used to estimate energy intakes, while TEE was measured using the DLW method. The paired t-test was used to determine the significance of differences between TEI and TEE results, and the accuracy of the 24-h recall method was determined by accuracy predictions percentage, root mean square error, and bias.RESULTSAverage study subject age was 33.4 ± 8.6 yrs. The association between TEI and TEE was positive and significant (r = 0.463, P < 0.001), and the difference between TEI (2,084.3 ± 684.2 kcal/day) and TEE (2,401.7 ± 480.3 kcal/day) was also significant (P < 0.001). In all study subjects, mean TEI was 12.0% (307.5 ± 629.3 kcal/day) less than mean TEE, and 12.2% (349.4 ± 632.5 kcal/day) less in men and 11.8% (266.7 ± 632.5 kcal/day) less in women. Rates of TEI underprediction for all study subjects, men, and women, were 60.5%, 51.4%, and 66.7%, respectively.CONCLUSIONSThis study shows that 24-h diet recall underreports energy intakes. More research is needed to corroborate our findings and evaluate the accuracy of 24-h recall with respect to additional demographics.  相似文献   

The effect of feeding n-3 PUFA on the fatty acid composition of muscle, adipose tissue and liver of lambs was investigated. Groups of eight ram lambs per breed, SuffolkxLleyn (24 kg live weight) and Scottish Blackface (18 kg live weight), were each fed one of six diets containing one of three fat sources (50 g fatty acids/kg DM; Megalac((R)) (calcium soap of palm fatty acid distillate; Volac Ltd, Royston, Herts., UK) and formaldehyde-treated whole linseed (Trouw Nutrition UK, Northwich, Ches., UK) either alone or with fish oil (1:1, w/w) and either 100 or 500 mg alpha-tocopheryl acetate/kg DM. Feed was offered ad libitum until slaughter at approximately half breed mature live weight. The type of dietary fat had no effect on intake, growth rate or feed conversion ratio. The 3.0-fold higher concentration of 18 : 3n-3 in the linseed compared with the Megalac((R)) diet approximately doubled (P<0.001) the concentration in the neutral and polar lipid fractions of musculus semimembranosus and liver, and in adipose tissue it increased 2.5-fold. Feeding protected linseed also increased (P<0.001) concentrations of 20 : 5n-3 and 22 : 5n-3 in muscle polar lipids and both lipid fractions of liver. The linseed-fish oil raised the 20 : 5n-3 concentrations above those for the linseed diet and also increased 22 : 6n-3. Scottish Blackface lambs had lower concentrations of 18 : 3n-3 in all lipids compared with Suffolk x Lleyn lambs, but more 20 : 5n-3 in the polar lipids of muscle and liver. High levels of dietary vitamin E were associated with small decreases in the concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids and increases in PUFA. Linseed raised the PUFA : saturated fatty acid ratios in liver and adipose tissue but not in muscle, and improved the n-6 : n-3 fatty acid ratio, as did the linseed-fish oil. Different combinations of dietary fatty acids and better protection against rumen biohydrogenation are required to improve muscle PUFA : saturated fatty acids ratios.  相似文献   

Tongan adults show one of the highest prevalences of obesity in the world. The present study aims to estimate Tongans' energy and nutrient intakes and food sources using a 24-hour recall survey for 14 days targeting 15 men and 19 women. The mean (SD) daily energy intake was 12.2 (2.3) MJ for men and 10.6 (2.2) MJ for women. Imported foods accounted for about half of their energy and macronutrient intakes, but for much less of their micronutrients. Some local food items, specifically pork, kava, and sea hare, contributed significantly to their vitamin, Fe, and Ca intakes, respectively. These findings suggest that heavy reliance on imported foods can lead not only to a high prevalence of obesity, but also to micronutrient deficiencies.  相似文献   

目的分析云南傣族居民膳食脂肪酸摄入水平与糖尿病发生之间的关系,为制定有效预防和控制糖尿病的膳食干预措施提供科学依据。方法2011年8月选择西双版纳傣族自治州勐海县404名≥18岁傣族居民为研究对象,采用问卷调查方式收集研究对象过去1年中各种食物的摄入频率、摄入量以及现病史、家族史情况,采集研究对象空腹血测定血糖。结果15.8%的傣族居民患糖尿病,14.9%的傣族居民糖耐量受损;傣族居民蛋白质、脂肪的摄入量均较高,膳食中三大产能营养素供能比失衡;膳食脂肪酸中饱和脂肪酸(SFA)、单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)、多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFAs)之比为1:1.72:0.76,比例失衡;经多因素逐步logistic回归分析显示,MUFA是糖尿病的保护因素(OR=0.906,40%CI=0.807~0.993)。结论云南傣族居民的膳食结构不合理;膳食MUFA可能对糖尿病的发生起保护作用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Most large cohort studies have used a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) for assessing dietary intake. Several biomarker studies, however, have cast doubt on whether the FFQ has sufficient precision to allow detection of moderate but important diet-disease associations. We use data from the Observing Protein and Energy Nutrition (OPEN) study to compare the performance of a FFQ with that of a 24-hour recall (24HR). METHODS: The OPEN study included 484 healthy volunteer participants (261 men, 223 women) from Montgomery County, Maryland, aged 40-69. Each participant was asked to complete a FFQ and 24HR on two occasions 3 months apart, and a doubly labelled water (DLW) assessment and two 24-hour urine collections during the 2 weeks after the first FFQ and 24HR assessment. For both the FFQ and 24HR and for both men and women, we calculated attenuation factors for absolute energy, absolute protein, and protein density. RESULTS: For absolute energy and protein, a single FFQ's attenuation factor is 0.04-0.16. Repeat administrations lead to little improvement (0.08-0.19). Attenuation factors for a single 24HR are 0.10-0.20, but four repeats would yield attenuations of 0.20-0.37. For protein density a single FFQ has an attenuation of 0.3-0.4; for a single 24HR the attenuation factor is 0.15-0.25 but would increase to 0.35-0.50 with four repeats. CONCLUSIONS: Because of severe attenuation, the FFQ cannot be recommended as an instrument for evaluating relations between absolute intake of energy or protein and disease. Although this attenuation is lessened in analyses of energy-adjusted protein, it remains substantial for both FFQ and multiple 24HR. The utility of either of these instruments for detecting important but moderate relative risks (between 1.5 and 2.0), even for energy-adjusted dietary factors, is questionable.  相似文献   

The California Expanded Food and Nutrition Education program (EFNEP) Evaluation Study evaluated the effectiveness of the California program. The eating habits of 683 persons were studied in a group receiving EFNEP instruction (355 participants) and a control group (328 participants) that received no instruction. The 24-hour food recall was used to assess eating habits using the Synectics method. At the beginning of the study, there were no differences in food recall scores between the EFNEP and the control groups. After 6 months of instruction in the EFNEP group, there was a significant increase in food recall score for that group and no change in the control group. The improvements observed in the EFNEP group resulted from increased intakes from the milk, protein, and fruit and vegetable food groups. The program characteristics that led to those changes were determined to be in the length of the EFNEP visit, the number of EFNEP visits, and the EFNEP instruction topics. These results show that the California EFNEP is effective in producing significant changes in the eating habits of the low-income individuals it serves.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a leading cause of cancer death in the United States. The majority of CRC arise in adenomatous polyps and 25-35% of colon adenoma risk could be avoidable by modifying diet and lifestyle habits. We assessed the association between diet and the risk of self-reported physician-diagnosed colorectal polyps among 2,818 subjects who had undergone colonoscopy. Subjects participated in 2 cohort studies: the AHS-1 in 1976 and the AHS-2 from 2002-2005. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the period risk of incident cases of polyps; 441 cases of colorectal polyps were identified. Multivariate analysis adjusted by age, sex, body mass index, and education showed a protective association with higher frequency of consumption of cooked green vegetables (OR 1 time/d vs. <5/wk = 0.76, 95% CI = 0.59-0.97) and dried fruit (OR 3+ times/wk vs. <1 time/wk = 0.76, 95%CI = 0.58-0.99). Consumption of legumes at least 3 times/wk reduced the risk by 33% after adjusting for meat intake. Consumption of brown rice at least 1 time/wk reduced the risk by 40%. These associations showed a dose-response effect. High frequency of consumption of cooked green vegetables, dried fruit, legumes, and brown rice was associated with a decreased risk of colorectal polyps.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to assess the influence of dietary lipid source on fatty acid phospholipid profiles and on lipid mobilization. Forty male Wistar rats were divided into four groups and fed on high-fat diets which provided olive oil, sunflower oil, palm oil or beef tallow. All rats received the same amount of energy to avoid hyperphagia and differences in energy intake among groups. Phospholipid fatty acids were determined by GC. Lipolysis was stimulated in subcutaneous and perirenal isolated adipocytes by several lipolytic agents, and assessed by the determination of released glycerol. After 4 weeks of feeding, differences in body and adipose tissue weights were not observed. Dietary regimens caused great changes in adipose tissue phospholipid composition: rats fed on palm oil and beef tallow had higher concentrations of saturated fatty acids and animals fed on olive oil or sunflower oil had greater amounts of oleic and linoleic acids, respectively. These modifications did not lead to important changes in adipocyte lipolysis. Significant differences were only observed between palm-oil- and beef-tallow-fed groups when lipolysis was stimulated by isoproterenol in subcutaneous adipocytes. The fact that our feeding protocol did not induce differences in fat accumulation among groups avoids misinterpretations due to adiposity changes. The differences observed between both saturated-fat-fed groups, therefore, should only be attributable to dietary lipids. Despite this effect, the data from this work indicate that some diet-induced changes in adipose tissue fatty acid composition may have little effect on overall function.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Intakes of foods based on responses to a revised food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and the original Fred Hutchinson FFQ were compared. Revisions included the addition of foods (eg, corn tortillas), disaggregation of line items (eg, cookies vs cakes), replacing unfamiliar terms in the Spanish-language version, a food glossary, and written cues to help respondents recall their food intake. DESIGN: Adult men (46%) and women (n=105) of non-Hispanic African-American, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic white background (age range 30 to 60 years) completed two FFQs within a 1-month reference period. Participants were randomly assigned to receive the revised FFQ or Fred Hutchinson FFQ first. Primary outcome measures were frequency rates weighted by portion size for 34 foods and beverages. ANALYSES: Frequencies of food intake on the original and revised FFQs were estimated using robust means and compared using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. RESULTS: Significantly greater (P<0.05) dietary recall was obtained on the revised FFQ, on items in which foods were added or disaggregated, on traditionally Hispanic foods among Hispanic participants, and foods listed in the glossary. CONCLUSIONS: Revisions in the Fred Hutchinson FFQ resulted in significantly greater dietary recall. Despite increased length, participants believed that the food glossary and written cues were helpful in completing the revised FFQ.  相似文献   

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