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BACKGROUND: The 1999 Cambridge Conference was held in Northern Queensland, Australia, on the theme of clinical teaching and learning. It provided an opportunity for groups of academic medical educators to consider some of the challenges posed by recent changes to health care delivery and medical education across a number of countries. PURPOSE: This paper describes the issues raised by the practical challenges posed by the current environment and how they might be addressed in ways that could promote more effective learning in clinical settings. METHOD: A SWOT analysis is a tool that can help in forward planning by identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats presented by any situation. Our SWOT analysis was used to generate a list of items, from which we chose those most feasible and most likely to promote positive change. RESULTS: Twenty different issues were identified, with four of them chosen by consensus for further elaboration. The discussion gave rise to four main recommended strategies: ensuring that clinical teachers thoroughly understand the purpose and process of learning in clinical settings; equipping learners with 'survival skills'; making the best use of learning resources within different clinical environments and making judicious use of information technology to enhance learning efficiency. CONCLUSIONS: The four strategies were selected not only because of their inherent importance, but also because of their feasibility. Modest changes can motivate students to feel part of a clinical team and a 'community of practice' and enhance their capacity for self-regulated practice.  相似文献   

AIMS: To describe aspects of the clinical experience and educational supervision gained by pre-registration house officers (PRHOs) in general practice, and to relate these to the current General Medical Council (GMC) aims for general clinical training in general practice. DESIGN: Qualitative evaluation, part of which involved semistructured interviews with 12 PRHOs who were experiencing a general practice rotation. Interviews were conducted at the beginning and the end of the pre-registration year, and following return to hospital work after completion of the general practice placement. SETTINGS: Three teaching hospitals, two district general hospitals and six general practices in south-east England. PARTICIPANTS: 12 PRHOs who were involved in rotations incorporating a general practice placement. RESULTS: To varying degrees, the GMC aims for training in general practice were met for all the participants. All PRHOs recognized the value of the clinical experience and educational supervision they received in general practice. They particularly valued aspects such as having an individual training programme based on their own needs, and the interlinking of theory and practice, which aided learning. Most felt that having responsibility for their own patients acted as an important incentive for learning, and in general, PRHOs appreciated having the time to learn which general practice allowed. CONCLUSIONS: For the majority of PRHOs, the time spent in general practice was seen as a positive clinical and educational experience. In a variety of ways, the general practice placement encouraged PRHOs to develop the self-directed learning skills seen as essential to the lifelong learning advocated by the GMC. A number of recommendations are made to help improve the integration of the hospital and general practice components of these rotations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To ascertain the effect of 12 months spent as a GP registrar on perceived skills in palliative care. DESIGN: A previously validated questionnaire for use with medical undergraduates is modified and used to survey perceived skills in five aspects of providing palliative care in five different scenarios at two points during the 12-month period of general practice vocational training where no specific teaching intervention is conducted. SETTING: The West Midlands. PARTICIPANTS: 210 GP registrars. RESULTS: Perceived skill ratings were seen to significantly increase during the 12-month period, but anxiety in caring for the dying did not significantly decrease. Ratings of skills were lowest when caring for a child dying with leukaemia or a young adult dying with AIDS. In addition, other important variables which had a statistically significant influence were gender and age, but interestingly not the number of previous senior house officer (SHO) posts undertaken or whether the respondent had had formal teaching on the subject in the past. CONCLUSION: It might therefore be postulated that training as a GP registrar has an important impact on the development of perceived skills in palliative care.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Little is known about the ability of pre-registration house officers (PRHOs) to perform basic clinical skills just prior to entering the medical register. OBJECTIVES: To find out whether PRHOs have deficiencies in basic clinical skills and to determine if the PRHOs themselves or their consultants are aware of them. METHOD: All 40 PRHOs at the Chelsea and Westminster and Whittington Hospitals were invited to undertake a 17 station OSCE of basic clinical skills. Each station was marked by one examiner completing an overall global score after completing an itemised checklist. An adequate station performance was the acquisition of a pass/borderline pass grade. Prior to the OSCE, a questionnaire was given to each PRHO asking them to rate their own abilities (on a 5-point scale) in the skills tested. A similar questionnaire was sent to the educational supervisors of each PRHO asking them to rate their house officer's ability in each of the same skills. RESULTS: Twenty-two PRHOs participated. Each PRHO failed to perform adequately a mean of 2.4 OSCE stations (SD 1.8, range 1-8). There were no significant correlations between OSCE performance and either self- or educational supervisor ratings. The supervisor felt unable to give an opinion on PRHO abilities in 18% of the skills assessed. DISCUSSION: This study suggests that PRHOs may have deficiencies in basic clinical skills at the time they enter the medical register. Neither the PRHOs themselves nor their consultants identified these deficiencies. A large regional study with sufficient power is required to explore the generalizability of these concerns in more detail.  相似文献   

The current emphasis on providing quality undergraduate and postgraduate medical education has focused attention on the educational responsibilities of all doctors. There is a greater awareness of the need to train doctors as educators and courses have been set up to satisfy this need. Some courses, such as those on how to conduct appraisal, are specific to one task facing a medical educator. Other courses take a broader view and relate educational theory to practice. In this paper we describe an outcome-based approach in which competence in teaching is defined in terms of 12 learning outcomes. The framework provides a holistic approach to the roles of the teacher and supports the professionalism of teaching. Such a framework provides the basis for the development of a curriculum for teaching excellence. It helps to define important competences for different categories of teachers, communicate the areas to be addressed in a course, identify gaps in course provision, evaluate courses, assist in staff planning and allow individuals to assess their personal learning needs. The framework is presented to encourage wider debate.  相似文献   

DESCRIPTION OF COURSE: In 1994, a new problem-based leaning (PBL) curriculum for year 1 medical students was introduced at the University of Manchester. The use of PBL has continued into the clinical clerkships. Year 3 of the curriculum is based entirely in a clinical environment with PBL groups meeting in three teaching hospitals. During this year, all students undertake two integrated 14-week modules with overarching themes. Each week, groups of eight students discuss a trigger problem connected to the relevant theme. The steps the groups use in the PBL process have been amended to encourage students to link their discussion with clinical experience. EVALUATION: At the end of each module, all 309 students were requested to complete an evaluation questionnaire. The response rates were 80% (n=247) and 89% (n=275) for the two core modules. RESULTS: The students have remained 'happy with the way the course is going' (83% at the end of module 2). They were also asked to rate a number of statements on a 5-point Likert scale (5=strongly agree). Concerning PBL, the students remained confident about working in a group (median 4), producing a set of learning objectives (median 4) and linking clinical experience with other knowledge (median 4). However, there were changes over the year. Fewer students agreed at the end of module 2 that 'the working problems were stimulating' (P=0.002) or 'motivated them to learn' (P < 0.001), but the clinical firms were seen as providing more appropriate experience (P=0.01) and being aware of the new curriculum and responding to it (P=0.018). We also surveyed the PBL tutors and had 65 returns from 78 people involved in the 38 PBL groups in year 3. The great majority of these are doctors employed by the National Health service. Virtually all the responders were happy to continue being a tutor (97%) and would recommend it to a colleague (93%). CONCLUSIONS: The evaluation has been positive with PBL having been successfully implemented in a clinical environment. We have identified significant changes over the year, which we need to address as we consolidate the curriculum.  相似文献   

Inquiry: the pedagogical importance of a skill central to clinical practice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The skill of inquiry is central to the task of the doctor confronted with a patient problem. Despite its importance this skill is not given appropriate emphasis in the education of medical students or in research concerning the clinical reasoning skills of doctors.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Integrated teaching and problem-based learning (PBL) are powerful educational strategies. Difficulties arise, however, in their application in the later years of the undergraduate medical curriculum, particularly in clinical attachments. Two solutions have been proposed - the use of integrated clinical teaching teams and time allocated during the week for PBL separate from the clinical work. Both approaches have significant disadvantages. Task-based learning (TBL) is a preferred strategy. In TBL, a range of tasks undertaken by a doctor are identified, e.g. management of a patient with abdominal pain, and these are used as the focus for learning. Students have responsibility for integrating their learning round the tasks as they move through a range of clinical attachments in different disciplines. They are assisted in this process by study guides. METHOD: The implementation of TBL is described in one medical school. One hundred and thirteen tasks, arranged in 16 groups, serve to integrate the student learning as they rotate through 10 clinical attachments. RESULTS: This trans-disciplinary approach to integration, which incorporates the principles of PBL offers advantages to both teachers and students. It recognizes that clinical attachments in individual disciplines can offer rich learning opportunities and that such attachments can play a role in an integrated, as well as in a traditional, curriculum. In TBL, the contributions of the clinical attachments to the curriculum learning outcomes must be clearly defined and tasks selected which will serve as a focus for the integration of the students' learning over the range of attachments.  相似文献   

This study compares the predictive values of written-knowledge tests and a standardized multiple-station examination for the actual medical performance of general practitioners (GPs) in order to select effective assessment methods to be used in quality-improvement activities. A comprehensive assessment was performed in four phases. First, 100 GPs from the southern part of the Netherlands were assessed by a general medical knowledge test and by a knowledge test on technical skills. Second, in order to check for time-order effects, participants were randomly divided into two groups of 50 each, comparable on scores of both knowledge tests and on professional characteristics. Finally, both groups went through a multiple station examination using standardized patients and a practice video assessment of real surgery, but in opposite orders. Consultations were videotaped and assessed by well-trained peer observers. The drop-out rate was 10%. In both groups the predictive value of medical knowledge tests, ranging from 0.43 to 0.56 (Pearson correlation disattenuated), proved to be comparable with the predictive value of the multiple-station examination for actual performance (0.33-0.59). The overall explained variance of scores of the practice video assessment, measured by multiple regression analysis with performance scores as dependent variables and scores on the knowledge tests and the multiple-station examination as independent variables was moderate (19%). A time-order effect showed in only one direction: from practice video assessment to the multiple-station examination. The GP's professional characteristics did not contribute to the explanation of variation in performance. Medical knowledge tests can predict actual clinical performance to the same extent as a multiple-station examination. Compared with a station examination, a knowledge test may be a good alternative method for assessment the procedures of a large number of practising GPs.  相似文献   

Increasingly, courses in communication skills are being incorporated into medical training. In order for communication skills to be effectively maintained in post-training medical practice, they must be taught within an appropriate clinical context. The present paper describes and provides rationale for seven criteria by which to select clinical issues which are appropriate foci for communication skills courses. The criteria are : (1) the issue must be one which is encountered frequently in clinical practice; (2) the issue must be associated with a high burden of illness; (3) there must be evidence that practitioners need to improve skills for dealing with the issue; (4) there must be an intervention, of which communication skills are an integral component, that is demonstrably effective for dealing with the clinical issue; (5) the intervention must represent a cost-effective means of dealing with the issue; (6) the intervention must be acceptable to doctors and be able to be incorporated into routine medical practice; (7) the intervention must be acceptable to patients. Examples of clinical issues which fit these criteria are given in the paper and include smoking, hazardous alcohol consumption, non-adherence to treatment instructions, overdue cervical screening, inappropriate diet, recovery from medical interventions, and breaking bad news to patients.  相似文献   

The systems for accrediting residency programmes in the United States and Canada, although they have developed independently in the two countries, have similar objectives and accreditation requirements. Both have become increasingly focused over the past several decades on the importance of educational programmes structured to provide graded professional responsibility with appropriate guidance and supervision to residents according to their level of training, ability and experience. The Canadian model used by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada is a centrist one, with accreditation decisions on all programmes in all specialties being vested in a single, multidisciplinary accreditation committee. The American model developed by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education is a distributive one, with accreditation decisions being vested in each specialty Residency Review Committee. In both models, accreditation is based on a system of periodic on-site visits during which both faculty and residents are interviewed by a surveyor to provide the accrediting body with a first-hand evaluation of the extent to which each accredited programme meets the standards of accreditation. While they are similar in purpose, there are significant differences in the operation of the two systems.  相似文献   

Undergraduate medical education in the UK is changing due to both educational pressure (from the General Medical Council) and changes in the hospital service. As a result the role of general practice in providing core clinical experience is under debate. The purpose of this study was to determine the clinical contact available for junior clinical medical clerks (third year) attached to five general practices. We report here on the clinical experience recorded by students during 106 sessions (74% of possible sessions). One hundred and one patients were seen, 54% females; ages ranging from 14 to 92. Four hundred and twenty-six symptoms were recorded; the largest category (36%) was CVS/respiratory followed by neurological (20%). Shortness of breath was the commonest single symptom (46% in the CVS/respiratory category). Three hundred and seventy-one signs were recorded; 48% were in the CVS/respiratory category, 33% in the neurological category. Cardiac murmurs were the commonest single sign (34% of the CVS/respiratory category). Sixty-nine separate comments were made by students about the range of clinical experience available; all were favourable. Forty-eight per cent of comments highlighted the availability of patients with appropriate symptoms and signs. This study has demonstrated that general practices can provide appropriate clinical exposure which complements hospital teaching for junior students.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study focused on Finnish physicians' views of their undergraduate medical education. Differences between traditional and community-oriented medical faculties were examined and changes which had taken place during a 10-year follow-up period were also assessed. METHODS: The study was based on data retrieved from a postal survey made among Finnish physicians in 1998. The study population consisted of all doctors who graduated between 1987 and 1996 (n=4926); those born on odd-numbered days were selected for this study (n=2492). A postal questionnaire and two reminders were sent to those selected, and 1822 questionnaires were returned, giving a response rate of 73.1%. RESULTS: Physicians who graduated from the community-oriented faculties were more satisfied with their undergraduate medical education when compared with their colleagues graduating from traditional faculties. There were some differences between the universities with respect to education for hospital work. The teaching of primary health care, however, was clearly more effective in community-oriented faculties. The proportion of graduates who were satisfied with their primary care education was over 70% in community-oriented faculties, whereas in the traditional faculties it was only 35-45%. CONCLUSIONS: According to graduates, the community-oriented medical school curriculum better meets the needs of practising physicians than that in traditional faculties. In curriculum reforms, more emphasis should be placed on comprehensive medical education, which includes both primary and secondary health care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To obtain students' perceptions of the educational quality of the general internal medicine teaching overall and to determine whether specific learning objectives were better addressed in general practice or in hospital. DESIGN: The survey was carried out after a 10 week block of general internal medicine, consisting of five weeks taught in general practice and five weeks taught in a teaching hospital. Students were randomly allocated to start in either general practice or hospital. The outcome measure was a questionnaire survey of students perceptions' of their learning on the two halves of the block. Each student completed the same questionnaire twice: once after their hospital experience and once after their general practice experience. Statistical Analysis was carried out using the SPSS package for Windows 3.1. Group means were calculated for each response, and the mean differences for each student's responses for the two learning environments were analysed using t-tests for paired samples. SETTING: Royal Free and University College Medical School at University College London. SUBJECTS: The study population was the entire annual intake (n = 225) of students into the first clinical year at one UK medical school. RESULTS: Students perceived they learnt more about history taking and physical examination in the community, whereas they learnt more about writing up their clerkings, keeping progress notes and disease management in hospital. CONCLUSIONS: The community and hospital environments appear to have different strengths for the teaching of medical students. These data support judicious transfer of clinical skills teaching from teaching hospitals into general practice, when the circumstances achieved here can be duplicated. However, some aspects of the clinical attachment, particularly record keeping and disease management, are probably better taught in hospital at present.  相似文献   

Fox R  Dacre J  McLure C 《Medical education》2001,35(4):371-373
BACKGROUND: Peripheral nervous system examination is an essential part of the full medical clerking of a patient. We have investigated the effectiveness of formal instruction in peripheral nervous system examination compared to the traditional bedside ward teaching that our students usually receive. METHOD: We instructed an unselected group of 22 medical students in peripheral nervous system examination in a clinical skills centre and evaluated them with a 12 item marking schedule before and after instruction. The performance of this group was then compared to the rest of their year (220 students) in an end of year OSCE, which included a neurology station assessing sensory examination of the lower limbs. RESULTS: Students formally instructed in neurology significantly improved their scores after instruction and scored 15% higher marks (90% vs. 75%) than the rest of their year in the end of year neurology OSCE station 2 months later (P < 0.01, Mann Whitney U-test). They did not perform significantly better in the OSCE overall. CONCLUSIONS: Formal instruction in neurological examination resulted in a significant increase in the end of year neurology OSCE station score compared to traditional heterogeneous teaching methods.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: In-training assessment (ITA) has established its place alongside formative and summative assessment at both the undergraduate and postgraduate level. In this paper the authors aimed to identify those characteristics of ITA that could enhance clinical teaching. METHODS: A literature review and discussions by an expert working group at the Ninth Cambridge Conference identified the aspects of ITA that could enhance clinical teaching. RESULTS: The features of ITA identified included defining the specific benefits to the learner, teacher and institution, and highlighting the patient as the context for ITA and clinical teaching. The 'mapping' of a learner's progress towards the clinical teaching objectives by using multiple assessments over time, by multiple observers in both a systematic and opportunistic way correlates with the incremental nature of reaching clinical competence. CONCLUSIONS: The importance of ITA based on both direct and indirect evidence of what the learner actually does in the real clinical setting is emphasized. Particular attention is given to addressing concerns in the more controversial areas of assessor training, ratings and documentation for ITA. Areas for future research are also identified.  相似文献   

The clinical skills resource: a review of current practice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This review is based on the findings of the Southampton Clinical Skills Project, which was a needs assessment and feasibility study to consider the development of a multiprofessional Clinical Skills Resource at Southampton. The project spanned a period of 18 months and used a range of methods of data collection, including visits to 12 clinical skills facilities in the UK. Most existing clinical skills centres have developed in response to changing healthcare policy, curricular initiatives and increasing emphasis on the quality of assessments and competencies. There is also increasing recognition that clinicians are no longer able to teach effectively all skills to students in the traditional ways, and that clinical skills training and assessment, particularly for undergraduates, is an area of deficiency. The potential scope of clinical skills centres is broad and encompasses not only clinical and communication skills but medical informatics, computer assisted learning, multiprofessional learning and assessment. Skills centres can also promote self directed and lifelong learning methods. The planning of skills centres involves a variety of stakeholders and users, including undergraduates, postgraduates, acute and community Trusts, Postgraduate Deans and medical schools. A successful skills centre needs to be flexible in its design, integral to the curriculum and relevant to educational and training requirements. This requires planning, organization and resources. Different organizational models can be used, depending on local factors. The management of skills centres involves consideration of issues such as security, safety, supervision of learners and staff development, informed by a network of experts and everyday users. The development of skills centres should include ongoing educational evaluation of outcomes and educational research. The use of a clinical skills centre has potential benefits for staff and students, including the provision of a safe environment in which to learn and practise skills before using them in the real clinical setting. This can reduce anxiety in students and protect patients from novice practice. Clinical skills centres provide a setting for structured learning with feedback as well as assessment of competence. The limitations of a skills centre are that it can only provide simulated experiences which are an adjunct to, but can never replace real clinical experience.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Supervision and feedback are essential factors that contribute to the learning environment in the context of workplace learning and their frequency and quality can be improved. Assessment is a powerful tool with which to influence students' learning and supervisors' teaching and thus the learning environment. OBJECTIVE: To investigate an in-training assessment (ITA) programme in action and to explore its effects on supervision and feedback. DESIGN: A qualitative study using individual, semistructured interviews. SUBJECTS AND SETTING: Eight students and 17 assessors (9 members of staff and 8 residents) in the internal medicine undergraduate clerkship at Vrije Universiteit Medical Centre, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. RESULTS: The ITA programme in action differed from the intended programme. Assessors provided hardly any follow-up on supervision and feedback given during assessments. Although students wanted more supervision and feedback, they rarely asked for it. Students and assessors failed to integrate the whole range of competencies included in the ITA programme into their respective learning and supervision and feedback. When giving feedback, assessors rarely gave borderline or fail judgements. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: If an ITA programme in action is to be congruent with the intended programme, the implementation of the programme must be monitored. It is also necessary to provide full information about the programme and to ensure this information is given repeatedly. Introducing an ITA programme that includes the assessment of several competencies does not automatically lead to more attention being paid to these competencies in terms of supervision and feedback. Measures that facilitate change in the learning environment seem to be a prerequisite for enabling the assessment programme to steer the learning environment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Medical education is not exempt from increasing societal expectations of accountability. Competition for financial resources requires medical educators to demonstrate cost-effective educational practice; health care practitioners, the products of medical education programmes, must meet increasing standards of professionalism; the culture of evidence-based medicine demands an evaluation of the effect educational programmes have on health care and service delivery. Educators cannot demonstrate that graduates possess the required attributes, or that their programmes have the desired impact on health care without appropriate assessment tools and measures of outcome. OBJECTIVE: To determine to what extent currently available assessment approaches can measure potentially relevant medical education outcomes addressing practitioner performance, health care delivery and population health, in order to highlight areas in need of research and development. METHODS: Illustrative publications about desirable professional behaviour were synthesized to obtain examples of required competencies and health outcomes. A MEDLINE search for available assessment tools and measures of health outcome was performed. RESULTS: There are extensive tools for assessing clinical skills and knowledge. Some work has been done on the use of professional judgement for assessing professional behaviours; scholarship; and multiprofessional team working; but much more is needed. Very little literature exists on assessing group attributes of professionals, such as clinical governance, evidence-based practice and workforce allocation, and even less on examining individual patient or population health indices. CONCLUSIONS: The challenge facing medical educators is to develop new tools, many of which will rely on professional judgement, for assessing these broader competencies and outcomes.  相似文献   

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