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唇腭裂是人类最常见的先天性畸形之一,其群体发病率为1‰~2‰,不同国家发病率相差很大,在我国达1.82‰[1].唇腭裂病因至今尚不明了,传统上认为由多基因遗传凶素造成,与环境诱变因子有重大关系.  相似文献   

口腔黏膜下纤维性变(oral submucous fibrosis,OSF)是一种慢性、隐匿性且具有癌变倾向的疾病,主要发生于印度、巴基斯坦等东南亚国家以及我国湖南、台湾两省。OSF病因不明,咀嚼槟榔是其最主要的致病因素,且咀嚼槟榔的频率越高、年限越长,越易患OSF。所有OSF患者都有咀嚼槟榔史,咀嚼槟榔还与口腔白斑、口腔癌发病高度相关。此外,OSF的发生还与遗传因素、免疫反应、胶原相关性基因,营养缺乏等有关。本文就OSF致病因素做一简单介绍。  相似文献   

??Osteoradionecrosis of jaws is a significant complication of radiotherapy for oral and maxillofacial head and neck malignant tumor. It occurs with bone devitalization and exposure through the overlying skin or mucosa which is necrotic and punched?? accompanied by extreme pain and fetor. The quality of life of patients with osteoradionecrosis is negative. This review focuses on the definition?? risk factors?? pathophysiology and treatment of osteoradionecrosis.  相似文献   

铜是人体必需的微量元素之一,含量居第三位,仅次于铁、锌。近些年来,由于铜是主要的抗菌元素之一及铜本身的相关特性使其成为在骨植入材料应用方面研究的热点。文章就铜抗菌性和生物学活性方面的影响、作用机制及研究现状做一综述。  相似文献   

??The repair of bone defect has achieved a lot of satisfactory results with years of development of bone tissue engineering scaffold. In order to acquire better repair effects for the oral and maxillofacial bone defect??more and more domestic and foreign scholars have paid great attention to the research about combining growth factors with bone tissue engineering scaffold. This review will summarize the research progress in combination mode of bone tissue engineering scaffold with growth factor.  相似文献   

??Clinically??more and more orthodontic teeth movement has been observed in the affected teeth??especially after trauma and root canal treatment??RCT??. The problems of pulp necrosis and root resorption have also been paid attention to. Then??how to reduce the occurrence of these cases and move the affected teeth safely and effectively has become the research focus of the scholars. In order to provide theoretical basis for further research in orthodontic tooth movement of affected teeth??this review will make a summary mainly in the time and result of orthodontic tooth movement of traumatised and RCT teeth.  相似文献   

??In recent years??with the development of orthodontic technology??domestic and foreign scholars have done a lot of research on how to accelerate the orthodontic tooth movement. Here we review multiple important factors accelerating the speed of orthodontic tooth movement that has been confirmed??such as hormones and drugs??electromagnetic laser and surgical methods??in order to offer the reference for future clinical treatment.  相似文献   

??Gelatinases are the fundamental components of matrix metalloproteinases??including matrix metalloproteinase-2 and matrix metalloproteinase-9??and have the ability to degrade extracellular matrix. Recent studies have shown that gelatinases play an essential role in the pathogenesis of pulpitis and apical periodontitis. This paper makes a review on recent advances of the basic research of gelatinases and their effects on the pathogenicity??the diagnosis as well as the therapy for pulpitis and apical periodontitis.  相似文献   

??Sodium hypochlorite is the most common irrigant employed in endodontic treatment with antibacterial activity which is capable of dissolving the necrotic tissue. However some studies suggest NaOCl could interfere in organization structure?? chemical composition and the bond strength of the composite bonded to dentine. This paper reviewed the research progress.  相似文献   

根管封闭剂是根管充填的必备材料,也是保证严密封闭根管系统的重要因素。近年来,根管封闭剂的创新研究一直十分活跃。本文主要围绕根管封闭剂的研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

Although chemical‐based root canal disinfectants are important to reduce microbial loads and remove infected smear layer from root dentin, they have only a limited ability to eliminate biofilm bacteria, especially from root complexities. This paper explores the novel photodynamic therapy (PDT) for antimicrobial disinfection of root canals. The combination of an effective photosensitizer, the appropriate wavelength of light and ambient oxygen is the key factor in PDT. PDT uses a specific wavelength of light to activate a non‐toxic dye (photosensitizer), leading to the formation of reactive oxygen species. These reactive oxygen molecules can damage bacterial proteins, membrane lipids and nucleic acids, which promote bacterial cell death. In, addition PDT may enhance cross‐linking of collagen fibrils in the dentin matrix and thereby improving dentin stability. The concept of PDT is plausible and could foster new therapy concepts for endodontics. The available knowledge should enable and encourage steps forward into more clinical‐oriented research and development. This article discusses PDT as related to root canal disinfection, including its components, mechanism of action, reviews the current endodontic literature and also highlights the shortcomings and advancements in PDT techniques.  相似文献   

牙周炎是一种以细菌为始动因素的慢性炎症性疾病,高危致病菌及其毒力因子可通过改变局部组织细胞正常的代谢活动打破牙周微环境的平衡,促进炎症的发生发展.研究表明,由于牙体解剖结构的复杂性和机械清创的局限性,C级或Ⅲ/Ⅳ期牙周炎患者仅行洁治术和刮治术不一定能达到预期的治疗效果.光动力疗法(photodynamic therap...  相似文献   

周琳怡 《口腔医学》2018,38(6):569-572
[摘要]口腔种植体周围炎是发生在种植体周围的炎症过程,特征为软组织炎症及支持骨的丢失。光动力疗法是利用可见光、近红外或紫外光驱动,通过光敏剂退激产生激发态单线态氧导致多种生物分子氧化产生光动力,对于致病菌具有强烈的杀灭作用。近年来,光动力疗法在口腔种植体周围炎控制中有所应用。本文从种植体周围炎治疗中应用激光,光敏剂分类,及光动力作用机制作一综述。  相似文献   

目的 观察光动力疗法对伴糖尿病根尖周炎患者的根管治疗疗效。方法 随机选择180例伴有糖尿病的根尖周炎患者,随机平均分为试验组和对照组,每组90例,对照组常规进行根管预备消毒,试验组行根管预备消毒+光动力辅助根管消毒。使用视觉量表法(VAS)评价根管预备术后3天局部疼痛状况,2年后根据患者临床症状、临床检查和X线检查情况统计根管治疗的成功率。结果 根管预备后3天,试验组疼痛反应轻于对照组,具有统计学差异(P<0.05)。根管治疗后2年,试验组成功率(93.33%)大于对照组(83.33%),具有统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论 对伴有糖尿病的根尖周炎患者,使用光动力疗法对其根管进行消毒,可减轻根管预备后急性疼痛症状,提高根管治疗的成功率。  相似文献   

[摘要] 牙周病是口腔中最常见的细菌感染性疾病之一。牙周病以牙周炎为主,牙周炎的治疗方法包括传统的机械疗法、抗生素疗法和近年来比较受到关注的光动力疗法(photodynamic therapy,PDT)。光动力抗菌疗法(antimicrobial photodynamic therapy,aPDT)是通过低能量的激光激活光敏剂,杀伤致病菌,对牙周炎进行无创治疗的疗法。该文就光动力疗法的作用机制、特点及对牙周病主要致病菌的杀灭效果做一综述。  相似文献   

Background and Objective:  Photodynamic therapy has been advocated as an alternative to antimicrobial agents to suppress subgingival species and to treat periodontitis. Bacteria located within dense biofilms, such as those encountered in dental plaque, have been found to be relatively resistant to antimicrobial therapy. In the present study, we investigated the ability of photodynamic therapy to reduce the number of bacteria in biofilms by comparing the photodynamic effects of methylene blue on human dental plaque microorganisms in the planktonic phase and in biofilms.
Material and Methods:  Dental plaque samples were obtained from 10 subjects with chronic periodontitis. Suspensions of plaque microorganisms from five subjects were sensitized with methylene blue (25 μg/mL) for 5 min then exposed to red light. Multispecies microbial biofilms developed from the same plaque samples were also exposed to methylene blue (25 μg/mL) and the same light conditions as their planktonic counterparts. In a second set of experiments, biofilms were developed with plaque bacteria from five subjects, sensitized with 25 or 50 μg/mL of methylene blue and then exposed to red light. After photodynamic therapy, survival fractions were calculated by counting the number of colony-forming units.
Results:  Photodynamic therapy killed approximately 63% of bacteria present in suspension. By contrast, in biofilms, photodynamic therapy had much less of an effect on the viability of bacteria (32% maximal killing).
Conclusion:  Oral bacteria in biofilms are affected less by photodynamic therapy than bacteria in the planktonic phase. The antibacterial effect of photodynamic therapy is reduced in biofilm bacteria but not to the same degree as has been reported for treatment with antibiotics under similar conditions.  相似文献   

Ozone gas and photodynamic therapy (PDT) have been claimed to be antimicrobially effective. This study assessed their antimicrobial potential in vitro. Mature six-species oral biofilms were treated as follows (n = 9 per group): (i) a 60-s application of gasiform vacuum-ozone or vacuum alone (on wet or air-dried biofilm samples); (ii) PDT (i.e. methylene blue in combination with or without a diode soft laser, and a soft laser alone); or (iii) antimicrobial solutions: immersion of biofilms for 60 s in 0.2 and 2% chlorhexidine or in 0.5 and 5% hypochlorite solution. Treatment with chlorhexidine or hypochlorite served as a positive control, whereas untreated samples served as negative controls. Colony-forming units on blood agar were counted. Only the 5% hypochlorite solution was able to totally eliminate the microorganisms in the biofilm. The observed reduction of viable counts by vacuum-ozone application and PDT was less than one log(10) step. Under the conditions of the current study, gasiform ozone and PDT had a minimal effect on the viability of microorganisms organized in a cariogenic biofilm.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of the photodynamic therapy (PDT) using with different photosensitizers on the bond strength of BioRoot RCS (BR) to radicular dentin by comparing with AH Plus (AH). The shaped root canals of 80 human mandibular premolars were divided into four groups based on the final disinfection protocol: NaOCl/EDTA, PDT with methylene Blue (MB), PDT with curcumin (CUR) and PDT with toluidine blue O (TBO) (n = 20). Each group was randomly divided into two subgroups (n = 10), according to the endodontic sealer used for obturation (n = 10). The test of push-out bond strength (PBS) was performed using an universal test machine. The data were analysed using ANOVA, Tukey post-hoc, and independent sample t-test (α = 0.05). MB-BR group showed the highest PBS at the cervical level (p < 0.05). The selection of the photosensitizer in PDT influenced adhesion of root canal sealers to radicular dentin.  相似文献   

目的:通过鸡冠动物模型了解红光结合光敏剂血卟啉单甲醚(hematoporphyrin monomethylether,HMME)在光动力疗法治疗微静脉畸形中的治疗效果和适宜治疗参数。方法:48只鸡随机分组,处理组分别注射不同剂量的HMME后,半导体激光(红光)或氩离子泵浦染料激光不同能量密度分组照射,照射后肉眼和光镜下观察比较组织损伤程度并测量损伤深度。结果:红光结合HMME照射能引起鸡冠颜色变白、血管数量减少等形态学改变。HMME10mg/kg、15mg/kg剂量组中,在相同功率密度时,红光高能量密度照射组(240J/cm2)所造成损伤深度(分别为1.2225±0.8457mm,2.2800±1.3665mm)均显著大于氩离子泵浦染料激光不同能量密度的各照射组(P<0.05)。适宜治疗参数为HMME剂量10mg/kg,红光能量密度120-240J/cm2。结论:红光结合HMME光动力疗法有可能对增厚或结节型微静脉畸形实现更佳的治疗效果。  相似文献   

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