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背景:每天吃早餐是世界卫生组织倡导的一种促进健康的行为,而早餐常被忽视。目的:了解京沪两地小学生早餐现状及影响早餐的行为因素,为深入研究小学生早餐问题,制定和开展“学生营养早餐计划”提供科学依据;设计:以小学生为研究对象,采用分层整群抽样方法,调查研究。单位:二所大学的儿少卫生研究所。对象:2002—03/06,调查对象是北京、上海两城市8688名6~11岁的掌生。其中北京6~11岁的小学生共4692名,有效问卷4637份。男2386名,女生为2251名。上海6-11岁的小学生4300名,有效问卷4051份。男2031名。女2020名。方法:采用问卷调查的方法。调查内容包括家庭一般情况、饮食喜好、早餐食物选择.奶类摄入等情况。结果:小学生不能保证每天吃早餐的比例分别为北京男生25.8%、女生21.6%;上海男生11.4%、女生13.3%。学生不吃早餐的原因主要是:没有食欲、没有时间吃、家长没时间做。学生早餐食物品种单调,质量较差。学生早餐55%以上由母亲准备,食用早餐的地点以家里为主,其次为上学路上和饭馆小摊,早餐费用2~3元。学生吃早餐的行为与其母亲的吃早餐行为密切相关(r=0.4333,P&;lt;0.01)。结论:京沪两地小学生的早餐质量有待改善.父母的饮食行为影响到其子女的饮食行为。  相似文献   

目的:了解医学生健康危险行为发生现状和特征,为制订预防和控制大学生健康危险行为的发生、提高其身心健康水平提供一定的理论依据。方法:采用计算机辅助自填问卷的方法,以"中国青少年健康相关行为调查问卷(大学)"对山西省某医学高校516名学生进行匿名调查。结果:共调查医学高校三年级学生516名(男生210名、女生306名),调查结果显示,近90%的学生喜欢吃甜点,超过一半的学生经常喝饮料,并有近10%的学生在过去1周里吃早餐不足3 d甚至是从不吃早餐;11.4%和41.1%的学生有吸烟和饮酒行为,尤其是男生;男生网络成瘾和参加过类似赌博的娱乐性活动的比例(14.3%和11.9%)明显高于女生(1.6%和2.6%)(χ2=31.5和18.0,P〈0.000 1);女生则在过去一年里考虑过离家出走和自杀的比例较高(16.3%和13.1%),明显高于男生(8.6%和7.1%)(χ2=4.60和6.57,P〈0.05)。结论:大学生健康危险行为不容忽视,应采取有效措施降低大学生健康危险行为的发生,进一步提高大学生的身心健康水平。  相似文献   

浙江省中学生吸烟状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 掌握浙江省中学生吸烟的流行水平,了解对吸烟危害认识程度,为烟草控制及健康教育提供科学依据.方法 采用多阶段随机整群抽样的方法,对浙江省30个县区、221个学校、249个班级的11 638名初一至高三的中学生进行集中调查,采用自我管理式问卷调查方法.结果 调查对象的尝试吸烟率为30.30%,城市27.77%、农村31.88%,农村显著高于城市;男生42.99%、女生17.19%,男生显著高于女生;现在吸烟率为7.88%,城市6.59%、农村8.68%;男生13.58%、女生1.99%;调查对象吸1整支烟报告率为16.12%,城市14.13%、农村17.37%;男生27.01%、女生4.87%;调查对象被动吸烟率为16.65%,城市20.69%、农村14.07%;男生16.22%、女生17.04%.结论 浙江省中学生吸烟现象普遍,中学生周围人的吸烟行为对中学生吸烟行为有严重影响,应及时对中学生开展健康教育,采取积极有效的应对措施.  相似文献   

背景心脏手术后恢复初期,患者常常处于一种应激状态,承受较大的生理和心理负担,有效的应对策略能缓解因此产生的心理压力,有利于患者术后康复.目的调查分析心脏手术后患者所采用的应对方法和策略.设计调查研究.单位中国医科大学附属第一医院外科.对象以1999-11/2000-03中国医科大学附属第一医院心脏外科收治的心脏瓣膜置换术后,从ICU病房转到普通病房第2天患者66例为研究对象.纳入本实验中64例,男34例,女30例,均为自愿.方法采用问卷调查法对64例心脏手术后患者进行心理压力应对策略的调查分析.采用Likert 4分制量表测量患者所采用的应对策略.主要观察指标心脏手术后患者应对方式和应对策略.结果①"面对"应对方式中的"服从医生的安排"的应用率为97%(62/64).②"逃避"应对方式中的"拒绝相信手术这一事实"的应用率为2%(1/64).结论应用最多的应对策略是"面对"应对方式中的"服从医护人员的安排".应用最少的应对策略是"逃避"应对方式中的"拒绝相信手术这一事实".  相似文献   

张涛  崔军  高华  胡丹标  丁可  林寅 《疾病监测》2007,22(4):261-262
目的 了解小学生道路交通伤害的相关行为,为预防和减少小学生道路交通伤害提供依据.方法 用分层整群抽样的方法.在城市和农村各选取2所小学,中选学校的2~6年级各抽取4个班级.以被抽取班级的全部学生作为调查对象.结果 共调查2921名小学生,小学生上学时最主要的方式是步行(46.0%).在调查前的30d内,被调查的小学生中有2.9%经常用滑板或旱冰鞋在马路上滑行.2.2%经常在马路上打闹嬉戏,5.8%经常不遵守交通信号灯管理,7.1%经常过马路不走人行横道.56.4%的小学生坐在汽车的副驾驶座时经常不系安全带.过马路不走人行横道的发生率低年级学生高于高年级学生(P<0.05);除坐在机动车副驾驶室不系安全带外,其余不安全交通行为的发生率男生均高于女生(P<0.05).小学生违反交通规则的最主要原因是怕上课迟到(47.9%),其次为随人群乱穿马路(25.8%).结论 应针对小学生伤害相关行为的特点开展教育,以减少道路交通伤害的发生.  相似文献   

目的了解中国青少年的吸烟行为和烟草知识及其与大众传媒的关系.方法采用美国疾病控制中心设计和提供的"全球青年与烟草调查核心问卷",以系统抽样方法抽取天津、山东、重庆、广东四省市200所中学的11957名初中生自评后收回.结果调查对象中有22.3%的学生曾尝试过吸烟,吸烟率为4.9%;对吸烟和被动吸烟危害健康的认识影响吸烟行为(OR=1.74和1.58);大众传播媒介和社交活动中的禁烟的宣传是吸烟行为的保护因素(OR=0.80和0.85),影视吸烟形象、香烟商标、香烟广告和宣传等是吸烟行为的危险因素(OR=1.59~1.68).结论大众传媒对青少年吸烟行为和烟草知识有重要影响,应该建立青少年控烟的综合政策体系.  相似文献   

目的:认识影响大学生骨密度的各种生活因子,以便指导大学生提高骨密度,预防骨质疏松症的发生。方法:于2005-07/08选择延边大学医学院在校生自愿者638人,其中朝鲜族男生130人,朝鲜族女生110人,汉族男生196人,汉族女生202人。采用问卷调查方式,调查内容包括被调查者的自然状况、饮食、运动情况及其他与骨密度有关的生活方式。同时对调查对象进行右足跟骨骨密度测定。综合骨评价值=透过指数×超声波传导速度。结果:纳入受试对象638人,均进入结果分析。①汉族男生的综合骨评价值明显低于朝鲜族男生(分别为3.0±0.4,3.2±0.4,P<0.05),女生不存在民族差异。②男生的生活方式与骨密度的关系:注意平衡膳食及摄取充足的豆制品有利于骨密度提高(t=10.693,P<0.01;t=2.483,P<0.05);进行定期的运动(足球、篮球、排球、网球等球类运动和使用健身器)以及中学时期除了上体育课之外进行过体育运动能明显提高骨密度(t=10.693,P<0.01;t=1.998,P<0.05);有骨折史的学生骨密度明显低于无骨折史的学生(t=2.028,P<0.05)。③女生的生活方式与骨密度的关系:经常不吃早餐的学生骨密度低于按时吃早餐的学生(t=6.600,P<0.01);注意均衡饮食和进行定期运动的学生骨密度明显高于不注意均衡饮食和不做定期运动的学生(t=4.149,P<0.01;t=2.992,P<0.01)。③女生中也表现出有骨折史的学生骨密度显著低于无骨折史的学生(t=1.965,P<0.05)。结论:影响大学生骨密度的因素有骨折史、定期运动、均衡饮食、豆制品摄取。  相似文献   

目的调查分析北京市海淀区社区青少年慢性病预防相关的营养知识、态度、饮食行为现状,探讨社区健康教育需求。方法通过问卷调查北京市海淀区5个社区116名青少年营养知信行情况。结果青少年营养知识知晓率偏低,多个条目在50%以下,态度普遍较好;不吃早餐(7.8%)及早餐构成单一的问题依然存在;90.5%的研究对象吃零食,零食种类以冷饮饮料为主(69.5%);每日在外就餐的比例为22.7%。结论北京市海淀区青少年营养知识和态度仍有待提高,早餐、零食、在外就餐、饮用饮料、奶及奶制品食用等方面存在一定问题,需要社区护士针对性地开展相关的营养健康教育,以促进青少年健康饮食行为的形成,从而达到预防近远期慢性疾病的目的。  相似文献   

背景心脏手术后恢复初期,患者常常处于一种应激状态,不能保持良好的身心健康.为了促进患者术后恢复,评估其压力源,可以有效地帮助患者应对压力.目的调查心脏手术后患者所面描的压力,分析其压力水平.设计调查研究. 单位中国医科大学附属第一医院外科.对象以1999-11/2000-03中国医科大学附属第一医院心脏外科收治的心脏瓣膜置换术后,从ICU病房转到普通病房第2天患者66例为研究对象.纳入本实验中64例,男34例,女30例,均为自愿.方法以Lazarus和Folkman的压力模式为理论框架,测量工具是在Carr,Power和Connelly的心理压力评估方法的基础上建立的,采用问卷调查法对64例心脏手术后患者进行压力源调查与评估.主要观察指标心脏手术后患者压力源和压力水平.结果①患者对总体压力源的压力评估在中等水平(2.59±0.70),其中与疾病有关的压力源的压力评估均值(2.71±0.71)高于与医院环境有关的压力源的压力评估均值(2.28±0.76),二者的压力评估均为中等水平.②在与疾病有关的压力源中,"疼痛或不舒适"发生频率为100%,"不确定的术后结果"压力评估均值为(3.12±0.88).③在与医院环境有关的压力源中,"同其他患者共住一房间"发生频率为75%,"必须依赖他人"压力评估均值为(3.24±0.87).结论在与疾病有关的压力源中,最经常发生的是"疼痛或不舒适",而被患者评估为压力程度最高的压力源是"不确定的术后结果".在与医院环境有关的压力源中,最经常发生的是"同其他患者共住一房间".而"必须依赖他人"被评估为压力程度最高的压力源.均为中等水平.  相似文献   

我们于 2 0 0 1- 0 4 - 2 0~ 2 0 0 1- 0 6 - 10对市区和郊区 885 0名小学生进行单纯性肥胖调查 ,并对造成肥胖的主要原因进行了分析探讨 ,初步制定了一些简单可行的防治措施。1 对象和方法1.1 对象 市区小学 8所 ,镇级小学 2所 ,村级小学 17所 ,调查对象均为 8~ 13岁身体基本健康的少年儿童 ,调查人数 885 0名 ,男生 4 5 2 4人 ,女生 4 32 6人 ;市区学生 5 74 5人 ,郊区学生310 5人。1.2 方法 首先目测 ,筛选出外观形体肥胖儿童 ,然后测量身高、体重等形态指标 ,排除病理性肥胖。同时 ,以询问和填写表格方式调查学生的家庭经济状况…  相似文献   

Aims and objectives. To analyse eating and physical activity preferences among adolescent school children and to compare the teenagers' lifestyle declarations with their parents' beliefs. Background. Unfavorable behavior in eating habits and physical activity may result in serious dysfunctions and diseases, such as eating disorders and incorrect body mass. Design. A retrospective cross-sectional study conducted in 2010-2011. Methods. The data was collated from 711 pupils and 266 parents. The survey included questions on: breakfast consumption, types of food eaten for breakfast, time of supper, the daily number of meals, the quantity of fruit and vegetables, food products purchased in the school shop, as well as the type and level of physical activity. Results. In the population of children aged 14-15?years, 10% do not eat 1st breakfast and 15% do not eat 2nd breakfast, 50% eat dairy products for 1st breakfast, 70% have sandwiches for 2nd breakfast, 45% most frequently buy snacks in the school shop, 65% prefer physical activity in the form of team games, and 90% willingly participate in PE classes. The parents' beliefs differ from their children's declarations with regard to: breakfast consumption, the number of meals a day, the quantity of fruit, and participation in PE classes. Conclusions. The lifestyle of the studied adolescents is within the norms recommended for their age group, although there is a tendency to skip breakfast. A positive aspect is the adolescents' engagement in physical activity. Parents underestimate their children's level of physical activity and overestimate their daily number of meals. Relevance to clinical practice. The study confirms the validity of conducting health education, addressed to both children and their parents, with regard to correct eating habits and physical activity, as well as prevention of eating disorders.  相似文献   

AIM: The overall aim of the study was to investigate if there was a relationship between health behaviour and sense of coherence (SOC) in pupils aged 14-15. A specific aim was to investigate if socioeconomic areas and sex could be related to health behaviour and SOC of these pupils. METHOD: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a sample of pupils in grade eight selected from primary schools in Stockholm city with regard to socioeconomic area. The final sample of the study was 383: 196 girls and 187 boys. Two questionnaires, the Health Profile Scale measuring health behaviour and the Sense of Coherence Scale were used to collect data. RESULTS: Of the total group, girls had a significantly lower SOC mean score compared to boys. There were differences in health behaviour related to both SOC and sex. In comparison with boys, the girls showed a lower SOC in several health behaviours, e.g. breakfast, dinner, alcohol and bed-going habits. The pupils in the high socioeconomic area showed a low SOC score in several health behaviours. CONCLUSION: The findings in this study were that girls aged 14-15 had a lower SOC mean score compared to boys. The girls showed a lower SOC score related to several health behaviours. There were no significant differences in the SOC mean scores between the two socioeconomic areas.  相似文献   

This study described and compared the health perceptions and behaviors of 83 school-age boys and girls. An age-appropriate interview schedule was designed to collect data related to demographic characteristics, health perceptions, safety, life-style practices, nutrition, dental health, and care of minor injuries. Findings indicated that most boys and girls viewed themselves as healthy and managed their own care fairly well in the areas of seat belt use, exercise, and dental health. Nutrition was identified as an area of concern, with 10% of the children skipping breakfast, and over half eating snacks with empty calories. Generally, children were found to be knowledgeable in the management of simple injuries and how to respond in the event of an emergency. Boys and girls were similar in all areas of health perceptions and behaviors except for dental health, with boys reporting more regular visits to the dentist than did girls. Further research is needed to learn more about the process by which school-age children acquire positive health behaviors to assist nurses to design and implement intervention programs that appropriately address the needs of this age group.  相似文献   

[目的]了解医学与非医学女大学生的早餐现状。[方法]采用问卷调查法对263名医学与非医学专业女大学生早餐情况进行调查。[结果]医学专业女大学生在早餐营养知识了解程度上好于非医学专业(P〈0.05);每天均吃早餐的学生有154人(58.56%),医学专业学生就餐率好于非医学专业(P〈0.05);学生不吃早餐的原因中没时间、怕迟到占83.65%。[结论]女大学生早餐营养情况不乐观,加强大学生早餐营养教育势在必行。  相似文献   

The authors describe the feeding habits of nursing students at the Francisco Maldonado University School of Nursing in Osuna. Usually, they eat three meals a day, breakfast, lunch and supper and the majority dine in their academic dormitory. The most common breakfast is coffee accompanied by toast. Cooking for oneself or for one's colleagues is a common custom. The students in our sample have feeding habits which are characterized by a high consumption of meat, an adequate consumption of complex carbohydrates as shown by eating an average of 3.48 servings of rice or pasta per week and an inadequate consumption of the following: an average of 3.48 servings per week of vegetables, 4.75 servings per week of fruit, 2.22 servings per week of fish, 3.97 servings per week of bread, and 5.5 servings per week of milk. The data obtained indicate that the feeding habits of this sample study group are not the adequate ones.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the relationship between tobacco smoking and psychosocial health risk factors in adolescents. DESIGN: An in-class survey of schoolchildren in the final grade of basic school and in all three grades of secondary school. SETTING: Four of the 11 secondary schools in Tartu, Estonia. SUBJECTS: 977 schoolchildren, ages ranging from 14 to 18. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: A questionnaire was developed to explore various psychosocial aspects of tobacco smoking behaviour. The 21-item Beck Depression Inventory was used to measure depression. RESULTS: In the total sample, smokers accounted for 24.5% of the girls and 26.5% of the boys, of which 13% of the girls and 19% of the boys were daily smokers. Not enjoying time spent with parents (OR = 0.6), skipping breakfast (OR = 1.3), frequent headache (OR = 1.3) and stomach-ache (OR = 1.4), dislike of school (OR = 0.7), using illicit drugs (OR = 5.0) and having multiple sexual partners (OR = 2.4) were all associated with daily smoking. Higher BDI scores were seen among adolescent smokers, particularly in girls and among pupils whose parents were non-smokers. The girls who smoked daily showed a higher risk of having suicidal thoughts (OR = 2.4) compared with non-smokers. CONCLUSION: Smoking by adolescents is an indicator of risk for depression, distress and risk-taking health-damaging behaviours.  相似文献   

Objective. To follow the development of a class of pupils’ tobacco habits for seven years, and to study differences in tobacco use between girls and boys. Setting. Kronoberg County in southern Sweden. Subjects. All the approximately 2000 pupils were followed from approximately age 12 to approximately age 18. Design. Yearly cross-sectional surveys from 1994 to 2000. Each year, the pupils filled in an established tobacco questionnaire. They did it anonymously in the classroom. Main outcome measures. Percentage of smokers, number of cigarettes smoked per day, and percentage of pupils using “snus”, the Swedish variety of oral moist snuff. Results. From grade 6 of compulsory school to grade 12 of upper secondary school, the proportion of daily smokers rose, from 0.2% to 22% for girls and from 0.5% to 14% for boys. Among both genders, the increase occurred mainly between grades 7 and 10, and from grade 10 onwards the daily smokers were the largest group of smokers. Starting from grade 9, boys had higher total tobacco consumption than girls, as a result of their increased use of “snus”, and at the end of the study 39% of the boys used tobacco compared with 34% of the girls. Conclusion. Studying young people's tobacco habits over time gives an understanding of when preventive measures should be implemented. In order for these to influence attitudes, they should be put in place well before tobacco is introduced.  相似文献   

目的从生活习惯的视角去分析上海市静安区公务员的健康隐患,促使他们对养成良好生活习惯的重视,以达到促进健康之目的。方法运用文献资料法、问卷调查法和数理统计法等对上海市静安区机关党工委和税务局262名公务员的生活习惯进行调查与分析。结果①超过1/3的静安区公务员有不吃早餐的习惯,平均每周有2~3次外出就餐,平均每周有3天会食用不健康食品。②静安区公务员有51.5%偶尔感受到压力,有20.2%经常感受到压力,9.4%的男性公务员总是感受到有压力。③出行的交通方式上,男性和女性公务员之间存在显著性的差异。对于出行时间少于0.5 h,女性更多的是选择自行车,男性公务员则是更多的选择步行;而对于出行时间超过0.5 h的,男性公务员更愿意选择自驾车,而女性更愿意乘车。结论①静安区公务员的饮食习惯存在健康隐患。②静安区公务员需要进行形式各异的压力排解。③静安区公务员可以采用组合式的交通方式,加强身体锻炼的效果。  相似文献   

目的 了解医学生在校期间饮食行为和营养知识认知状况,为针对性开展健康教育工作提供依据。方法 采用等距抽样的调查方式抽取1050名医学生作为调查对象,以自填问卷形式进行不记名问卷调查,有效问卷为1003份,合格率为95.5%。数据采用EpiData 3.0 软件进行双录入,并用 SPSS 21.0 进行统计处理。结果 采用c2检验发现,每日食物搭配、每日饮水量、每日睡眠时长、每顿就餐时长、每周油炸食品食用频率、饮料食用习惯、运动频率,这7种饮食行为在男女生之间存在差异。无规律早餐习惯共有504人,占总人数50.3%(504/1003),经单因素分析发现性别、年级、每晚入睡时间、每日睡眠时长、每月生活费有统计学意义,采用多因素Logistic分析显示,性别、年级、每晚入睡时间、每月生活费、有无规律早餐习惯为多因素影响因素。采用c2检验发现,人体必须营养素种类、平衡膳食的含义、预防肥胖症的方法、预防营养缺乏症的方法、饮食卫生的含义这5类常识在男女生之间存在差异。结论 调查显示医学生营养知识认知较高,但没有形成良好的饮食行为,这可能与其自律性有关。学校需有针对性地进行健康宣教,这样更有助于学生形成良好的饮食行为。  相似文献   

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