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离体牙储存方法对牙本质及牙本质粘结的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来国内外许多学者对离体牙储存方法对牙本质及牙本质粘结影响进行了广泛的探讨.力求获得较为完善的储存方法。该文即从离体牙的非溶液和溶液储存对牙本质及牙本质粘结影响作一简要综述。  相似文献   

近年来国内外许多学者对离体牙储存方法对牙本质及牙本质粘结影响进行了广泛的探讨,力求获得较为完善的储存方法。该文即从离体牙的非溶液和溶液储存对牙本质及牙本质粘结影响作一简要综述。  相似文献   

目的:观察不同涂布方式对4种牙本质粘结剂牙本质微拉伸粘结强度的影响。方法:选择80个离体前磨牙制备牙本质粘结面后,随机分为16组,每组5个,分别以轻涂(G)、重涂(V)、涂1层(1)、涂2层(2)等不同方式涂布牙本质粘结剂,并修复树脂"冠"。CMT7104型万能材料测试机测试各组试件的微拉伸强度。结果:不同涂布方式下4种牙本质粘结剂的微拉伸粘结强度依次是G2组>V2组>V1组>G1组;G2组明显高于其他3组(P<0.05);V1组和G1组间、V1和V2无明显统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:不同涂布方式对牙本质粘结剂微拉伸强度具有一定的影响,轻涂2遍(G2)获得的微拉伸强度最高。  相似文献   

目的 :研究不同修复方式及粘接剂类型对牙本质粘接微拉伸强度的影响。方法 :18个离体牙按牙体预备方法分为窝沟预备及冠部平切两组 ,每组分别使用One StepPlus、Primer&BondNT和SingleBond三种粘接剂进行牙本质粘接 ,最后均用AELITETMLS复合树脂修复牙体外形。样本包埋切割成块后 ,测试牙本质微拉伸强度。结果 :使用One StepPlus和SingleBond粘接剂时 ,冠部平切组微拉伸强度高于窝洞预备组 ,差异具有统计学意义 ;无论何种修复方式 ,One StepPlus和SingleBond的微拉伸强度均高于Primer&BondNT。 结论 :不同修复方式和粘接剂类型对牙本质粘接微拉伸强度存在影响  相似文献   

牙本质粘结剂微拉伸强度测试是近年来发展起来的一种新型测试方法和技术,较传统的剪切强度测试有许多独特优点。本文就微拉伸法的基本测试方法、特点、影响因素及体外临床粘结研究等问题进行综述。  相似文献   

牙本质粘结剂的微拉伸强度测试   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牙本质粘结剂微拉伸强度测试是近年来发展起来的一种新型测试方法和技术,较传统的剪切强度测试有许多独特优点。本文就微拉伸法的基本测试方法、特点、影响因素及体外临床粘结研究等问题进行综述。  相似文献   

三种粘接剂粘接不同牙本质的微拉伸粘接强度比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的采用微拉伸粘接强度实验测定3种牙本质粘接剂粘接楔状缺损处硬化牙本质的粘接强度。方法选择有典型楔状缺损并因牙周病拔除的上颌前磨牙30颗作为实验组,正常上颌前磨牙30颗作为对照组,使用粘接剂A(全酸蚀粘接剂Scotchbond Multi—Purpose)、B(一步法自酸蚀粘接剂Adper Prompt L-Pop)和C(两步法自酸蚀粘接剂Contax)处理硬化牙本质和正常牙本质表面,相应树脂修复。测试两组试件的微拉伸粘接强度。结果粘接剂A、B、C粘接硬化牙本质的微拉伸粘接强度分别为46.805MPa、39.045MPa、29.852MPa。粘接剂A和C与硬化牙本质的微拉伸粘接强度低于正常牙本质,而粘接剂B与之相反,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论牙颈部楔状缺损处硬化牙本质由于结构上的特殊性可造成粘接困难。酸性强有利于粘接剂与硬化牙本质的粘接。  相似文献   

目的:比较粘结剂Single bond 2和Adper prompt不同涂布方式对人牙本质微拉伸强度的影响,为临床选择粘结剂应用方法提供参考依据。方法:24个新鲜拔除的人第三磨牙,磨去冠部釉质,暴露牙本质,320目、400目、600目水砂纸打磨后,随机分为4组,每个牙齿的牙本质表面又等分为两部分,随机选择粘结剂Adper prompt(A)或Single bond 2(S),按分组进行轻涂(G)、重涂(V)、涂1层(1)、涂2层(2)等不同方式涂布,并修复树脂“冠”,将样本保存于室温(25℃)蒸馏水中24 h后,在流水下用金刚砂片慢速切割,垂直于粘结面将牙齿切成截面约1mm×1 mm的柱状小条,用WDW-100型电子万能试验机测试小条的微拉伸强度(MTBS)并进行统汁学分析。结果:AG1、SG1、AV1、SV1、AG2、SG2、AV2、SV2的MTBS(MPa)依次为10.21±2.52 MPa、12.33±5.64 MPa、15.81±4.77 MPa、18.95±2.32 MPa、24.81±5.13 MPa、32.14±3.69 MPa、20.36±4.13 MPa、28.32±6.58 MPa。结论:粘结剂涂布方式影响人牙本质微拉伸强度。第5代粘结剂Single bond 2轻涂2遍(SG2)的方法微拉伸强度最高,并推荐临床应用。  相似文献   

牙本质粘接效果的评价方法及影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在牙本质粘接实验研究中,影响粘接强度测试结果的诸多因素如粘接基质、酸蚀、粘接处理、贮存方式和介质、实验方法等纷繁复杂,对此,许多学者至今一直努力建立标准化的牙本质粘接实验;随着新的牙本质粘接系统的推出,粘接强度的提高,微拉伸实验取代传统的测试方法可以最大程度的避免内聚力对粘接强度的影响,使测试值更加客观、真实。  相似文献   

4种黏结剂对牙本质黏结强度的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:比较两种第六代黏结剂-XenoⅢ、AdaperPrompt与两种第五代黏结剂-Singlebond、Singlebond2两两之间黏结强度的差异,为临床选择黏结剂提供参考依据。方法:暴露新鲜拔除的牛牙根牙本质,按照上述4种黏结剂各自的操作要求进行黏结,测试标本的微拉伸强度(μTBS)和剪切强度。结果:XenoⅢ、AdaperPrompt、Singlebond和Singlebond2的微拉伸强度(MPa)依次为:20.87±4.88,24.81±5.24,30.41±3.48,31.61±6.95;剪切强度依次为:14.85±4.26,17.23±2.57,19.18±5.65,20.92±3.73。结论:第五代黏结剂较第六代黏结剂具有更高的黏结强度,推荐使用。  相似文献   

目的 测试自行研制的自酸蚀及全酸蚀粘接剂的微拉伸粘接强度和耐久性能,并与市售的进口同类产品进行对比.方法 选用正畸拔除前磨牙60颗,随机分成4组,每组分循环前、后各2个亚组,各15个试件,分别为自制的自酸蚀粘接剂(44组)和全酸蚀粘接剂(45组),Easy one(EO组)和Single Bond2(SB组).测试各组冷热循环前后的微拉伸粘接强度变化,并进行统计分析,体视显微镜观察断裂模式.结果 冷热循环前,各组微拉伸粘接强度从大到小分别为SB组(35.05±3.01)Mpa>44组(27.76±1.44)Mpa> 45组(27.65±1.67)Mpa>EO组(26.03±2.15)Mpa,45组和SB组之间及44组和EO组之间微拉伸粘接强度的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).冷热循环后,各组从大到小为SB组>44组>EO组>45组,45组和SB组之间及44组和EO组之间微拉伸粘接强度的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).同一粘接剂冷热循环前后相比,粘接强度均呈下降趋势(P<0.05);试件的断裂面类型以混合型断裂为主.结论 自制牙本质粘接剂和市售的进口同类产品相比,自酸蚀粘接剂粘接强度高且耐久性能好,全酸蚀粘接剂则与之相反.冷热循环后各组粘接剂的微拉伸粘接强度均有下降.  相似文献   

纳米金刚石改性核树脂与牙本质的微拉伸粘结强度的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 检测纳米金刚石填料改性的自行合成的核树脂与牙本质的微拉伸粘结强度.方法 选择10颗因阻生拔除的健康第三磨牙,磨除牙合面釉质,形成牙本质平面.随机分成2组,每组5颗牙齿.采用自行合成的纳米金刚石填料改性的核树脂(UFD-C)和Luxa-Core(L-C)商品核树脂充填并分别粘结于牙本质面上,形成4mm~5mm高的树脂层.将牙齿及上方的粘结树脂样本平行于牙长轴片切成约0.9mm×0.9mm的柱状试件,每组共30个试件.用微拉伸测试仪检测其粘结强度,体视显微镜观察其断裂类型,用扫描电镜观察样本粘结界面和断面的超微形态.结果 UFD-C组与牙本质的微拉伸粘结强度均值为:(36.03±9.25)MPa,L-C组与牙本质的微拉伸粘结强度均值为:(36.80±10.56)MPa,两组的粘结强度差异无显著性.UFD-C组70%为粘结面断裂,L-C组80%为粘结面断裂.扫描电镜显示两种核树脂的粘结界面均有树脂突形成.结论 自行合成的纳米金刚石改性核树脂(UFD-C)与Luxa-Core核树脂(L-C)的微拉伸粘结强度差异无显著性,能达到牙体缺损粘结修复的要求.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the effect of fluoride iontophoresis on the microtensile bond strength (MTBS) between coronal dentin and two resin-based adhesive systems, and to measure quantitatively dentinal tubule occlusion. METHODS: Twelve freshly extracted intact human mandibular third molars were divided randomly into four groups. The superficial occlusal dentin of each tooth was exposed and treated. Group A1: One-Step Plus total-etch adhesive system; group A2: One-Step Plus total-etch adhesive system after fluoride iontophoresis; group B1: ACE BOND SE self-etching adhesive system; group B2: ACE BOND SE self-etching adhesive system after fluoride iontophoresis. A resin composite buildup was made for each tooth, which was then sectioned along its long axis to produce 10 beams (1.0mmx1.0mm) for the microtensile bond strength (MTBS) test. Five dentin disks were cut in half and their occlusal surfaces etched with 6% citric acid. The test halves were treated with fluoride iontophoresis. Four SEM photomicrographs were taken from corresponding sites on each test and each non-treated control half-disk. Image-Pro Plus 4 software quantified the percentage of tubule occlusion. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA, chi(2)- and t-tests, with the probability level set at alpha=0.05. RESULTS: The mean MTBS (MPa) for each group was, A1: 30.86 (S.D. 6.84); A2: 25.04 (8.49); B1: 19.22 (6.88); B2: 19.40 (6.92). There were significant differences among all groups (P相似文献   

目的测试不同的粘结剂类型对核树脂与牙本质的粘结强度的影响,为临床选择合适的粘结剂和核树脂提供参考。方法选择20颗因阻生拔除的健康第三磨牙,磨除牙合面釉质,形成牙本质平面。随机分成ABCD四组,每组5颗牙齿。A组、B组所有牙本质粘结面涂布自酸蚀Contax粘结剂。C组和D组牙本质粘结面酸蚀剂处理后涂布SingleBond粘结剂,A组和C组用Luxa-Core核树脂,B组和D组用3MFiltekTMZ350纳米树脂进行分层固化粘结,切成约0.9mm×0.9mm的柱状试件,每组共30个试件。用微拉伸测试仪检测其粘接强度,用扫描电镜观察样本粘接界面的超微形态。结果 A组(36.03±9.25)MPa和B组(23.38±9.78)MPa与C组(14.27±8.63)MPa相比,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),D组(38.80±10.56)MPa与B组、C组相比,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),A组和D组相比,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。两种核树脂的粘结界面均可见牙本质小管有树脂突形成,SingleBond酸蚀组树脂突比Contax自酸蚀组分布密度较密,长度较长。结论不同的粘结剂类型对核材料与牙本质的粘结强度有影响,要选择核树脂配套的粘结剂。  相似文献   

牙本质的表面状态对黏接剂粘接强度的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陈亚琴  蔡玉惠 《口腔医学》2006,26(3):197-199
目的研究3种不同的表面状态对两种牙本质黏接剂的粘接强度的影响。方法选用两种牙本质粘接系统SingleBond(SB)和Prime&BondNT(PB),分别应用于干燥、湿润和过湿的离体的人牙本质表面,用Z-100树脂恢复牙冠至4mm。用低速锯片切牙齿,精细金刚砂车针修成沙漏状的粘接面积约0.8mm2的样本,测试各个样本的微拉伸粘接强度。结果两种黏接剂在湿润状态下的粘接强度均高于干燥组和过湿组(P<0.05),干燥组与过湿组的差异无显著性。在3种表面状态下,SB的粘接强度均高于PB组(P<0.05)。结论在使用全酸蚀单瓶粘接系统时,牙本质表面必须保持适度的湿润。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To verify the influence of cutting speed during microtensile specimen preparation, on bond strength values and on the sample microscopic integrity of a single-bottle adhesive system to enamel and dentin. METHODS: Thirty sound human third molars were restored with light-cured Excite and Tetric Ceram according to manufacturers' instructions, being half in ground enamel [E], and half in flat dentin [D]. After 24 h storage in distilled water at 37 degrees C, the restored teeth were sectioned in x and y-axes under different cutting speed: 100, 200 or 400 RPM, obtaining stick shaped specimens with cross-sectional area of 1.0 mm(2). Five specimens from each experimental group were randomly selected before being loaded for SEM analysis, while the remaining samples were subjected to the microtensile bond strength test. Because the variance of dentin specimens was significantly higher than the variance of enamel samples, analysis of the influence of the cutting speed was performed separately, by substrate. RESULTS: The mean values in MPa were calculated including/excluding premature failures: E1: 24.67/27.31(a); E2: 24.03/25.81(a); E4: 19.06/21.52(b); D1: 35.80/36.33(A); D2: 35.84/36.65(A); D4: 37.78/38.50(A). In the SEM analysis, better integrity of the dentin specimens was observed when compared to the enamel samples, for which the integrity was greater in the lower cutting speed groups. SIGNIFICANCE: It can be concluded that the cutting speed is an important factor that should be considered, mainly when enamel is involved, since it may affect the bond strength results and the integrity of the specimens.  相似文献   

Objectives. To assess the influence of light-curing unit tip distance on the microtensile bond strength (μTBS) and nanoleakage of self-etching adhesives to enamel and dentin. Materials and methods. Flat buccal surfaces were prepared on 198 bovine incisors. The teeth were randomly assigned into nine groups for μTBS (n = 8) and nanoleakage (n = 3) testing according to the adhesive system (Clearfil Protect Bond, Clearfil Tri-S Bond or One Up Bond F Plus) and distance from the light-curing tip (0, 3 or 6 mm). The bonded samples were tested in tension (0.5 mm/min) and nanoleakage was analyzed using SEM. Results. Clearfil Protect Bond exhibited the highest tensile strength on both enamel and dentin. Leakage was higher in samples exposed at a distance of 6 mm on enamel and 0 mm on dentin. One Up Bond F Plus experienced the greatest amount of nanoleakage on both substrates. Conclusions. Light-curing unit distance did not influence the μTBS of the adhesives, but nanoleakage increased on enamel samples when photoactivation occurred at a distance of 6 mm.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of resin cement thickness on the microtensile bond strength between zirconium-oxide ceramic and resin cement.


Thirty-two freshly extracted molars were transversely sectioned at the deep dentin level and bonded to air-abraded zirconium oxide ceramic disks. The specimens were divided into 8 groups based on the experimental conditions (cement type: Rely X UniCem or Panavia F 2.0, cement thickness: 40 or 160 µm, storage: thermocycled or not). They were cut into microbeams and stored in 37℃ distilled water for 24 h. Microbeams of non-thermocycled specimens were submitted to a microtensile test, whereas those of thermocycled groups were thermally cycled for 18,000 times immediately before the microtensile test. Three-way ANOVA and Sheffe''s post hoc tests were used for statistical analysis (α=95%).


All failures occurred at the resin-zirconia interface. Thermocycled groups showed lower microtensile bond strength than non-thermocycled groups (P<.001). Differences in cement thickness did not influence the resin-zirconia microtensile bond strength given the same resin cement or storage conditions (P>.05). The number of adhesive failures increased after thermocycling in all experimental conditions. No cohesive failure was observed in any experimental group.


When resin cements of adhesive monomers are applied over air-abraded zirconia restorations, the degree of fit does not influence the resin-zirconia microtensile bond strength.  相似文献   



The use of warm air-blowing to evaporate solvents of one-step self-etch adhesive systems (1-SEAs) has been reported to be a useful method. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of warm air-blowing on root canal dentin.


Four 1-SEAs (Clearfil Bond SE ONE, Unifil Core EM self-etch bond, Estelink, BeautiDualbond EX) were used. Each 1-SEA was applied to root canal dentin according to the manufacturers’ instructions. After the adhesives were applied, solvent was evaporated using either normal air (23 ± 1 °C) or warm air (80 ± 1 °C) for 20 s, and resin composite was placed in the post spaces. The air from the dryer, which could be used in normal- or hot-air-mode, was applied at a distance of 5 cm above the root canal cavity in the direction of tooth axis. The temperature of the stream of air from the dryer in the hot-air-mode was 80 ± 1 °C, and in the normal mode, 23 ± 1 °C. After water storage of the specimens for 24 h, the μTBS were evaluated at the coronal and apical regions. The μTBSs were statistically analyzed using three-way ANOVA and Student’s t-test with Bonferroni correction (α = 0.05).


The warm air-blowing significantly increased the μTBS of all 1-SEAs at the apical regions, and also significantly increased the μTBS of two adhesives (Estelink and BeautiDualBond EX) at coronal regions.


The μTBS of 1-SEAs to root canal dentin was improved by using warm air-blowing.  相似文献   

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