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A household survey was conducted in 1982-83 in a sample of 324 households served by five health centres in two different areas of Southern Iraq. Information from each household was collected on socioeconomic factors, access to curative health services, sickness within the previous four weeks and the subsequent use of health services. Thirty seven per cent of people reported some sickness during the four-week recall period, giving an average of 40 episodes per 100 people per four weeks. The average consultation rate was 33 per 100 people and the annual estimated rate was 4.3 consultations per person per year. There was an average of 82 consultations per 100 sickness episodes with the highest rates for infectious and parasitic diseases (111) and hypertension and heart diseases (108), and the lowest for eye and ear diseases (52). The most important factors affecting utilization were level of perceived sickness in the household and the distance to the nearest health centre. Household income did not appear to be an important factor except for attendance at private clinics. The study suggests that the overall rate of utilization is sufficient for curative services but that now it is the quality of this care that needs to be examined.  相似文献   

Although nearly 1000 school-based health centers (SBHCs) operate in the United States, little is known about SBHCs' sexual and reproductive health services. This study investigated reproductive and sexual health services delivery in SBHCs, specifically the types of services available in SBHCs. A 16-page, self-administered questionnaire asked center staff to identify the reproductive health services provided on site as well as which services were restricted and by whom. The results suggest that whereas most SBHCs provided at least one reproductive health service, most centers were restricted from providing contraceptive services, usually by school district policy.  相似文献   

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has a Congressional mandate but few empirical data on which to design and improve national health care services for women. We examined characteristics associated with women's current, former and non-use of the VA health care system. The study included 1,500 female veterans sampled from the Department of Veterans Affairs National Registry of Women Veterans. Women completed a 45-minute telephone survey assessing multiple domains of functional status and health service use. Using multivariate logistic regression, use of VA health care was associated with older age, more education, not being married, lower rates of insurance coverage, and poorer physical and psychological health. Women who were former users of VA health care were more likely to be ethnic minorities, have children, served less time in the military, had higher rates of insurance coverage and better physical and psychological health than current users. Prominent military experiences (e.g., service in a war-zone, exposure to trauma) were associated with former use and never using the VA health care system. Women who use VA health care are at greater economic, social, and health risk than nonusers, factors that have personal implications for the veteran as well as cost and service implications for VA. Additional research is needed to better understand the role of military experiences in women veterans' choice of health care.  相似文献   

This study examines the demographic, economic, social, and geographic factors that help explain maternity health care utilization in Tajikistan, a low-income transitional country in Central Asia, based on a newly available nationally representative living standard survey. Two regression models, namely, a binomial logit model and a zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB) model are estimated. The estimations of the two models show strikingly consistent results—the year of last childbirth, educational attainment, and the availability of public infrastructure are important predictors of maternity health care utilization. The results also signify an urgent need to overturn the current negative trend in maternity health care utilization. The findings also suggest that many determinants of maternity health care are outside the direct sphere of health care policies, indicating the need of cross-sectional policies in addressing maternity health care utilization, for example, policies and strategies that include contributions from other sectors.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify the case-resolving capacity of health care services used by individuals who reported a health problem within two weeks prior to the interview and to unveil their respective perceptions of the solution to the problem. Data were obtained from a household morbidity survey including 10,199 interviewees, performed in the southwestern area of the city of S?o Paulo, Brazil, in 1989/1990. Some health problem was reported by 31.3% of interviewees, and 47.7% sought help to solve their problem. Primary health services were the main gateway into the health system (35.7%), followed by hospitals (25.4%), and outpatient clinics (24.3%). The case-resolving capacity in the medical services was greater than 90%; 44.5% had their problem solved, 35.5% were under treatment, and 10.5% reported that their problem had not been solved. The largest proportion of problems solved belonged to respiratory and digestive system, infectious and parasitic diseases, and ill-defined symptoms, signs, and conditions. Due to the large proportion of individuals still in treatment, this study does not allow one to conclude that the health care services had a high case-resolving capacity, although they were capable of handling the patient demand.  相似文献   



In sub-Saharan Africa, the availability and accessibility of oral health services are seriously constrained and the provision of essential oral care is limited. Reports from the region show a very low utilization of oral health care services, and visits to dental-care facilities are mostly undertaken for symptomatic reasons. The objectives of the present study were to describe the prevalence of oral symptoms among adults in Ouagadougou, capital city of Burkina Faso and the use of oral health services and self-medication in response to these symptoms and to measure the associations between predisposing, enabling and needs factors and decisions to seek oral health care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The study aims to identify children who are not benefited by local health programs, looking for to characterize the excluded segment of the population in order to broaden the access to and use of the main actions provided by local health programs. METHODS: A sample of 465 children aged less than 1 year was studied, living in the year of 1996 in Embu, a city of the metropolitan area of S. Paulo, Brazil. Our hypothesis was that there is a higher availability of private health care resources among families who haven't been using the local health program. The statistical analysis consisted of stratified association analysis to study the heterogeneity between and intra four strata of families defined by different socioeconomic conditions. RESULTS: Although only 85.4% of the study children were enrolled in local health services, 91.2% of them were being benefited by main health care actions. The analysis of differences intra strata revealed that our hypothesis was only corroborated in one stratum. It is in the stratum 3, which concentrates the peripheral population, where we could find children who have not been using the local health program in Embu city. CONCLUSIONS: In the same social segment it was detected some inner heterogeneity among families related to the availability of private resources for their children health care.  相似文献   

Utilization patterns may be changing as managed care organizations actively market services to Latinos. This study compares use of any care, emergency services, inpatient hospitalization, nonemergency outpatient care only, and preventive care among 1,001 self-identified Latino and 1,107 white non-Latino adults. Data were from the 1994 Commonwealth Fund Survey of Minority Health. Latinos were less likely than white non-Latinos to have entered the health system for any type of care, to have been admitted to a hospital, or to have used preventive care. Access to a regular source of care along with financial factors reduced the ethnic/racial gap in the use of any care and preventive care, yet cultural and behavioral factors contributed little. Latinos in managed care plans, compared with fee-for-service systems, were twice as likely to receive preventive care. This suggests that managed care has the potential to reduce inequities in preventive care utilization.  相似文献   

This study analyses how both ambulatory care groups (ACGs) and physician characteristics explain the variability in health-service use among primary care patients in Spain. During the period 1996-1997, data derived from 52,152 patients and their 38 respective primary care physicians were collected. The response variables were as follows: number of visits; diagnostic tests requested; and referrals to a specialist. ACGs are an important variable that should be taken into account in order to explain health-service utilization. As for professionals, age and the post they hold are essential factors. Most of the unexplained variability is caused by patient characteristics.  相似文献   

The use of traditional medicine is widespread in developing countries. We report on the utilization of traditional healers, using data obtained in a 2008 national survey of 4762 households in South Africa. Only 1.2 per cent of survey participants reported utilization of traditional healers. Respondents' reasons for visiting traditional healers included continuity of care and a belief in their effectiveness. Traditional healer utilization rates (0.02 visits per month) were considerably lower compared to utilization rates of public sector clinics (0.18 visits per month) or hospitals (0.09 visits per month). Almost three-quarters of the poorest quintile spent more than 10 per cent of their household expenditure in the previous month on traditional healers. Given the use of two parallel health-care systems, policy-makers should develop strategies to protect poor South Africans from out-of-pocket payments for health care. Simultaneous utilization of these systems evidently absorbs expenditure from low-income households significantly.  相似文献   

A representative household survey was carried out in order to study the utilization of community health workers (CHW) in relation to other sources of health care. We found three main results: (1) For mild diseases, villagers consulted their CHW only in 8.8% of mild diseases, in 69% the family remained the main provider of primary care. (2) In the case of serious diseases, which the CHW was supposed to identify and refer, the villagers bypassed the CHW in 96.5%. The professional health worker were consulted directly in the majority of serious disease. (3) Sick infants were not taken to the CHW for treatment. (4) No pattern of referral between professional and CHWs could be traced. Severity of disease and perceived effectiveness of the treatment were the most important determinants of health seeking behavior. Availability, distance, and cost of travel and drugs were important service related determinants. Individual and household characteristics such as income, ethnicity, and household size were only weakly associated with choice of curative care. Reasons for the low utilization of CHWs are outlined and policy implications discussed.  相似文献   

In a cross-sectional survey conducted in 45 districts of India, we assessed 1) use of any rapid point-of-care (POC) tests by primary health care providers, and 2) their willingness to use POC tests for tuberculosis (TB) in future. A total of 767 primary health care providers, including private and public sector practitioners, health workers and chemists, were interviewed. A quarter of the primary health care providers reported using POC tests, with pregnancy tests being the most common. Nearly half of the respondents expressed willingness to use POC tests for TB, provided the test was available free or at low cost (<US$ 2.00).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the characteristics of alcohol and other drug (AOD) specialist treatment agencies, their workforce and workforce development issues. METHODS: A national survey of AOD specialist treatment agency managers was conducted using the Clients of Treatment Service Agencies (COTSA) database as the sampling framework. Agency managers across Australia were surveyed by phone or electronically between April and October 2002. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected. Two hundred and thirty-four managers participated, representing 318 agencies, and a response rate of 65%. More than 50% of managers from each State and Territory participated in the study. RESULTS: The study found a high prevalence of alcohol-related problems. Managers estimated 45% of clients nominated alcohol as their primary problematic drug and that 53% of poly-drug clients identified alcohol-related problems. Managers reported increasingly complex client needs such as co-occurring substance and mental health issues. A harm minimisation treatment approach was supported by more than three-quarters of AOD agencies. The majority of the AOD workforce were trained professionals and consisted of nurses (26%), general AOD workers (19%) and psychologists (9%). Approximately half the sample had been in their current managerial role for less than five years. Key workforce development issues identified were education and training, funding, and staff recruitment and retention. CONCLUSION: More information is required on the key characteristics of the AOD workforce and their workforce development needs. Such information can contribute to policies and strategies that develop the capacity of the AOD sector to manage and treat the increasingly complex needs of clients.  相似文献   

Objective : To examine the characteristics of alcohol and other drug (AOD) specialist treatment agencies, their workforce and workforce development issues.
Methods : A national survey of AOD specialist treatment agency managers was conducted using the Clients of Treatment Service Agencies (COTSA) database as the sampling framework. Agency managers across Australia were surveyed by phone or electronically between April and October 2002. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected. Two hundred and thirty-four managers participated, representing 318 agencies, and a response rate of 65%. More than 50% of managers from each State and Territory participated in the study.
Results : The study found a high prevalence of alcohol-related problems. Managers estimated 45% of clients nominated alcohol as their primary problematic drug and that 53% of poly-drug clients identified alcohol-related problems. Managers reported increasingly complex client needs such as co-occurring substance and mental health issues. A harm minimisation treatment approach was supported by more than three-quarters of AOD agencies. The majority of the AOD workforce were trained professionals and consisted of nurses (26%), general AOD workers (19%) and psychologists (9%). Approximately half the sample had been in their current managerial role for less than five years. Key workforce development issues identified were education and training, funding, and staff recruitment and retention.
Conclusion : More information is required on the key characteristics of the AOD workforce and their workforce development needs. Such information can contribute to policies and strategies that develop the capacity of the AOD sector to manage and treat the increasingly complex needs of clients.  相似文献   



Achieving universal health insurance coverage by means of different types of insurance programs may be a pragmatic and feasible approach. However, the fragmentation of the health financing system may imply costs in terms of varying ability of the insurance programs to improve access to and reduce spending on care across different population groups. This study looks at the effect of different types of health insurance programs on the probability of utilizing care, the intensity of utilization, and individual spending on care in Jordan.


Using national household survey data collected in 2000 with a sub-sample of around 8,300 individuals, the study applies econometric techniques to a set of specified models along the two-part model approach to the demand for health care. By means of particular tests and other procedures, the robustness of the results is controlled.


Around 60 percent of the population is covered by some type of insurance. However, the distribution varies across income groups, and importantly, the effect of insurance on the outcome indicators differ substantially across the various programs. Generally, insurance is found to increase the intensity of utilization and reduce out-of-pocket spending, while no general insurance effect on the probability of use is found. More specifically, however, these effects are only found for some programs and not for all. The best performing programs are those to which the somewhat better off groups have access.


Notwithstanding the empirical nature of the issues, the results point at the need to assess the effect of insurance coverage more profoundly than what is commonly done. Applying rigorous analysis to survey data in other settings will contribute to bringing out better evidence on what types of programs perform most effectively and equitably in different contexts.  相似文献   

Use of health care services has been suggested to be lower among homo- or bisexual persons than among heterosexual persons, due to a lack of trust in the health care system. However, population-based studies on differences in health care utilization according to sexual orientation are scarce. The purpose of the current study was to explore differences in health care utilization and confidence in health care between heterosexual, bisexual and homosexual persons. A survey of a random sample of patients of Dutch general practices (n = 9684) gathered data on socio-demographic variables, sexual orientation, health status, confidence in health care and health care utilization. Differences in health care utilization between homo- or bisexual persons and heterosexual persons were analyzed with logistic regression analysis, in which we statistically adjusted for socio-demographics and health status. Reported health was lower among homosexual men and women as compared to heterosexual persons. There were no sexual orientation-related differences in confidence in health care. Controlling for health status, it appeared that gay men more frequently used mental and somatic health care than heterosexual men, and that lesbian or bisexual women more frequently used mental health care than heterosexual women. We found a higher rate of health care use among homosexual and bisexual persons as compared to heterosexual persons, that could only be partly explained by differences in health status. To gain a better understanding of our findings, data on the predisposition to use health services among homosexual and bisexual men and women is needed.  相似文献   

This study constitutes the first national longitudinal survey to address the relationship between workplace harassment and service utilization. We examine how patterns of sexual harassment and generalized workplace harassment are linked to utilization of mental health, health, legal, spiritual, and work-related services, and whether and how gender influences these relationships. Data derive from a random digit dial telephone survey with a continental US sample of employed adults. Eligibility criteria were being 18 years of age or over, and being employed at least 20 h per week at some time in the 12 months prior to the wave 1 survey. Out of 4116 households with eligible individuals, 2151 agreed to participate at wave 1. At wave 2, 1418 participated, thus, the overall response rate was 34.5%. We show that the patterning of workplace harassment over two time points (chronic, remission, onset, never harassed) is associated with the use of different types of services. Gender partially moderated the relationship between workplace harassment and services.  相似文献   



Although current practice guidelines do not recommend screening asymptomatic patients for lung cancer, physicians may still order lung cancer screening tests. No recent national survey of health care professionals has focused on lung cancer screening. In this study, we examined the lung cancer screening practices of US primary care physicians and characteristics of those who order lung cancer screening tests.


We conducted a nationally representative survey of practicing primary care physicians in 2006–2007. Mailed questionnaires assessed the physicians’ knowledge of lung cancer screening guidelines, beliefs about the effectiveness of screening tests, and ordering of screening chest radiograph, low-dose spiral computed tomography, or sputum cytology in the past 12 months. Clinical vignettes were used to assess the physicians’ intentions to screen asymptomatic 50-year-old patients with varying smoking histories for lung cancer.


A total of 962 family physicians, general practitioners, and general internists completed questionnaires (cooperation rate = 76.8%). Overall, 38% had ordered no lung cancer screening tests; 55% had ordered chest radiograph, 22% low-dose spiral computed tomography, and less than 5% sputum cytology. In multivariate modeling, physicians were more likely to have ordered lung cancer screening tests if they believed that expert groups recommend lung cancer screening or that screening tests are effective; if they would recommend screening for asymptomatic patients, including patients without substantial smoking exposure; and if their patients had asked them about screening.


Primary care physicians in the United States frequently order lung cancer screening tests for asymptomatic patients, even though expert groups do not recommend it. Primary care physicians and patients need more information about lung cancer screening’s evidence base, guidelines, potential harms, and costs to avert inappropriate ordering.  相似文献   

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