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We have constructed mice containing the human Vß3TCR gene from the influenza virus haemagglutinin specific humanCD4+ T cell clone HA1.7. Similar cell yields were obtained fromtransgenic and non-transgenic lymphoid tissue, with normal levelsof T cells and with no unusual bias of the CD4 or CD8 subpopulations.Immunostaining and FACS analysis of transgenic thymocytes, spleen,and mesenteric lymph nodes revealed that the majority of T cellsexpressed the human Vß3 TCR on the cell surface. Smallnumbers of cells expressing murine TCRßchain werealso detected. Polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed thatan extensive V TCR repertoire was used in the human Vß3transgenic mice. Lymphocytes from the spleen and bmesentericlymph nodes of transgenic mice were assessed for functionalactivity in vitro. Isolated cells were stimulated with mitogenor superantigen, as well as directly through the TCR-CD3 complex,and their ability to proliferate and secrete lymphokines analysed.Cells from transgenic mice responded well after stimulationwith phytohaemagglutinin, concanavalin A, anti-CD3 antibody,anti-CD3 antibody with phorbol ester, and Staphylococcus aureusenterotoxin B, and also showed alloreactivity in a mixed lymphocytereaction. Minimal levels of response were detected after stimulationwith murine TCRß antibody. Together, these data suggestthat a human TCRß chain is able to associate witha murine TCR chain, to form a fully functional surface TCR-CD3complex.  相似文献   

Small numbers of T cells have been isolated from the normalmouse liver and many of these are of the CD4CD8TCRß+phenotype. Larger numbers of such cells are present in the liversof mice homozygous for the Ipr mutation and the liver has beenproposed to be the site of an extrathymlc T cell developmentpathway that is expanded in Ipr/lpr mice. Using a modified separationprocedure that increases the liver T cell yield, we have beenable to characterize a subset of CD4CD8TCRßintermediateT cells that express the B220 epltope of the CD45 molecule,and resemble in this and many other ways the accumulating Tcells in Ipr lymph nodes. These cells are an actively dividingpopulation and even in healthy, unmanipulated mice a large proportionof them are undergoing apoptosis. We propose the model thatthe normal liver is a major site for T cell destruction andthat the Ipr defect results in failure of this process withleakage of B220+CD4CD8TCRß+ cells fromthe liver to peripheral lymphoid tissues, particularly lymphnodes.  相似文献   

TCR Vß8.1 transgenic mice were generated using a genomicTCR Vß gene construct under the control of its promoterand enhancer. Among three lines of transgenic mice, one lineexpressed the transgenic TCR on only 70% of peripheral T cells,while the other two lines expressed it on almost all matureT cells. T cells which lacked expression of the transgenic TCRß chain expressed endogenous TCR ß chains.The molecular basis underlying the lack of transgene expressionin T cells of this line of transgenic mice was investigated.The transgenic TCR cells were isolated by two methods.First, Thy-1+ Vß8.1/8.2 cells were purifiedfrom peripheral T cells using cell sorting. Second, transgenicTCR T cell clones were established. In both cases, Southernblotting indicated that Vß8.1 T cells had deletedthe transgenic TCR gene. Thus, deletion of the transgenic TCRcan occur in a high proportion of T cells, which allows rearrangementand expression of endogenous TCR ß chains.  相似文献   

The present report describes developmental, phenotypic and functionalfeatures of unconventional CD4+ TCRß lymphocytes.In C57BL/6 mice, the majority of liver lymphocytes expressingintermediate intensity of TCRß (TCRßint)are CD4+NK1.1+ and express a highly restricted TCR Vßrepertoire, dominated by Vß8 with some contributionby Vß7 and Vß2. Although these cells expressthe CD4 co-receptor, they are present in H2-l Aß (Aß)+/–gene disruption mutants but are markedly reduced in ß2-microglobulin(ß2m)–/– mutant mice and hence are ß2mdependent. Thymocytes expressing the CD4+NK1.1+ TCR ßphenotype are also (ß2m) contingent, suggesting thatthese two T lymphocyte populations are related. The CD4+NK1.1+TCRßlymphocytes in liver and thymus share several markers such asLFA-1+, CD44+, CD5+, LECAM-1 and IL-2Rßa. TheCD4+NK1.1 + TCRßint liver lymphocytes were not detectedin athymic nuinu mice. We conclude that ß2m expressionis crucial for development of the CD4+NK1.1+ TCRßintliver lymphocytes and that thymus plays a major role. CD4+ TCRßintliver lymphocytes were also identified in NK1.1+ mouse strains,there lacking the NK1.1 marker. We assume that the NK1.1 moleculeis a characteristic marker of the CD4+TCR"int liver lymphocytesin NK1.1+ mouse strains, although its expression is not obligatoryfor their development. The liver lymphocytes from +2m+/–,but not from +2m–/–mice are potent IL-4 producersin response to CD3 or TCRß engagement and the IL-4production by liver lymphocytes was markedly reduced by treatmentwith anti-NK1.1 mAb. We conclude that the CD4+NK1.1+ TCRßintliver lymphocytes are capable of producing IL-4 in responseto TCR stimulation.  相似文献   

A population of CD4+ cells has been identified in the murinefemale genital tract (FGT). Phenotypic studies of FGT CD4+ cellsdemonstrate that they express CD3 and that the majority of thesecells are ßTCR+Thy-1+. Most of the Thy-1+CD4+ßTCR+ cells resemble memory T cells based on their expressionof CD44, L-selectin and CD45RB antigens. The vast majority ofThy-1+CD4+ßTCR+ FGT cells are CD5+ and all of themare B220. Systemic stimuli including infection with Trypanosomabrucel brucel, injection with anti-CD3, or bacterial superantigensstaphylococcal enterotoxin A or B cause a rapid accumulationof CD4+cells in the FGT exceeding that observed for CD4+ cellsin spleen and lymph nodes (LN). Expansion of the FGT CD4+ cells,which are phenotypically distinct from the splenic and LN CD4+T cells, is due to local proliferation rather than an influxof cells from the circulation. The CD4+ population in the FGTof adult nu/nu mice is dramatically reduced, indicating itsthymic dependency. In lpr/lpr mice, FGT CD4 cells do not displaychanges characteristic of splenic or LN CD4 cells in the sameanimals. These findings demonstrate that the CD4+ cells of themurine FGT are thymic dependent, but that they constitute aT cell lineage that phenotypically and, probably functionally,is distinct from other peripheral CD4+ T cell populations.  相似文献   

We observed that peripheral T cells activated in vivo or invitro by superantigens are susceptible to cell death when theirantigen receptor is cross-linked with the appropriate anti-ßTCR mAb. TCR ligation by mAbs specifically drove the T cellclonal deletion in both CD4+ and CD8+ cell subsets. An IL-2/1L-2Rinteraction seems to be a critical step In predisposing superantigenactivated cells to death; In fact, in vivo IL-2R bockade reversedT cell deletion In superantlgen plus anti-ß TCR mAbtreated mice. TCR ligatlon by mAbs also produced cell deathof the relevant targets in in vitro IL-2 activated T cells.Surprisingly, no T cell deletion was demonstrable in IL-2 activatedcells following staphylococcal enterotoxin B - TCR Interaction,ruling out the possibility that superantigen in Itself can inducecell death. Thus, while superantigen activation opens the celldeath program, a subsequent TCR-antigen (self) Interaction appearsnecessary to produce clonal deletion in mature T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Herpesvirus saimiri (HVS), an agent that can infect many humancell types, has been shown to immortalize selectively TCR ß+CD3+T lymphocytes. Human T cell precursors defined as CD34+CD3CD4CD8were isolated from thymic samples and exposed to HVS in thepresence of either IL-2 or IL-7. Cultures lacking the viruswere non-viable by day 15. Test cultures, in contrast, showeda sustained proliferative activity lasting >5 months, allowingthe phenotypical and molecular analysis of the cellular progeny.In the presence of IL-7, TCR ß+ cells with three differentphenotypes (mainly CD4+CD8, but also CD4+CD8+ and CD4CD8+)were immortalized, whereas no TCR + cells were recovered. Kineticstudies showed that the expansion of immortalized TCR ß+cells was preceded by a gradual loss of CD34+ cells followedby a transient accumulation of two distinct cell subsets: firstCD1+CD4+CD3 cells and then CD4+CD8+ thymocytes. Thisresembles early phenotypic changes occurring during normal intrathymicT cell development. In the presence of IL-2, in contrast, onlyTCR + cells were immortalized (mainly CD4CD8+, but alsoCD4CD8). The results show that HVS can be usedto read the CD3+ cellular outcome of T cell differentiationassays, including + CD4CD8+, +CD4CD8, ß+CD4+CD8+CD4CD8+ and ß+CD4+CD8+ T cells.A clear role for different cytokines (IL-2 for + cells, IL-7for ß+ cells) in early T cell commitment was alsoapparent.  相似文献   

A novel T cell subset characterized by cell surface NK1.1+ TCRß+expression was investigated for its TCR usage, particularlythat of invariant V14 TCR, which was found to be preferentiallyused in peripheral CD4CD8T cells developed atextrathymic sites. We found that NK+ ß T cell subsetsaccount for 0.4% in thymocytes, 5% in the splenic T cells and40.5% in the bone marrow T cells. Among these NK+ ßT cells, two distinct subsets were detected; cell surface TCRV14+and V14 subpopulations. Almost all of NK+ ßthymocytes express V14 mRNA; however, only<20% were positive,while >80% were negative or undetectable for V14 TCR expressionon the cell surface in the thymus. Similarly,50% of NK+ ßT cells in spleen and bone marrow are V14+; as revealed by FACS.TCR repertoire analysis by nucleotide sequences on inverse PCRproducts demonstrated that most NK+ ß T cells expressan invariant TCR encoded by the V14J281 gene with a 1 base N-regionin all tissues. Thus, invariant V14 TCR is uniquely expressedon NK T cells, and can be a marker to distinguish NK, NK T andT cells.  相似文献   

Reactivity of murine T cells with viral or bacterial superantigensis clearly correlated with the expression of TCR Vßdomains. Thus, T cells responding to the minor lymphocyte stimulatorylocus (Mls-1a) or staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) expresspredominantly TCR Vß6 or Vß8.2 respectively.We have investigated the involvement of the other major variableelement of the TCR, the V domain, in these superantigen responses.Using a panel of anti-TCR V mAbs, It is demonstrated that theTCR V repertoire among superantigen stimulated Vß6+or Vß8.2+ blasts (responding to Mls-1a or SEB respectivelyin vitro) is altered in comparison with anti-CD3 stimulatedcells expressing the same V domains. Furthermore, the TCR Vrepertoire is strongly skewed in TCR Vß8.2 transgenicmice that have undergone extensive peripheral clonal deletionafter SEB injection. These data imply that the V domain influencessuperantigen recognition by sthe TCR.  相似文献   

We have reported previously that mice carrying >30 copiesof the human CD3 transgene completely lose their T lymphocytesand NK cells (36). Here we demonstrate by immunohistology thatin the most severely immunodeficient mouse, tg26, the thymusis very small, has sizeable vacuoles and does not contain recognizableT lymphocytes except for a small percentage of Thy- 1+ cellsand B cells. Cell surface phenotyping and TCR and -ßrearrangement studies confirm that the arrest in T lymphocytedevelopment precedes the arrest in rag-1null, rag-2null andTCRßnull mice. Since the T cell progenitors in whichthe arrest occurred were absent in the transgenic mice, indirectapproaches were taken to examine the causes of the block inT cell development. Analyses of 12 independently establishedmutant mouse lines, generated with five different transgenicconstructs, revealed that the severity of the abrogation inT cell development was dependent on the number of copies oftransgenes. Since the number of transgene copies generally correlatedwith the levels of expression of the transgenic CD3 proteins,we concluded that over-expression of the CD3 protein was thelikely cause of the block in T lymphocyte development. The Tcell immunodeficiency was caused by either the human or themurine CD3 protein. Since transgene coded mRNAs were found insignificantly higher quantities than endogenous CD3 mRNAs infetal thymi on days 13 and 14 of gestation, over-expressiontook place very early in development, probably prematurely.Over-expression of the CD3 transgene in thymocyte precursorsmay therefore affect T lymphocyte development in the absenceof TCR and possibly in the absence of the other CD3 proteins.More importantly, over-expression of the CD3 protein in thymocytesof mice with a low copy number of transgenes had a significanteffect on late thymic development Over-expression of the CD3protein in immature thymocytes mimicked the effects caused byexposure of CD4; CD8 thymocytes to anti-CD3 treatment:apoptosis and lack of TCRß expression. We thereforespeculate that in the homozygous tg26 animals the arrest inT cell development was caused by excessive signal transductionevents rather than by a toxic effect of the transgenic protein.  相似文献   

We have examined the antigen presenting cell (APC) requirementsfor primary T cell activation and T helper (Th) cell phenotypedifferentiation using naive CD4+ T cells from ß TCRtransgenic mice. Purified dendritic cells were the principalcell required for induction of primary ovalbumln peptide specificT cell activation and clonal expansion. However, dendritic cellsdid not induce differentiation of T cells toward Th1 or Th2phenotype. Addition of IL-4 during primary dendritic cell stimulationsof T cells resulted in the development of a Th2 phenotype whichproduced high levels of IL-4 during secondary and tertiary stimulation.In contrast, development of Th1 cells producing high levelsof IFN- could not be induced with dendritic cells alone butrequired the addition of appropriately activated macrophages.Addition of splenic or peritoneal B cells did not induce Th1development. Activated splenic macrophages induced Th1 developmentvia a non-MHC restricted mechanism. Thus, requirements for inductionof proliferation of naive CD4+ T cells are distinct from thosedirecting Th1 phenotype development. IL-12 could replace therequirement for macrophages to induce Th1 development when Tcells were activated with dendritic cells. Furthermore, thisIL-12 mediated development of Th1 cells producing high levelsof IFN- was dependent on IFN-.  相似文献   

Antigen recognition signals by the TCR are transduced throughactivation motifs present in the cytoplasmic region of CD3 chains.In vitro analysis has suggested that the CD3 chain mediatesdifferent signals from other CD3 chains. To analyze the in vivofunction of CD3-mediated signals for T cell development, miceexpressing a mutant CD3 chain lacking all the activation motifswere generated by introducing the transgene into -knockout mice.Mature CD4+ single-positive (SP) thymocytes in these mice weregreater in number than in -deficient mice, and the promoteddifferentiation was indicated by the changes of CD69 and HSAphenotypes. We found that even in the absence of activationmotifs in CD3, these mature cells became functional, being ableto induce Ca2+ mobilization and proliferation upon stimulation.On the other hand, CD4-CD8- double-negative (DN) thymocytes,most of which were arrested at the CD44-CD25+ stage similarlyto those in -deficient mice, could not be promoted for differentiationinto CD4+CD8+ double-positive thymocytes in these mice in spiteof the fact that the expression of the transgene in DN thymocyteswas higher than that of in wild-type mice. These results demonstratethe preferential dependence of the promotion of developmentand/or expansion of DN thymocytes rather than mature thymocytesupon the activation signals through the chain and suggest differentialrequirements of TCR signaling for mature SP and immature DNthymocyte developments in vivo.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that regulatory T-cell (Treg)-deficient strainshave an altered TCR repertoire in part due to the expansionof autoimmune repertoire by self-antigen. We compared the Vβfamily expression profile between B6 and Treg-lacking B6.Cg-Foxp3sf/Y(B6.sf) mice using fluorescent anti-Vβ mAbs and observedno changes. However, while the spectratypes of 20 Vβ familiesamong B6 mice were highly similar, the Vβ family spectratypesof B6.sf mice were remarkably different from B6 mice and fromeach other. Significant spectratype changes in many Vβfamilies were also observed in Treg-deficient IL-2 knockout(KO) and IL-2R KO mice. Such changes were not observed withanti-CD3 mAb-treated B6 mice or B6 CD4+CD25 T cells.TCR transgenic (OT-II.sf) mice displayed dramatic reductionof clonotypic TCR with concomitant increase in T cells bearingnon-transgenic Vβ and V families, including T cells withdual receptors expressing reduced levels of transgenic V andendogenous V. Collectively, the data demonstrate that Treg deficiencyallows polyclonal expansion of T cells in a stochastic manner,resulting in widespread changes in the TCR repertoire.  相似文献   

Mice lacking T cells with ß TCR (TCR ß–/–)or TCR (TCR –/–) were infected with the erythrocyticstages of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi(AS). Mice without T cells could control and reduce a primaryinfection of P. chabaudi with a slight delay in the time ofclearance of the acute phase of infection and significantlyhigher recrudescent parasitaemias compared with control intactmice. TCR –/– mice had higher levels of both serumIg and malaria-specific antibodies of the isotypes IgG3 andIgG1 compared with control mice. TCRß–/–mice, despite a striking increase in NK1.1+ cells and the presenceof T cells, were unable to clear their infection. Althoughthe plasma of TCR ß–/– mice containedall Ig isotypes before and during a primary infection, theywere unable to produce significant levels of malaria-specificIgG antibodies, suggesting that in the absence of ßT cells T cells are not able to provide efficient help forantibody production.  相似文献   

A functionally rearranged TCRß (Tcrb) gene was isolatedfrom a cloned human T helper cell recognizing the CS.T3 epitopeof Plasmodium falciparum with HLA-DR2. Transgenic mice weregenerated by co-injection of the human gene together with themouse Tcrb enhancer. Analysis of transgenic mice shows thatthe functional Tcrb gene of xenogenic, i.e. human, origin exertsallelic exclusion of endogenous Tcrb genes. Cytofluorometricanalysis revealed expression of the human TCRß chainon virtually all thymocytes and peripheral T cells togetherwith endogenous TCRß chains and CD3 components. Nosurface expression of mouse TCRß chain or rearrangementof endogenous Tcr genes was detectable. Expression of the hybridreceptor causes a reduction in the number of thymocytes anda bias for CD4+CD8 T cells in the thymus as comparedwith non-transgenic littermates. Peripheral transgenic T cellsmount a normal prollferative response against allogenelc targetsin mixed lymphocyte reactions. These results show that a hybridmouse/human TCR is able to pass positive and negative selectionin the thymus, and is functional in transgenic mice.  相似文献   

The IL-2 receptor ß-chain (IL-2Rß), a specificity-determiningsubunlt In the IL-2R complex with a restricted tissue distributionpattern, Is essential for signal transductlon. Our previousstudies demonstrate that the continuous treatment of mice withanti-IL-2Rß) resulted in the complete disappearanceof NK cells and Thy-1+ dendritic epidermal cells (Thy-1+ dEC),suggesting that signals through IL-2Rß are criticallyinvolved in development of these lymphocyte subsets. However,these lymphocyte subsets are reported to be apparently unaffectedIn the IL-2-deficient mice. To further examine the biologicalroles of the IL-2Rß, transgenic mice carrying theIL-2Rß transgene were generated. In these mice, highlevels of the cell surface expression of the IL-2Rßwere observed in essentially all hematopoietic lineage cells,and CD4+ T cells as well as CD8+ T cells showed vigorous cellproliferation upon IL-2 stimulation. Surprisingly, NK cellsmarked with a high expression of NK1.1 in the spleen and Thy-1+dEC in the skin were completely absent in transgenic mice. However,the development of other lymphocyte subsets Including conventionalßTCR + cells, TCR+ cells and B cells remained apparentlyintact. From these observations together with previous dataon IL-2-deficlent mice, we speculate that factors, other thanIL-2 that utilizes the IL-2Rß as its functional receptorsubunlt, may have a vital role in the development of NK cellsand Thy-1+ dEC. Implications for possible In vivo functionsof over-expressed IL-2Rß are discussed.  相似文献   

In our previous work, DNase hypersensitivity mapping was usedto identify an enhancer within the human CD8 (hCD8) gene whichallowed T cell-specific expression of a reporter construct intransiently transfected cell lines. To study the role of thisintronic enhancer in vivo, transgenic mice were made using humanCD8 genomic constructs. We found that while a 14 kb wild-typehuman CD8a (WThCD8) genomic construct did not lead to expressionin mature peripheral CD8+ T cells, this transgene was consistentlyexpressed in small populations of T cells and B cells, and ina subset of mouse NK cells. While murine CD8 is not normallyexpressed on resting NK cells, expression of the human CD8 transgeneon mouse NK cells is appropriate since CD8 is expressed on asubset of human NK cells. Deletion of the intronic enhancerresulted in a complete loss of transgene expression in mostlines and a loss of expression only in NK cells in one line.Our results indicate, firstly, that cis-acting sequences withinthe 14 kb genomic fragment are sufficient for NK cell-specificexpression. In addition, our results suggest that the enhancermay have dual roles in regulation of transgene expression. Itmay enhance general expression of the transgene and may alsobe required for NK cell-specific expression.  相似文献   

Differences in the surface antigen phenotype, such as the expressionCD8 as an homodimer or the lack of Thy-1, on Intestinal Intraepitheliallymphocytes (IEL) are related, In part, to alternative differentiationpathways. The relationship of IEL lacking the pan-T cell markerCD5 to these IEL, their TCR repertoire and function has notbeen examined directly. We explored the TCR repertoire and functionof the CD5 IEL subset In relation to the expression ofthe ‘autospecific’ Vß6 TCR in Mls-1a miceand to TCR. The results indicate that CD5 expression was absenton the majority of TCR IEL (96.9%) and on a significant proportionof TCR ß IEL (25.0%). Virtually all IEL In DBA/2 (Mls-1a)mice that expressed the ‘autospecific’ Vß6TCR were CD5, and this correlated with the expressionof CD8 . To assess the functional capacity of this subset ofIEL, we examined proliferation and IL-2 production in responseto TCR activation. Although CD5 IEL proliferated in responseto anti-CD3, IEL bearing TCR Vß6, In Mls-1a mice,were not responsive to TCR-mediated activation. Similarly, TCR IEL were not responsive to stimulation by anti-TCR antibodies.The addition of exogenous IL-2, however, reconstituted the prollferativeresponse of both TCR IEL and the TCR Vß6 expressingIEL. We conclude that the lack of CD5 defines a unique subsetof intraepithelial T cells expressing either TCR or ßthat Include potentially autoreactive cells that remain anergicin the absence of IL-2.  相似文献   

We have established two rat mAbs, TUGH4 and TUGh5, specificfor the human chain of the IL-2 receptor (IL-2R), which isknown to be shared among receptors for IL-2, IL-4 and IL-7.The antibodies bound to cell lines transfected with the human chain gene but not to their parental cell lines, and precipitated65–70 and 80–90 kDa cell surface molecules fromlysates of human T cells surface-labeled with Na125I and chemicallycross-linked with [125]IL-2 respectively. Flow cytometry withTUGh4 and TUGh5 detected the chain in a wide variety of peripheralblood cell populations including CD4+ T cells, CD20+ T cells,CD20+ B cells, CD56+ natural killer cells, CD4+ monocytes andgranulocytes, contrasting with expression of the and ßchains of IL-2R.  相似文献   

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