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The aim of this investigation was to study the adaptation to an unstable support surface of kinematic synergy responsible for equilibrium control during upper trunk movements. Eight adult subjects were asked to bend their upper trunk forward to an angle of 35° and then to hold the final position for 3 s, first in a standard condition, with two feet on the ground and the second, on a rocking platform swinging in the sagittal plane. The movement characteristics (duration, amplitude, and mean angular velocity of the trunk), the time course of the antero–posterior center of mass (CM) shift during the movement, and the EMG pattern of the main muscles involved in the movement were studied under the two experimental conditions. Kinematic synergy was quantified by performing a principal component analysis on the hip, knee, and ankle angle changes occurring during the movement. The results indicate that (1) the CM shift from the very onset of the movement remains controlled during performance of the forward trunk movement when the equilibrium constraints were increased; (2) the principal component analysis of the hip, knee, and ankle angle changes occurring during the movement showed a transition from one principal component (PC1) in the standard condition to two components in the rocking platform condition; (3) the greatest contribution of PC1 (weight coefficients) was located at the hip level in both the standard and rocking platform conditions, while the greatest contribution of PC2 in the rocking platform condition was located at the ankle level; and (4) the EMG pattern underlying kinematic synergy is modified. It is concluded that a simple adaptation of kinematic synergy by changing the weight coefficients of each pair of joints participating in the movement is no longer sufficient when the equilibrium constraints increase and, rather, disturbs equilibrium. The CNS has to provide two parallel controls, one to perform the trunk movement and the other to preserve equilibrium.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the organization of kinematic synergy and its adaptation to an unstable support surface during upper trunk movements in aging adults. Seven healthy aging adults (49-66 years old) were instructed to bend the trunk forward (the head and the trunk together) by about 40 degrees and to stabilize their final position, in the standard condition (both feet on the ground), and on a seesaw swinging in the sagittal plane. Kinematic synergy was quantified by performing a principal components analysis on the hip, knee and ankle angle changes during the movement. The results indicate that trunk bending was represented by a single component (PC1) in both conditions, indicating a strong coupling between the angle changes during the movement. The results also show a reorganization of the contribution of PC1 to the three angles when the balance constraints are increased in the seesaw condition. It is concluded that kinematic synergy is preserved during trunk bending in aging adults, regardless of the support conditions. It can also be adapted when the balance constraints are increased by changing the ratio between the angles, indicating a modification of interjoint coordination without modifying the movement's trajectory.  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation was to study the adaptation of the kinematic synergy responsible for equilibrium control during upper trunk movements to a 10-kg load added to the subject’s shoulders. Five adult subjects were asked to bend their upper trunk forward to an angle of 35° and then to hold the final position for 3 s, first without any load and then with a 10-kg load fixed to their shoulders. The final anteroposterior CM positions 400 ms after the movement offset, the time course of the anteroposterior center of mass (CM) shift during the movement, the EMG pattern of the main muscles involved in the movement and the initial CP shift were studied under both unloaded and loaded conditions. The kinematic synergy was quantified by performing a principal components analysis on the hip, knee and ankle angle changes occurring during the movement. The results indicate that: (1) the final anteroposterior position of the CM changed little if at all in the presence of the additional load, and that the anteroposterior CM shift was minimized throughout the duration of the movement; (2) the kinematic synergy was still characterized, in the presence of the additional load, by a strong coupling between the angle changes, as indicated by the fact that the first principal component (PC1) accounted for more than 99% of the hip, knee and ankle joint movements. A change was observed, however, in the ratio between the angles: the ankle extension increased, thus compensating for the additional theoretical forward CM shift that the additional load could be expected to cause; (3) the lack of change in the initial backward CP shift observed under loaded condition as well as the lack of change of the initial agonist EMG bursts suggest that the initial feedforward control of the kinematic synergy was not affected in the presence of the additional load. An increase in the antagonist bursts, presumably reflecting an adaptation of the kinematic synergy, was observed during the late phase of the movement; and (4) it is concluded that the adaptation of the kinematic synergy to the load was due to a specific change in the feedback control during the braking phase of the movement which presumably increases the ankle joint extension and consequently causes an increased backward shift of the hip which compensates for the forward shift due to the load. Received: 19 March 1998 / Accepted: 31 March 1999  相似文献   

Neuromuscular adaptation to microgravity environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Morphological and/or functional char-acteristics of skeletal muscles have a greater adaptability in response to changes in environmental stimuli. For example, an atrophy associated with a shift of fiber characteristics toward fast-twitch type is a common adaptation of antigravity muscle to a microgravity environment. Neuromuscular responses and possible mechanisms of both neural and muscular adaptations to a microgravity environment are discussed in this article. Responses of morphological, metabolic, and contractile properties, as well as fiber phenotype, of muscles are briefly reviewed. Discussion is further extended to the patterns of electromyogram and tension development of muscle, responses of postural stability and locomotion, and/or motoneurons in order to study the mechanism for muscular adaptation to microgravity.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that, during tasks in which subjects are exposed to a visual rotation of cursor feedback, alternating bimanual adaptation to opposing rotations is as rapid as unimanual adaptation to a single rotation (Bock et al. in Exp Brain Res 162:513–519, 2005). However, that experiment did not test strict alternation of the limbs but short alternate blocks of trials. We have therefore tested adaptation under alternate left/right hand movement with opposing rotations. It was clear that the left and right hand, within the alternating conditions, learnt to adapt to the opposing displacements at a similar rate suggesting that two adaptive states were formed concurrently. We suggest that the separate limbs are used as contextual cues to switch between the relevant adaptive states. However, we found that during online correction the alternating conditions had a significantly slower rate of adaptation in comparison to the unimanual conditions. Control conditions indicate that the results are not directly due the alternation between limbs or to the constant switching of vision between the two eyes. The negative interference may originate from the requirement to dissociate the visual information of these two alternating displacements to allow online control of the two arms.Support contributed by: Wellcome Trust & EPSRC studentship.  相似文献   

The postural response to translation of the support surface may be influenced by the performance of an ongoing voluntary task. This study was designed to test this proposal by applying lateral perturbations while subjects handled a load in the frontal plane. Measurements were made of medio-lateral displacement of the centre of pressure, angular displacement of the trunk and thigh in the frontal plane and intra-abdominal pressure. Subjects were translated randomly to the left and right in a variety of conditions that involved standing either quietly or with a 5 kg load in their left hand, which they were required either to hold statically or to lift or lower. The results indicate that when the perturbation occurred towards the loaded left side the subjects were able to return their centre of pressure, trunk and thigh rapidly and accurately to the initial position. However, when the perturbation occurred towards the right (away from the load) this correction was delayed and associated with multiple changes in direction of movement, suggesting decreased efficiency of the postural response. This reduced efficiency can be explained by a conflict between the motor commands for the ongoing voluntary task and the postural response, and/or by the mechanical effect of the asymmetrical addition of load to the trunk.  相似文献   

While much is known about reflex and mechanical contributions to the control of head stability, little is known about predictive control. The goal of this experiment was to determine the contribution of predictive mechanisms to head stability in space, in the pitch plane, during forward trunk perturbations. Eleven standing healthy subjects had their trunk pulled forward by a load-pulley apparatus. The perturbation was either self-triggered or imposed (triggered by the experimenter). Subjects were exposed to two loads: 2% and 4% of their body weight. The contributions of torques acting on the head-neck system were inferred from head and trunk kinematics, neck muscle EMG, and the torques acting on the head, which were computed using inverse dynamics. The results showed that both the head and trunk moved less during the self-triggered than imposed condition during both loads for most of the participants. There was no evidence of predictive neck countertorque or increased neck muscle co-contraction during the self-triggered condition. These findings suggest that most of the subjects improved head stability in the self-triggered condition by reducing trunk motion and the associated interactive torque that perturbed the head. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Kinematic analysis of human movement   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Understanding the kinematics of human movement is of both a basis and an applied value in medicine and biology. Motion measurement can be used to evaluate functional performance of limbs under normal and abnormal conditions. Kinematic knowledge is also essential for proper diagnosis and surgical treatment of joint disease and the design of prosthetic devices to restore function. In general, kinematic analysis of human movement can be categorized into two main areas: 1) Gross movement of the limb segments interconnected by joints, where the relative three-dimensional joint rotation is described by adopting the Eulerian angle system. With proper selection of axes of rotation between two bone segments, the associated finite rotation is sequence independent. This concept is particularly useful, since it matches precisely the clinical definition of joint motion. 2) Detailed analysis of joint articulating surface motion, where generalized three-dimensional, unconstrained rotation and translation are described utilizing the concept of the screw displacement axis. Knowing the surface geometry and soft-tissue constraints, the movement of an articulating joint can be analyzed to provide basic information for lubrication and wear studies. In addition, with appropriate numerical differentiation, velocity and acceleration can be obtained from the displacement information described by the above two methods. Currently available measurement techniques of human movement can be classified into three categories: 1) electrical linkage methods; 2) stereometric methods and biplanar roentgenographic methods; and 3) accelerometric methods. Each system has its unique advantages and limitations in terms of the operational principle, instruments required, data reduction, and type of information produced. Representative analyses of human upper and lower extremity movement will be included as illustrative examples.  相似文献   

When arm movements are perturbed by a load, how does the nervous system adjust control signals to reduce error? While it has been shown that the nervous system is capable of compensating for the effects of limb dynamics and external forces, the strategies used to adapt to novel loads are not well understood. We used a robotic exoskeleton [kinesiological instrument for normal and altered reaching movements (KINARM)] to apply novel loads to the arm during single-joint elbow flexions in the horizontal plane (shoulder rotation was allowed). Loads varied in magnitude with the instantaneous velocity of elbow flexion, and were applied to the shoulder in experiment 1 (interaction loads) and the elbow in experiment 2 (direct loads). Initial exposure to both interaction and direct loads resulted in perturbations at both joints, even though the load was applied to only a single joint. Subjects tended to correct for the kinematics of the elbow joint while perturbations at the shoulder persisted. Electromyograms (EMGs) and computed muscle torque showed that subjects modified muscle activity at the elbow to reduce elbow positional deviations. Shoulder muscle activity was also modified; however, these changes were always in the same direction as those at the elbow. Current models of motor control based on inverse-dynamics calculations and force-control, as well as models based on positional control, predict an uncoupling of shoulder and elbow muscle torques for adaptation to these loads. In contrast, subjects in this study adopted a simple strategy of modulating the natural coupling that exists between elbow and shoulder muscle torque during single-joint elbow movements.  相似文献   

Orbital microgravity represents a unique environment, which allows the isolation of variables assumed to be involved in the mechanism of body positioning in space. In this context, the alignment of the trunk axis along allocentric references and the positioning of the body center of mass inside the supporting base compete for the role of the primary-controlled variable when assuming erect posture. This paper reports the quantitative evaluation of the postural strategies exhibited by two subjects with feet fixed to the floor of the space module along a 4-month period of exposure to microgravity. With respect to previous findings in parabolic flights and short term space missions, the analysis focused on long-term process of sensorimotor adaptation to weightlessness. Results show that while trunk-axis orientation is preserved and used as a stable postural frame of reference, the positioning of the body center of mass appears to be significantly biased backward and turns out to be involved in a long-term process of adaptation throughout the entire flight towards the re-emergence of a typically terrestrial postural regulation compatible with equilibrium. Received: 30 July 1998 / Accepted: 30 April 1999  相似文献   

Visual processing of basic perceptual attributes depends on attention. This has been well documented since the surprising initial report on attentional modulation of the visual motion aftereffect (Chaudhuri 1990). Here, we investigate proprioception and show for the first time that attention modulates adaptation to perceived limb movement. We used biceps vibration to induce illusory forearm extension in 10 participants and measured the aftereffect—perceived movement in the opposite direction. The aftereffect was largest when participants focused on the illusory extension during the adaptation period. To divert attention away from the illusory extension, a rapid serial visual presentation task was performed during the adaptation. The aftereffect was much smaller in this condition, indicating interference between the visual task and proprioceptive adaptation. In tests of an analogous interaction between audition and vision, earlier research found no effect. We suggest that conscious proprioception requires more attention than conscious processing of visual or auditory input.  相似文献   

This study aimed to clarify how the activities of trunk and lower limb muscles during a landing-to-jump (L-J) movement are coordinated to perform the task effectively. Electromyography (EMG) activities of trunk and lower limb muscles as well as kinematic and ground reaction force data were recorded while 17 subjects performed 5 L-Js from a height of 35 cm. The L-J was divided into four phases: PRE phase, 100 ms preceding ground contact; ABSORPTION phase, from ground contact through 100 ms; BRAKING phase, from the end of the ABSORPTION phase to the time of the lowest center of mass position; and PROPULSION phase, from the end of the BRAKING phase to takeoff. The trunk extensor and flexors showed reciprocal activation patterns through the L-J. In the PROPULSION phase, the timings when the EMG activities of the extensor muscles peaked were characterized as a sequential proximal-to-distal pattern. Furthermore, the peak vertical ground reaction force in the ABSORPTION phase relative to body mass negatively correlated to the jump height of the L-J movement and positively correlated with the magnitude of the EMG activities of the soleus in the PRE phase and those of the soleus and rectus abdominis in the ABSORPTION phase. These findings indicate that the intensities and peak timings of muscle activities in the trunk and lower limb are coordinated during the L-J movement and, the coordinated activities would play functional roles such as impact absorption, braking against the descent of body and force generation and direction control for jumping.  相似文献   

Piezoresistive accelerometer signals fre frequently used in movement analysis. However, their use and interpretation are complicated by the fact that the signal is composed of different acceleration components. The aim of the study was to obtain insight into the components of accelerometer signals from the trunk and thigh segments during four different sit-to-stand (STS) movements (self-selected, slow, fast and fullflexion). Nine subjects performed at least six trials of each type of STS movement. Accelerometer signals from the trunk and thigh in the sagittal direction were decomposed using kinematic data obtained from an opto-electronic device. Each acceleration signal was decomposed into gravitational and inertial components, and the inertial component of the trunk was subsequently decomposed into rotational and translational components. The accelerometer signals could be reliably reconstructed: mean normalised root mean square (RMS) trunk: 6.5% (range 3–12%), mean RMS thigh: 3% (range 2–5%). The accelerometric signals were highly characteristic and repeatable. The influence of the inertial component was significant, especially on the timing of the specific event of maximum trunk flexion in the accelerometer signal. The effect of inertia was larger in the trunk signal than in the thigh signal and increased with higher speeds. The study provides insight into the acceleration signal, its components and the influence of the type of STS movement and supports its use in STS movement analysis.  相似文献   

Many studies showed that both arm movements and postural control are characterized by strong invariants. Besides, when a movement requires simultaneous control of the hand trajectory and balance maintenance, these two movement components are highly coordinated. It is well known that the focal and postural invariants are individually tightly linked to gravity, much less is known about the role of gravity in their coordination. It is not clear whether the effect of gravity on different movement components is such as to keep a strong movement–posture coordination even in different gravitational conditions or whether gravitational information is necessary for maintaining motor synergism. We thus set out to analyze the movements of eleven standing subjects reaching for a target in front of them beyond arm’s length in normal conditions and in microgravity. The results showed that subjects quickly adapted to microgravity and were able to successfully accomplish the task. In contrast to the hand trajectory, the postural strategy was strongly affected by microgravity, so to become incompatible with normo-gravity balance constraints. The distinct effects of gravity on the focal and postural components determined a significant decrease in their reciprocal coordination. This finding suggests that movement–posture coupling is affected by gravity, and thus, it does not represent a unique hardwired and invariant mode of control. Additional kinematic and dynamic analyses suggest that the new motor strategy corresponds to a global oversimplification of movement control, fulfilling the mechanical and sensory constraints of the microgravity environment.  相似文献   

Preparatory trunk motion accompanies rapid upper limb movement   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
 Evaluation of trunk movements, trunk muscle activation, intra-abdominal pressure and displacement of centres of pressure and mass was undertaken to determine whether trunk orientation is a controlled variable prior to and during rapid bilateral movement of the upper limbs. Standing subjects performed rapid bilateral symmetrical upper limb movements in three directions (flexion, abduction and extension). The results indicated a small (0.4–3.3°) but consistent initial angular displacement between the segments of the trunk in a direction opposite to that produced by the reactive moments resulting from limb movement. Phasic activation of superficial trunk muscles was consistent with this pattern of preparatory motion and with the direction of motion of the centre of mass. In contrast, activation of the deep abdominal muscles was independent of the direction of limb motion, suggesting a non-direction specific contribution to spinal stability. The results support the opinion that feedforward postural responses result in trunk movements, and that orientation of the trunk and centre of mass are both controlled variables in relation to rapid limb movements. Received: 4 March 1998 / Accepted: 24 June 1998  相似文献   

We addressed the fundamental questions of which variables underlie the control of arm movement and how they are stored in motor memory, reproduced and modified in the process of adaptation to changing load conditions. Such variables are defined differently in two major theories of motor control (internal models and threshold control). To resolve the controversy, these theories were tested (experiment 1) based on their ability to explain why active movement away from a stable posture is not opposed by stabilizing mechanisms (the posture–movement problem). The internal model theory suggests that the system counteracts the opposing forces by increasing the muscle activity in proportion to the distance from the initial posture (position-dependent EMG control). In contrast, threshold control fully excludes these opposing forces by shifting muscle activation thresholds and thus resetting the stabilizing mechanisms to a new posture. Subjects were sitting, holding the vertical handle of a double-joint manipulandum with their right hand and were facing a computer screen on which the handle and target to be reached were displayed. In response to an auditory signal, subjects quickly moved the handle from an initial position to one of two (frontal and sagittal) targets. No load was applied during the movement but in separate trials, a brief perturbation was applied to the handle by torque motors controlling the manipulandum. Perturbations were applied prior to or 3 s after movement offset, in the latter case in one of eight directions. The EMG activity of the majority of the seven recorded muscles was at zero level before movement onset and returned to zero level after movement offset. Those muscles that remained active before or after the movement could be made silent whereas previously silent muscles could be activated after a small passive displacement (several millimeters) elicited by perturbations in appropriate directions. Results showed that the activation thresholds of motoneurons of arm muscles were reset from the initial to a final position and that EMG activity was not position-dependent. These results were inconsistent with the internal model theory but confirmed the threshold control theory. Then the ability of threshold control theory to explain rapid movement adaptation to a position-dependent load was investigated (experiment 2 and 3). Subjects produced fast movement to the frontal target with and without a position-dependent load applied to the handle. Trials were organized in blocks alternating between the load and no-load condition (20 blocks in total, with randomly chosen number of five to ten trials in each). Subjects were instructed “do not correct” in experiment 2 and “correct” movement errors during the trial in experiment 3. Five threshold arm configurations underlying the movement production and adaptation were identified. When instructed “do not correct”, movement precision was fully restored on average after two trials. No significant improvement was observed as the experiment progressed despite the fact that the same load condition was repeated after one block of trials. Thus, in each block, the adaptation was made anew, implying that subjects relied on short-term memory and could not recall the threshold arm configurations they specified to accurately reach the same target in the same load condition in previous blocks. When instructed to “correct” within each trial, precision was restored faster, on average after one trial. Major aspects of the production and adaptation of arm movement (including the kinematics, movement errors, instruction-dependent behavior, and absence of position-related EMG activity) are explained in terms of threshold control.  相似文献   

Shifting the direction of the line of sight in everyday life often involves rotations not only of the eyes and head but also of the trunk. Here, we investigated covariation patterns of eye-in-orbit, head-on-trunk and trunk-in-space angular horizontal displacements during whole-body rotations to targets of up to 180° eccentricity performed by standing healthy human subjects. The spatial covariation was quantified statistically across various behavioral task conditions (unpredictable, memory driven predictable, visual feedback) and constraints (accuracy) by principal components (PC) analysis. Overall, the combined movement was stereotyped such that the first two PCs accounted for essentially the whole data variance of combined gaze transfers up to about 400 ms, suggesting that the three mechanical degrees of freedom under consideration are reduced to two kinematic degrees of freedom. Moreover, quantification of segment velocity variability across repetitions showed that velocities of eye-in-space and head-in-space (i.e. ‘end-point’ velocity) were less variable than those of the elemental variables composing them. In contrast, three statistically significant PCs accounted for the covariation of the three segments during presumably vestibularly mediated nystagmic transfers, suggesting control by a separate driving circuit. We conclude that progression of the line of sight is initially stereotypic and fulfills criteria defining a motor synergy.  相似文献   

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