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IntroductionCoactivation of the hamstring muscles during dynamic knee extension may compensate for increased knee joint laxity in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) deficient subjects. This study examined if antagonist muscle coactivation during maximal dynamic knee extension was elevated in subjects with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) deficiency compared to age-matched healthy controls.MethodsElectromyography (EMG) and net knee joint moments were recorded during maximal concentric quadriceps and eccentric hamstring contractions, performed in an isokinetic dynamometer (ROM: 90–10°, angular speed: 30°/s). Hamstring antagonist EMG recorded during concentric quadriceps contraction was converted into antagonist moment based on the EMG–moment relationship observed during eccentric agonist contractions.ResultsThe magnitude of antagonist hamstring EMG was 65.5% higher in ACL deficient subjects compared to healthy controls (p < 0.05). Likewise, antagonist hamstring moment expressed in percentage of the measured net extension moment was elevated in ACL deficient subjects (56 ± 8 to 30 ± 6%) compared to controls (36 ± 5 to 19 ± 2%) at 20–50° of knee flexion (0° = full extension) (p < 0.05).DiscussionThe results showed a marked increase in hamstring coactivation towards more extended joint positions. Notably, this progressive rise in coactivation was greater in ACL deficient subjects, which may reflect a compensatory strategy to provide stability to the knee joint in the anterior–posterior plane during isolated knee extension. The present study encourages further investigations of hamstring coactivation in ACL deficient subjects. 相似文献
目的:通过三维螺旋CT重建正常人膝关节,测量股骨远端相关解剖参数,探讨男女性股骨远端的解剖特点对于关节表面假体形态的不同要求。方法:80侧正常成人膝关节,男性、女性各40侧,年龄18~72岁,行三维螺旋CT扫描,在GE Advantage workstation工作站上进行0.625mm层厚重建,测量股骨经上髁轴线宽度、内外侧髁高度、髁间高度及内外侧滑车前突距离,行模拟截骨后,测量各截骨面高度,比较各测量值性别问的差异。结果:男女性髁间高度、经上髁轴线宽度、外侧髁高度及内侧髁高度均有显著性差异(P〈0.001),男性各值均大于女性。股骨远端横径与纵径的比值亦为男性大于女性(P〈0.001),男性股骨内、外侧滑车前突距离均大于女性,均值差分别为1.2mm和0.7mm,均有显著性差异(P〈0.001)。结论:男女性之间股骨髁形态存在一定差别,股骨远端关节面假体形态的设计应该性别差异化,使假体与截骨面更好的吻合。以提高全膝关节置换术的手术效果。 相似文献
Kellis E 《European journal of applied physiology》2003,89(3-4):271-280
The examination of the moment exerted by the hamstrings during maximum isokinetic knee extensor tests is useful when comparing
isokinetic strength and muscle activity patterns between children and adults. The purpose of this study was to examine the
effect of antagonist moment of the hamstrings on the isokinetic moment of the knee extensors in pubertal children and to determine
whether this effect is altered following a fatigue task. Eighteen healthy pubertal males [age 14.3 (0.5) years] performed
34 maximal isokinetic concentric efforts of the knee extensors at 60°·s−1. The average moment of force and electromyographic (aEMG) signal of vastus medialis (VM), vastus lateralis (VL) and biceps
femoris (BF) at 11–30°, 31–50°, 51–70° and 71–90° of knee flexion were calculated for each repetition. The hamstrings antagonist
moment was determined before and after the fatigue task by fitting the aEMG–moment relationship at different levels of muscle
effort using second-degree polynomials. The percentage contribution of the antagonist moment to the resultant joint moment
ranged from 7.1 % to 60.4 % throughout the range of motion, with the highest percentage observed close to full knee extension
(11–30°). The antagonist effect was significantly greater during concentric tests of the knee extensors compared to the corresponding
eccentric tests (p<0.05). Following the fatigue test, there was an overall decline of the resultant joint moment, but no changes in the predicted
hamstrings moment were observed. These results indicate that when testing maximal knee extensor isokinetic strength in pubertal
boys, activity of the hamstrings implies a reduction of the net extensor moment as compared to the isolated capacity of the
knee extensors. However, this antagonist effect is not altered following the performance of an isokinetic fatigue knee extension
Electronic Publication 相似文献
Michael E. Houston Robert W. Norman Elizabeth A. Froese 《European journal of applied physiology》1988,58(1-2):1-7
Summary A method for measuring the maximal velocity of knee extension exercise is described using a very light lever arm. Instrumentation of the lever arm with a potentiometer and accelerometer also allows for the measurement of peak acceleration, time to peak acceleration, the average rate of development of acceleration (jerk) and peak torque. With this apparatus and surface electromyography, electromechanical delay (EMD) was also determined. This apparatus was tested using 17 female and 10 male subjects, and the measures obtained were related to the percentage of fast twitch fibres (% FT) and the relative area of fast twitch fibres (% FTA) in the vastus lateralis determined from duplicate muscle biopsy samples. Peak velocity of unloaded knee extension averaged 12.1±1.2 and 12.2±1.7 rad · s–1 for females and males, respectively, and were not significantly different. As well, peak acceleration, time to peak acceleration jerk and EMD values were not significantly different between the female and male subjects, but the mean peak torque for the female subjects (73.5±14.7 N · m) was significantly lower than that for the males (98.4±31.5 N · m). Peak acceleration was significantly correlated with %FT (r=0.40,P=0.04) for the total subject population. None of the other measures was significantly related to either %FT or %FTA for the male and female subjects or the combined population of subjects. 相似文献
Alberto Grassi Cecilia Signorelli Francisco Urrizola Federico Raggi Luca Macchiarola Tommaso Bonanzinga Stefano Zaffagnini 《The Knee》2018,25(4):577-587
Until now, there has been a lack of in vivo analysis of the correlation between bony morphological features and laxity values after an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury.Methods
Forty-two patients who underwent ACL-reconstruction were enrolled. Static laxity was evaluated as: antero-posterior displacement and internal–external rotation at 30° and 90° of flexion (AP30, AP90, IE30, IE90) and varus–valgus rotation at 0° and 30° of flexion (VV0, VV30). The pivot-shift (PS) test defined the dynamic laxity. Using magnetic resonance imaging, we evaluated the transepicondylar distance (TE), the width of the lateral and medial femoral condyles (LFCw and MFCw) and tibial plateau (LTPw and MTPw), the notch width index (NWI) and the ratio of width and height of the femoral notch (N-ratio), the ratio between the height and depth of the lateral and medial femoral condyle (LFC-ratio and MFC-ratio), the lateral and medial posterior tibial slopes (LTPs and MTPs) and the anterior subluxation of the lateral and medial tibial plateau with respect to the femoral condyle (LTPsublx and MTPsublx).Results
Concerning the AP30, LTPs (P = 0.047) and MTPsublx (P = 0.039) were shown to be independent predictors while for the AP90 only LTPs (P = 0.049) was an independent predictor. The LTPs (P = 0.039) was shown to be an independent predictor for IE90 laxity, while for the VV0 test it was identified as the LFCw (P = 0.007).Conclusions
A higher antero-posterior laxity at 30° and 90° of flexion was found in those with a lateral tibial slope < 5.5°. 相似文献6.
The management of distal femoral fractures following a total knee replacement can be complex and requires the equipment, perioperative support and surgical skills of both trauma and revision arthroplasty services. Recent advances in implant technology have changed the management options of these difficult fractures. This article describes the options available and discusses the latest evidence. 相似文献
The objectives of the present study were to: (1) examine perceived exertion across different target voluntary-contraction
intensities; (2) compare perceived exertion ratings with actual target intensities, and (3) compare perceived exertion ratings
between males and females. Subjects for this study included 30 healthy, college-aged male (n=15) and female (n=15) volunteers. All subjects were free of orthopedic, cardiopulmonary, systemic and neurological disease. Subjects were evaluated
for their one-repetition maximum (1-RM) during inertial knee extension exercise. All subjects then completed, in a random
order, two sub-maximal inertial contractions at 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90% of their 1-RM. Perceived exertion
was measured by asking subjects to provide a number that corresponded to the feelings in their quadriceps after completion
of the two repetitions, by viewing a modified category-ratio (CR-10) scale. The results showed that males lifted a significantly
greater absolute (P<0.05) and relative (P<0.05) amount of mass than females; allometric-modeled strength values also demonstrated significant sex differences. The
results revealed a significant intensity main effect (P<0.001) but no significant gender main effect (P=0.97) nor intensity-by-gender interactions (P=0.50) for the perceived exertion responses. The findings demonstrated that perceived exertion was significantly (P<0.05) lower than the specific expected values on the CR-10 scale from 10% to 60% of 1-RM, but was not different from 70%
to 90% 1-RM. The results revealed that the increase in perceived exertion was fit to both linear and quadratic trends, and
that the exponent of the power function was found to be 1.437 (SD 0.22) for the males, and 1.497 (0.295) for the females.
The major findings demonstrate that although males were able to lift more absolute and relative mass than females, the perceptual
response to relative load was similar between genders. The increase in perceived exertion, as a function of relative load,
showed a strong linear trend; however, enhanced perceptual sensitivity at high contraction intensities was evident from the
positively accelerating power function.
Electronic Publication 相似文献
IntroductionThe quantitative effects of medial bone loss of the knee on both leg alignment and coronal plane stability are poorly understood.Materials and methodsUtilizing computer navigation, 5 mm bone defects of the medial distal femur (MDF), medial posterior femoral condyle (MPF), and medial tibial plateau (MT) were simulated in 10 cadaveric limbs, and alignment of the knee at various degrees of flexion were analyzed when applying standardized varus and valgus loads.ResultsThe 5 mm MPF defect significantly increased varus laxity at 90° of flexion by 3.3° ± 1.2° (p = 0.019), a 5 mm MDF defect resulted in a 2.2° ± 1.7° (p = 0.037) and a 2.1° ± 1.3° (p = 0.023) increase in laxity at 0° and 30° of flexion, respectively, and a 5 mm MT defect increased varus laxity at all flexion angles by 4.0° to 7.0°, but was only statistically significant at 30° (p = 0.026).DiscussionThis study confirms and quantifies the theories of flexion and extension gap balancing, and pseudolaxity of the medial collateral ligament in the varus knee, the results of which can be used in preoperative planning and intraoperative decision making for both total knee and unicondylar arthroplasty. 相似文献
H. Kanehisa H. Okuyama S. Ikegawa T. Fukunaga 《European journal of applied physiology》1995,72(1-2):170-174
The isokinetic forces, during 50 repeated maximal knee extensions with a constant velocity of 3.14 rad · s–1, and muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) of the quadriceps femoris muscles were measured for boys aged 14 years (n = 26) and young adult men (n = 26). As representative scores in the maximal session, the mean values of force (
) of every five consecutive and all trials were calculated. The CSA was measured by using a B-mode ultrasound technique at the midpoint of the thigh length (l
t). The average values of
at the 1st–5th contractions were 193 (SEM 12) N for the boys and 303 (SEM 13) N for the young adults. The average decline of
with 50 contractions, expressed as a percentage of the value in the 1st–5th trial, was higher in the young adults than in the boys:
for the young adults was reduced by 48 (SEM 2.9)%, for the boys by 36 (SEM 3.1)%. The
of every five consecutive and all trials were significantly correlated to the product of CSA andl
t (CSA ·l
t) in separate groups: for the boysr = 0.762–0.894 (P < 0.01), for the young adultsr = 0.598–0.837 (P < 0.01). In a trial range between the 1st–5th and 11th–15th contractions, the young adults showed significantly higher values in the ratio of
to CSA ·l
t (
· CSA–1 ·l
t) than the boys. However, the difference between groups of the ratio on and after the 16th–20th trial and for all trials became insignificant. Thus, at least for 50 maximal repeated knee extensions, the 14-year-old boys were inferior to the young adults in their ability to produce force during the earlier sessions even when the difference in muscle size was allowed for. The inferiority in the boys might be attributed to a lower reliance on glycolysis as pointed out in previous biochemical studies. 相似文献
Prolonged muscle vibration reduces maximal voluntary knee extension performance in both the ipsilateral and the contralateral limb in man 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Previous studies have shown that prolonged vibration of the rectus femoris decreases maximal voluntary knee extension performance
in the ipsilateral leg. In the present study, measurements of maximal voluntary isometric knee extension contractions with
the ipsilateral (right) leg and the contralateral (left) leg were made immediately before and after vibration treatment. Significant
reductions in maximal force and maximum rate of force generation occurred in both the ipsilateral and contralateral legs following
30 minutes of continuous vibration at both 30 Hz and 120 Hz, with 30 Hz causing the greatest ipsilateral effects. However,
although the level of neural activation (iEMG) of the vibrated muscle (right rectus femoris) was reduced following 30 Hz vibration
(P=0.026), there were no significant changes occurring in a synergistic muscle (right vastus lateralis) or in either contralateral
muscle. It was concluded that muscle vibration may act through spinal reflex pathways to influence the homonymous motoneuron
pool. The effects on contralateral force but not specific muscle iEMG suggest an effect on heteronymous motoneuron pools or
an effect acting on central descending drive to contralateral muscles. These findings may have implications for the rehabilitation
of patients with an immobilised limb.
Electronic Publication 相似文献
H. Kanehisa H. Okuyama S. Ikegawa T. Fukunaga 《European journal of applied physiology》1996,73(6):557-562
The force generation capacity, during 50 repeated maximal knee extensions with a constant velocity of 3.14 rad · s–1, and cross-sectional area (CSA) of the quadriceps femoris muscles were determined for untrained women (n = 36) and men (n = 27) aged from 18 to 25 years. As force scores in the maximal repetitions, the mean values of force (
) of every 5 consecutive and all trials and the percentage of decline of
(%D) with 50 contractions were calculated. The CSA was measured by using a B-mode ultrasound technique at the midpoint of the thigh length. The
decreased from 303 (SEM 13) N at the 1st–5th trial to 155 (SEM 9) N at the 46th–50th trial for the men, and from 202 (SEM 9) N to 94 (SEM 4) N for the women. The
of every 5 consecutive and all trials were significantly correlated to muscle CSA: for the men r = 0.552–0.872 (P < 0.01) and for the women r = 0.609–0.857 (P < 0.01). The men showed significantly higher
at every 5 consecutive trials than the women even when calculated per unit muscle CSA (
·CSA–1). There were significant correlations between %D and
·CSA–1 at the 1st–5th trial: r = 0.538 (P < 0.01) for the men and r = 0.631 (P < 0.01) for the women, respectively. The average values of %D were almost the same in both sexes: for the men 48 (SEM 3) % and for the women 52 (SEM 2) %, respectively. However, an ANCOVA calculation on %D, using
·CSA–1 the 1st–5th trial as the covariate, indicated that the women had significantly higher %D than the men. Thus, the force output during the maximal repetitions was significantly correlated to the CSA of quadriceps femoris in both sexes. The force output was lower in the women than in the men even when the difference in the muscle CSA was allowed for. The women had higher %D than the men when force output per unit muscle CSA during the initial 5 repetitions was compared. 相似文献
Pain during osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee does not necessarily correlate with the severity of the radiographic grade, and the mechanism of pain has not been completely clarified. The purpose of this study was to evaluate risk factors for pain in the knee OA using epidemiologic analyses. We evaluated 518 out of 4183 people over the age of 40 (156 males and 362 females) from Shinyoshitomi village, Japan. Mean ages were 63.8 years for men and 60.7 years for women. Screening included a physical examination of the knee and a standing AP roentgenogram of the bilateral knee. Radiographic OA was defined as a Kellgren-Lawrence grade 2 or higher. All data were coded and pain risk factors were evaluated using a multiple logistic regression model. Radiographic OA was observed in 18.4% of men and 26% of women. Of these subjects with OA, 10.9% of men and 32.5% of women complained of knee pain. Seven factors-age, gender, BMI, radiographic grade, varus-valgus laxity, torque of quadriceps muscles, and varus-valgus alignment-were evaluated as potential risk factors for pain. A significant increase in the odds ratio was observed with varus-valgus laxity (p=0.005; odds ratio, 3.04). Our results suggest that varus-valgus laxity is a risk factor for pain during knee OA. 相似文献
Ma G Liu SW Zhao ZM Lin XT Lou L Li ZP Tang YC Zhong SZ 《Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRA》2008,30(3):271-280
To provide practical anatomic data for the imaging diagnosis and surgical treatment of adrenal disease, we investigated the
anatomy of the adrenal gland and its relationships to regional structures using 31 sets of serial coronal sections of upper
abdomen of Chinese adult cadavers and correlated coronal magnetic resonance (MR) images of ten upper abdomens of adult healthy
volunteers and coronal reconstructed multislice spiral computed tomography (MSCT) images of five patients without lesions
in the adrenal gland. The adrenal glands were visualized mainly on the successive coronal sections between 18 mm anterior
to the posterior margin of inferior vena cava and 24 mm posterior to the posterior margin of inferior vena cava. In general,
the left adrenal gland was visualized two sections earlier than the right adrenal gland. On the plane through the anterior
parts of bilateral renal hili (A18), the appearance rate of bilateral adrenal glands was 100%, and the maximal measurements of bilateral adrenal glands were
visualized. The length, width, thickness of right adrenal body, thickness of medial limb and lateral limb were, respectively,
34.02 ± 2.12 mm, 10.91 ± 0.89 mm, 5.82 ± 0.26 mm, 2.78 ± 0.08 mm, 2.62 ± 0.06 mm, whereas the measurements of left adrenal
gland were 28.31 ± 2.46 mm, 18.40 ± 1.06 mm, 6.84 ± 0.24 mm, 3.02 ± 0.08 mm, 2.86 ± 0.07 mm, respectively. The coronal plane
has superior advantage in showing the bilateral adrenal glands. The shapes of adrenal glands are various, whereas the range
of adrenal thickness is quite narrow. The thickness of adrenal medial and lateral limbs, especially the thickness of lateral
limb are useful for the diagnosis of the bilateral adrenocortical disease. 相似文献
Ayako Higashihara Takashi Ono Jun Kubota Toru Fukubayashi 《European journal of applied physiology》2010,108(2):355-362
This study investigated the effects of the knee joint angle and angular velocity on hamstring muscles’ activation patterns
during maximum eccentric knee flexion contractions. Ten healthy young males (23.4 ± 1.3 years) performed eccentric knee flexion
at constant velocities of 10, 60, 180, and 300 deg/s in random order. The eccentric knee flexion torque and the surface electromyographic
(EMG) activity of the biceps femoris (BF), semitendinosus (ST), and semimembranosus (SM) muscles were measured. The results
of torque during 10 deg/s were lower than the faster velocities. No significant change was found in eccentric torque output
and the EMG amplitude with change in the faster test velocities, although those values showed a decreasing tendency as the
knee approached extension. Furthermore, the EMG amplitude of the BF decreased significantly as the knee approached extension,
although the EMG activity of the ST and SM remained constant. These results suggest that the neural inhibitory mechanism might
be involved in decreasing in maximal voluntary force and hamstring muscles activation toward the knee extension during high-velocity
eccentric movement and therefore subjects have difficulties to maintain high eccentric force level throughout the motion.
Moreover, the possible mechanism reducing the BF muscle activation as the knee approaches extension was architectural differences
in the hamstring muscles, which might reflect each muscle’s function. 相似文献
目的建立膝关节有限元模型,研究正常及软骨硬化情况下膝关节的应力、应变变化,为临床治疗膝关节骨性关节炎提供参考。方法通过Mimics、ANSYS等软件结合正常膝关节CT扫描图像数据,建立膝关节三维有限元模型,并施加350 N压力载荷,设定软骨硬化前后相关的材料参数,分析膝关节主要组织的应力、应变改变情况。结果膝关节股骨远端软骨硬化后,关节软骨的减震和传递负荷等作用基本消失;股骨应力、应变变化量最大,受力分布极不均匀,股骨前端应力、应变较内、外侧髁明显,整体受力也有明显增加;半月板的应力、应变值最大。结论长期的软骨破坏会影响关节软骨营养代谢,导致骨性关节炎疾病进一步恶化。研究结果可以较好阐释骨性关节炎发病过程和机理,同时为建立参数化研究系统提供相关数据。 相似文献
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the electromyography (EMG) to torque relationship of the vastus intermedius
(VI) muscle. Thirteen healthy men performed maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and submaximal contraction during isometric
knee extension at 10% of the MVC to 90% of the MVC at intervals of 10% of the MVC level. Surface EMG was detected from four
muscle components of the QF muscle group, i.e., VI, vastus lateralis (VL), vastus medialis, and rectus femoris (RF) muscles.
Normalized muscle activation in the VI muscle was significantly lower than in the VL muscle at a lower torque level (20 and
40% of MVC) and significantly lower compared to the RF muscle at a higher torque level (from 60 to 90% of MVC). These results
suggest that neuromuscular activation in the VI muscle is not consistent with the other components of QF muscle group during
submaximal knee extension contractions. 相似文献
Minoru Shinohara Motoki Kouzaki Takeshi Yoshihisa Tetsuo Fukunaga 《European journal of applied physiology》1998,78(4):289-295
To investigate the time- and frequency-domain responses of mechanomyograms (MMGs) during the progressive fatigue induced by intermittent incremental contractions, a surface MMG was obtained from the three muscle heads of the quadriceps muscle in seven subjects while they performed isometric knee extensions lasting 7.6 min. Isometric intermittent incremental contractions started at 1% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) for 3 s, with a 3-s relaxation period in between each contraction, and the contraction level was increased by 1% of MVC for every contraction (by 10% of MVC per min) up to exhaustion. Separate contractions with sufficient rest periods were also conducted to serve for the MMG characteristics without fatigue. The integrated MMG (iMMG) was linearly related to force in all of the muscles when fatigue was not involved. With regard to the incremental contractions, the relationship exhibited an ascending-descending shape, but the behavior was not the same for the individual muscle heads, especially for the rectus femoris muscle. A steep increase in the median frequency of MMG from around 60% of MVC corresponded to a decrease in iMMG. These results suggest that analysis of MMG in the time- and frequency-domain during an incremental protocol is a useful way of characterizing the motor unit recruitment strategy and fatigue properties of individual muscles. 相似文献
Atsuji Matsuyama Akio Sakamomo Takatoshi Aoki Masanori Hisaoka 《Pathology, research and practice》2013
Herein, we present a rare case of intraosseous leiomyosarcoma arising in the epiphysis of the distal femur and showing unusual radiographic features. A 44-year-old man presented with a pain in the left knee joint. Computed tomography revealed an intraosseous lesion with slightly increased attenuation and a thin marginal sclerotic rim in the femoral medial condyle. The signal of the lesion was hypointense on T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images and hyperintense on fat-suppressed T2-weighted MR images. After gadolinium administration, the signal of the lesion was moderately and diffusely enhanced. The histological diagnosis of leiomyosarcoma was made based on a preoperative core biopsy specimen. Microscopic examination of the resected specimen revealed an ill-defined intraosseous tumor composed of proliferated atypical and mildly pleomorphic smooth muscle cells permeating among the bone trabeculae with only focal destruction of the bone trabeculae and low mitotic activity, indicating low grade leiomyosarcoma. The bone trabeculae at the periphery of the tumor were mildly thickened and anastomosed with a rim of an increased number of osteoblasts. Systemic examination showed no tumorous lesions in other anatomical sites. Leiomyosarcomas rarely present in the bone as a diffuse intertrabecular growth, even in low grade tumors. 相似文献
Derya Işik Çetin Işik Nihal Apaydin Yusuf Üstü Mahmut Uğurlu Murat Bozkurt 《Clinical anatomy (New York, N.Y.)》2015,28(5):672-677
The aim of this study was to determine whether the dimensions of the distal femur and proximal tibia joint surfaces affect the etiology of knee osteoarthritis (OA). The study comprised the records of 1,324 patients who had been admitted to hospital with knee pain. Anterioposterior (AP) and lateral radiographs of the knee were taken. Using the Kellgren‐Lawrence Scale, the patient group comprised Stages 2, 3, and 4 radiographs and the controls comprised Stages 0 and 1 radiographs. Four lengths were measured for each patient in both groups: femur mediolateral (femur ML), tibia mediolateral (tibia ML), femur anteroposterior (femur AP), and tibia anteroposterior (tibia AP). Osteophytes were not included in the measurements in the patient group. All the measurements were repeated by two researchers at two different times. The groups were compared in terms of these measurements and the correlations between them. The mean femur ML length was significantly greater in the patient group than the control group (P = 0.032) and the mean femur AP length was significantly less (P = 0.037). In addition, the difference between the femur ML and AP lengths was significantly high in the patient group (P < 0.001). The difference between the tibia and femur ML lengths was significantly high in the patient group (P < 0.001) and the difference between the tibia and femur AP lengths was higher in the control group (P = 0.001). A longer femur ML and a shorter femur AP, together with a greater difference between these two lengths and a greater difference between the tibia ML and femur ML lengths, could be a risk factor for developing knee OA. More extensive anatomical and biomechanical studies in the future will enable these results to be corroborated. Clin. Anat. 28:672–677, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
结果与结论:9例均获得随访, 随访6~72个月。无瘤3年生存者8例,无瘤5年生存者6例,5年总生存率为66.7%。其中6例患肢屈伸活动均可达到0°~100°,3例患肢屈伸活动为0°~70°。根据Enneking功能评定标准进行功能评估:优6例,良2例, 可1例。随访未见与材料有关的炎症和排异反应。结果说明该人工肿瘤假体置换后能重建膝关节结构,使膝关节功能达到较好的恢复,取得较好的治疗效果。 相似文献