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目的了解浙江省典型污染地区河塘底泥和鲫鱼中二噁英和多氯联苯的污染状况。方法样品加入同位素标记内标物,经有机溶剂提取浓缩后,再经凝胶色谱、多层硅胶柱和氧化铝柱净化,以高分辨气相色谱高分辨质谱仪测定二噁英和多氯联苯残留。结果5个地区河塘底泥和鲫鱼中二噁英和多氯联苯的浓度范围分别为379.6~9811.6pg/g干重、10000~762433pg/g干重和0.084~12.168pg/g湿重、149.03~57304pg/g湿重;总毒性当量范围为11.2~2162pg/g干重和0.234~39.251pg/g湿重。结论二噁英和多氯联苯在5个地区的底泥和鲫鱼中均有不同程度的检出,但以路桥地区为最严重,废旧电器拆解产业是当地环境中多氯联苯的主要排放源,该地区二噁英类物质的污染状况已不容忽视。  相似文献   

目的建立人体血清二■英(polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans, PCDD/Fs)化合物测定方法,为开展二■英人体健康风险评估提供检测技术手段。方法基于国际二■英的测定方法—同位素稀释的高分辨气相色谱/高分辨质谱联用法,血清样品经C18柱固相萃取、酸性硅胶柱和活性炭柱净化的前处理方法,用DB-5MS毛细管柱(60 m×0.25 mm×0.25μm)分离,高分辨质谱检测分析。结果本方法的检出限为0.35~3.26 pg/g脂肪计,采用血清国际标准参考物质(SRM 1958)进行方法验证,与SRM 1958给出的参考质量分数值范围对比,17个PCDD/Fs单体浓度测定值均在参考质量分数值范围内,相对标准偏差为2%~19%(n=3)。该方法进一步应用于实际人体血清分析,同位素标记的17个二■英单体回收率为61%~135%。结论本方法灵敏度和准确度高、方法性能稳定,满足人体血清二■英检测方法的要求。  相似文献   

目的分析垃圾焚烧发电厂周边儿童体内二噁英负荷水平、分布特征和人群二噁英外暴露水平。方法设距垃圾焚烧发电厂1km S镇为污染点,200km外的L镇为对照点,采集S镇90名及L镇60名10~11岁儿童外周静脉血,另采集两地土壤、鲫鱼和鸡蛋各3份,检测样本中二噁英浓度及计算毒性当量(TEQ)并分析对比。结果污染点儿童血中二噁英浓度与TEQ均显著高于对照组(P<0.05);鸡蛋和鲫鱼中二噁英浓度与TEQ、土壤中二噁英浓度均显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。两地样本的二噁英单体分布类似,其中单体浓度最高的为八氯代二苯并二噁英(OCDD),TEQ贡献最高的为2,3,4,7,8-五氯代二苯并呋喃(2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF)。结论垃圾焚烧发电厂周边土壤中二噁英浓度增高,当地儿童噁恶英外暴露和内负荷水平均显著增高。  相似文献   

人体血清中25种元素ICP-MS法检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
元素与人体健康关系是当今生命科学研究中重要领域,元素的缺失和富集可以引起多种疾病〔1〕。了解其分布情况并进行有针对性的调节,可以达到缓解和避免由元素分布失衡而引起的疾病。目前此类检测方法主要有原子吸收光谱法和原子荧光分光度计法等,这些方法存在检验元素种类较少和一次只能分析1~2种元素等缺点〔2,3〕。为了达到快速检测人体内多种元素含量的目的,本研究建立了电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)法测定人体血清中Be、Na、Mg、Al、K、Ca、V、Cr、Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Zn、Cu、As、Se、Mo、Ag、Cd、Sb、Ba、T1、Pb、Th、U25种元素的方法,此方法简便快捷,结果准确。现将结  相似文献   

二噁英类物质的检测分析技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋艳秋  何作顺 《职业与健康》2010,26(20):2378-2379
二噁英由2组210种氯代三环芳烃类化合物组成,包括75种多氯代二苯并二噁英(PCDDs)和135种多氯代二苯并呋喃(PCDFs)。二噁英毒性的大小与氯原子取代的8个位置有关,其中以2、3、7、8-四氯二苯并对二噁英即TCDD毒性最强。一方面,二噁英具有超常的物理、化学、生物学降期,降解通常需几十年甚至更长时间;另一方面,二噁英不易溶于水,而极易溶于脂肪组织,因此,它能沿着食物链达到顶层的动物体内,  相似文献   

本文通过对二噁英毒性、致毒机制分析,并对其生物检测方法进行了介绍。  相似文献   

目的 建立人体胎盘组织样品氯化二苯并二噁英(PCDD)和呋喃(PCDFs)、多氯联苯(PCBs)、多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)化合物同时准确定量检测分析方法,揭示上述持久性有机污染物人体负荷水平,并初步进行危险性评估.方法 采用国际权威标准方法--核素(同位素)稀释的高分辨气相色谱/高分辨双聚焦磁式质谱联用(HRGC/HRMS)技术,以多离子检测方法对人体胎盘组织样品中17个PCDD/Fs和12个共平面PCBs以及7个PBDEs化合物分别进行定性和定量分析,用WHO-TEF值计算所有样品的毒性当量浓度∑TEQ(PCDD+PCDFs+PCBs)和PBDEs浓度,进一步对人体二嗯英和PBDEs化合物负荷水平进行危险性评估.结果 6个胎盘组织样品中PCDD/Fs和PCBs化合物毒性当量总浓度∑TEQ(PCDD+PCDFs+PCBs)中位数是18.15 WHO-TEQ pg/g脂肪.范围分布在5.14~67.01 WHO-TEQ pg/g脂肪之间.2,3,4,7,8-PeCDFs、1,2,3,7,8-PeCDDs、PCB126是毒性当量的主要贡献者,合计占65%.以7个化合物计算PBDEs总浓度,6个样品的中位数值为2.73 ng/g脂肪,均数为7.17 ng/g脂肪,范围是0.95~25.99 ng/g脂肪.BDE47是最主要的污染同系物,占到35%.浓度最高的一个受试样品其毒性当量总浓度∑TEQ(PCDD+PCDFs+PCBs)已经达到世界上已知高暴露区人体二噁英污染负荷水平.结论 我们在本研究中建立了人体组织样品中持久性有机化合物二噁英和PBDEs化合物同时准确定量检测方法,高二噁英负荷水平的样品提供者可能对胎儿存在健康危害的高暴露风险,对于健康的远期影响还需要深入进行医学追踪研究.  相似文献   

哈尔滨市人体囊虫病血清流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解人体囊虫病在哈尔滨市市内流行情况 ,我们应用间接血凝试验 (IHA)和酶联免疫吸附试验 (ELISA)于 1994年3月对哈尔滨市市内 5区不同职业、性别、年龄的人群进行囊虫病血清流行病学调查。现将结果报告如下。对象与方法  (1)调查对象 :在哈尔滨市市内太平、道里、动力、道外、南岗 5区 ,各随机选择一个街道办事处或工厂家属宿舍 ,按户调查 10 0 0人左右 ,5区总人数为 5 3 43人 ,均按预定的调查表内容询问与本病有关事项 ,逐项登记。 (2 )调查方法 :采用滤纸片间接血凝 (IHA)法测定人群血清囊虫抗体阳性率 ,血清抗体滴度在 1…  相似文献   

不需消解样品,样品经分离稀释后,直接用火焰原子吸收法测定人体血清中的锌、铜、铁、钙、镁5种微量元素的含量。方法简便、快速、精密度高,回收率在95%~100%之间,结果准确可靠。  相似文献   

二噁英污染及其对生殖和内分泌系统的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环境中的二口恶英是一类氯代芳香族化合物 ,包括多氯代二苯并二口恶英 (PCDDs) ,氯代二苯呋喃(PCDFs)和多氯代联苯 (PCBs)等。其中以 2、3、7、8位氯取代的异构体毒性最大 ,称为 TCDD(2、3、7、8-tetrachloro- dibenzo- para- dioxin) ,其化学结构如图1所示。二口恶英 (dioxin)是一类严重影响人类健康的化合物 ,因毒性巨大 ,已成为近年来西方国家的研究热点。 2 0多年来人类大量研究了 TCDD的生物和毒理作用 ,近来更多注意 TCDD的生殖和发育毒性 ,愈来愈多的证据提示 ,在这些化合物的不良影响中 ,生殖系统是最易感的靶器官之一[1]…  相似文献   

'Kieselrot' (red slag), a highly PCDD/F-contaminated leaching residue from a copper production process, has been used as surface layer for more than 1,000 sports fields, playgrounds and pavements in Germany and neighbouring countries. Children can ingest this material directly by hand-to-mouth activities or soil-pica behaviour. Furthermore secondary contamination of farm land or kitchen gardens by drift of red slag dust may lead to an enrichment of PCDD/F within the food-chain. PCDD/F can be mobilized from contaminated materials by digestive juices and thus become bioaccessible for intestinal absorption. Two different digestive tract models were used to estimate the bioaccessibility of PCDD/F from red slag and to study the influence of food material on the mobilization of the contaminants. The bioaccessibility of PCDD/F from red slag depends on the charge of red slag material used, the bile content of the intestinal juice and on the presence of lipophilic foodstuffs. A low bioaccessibility of less than 5% was found when using a digestive tract model with a low bile content and in absence of food material. The bioaccessibility was estimated to be more than 60% when using a model with a higher bile content and in the presence of whole milk powder. A low bioaccessibility of PCDD/F from red slag in general--as assumed until now and mentioned in legal provision--was not confirmed by our study. Considering observations for the different homologue groups it is obvious that bioaccessibility is the first of several important steps to estimate human health risks arising from contaminated materials. In case red slag contaminated with PCDD/F their absorption rate in the digestive tract and/or metabolism might be at least just like important.  相似文献   

Review of employment and chemical production records at a Missouri chemical plant and of questionnaires with self-reported occupational exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) for 16 Missouri workers has explained the wide diversity of 2,3,7,8-TCDD levels previously reported in the workers' adipose tissue (3.5-750 ppt on whole-weight basis). We show that the highest exposures reported to date in the United States occurred in a group of nine production workers who made products contaminated with 2,3,7,8-TCDD. The nine workers had adipose tissue levels with a mean of 246 ppt and a range of 42 to 750 ppt. Seven persons who worked at the same chemical company, but not in the 2,3,7,8-TCDD-contaminated process, had a mean of 8.7 ppt and a range of 3.5 to 25.8 ppt. We also report serum levels of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in these individuals. The adipose tissue from a subset of four production workers with elevated levels of 2,3,7,8-TCDD and seven Missouri residents with normal 2,3,7,8-TCDD levels was also analyzed for other isomers of the PCDDs and PCDFs. The mean adipose tissue level of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in the subset of production workers was 45 times higher than the mean level in the unexposed Missouri residents, but similar levels of the other PCDDs and PCDFs were found in both groups.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to correlate the consumption frequency of different food groups (milk, eggs, fish, and others) and the levels of serum polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofuran (PCDD/F) concentrations of residents living near a municipal waste incinerator. All selected subjects were between 18 and 65 years old and proportionally chosen from each age group based on population distribution. In addition, they had to have lived within a 5-km radius of the incinerator for at least 5 years. Trained interviewers administered a dietary questionnaire interview. Higher serum PCDD/F levels were found in older than in younger subjects, and higher PCDD/F concentrations were found in females than in males. An analysis between the consumption frequency of different foods and serum PCDD/F levels showed that fish might have contributed the highest quantity of measured serum PCDD/Fs. Yet, the regression coefficient of dietary intake and PCDD/F concentration was only 0.017 before and 0.105 after adjusting for the variables of age, gender, and smoking status of the study subjects. The frequency of fish consumption may be the most significant contributor to serum PCDD/F levels. Further research is needed to quantify the association between the consumption of various food groups and their potential contributions to the corresponding serum PCDD/F concentrations.  相似文献   

Wild caught and farm-raised fish fillets collected in fish markets and large-chain super markets located in the Maryland, Washington, DC, and North Carolina were measured for their polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE), polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), and polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) levels. PCB and PBDE concentrations were the highest in a wild bluefish fillet (800 and 38 ng/g wet weight, respectively) and the lowest in wild Coho salmon fillet (0.35 and 0.04 ng/g, respectively). Levels for both PCBs and PBDEs in ng/g wet weight decreased from bluefish with medians of 200 and 6.2, to rockfish 66 and 4.7, followed by farmed-raised salmon with 9.0 and 1.1, with the lowest in wild salmon, 4.0 and 0.3 ng/g for PCBs and PBDEs, respectively (PCBs are the sum of 25 congeners). The chlorinated biphenyl (CB)-153 and brominated diphenyl ether (BDE)-47 levels correlated in the 22 fish fillets with a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.94. Bluefish, rockfish (striped bass), wild caught and farm-raised salmons all showed different linear regression slopes between CB-153 and BDE-47 of 7.5, 2.7, 0.97, and 1.5, respectively. A Wilcoxon rank sum test showed no significant difference in the CB-153/BDE-47 ratios between farmed raised and all species of wild salmon combined, but was significant between bluefish and rockfish, farmed raised salmon or wild salmon.  相似文献   

2007年北京市居民母乳中二噁英类化合物负荷水平调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 调查北京地区居民母乳中多氯代苯并二噁英和多氯代苯并呋喃(PCDD/Fs)和二噁英样多氯联苯(dl-PCBs)的污染水平,评价一般人群PCDD/Fs和dl-PCBs的机体负荷状况.方法 2007年在北京市11个区、县中采集母乳样品110份,制成11个混合样品后,采用同位素稀释技术以高分辨气相色谱-高分辨质谱(HRGC-HRMS)测定母乳样品中的PCDD/Fs和dl-PCBs.结果 北京市母乳样品中二噁英类化合物含量最高的组分为八氯代二苯并二噁英(OCDD)和多氯联苯(PCB)-118、PCB-105,其含量中位数分别为20.6 pg/g脂肪、4.07和1.63 ng/g脂肪.按毒性当量(TEQ)计,北京市11个母乳混合样品中总二噁英类化合物含量中位数为7.4 pg TEQ/g脂肪;最高的为通州区,含量中位数为13.5 pg TEQ/g脂肪;最低的为平谷区,为4.3 pg TEQ/g脂肪.结论 目前北京市母乳中PCDD/Fs和dl-PCBs处于较低水平,但随着我国的快速工业化,人群此类物质的机体负荷水平有可能会上升,因此有必要持续跟踪监测.  相似文献   

目的:建立了人血清样品中7种多氯联苯残留量的分析方法。方法:样品以丙酮-正己烷(1+2,V/V)为提取溶剂,经高速匀浆方法提取,提取液经凝胶渗透色谱净化,除去样品中大部分的血糖和蛋白等干扰基质,采用VF-5ms(30 m×0.25 mm×0.25μm)色谱柱对7种多氯联苯进行分离,通过多反应离子监测模式扫描检测,有效地降低了样品中的复杂基质所带来的背景干扰。采用色谱保留时间和质谱碎片离子丰度比定性,外标法定量。结果:方法的相关系数r>0.999,最小检出限为0.5μg/kg~1.0μg/kg。在3种浓度添加水平5.0μg/kg、10.0μg/kg、20.0μg/kg下,其平均回收率为87.6%~101%,相对标准偏差为2.5%~10.3%(n=6)。结论:实验证明,该方法是一种快速、准确、灵敏度高的检测血清样品中多氯联苯残留量的检测方法。  相似文献   

In order to determine the effect of perinatal polychlorinated biphenyls and dibenzofurans (PCBs/PCDFs) exposure on neonatal and childhood teeth in Yucheng children, we carried out complete dental examinations on 73 Yucheng children born to mothers who ingested high levels of PCBs/PCDFs and 75 matched controls, aged 7-11 years, in 1992. Ten of 73 (10%) exposed children were reported to have borne teeth during the neonatal period, while none of the controls did. The exposed group also had a significantly higher percentage of teeth with congenitally missing tooth germ compared to the controls (29 vs 2.7%) or rotation (19 vs 2.7%). The percentages of developmental defects increased significantly with increasing maternal serum PCB levels, childhood PCB and PCDF levels, and the duration of breast feeding. The maternal PCB level clearly played a more important role in an increased risk of neonatal teeth and developmental defects. The defects were apparent from the lowest tertile, with a total PCB level of <10 ppb in maternal serum measured nearest to childbirth. The number of permanent teeth tended to be less in exposed children than in the control group from the age of 11 years onwards. Our present study has demonstrated for the first time a dose-response relationship between perinatal PCBs/PCDFs exposure and dental defects.  相似文献   

人血清中全氟辛烷磺酰基化合物污染现状   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的 了解我国一般人群体内的全氟辛烷磺酰基化合物(PFOS)负荷水平。方法 采用液相色谱/质谱仪联机选择性监测离子法(m/z=499),测定被调查血清中PFOS浓度。结果 男女血清中PFOS浓度几何均数分别为40.73和45.46μg/L,血清PFOS浓度与年龄无关。结论 我国一般人群体内也存在PFOS污染物,而且血清PFOS浓度高于美国人和日本人水平。  相似文献   

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