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目的 分析烟台市15岁以下儿童水痘发病特征及危险因素,为烟台市水痘防控工作提供理论依据。方法 收集2011-2015年烟台市15岁以下儿童水痘的发病特征进行描述性分析;采取病例对照研究方法,对水痘危险因素进行调查分析。结果 2011-2015年烟台市15岁以下儿童水痘发病占病例总数的48.73%,10~14岁年龄组所占构成比最高(占39.33%);发病率呈逐年下降趋势,4~6岁下降幅度最大,达48.80%,其他年龄组均有不同程度的下降。发病高峰为每年的11-1月份和4-6月份,分别占42.60%和31.34%。所有地区均有水痘病例报告,城市高于农村。儿童水痘病例以轻型和中型为主,97.78%的病例无并发症。86.74%的水痘病例无水痘疫苗免疫史。分析结果显示,水痘病人接触史、带状疱疹病人接触史、医院就诊史可能是水痘发病的危险因素,接种水痘疫苗是水痘发病的保护因素。结论 做好水痘病例的管理及加强水痘疫苗接种可有效预防水痘的发生。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study characterized changes in sexual and reproductive behaviors from 1985 through 1995 among American females aged 15 to 19 years and related these changes to family factors. METHODS: Nationally representative sample survey data from the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth were analyzed with Weibull hazards models of age at first intercourse and first pregnancy and with logistic regression models of contraceptive use at first intercourse and pregnancy outcome. RESULTS: Improvements in the family socioeconomic situations of young women have lessened the risk of teen motherhood, while changes in family structure have increased the risk. Young women whose parents have more than a high school education, who live with both parents, and who attend church delay the timing of first sexual intercourse and are more likely to use a contraceptive. CONCLUSIONS: The trend of increases in teenage motherhood has ended owing to a halt in increases in the proportion of sexually active young women and substantial improvement in contraception, with the greatest improvements among those from advantageous family situations.  相似文献   

目的:了解贵州省5岁以下儿童死亡原因及动态变化趋势,探讨相关因素,提出科学有效的干预方法。方法:按照《中国五岁以下儿童死亡监测方案》对1995~2009年5岁以下儿童死亡监测资料进行死亡率、构成比、死因顺位等相关因素分析。结果:贵州省5岁以下儿童死亡率呈逐年下降趋势;1995~2009年贵州省新生儿、婴儿、5岁以下儿童死亡率分别降低了62.10%(从24.98‰下降到13.46‰),69.90%(从48.52‰下降到21.26‰),71.60%(从66.40‰下降到27.09‰)。5岁以下儿童死因前4位为:肺炎、出生窒息、早产低出生体重和腹泻。结论:应加强对各级医疗保健专业队伍的培训,同时要加强健康教育,缩小妇幼卫生服务的地区和人群的差异,降低婴儿特别是新生儿死亡率,是降低5岁以下儿童死亡率的关键。  相似文献   

Despite the secular trend of decreasing prevalence of smoking and consumption of tobacco in most industrialized countries, the prevalence of smoking in Japan continues to be one of the highest. Based on the alternative measure of population attributable fractions, the present study gives an estimate of the number of deaths and the years of life lost (YLLs) attributable to tobacco in Japan for both 1985 and 1995. This study shows a considerable increase in mortality from tobacco-related diseases over the decade, in particular from lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a consequence of the intensified exposure to tobacco in the early 1960s. Although the period of the highest exposure to tobacco was in the late 1970s, prevalence of smoking is still considerably high in Japan and the burden from tobacco will persist if proper anti-smoking measures are not implemented immediately.  相似文献   

我国某核电站运行前儿童甲状腺肿大调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的提供核电正常运行或核电事故对儿童健康影响相应的基础资料。方法对我国某核电站周围30km范围内4003名7~14岁儿童采用临床触诊方法进行检查,然后从触诊受检者中随机抽取30%儿童进行专用B超仪检查;使用半定量法测定全部触诊儿童家中食盐碘的含量,用酸消化砷铈接触法测定216名触诊儿童尿碘含量。结果甲状腺触诊检查人数为4003人,甲状腺肿大率平均为8.34%,其中距核电站5km的A镇甲状腺肿大率大于10%,食盐碘盐的合格率以A镇最低;甲状腺专用B超仪检查人数为1590人,甲状腺肿大率平均为9.69%,其中距核电站5km的A镇及15km的D镇甲状腺肿大率均大于10%,尿碘测定低于100μg/L的以D镇人数最多;B超检查甲状腺肿大检出率高于触诊检出率。结论我国某核电站周围部分地区可能存在地方性甲状腺肿大流行区。  相似文献   

目的:描述河南省15岁以下儿童丙型肝炎(丙肝)流行特征及变化趋势。方法收集2008-2013年河南省丙肝报告病例资料,对其流行特征进行分析。结果河南省儿童丙肝报告病例数及发病率2008-2012年间逐年增加,2013年有所下降。报告发病率从2008年的2.37/10万上升至2012年的3.23/10万,2013年下降至1.77/10万。女童报告病例数逐年增多。0~1岁组病例报告较为集中,但构成比逐年下降。发病率较高的地区集中在郑州等大城市,省内流动人口报告病例的构成比从2008年的49.02%上升到2013年的59.77%。发病与诊断时间间隔逐年增大,2008-2013年M和四分位数间距(IQR)分别为0(0~2)、0(0~2)、1(0~2)、1(0~3)、1(0~5)、1(0~3)d。结论河南省儿童丙肝发病率逐年增高,同时显现省内病例流动性增大、发病与诊断时间间隔增大的趋势。  相似文献   

Reported cases of tuberculosis in minors under fifteen years old in S. Paulo County, State of S. Paulo, Brazil, are analyzed. The Health Information Center of the Health Secretariat of the State of S. Paulo was notified of the diagnosis in all cases which occurred in 1984. The medical records were analyzed and the physicians in charge of the reports interviewed. Among the population studied the annual notification rate was 21.4/100,000 for minors under fifteen with largest incidence (31.8/100,000) for those under fifteen years old. Significant discrepancies between the various regions were observed. Pulmonary tuberculosis was by far the most predominant form of the disease (83.1% and 17.8/100,000). Pulmonary tuberculosis associated with extrapulmonary cases accounts for 4.7% of all the cases (1.100,000). Extrapulmonary cases (2.5/100,000) accounted for 12.2% of all reports. Also, a significant coefficient (1/100,000) was observed for meningitis (isolated or associated), equivalent to 4.9% of all cases. Nearly 35.7% (46 cases) of the lung material analysed revealed BK+. Of the extrapulmonary material analysed sixteen cases (53.3%) of them were BK+. The incidence of positive sputum smear cases was 0.9/100,000 inhab., being greater in the age group 10-14 (2.8/100,000 inhab).  相似文献   

常素英  何武  陈春明 《卫生研究》2006,35(6):768-771
目的利用中国食物与营养监测系统1990~2005年的数据,对中国经济快速发展时期儿童生长发育特点进行分析,确定当前主要的儿童营养问题,为制定营养改善对策提供科学依据。方法本文用WHO推荐的NCHS标准评价儿童的身高体重发育状况,用Z评分方法,比较1990~2005年中国城乡5岁以下儿童的生长发育变化。结果1990年至2005年,中国5岁以下儿童的低体重率由22.6%降低到8.6%,生长迟缓率由41.4%降至13.1%。城乡儿童的生长迟缓率的差值由1990年的32个百分点降到了2005年的10.6个百分点。但中国贫困农村儿童的低体重率和生长迟缓率分别为12.3%与17.6%。由于中国儿童身高的改善滞后于体重的改善,在1992年前后出现了“生长迟缓型肥胖”现象。1995年,儿童“生长迟缓型肥胖”率最高,达12.6%。1995年后,中国城乡儿童的身高体重发育开始均衡发展,到2005年,中国儿童的身高体重均衡性有了显著的改善。结论15年来中国5岁以下儿童生长发育状况已有很大改善,城乡差距缩小。但是贫困地区儿童的营养不良患病率仍在较高水平,虽然近几年来有了较大的改善。作者提出了在保证6个月龄以下儿童纯母乳喂养的同时,采取适合中国国情的家庭内辅助食品的营养强化等综合干预措施的建议,并强调加强6~24月龄婴幼儿的辅食添加质量以及提高2岁以上儿童的膳食质量,将是进一步有效的提高中国5岁以下儿童营养状况的关键所在。  相似文献   

Rotavirus is the most important pathogen responsible for acute diarrhea in infants and young children. The incidence of rotavirus infection was studied in 156 children less than six years of age who were suffering from acute gastroenteritis, between February 22, 2006 and February 21, 2007 in Mashhad. Rotavirus antigen was detected by latex agglutination test (Rotascreen) in 28.8% of the stool samples examined. The frequency of rotavirus infection was significantly higher among patients under 24 months of age (69%) than among children two years old or more (31%). The peak of incidence was in the winter. This study revealed that rotavirus is an important etiological agent of acute gastroenteritis among children in Mashhad.  相似文献   

目的:文章旨在了解重庆市0~6岁儿童的生活习惯方式及其影响因素,分析并提出建议.方法:分层随机抽取重庆市三区县6个幼儿固及两个医院儿保科来访儿童1943名,采取自行设计的儿童生活习惯研究调查问卷进行现况调查.结果:父母索文化水平、家庭经济条件、教育等对儿童养成良好的生活习惯有一定影响;听力筛查、口腔检测率低;儿童的饮食习惯、与家长交流沟通等生活习惯情况有待改善.结论:儿童的各项健康生活习惯受家长的文化程度、对儿童的教育等因素影响较大,家长应培养儿童多方面养成生活中良好的健康习惯.  相似文献   

1985-2006年江西省7岁以下农村儿童体格生长趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】分析1985~2006年江西省农村儿童体格发育水平变化趋势。【方法】1985年和2006年两次调查江西省农村儿童进行体格发育状况,共分22个年龄组比较江西省农村儿童21年来体重、身高和头围变化趋势。【结果】2006年江西省农村7岁以下儿童体格发育水平1985年明显改善,表现为明显生长发育长期趋势。男女童增长幅度基本相同,其中男童体重、身高和头围平均增长幅度分别为0.76 kg、3.0 cm和0.8 cm,女童分别为0.78 kg、3.2 cm和0.8 cm;男女童体重增长值12月以后保持较稳定水平;男童身高增长3岁以后趋于稳定,女童身高21月后增长幅度基本一致;头围增长除0月~组变化幅度小,其余各年龄组增长幅度各有高低,无明显在年龄递增趋势。【结论】当前江西省农村儿童生长发育仍处于持续快速增长阶段,但年长儿童体重增长尚显不足,尚需继续加强农村儿童保健工作,充分发挥儿童生长潜力。  相似文献   

目的掌握儿童死亡状况及其死因趋势,为制定预防控制措施提供依据。方法对苏州市2002—2016年死因监测资料进行整理汇总,采用描述性方法对儿童死亡率和死亡率年度变化百分比(APC)进行分析。结果 2002—2016年苏州市15岁以下儿童年均死亡率57.43/10万,男童死亡率高于女童(χ~2=109.54,P=0.00),总体呈逐年下降趋势(APC=-2.53%,95%CI:-4.70%~-0.36%;χ_(趋势)~2=72.67,P=0.00)。伤害、先天异常、围生期意外、肿瘤、神经系统和呼吸系统疾病为15岁以下儿童的前6位死因,占全死因的88.59%。其中伤害、先天异常和肿瘤死亡率有逐年下降趋势;围生期和神经系统疾病死亡率呈逐年上升趋势;呼吸系统疾病死亡率无明显变化。溺水、交通事故和意外窒息是伤害的前3位死因。结论苏州市15岁以下儿童主要死因为伤害、先天异常和围生期疾病,应考虑制定针对性干预措施。  相似文献   

八市15岁以下儿童2008年超声骨密度调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
【目的】 了解15岁以下儿童超声骨密度的现状和变化规律,为我国儿童保健、儿科临床、科研等工作提供正常人群的参考数据。 【方法】 采取整群抽样的方法,在珠海、昆明、郴州、苏州、安庆、扬州、成都和沈阳城市中,共调查从满1月到不满15岁的健康儿童29 276人,按男、女分成12个年龄组, 填写调查表格,常规测量儿童的体重、身高,统一采用“宏扬BMD-1000C型超声骨质分析仪”,在左小腿胫骨中段前方内侧面部位测量儿童的超声骨声速值。 【结果】 调查儿童中,男15 411名,女13 865名。1)超声骨密度值在1月到不满6月年龄组时最低,后随着年龄的增长骨密度逐渐增加,到12~15岁组时骨密度达到最大值;2)骨密度在性别之间无明显差异(t=0.824,P>0.05);3)骨密度值随着体重的增加逐渐增加。在16 kg以内随着体重的增加骨密度增加较快,16 kg以后,骨密度增加趋缓;4)随着身高的增加骨密度逐步增加。骨密度值的增长在75 cm之内增加稍慢,75到120 cm之间骨密度值快速增加,而后的增加则缓慢;5)各年龄组骨密度主成分预测模型:1)婴儿期的回归方程为:骨密度值=2 954.69×(月龄-4.91)×(体重+1.52)×身高;2)幼儿期的回归方程为:骨密度值=2 901.90×(年龄-20.86)×(体重+5.41)×身高;3)学龄前期的回归方程为:骨密度值=3 136.91×(年龄-7.69)×(体重+4.39)×身高;4)学龄期至青春期的回归方程为:骨密度值=3 480.06×(年龄-1.05)×(体重+0.61)×身高。 【结论】 本调查的0~15岁不同年龄组正常儿童的超声骨密度值,以及与年龄,体重和身高的相关关系可供临床参考。  相似文献   

This article reviews the available evidence of mortality from acute respiratory infections (ARI) among children aged under 5 years in contemporary developing countries and compares the findings with European populations before 1965. In European populations before 1965, the level of mortality was found to be a determinant of the proportion of deaths due to ARI. There were marked differences according to regional patterns of mortality. Deaths from ARI played a smaller role after 1950, when the use of antibiotics became generalized. In developing countries, the role of ARI mortality seems to be similar to the European experience. The age pattern is very marked. In absolute values, ARI mortality is highest in the neonatal period and decreases with age. In relative values, ARI mortality is highest in the postneonatal period. ARI, mainly pneumonia, accounts for about 18% of underlying causes of death in developing countries. Pneumonia and other ARI are frequent complications of measles and pertussis; ARI is also commonly found after other infections and in association with severe malnutrition. Virtually no data are available in developing countries to provide final estimates of the role of ARI in mortality of children aged under 5 years. However, the WHO figure of 1 out of 3 deaths due to--or associated with--ARI may be close to the real range of the ARI-proportional mortality in children of developing countries. Results are discussed in light of the definitions of ARI used in various studies, the difficulties in ascertaining and coding multiple causes of death and the quality of data from some sources.  相似文献   

《Annals of epidemiology》2014,24(11):849-854
PurposeThe aim was to provide ethnicity-specific incidence trends of cervical and uterine cancers uncorrected and corrected for the prevalence of hysterectomy in Massachusetts.MethodsWe used incidence data of invasive cervical (International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, Third Edition: C53) and uterine cancer (International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, Third Edition: C54-C55) diagnosed from 1995 to 2010 from the Massachusetts Cancer Registry. Data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey for Massachusetts were used to model the ethnicity-specific prevalence of hysterectomy. We standardized rates by the US 2000 population standard for the periods 1995 to 1998, 1999 to 2002, 2003 to 2006, and 2007 to 2010.ResultsDepending on the period, corrected cervical cancer rates increased by 1.2 to 2.8, 5.6 to 8.3, and 3.2 to 8.2 per 100,000 person-years, and uterine cancer rates increased by 14.3 to 16.7, 14.8 to 29.3, and 6.7 to 15.4 per 100,000 person-years among white non-Hispanic women, black non-Hispanic women, and Hispanic women, respectively. Corrected estimated annual percentage changes increased for uterine cancer among black non-Hispanic women aged 60 years and older. Ethnic disparities between white non-Hispanic women and the other groups became smaller for uterine cancer and larger for cervical cancer after correction.DiscussionCorrections of cervical and uterine cancer rates for hysterectomy prevalence are important as ethnic disparities, age patterns and time trends of cervical and uterine cancer incidence rates change.  相似文献   

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