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Objectives: The aim of this randomized controlled trial was to evaluate radiographical bone changes following alveolar ridge preservation with a synthetic bone substitute or a bovine xenograft. Methods: Alveolar ridge preservation was performed in 27 patients randomized in two groups. In the test group (n=14), the extraction socket was treated with Straumann bone ceramic® (SBC) and a collagen barrier membrane (Bio‐Gide®), whereas in the control group (n=13) with deproteinized bovine bone mineral and the same barrier. Standardized periapical X‐rays were taken at 4 time points, BL: after tooth extraction, GR: immediately after socket grafting, 4M: 16 weeks, 8M: 32 weeks post‐operatively. The levels of the alveolar bone crest at the mesial (Mh), and distal (Dh) and central aspects of the socket were measured at all time points. All the radiographs obtained were subtracted from the follow‐up images. The gain, loss and unchanged areas in terms of grey values were tested for significant difference between the two groups. Results: In the test group, the Mh and Dh showed a mean difference (± standard deviation) of 0.9 ± 1.2 and 0.7 ± 1.8 mm, respectively, among BL‐8M. In the control group, the Mh and Dh showed a mean difference of 0.4 ± 1.3 and 0.7 ± 1.3 mm, respectively (P>0.05). Both treatments presented similar gain in grey values between BL‐GR, BL‐4M and BL‐8M. The SBC presented less loss in grey values between BL‐4M and BL‐8M (P<0.05). Radiographic assessment underestimated the intrasurgical measurements (mesial and distal) of an average 0.3 mm (95% CI, 0.02–0.6). Conclusion: Both types of bone grafts presented similar radiographic alveolar bone changes when used for alveolar ridge preservation. To cite this article:
Mardas N, D'Aiuto F, Mezzomo L, Arzoumanidi M, Donos N. Radiographic alveolar bone changes following ridge preservation with two different biomaterials.
Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 22 , 2011; 416–423.  相似文献   

Lateral ridge augmentation has become a standard treatment option to enhance the bone volume of deficient recipient sites prior to implant placement. In order to avoid harvesting an autograft and thereby eliminating additional surgical procedures and risks, bone grafting materials and substitutes are alternative filler materials to be used for ridge augmentation. Before clinical recommendations can be made, such materials must be extensively studied in experimental models simulating relevant clinical situations. The present pilot study was conducted in three dogs. Different grafting procedures were evaluated for augmentation of lateral, extended (8 x 10 x 14 mm) and chronic bone defects in the mandibular alveolar ridge. Experimental sites received tricalcium phosphate (TCP) granules or demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA) particles. Barrier membranes (ePTFE) were placed for graft protection. These approaches were compared to ridge augmentation using autogenous cortico-cancellous block grafts, either with or without ePTFE-membrane application. After a healing period of six months, the sites were analyzed histologically and histomorphometrically. Autografted sites with membrane protection showed excellent healing results with a well-preserved ridge profile, whereas non-protected block grafts underwent bucco-crestal resorption, clearly limiting the treatment outcome. The tested alloplastic (TCP) and allogenic (DFDBA) filler materials presented inconsistent findings with sometimes encapsulation of particles in connective tissue, thereby reducing the crestal bone width. The present pilot study supports the use of autografts with barrier membranes for lateral ridge augmentation of extended alveolar bone defects.  相似文献   

Background: Many materials have been found to be effective in ridge preservation. The purpose of this study is to determine whether calcium sulfate (CS) is as effective as freeze‐dried bone allograft (FDBA) in preserving postextraction ridge dimensions and to evaluate the amount of new bone formation and graft clearance through histologic analysis. Methods: Thirty‐one extraction sites were selected. Postextraction clinical measurements were made, and sites were divided randomly into the test group (CS) or the control group (FDBA). After graft placement, all individuals received the same postoperative treatment and instructions. Participants were recalled after 3 months, measurements were made, and sites were re‐entered. Bone samples were harvested and analyzed with histologic methodology for new bone formation and remaining residual graft. Results: Thirteen test and 15 control sites were evaluated. There was no significant change in vertical ridge height before or after surgery within the test and control groups (P = 0.57, P = 0.68, respectively). There was a significant decrease in bucco‐lingual ridge width for both groups (P = 0.0003, P = 0.0075, respectively), but the difference between groups was not significant (P = 0.11). Histologic analysis revealed an average of 32% new bone formation with 2.5% graft remaining for the test group and 16.7% new bone formation with 21% graft remaining for the control. Conclusions: Results indicate that CS is as effective as FDBA in preserving postextraction ridge dimensions in non‐molar extraction sites. There is greater clearance of CS with more new bone formation after ≈3 months compared with FDBA in these sites. This paper received the Maynard K. Hine Award for Excellence in Dental Research presented by the Indiana Section of the American Association for Dental Research and supported by Procter & Gamble.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the effect of using guided bone regeneration (GBR) with a titanium-reinforced e-PTFE membrane in alveolar bone defects with titanium implants. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Following extraction of three mandibular premolars and a molar on both sides of the jaw in three dogs, alveolar bone defects (depth: 5-7 mm) were produced. After 4 months, three implants were inserted into each defect to a depth of approximately 4 mm, so that their coronal portion was protruding about 5 mm. Four sides in the dogs were assigned to a test group and the remaining two sides to a control group. The 12 implants in the test group were covered with a reinforced e-PTFE membrane. The space under the membrane was filled with peripheral venous blood from the animal, and the flaps were sutured over the membrane. The six control implants received no membrane before the suturing of the flaps to complete wound closure. The animals were sacrificed after 6 months, and non-decalcified histological specimens of the implants and surrounding tissues were prepared. RESULTS: Histologic and histomorphometric analyses revealed a significantly (Mann-Whitney test; P=0.08) larger amount of bone fill in the test group (mean=57.42%) than in the controls (mean=11.65%), and clinical evaluation of one test site showed that the implants were completely covered with tissue resembling bone. In most of the specimens, bone had grown in height close to, or in direct contact with the membrane. However, the new bone generally was not in direct contact with the implants. Regularly, a zone of dense connective tissue was interposed between the implants and the newly formed bone. CONCLUSION: The formation of even considerable amounts of bone following vertical ridge augmentation with GBR and implants was not accompanied by predictable osseointegration of the implants.  相似文献   



The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the efficacy and long-term outcomes of onlay grafting with bovine bone mineral block for reconstruction of horizontal alveolar ridge defects in anterior maxillae.

Materials and methods

Fourteen patients requiring rehabilitation of edentulous anterior maxillae were enrolled to receive onlay grafting in two layers. A cortical block harvested from the lateral aspect of the mandibular ramus was split to acquire approximately 1-mm-thick bone laminae. The cortical bone plate and block graft were compressed and fixed to the recipient sites. After 6 months, the width of the augmentation was recorded, and implants were inserted. Provisional and definitive prostheses were delivered 3 and a further 6 months later. Implant success and associated complications were assessed.


The horizontal bone gain was 8.73 ± 0.82, with a resorption rate of 7.03%. Severe bone resorption was noticed 6 months and 2 years after loading. Fistula occurred with the nonintegrated bovine block on the labial sides of the augmented sites 6 years after loading.


Onlay grafting with bovine bone mineral block in the anterior maxilla may yield optimal horizontal gain with low resorption rates, under the condition of at least 6 months' healing time, mixation with autogenous particulate bone, and application of a membrane to cover the graft site.  相似文献   

The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate histomorphometric variables, the amount of new bone (NB), residual graft (RG) particles and soft tissue (ST), related to various grafting materials and assess the effect of graft healing time on different histomorphometric outcomes. Studies that were published before October 2015 were electronically and manually searched in three databases. We included human studies that reported the amount of NB, RG and ST in the biopsies taken from the grafted sinuses. Based on the applied grafting materials, extracted data were categorized into different groups. Furthermore, extracted data were classified into three groups based on healing time: (i) ≤ 4.5 mo; (ii) 4.5–9 mo; and (iii) ≥ 9–13.5 mo. The search provided 791 titles. Full text analysis was performed for 258 articles resulting in 136 studies that met the inclusion criteria. Autogenous bone (AB) resulted in the highest amount of NB and lowest amount of RG compared to other grafting materials. Based on this meta‐analysis, a significant difference was noticed in the amount of NB formation in grafts with a healing time of > 4.5 mo when compared to the grafts with less healing time. However, when comparing biopsies taken at 4.5–9 mo of healing (average = 6.22 mo) to the ones taken at ≥ 9–13.5 mo (average = 10.36 mo), no significant difference was noticed in the amount of NB formation of various grafts except allografts that resulted in a significantly higher percentage of NB at 9.5 mo of healing. Based on histomorphometric analysis, AB results in the highest amount of NB formation in comparison to the other grafting materials. Bone substitute materials (allografts, alloplastic materials and xenografts) seem to be good alternatives to autogenous bone and can be considered as grafting materials to avoid disadvantages related to AB, including morbidity rate, limited availability and high volumetric change. Combining AB with alloplastic materials and xenografts brings no significant advantages regarding NB formation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Alveolar ridge aberrations commonly require bone augmentation procedures for optimal placement of endosseous dental implants. The objective of this study was to evaluate local bone formation following implantation of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) in an absorbable collagen sponge (ACS) carrier with or without provisions for guided bone regeneration (GBR) as potential treatment modalities for alveolar augmentation. METHODS: Surgically induced, large, mandibular alveolar ridge saddle-type defects (2 defects/jaw quadrant) in seven young adult Hound dogs were assigned to receive rhBMP-2/ACS, rhBMP-2/ACS combined with GBR (rhBMP-2/GBR), GBR, and surgery controls. The animals were euthanized at 12 weeks post-surgery when block sections of the defect sites were collected for histologic analysis. RESULTS: Clinical complications included swelling for sites receiving rhBMP-2 and wound failure with exposure of the barrier device for sites receiving GBR (4/6) or rhBMP-2/GBR (3/7). The radiographic evaluation showed substantial bone fill for sites receiving rhBMP-2/ACS, rhBMP-2/GBR, and GBR. In particular, sites receiving rhBMP-2/GBR presented with seroma-like radiolucencies. The surgery control exhibited moderate bone fill. To evaluate the biologic potential of the specific protocols, sites exhibiting wound failure were excluded from the histometric analysis. Sites receiving rhBMP-2/ACS or rhBMP-2/GBR exhibited bone fill averaging 101%. Bone fill averaged 92% and 60%, respectively, for sites receiving GBR and surgery controls. Bone density ranged from 50% to 57% for sites receiving rhBMP-2/ACS, GBR, or surgery controls. Bone density for sites receiving rhBMP-2/GBR averaged 34% largely due to seroma formation encompassing 13% to 97% of the sites. CONCLUSION: rhBMP-2/ACS appears to be an effective alternative to GBR in the reconstruction of advanced alveolar ridge defects. Combining rhBMP-2/ACS with GBR appears to be of limited value due to the potential for wound failure or persistent seromas.  相似文献   

Objectives: The aim of this randomized, controlled clinical trial was to compare the potential of a synthetic bone substitute or a bovine‐derived xenograft combined with a collagen membrane to preserve the alveolar ridge dimensions following tooth extraction. Methods: Twenty‐seven patients were randomized into two treatment groups following single tooth extraction in the incisor, canine and premolar area. In the test group, the alveolar socket was grafted with Straumann Bone Ceramic® (SBC), while in the control group, Bio‐Oss® deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) was applied. In both groups, a collagen barrier was used to cover the grafting material. Complete soft tissue coverage of the barriers was not achieved. After 8 months, during re‐entry procedures and before implant placement, the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the residual ridge were re‐evaluated and trephine biopsies were performed for histological analysis in all patients. Results: Twenty‐six patients completed the study. The bucco‐lingual dimension of the alveolar ridge decreased by 1.1±1 mm in the SBC group and by 2.1±1 in the DBBM group (P<0.05). Both materials preserved the mesio‐distal bone height of the ridge. No differences in the width of buccal and palatal bone plate were observed between the two groups. The histological analysis showed new bone formation in the apical part of the biopsies, which, in some instances, was in direct contact with both SBC and DBBM particles. The coronal part of the biopsies was occupied by a dense fibrous connective tissue surrounding the SBC and DBBM particles. Conclusion: Both biomaterials partially preserved the width and the interproximal bone height of the alveolar ridge. To cite this article:
Mardas N, Chadha V, Donos N. Alveolar ridge preservation with guided bone regeneration and a synthetic bone substitute or a bovine‐derived xenograft: a randomized, controlled clinical trial.
Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 21 , 2010; 688–698.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate pain after mandibular ramus block harvesting and lateral ridge augmentation. Autogenous bone block grafts were covered with platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) membranes (test group) or deproteinized bovine bone and a resorbable collagen membrane (control group). This study included 27 partially edentulous patients (test = 14, control = 13) with an indication for bone block augmentation before staged implant placement. Postoperative methylprednisolone (32 mg, day 1) and analgesics comprising ibuprofen (400 mg, four times daily) and paracetamol (1 g, four times daily) were prescribed for 1 week. Pain was recorded by the patient on a 100-mm visual analogue scale (VAS), hourly on the day of surgery and daily for the following 7 days. The average (mean ± standard deviation) maximum pain score over the whole observation period was similar in the test (13.6 ± 13.5) and control (21.0 ± 19.9) groups (P = 0.17). In conclusion, harvesting of a mandibular ramus block and lateral ridge augmentation, in conjunction with the pharmacological protocol described, is characterized by low postoperative pain. Adding PRF membranes to the surgical site generally resulted in slightly lower pain perception, although a statistically significant difference between the test and control groups was only identified on day 1 postoperative.  相似文献   

This study describes a new surgical technique for harvesting intra-membranous bone from the mandibular symphyseal region and using it as an inlay graft. The surgical technique of turning a complex-shaped defect into a defect of defined size by contour preparation and insertion of an appropriate inlay graft was used in 31 patients. At 4 months, 15 patients (48%) showed negligible graft resorption of 0.33 mm. At 5-8 months the resorption rate in the remaining 16 patients was around 1.22 mm. All in all, a significant positive correlation was found between bone resorption and time (r = 0.574; P < 0.001). All patients received an implant after the fixation screw was removed. A conservative interpretation of the results suggests that, on account of the flush fit and the early revascularization of the graft, implants may and should, in fact, be inserted earlier in order to prevent graft resorption.  相似文献   

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